Seat belt attachment for children. Fest children's seat belts - reliable protection for small passengers

For any parent, the safety of their children is always paramount. Therefore, when creating the most harmless and comfortable conditions for movement in your own transport, you need to approach the choice of means of restraining children in the car with special care and responsibility.

What it is

First, let's figure out what a seat belt for children is. In general, this is a special means that is designed to hold a person in place during an accident or sudden stop. It is in every car and is located depending on the location of the seats - on the right or on the left. In most cases, the straps automatically retract into place and have three points of contact. Therefore, they absolutely do not interfere with a person and do not hinder movement, and most importantly, they press him tightly to the seat.

For children of school and preschool age, a special device is designed for fixation in the rear or front seat of the car. And for those who are concerned about the question of at what age a seat belt for children can be used, let us say that the named device is used for young passengers from 4 to 12 years old.

Currently, our country has a state standard that defines a number of basic requirements for the quality and production features of these safety equipment, as well as for their testing system.

Why do you need a holding device?

When transporting children, restraints play a very important role. After all, all little passengers are inquisitive and active. Parents will be more comfortable driving the car knowing that their child is securely holding the child seat belt. In addition, no one is immune from dangerous situations that occur while the car is moving. Therefore, the place for a small passenger should always be equipped with a high degree of protection and reliability.

Seat belts for children in a car are needed for those children who have already outgrown the car seat or categorically refuse to be in it. It is recommended to purchase this retention device together with other retention mechanisms.

What are the advantages

Parents who doubt the advisability of using such safety equipment should pay attention to some facts confirming their necessity:

  • the risk of head injury is reduced by 8 times;
  • chest injuries - 18 times;
  • necks - 6 times;
  • the likelihood of injury to abdominal organs became 27 times lower.

But the most important thing is that the baby’s life is saved, because since the use of restraints, the mortality rate of children in car accidents has decreased by more than 70%. These are convincing official figures demonstrating the benefits of seat belts for children.

In addition, the risk of contact with interior elements during an impact is significantly reduced. The distribution of its force occurs on stronger parts of the body. The child is protected from collisions with other passengers. During an accident he will not be thrown out of the car. The possibility of injury is minimized.

Opponents of the use of such security features

Absolutely all opponents of such methods of fixation agree that in the event of an emergency, a seat belt for children purchased for a car will put pressure on the baby’s abdominal cavity. Typically this occurs due to the placement of the restraint device. In a similar situation, an adult puts pressure on his legs, resting them on the floor. A small passenger will not be able to do this due to his short stature, which can result in damage to internal organs.

In outdated car models, the use of such fastening devices is impossible, since their main seat belts do not have horizontal straps, and purchasing a modern car for the sake of a child seat belt is problematic. Therefore, among the owners of such cars there are no supporters of the mentioned restraints.

In an emergency, the adapter is not able to protect the child's head and body.

The use of child restraints in the front seat is dangerous due to the fact that the airbag is located at the level of the child's head. Therefore, in the event of an accident, there is a high probability of injury from it, and not from a collision with an obstacle.

The negative aspect of using this method of fixation is that it is simply fastened, so the baby can unfasten while moving, which is unsafe.

A seat belt for children is a budget-friendly and simple means of restraint that can be used even after the latest innovations. It has both advantages and disadvantages. But it's better than nothing. Therefore, you should not skimp on the safety of the younger generation, because this is our continuation and our greatest value.

Important features of fixing devices

When choosing a seat belt for children, you need to take into account the weight and size of the baby, and also pay attention to the device regulator. The three-point seat belt found in every car is intended for adult safety only due to different body proportions. In the event of a collision, a child wearing such a seat belt runs the risk of receiving a severe blow to the lungs and heart.

Methods for attaching restraint devices

In a seat belt for children approaching 12 years of age, manufacturers recommend using an additional device - a small bag that allows you to pull the branches of the main belt together. This option can also be used as an addition to a child car seat.

Another way to secure small passengers is to use a child seat belt adapter. This is a triangle-shaped pad that pulls the diagonal line of the belt away from the neck. It comes with buttons and Velcro, and significantly reduces the risk of injury to the cervical spine.

A booster is a device that is a special lining that is attached to the car seat and ensures that the baby sits high. As a result, the risk of suffocation during a sudden stop is significantly reduced.

There are also three-point seat belts for children, but they are considered the most dangerous for children's stomachs and have failed all crash tests. In comparison, five-point harnesses are considered more reliable. Most often, car seat manufacturers use them.

