Rating of world leaders. The best president in the world - the story of an amazing man The coolest president in the world

A president is a person who occupies the main leadership role of a country. Not everyone can maintain the trust and love of the citizens of the people. If someone does succeed, then this president can be called successful, even despite the views of neighboring countries. So which president is more popular among his people? Here is the ranking of world presidents in 2014.

In fifth place in the ranking is Barack Hussein Obama Jr., the President of the United States of America. Before being elected to this position, he was a state senator. In 2012 he was elected for a second term. Until recently, Obama ranked first in the ranking of the most influential people world, but for two years in a row he has been losing this place and taking second place. After the events taking place in Ukraine, the US President has lost the trust of his citizens. According to some reports, only 41% of Americans approved of his actions. Although previously it was supported by more than 60% of the population.

The fourth place is occupied by Dilma Rousseff, the President of Brazil. The first woman in the country who managed to “overthrow” all male representatives and “take the helm.” She has held her position since 2011, but in such a short period of time she has already gained the love and popularity of her citizens. According to public surveys, more than 62% of her compatriots consider her an excellent leader. Every year the percentage of people who are satisfied with their lives increases. For example, in 2006, Brazil took 63rd place in the ranking of the happiest countries, and already in 2012 it was ranked 21st.

Third place goes to the President of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishevich. Today he is the first and so far only president of the republic. He has been elected to his position four times since 1991. Behind last years Nazarbayev’s popularity has become so high that it has begun to spread beyond the borders of Kazakhstan – this is an opinion shared by several leading political scientists in the world. He wrote many scientific articles(“Master’s Prudence”, “The Problem of the Division of Labor”, etc.) and books (Epicenter of the World”, “Kazakhstan’s Way”, “Kremlin Deadlock”, etc.). Nazarbayev also has several awards, ranks and titles.

The second place is occupied by the President of the Republic of Belarus - Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko. For 20 years now he has been very popular among the citizens of his country. He has held his position since 1994 - the people elected him 4 times in a row, leaving no chance for others. Lukashenko was awarded several types of state (Order of the Revolution, Order of the Liberator, Order of Alexander Nevsky, etc.), confessional (Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, chain of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher) and other awards (honorary citizen of Caracas, Yerevan; Ig Nobel Prize laureate).

First place in 2014 was taken by judo master and leader of Russia - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This year, he signed a contract for the construction of a multimillion-dollar gas pipeline with China and managed to return the Crimea peninsula to Russia, which played a major role in increasing his rating among ordinary people. After this event, Putin's rating rose to 80%, which had not been observed before. He was one of the first to fight corruption; during his reign, the population increased significantly, the number of deaths decreased and the birth rate increased. Even according to the results of the ranking of the most influential people in the world, which is conducted every year by FORBES, in 2014 Putin is in first place, dropping his main competitor in this niche, US President Barack Obama, to second place.

The rating of presidents is, of course, a very subjective list, which is compiled by sociologists and political scientists in almost every major country. But still, it reflects the main trends in such a volatile environment. Disputes often arise on the basis of which such a rating should be compiled. American presidents, for example, are always judged by poll results. One of the objective criteria is the level wages. The list presented to you estimates the income of heads of state in 2016.

Francois Hollande

Now the ex-leader of France found himself in 8th place in the ranking of presidents at the end of last year. He headed one of the largest European countries for 5 years, since 2012.

During his reign, he did a lot to remain in the memory of the people. For example, he approved the bill on same-sex marriage. In addition, he took another step demonstrating European tolerance: he allowed same-sex partners to adopt children. It is worth noting that expanding the rights of sexual minorities was one of the main points of the election program of Hollande and his party supporters. In this they kept their word.

True, not all French agreed with this policy. Due to the legalization of same-sex marriage, numerous protests and demonstrations took place across the country. This was especially disliked by the right-wing parties that found themselves in opposition and the Catholic Church.

In the ranking of presidents, the position of the head of France is usually much lower, but by the end of his term Hollande had become an extremely unpopular politician in his homeland. His trust rating has fallen to a record 12%, making him one of the most unpopular French presidents ever. In addition, last year parliament threatened him with impeachment, suspecting him of revealing state secrets.

Hollande's salary is $194,000.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Turkish leader has led the country since 2014. The election he won was the first direct democratic vote in this country. 2016 was not an easy year for Erdogan. In the summer, part of the military elite tried to carry out a coup d'etat, which was suppressed. After this, Turkey began to tighten laws against the opposition and strengthen presidential power, which was assessed negatively by many partner countries.

The coup attempt was very bloody. The mutiny killed 238 people. Erdogan himself barely escaped capture. He left the hotel shortly before it was stormed.

