The use of health-saving technologies in primary school lessons. Using health-saving technologies in lessons Simple massage and self-massage techniques

Conference: Modern lesson. Methodology and practice

Organization: MBOU Secondary School No. 2

Locality: Mozdok district of North Ossetia-Alania, village of Kizlyar

"Caring for human health,

especially the child's health...

this is, first of all, a concern for harmonic completeness

all physical and spiritual powers,

and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Technology is a systematic method of consciousness, application and determination of the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education.

Health-saving educational technologies are psychological and pedagogical technologies, programs, methods that are aimed at nurturing in students a culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, the formation of an idea of ​​health as a value, and motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving technology is:

    conditions for the child’s education at school;

    rational organization of the educational process;

    compliance of educational and physical activities with the age capabilities of the child;

    necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode.

    the use of various types of health-preserving activities of students aimed at maintaining and increasing health reserves and working capacity.

The goal of health-saving educational teaching technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

The main harmful factors affecting the health of schoolchildren working at a computer are:

    sitting for long periods of time;

    overload of the joints of the hands;

    contamination of the keyboard, mouse, monitor, computer desk;

    stress due to loss of information.

The main goals of health conservation in computer science lessons are the following:

    creation of organizational, pedagogical, material, technical, sanitary, hygienic and other health-preserving conditions, taking into account individual indicators of the condition of students;

    creation of material, technical, content and information support for propaganda work to introduce the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle.

To achieve these goals, a computer science teacher needs to solve the following tasks every lesson:

    monitor the sanitary and hygienic condition of the classroom;

    normalize the academic load and the amount of homework in accordance with the requirements;

    provide knowledge on the subject that has an educational impact, including shaping a healthy lifestyle for students;

    to master new methods of activity in the process of teaching schoolchildren, involving the use of health-saving technologies in the classroom.

Factors in preserving the health of students in computer science and ICT lessons are transitions from one stage of the lesson to another that are justified from the point of view of preserving health, alternating work and rest, changing one form of activity to another.

I teach lessons using the following steps:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Updating previously studied material.

4. Explanation of theoretical material.

5. Physical education minute.

6. Work in a notebook.

7. Practical work.

8. Exercise for the eyes.

9. Summing up.

10. Assessment.

11. Analysis of errors.

12. Shut down your computer.

Studying the subject of computer science, in addition to a textbook, pen and notebook, involves the use of a computer, communicating with which can cause much more harm to the health of a growing organism than in a regular lesson. I try to make the most of teaching methods and techniques in the classroom, which can create conditions for maximum preservation of the child’s health.

One of the most important conditions is working conditions. It is very important to observe the temperature regime, properly decorate the office, and choose comfortable furniture.

Requirements for equipment and content of computer science classrooms

1 Computer labs must be ventilated frequently,

2 It is advisable to install air conditioners with humidification, an aquarium, and plants with wide leaves.

3 One workstation with a computer must have at least 6 sq. m. area of ​​the room.

4 The arrangement of student workstations in the computer science classroom should ensure electrical safety and safety of exposure to electromagnetic fields, free access for students and the teacher’s approach to each workstation during the lesson.

5 The lighting should be bright, but without glare.

6 In classes using computers, special work chairs should be used

Strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic learning conditions significantly prevents the influence of unfavorable factors in the educational process on the health of children and adolescents.

The duration of work at video terminals should not exceed:

    for 1st grade students – 10 minutes;

    for students in grades 2-5 – 15 minutes;

    for students in grades 6-7 – 20 minutes;

    for students in grades 8-9 – 25 minutes;

    for students in grades 10-11 - 30 minutes in the first lesson, 25 minutes in the second lesson.

While working in a notebook or at the computer, I recommend that students throughout the lesson, at the first symptoms of eye fatigue, look away for a few seconds. After several lessons, they form a stable habit, which will help preserve visual acuity in the future.

The structure of the lesson can be changed depending on the type and topic of the lesson, there can be a different number of stages, there can be several methods of delivery, but working on a computer does not take more than the set time and plus a friendly atmosphere in the lesson. These conditions help to avoid fatigue and make children’s communication with the computer safer for health; a gradual change in the activities of these methods does not allow the child to tire his body.

The distance from the eyes to the monitor should be 45-60 cm.

Conducting physical exercises is an effective way to maintain students’ performance, since during physical exercises the central nervous system is provided with rest, as well as skeletal muscles that experience static tension due to prolonged sitting at a desk or computer.

The duration of physical training is 1.5-2 minutes, conducted by a teacher.

From time to time you need to look at foreign objects in the room, and every half hour take a break for 10-15 minutes. When we watch TV or work at the computer, our eyes blink 6 times less than under normal conditions, and, therefore, are washed less often by tear fluid. This can lead to drying out of the cornea.

During the break, it is recommended to do eye exercises. You need to stand by the window, look into the distance, and then quickly concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose. And so 10 times in a row. Then you need to blink quickly for 20-30 seconds.

During the lessons, it is necessary to perform simple eye exercises, which must be included in physical education when working at the computer, since they not only serve as a preventive measure for visual impairment.

These are the following exercises:

    vertical eye movements “up and down”;

    horizontal “right – left”;

    rotation of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;

    close your eyes and imagine the colors of the rainbow one by one as clearly as possible.

Eye exercises definitely have their place before and after finishing work at the computer. With their help, the eye muscles are strengthened and eye fatigue is perfectly relieved.

Some students find it difficult to remember even well-understood material. To do this, it is very useful to develop visual memory, to use various forms of highlighting the most important material (underline, circle, write larger, in a different color).

Health savings and positive emotions that the student receives in class play an important role.

One of the techniques for creating positive emotions in the lesson is humor, a kind word, addressing the student by name, lines from a poem or folk wisdom, or even soft-sounding lyrical music.

The second technique is to raise doubts about the fairness of the truths presented, both by the teacher and the students. Getting used to impeccably truthful, absolutely correct information leads to the extinction of the orientation reflex (a reflex is the body’s reaction to irritation of receptors). This stimulates the student’s thought, encouraging him and everyone else to find convincing evidence and motivate their point of view.

