Presentations and self-presentations in organizational contacts. An example of correct self-presentation

“Features of business communication” - How to build the main part of a speech. Public speaking. Choose a topic that suits your audience. Tips for beginning speakers. Types of monologue business communication. Features of public speech. When speaking, do not “walk” near the podium. Summarize what has been said. Requirements for public speech. The role of gestures in performance.

“The essence of business communication” - Hierarchy. Unproductive meetings. Business conversation. Forms of business communication. Spheres of public life. Speech actions. The conversation process. Operating principles. Meeting. Direct communication. The essence of business communication. Exchange of business information. Establishing contact. Conversation. Features of official and business communication.

“Business Communication Culture” - Communication. Types of verbal communication are determined by the following criteria: Norms of business relations. Types of speech communication. Business conversation. Regularity. Communication can take place in manipulative, primitive or top level. Business communication culture. The primitive level is determined when one communication partner suppresses the other.

“Features of business communication” - System of values. Germans. Features of communication through an interpreter. Laughter. Intercultural aspect of oral business communication. The trend towards dual-name official designation. Organization of space. Features of speech etiquette. Things are okay. Expressions of greeting and farewell. Agreement and disagreement. Features of nonverbal communication.

“Business Communication” - Voice, tone, timbre, intonation say a lot to an attentive listener. This is what American manager A. Mackenzie says. The second most important function is the function of convenience, i.e. expediency and practicality. According to psychologists, tone and intonation can carry up to 40% of the information. Find the information you need Design the slides Design the folder.

“Business Communication” - Elements of joint activities. Business communication and its basic principles. Specifics of business interaction. Principles of corporate communication. Direct – carried out with the help of natural organs. Greeting speech; sales speech. Types of business communication. Compliance with formal role principles of interaction.

There are 9 presentations in total

People often have to talk about themselves: when entering prestigious educational institutions, when applying for a job, in a friendly or informal atmosphere, and sometimes without a specific immediate goal. Most often, self-presentation is carried out orally; less often - in the form of a cover letter or section in the application form. But in any case, before the speech, you need to write the original text - beautifully and as briefly as possible.

Creating a high-quality presentation of yourself is no more difficult than, however, it should be borne in mind that this is more creative work. The author will have to not only provide answers to a number of standard questions, but also reveal his own personality, briefly describe his preferences and convince listeners of his irresistibility. Below will be given step-by-step instruction on writing a self-presentation and several small examples of successful work.

What is self-presentation?

As the name suggests, self-presentation (it can also be called auto-presentation) is a person’s presentation of himself. The author of the presentation acts as a narrator, hoping to make the desired impression on the listener or reader.

There are no obvious divisions regarding the temporal purpose of self-presentation. Since the narration is told in the first person and, in principle, does not concern the personalities of listeners or readers, it can be oriented:

  • for one specific person- when hiring or personalized attempts;
  • for a few specific people- when performing on stage or meeting the band for the first time;
  • to virtual recipients of information- if the car presentation is written to create the necessary image in the future or is posted in the public domain.

The latter is especially typical for the practice of business or informal communication on the Internet. For a person who does not have the goal of attracting the attention of a specific individual or group, it is much easier to make a small presentation and post it on his pages in in social networks or in the profiles of specialized sites, rather than sending out the same information to everyone.

When should you write a self-presentation?

It is impossible to list all the cases in which it may be necessary to create and conduct a car presentation. Modern life is too changeable and unpredictable, and therefore, in order not to suddenly find yourself without the right words, it makes sense to write a small universal template in advance.

Most often, self-presentation is required:

  1. Upon admission to a prestigious educational institution . Training is especially important for adults who already have higher education. It is unlikely that the selection committee will treat with excessive severity a presentation compiled by a school graduate or a person who has not previously tried his hand at universities.
  2. When applying for a job. It is also quite a rare phenomenon in domestic realities, but a common phenomenon for Western countries. The more responsible (and paid) position the applicant intends to occupy, the more seriously you need to approach the drafting of the text. Its style will depend on the profile of the company and its traditions.
  3. When meeting a new team. Here, if corporate ethics requires it, only the manager who has taken the position and the ordinary employee will have to introduce themselves. In the vast majority of cases, speeches are given orally from the pulpit, from the stage, or directly at the workplace. Both the boss and the employee should not use a cold business style when communicating with other people.
  4. When searching for lenders or investors. Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs from time to time have to look for borrowed funds or people who are ready to invest in another project for the promise of a share of the profit in the future. , capable of attracting the interest of future business partners or lenders, is a complex matter, but quite common. But preparing a competent car presentation in writing and then presenting it effectively is a task no less important and much more non-standard. When speaking or writing to future investors and creditors, you should pay special attention to your past commercial successes, without being embarrassed to brag: often the listeners' decision depends on their first impression.
  5. When trying to get, private or public funds. Unlike the previous situation, we are not talking about loans or investments, but about free cash injections: donations, grants or even scholarships. To get the required amount, the applicant or petitioner will have to try hard, making the car presentation not only exciting and informative, but also as convincing as possible.
  6. During informal communication. In a company of friends, self-presentation is unlikely to be necessary: ​​even a newcomer to the team will be much more eloquently spoken about by the friends who brought him than by his own introduction. But if it comes to a company consisting of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people, it makes sense to tell a little about yourself, without getting carried away by describing successes at work and in business, but concentrating the listeners’ attention on interesting aspects of your personality. Self-presentation in an informal setting is usually carried out in the form of a speech, although if communication began on the Internet, it can also be written.
  7. When communicating in Global network . If the interaction, official or not, continues in the same virtual environment where it began, each of the participants who wish to introduce themselves should prepare a short self-presentation. As a rule, the text version is sufficient, but if time permits and there are technical capabilities, it would be quite reasonable to record a short informative video about yourself. Information should be in the public domain so that anyone can get acquainted with it - otherwise the author will have to constantly send out mailings, which is not very convenient.