Erdogan seeks to strengthen his power on all fronts. So, at the moment, 26,000 people are accused of involvement in the coup. Many of them are in prison, the rest have lost their jobs, as a rule, they are law enforcement officers.

At the moment, the country has launched a campaign to return the death penalty to the criminal code.

The president's salary is $197,000.

Shinzo Abe

His annual income is $203,000. He has led the country since 2006. In this post, Abe will be remembered as a politician who began to pursue a peculiar economic policy. He managed to revive the economy, which had been stricken by stagnation and deflation for the previous two decades.

One of the methods was the artificial devaluation of the yen by doubling the money supply. This method is not new; leaders of other countries have used it many times. On the one hand, it can be very effective, on the other, it can provoke international currency wars, which is what critics of the Japanese prime minister fear.

Theresa May

British Prime Minister Theresa May closes the top five. She receives $215,000.

For her, 2016 was also a defining year in many ways. A national referendum was held in Great Britain, in which the majority of British people were in favor of leaving the European Union. May supported the previous British prime minister and was opposed to separation from Europe.

However, Eurosceptics won the vote. Cameron resigned and May took his place. A lot is expected of her. First of all, a smooth exit of the country from the eurozone, which will take more than one year. It should also be noted that May became only the second woman in British history to hold this post.

Russian President

It is impossible not to mention the Russian head of state in this list. Although he ended up in 9th place, receiving $136,000 a year.

But in the ranking of Russian presidents, Vladimir Putin is certainly in the lead. And according to surveys of authoritative publications, he has repeatedly been among the most authoritative people on the planet. For several years now.

At the moment, Putin holds the presidency for the third time. His last term was currently marked by serious steps in foreign and domestic policy. In particular, the Crimea peninsula was included in the country, after which a number of foreign countries introduced strict economic sanctions against Russia. In response, Putin decided to impose counter-sanctions, banning the import of food from states that wished to impose sanctions.

Jacob Zuma

Such high earnings allowed him to take a very high place in this ranking of world presidents. In South Africa, the head of state is not elected by members of parliament. Zuma received the support of MPs in 2009. Since then he has been in office for the second term. His government pays great attention economic development and infrastructure construction.

Angela Merkel

She has served as Chancellor of Germany since 2005. During this time, she managed to become one of the most authoritative politicians in the European Union.

Justin Trudeau

He headed the state in 2015. He pays great attention to the equality of women. Thus, in his cabinet of ministers there are exactly 15 men and women. In addition, the most popular nationalities living in Canada are represented.

Rating leader

The first place on this list at the end of 2016 was taken by American President Barack Obama. He receives $400,000.

At the same time, he occupies a very low position in the ranking of US presidents throughout his history. Many of his decisions were repeatedly criticized and challenged. Thus, in the ranking of US presidents throughout history, Obama is only in 12th place. The leader, by the way, is Abraham Likoln. Obama, who began by winning the Nobel Peace Prize at the very beginning of his term, then disappointed many with his aggressive foreign policy.

That's why he ranks so low in the ranking of American presidents. Americans value stability and self-confidence first of all. Obama failed to decide main problem, which stood before him - to defeat Islamic terrorism.

At the same time, there were many positive things in his work. That is why in the ranking of US presidents, the list of which in recent years is known to everyone, he surpassed both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

It is worth noting that the current US President, billionaire Donald Trump, will no longer be able to top this list. He stated that he would work for a symbolic payment of $1.

José Alberto Mujica Cordano (Spanish José Alberto Mujica Cordano; also known as El Pepe, Spanish El Pepe; born May 20, 1935, Montevideo) is a Uruguayan politician, the 40th President of Uruguay (from 2010 to 2015).

Was a member of the radical left partisan movement Tupamaros was captured and spent 14 years in military prisons. From 2005 to 2008 he was the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay, then a senator. Broad Front candidate in the 2009 presidential election. In the second round of elections on November 29, he defeated his main competitor and was elected president of Uruguay. On March 1, 2010, he officially took office.

During his reign, all key energy and telecommunications industries were nationalized, and the state invested heavily in national projects. The country's government began to strictly control prices for essential goods, as well as provide universal free education, providing every student with an inexpensive computer.

During his reign, he managed to transform a poor agricultural country into an energy-exporting state, significantly boost the economy (since 2005, it has grown by an average of 5.7% annually), significantly reduce the national debt and reduce the poverty level. One of Latin America's most progressive leaders, Mujica earned the respect of politicians in many countries for living within his means, rejecting luxury and remaining close to his people, legalizing marijuana, abortion and same-sex marriage. All this allowed Uruguay to earn the title of the most liberal South American state.

