Steel grinding balls for ball mills. Technical conditions State standard of the USSR

GOST 7524-89




Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to rolled, forged, stamped steel grinding balls used for grinding ores, coal, clinker and other materials in ball mills.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of the requirements of paragraphs. and which are recommended.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. Balls are divided into groups according to hardness:

1 - normal hardness general purpose;

2 - increased hardness for general purpose;

3 - high hardness for grinding ferrous metal ores;

4 - especially high hardness for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

1.2. Dimensions, maximum deviations for them, calculated nominal volumes and mass of balls must correspond to table. .

Table 1

Dimensions in mm

Nominal diameter

Prev. off by nominal diameter

Estimated nominal volume, cm 3

Estimated nominal weight, kg








































1. Deviations from the geometric shape of the ball must not exceed the maximum deviations for the nominal diameter.

2. The volume and mass of the ball are calculated from the nominal diameter at a steel density of 7.85 g/cm 3 .

3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to standardize the upper limit of ball hardness.

Example of a symbol ball with a diameter of 80 mm of increased hardness (2):

2.2.5. The hardness of the balls must correspond to the standards specified in the table. .

Table 2

Hardness HRC 3 (NV), no less, for groups

on the surface of the ball

at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball
















1. Group 4 balls are designed for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

2. The hardness standard at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is optional until 01/01/92.

2.2.6. No defects are allowed on the surface of the balls that would take the dimensions of the balls beyond the maximum deviations.

Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

Balls with a diameter of up to 30 mm inclusive, and at the request of the consumer St. 30 mm, packed in boxes or specialized containers. The boxes are formed into transport packages. Package parameters - according to GOST 24597. Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Balls are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of balls of the same size, one group and must be issued with one quality document containing:

Name and trademark manufacturer;

Batch number;

Stamp of the technical control department;

Hardness test results;

Symbol balls.

The batch weight should be no more than 150 tons.

3.2. To check the size, quality and surface hardness of the balls, 10 balls are selected from at least five different places in the lot.

If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated control is carried out on it on a double number of balls taken from the same batch. The results of re-inspection are applied to the entire batch.

3.3. To control the hardness of balls of group 4 at a depth of 1/2 radius, three balls out of three are selected various places every twentieth batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one ball, a repeat test is carried out on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained from repeated periodic tests, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained on two batches in a row.

3.4. No more than 10% of the balls selected for control are allowed that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size and surface quality.


4.2.1. The hardness on the surface of the ball is determined on two diametrically opposite areas.

The fourth measurement is carried out in the central part of the specified triangle. The result of this measurement is recorded in the test report.

4.2.4. When determining Brinell hardness, one measurement is taken at each site; the result is recorded in the test report.

4.2.5. Hardness is taken based on the average measurement value for all control balls.

4.3. Carbon equivalent of steel C e as a percentage, calculated by the formula




Date of introduction 01/01/90

This standard applies to rolled, forged, stamped steel grinding balls used for grinding ores, coal, clinker and other materials in ball mills.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of the requirements of paragraphs. 2.4 and 5.1, which are recommended.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. Balls are divided into groups according to hardness:

1 - normal hardness for general purpose;

2 - increased hardness for general purpose;

3 - high hardness for grinding ferrous metal ores;

4 - especially high hardness for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

1.2. Dimensions, maximum deviations for them, calculated nominal volumes and mass of balls must correspond to table. 1.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm

Nominal diameter

Nominal diameter

Prev. off by nominal diameter

Estimated nominal volume, cm 3

Estimated nominal weight, kg


1. Deviations from the geometric shape of the ball must not exceed the maximum deviations for the nominal diameter.

2. The volume and mass of the ball are calculated from the nominal diameter at a steel density of 7.85 g/cm 3 .

3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to standardize the upper limit of ball hardness.

An example of a symbol for a ball with a diameter of 80 mm of increased hardness (2):


2.1. Balls are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Balls of groups 1 and 2 are made of carbon, low-alloy and alloy structural steel.

2.2.2. The mass fraction of carbon in carbon steel must be no less than:

2.2.3. The carbon equivalent of low-alloy and alloy structural steel must be no less than:

2.2.4. Balls of group 3 are made from steel grades in accordance with GOST 24182 *, group 4 - from tool alloy steel types X and KhGS in accordance with GOST 5950. It is allowed to manufacture balls from steel of other grades in accordance with GOST 5950, provided that the required hardness is ensured.

* In the territory Russian Federation GOST R 51685-2000 is valid.