Another situation in which it would be a good idea to write a car presentation is to restore a good name. It does not matter whether a person's reputation was damaged as a result of slander or his own careless actions; what happened must be corrected, and the sooner the better.

Types of car presentations

Before you start writing text for a car presentation, you should decide on its focus, taking into account:

  • target audience;
  • the situation for which the presentation is being made;
  • number of listeners;
  • way of addressing the audience;
  • ultimate goal.

The first two points were discussed in the previous sections. Self-presentation, no matter how specialized it may seem to the author and no matter how skillfully composed, must be strictly focused on the audience and fully correspond to the situation - otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Depending on the size of the audience, all presentations are divided into:

  1. Private. Designed for one or more special influential people. Both the text and the presentation of the presenter should be structured in such a way as to attract the attention of this particular small group. A car presentation may contain personal appeals, references to circumstances known to both parties or uniting them, and, if the situation allows, informal phrases.
  2. Chamber. In this case, the audience size ranges from three to ten people. Auto-presentation in oral format is carried out in small rooms or offices; in writing - through targeted mailing or communication in a corporate chat. Although a well-written text may still contain personal appeals to one or more listeners, you should not get carried away with them, as well as conversations about common interests.
  3. Public. Designed for a wide, diverse and emotionally poorly controlled audience. The speaker (or the author, if we are talking about a written auto presentation) should not linger on unimportant details or talk to anyone from the audience - this is a waste of time. It is best to immediately turn to the facts, presenting your interests, pros, cons and requests to listeners or readers as clearly as possible.

Based on the method of communicating with the audience, car presentations can be divided into:

  • Written- drawn up on paper or in the form of an electronic document, sent to one or more potential readers;
  • Oral- a person who wants to present himself speaks to the public.

Important: Although the first option involves less time, it is not very convenient in terms of feedback. The author of a text sent to the addressee or posted in the public domain cannot promptly respond to everyone who wants to ask a question or make adjustments. Consequently, there is a high probability of missing out on a profitable offer or losing the opportunity to respond to an obvious provocation, which ultimately will have a bad impact on the author’s reputation.

According to the final goal, presentations are divided into:

  • Promoting. Designed to obtain a commercial effect, material or intangible benefit. These include speaking to potential investors, creditors, donors, philanthropists and other persons who have the required amount of money and may be willing to part with it. When writing a promotional presentation, if the project is financial in nature, you should focus on the listeners’ opportunity to make a profit (as part of future income or in the form of a loan repaid with interest) or to perform a socially significant act (to help a foundation, charity organization or a specific person in need) . If we are talking about non-material benefits, for example, moving up the career ladder or getting a job, you need to make it clear to listeners or readers that, having made the right choice, they will receive a competent, purposeful specialist, a promising student, and so on - it all depends on the purpose of the self-presentation.
  • Information. They are created when it is necessary to convey to one or more readers (or listeners) important information about the personality, interests, habits or merits of the author. Typically, informational presentations are held when meeting a team or a new social group, not directly related to obtaining benefits. On the one hand, it is easier to compose them, since you don’t have to focus on the commercial component of the text; on the other hand, it’s more complicated, because the text is focused not on quickly getting what you want, but on establishing long-term warm relationships.

How to make a self-presentation about yourself?

Regardless of the final goal, the size of the audience and its composition, the text of a correctly and beautifully written self-presentation consists of seven mandatory blocks. Their content and content can be varied with almost no restrictions, but the compiler is strongly advised not to neglect any of the parts - otherwise the presentation will look incomplete or outright failure.