The third technique is “stimulating mental appetite” for independent work in class and at home; solving problems that are the same for everyone, as usual, someone doesn’t even solve them at all; during individual selection, when they cope with easy tasks, “very difficult” ones are offered, thus strengthening faith in one’s own strengths and success.

The fourth technique is a joint emotional experience of the material with the teacher: they admire the scientist who made the discovery, the beautiful solution to the problem, experience failures, rejoice at successes. In order to teach children to take care of their health, in lessons we often consider tasks that are directly related to the concepts of “proper nutrition”, “healthy lifestyle”, “safe behavior on the roads”.

By including at least one element of health-saving technology in the lesson, I try to make the learning process interesting and entertaining, create a cheerful, working mood in children, make it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material, and increase children’s interest in the subject.

Health-saving technologies used in lessons help strengthen and preserve children's health. Develop children's creative potential, relieve stress and increase interest in lessons.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that health cannot be improved, it can only be preserved! Take care of yourself and your students!


    V.I. Kovalko. Health-saving technologies. M 2004.

Goal of the work: to determine the most effective methods of developing a healthy lifestyle among primary schoolchildren.

Job objectives:

1) analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic;

2) determine the conditions for the development of a healthy lifestyle for younger schoolchildren;

3) determine effective ways and methods for promoting a healthy lifestyle among younger schoolchildren

Relevance of the work.

The current state of society and the high pace of its development are placing ever higher demands on a person and his health. The problem of preserving and purposefully developing the health of children and youth in the modern conditions of Russian development is extremely significant and relevant, since it is directly related to the problem of security and independence. The growing number of children with poor somatic and psychoneurological health is of serious concern. In recent years, our country has experienced a significant qualitative deterioration in the health of schoolchildren.

According to the Ministry of Health, only 5% of school graduates are healthy, 80% of schoolchildren are chronically ill, 50% have morphophysiological abnormalities, 70% suffer from neuropsychic disorders. Out of 1000 newborns, 800-900 have congenital malformations.

Modern educational institutions are characterized by an increased volume of teaching load and intensification of the educational process in conditions of shortage of teaching time. As a result, the child’s body, which is most sensitive during this period to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors, acquires a number of health problems, which are called “school diseases.” In addition, during the process of studying at school, children experience an increase in chronic diseases, leading to a decrease in the functional capabilities of the child’s body.

Students have not developed a value-based attitude towards their own health; most of them have a low level of knowledge on the issue of health conservation and do not have basic skills in maintaining their own health.
Health, a healthy lifestyle are the basic concepts of health conservation.

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are:

1) absence of bad habits;

2) high culture of communication and behavior;

3) rational nutrition;

4) compliance with the work and rest regime;

5) optimal motor mode, the basis of which is regular physical education and sports; 6) sanitary and hygienic culture.

I believe that our task today is to teach children various techniques and methods for preserving and strengthening their health, so that later, when they go to secondary school and beyond, the children can apply them independently. I try to structure my lessons by setting this goal for myself and my students: how to maintain and improve health? To do this, I use health-saving technologies.

Having studied V.F. Bazarny’s methodology for protecting and promoting children’s health, I took into account that the formation of finely coordinated visual-manual movements in students is facilitated against the background of activation of the functional state of the body, including a general sense of balance and coordination. At the same time, one of the most effective methods of such activation is a periodic change of postures, in particular, transferring children from a sitting position to a standing position. All this is achieved through the development of a desktop desk installed on a standard table.

Having studied using the technology of V.F. Bazarny, I can conclude: children are distinguished by freedom of judgment, there is an increased interest in the subjects they study, and an increase in the amount of work performed in the classroom.

V.F. Bazarny names another of the biological prerequisites for normal development - this is space. Space, he says, is the highest freedom of motor skills. In Tibetan medicine, for example, space plays a major role in human development. What are we doing? We imprison children from 6-7 years old in concrete dead ends. And also into 30-centimeter book dead ends. Outside of space, children fall into a state of chronic depression. Not to mention the black and white palette of most of our books. And the human brain, and especially the child’s, is tuned to multicolor. V.F. Bazarny’s idea about an ecological primer makes a strong impression on me - this is a canvas (2 X 3 m) stretched on the wall. It depicts a rural landscape: a river stretching beyond the horizon, a birch tree, and a village in the distance. The ecological wall changes with the arrival of a new season - autumn, winter, spring, summer.

When thinking through the lesson, I plan where I can use the material of the ecological wall, approach it to the children, and offer individual tasks.

But how to use visual-spatial activity in a school lesson? This is achieved by maximizing the removal of educational didactic material from the child’s eyes. The didactic material presented may be small in size (previously we were prohibited from using it). Children peer into the distance and thereby relieve tension from the eye muscles.

Conducting physical exercises for the eyes with the help of landmarks located in space also helps to expand visual-motor activity. Physical education minutes are performed after 10-15 minutes of intense visual work.

I include elements of student-centered learning:

  • Entering the working day.

Starting from the 1st grade, to speed up the child’s entry into the school day, I teach children to smile more often. Our rule: “If you want to make friends, smile!”

We have developed our own ritual for starting the day, greeting each other at the first lesson, we all say the following words in unison, accompanying them with a show:

I tell everyone: “Hello,

Good morning, friends.

It's a beautiful day

Because it's you and me

Every morning we start our first lesson with exercises accompanied by music.

Every morning,

We need to do exercises.

With these words we begin the exercise. By the second half of the first grade, such exercises are carried out by the children themselves, one by one.

  • Creating a situation of choice and success.

Creating a favorable emotional and psychological microclimate in lessons and extracurricular activities also plays an important role. It is necessary that every student believes in himself, in his strengths and capabilities, so that he experiences not only the joy of knowledge, but also the joy of communication, the joy of creativity. Therefore, in my lessons I try to create a favorable background, a friendly environment, so that children can fully reveal their emotional and intellectual capabilities.

To do this I use various techniques.

1)Creating a child’s subjective experience of success:

Removing fear (“It’s okay”);

Advance (“You can do it”);

Suggestion (“Get started”);

High appreciation of detail (“You did this wonderfully”);

Strengthening the motive (“We need this for...”)

2) Creating an opportunity to feel your intellectual worth:

Mistakes are normal and necessary, you learn;

Forming faith in success:

Marking achievements;

Focusing on past successes.