Having won the presidential elections in November 2014, on March 1, 2015, Tabare Vazquez (Spanish: Tabare Ramon Vаzquez Rosas) replaced Jose Mujica, who left his high post and retired. However, the political career of the “most popular president” is not over. According to the results of the Senate elections, he received the largest number of votes and returned to parliament again. It is possible that Jose Mujica will replace Vazquez again in 2019.

In 2005, Mujica married Lucia Topolanski, a Senate colleague and historical leader of the Popular Participation Movement.

Mujica was called "el presidente más pobre" - "the poorest president." Mujica donated almost his entire presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world. Of the $12,500 the president received each month, he kept only $1,250 for himself. “This money is quite enough for me,” Mujica assures, “it should be enough, because the incomes of many Uruguayans are much lower.”

The president's wife, a senator, also donates a portion of her income. The couple live in a rural house on a farm in Montevideo. The president carries water for the household himself from a well in the yard. Mujica's largest personal purchase during his presidency was a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle, costing $1,945. Mujica has no bank accounts or debts. His greatest pleasure comes from communicating with his dog named Manuela.

We invite you to watch a very interesting interview with Mujica:

How many of us are ready to think and live like this?

Let us remember the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who throughout his life also led an ascetic lifestyle and was content with what he had.

May the Almighty help us not to waste and live, aware of the needs and concerns of those around us, striving to help them too!


According to the French publication Les Echos, we have compiled the top 10 highest-paid presidents in the world. The rating included the most influential politicians from all over the world for 2016. Information regarding one basic income is officially confirmed. Other sources are not taken into account. Moreover, the top 10 list included political figures who did not reach the presidency, but won elections more than once, and, despite certain circumstances, could take this post.

The formal heads of individual states, it must be said, had no less than full-fledged presidents. Prime ministers came here different countries Europe and beyond. Each of them spent enough time at the head of the country to get into our equally important and significant ranking. Let's sum up the results and decide which of the presidents of different countries has the most money annually.

10. President of Italy

Here is the most “budget” president we will talk about today. He opens the top 10 and we learn some interesting news about him. Matteo Renzi - he proclaimed new era, in which government administrative costs have decreased. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​issuing salaries to Italian officials through his personal account in order to independently control the “output and turnover” of funds. This kind of mafia of the Italian political scientist benefited everyone. People even began to respect their president.

But later it turned out that for a salary of 125 thousand dollars a year, the president flew on a private plane to a ski resort, then returned on his own ferry to the nearest port, and then landed in neighboring hot countries, continuing to celebrate New Year 2015. According to the calculations of the “yellow press”, which this time published the most truthful and open report on costs, they said that the plane costs from 200 thousand dollars, the trip is at least 3 times more, and the vacation itself includes accommodation. As a result, it took 3-4 years to save for such a trip, but since 2014, being in hot countries, it is unlikely that the president would have been able to save such a large sum.

9. President of Russia

Vladimir Putin, the coolest and coolest president in Russian Federation. He is loved both in the east and in the west (some). He ascended to the presidency in May 2012, and two more times after that. In general, having been the head of the Russian Federation three times, and remaining so to this day, he lives on a modest salary of 136 thousand dollars a year. During the third period, he returned Crimea to Russia, and many are happy about it.

We ourselves have noticed that recently Vladimir Putin has been helping neighboring countries in the fight against terrorists, taking blows from countries in every possible way former USSR, we constantly carry out reforms to improve the quality of life for people. But if you compare him with his neighbors from Belarus, then Putin can be called a bit of a “crook,” because a person cannot work 11 hours a day without violating the laws of his own country. And his serious voice does not inspire confidence, as jokes slip through. Lukashenko is not on them!

8. President of France

Francois Hollande receives 194 thousand dollars a year, and this is too much for him, as the president of the country says. If he really wants to, let him follow Trump, who now works for $1 a year. In mid-2012, he ascended to the post of head of the country, and already in 2013 he became known for his legal actions on the territory of 30% of the earth (as shown by official statistics). Probably, thanks to cartoonists and artists of the satirical genre, he was glorified, otherwise how to explain the fact that the residents of Paris in a social survey could not name his name.

By the end of that year, the French president had become the most hated official among all politicians in the country. In the entire history of France, he did nothing significant for the prosperity of the country, to raise the trust rating, nothing for the people or foreigners who moved and worked for the benefit of the state. Local authorities also refused to stand up for the president if he was early removed from his post and position.