  1. The first block of any self-presentation is the introduction. Its purpose is to show readers or listeners who they will be dealing with in the next few minutes. The section should include the following data:
    • surname, first name, patronymic (or simply first and patronymic) of the person applying;
    • a few words of welcome;
    • a small compliment to the audience as a whole or to several listeners individually;
    • main details of the narrator’s biography: where and when he was born, studied, where he works, what he does and is interested in;
    • the purpose for which the author addresses the audience: obtaining a loan, investment, a new position, place of work, study, intention to establish friendly relations, and so on.
  2. The second block is the type of activity of the person introducing himself. Here you can develop the topic outlined in the first section by telling readers or listeners in more detail about your own professional responsibilities and skills. It would be a grave mistake to speak poorly of your current or past employers, clients or customers. Even if we talk about each of them separately, it is necessary to maintain a benevolent or neutral tone, without involving the audience in your life problems. You should not focus on the complexity, danger of work and other negative factors: it is better to find more appropriate ways to let readers or listeners understand how responsible the speaker is. If the target audience consists of specialists, it is enough to list your job responsibilities, making it as boring as possible. If not, list them too, but providing each point with a small explanation.
  3. The third block is the education of the narrator. Where he studied and what successes the author of the self-presentation achieved at that time will be interesting even to casual listeners, not to mention employers and colleagues. It makes no sense to start the story from school: in domestic conditions they are all practically the same, and the division into “elite” and ordinary is a simple convention. But the institute or university that gave the narrator a higher education is already a topic worthy of attention. As before, you should not focus on negative memories associated with your studies. They are of little interest to listeners or readers and do not carry any semantic load. It would be much better to mention participation in various Olympiads, winning prizes in sports competitions and, finally, receiving a diploma with good grades. If the speaker gets a job in his field, it is important to talk about the successes achieved during pre-diploma internship: they are often more important than the fact of receiving a diploma.
  4. The fourth block is achievements. Here you can either summarize the previously described successes in study and work, or provide additional facts. They should be interesting to the audience, but not necessarily related to professional activities. The official part ended on the third block; Then the author’s acquaintance with readers or listeners continues. It is quite possible that they will enjoy hearing about sports victories, participation in major creative projects, or the creation of a charitable foundation. Well, if these stories don’t arouse interest, it doesn’t matter, you can move on to the next section of the auto presentation.
  5. The fifth block is personal qualities. Continuing free communication with the audience, the narrator can introduce them in more detail to his habits, preferences, advantages and even, if this does not harm his reputation, shortcomings.

Advice: remembering that any self-presentation (even in an unofficial circle) is designed for the first acquaintance, you should not immediately initiate readers or listeners into all your secrets. It is unlikely that they will be interested in the fact that the narrator does not like to wash dishes or knows how to iron trousers better than anyone else in the area. But really important restrictions, such as the inability to be on call on Fridays or to climb the stairs, need to be mentioned if this is related to the topic of the presentation. As in previous cases, you should concentrate on the positive aspects: your creative, professional, physical or intellectual abilities, leaving aside what is not essential for an adult. You can boast, the main thing is not to get too carried away and fantasize and give the audience really exciting details; then success is guaranteed.

  1. The sixth block is summing up with a restatement of the main idea:
    • the employer should once again make it clear what a wonderful specialist he has the opportunity to hire;
    • the admissions committee - that as a student the narrator, who already has a number of achievements, will be simply incomparable and will bring good fame to the university;
    • investors or creditors - that the business is really profitable, and if they now refuse the opportunity to invest in it, in the future such a decision will result in lost profits and disappointments;
    • to philanthropists - that by agreeing to the author’s request, they will do a truly good deed, which will have a beneficial effect on the reputation of each of them;
    • future friends, friends or an unspecified (virtual) audience, that the narrator is a competent and pleasant person, trustworthy and respectful and has nothing against warm relationships with the team.
  2. The seventh block is the final one. The narrator should say goodbye to the audience, thanking them with another compliment and assuring them of their readiness to answer any questions that arise. It would be a good idea to conclude by providing your contact information (in writing) or telling where and how listeners can communicate with the customer (in oral presentation).

Self-presentation about yourself - text samples

To get an idea of ​​the rules for composing a self-presentation, it will be useful for a novice author to familiarize himself with three small examples: when applying for a job, communicating with investors, and meeting a mixed audience.

Example No. 1

Hello! My name is Rybakov Vladimir Leontievich. I thank everyone gathered here for the opportunity to tell me a little about myself. It is an honor to speak in front of such a pleasant and competent audience. Let me tell you why I am applying for the position of Senior Developer in the Modern Technologies department.

I'll start with my professional skills and responsibilities. I am an electronics engineer with more than fifteen years of experience in my specialty; I got my first job right after graduating from university. Job Responsibilities - Development electronic circuits, checking projects of subordinates, studying and adapting foreign technologies and training young specialists. During his work, he participated in ten regional and two federal competitions. I have certificates, awards and letters of gratitude.

He studied successively at technical school No. 23 of Karaganda and the Volodarsky University of Electronics (Nizhny Volochek). From the first year he took part in Olympiads and interuniversity sports competitions. I have a diploma with honors.