2.2.5. The hardness of the balls must correspond to the standards specified in the table. 2.

table 2

Nominal diameter of the ball, mm

Hardness HRC 3 (HB), no less, for groups

on the surface of the ball

at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball


1. Group 4 balls are designed for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

2. The hardness standard at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is optional until 01/01/92.

2.2.6. No defects are allowed on the surface of the balls that would take the dimensions of the balls beyond the maximum deviations.

2.3. Marking

Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

2.4. Package

Balls with a diameter of up to 30 mm inclusive, and at the request of the consumer St. 30 mm, packed in boxes or specialized containers. The boxes are formed into transport packages. Package parameters - according to GOST 24597. Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Balls are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of balls of the same size, one group and must be issued with one quality document containing:

Name and trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Stamp of the technical control department;

Hardness test results;

Symbol of balls.

The batch weight should be no more than 150 tons.

3.2. To check the size, quality and surface hardness of the balls, 10 balls are selected from at least five different places in the lot.

If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated control is carried out on it on a double number of balls taken from the same batch. The results of re-inspection are applied to the entire batch.

3.3. To control the hardness of group 4 balls at a depth of 1/2 radius, three balls are selected from three different places of every twentieth batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one ball, a repeat test is carried out on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained from repeated periodic tests, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained on two batches in a row.

3.4. No more than 10% of the balls selected for control are allowed that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size and surface quality.


4.1. The dimensions of the balls are checked with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 or another tool that provides the necessary accuracy.

4.2. The hardness of the balls is measured using the Rockwell method (GOST 9013) or Brinell method (GOST 9012).

4.2.1. The hardness on the surface of the ball is determined on two diametrically opposite areas.

4.2.2. Hardness at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is determined on one site on a flat surface prepared in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9013 and GOST 9012 by removing the metal of the ball to the required depth.

4.2.3. When determining Rockwell hardness, four measurements are taken at each site.

The first three measurements are carried out at the vertices of an imaginary equilateral triangle with a side length of 6-8 mm. These measurements are for testing only. Their result is not recorded in the test report.

The fourth measurement is carried out in the central part of the specified triangle. The result of this measurement is recorded in the test report.

4.2.4. When determining Brinell hardness, one measurement is taken at each site; the result is recorded in the test report.

4.2.5. Hardness is taken based on the average measurement value for all control balls.

4.3. Carbon equivalent of steel C e as a percentage, calculated by the formula

where C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, V are the mass fractions of carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium, %.

4.4. The quality of the surface of the balls is checked visually, without the use of magnifying devices.

4.5. It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive methods for quality control of balls according to methods approved in the prescribed manner.


5.1. Balloons are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. Placement and securing of goods transported by railway, must comply with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

Steel grinding balls for ball mills, GOST 7524-89

Mining engineering. GOST 7524-89 - Steel grinding balls for ball mills. Specifications. OKS: Mining and minerals, Mineral processing equipment. GOST standards. Steel grinding balls for ball mills. .... class=text>

GOST 7524-89

Steel grinding balls for ball mills. Specifications

GOST 7524-89
Group G41


Grinding steel balls for ball mills. Specifications

MKS 73.120
OKP 11 7200

Date of introduction 1990-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 01.02.89 N 148

3. INSTEAD GOST 7524-83


Item number

GOST 166-89

GOST 5950-2000

GOST 9012-59

GOST 9013-59

GOST 14192-96

GOST 15846-2002

GOST 21650-76

GOST 24182-80

GOST 24597-81

5. The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart Decree dated 05.08.92 N 885

6. EDITION (September 2009) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1989, August 1992 (IUS 4-90, 11-92)

This standard applies to rolled, forged, stamped steel grinding balls used for grinding ores, coal, clinker and other materials in ball mills.
The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of the requirements of paragraphs 2.4 and 5.1, which are recommended.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. Balls are divided into groups according to hardness:

1 - normal hardness for general purpose;

2 - increased hardness for general purpose;

3 - high hardness for grinding ferrous metal ores;

4 - especially high hardness for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

1.2. Dimensions, maximum deviations for them, calculated nominal volumes and mass of balls must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm


Nominal diameter

Prev. off by nominal diameter

Estimated nominal volume, cm

Estimated nominal weight, kg


1. Deviations from the geometric shape of the ball must not exceed the maximum deviations for the nominal diameter.

2. The volume and mass of the ball are calculated from the nominal diameter with a steel density of 7.85 g/cm.

3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to standardize the upper limit of ball hardness.

An example of a symbol for a ball with a diameter of 80 mm of increased hardness (2):

Ball 80-2 GOST 7524-89


2.1. Balls are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Balls of groups 1 and 2 are made of carbon, low-alloy and alloy structural steel.