7. President of Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan became president after winning the first elections, with more than 90% of the country's residents voting for him. From 2014 to 2016, he did a lot for his country. Türkiye and its military forces even tried to carry out a military coup and tried to improve relations with Russia and Europe. Since this country is considered poor and developing, it was helped by neighboring countries where there is at least some kind of economy. The case with the ban on the import of products to Russia and the cancellation of flights there (most of the tourists), an economic recession occurred in Turkey.

Then the president decided that for a salary of 197 thousand dollars he could not influence international economic relations. All the sanctions imposed against other countries backfired on the president. After the putsch was suppressed, the president decided to reintroduce the death penalty into law, but the country's residents did not support this step. The European Union was also against it, which gave rise to conflicts against the backdrop of legitimate methods of fighting “evil.” The visa regime was not abolished, and this provoked a conflict with many EU countries, because people also somehow need to get to the sea if the bulk of tourists are no longer Russian.

6. President of Japan

Shinzo Abe is the President of Japan, the land of the rising sun. As head of state, Shinzo received 203 thousand dollars a year. Since receiving the presidency, he began to pursue dubious economic policies, which he himself called “Abenomics.” The people were against such manipulations, but the president managed to form economic ties with neighboring countries. As a result, deflation was revived, the efficiency of many enterprises increased, and the standard of living increased relative to the salaries received.

A year after his reign, the president managed to “raise” the country’s economy by 56%, which played an important role in the formation of ties at the international level. Japan had strict monopoly laws, and after revising several articles, young entrepreneurs were able to start their own businesses. Payments for children born during the presidential reign were also increased. Such changes were already popular with the people, but in a short period of time Abe could only do so much.

5. Prime Minister of Great Britain

Theresa May received $215,000 annually for just holding the post of Prime Minister. In the entire history of England, this is the second woman politician and head of administration who managed to become a leader. She joined the company in 2016 and expressed her consent to the country’s exit from the Eurozone, which made many residents happy. This move would benefit all residents, since Great Britain needs to establish ties with Russia alone, without depending on the European Union.

She was the main and main opponent of Brexit, and for this Prime Minister David Cameron hated her. Having lost the referendum, she began to put forward her candidacy for the post of governor of the Conservative Party in order to prove to everyone that the European Union and all Eurosceptics are pursuing their goals in achieving a peace agreement with England. This is the richest country, with world history, and there is no place for strangers and Europeans. After that, she won, becoming a British minister, and in the EU she was called a corrupt woman. Whether this is true or not, we see how she fights for the country’s freedom from EU sanctions against England’s allies.

4. President of South Africa

Jacob Zuma is South Africa's most beloved president. In a country where there is no influx of tourists, you have to survive on your own. Therefore, Jacob Zuma decided to engage in agricultural and architectural affairs - increasing the economy within the country, creating new jobs. There is enough money for everyone, and he, as president, can provide paid work and decorate the cities. Nobody needs construction, but if they pay well for it, why not become a builder.

The president decided to kill two birds with one stone for a salary of 223 thousand dollars a year. People who will build will receive one level of salary, and their relatives who will then work in shopping centers, in factories, will receive a second degree of salary, as for more dangerous work. Thus, factories will be able to produce goods for export, and people in the country will receive jobs and salaries. And it’s all simple - why not eliminate unemployment in these ways, because every state has its own “stash”.

3. Chancellor of Germany

Angela Merkel ascended to the post of Chancellor of Germany in 2005, and receives $224 thousand annually. IN Lately She is the talk of virtually every media outlet in the world and has become known for pursuing an open border policy that has brought hundreds of thousands of migrants into the country. Everyone probably knows how such gestures of goodwill ended. The population remained dissatisfied, and the victims were not paid even half of the promised amount of money. Hundreds of raped girls and minors have filed a lawsuit against the German Chancellor to remove her from her post.

Angela Merkel herself did not understand until the last moment what she had done. Probably, if such horror had affected the chancellor’s family, she would have taken action without hesitation. The popularity of her and the Christian Democratic Party waned. Even church leaders accused her of using churches and the name of her faith to attract people in the country to vote for her and support her in different situations. Today she is the most unclaimed female chancellor in the entire existence of Germany.

2. Prime Minister of Canada

Justin Trudeau has become the country's most famous prime minister. Receiving $260 thousand annually, he headed several factories producing children's clothing. He was also immediately appointed head of international affairs and youth affairs. Since 2015, he has founded the main cabinet of his party, and has become the most respected politician in the country, as he worked to formulate a gender-balanced government in Canadian history. He recruited both women and men for the campaign. In total, he has 15 people under his command who work for the good of the country.