The children freely enter into a discussion of the lesson problem with their peers and with me, ask questions to clarify what they do not understand, and try to find a way out of the impasse in the lesson, which indicates a slight decrease in anxiety and an increase in students’ self-esteem.

For example, in the lesson “Thoughts about health children need to compile a unique collection of proverbs, sayings, sayings, aphorisms about health and a healthy lifestyle. This work is done collectively. Students, with the help of parents and teachers, work with literary sources. We arrange the collected material in the form of a stand and place it in a cool health corner.

  • Using reflection techniques.

What impressed you the most?

What worked best?

Which tasks did you find most interesting?

What caused the difficulties?

What do you want to think about?

What advice would you give yourself?

Who wanted to give a compliment?

Will the knowledge from today's lesson be useful to you in the future?

2. I useconducting physical education sessions:

  • Physical education with music.
  • Posture correcting exercises.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Breathing exercises.

Inhale pause exhale

4 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

5 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

6 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

This kind of gymnastics is very good at mobilizing children to work in class.

  • Singing sounds.

What kind of energy is this? It is acquired by exhalation when breathing with the stomach - this is very important. We take a deep breath, and as we exhale we begin to sing (sounds). To make sure your breathing is correct, place your hands on your chest - it should move.

Sound A- relieves tension, stimulates the upper part of the lungs and sensory centers, increases tone, affects the “three heaters” system: heart, liver, large intestine. It relieves physical and mental fatigue.

Sound O- deep harmony, a state of balance.

Sound U- a sensual sound, it helps to stabilize emotional balance and has a positive effect on the psyche.

Sound I- the sound of the mind. Long and drawn-out singing of the sound And stimulates the brain, eyes, nose. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement.

  • Massaging fingers, preparing them for written work.

Should be carried out on written subjects. Warms up the muscles. Develops fine motor skills. Good to do with choral speaking.

  • Autogenic training (exercise to relax muscles and tension).

Smile at each other. Sit comfortably. Relax your forehead, eyebrows, close your eyes. Relax your cheeks, lips, neck muscles, shoulders, hands, legs, toes. Your hands and feet become warmer. Breathing becomes free, calm, even. (A recording of birds singing is turned on.)

You are in a forest clearing, the sun is shining brightly. Birds chirp merrily. A light breeze blows your hair. You are in a great mood. You can complete any difficult task. I'll count to five. When I say "five" you will open your eyes.

Next autogenic training (getting ready for math class)

Let's say in unison: “We are attentive! Everything will be fine! We love comparing things! We will have time to do everything!”

  • Self-hypnosis formulas. No less interesting are the self-hypnosis formulas that I use at different stages of the lesson. Sentences written in large letters on a large sheet of paper are posted on the board:

I am capable!

I can handle everything!

I like studying!

I am a good student!

I want to know a lot!

I will know a lot!

What guidelines do I use in my lessons? Various kinds of trajectories along which children “run” with their eyes. For example, on a sheet of whatman paper some colored figures are depicted (ovals, figures of eight, zigzags, spirals), the line thickness is 1 cm.

With the help of such techniques, a visual-motor reaction, a sense of localization in space, stereoscopic vision, and a distinctive color function are developed. The psychological impact of color on a child is also taken into account:

white - worsens mood, instills a not entirely responsible attitude towards everything;

black- in a small dose it focuses attention, in a large dose it causes gloomy thoughts;

red - excites, irritates;

blue - worsens mood;

green - improves mood, calms;

yellow is warm and cheerful, creates a good mood.

brown - in combination with bright colors creates comfort, without a combination of these colors it increases discomfort, narrows one’s horizons, causes sadness, sleep, and depression.

After studying the data on the physiological capabilities of each child and drawing up a class morbidity chart, I conduct differentiated physical education sessions. Each child, according to the instructions he has, performs a set of exercises during the lesson for 1.5 - 2 minutes:

1. Exercises for overweight children.

1) walking with high knees;

2) i.p. -legs together, arms down. Raise your arms up, placing your foot on your toes (alternately the right and left leg), bend over, inhale. Return to IP, exhale;

3) i. p. - sitting on a chair, leaning back. Vigorously draw in your stomach, then relax it, breathing freely;

4) jumping with clapping overhead.

2. Exercises to prevent flat feet.

1) IP - standing on the outer arches of the feet, half-squat (4-5 times).

2) i.p. - standing with your toes in, heels out, rise on your toes. Return to ip (4-5 times);

3) i.p. - standing, turn your feet inward. Rise on your toes, slowly bend your knees, slowly straighten your knees (4-5 times);

4) i.p. - standing, raise your left (right) leg - turn the foot outward, turn the foot inward (3-5 times).

3. Exercises to improve posture.

1) i.p. - o.s. Take the correct position, fix it;

2) walking with correct posture;

3) walking with arms raised high;

4) walking on toes, spreading your arms and moving your shoulder blades (30 sec.)

5) easy running on toes.

4. Psychological self-regulation exercises (auto-training).

1) “Create the sun within yourself”;

2) “Magic flower of goodness”;

3) “Travel on a Cloud”;

4) “By the sea”;

5) “Goldfish”;

6) “Amber Castle”;

7) “Fish Dance”;

8) “In the meadow”;

9) “Waterfall”;

10) “The power of a smile”, etc.


Guys, sit back and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale...

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But this is no ordinary waterfall. Instead of water, a soft white light falls down in it. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel how this beautiful white light flows over your heads... You feel your forehead, then your mouth, and neck muscles relax.

White light flows over your shoulders and the back of your head and helps them become soft and relaxed. Light flows through the chest, through the stomach. You feel how they relax, and you yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This allows you to feel very relaxed and pleasant and with every inhalation and exhalation you are filled with fresh strength... (pause 15 seconds)
Now mentally thank this waterfall of light for the fact that it wonderfully relaxed you... Stretch a little, straighten up and open your eyes

5. Some self-massage techniques, acupressure.

Massage has a relaxing effect and relieves stress at any time.

Close your eyes and stroke your face with your palm. Move it from the center of the forehead to the temples - 3 times, from the nose along the cheekbones - 3 times and from the mouth along the jaw line also 3 times.

Run your hands through your hair, gently pulling out all the roots. Do this all over your head at a moderate pace.