2.2.2. The mass fraction of carbon in carbon steel must be no less than:

2.2.3. The carbon equivalent of low-alloy and alloy structural steel must be no less than:

2.2.4. Balls of group 3 are made from steel grades in accordance with GOST 24182*, group 4 - from tool alloy steel of types X and KhGS in accordance with GOST 5950. It is allowed to manufacture balls from steel of other grades in accordance with GOST 5950, provided that the required hardness is ensured.
* GOST R 51685-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.2.5. The hardness of the balls must correspond to the standards specified in the table. 2.

table 2

Nominal diameter of the ball, mm

Hardness (HB), not less, for groups

on the surface of the ball

at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball


1. Group 4 balls are designed for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

2. The hardness standard at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is optional until 01/01/92.

2.2.6. No defects are allowed on the surface of the balls that would take the dimensions of the balls beyond the maximum deviations.

2.3. Marking
Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

2.4. Package
Balls with a diameter of up to 30 mm inclusive, and at the request of the consumer St. 30 mm, packed in boxes or specialized containers.
The boxes are formed into transport packages.
Package parameters - according to GOST 24597.
Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Balls are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of balls of the same size, one group and must be issued with one quality document containing:
- name and trademark of the manufacturer;
- batch number;
- stamp of the technical control department;
- hardness test results;
- symbol of balls.
The batch weight should be no more than 150 tons.

3.2. To check the size, quality and surface hardness of the balls, 10 balls are selected from at least five different places in the lot.
If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated control is carried out on it on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.
The results of re-inspection are applied to the entire batch.

3.3. To control the hardness of group 4 balls at a depth of 1/2 radius, three balls are selected from three different places of every twentieth batch.
If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one ball, a repeat test is carried out on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.
If unsatisfactory results of repeated periodic tests are obtained, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained on two batches in a row.

3.4. No more than 10% of the balls selected for control are allowed that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size and surface quality.


4.1. The dimensions of the balls are checked with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 or another tool that provides the necessary accuracy.

4.2. The hardness of the balls is measured using the Rockwell method (GOST 9013) or Brinell method (GOST 9012).

4.2.1. The hardness on the surface of the ball is determined on two diametrically opposite areas.

4.2.2. Hardness at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is determined on one site on a flat surface prepared in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9013 and GOST 9012 by removing the metal of the ball to the required depth.

4.2.3. When determining Rockwell hardness, four measurements are taken at each site.
The first three measurements are carried out at the vertices of an imaginary equilateral triangle with a side length of 6-8 mm. These measurements are for testing only. Their result is not recorded in the test report.
The fourth measurement is carried out in the central part of the specified triangle. The result of this measurement is recorded in the test report.

4.2.4. When determining Brinell hardness, one measurement is taken at each site; the result is recorded in the test report.

4.2.5. Hardness is taken based on the average measurement value for all control balls.

4.3. Carbon equivalent of steel in percent, calculated by the formula

where , , , , , , are mass fractions of carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium, %

4.4. The quality of the surface of the balls is checked visually, without the use of magnifying devices.

4.5. It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive methods for quality control of balls according to methods approved in the prescribed manner.


5.1. Balloons are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. The placement and securing of cargo transported by rail must comply with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo approved by the Ministry of Railways.
The balls are transported on open rolling stock. At the request of the consumer, the balls are transported in covered wagons and cars with a covered body.
Transportation by rail is carried out by wagonload and small shipments.
Packaging, marking and transportation of balloons to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

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Grinding steel balls for ball mills.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


S.I.Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.I. Baguzin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.K. Soleny, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.L. Kostrynin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.F.Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; E.I. Feldman, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Zh.M. Roeva, Ph.D. economy sciences; L.D. Longus

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 01.02.89 N 148

3. INSTEAD GOST 7524-83


Designation of the referenced technical document Item number
GOST 166-89 4.1
GOST 5950-73 2.2.4
GOST 9012-59 4.2, 4.2.2
GOST 9013-59 4.2, 4.2.2
GOST 14192-96 2.3
GOST 15846-79 5.1
GOST 21650-76 2.4
GOST 24182-80 2.2.4
GOST 24597-81 2.4

5. The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart Decree dated 05.08.92 N 885

6. REISSUE with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1989, August 1992 (IUS 4-90, 11-92)

This standard applies to rolled, forged, stamped steel grinding balls used for grinding ores, coal, clinker and other materials in ball mills.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of the requirements of paragraphs 2.4 and 5.1, which are recommended.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. Balls are divided into groups according to hardness:

1 - normal hardness for general purpose;

2 - increased hardness for general purpose;