I am interested in cooking and skiing. I have a certificate as a universal confectioner, as well as the title of master of sports in the relevant field.

Collected, organized, confident. I have long-term planning skills. He is a good organizer, as evidenced by letters of recommendation from his previous place of work. The subject of my pride is the creation of the private charitable foundation “Let’s Help in Any Way We Can,” which has been operating since 2015.

Please consider my candidacy. I assure you that if the decision is positive, you will receive a dedicated and competent employee with organizational and production skills.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for attention; It was a pleasure to perform for you.

Example No. 2

Good afternoon, gentlemen investors! My name is Andrey Vasilievich, and today I will tell you about my new project. It’s nice to see familiar faces again, and to everyone who I haven’t had the honor of meeting yet - thank you so much for your attention! The topic of my speech is the production of batteries for remote controls.

Now to the point. I have been promoting energy-saving, self-charging batteries for television remote controls for five years now. During this time there were both successes and minor failures. Nevertheless, we were able to establish production and last year received a state quality certificate.

The idea of ​​​​producing special batteries for remote controls came to me while studying at the Tesla Institute, more than ten years ago. My pre-diploma practice was devoted to this topic, and later the diploma itself, which I defended with honors.

The scope of my personal interests coincides with my professional ones: this is the introduction of new energy-saving technologies into life, which in the future will make human life easier and nature cleaner.

Personal qualities also help me in developing the project: perseverance and the ability to move forward, no matter what. I process new information around the clock and think through technological schemes to make our planet greener and our common air more pleasant.

I invite you to participate in financing my new project, which you can familiarize yourself with by looking at the attached brochures. You will receive a guaranteed reward within six months after starting, and in the future you will be able to invest again in business development.

Thank you sincerely for your attention. If you have questions, ask; I'll be happy to talk to smart people.

Example No. 3

Hi all! My name is Alexey, and now I will be part of your team. We are strangers yet, but I already feel sympathy for you and have no doubt that we will become friends. For this purpose, I will tell you a little about myself.

Currently I work at the Levkovsky Research Institute of Cardioelectronics. Before that, he was a practicing physician at the Central Samara Hospital No. 1, and later taught at the Medical University of the same city.

I graduated from it at one time - with honors and several commendations from the internship. While I was studying, I participated in interuniversity competitions in volleyball and gymnastics, as well as several Olympiads in specialty and humanitarian disciplines.

In my free time I enjoy walking and knitting. I also like to read books and listen to classical music. I can’t say that I have achieved noticeable success in at least one of my hobbies; they just bring me pleasure.

The main quality that I value in myself is friendliness. I hope that immediately after the end of my short speech you will be able to verify it.

I am sure that you and I will find common topics for conversation and will be able to enjoy communication for many more years. Thank you very much for listening to me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate; I will be glad to talk with new acquaintances.

How to present yourself as an A+ - video

Let's sum it up

To create a self-presentation about yourself, you need to determine its purpose and decide to whom it will be addressed. The text should depend on the size of the audience, the intentions of the narrator, his professional and life experience. The presentation should be succinct, engaging, beautiful and well-written.

Any car presentation consists of an introductory part, a story by the author about his achievements, hobbies and successes, a statement of purpose and a conclusion. A person who is often faced with the need to talk about himself is recommended to compose several universal samples in advance. In the future, they can be freely modified to suit the current situation.

Self-presentation is a personal statement about yourself. The purpose of self-presentation: to create a desired image. Principles: brevity, persuasiveness, emotionality.

Forms of self-presentation:

Live show;

Internet presentation;

Speaking in the media;

Press release (official press release);

Articles and publications in scientific publications;

Seminar, lecture, master class.

Conducting a self-presentation requires careful preparation, from choosing and arranging the room, to preparing the speech and creating the optimal mood. The structure of the speech may vary in content. The classic version looks like this.

Stages of effective “live” self-presentation:

1. Greeting.

2. Introducing yourself.

3. “Shake-up” of the audience.

4. Communicating the purpose of the speech.

5. Providing basic information.

6. Conclusions.

7. Appeal to the audience.

8. Gratitude.

Psychological research convincingly shows that the greatest influence on people is not indirect information, but personal contact. Meetings, conversations, and speeches provide a wonderful opportunity for effective self-presentation. This raises a specific question: how can you best use your chance to make your meeting with your audience unforgettable?

You will never have a second chance to make a first impression.

Training saying

When organizing and conducting a personal speech, it makes sense to adhere to some rules.