Perform flat stroking of the arm from the wrist to the shoulder, then around the shoulder joint and, more easily, down to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Form fists with your hands and tap your upper and outer thighs. You need to hit your thigh lightly with your fist. Massage for 20-30 seconds.

Acupressure - simple

and safe therapy.

Massaging is done

pressing on certain

points. For colds

diseases and to increase

immunity is necessary

massage certain

points on the face (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3),

massage the temporal area.

6. Exercises for arm muscles.

1) "Cabbage"

We chop and chop the cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We squeeze and squeeze cabbage.

(Move your palms up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.)

2) “We intertwined our fingers

And they stretched out their arms.

Well, now we are from the Earth

We push the clouds away."

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their arms with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

3) “We’ll put our hands on the table,

Let's turn the palm up.

Ring finger too

I want to be no worse than everyone else.

(Children place their right hand on the desk, palm up, bend and straighten their ring finger. Then do the same with their left hand. Repeat the exercise several times.)

7. Exercises for the eyes.

According to psychoanalysts, if eye exercises are performed regularly, a person’s vision is completely restored, and he can give up glasses.

Here are some elements of this gymnastics:

  • Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.
  • Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Repeat 3 times.
  • Imagine the rim of a bicycle wheel rotating in front of you and, having marked a certain point on it, watch the rotation of this point. First one way, then the other. Repeat 3 times.
  • Place your palms one on top of the other so that a triangle is formed, close your eyes with this triangle and repeat all the exercises in the sequence described above. The eyes under the palms should be open, but the palms, not tightly lying on the eye sockets, should not allow light to pass through.
  • Look at the tip of your nose until you feel tired. Then relax for 5-6 seconds.
  • Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to five. At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Relax your eye muscles and look into the distance, counting to five.
  • Students stand near their desks. First, they tilt to the right side and wink with their right eye, then they tilt to the left and wink with their left eye.

8. Physical exercises using the method of sensory-coordinating training.(In the 4 upper corners of the classroom, plot images are recorded. Under each picture, one of the numbers is placed in the appropriate sequence: 1-2-3-4. All students rise to a free standing position and under the teacher’s command “1-2-3-4 "begin to fix their gaze one by one on the corresponding picture. Then the counting order changes: 4-3-2-1, 1-3, 4-2, etc. At the same time, students make synchronous movements with their eyes, head and torso. But children must not just “scan” with your eyes, but also have time to consciously see all 4 plots and answer the teacher’s questions. Duration of training - 1.5 minutes. Such work prevents fatigue, promotes the development of visual-motor reactions, speed of orientation in space.

9. Use in lessons touch circle.

Any round object can be used as a sensory circle, such as a hoop or a round hanger for small items with clothespins. This circle is attached with a bracket to the wall near the blackboard at a height of 2.3 m. Multi-colored ribbons are tied around its circumference. Their length varies and depends on the height of the students. Clothespins with rings are attached to the ends of the ribbons. They contain tasks in the form of droplets, snowflakes, etc. The teacher invites the student to the board to complete the task. The student reaches out, opens the clothespin and takes the assignment.

The sensory circle promotes correct posture and stimulates the development of the spinal muscles.

10. "Flower of Health"

The health flower is made of colored cardboard. It has 7 petals: yellow, purple, blue, red, brown, green, pink. The middle of the flower is orange. The leaf on the stem is light green. On each petal and in the middle of the flower there is written one of the themes of the classes that are held throughout the year: “I live in a family”, “I think”, “I sing and talk”, “I breathe”, “I move”, “I am tempered”, “I drink and I’m eating,” “I’m being treated.”

With the help of such ophthalmic simulators (flowers, pyramids, plates), visual-motor reaction, stereoscopic vision, distinctive color function, and a sense of localization in space are developed.

During lessons it is necessary to use elements of light therapy: a green board, yellow notes along wavy lines. This contributes to better assimilation and memorization of material, and reduced fatigue.

In order for the preservation and strengthening of the health of teachers in primary schools with stable learning results to be successful, it is necessary to implement the following conditions:

  • identify and take into account student health indicators;
  • correctly organize the place and time of educational activities (for example, change dynamic poses);
  • apply health-saving technologies that are acceptable in the educational process of a given educational institution (eye exercise; combination of different types of activities);
  • create a special educational program for an optional course aimed at motivating a healthy lifestyle;
  • observe the principle of pedagogical cooperation between teachers and parents on the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of students.

The main goal of my work in the context of health pedagogy was the formation of a health-saving educational space that meets the medical and pedagogical principle: “Do no harm!”

Health is as contagious as disease. “Infecting with health” is the goal of my work. And constant concern about protecting the health of schoolchildren can and should acquire the character of a law that determines the actions of a teacher.

Proper organization of education makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in schoolchildren, and also helps children realize the importance of maintaining health.


Thus, we can conclude that health-saving technologies are an integral part of the educational process. Every year, a school psychologist conducts diagnostics as children transition from primary to secondary education. Diagnostics are carried out to identify the risk of maladaptation in primary school children. In 2011, the following work was carried out in my class: diagnostics “Attitudes towards academic subjects” and “Feelings at school”. Based on the results obtained, we can say that the majority of my students have a positive attitude towards academic subjects and a favorable emotional background. The school psychologist carried out diagnostics during the acute period of adaptation (September-October) in the first grades. According to the results of this diagnosis, at the end of October, 96% successfully adapted and experienced minor difficulties - 4% (1 person). Subsequently, work was carried out with the student’s data and at the end of the school year, all students successfully adapted.

Comparing the results of the medical examination last year and this year, I saw that my health indicators had not deteriorated. The number of children with health group 3 remained at the same level (20%). The number of people with the 1st group has increased (it was 16%, now it is 27%), but the number of students with the 2nd group has decreased (it was 64%, it is now 53%).

I believe that such results became possible thanks to the use of health-saving technologies in my lessons.

The integrated use of health-saving technologies in the educational and educational process reduces fatigue, improves emotional mood and increases the performance of younger children.

schoolchildren, and this in turn contributes to the preservation and strengthening

their health, improving the quality of knowledge .