Seat belt adapter for children - an alternative to a car seat

Adapters are designed to shift the position of the branches of the main car belt using buttons or Velcro and belong to the group of separate retention devices. The small size of the car seat belt adapter and its low cost are increasingly becoming decisive factors in favor of purchasing this safety system.

A considerable number of sellers and manufacturers claim that it can be used without a child car seat. There is currently a lot of debate on this topic. But, unfortunately, the triangle on the seat belt for children is not able to provide the proper level of protection that a high-quality car seat guarantees. Most experts recommend using both of these security measures.

Requirements for fixing devices

When purchasing a fixing device, very often sellers convince an inexperienced buyer of the reliability and safety of the proposed device. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The purchase and selection of a child seat belt should be planned only in specialized retail outlets that can present quality certificates and have trained personnel who can provide qualified assistance in choosing the appropriate model.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fastening of the belt. It must be reliable. An important parameter here is the belt lock. While moving, it must securely hold the child without injuring him, and at the same time, in the event of an accident, the child must be able to easily unfasten the lock of the restraint device.

The belt stopper also requires careful examination. It should trigger when there is a sudden movement.

Parents are required to attach the seat belt cover for children efficiently and securely.

Operating rules

If there is more than one child in a family, then an individual restraint device must be provided for each of them. The reliability of its fastening is checked every time before starting to move. The duration of the trip does not affect the use of this device. Therefore, it is mandatory to use it in all cases of transporting small passengers.

The belt must pass strictly across the child’s waist and over the shoulder. It is also necessary to promptly adjust or completely change it as children grow up.

Domestic product "FEST"

The most popular among all restraint devices for children is “FEST” - a triangular overlay for a seat belt for children. This is a unique and easy-to-use protection device. In terms of safety parameters, it is significantly superior to most other securing devices and even some car seats.

"FEST" is intended for small passengers weighing no less than 9 kilograms and no more than 36 kg. Moreover, if the baby weighs less than 18 kg, then a domestic children's seat belt should be used only with a special strap.

This mount is very reliable and is able to ensure the safe transportation of a child in a car. It is easily and at the same time firmly fixed to the main seat belt and does not interfere with its operation. And the removal and installation process usually takes less than half a minute.

The developers tried to design the product in such a way that in the event of an accident, the possibility of injury was significantly reduced due to the limited mobility of children. And if necessary, its lock can be opened quite easily.

A car is a source of potential danger, and a child inside it is especially vulnerable. After all, most standard security systems are designed for the average adult. Legislators in Russia and most other post-Soviet countries made sure that frivolous parents did not skimp on protecting their children, and clearly spelled out the rules for transporting small passengers.

Road traffic regulations state that up to the age of 12, a child must be protected using a “child restraint”, that is, it does not have to be a child car seat. The FEST child restraint system is precisely a cheaper and more compact alternative to the latter. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of such a device, as well as its level of safety. It’s also worth noting that not everyone realizes that the need to protect their child extends far beyond the car. For adults raising schoolchildren, we recommend reading the article “If a child is bullied at school, what should parents do?”

Advantages and disadvantages of the seat belt adapter for children FEST

Advantages of the FEST device:

  • Its compact size makes it easy to take it with you on trips without your own car and use it when traveling in other people's cars. When used in your own car, the adapter can even be stored in the glove compartment;
  • A universal device for children of almost all ages, designed for a weight from 9 to 36 kilograms, that is, for children from about a year and older. This means that you will no longer need to periodically buy a new device or car seat;
  • Significantly lower cost compared to a child car seat;
  • Corresponds to Russian GOST 41.442005 and international mark E744R-040802;
  • Better head protection compared to a standard seat belt;
  • Can be used to transport a child directly in the front seat.

The disadvantages of the FEST device include:

  • In some cases, an enhanced effect of diving under the lower strap of the belt is possible, due to the fact that the clasp slightly lifts it up relative to its normal position. Can be eliminated by using an additional FEST strap;
  • Folds form on the bottom of the belt straps, which reduces the area of ​​contact with the body and increases the load in case of accidents;
  • Not recommended for use in older cars with old seat belts, where the belt runs only diagonally and does not have a horizontal strap;
  • Poor protection of the child's head from damage compared to a child car seat, does not provide lateral protection;
  • Worse protection of the child's body than when using a child car seat;
  • Possible problems with traffic police officers, who will have to prove that this adapter complies with traffic rules.