The ethnic diversity in his campaign confused all residents, but after he was able to introduce new jobs for migrants and establish external economic ties, the questions disappeared by themselves. Many native residents began to receive double benefits, and migrants began to legally receive open salaries, from which taxes had already been deducted. Canada ranked 4th in unemployment, at the bottom of the list. Thanks to such actions, the country began to live better, exports and imports work, the people are happy.

1. US President

Barack Obama, when he was still president, received $400 thousand annually for his so-called work. Being the 44th president, and also a black man, he was immediately recognized as the favorite head of the country. He didn’t do anything special during his reign, but half of the population who fought for rights considered him one of “their own.” He even received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, and party members admired his lively speeches at speeches. He is remembered as a person who constantly tried to strengthen diplomatic ties with neighboring states.

His reign, of course, had its drawbacks and incidents, which are unlikely to ever be forgotten. But for such a salary it would be possible to solve the country’s problems better, not to advise others on how to live, but to deal with unemployment and fight criminals, create laws for those who do not know how and are not used to working 2 jobs. The Obama follower decided that he didn’t need a salary. Let's hope that Trump will still send money to people in need, or give his salary to a charity foundation.

Here are our top 10 highly paid presidents of the world, the winner is the head of the United States. We hope that later the places on the list will change, and our beloved rulers will receive more money, who have actually been serving the people for several years. And we say goodbye to you until we meet again.

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10. Sebastian Pinera, President of Chile ($2.4 billion)

Foreign bloggers attribute to the President of Chile a local TV channel, 27% of LAN Airlines and some responsibility for the use of credit cards in Chile. Thus, Sebastian occupies tenth place in the world ranking with an amount of 2.3 billion dollars.

9. Mohammed VI, King of Morocco ($2.5 billion)

One of the richest people in Africa, a shareholder of the ONA Group, as well as an “entrepreneur” in the mining industry, Mohammed VI ranks 9th in the ranking with an amount of $2.5 billion.

8. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar ($2.5 billion)

Like his father and many other family roots stretching deep into history, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani has been the Emir of Qatar since 1995. He was involved in the founding of the Al Jazeera news channel, and foreign bloggers have highlighted his interest in famous football clubs after he tried to buy Rangers and Manchester United. The eighth place in the ranking went to the owner of a fortune of $2.5 billion.

7. Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein ($4 billion)

One of the richest men in Europe, the Prince of Liechtenstein is the owner of the LGT banking group. Since 2004, he transferred powers to his son; the total fortune of the monarchical family is estimated at $7,600,000,000. In the presented rating, Hans-Adam II occupies 7th place.

6. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Emir of Dubai ($4 billion)

Major shareholder of Dubai Holding, owner of the second largest yacht in the world, Emir of Dubai since January 2006. His wives are from royal families, his daughters are married to the richest sheikhs and the total wealth of the family, including his three brothers, is estimated at 44 billion dollars. 6th place in the ranking and $6 billion.

UPDATE 04/20/2019, 18:23: The photo is not Muhamad bin Rashid (Emir of Dubai). Perhaps this is his son, but definitely not the Emir himself. Posted by Orbit Network user.

5. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE ($15 billion)

President of the UAE and owner of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (UPDATE 04/20/2019, 18:21 The company name has been corrected, submitted by Orbit Network user.). The total fortune of his family is estimated at an impressive 150 billion dollars, fifth position in the ranking and $15 billion.

4. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King Saudi Arabia($18 billion)

Saudi Arabia provides 18% of the world's oil production and this gives the King third place in the world ranking of the richest and 4th on the list. His fortune is estimated at 18 billion dollars.

3. Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei ($20 billion)

He has already divorced twice, but he has a large family - 7 daughters, 5 sons and 10 grandchildren. The Sultan's fortune is also not small - $20 billion and 3rd place in the foreign ranking of the richest presidents.

2. Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand ($30 billion)

Has ruled Thailand since 1946, which is considered the longest reign. One of the richest royal representatives has a fortune of $30 billion.

1. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia ($40 billion)

Foreign bloggers confidently gave first place to Vladimir Putin, estimating the leading position at $40 billion. There is no confirmation of this figure and where it came from is also unknown. Moreover, the authors of the article do not indicate the type of entrepreneurial activity of the president, unlike the previous participants in the rating, to whom they attribute the ownership of television channels, large holdings and football clubs.

Foreign bloggers mentioned assets in Surgutneftegaz and Gazprom. It is difficult to imagine how one can bypass the owners of the largest holdings by having assets when Gazprom is 50.002% owned by the state, and the number of Surgutneftegaz shareholders is 43,523 people. In any case, congratulations to our President for taking first place, even in an unreliable ranking!

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