I plan to continue focused work on preserving the health of children in the coming years and would very much like the work to be continued by my successor when children transition to secondary education.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J.-J. Rousseau, I would like to say: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”



Human health in the 21st century is becoming paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren is of serious concern to experts. The goal of health-saving educational teaching technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health while studying at school, to develop knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

In the vast majority of schools, physics is studied at the middle and senior levels, most often from the 7th grade, when schoolchildren already begin to manifest and worsen various chronic and “acquired” diseases. No less important is the fact that on the scale of subject difficulty (according to I.G. Sivkov), physics occupies an “honorable” third place - 9 points out of 11. Naturally, when studying this subject, schoolchildren have to experience significant intellectual, psycho-emotional and even physical loads. Naturally, a physics teacher inevitably faces the task of high-quality teaching in this subject, which is completely impossible without a sufficient level of motivation among schoolchildren. Health-saving technologies can help solve this problem as a means of increasing motivation for educational and cognitive activities of students.

In physics lessons, it is necessary to maintain students’ interest in the material being studied, their activity throughout the entire lesson, at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the level of children’s fatigue, and try not to cause harm to health.

Creating an adaptive space for each individual student is carried out through:

    differentiation and individualization of training;

    use of gaming technologies;

    project and team activities.

I integrate the educational and extracurricular activities of students: solving applied problems that are personally significant for the student helps broaden their horizons and increase interest in the science of physics. I include questions related to human physics in the program, which allows students to advance along the path of self-knowledge and better understand the nature of man and his capabilities.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom is one of the most important aspects of the modern lesson. At the same time, on the one hand, the problem of preventing student fatigue is solved, on the other, an additional incentive appears to reveal the creative potential of each child. A friendly atmosphere in the lesson, a calm conversation, attention to every statement, a positive reaction from the teacher to the student’s desire to express his point of view, tactful correction of mistakes, encouragement for independent thinking, appropriate humor or a small historical digression - this is not the entire arsenal that can to have a teacher who strives to reveal the abilities of each child. It should be noted that in an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional elation, the performance of the class increases noticeably, which ultimately leads to better knowledge acquisition and, as a consequence, to better results.

All health-saving physics lessons can be divided into the following types:
1. This is a planned “Health Lesson”, held at the end of the topic being studied. For example: “Mechanics in sports”, “Physics of temperatures”, “Electrostatic phenomena in human life”, “On the role of fields in living organisms”, “Health and radiation” 2. This can be a lesson that includes elements of health conservation, since the content of the lesson is related to health.

3. This may be a standard, typical, methodologically well-thought-out physics lesson that does not say anything about health, but this is a health-saving lesson, since this is a lesson in which the teacher:

Generates interest in your subject;

Establishes trusting, partnership relationships;

Thinks through a lesson of maximum mental, psychological and moral comfort;

Makes maximum use of students' individual characteristics to improve the effectiveness of their learning.

The main criterion for such a lesson is the desire of children, leaving the lesson, to meet again with a physics lesson, where it is comfortable, where there is emotional interaction between student and teacher, where there is an opportunity to open up creatively, where it is interesting, and physics is understandable.

Protecting the child’s health involves not only creating the necessary hygienic and psychological conditions for organizing educational activities, but also preventing various diseases, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle. In physics lessons, almost any topic studied can be used to highlight certain facts that contribute to the formation of the correct attitude of students towards their health. This also includes the prevention of childhood injuries and accidents associated with the child’s incorrect behavior in various everyday situations.

Every teacher in his lesson must take care of the health of students. Therefore, in my lessons, I monitor the student’s seating position at the school desk, since a sitting position increases the statistical load and reduces the already low motor activity of a modern child. During the lesson I conduct physical education sessions, paying special attention to eye exercises and posture.


7th grade, studying the topic “Structure of matter”».

One group of children in the lesson depicts the behavior of molecules in solids - the children stand depicting a crystal lattice, hold hands and oscillate chaotically, another group of children demonstrates the structure of liquids - the children no longer hold hands so tightly, the distance between them is greater, the movement of the molecules is chaotic, the third group of students depicts the structure of gases and the behavior of molecules in it: molecules move freely and occasionally collide with each other. All models are clear and easy to remember.

8th grade, studying the topic “Thermal conductivity”

I ask all students to leave their desks and stand in ranks. I ask: “Draw a nail. We are pieces of this nail. I propose to show how the particles of this nail behave.

I announce: “We heat the tip of the nail. Picture what happens to each part of the nail.”

Exercises to develop correct posture and breathing exercises.

Up hand and down hand.

They pulled them lightly.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today.

(One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)

Squat with clapping:

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure that it will be good.

(Squats, clapping hands above your head.)

We twist - we turn our heads,

We stretch our neck. Stop!

(Rotate your head right and left.)

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher.

(Walk in place, raising your legs high.)

Stretched, stretched

Up and to the sides, forward.

(Stretching - arms up, to the sides, forward.)

And everyone returned to their desks -

We have a lesson again.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Any exercises are performed under the condition of a mental and emotional attitude towards the formation of a beautiful, healthy and “smart” body.

They quickly stood up and smiled.

Higher, we reached higher.

Come on, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turn right, turn left,

Touch your hands with your knees.

They sat down and stood up. They sat down and stood up.

And they ran to the place.

Gymnastics for the eyes

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Look into the distance in front of you - 2-3 seconds. Look at the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, the slow movement of the index finger of an outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. Look at the index finger of an outstretched hand - count 1 - 4, then move your gaze into the distance - count 1 - 6. Repeat 4-5 times.

6. At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Having relaxed your eye muscles, look into the distance while counting 1 - 6. Repeat 1 -2 times.

7. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your pupils from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

8. Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Repeat 3 times.

Based on this, we can conclude: a health-saving approach to developing student success is promising. This confirms the growth of motivation to study the subject, a persistent interest in cognitive activity, including creative activity. Cooperation and friendliness between teacher and student relieves a stressful situation, tension, and allows the child to open up more fully. A joke or a smile will create emotional release, allow you to switch your attention, and maintain the pace of the lesson and its density.

Thus, the teacher must constantly take care of preserving the mental and physical health of children and increase the stability of the students’ nervous system

Informational resources:

        Babansky Yu. K. “Methodological foundations for optimizing the educational process” 1982 – 480 s.

        Shchukina G.I. “Activation of students’ cognitive activity in the educational process.” M., Enlightenment. – 220 s.