Scope of application of the FEST seat belt for children

As a conclusion, we can say that the scope of application of the FEST seat belt for children is better limited to ride-sharing or taxi rides. Since it allows you to relatively securely secure a child in a car where there is no car seat, but easily fits into a purse. It is also suitable for taxi drivers themselves, for whom carrying a child seat in the trunk may be an unaffordable luxury, and the FEST adapter, due to its compact size, will not burden you with its presence. In the same case, if you have your own car and you value the safety of your child, the best solution would be to buy a branded car seat that will provide maximum protection for the child even in the most critical situations. Just keep in mind that when purchasing a Chinese nameless car seat, you risk no less! After all, no one knows how it will behave under significant load in an accident.

To ensure that children also feel comfortable and safe in the car, companies offer special child restraint devices for car owners. Therefore, before taking a child on the road, every parent should install a child car seat in the car, because with the help of this device you can reduce the likelihood of injuries when transporting children.

If you look at the traffic rules in force in our country, you can find out that you can transport children under 12 years of age in a car if special child restraints installed, selected taking into account the anthropometric characteristics of the child.

The use of special child restraints is mandatory in cases where a child is transported in the front seat of a vehicle. Owners who evade this requirement face a fine of RUR 3,000.

Vehicle Features

If you are a family person, then when choosing a car you should consider those models that can be equipped with a child restraint system.

Therefore, it is best to purchase a car that already has a central lap-shoulder belt. Certain car models allow use a three-point lap-shoulder belt instead of a single lap belt. A more difficult task is equipping the car with a child restraint system. To do this, the machine must have a central rear mounting point.

Regardless of the class of the car, the installation of any car seat is carried out using a three-point seat belt. Installation of seats belonging to groups 0+ (0-13 kg, from birth to 1 year) and 1 (9-18 kg, from 9 months to 4 years) must be done to the seat using the car belt.

To secure small passengers, it is necessary to use the internal belts directly. Car seats belonging to groups 2 (15-25 kg, from 3 to 7 years) and 3 (22-36 kg, from 6 to 12 years), have differences in this regard, since their design does not provide for internal belts. To secure the passenger in the seat, you have to use car seat belts.

There is also another option that allows you to install a car seat. This is an ISOFIX system, which is made in the form of a fastening that allows you to rigidly fix the seat to the vehicle body. With this system the highest level of occupant protection can be ensured. Data from independent crash tests show that this system has no equal in terms of safety for transporting children.

Types of child restraints

In recent decades, the issue of ensuring children's safety on the roads has become particularly acute, so many scientific institutes and organizations around the world pay special attention to this problem. To solve the problem, uniform standards for car seats were introduced.

Currently accepted and approved fourth edition of the ECE 44 04 requirements, which manufacturers are guided by when creating new modifications of child restraint devices. This standard provides for the classification of car seats, which are divided into groups based on the passenger's weight, age and height. It also provides groups divided depending on the type of vehicle used.

Main groups of child restraint devices

Considering that all car seats are different from each other, it is necessary to pay attention to their characteristics when choosing them.

  • "0". This group is also often called the "cradle". Retaining devices associated with it are positioned in the direction opposite to the movement. They must include a seat belt or other option that limits the passenger's movement to within 70 cm in a supine position. These devices apply to passengers under 6 months of age;
  • "0+". This group includes restraint devices that are located in the direction opposite to movement and must include a seat belt. The seat belt used in the design must allow the passenger to move within 80 cm. These devices are used to transport passengers whose age is not more than one year;
  • "1". This group includes child restraints that are located in the direction of travel. They are used to transport children whose age ranges from 9 months to 4 years;
  • "2". This group includes restraint devices that are positioned in the direction of travel. Used to transport passengers whose age is not less than 3 and not more than 7 years;
  • "3". Child restraints belonging to this group are positioned according to the direction of travel. Used to transport passengers whose age is at least 6 and no more than 12 years. As your child gets older, you can remove the backrest of the car seat., as a result of which driving safety is ensured only by one seat, which is called a booster;
  • A special group of child seats are convertible type restraints. They are installed in the opposite direction to movement and are used for transporting newborn children. For passengers who have reached an older age, it is allowed to change the installation position in accordance with the direction of travel.