For a performance to be effective it is necessary:

Capture the audience's attention within the first three minutes

ways: bright clothes, active gestures, unexpected actions, colorful voice, eye-catching detail of appearance, eye contact with the audience

Maintain the attention of the audience throughout the speech

ways: hold people's gaze, move around, play with intonation and volume of voice, ask questions, give vivid examples, reduce the duration of the speech to 20 minutes

· structure the speech

ways: report purpose b and plan for the speech, clearly formulate key ideas (but no more than three), repeat the most important points, make a summary

· be convincing

ways: pauses, upright posture, reasoned speech, positioning your strengths

· seek understanding

ways: simple speech, explanation of concepts, examples, visual materials (graphs, tables, slides, etc.)

· achieve maximum expressiveness of performance

ways: lively facial expressions and gestures; high rate of speech; expressive intonation; strong feelings; humor; vivid examples

Thus, in order to improve the effectiveness of our own speech, we must learn to solve three main oratorical tasks, which are:

· brevity;

· persuasiveness;

· emotionality.

Public speaking is the best way self-presentation. A successful performance immediately and significantly increases a person’s authority. It is important to remember that speakers are not born - they become one as a result of many years of training. Image makers strongly recommend doing without written text when giving a speech. The speech should be a direct, live dialogue in which the main role is played by the speaker's eye contact with the people present. Such a speech requires preliminary preparation.

Preparing a speech consists of the following steps:

1. Formulation of the goals of the speech.

What do I want to achieve as a result of my performance? What can you call my performance? What ideas do I want to convey to the audience first?

2. Drawing up a plan for the speech.

What sections will my presentation consist of?

For example: introduction, three main sections, conclusion.

3. Preparation of abstracts for each item of the plan.

4. Formulation of conclusions.

What conclusions follow from my speech?

5. Speech formatting.

Theses written on separate cards or a compact table with a detailed plan.

6. Preparing answers to possible questions and objections.

What questions might each point in my speech raise? What objections can be raised? How can I answer them?

7. Preparation of visual materials.

Theses, speeches, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, slides, floppy disks, folders with working materials, and so on.

Original greeting; memorable phrases during the speech, a catchy detail of appearance, unusual behavior, a memorable ending.

9. Playing back the performance.

Out loud in front of a mirror, in front of a person you know well, or in front of a small group of close people.

Careful preparation for the performance is important, but not the only requirement. Another mandatory condition is have the most positive attitude before and during the performance. The audience slowly understands the content of the speech, but almost instantly assesses the emotional state of the speaker. If the speaker experiences positive feelings such as interest, inspiration, and passion, then they are fully transmitted to the audience. Likewise, a speaker can infect an audience with boredom, opposition, or aggression.

The third condition for the development of oratory skills is receiving feedback from the audience. Feedback is counter information from listeners about the impression made and the results of the performance. To do this, during or at the end of the speech, questions are asked: “Is everything clear? What caused the difficulties? What does the audience find particularly useful and interesting? What do you disagree with? What would you like to change?

At the same time, you can use written feedback. To do this, in a safe situation (in a trusted and positive audience), it is proposed to evaluate the performance according to specified qualities using a five-point system. Students are given cards with a list of characteristics.

At least five people must fill out this table. The scores you receive allow you to form a more complete picture of your own performance. In doing so, both strengths and weaknesses become apparent. This, in turn, makes it possible to outline specific ways to work on yourself.

Oratory is a very important part of the image of a public person, so effective speaking skills require constant training.

Power of persuasion

Along with enhancing the overall impressiveness of the image, it is necessary to develop such a specific skill as ability to persuade. This valuable quality is in demand in a wide variety of life situations. For example, for a manager it is especially necessary in the following situations: motivating subordinates, negotiating with partners, talking with senior management.

Where there are few words, they have weight.

William Shakespeare

To be able to persuade means:

· possess information and use it for its intended purpose;

· clearly formulate the goal and communicate the likelihood of achieving it;

· clarify important details;

· refute erroneous opinions;

· Give strong arguments in favor of your own position.

As you know, there are arguments direct and indirect. Using direct arguments is the main way to prove your point of view. Direct arguments appeal to facts. Direct arguments include:

Use of specific figures, graphs, tables;

Appeal to scientifically based laws;

Appeal to historical examples;

Conclusions obtained by logical means.

Direct arguments are suitable for a prepared or interested audience, as well as for people with an analytical mind, such as programmers or businessmen. When communicating with a wider range of listeners or with an audience less adapted to the situation, they often use indirect argumentation. This may include: hints, promises, figurative examples, references to authorities, references to unverified facts, actualization of strong feelings (joy, fear, admiration). Indirect arguments do not appeal to reason, but act directly on people's feelings and stereotypes.

A good mood increases persuasiveness by stimulating positive thinking, in part due to the association between the good mood and the message being offered.

David Myers

In some cases, you need to convince not a large audience, but a specific person. To do this, you can use the following tools:

Ask several questions to which the interlocutor is guaranteed to answer you “Yes”;

Show the advantages of your idea from the point of view of the interests of your interlocutor;

Appeal to noble motives and “high” themes;

Dramatize the situation;

Create a good reputation for your interlocutor, which he will strive to justify;

Ask your interlocutor for help.