        Health-saving educational technologies.

      • Report by English teacher Vera Kuzminichna Evseeva on the use of modern educational technologies in English lessons


        Basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and... at the same time I take away health-saving educational technologies, the purpose of which is... competence. Application of network and remote technologies on lessons English language According to...

      • Approximate topics for classes of methodological associations of pedagogical and managerial workers of educational organizations for the 2015/16 academic year


        ... on lessons physicists: organization of educational research. – M.: Ilexa, 2014. Irikhin V.N. Formation of a culture of health on lessons physicists... third lesson physical culture (discussion). 2. Health-saving technologies on lesson physical culture...

      • Educational work mbou sosh village. Red for the 2013-2014 school year School work plan for the 2013-2014 school year


        Pedagogical council-presentation “Effective ways to use health-saving technologies on lessons within the framework of the implementation of educational standards." ...and student health on lessons Monitoring compliance with TB on lessons chemistry, physicists, physical education Teachers-...

MBOU "Kardymovskaya secondary school"

named after Hero of the Soviet Union S.N. Reshetov"

“Effective ways to use health-saving technologies in the classroom as part of the implementation of educational standards” Speech at the teachers' meeting.


Baranova Elena Vladimirovna

physical education teacher

March 2014

“Health is the most important indicator of every person’s vital activity, and only with good health can one live a full life. From early childhood, each of us realizes the importance of a reasonable attitude towards our health...

Test "My health".

1 . I often have poor appetite.

2.After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3.I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritable and gloomy.

4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5.I hardly do sports or exercise.

6. Recently I have gained some weight.

7.I often feel dizzy.

8.I currently smoke.

9.As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10.I have poor sleep and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

Determination of the result and its interpretation

1-2 points. Despite some signs of deterioration, you are in good shape. Never give up your efforts to maintain your health.

3-6 points. Your attitude towards your health can hardly be called normal; it already feels like you have wasted it quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You need to change your habits immediately, otherwise...

Ten Commandments for Child Health

1. Let's keep the daily routine!

2. Regulate the load!

- physical;

- emotional;

- intellectual.

3.Fresh air!

4. Physical activity!

5.Physical education!

6. Water procedures!

7. Warm, friendly psychological

climate in the family!

8. Simple massage and self-massage techniques!

9. Creativity!

10. Food!

Health-saving educational technologies are the basis of health-saving pedagogy

  • Health-saving educational technologies (HET) can be considered as the technological basis of health-saving pedagogy - one of the most promising systems of the 21st century, and as a set of techniques, forms and methods for organizing the education of schoolchildren, without compromising their health, and a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology according to the criterion of its impact on the health of students and teachers.

Children's health- this is a policy in which our future is embedded, therefore teachers, parents and the public are faced with the task of raising a healthy generation.

The following aspects of organizing the education and upbringing of children at school contribute to the preservation and strengthening of student health:

bringing the school’s educational environment in accordance with sanitary standards and rules: furniture, lighting, ventilation, school operating hours, curriculum, class sizes, lesson structure, psychological comfort,

compulsory physical exercises in lessons in elementary school and in grades 5-9,

not exceeding the maximum student workload,

organization of meals for students,

introducing an additional third hour of physical education into the curriculum,

lessons are taught on the basics of life safety for students,

the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process and in extracurricular activities.

Health saving technology

  • a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

Includes techniques, methods, methods for solving educational and educational problems, methods of cultivating a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle,

which should be the basis

educational process.

The task of health-saving pedagogical technologies

  • Health-saving pedagogical technologies should ensure the development of the child’s natural abilities: his mind, moral and aesthetic feelings, the need for activity, mastering the initial experience of communicating with people, nature, and art.

Pedagogical methods and teaching techniques:

1. Conducting various dynamic pauses, breathing exercises, and exercises in the lesson aimed at maintaining a high level of performance in the student;

2. Streamlining the system of multi-level homework, their dosage, choice, creativity, measuring the volume of homework and the degree of complexity with the capabilities of each student;

3. Taking into account the individual psychophysical abilities and characteristics of the child;

4. Inclusion in the content of lessons of “anatomical” text problems, exercises, tasks related to the study of one’s own health;

5. Personal example of the teacher;

6. Organization of reflection;

7. Game methods of psychocorrection.


  • use of various types of educational activities in lessons (4-7 types per lesson, average duration and frequency of alternation - 7-10 minutes).
  • various types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work (at least three per lesson, alternating no later than 10-15 minutes).

Forms organizing student activities in the classroom:

  • work in groups (both static and mobile),
  • work in shift pairs;
  • use of signal cards of different colors;
  • activity with elements


Breathing exercises

  • Stand up straight, arms along your body. Take a full deep breath. Slowly raise your arms, keeping them tense until your hands are above your head. Holding your hands above your head, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Inhaling slowly, lower your arms to the starting position.
  • Stand up straight, arms along your body.
  • Take a full deep breath.
  • Slowly raise your arms, keeping them tense until your hands are above your head.
  • Holding your hands above your head, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Inhaling slowly, lower your arms to the starting position.

Eye exercises

  • Coloring.”
  • Shoot with your eyes left and right,
  • up and down, rotating the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Draw any shapes with your eyes (from left to right and vice versa).
  • Use your eyes to write the date, month, year


  • birth.
  • Close your eyes and imagine the colors of the rainbow one by one as clearly as possible.

Including valeological inserts into the lesson increases children's activity and cognitive abilities.

Valeological insert

this is important, interesting information,

which is associated with health improvement,

serves as a food for thought

and may be useful to a child in life.


In the nursery, 2 teams collected rose hips:

1 day: 100 kg + 32 kg = ...

Day 2: 230 kg + 70 kg = ...

Day 3: 340 kg + 50 kg = ...

Day 4: 130 kg + 90 kg = ...

In the 16th and 17th centuries, rosehip was valued more than gold, and valuable furs were exchanged for it. Its berries contain 40 times more vitamin C than lemons and 2 times more than blackcurrants.

To teach children to care

about your health, it is useful to give tasks in lessons that directly

related to concepts

knowledge of your body”, “body hygiene”, “proper nutrition”,

healthy lifestyle",

safe behavior on the roads.”