It is necessary to take into account that child restraint devices that provide an option for installation in the direction opposite to movement can be used for children of different ages. These chairs are suitable for children under 2 years of age. Also, the use of these car seats is advisable for transporting children whose weight is no more than 12 kg. But when a critical weight level is reached, it must be changed to another restraint device that matches the child’s characteristics.

Numerous situations clearly demonstrate that, in most cases, transporting small passengers in the opposite direction to traffic increases their level of protection.

Choosing a child restraint

The main parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a car seat are the anthropometric characteristics of the child, that is, weight, height and age. Therefore, based on these data, it is necessary to select a suitable car seat group.

Sometimes manufacturers offer special types of holding devices that implement the capabilities of several groups, for example, 0+/1 or 2/3. However, you should not agree to such a purchase, since universality will not benefit security. Experts recommend purchasing only highly specialized devices intended for a specific group of children.

  • When choosing a car seat, you must also take crash test data into account. Every child restraint must have information with marking of compliance with the European safety standard ECE R44/04. Moreover, each such device must have a certificate issued in Russia. Therefore, if you want to be sure of the safety of your child, you should choose a car seat with characteristics that meet the requirements of current state standards.
  • When you get acquainted with the car seat, you should carefully inspect it for any visible signs of wear. They can tell you about this torn or discolored straps, broken or cracked plastic or buckle. Car seats that are damaged are unable to provide the declared level of safety.
  • Be sure to find out if the adapters and buckle are in good condition. But first you should read the instructions for use. If it happens that it is not available, then you need to ask the manufacturer to give you a copy.
  • Please be aware that in many developed countries, car seats that have Velcro fasteners are not available for sale, rental or donation.

In order to maintain the safety of a child during transportation at the proper level, you need to pay enough attention to the car seats themselves.

  • If you are transporting a child in a car, you should always be present with him, even if he is fastened in a car seat.
  • It is unacceptable to install seats in vehicles that were involved in an accident. Also prohibited is the transportation of children in car seats, the seller of which cannot tell anything about past experience in using them.
  • To be more confident about the maximum protection of your child, you should choose a car seat taking into account the age, height and weight of the passenger. It is important not only to install them correctly, but also to configure them taking into account the child’s characteristics and make sure they are in good working order. Inspect the belts regularly, as signs of wear and twisting are unacceptable. They should firmly secure the passenger, but not touch the child’s face or neck. Both the adapters and the buckle must be in good working order.
  • When buckling your child in, make sure that the top strap is not too tight. Otherwise, the lap belt will move upward, and then the main child belt will be located on the child’s stomach.
  • You can tell if you have fastened your child correctly by the fact that the belt will be located low on the hips, away from the head and neck. In this case, the buckle will be at or slightly below the hip.
  • Periodically inspect the condition of the restraint device: the belt should always be in the fastened position.
  • Do not use child seat belts if there is a gap in the back of the vehicle seat. If the belts are caught between the seatback parts, they will work less effectively, which will negatively affect the level of protection for the occupant.
  • A child may only be fastened into the central seat belts in conjunction with a child seat belt. In other cases, it can be used to secure a child restraint system.


Child restraints are one of the most effective solutions to the problem of ensuring the safety of children during transportation. But not every car seat can guarantee the proper level of child protection. These devices are now offered in large quantities, and each is designed for children with certain anthropometric parameters. Therefore, they must be taken into account when choosing a child restraint system for a small passenger.

But at the same time, you need to remember that, like any other product, the car seat is also subject to wear and tear, so it is necessary to regularly check its condition, carefully inspect the entire structure and its main elements. Then you will have no reason to worry about the safety of your child.

A restraint device can be understood as either a special car seat or a booster - a stand or frameless chair. The traffic rules also state that the restraint must correspond to the height and weight of the passenger.

According to Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 3, in 2018, a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed for transporting children without special restraint devices.

Are the costs of restraint devices and car seats different?

It is worth saying that a good chair that meets all EU and Customs Union standards can cost from 10 thousand rubles and more.

You can also find cheaper samples, usually made in China. But they will also cost 5000 and above. Boosters for older people will cost less - from 1,500 rubles.

Often drivers want to save even on the safety of their offspring and are looking for even cheaper options. One of them is the FEST child restraint system, produced by the plant of the same name from Kostroma.

Such a miracle device costs 386 or 497 rubles in official stores, depending on the model and size. It would seem that the savings are obvious - why pay 15-20 thousand if you can give 500 rubles. Moreover, FEST is advertised even in the traffic police, not to mention the central channels of television and radio.