Often you have to take steps to repel possible objections from a sophisticated audience. The following methods are suitable for this:

Speak at a brisk pace;

Distract attention with bright details of clothing or colorful examples;

Speak in the language of the audience;

Give arguments proposed by listeners;

Ask rhetorical questions.

For example, Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential debates repeatedly addressed the audience with the question: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

How do you negotiate?

The ability to persuade is especially clearly manifested in a negotiation situation. Negotiation is a key aspect of business relationships. Test yourself. Are you doing the most important things when preparing and negotiating?

Often Rarely
1. Do you have everything at hand? Required documents?
2. Are you always calm before negotiations and during them?
3. Do you coordinate the proposed event with your partner?
4. Do you use examples and figures to support your position?
5. Do you often address your partner by name?
6. Do you use short sentences to express your position?
7. Do you allow your partner to fully express their position?
8. Do you show the benefits that the partner can receive?
9. Do you propose specific actions?
10. Do you listen carefully?
11. Do you ask questions in relation to the current situation?
12. Do you write down the most important points of negotiations?
13. Do you know how to remain silent during negotiations when necessary?
14. Can you make it clear to your partner that his opinion is perceived as important?
15. Do you maintain visual contact with your partner during negotiations?
16. Do you approach opinions that differ from yours constructively?
17. Do you know how to gradually move towards your goal?

If more than half of your answers fall into the “often” column, you most likely know how to create a positive image and achieve a successful conclusion to negotiations. At the same time, this demonstrates attention to the interlocutor, the ability to take into account not only one’s own, but also his interests - in preparation for negotiations and directly during their course. Your approach can certainly be called constructive.

The presence of more than half of the answers in the “rarely” column should prompt you to reconsider your attitude towards negotiations and your style of behavior in the process. Perhaps you should take part in negotiation training. It's also likely that you need to improve your coping skills.

When working with an audience, you often have to deal with weak or strong resistance associated with distrust or inertia of habit. In such a situation, it is important to be able to overcome resistance correctly.

Possible methods confronting resistance:

Recognize the normality of resistance

Pre-tune in to consistently overcome the resistance of your interlocutor or audience

Ask clarifying questions

(When? Where? Who? What exactly did he say? Under what circumstances did this happen?)

Find contradictions in opponents' statements

Reveal the intentions of interlocutors

(What are you trying to say? What are you trying to achieve? Would you personally like...?)

Express understanding of the interlocutor’s position

(I understand you. Did I understand correctly that...? In other words, you want to say that...)

Recognize the interests of the interlocutor

State your position clearly

Make constructive suggestions

Emphasize common interests and mutual interest in solving the problem

We analyzed various options for forming a personal image. Now you know what you want and what can be done. Choose what best suits you and your professional goals. Use it, but don't abuse it!

A lot depends on how a person presents himself in society. You need to be able to effectively show your image in a favorable light in any situation. Without this, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve impressive success in life. How competently should self-presentation about yourself look?

We often hear this word and many people have a question, what is self-presentation? This word form appeared as a result of combining two words: “presentation” and “himself”. The ability to present oneself in various life situations is self-presentation. The concept of it is to demonstrate your personality to achieve a specific goal.

If you make a competent self-presentation about yourself, you can achieve significant success in life. A person who knows how to present himself in a favorable light will always be able to find Good work, maintain friendly relations with others, influence people to achieve their goals.

Types of presentation

Types of self-presentation are divided into:

  1. Natural type.
  2. Artificial type.

Every person without exception has the first variety. After all, from the minute he is born, his unique image begins to form.

This process occurs naturally and does not require any thinking or predictions. As a result, a person determines his place in the system of social consciousness.

It is also worth noting that people cannot control and change this process, which is a big disadvantage of this type of self-presentation. The effect of natural self-giving can be different, and it is not always positive for the individual.

An artificial version of self-presentation can only be done when a person learns to present himself correctly in order to appear in a favorable light. Such a self-presentation about oneself should be presented briefly and beautifully so that people have a genuine interest in the person. For this purpose, a person must develop an original structure of the text and the process of communicating with people.

How to make a self-presentation and behave correctly during it? In this case, every detail is important. A person must be punctual and friendly.