In the process of solving such problems, students not only learn the general method

performing actions,

but they also think about the result.

At the end of each task there is a question that allows the student to understand the value of health.


  • Using relaxation exercises.
  • Massage of biologically active

points of the face and head.

  • Individual volume dosing

academic load and its rational distribution over time.

  • Multi-level tasks.
  • Creating a situation for learning success.
  • Creating comfortable conditions


Organization of educational activities

from a health perspective

turns out to be very effective

and allows you to reduce the incidence of illness at school, the level of aggression and anxiety in children, and increase the success of schoolchildren’s education.

Criteria for a successful lesson from a health point of view

  • lack of fatigue among students and teachers;
  • positive emotional attitude;
  • satisfaction from the work done;
  • desire to continue working.

Relevance of experience

The relevance of this experience is due to the fact that modern people, society and the state need health-saving education. One of the priority tasks of reforming the education system today is preserving and strengthening the health of students, developing in them the value of health, a healthy lifestyle, choosing educational technologies that are age-appropriate, eliminating overload and preserving the health of schoolchildren.

The problem of preserving the health of students during schooling has a long history.

Research reports from the Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia state that only 14% of schoolchildren are practically healthy, 50% have functional abnormalities, and 34-40% have chronic diseases.

In this regard, the school’s activities to preserve the health of students are relevant. The most complex and little developed aspect of the health-preserving organization of the educational process is the training session. The information overload of students, the high intensity of the lesson, excessive nervous-emotional stress, and insufficient motor activity of children, characteristic of modern educational classes - all this gives rise to a contradiction between the existing health-intensive organization of the school lesson, on the one hand, and the need to increase the efficiency of the health-saving educational process, on the other.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the experience is the creation in the lesson of conditions conducive to preserving the mental and physical health of the student, reducing fatigue, improving mood and increasing the activity of students in the lesson and, as a result, developing intellectual abilities and improving the quality of knowledge.

Duration of work on the experiment

Work on this topic was carried out for 3 years. The gradual introduction into the learning process of elements of health-saving technologies aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students can be divided into three main steps.

At the first stage (2009-2010 academic year), data on the health status of students was selected, problems were identified, goals were defined, tasks were set and methods for solving them were selected, literature on the research problem was studied, criteria for assessing the well-being (fatigue), activity and mood of students were determined.

At the second stage (2010-2011 academic year), the study of literature and the experience of advanced teachers continued. The use of elements of health-saving technologies, their analysis and systematization began.

At the third stage (2011-2012 academic year), the research results were summarized and systematized, conclusions were formulated and teaching experience was systematized, and daily work was carried out on the application of elements of health-saving technologies in teaching practice.

Experience Range

This experiment shows the use of elements of health-saving technologies by a primary school teacher when organizing lessons in a primary school.

The availability of experience lies in the fact that these developments can be used by teachers not only when organizing a lesson, but also in the system of additional classes: when organizing circle work, organizing work in after-school groups. At the same time, it is an integral part of the work of the entire teaching staff to implement a program to create a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle for students.

Theoretical basis of experience

Back in 1870, the German doctor Robert Vikhrov formulated the concept of “school diseases.” To eliminate the main causes of their occurrence, it was proposed to use games, dancing, gymnastics and all types of fine arts in schools.
The basic concepts of health conservation in Russia were laid down in 1904, when the Congress of Russian Doctors drew attention to a number of “harmful influences from the school on the health and physical development of students.” Moreover, despite numerous attempts, the assigned tasks to preserve the health of the younger generation were not fulfilled.

In the works of valeology teachers and physiologists G.K. Zaitsev. and Kazin E.M. indicate that school education today is characterized by a decrease in the activity of schoolchildren in educational activities, a slowdown in physical and mental development, a discrepancy between the imposed loads and the individual capabilities of students, and a deterioration in the health of children.

The concept of “health-saving technologies” appeared in pedagogical terminology relatively recently. Leading domestic teachers A.M. Amosov, V.F. Bazarny, N.K. are currently engaged in the organization of a health-saving educational process. Smirnov.

The problem of using health-saving technologies in the educational process is deeply studied by leading scientists: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.N. Irkhin (Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture) and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Irkhinoy. The interpretation of the concept of “health-saving technologies” by different authors is ambiguous. Many teachers perceive this as the need for something bright, beautiful and unusual to appear in schools, for example, herbal bars or a physiotherapy room. Some teachers believe that this is one or more new pedagogical technologies, alternative to all others. In modern conditions, previously existing pedagogical technologies are unable to effectively promote the preservation and strengthening of students’ health.

The goal of health-saving pedagogy– to provide school graduates with a high level of real health, equipping him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and instilling in him a culture of health.

Currently, health-saving educational technologies include technologies that are based on the age-related characteristics of children’s cognitive activity, training at the optimal level of difficulty (complexity), variability of methods and forms of training, the optimal combination of motor and static loads, the use of clarity and a combination of various forms of providing information, creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere, developing positive motivation for learning (“pedagogy of success”), and cultivating students’ knowledge on health issues.

Novelty of experience

The negative dynamics of the health status of modern children exacerbates the need to introduce health-saving technologies into the educational environment.

The novelty of the experience lies in the fact that the task of increasing the efficiency of the health-saving educational process in primary school is solved through the use of elements of health-saving technologies.

Characteristics of the conditions in which the application of this experience is possible

This experience can be used in lessons and in extracurricular activities. To use health-saving technologies, there are no restrictions on the use of the educational and methodological complex, the levels of training and the level of training of students. The experience can be used by teachers with different work experience.

Experience technology

The goal of pedagogical activity is to introduce elements of health-saving technologies into the educational process in order to prevent student fatigue in the classroom and improve the quality of education.

Achieving the planned results involves solving the following tasks:

  • Through the use of elements of health-saving technologies in the educational process, it is possible to prevent schoolchildren from becoming tired and to intensify their cognitive interest.
  • Develop lessons based on health principles.
  • To develop in students practical skills for a healthy lifestyle that will increase interest in the learning process and reduce school anxiety for more successful learning.
Methods for solving these problems:
  • analysis of psychological, didactic and methodological literature in order to form a conceptual basis for the study;
  • analysis of materials and sources representing pedagogical experience in terms of solving the analyzed problems.
  • rational organization of the educational process based on a person-oriented approach, preserving and strengthening the health of children, increasing the motivation to learn;
  • creating conditions for the development of a set of tools to improve the quality of education, preserving and strengthening the health of students;
Organization of a lesson based on the principles of health conservation.