We will try to figure out whether FEST is really a universal solution that can protect in the event of an accident.

What is a FEST belt?

As you know, the standard car seat belt is three-point and consists of a lumbar and shoulder section. It is designed for a minimum passenger height of at least 150 centimeters.

If we are talking about children, then under no circumstances should you fasten them with such a belt, since the strap will pass dangerously close to the neck.

FEST is essentially an ordinary adapter.

The adapter fits onto a standard seat belt and moves the strap away from the neck area, closer to the chest.

That is, the idea is quite simple. In addition, when fastened, the adapter takes on a triangular shape and in the event of a frontal collision, the load will be equally distributed over the body.

The Kostroma enterprise produces two main models:

  • with a branded FEST strap (designed for additional girth of the baby’s hips) - designed for a weight of 9-18 kg;
  • without strap - 18-36 kg.

Why is it worth buying?(here are excerpts from the manufacturer’s advertisement):

  • compactness - in comparison with a car seat, they take up significantly less space;
  • versatility - can be used in any car that has seat belts (that is, you don’t need to look for Isofix fasteners and think about how to attach a seat);
  • ease of use - follows from the previous paragraph.

The most important thing that the manufacturer appeals to is reliability and safety.

According to the results of tests carried out at AvtoVAZ, the use of this adapter reduces the risk of death by 50% and the risk of severe injury by 90%.

And of course, we didn’t forget to mention that FEST is much cheaper - for many, this fact is the main incentive to make a purchase.

At what age can you use it and what do the traffic police say?

In principle, the instructions say nothing about age.

The only condition:

correspondence of height and weight, that is, if your baby weighs more than 9 kilograms, and his height has reached 100-110 centimeters, then you can already refuse the car seat and switch to FEST with an additional strap in the hip area.

Isn't it prohibited by the traffic police?

The restraint device or simply the FEST adapter is certified on the territory of the Russian Federation, so it is permitted by the traffic police and employees will not be able to issue any fine if they see that you are fastening your child aged 3 to 12 years with the help of FEST.

And most importantly— there is no specific article in the Road Traffic Rules that would describe what a restraint device should look like. The main thing is that it matches your height and weight.

How to use FEST?

There should be no problems with application. When unfolded, it resembles a trapezoidal overlay with buttons. With these buttons you can adjust the size directly to the parameters of your son or daughter.

The adapter is attached to standard belts at three points using the same buttons or buttons. An additional strap wraps around your baby's hips.

The FEST device is made of soft fabric, so children will not experience any discomfort.

To ensure that it lasts as long as possible, the following actions are prohibited:

  • fasten two or more passengers with one seat belt;
  • expose it to any negative influences - try to tear it, burn it, cut it with scissors;
  • cannot be used in cases where the child is in the arms of adults;
  • fasten them on children whose height has not reached 110 centimeters.

In principle, one glance at this device is enough to understand its operating principle.

Is it worth buying an adapter?

We have talked in more or less detail about this FEST device, but real experts do not recommend its use.

Here are the shortcomings identified by experts:

  • firstly, it does not protect against side impacts;
  • secondly, the baby is not fixed in place, so he constantly slides off the chair;
  • thirdly, it does not protect against the effect of diving under the lumbar strap.

As it says on the packaging, the device has a certificate of conformity ECE R44/03, obtained after successfully passing tests at AvtoVAZ. However, there are less encouraging results from independent tests.

What did the FEST test results show?

First of all, even in a collision at a speed of 60 km/h, the body weight increases, according to the most conservative estimates, by 20-30 times. If the speed is higher, then this value increases even more.

What happens:

  • the child’s feet do not reach the floor, so he ducks under the lumbar belts;
  • the FEST triangular pad keeps him from falling, but all the pressure falls on the stomach, whereas in an adult, all the pressure from the belt straps falls on the sternum and hips;
  • In addition, the head moves forward by inertia and hits the front seats painfully.

Just compare the videos on Youtube that compare the behavior of a dummy in a high-quality car seat and one fastened with an adapter - the difference is noticeable to the naked eye.

Even in an accident at low speeds - 50-60 km/h, the child faces:

  • ruptures of abdominal organs;
  • fractures of ribs and vertebrae;
  • neck and head injuries.

And this is with a frontal impact. With a side injury, the baby is not protected by anything at all.