In order for the presentation to be successful, you should follow some recommendations:

  • It is of great importance what impression is created about the person in the first minutes of the meeting. Therefore, you need to work on your image. Your posture should be straight, your head raised, your shoulders back, your gaze confident. This will indicate self-confidence, lack of fear and anxiety.
  • It’s not enough to look confident, you also need to be neat and beautiful. Appearance Properly selected clothing will help support you. Preference should be given to business style. It is strictly not recommended to wear a lot of accessories; it is enough to have a wedding ring or small earrings.
  • You need to train your voice. This is very important, because the basis of self-presentation is precisely the story about yourself. Your speech should be calm and clear.
  • Under no circumstances should you leave your phone in sound mode, otherwise, if it rings, it will distract your attention.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that unnecessary gestures are not used when presenting information. You cannot cross your arms or legs, fidget in your chair, or avert your eyes. All this will indicate that the person is secretive or is not ready to openly communicate with others.
  • Under no circumstances should you show skepticism or an indifferent attitude towards the audience. This behavior will lead to failure of the performance. You need to show everyone your interest in communicating with them. However, you shouldn't get too emotional. You can smile when it is truly appropriate.
  • You should establish contact with the audience through casual communication. Monitor how people react to your story, answer their questions, and, if appropriate, ask about something from them, demonstrating the importance of their opinion.
  • At the end of the presentation, be sure to thank everyone present for their time and say goodbye.

Sample presentation for an interview

Pre-prepared self-presentation is often used in interviews. It acts as a resume. Every person needs to know how to write it in order to interest the employer.

Before scheduling an interview, employers usually provide a short questionnaire to fill out. It contains all the necessary information about the applicant and his experience. The questions in the questionnaire must be answered briefly and truthfully.

If the employer is interested in her, he will schedule an interview to get to know the potential employee better. How to present yourself at an interview?

First, you need to make a short story about what achievements you have in life, in what matters you have experience. In general, tell your interlocutor the most important points that will be useful for future work. To confirm your words, it would be good to provide documents, for example, a work book, diploma and others.

At the same time, it should be said about what results were achieved by carrying out labor activities in a particular area. Also, do not forget about personal achievements in life, about your strengths, positive qualities. Ultimately, the employer should have such a picture of the potential employee as if he could no longer find a similar person.

A person will show himself on the good side if he himself asks about the company’s activities and clarifies something important. The employer will immediately show trust, understanding that the potential employee really has an interest in making a contribution to the development of the company.

One should not think that by asking questions, a person is imposing himself, begging for a vacant position. After all, the employee himself sells his work for a fee, so he must know what he is agreeing to.

It is necessary to clearly answer the questions that the future boss will ask. You need to be especially careful when they relate specifically to professional activities. Based on how correct the answers the interlocutor receives, an opinion may be formed about the speaker as a specialist.

Example of self-presentation

In order to literally understand how a story about oneself is built, one should consider a sample of self-presentation. This is what a finished self-presentation looks like when applying for a job.

"Good afternoon! My name is Oksana Ivanova. I always approach my responsibilities with responsibility, I easily find mutual language with colleagues, I get along with any team, because I have a fairly flexible character. I have my own moral principles that I never cross. Therefore, there are no actions for which I would be ashamed.

I am a very purposeful person, I always know what I want to achieve in this life. At the same time, I will never build a career at the expense of someone; I rely solely on my own strengths, using open methods. I am completely immersed in the work process, in which every detail is important to me. At my previous place of work, management listened to my opinion, and we worked together on labor efficiency. If necessary, I will be happy to share my views on existing problems in the process of work.

I have extensive experience in sales. But despite this, I am always ready to learn something new, improve my skills in order to achieve even better results in my professional activities. I have the opportunity to confirm my specialty with a diploma higher education, and experience - a work book. I also have positive characteristic from a previous employer.

I confidently use a computer, have an excellent understanding of documentation, and easily attract clients; special courses in psychology helped me achieve this. In addition, I have the opportunity to interest people in any product, because I am so immersed in my business that I know everything about each product.

As for personal interests, I read a lot, play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. I know two foreign languages: English and German.

I chose your company because I consider it promising and successful. I am attracted by the fact that with you I can be calm regarding stability, size wages, opportunities for career growth. I was very interested in the activities of the organization, I would like to contribute to its development.”

This and similar examples of writing a story about yourself will help you understand how to write a self-presentation in the form of a resume.

Thus, presenting yourself is an important point for a successful person. With the help of the ability to present your personality in a favorable light, you can achieve positive results in life.

A professional engaged in the public sphere must pay close attention to oratorical qualities. If we are talking about creating a first impression, the desire to influence partners and colleagues, and encourage specific actions, then the method for achieving this is an original self-presentation in public speaking.

To get the effect of a speech, it is important not only what you say, but also the impression you make on the assembled listeners. Your manners, style, image - all this will affect the final result.

Self-presentation for a speaker is the ability to manage the impression on the audience in order to influence it. An effective speech can directly influence the audience, achieve from the listeners what the speaker needs, setting an example of how to act in a given situation.

Please note that self-presentation occurs even if the speaker does not prepare for it or even think about it. As an example, two applicants came for an interview. One is in a formal suit and an ironed shirt, the second is in jeans and a sweater. At the same time, the first, through his self-presentation, strives to form an opinion of himself as a respected person, and the second, as an independent employee.