In implementing a health-saving approach in the educational process, one of the important conditions is the formation of a positive attitude among students in the lesson. For normal development and well-being, a child must not only be able to learn, but also want to do so.

The level of development of abilities is, as it were, the result of a child’s experience of himself in a particular activity, the desire and ability to engage in it, confidence in his abilities, and, therefore, the mobilization of these forces.

Emotions themselves, naturally, have a motivating value and depend on the characteristics of the activity and its organization.

Positive emotions can be associated with the school as a whole and staying in it, due to smooth relationships with the teacher and classmates; absence of conflicts, active participation in the life of the classroom and school community, academic success, and the joy of overcoming difficulties. Satisfaction from a fairly given grade, emotions from “collision” with new educational material - all this enhances internal motivation, emotional and cognitive attitudes towards the subject, and passion for it.

Each lesson begins with an emotional mood, which is carried out in the form of dialogue or reading a poem, which sets the students up for work.

Eliminating stressful situations in the classroom is an important condition for students’ successful performance. When completing tasks, children should have enough time to think about the answer.

To create a “success situation” in the lesson, the following forms of work are used: individual-isolated (when completing written assignments), frontal (promotes the involvement of all students in the group in the work), group (promotes increased responsibility, creates interest in the work of classmates), collective (general an assignment between members of a microgroup allows each child to feel like a participant in the events), steam room (used more often when consolidating the material covered).

Also, during his work in this direction, the teacher selected and mastered the basic technologies that meet the requirements of health conservation:

  • differentiated learning technology;
  • gaming technology;
  • information Technology.
Individually differentiated approach- the main means of health-improving and developmental work with students, therefore, in lessons, students have the opportunity to work at an individual pace, ask for help, freely use sources of information, express and argue their opinions, and not be afraid of mistakes. I break down the proposed tasks by level. For weak students, a separate lesson plan is practiced - tasks are selected at an accessible level, there are recommendations for implementation, and an individual pace of work is set. Each student has the right to voluntarily choose his/her level of learning. It is this approach that contributes to the student’s psychological comfort at school, forms in him a sense of respect for himself and others, and increases responsibility for the decision made. The ability to choose the level of assimilation will help to avoid overloading the student and direct his efforts to the area of ​​inclinations and interests.

As an example, let’s look at work in a Russian language lesson on the topic: “Verb”.

1st level

A proposal outline is given. Make up three sentences for this diagram (creative work).

2nd level

1. Three sentences are given. Choose the sentence that matches the proposed scheme.

2. Parse the verb as a part of speech (there is no algorithm).

3rd level

A proposal has been given.

1. Parse the sentence by members of the sentence, by parts of speech.

2. Parse the verb according to the scheme (according to the algorithm)

Work in a mathematics lesson on the topic “Solving motion problems.”

3rd level

Solve the problem: “Two trains go towards each other from stations, the distance between which is 485 km. The first one left 2 hours earlier and moves at a speed of 53 km/h. 3 hours after the second train left, they met. What is the speed of the second train?”

2nd level

Create an inverse problem

1st level

Change the condition of the problem so that it can be solved with fewer actions.

Gaming technology in lessons in primary school contributes to the formation of a sustainable interest in learning and relieves stress. In the process of playing, the child acquires certain educational universal actions, enriches his inner world, and masters speech in communication with other people. In every lesson, maybe with the exception of tests, there is always a place for play.

Children perceive the material with great interest and attention. Many topics begin as a game. So, while studying the multiplication of ordinary fractions, we “received” a letter from Baba Yaga asking for help: “How much juice does it take to pour it into five bottles? l each?

By competing in a playful way, children quickly remember everything that they cannot remember with regular answers, i.e. material is processed. For example, the game "Tic Tac Toe". I ask theoretical questions, the children quickly answer them. The correct answer for girls is plus, for boys it is zero. I enter the answers in a square that is familiar to everyone. At the end of the game we summarize the pros and cons. This game can be modified in every possible way, assign points, unite children into teams, etc.

The game unites the class: they discover the ability to protect each other, to listen to every opinion. For example, the game “What? Where? When?". What is important here is not so much knowledge as the ability of children to discuss an issue and listen to the position of another. Their opinions about their classmates change, and their status in the group also changes.

Based on the game, you can identify a child who needs help. There is always the opportunity to specifically adjust the game so that the student who most needs support excels.

During play, the child is mobilized to the maximum: he draws from himself all his existing knowledge. For example, when studying a new topic, a game of intelligence, non-standard thinking, logic, when every answer is welcomed, and it does not matter if it is incorrect.

The issue of discipline disappears as if by itself: children are so immersed in the game that they are distracted from everything else.
Information technologies are used to rationally organize the educational activities of students in the classroom. They are especially relevant in elementary schools. Students in grades 1-4 have visual-figurative thinking, so it is very important to build their education using as much high-quality illustrative material as possible, involving not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, and imagination in the process of perceiving new things. In lessons, the teacher devotes a special place to multimedia presentations.

In mathematics lessons, slides are used to demonstrate examples, problems, chains for mental calculation, mathematical warm-ups and tests. In the lessons of the surrounding world and life safety, a presentation is simply necessary. These are pictures of the nature around us, animals, seas, oceans, natural areas, the water cycle, food chains, rules of behavior in the forest, in public places - slides are used, you need to test your knowledge, introduce new concepts, a topic - tests, crosswords, puzzles are used, charades - everything makes the lesson exciting and memorable.

In literacy and writing lessons, a huge role in the presentation is played not just by showing an image, but by animation, i.e. movement pictures, letters, words. Children like bright images, they look at the screen with interest and remember better. To facilitate the process of perceiving and memorizing information in lessons, the textbook “Alphabet”, “Capital Letters”, “Find the Difference”, “Find the Extra Letter”, etc. is used.

The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited. When using presentations, children who are usually not very active in the classroom begin to actively express their opinions and reason.

The process becomes not boring and monotonous, but creative. The cognitive activity of students increases. A computer and projector are also used to organize physical education classes.

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