Thus we come to the conclusion:

The FEST adapter will protect you from traffic police fines for violating the rules for transporting children. If an accident occurs, the consequences can be very dire. Don’t skimp on your health, buy a certified car seat with the European Union quality mark.

A car has long been transformed from a luxury into a means of transportation, because it can be cheaper to use public transport, but your own “wheels” are still more convenient. Of course, a personal car is also susceptible to accidents, but, as they say, your car has its own truth, because here everything depends only on the driver.

The safety of children always comes first: a person can neglect his own life, but he certainly will not risk the health of a child.

To protect children during travel, various safety and restraint devices have been developed, one of which is the seat belt adapter.

Standard belt

The main safety device in modern cars is the seat belt. It is equally effective for both adults and teenagers. However, there is a significant drawback due to the fact that by design it is adjustable for heights of 150 centimeters or more. If the child is shorter, the belt, tightened to the maximum, will be located just under the neck. Firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, it is dangerous.

Parents solve the problem by making the landing higher. Naturally, this is not an ideal option and not the only way out. Currently, this inconvenience has a completely new, one might say revolutionary solution, namely a seat belt adapter.

Child adapter

The name speaks for itself - this device has an adjustment function, that is, it adjusts the seat belt to the child’s parameters.

The advantages of this device are as follows:

  • Perfectly fits both rear and front seats;
  • as easy as possible to use;
  • installation takes less than a minute;
  • use does not require special skills;
  • Suitable for any weight category;
  • convenient and as safe as possible.

Features of use

If you get the impression that this device will be an ideal means of protection paired with a car seat belt, then this is far from the case. There are features and limitations in the use of the device.

Firstly, for children from 3 to 6 years old, it is better to use the adapter only as a useful accessory for (including) or a booster. For a small child seated in a regular seat and wearing a seat belt, the adjuster will not have the necessary safety effect.

Among other things, according to modern traffic rules, you can get a decent fine for using a belt and adapter, and not for the appropriate age category.

Popular models

Today, the choice of adapters is simply stunning, but not all of them are 100% quality and reliable. Below are the most current and popular models from leading companies.


The products of this company are particularly popular due to their low price and ease of use. The adapter is attached to the seat belt and secured to the child's waist or chest. The model is made of particularly durable material, and increased comfort is ensured by soft material and special filler.

According to surveys, this product is a universal option for children from 4 to 12 years old, and is ideal for almost all types of belts: single, cross, with clamps, and so on.

The cost of the specified product 400 rubles.

The model, presented in various colors, is made of high-strength material that does not rub and is easy to wash. To use, just thread the belt and fasten it on the child. Thanks to its shape, the product perfectly holds the child in the seat during strong and unexpected car impacts.

The filling of the device is puff, which prolongs its service life for a long time, and soft, which reduces pressure on the chest. Recommended for use by children over 4 years of age.

The price of such an adapter will be approximately 300 rubles.

This model is good because it is attached to a standard car seat belt, correctly and carefully supporting the baby’s position. The method of attachment (on the chest) allows for even distribution of pressure. The adapter is fixed quite easily, and the belts do not bother the passenger.

The accessory is made of high-strength washable material with a wide range of colors. Recommended for children from 4 to 12 years old.

Cost of the device - 500 rubles.

An adapter from a Russian company that has passed all basic tests and has a 100 percent guarantee of reliability and practicality.

The only inconvenience of the model is that this device is suitable only for single seat belts; cross belts will not fit it.

Product offered at price 490 rubles.

Accessory selection

When choosing a seat belt adapter, be sure to pay attention to:

  • size - don't buy the mini version. Its cost is certainly lower than the universal size, but its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. In addition, when purchasing a small adapter for a small child, do not forget that in a year you will have to purchase another, larger one;
  • the material of the device - it must be strong enough and preferably waterproof, because it will have to be washed and washed often. If the material is of poor quality, the adapter can be thrown away after the first wash;
  • filling - it is best to choose puff filling. Cotton or lumpy materials will quickly bunch up into one lump and the adapter will lose not only its shape, but also its shock-absorbing characteristics of use;
  • company - it is advisable to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Whether to purchase an adapter or not is, of course, a personal matter for the parents, but if you purchase it, it will be a high-quality device that has passed the test. It should be remembered that the belt adapter is much more effective when used with a child seat or booster seat placed in.

In the proposed video, the mother-driver shares her experience and impressions of using the adapter in real life.

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