An example of getting a job is a classic case where a properly structured presentation of a personality can have a positive impact on your future career. If you have decided on a company where you want to gain professional skills for the future, then a lot depends on the first interview.

How to behave at a self-presentation

Every detail is important in self-presentation. Mandatory conditions are punctuality, exclusion of external irritants (this may be an inappropriate caller mobile phone, or other device that distracts attention), goodwill. The rules of self-presentation will help you cope with unnecessary emotions.

  • First impression. Listeners and viewers form an opinion about you in the first seconds of the meeting. You cannot slouch, you must have the appearance of a winner - a purposeful look forward, straightened shoulders, correct posture.
  • Next, win over your audience. Your clothes will play a role. It should create an inspiring impression. Fresh and neat, without unnecessary accessories, maximum, a wedding ring or discreet earrings for girls.
  • Control your body language. Crossed arms or legs are signs of your secrecy and unwillingness to speak frankly. No skepticism or indifferent attitude towards those gathered - in this case, the performance is doomed to failure.
  • Establish contact with your audience – casual communication skills will help. Watch the reaction.

What is self-presentation like?

The types of self-presentation that experts distinguish are artificial and natural.

  • The stages of natural self-presentation cannot be controlled or adjusted. This is its main difference, and it is impossible to predict the final effect. There is no preparation involved; this is not a self-controlled presentation of oneself.
  • An artificial self-presentation for a performance is prepared in advance and thoroughly. It is important for the speaker to write the text, formulate the stages in which everything develops.

Such creative self-presentation will fully reveal the speaker’s personality in the eyes of the audience. With its help, you can easily veil the unfavorable features of your personality by using the elements the way you need.

Why do you need self-presentation?

Presenting yourself correctly to the audience, getting what you want from it is a distinctive feature of the speaker; this is his art of presenting himself. Therefore, even if you have natural talents in this area, you have to resort to careful preliminary preparation, practice examples of listener behavior to get an effect. If the technology you choose works as it should, you will achieve a lot.

  • You will be able to get from people the resources you need for development and life. As an example, informational, emotional and material. If you know how to present yourself in a favorable light, it will be easier for you to get a job, win over your interlocutor or group of people, and get the desired result from them.
  • Form your own image in a favorable light.
  • Competent self-presentation of the individual will help to establish social contacts.

Exemplary example

An exemplary self-presentation is divided into several parts.

  • Introduction. The words with which you begin your speech will keep the audience's attention on you, allowing them to hear the timbre of your voice and evaluate how it relates to your appearance. If there are a lot of people in front of you, then it is better to make the greeting simple. Let’s say: “Good afternoon, my name is Andrey Efimov. Can everyone hear my voice? Thank you for taking the time to meet. It will last two hours, during which time we will talk about the techniques of oratory, but first about ourselves.”

With this speech you accomplish several tasks at once. Establish contact, find out if everyone is comfortable in the room and designate time intervals for the meeting, which is important for listeners. And most importantly, tell us why it is important and necessary for viewers and listeners to participate in your lecture.

  • Get the audience interested in the detail first. As one of Pushkin’s teachers at the Lyceum said: “And now, gentlemen, hang your ears on the nail of attention.” Think in advance what kind of “nail” this will be in your speech. Most often, an original metaphor, question or riddle is used for this. If you're lucky, the public will still join in the interaction.
  • Create a map of your self-presentation. Immediately identify the points that will be discussed. This will allow you to structure your presentation and connect with your audience.

Protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation

In ancient times, in Greece and Rome, protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation was the basis for teaching oratory. The goal is to comply with customs and traditions in official situations, and to address the public in a correctly protocol-formulated manner. Based on their goals, there are four types of public speaking:

  • Protocol and etiquette.
  • Entertaining.
  • Persuasive.
  • Informational.

As an example, a protocol and etiquette speech includes a speech at an official reception, a welcoming speech by a guest of honor, a speech at a banquet.

A protocol-etiquette speech adheres to the rules of how to make a self-presentation.

  • Brevity.
  • Inspiration.
  • Emotionality and energy.
  • Sight speech.
  • Awakening noble feelings.

Self-presentation of dominance

Self-presentation of personality lies in the dominance effect. The technology of this method is that for the audience you need to influence, you must present yourself as an informal leader. True, it will be possible to apply the art of self-presentation in this way only in led groups. If there are many leaders in the audience, then the desired effect will not be achieved. This is why it is so important to closely analyze the assembled group in order to write an appropriate speech.

For a speaker, creative self-presentation is the key to a successful career. Only by correctly arranging the stages of your presentation will you be confident in the final positive result. It is important to remember that when speaking publicly, a speaker has not only listeners, but also spectators.

Therefore, the main visual object during self-presentation is the speaker himself. Not only what he says, but also his appearance and ability to communicate with the public play a decisive role. Watch your behavior and speech, do not be lazy to repeat the material you have covered many times.

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