3 - high hardness for grinding ferrous metal ores;

4 - especially high hardness for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

1.2. Dimensions, maximum deviations for them, calculated nominal volumes and mass of balls must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm


Nominal diameter Prev. off by nominal diameter

Estimated nominal volume,

Estimated nominal weight, kg
15 15,0 ±1.0 1,76 0,014
20 20,0 4,18 0,033
25 25,0 8,18 0,064
30 31,5 ±2.0 16,4 0,128
40 41,5 37,4 0,294
50 52,0 ±3.0 74 0,58
60 62,0 125 0,98
70 73,0 204 1,60
80 83,0 299 2,35
90 94,0 ±4.0 435 3,41
100 104,0 589 4,62
110 114,0 776 6,09
120 125,0 ±5.0 1023 8,03
1. Deviations from the geometric shape of the ball must not exceed the maximum deviations for the nominal diameter.
2. The volume and mass of the ball are calculated from the nominal diameter with a steel density of 7.85 g/cm.
3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to standardize the upper limit of ball hardness.

An example of a symbol for a ball with a diameter of 80 mm of increased hardness (2):

Ball 80-2 GOST 7524-89


2.1. Balls are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Characteristics

2.2.1. Balls of groups 1 and 2 are made of carbon, low-alloy and alloy structural steel.

2.2.2. The mass fraction of carbon in carbon steel must be no less than:

2.2.3. The carbon equivalent of low-alloy and alloy structural steel must be no less than:

2.2.4. Balls of group 3 are made from steel grades in accordance with GOST 24182, group 4 - from tool alloy steel of types X and KhGS in accordance with GOST 5950. It is allowed to manufacture balls from steel of other grades in accordance with GOST 5950, provided that the required hardness is ensured.

2.2.5. The hardness of the balls must correspond to the standards specified in the table. 2.

table 2

Nominal diameter of the ball, mm Hardness (HB), not less, for groups
1 2 3 4
on the surface of the ball at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball
15-70 43(401) 49(461) 55(534) 55(534) 45(415)
80-100 40(352) 42(375) 52(495) - -
110-120 35(302) 38(331) 50(477)
1. Group 4 balls are designed for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.
2. The hardness standard at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is optional until 01/01/92.

2.2.6. No defects are allowed on the surface of the balls that would take the dimensions of the balls beyond the maximum deviations.

2.3. Marking

Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

2.4. Package

Balls with a diameter of up to 30 mm inclusive, and at the request of the consumer St. 30 mm, packed in boxes or specialized containers.

The boxes are formed into transport packages.

Package parameters - according to GOST 24597.

Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Balls are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of balls of the same size, one group and must be issued with one quality document containing:

Name and trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Stamp of the technical control department;

Hardness test results;

Symbol of balls.

The batch weight should be no more than 150 tons.

3.2. To check the size, quality and surface hardness of the balls, 10 balls are selected from at least five different places in the lot.

If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated control is carried out on it on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.

The results of re-inspection are applied to the entire batch.

3.3. To control the hardness of group 4 balls at a depth of 1/2 radius, three balls are selected from three different places of every twentieth batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one ball, a repeat test is carried out on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.

If unsatisfactory results of repeated periodic tests are obtained, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained on two batches in a row.

3.4. No more than 10% of the balls selected for control are allowed that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size and surface quality.


4.1. The dimensions of the balls are checked with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 or another tool that provides the necessary accuracy.

4.2. The hardness of the balls is measured using the Rockwell method (GOST 9013) or Brinell method (GOST 9012).

4.2.1. The hardness on the surface of the ball is determined on two diametrically opposite areas.

4.2.2. Hardness at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is determined on one site on a flat surface prepared in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9013 and GOST 9012 by removing the metal of the ball to the required depth.

4.2.3. When determining Rockwell hardness, four measurements are taken at each site.

The first three measurements are carried out at the vertices of an imaginary equilateral triangle with a side length of 6-8 mm. These measurements are for testing only. Their result is not recorded in the test report.

The fourth measurement is carried out in the central part of the specified triangle. The result of this measurement is recorded in the test report.

4.2.4. When determining Brinell hardness, one measurement is taken at each site; the result is recorded in the test report.

4.2.5. Hardness is taken based on the average measurement value for all control balls.

4.3. The carbon equivalent of steel as a percentage is calculated using the formula, where C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, V are the mass fractions of carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium, %.

4.4. The quality of the surface of the balls is checked visually, without the use of magnifying devices.

4.5. It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive methods for quality control of balls according to methods approved in the prescribed manner.


5.1. Balloons are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. The placement and securing of cargo transported by rail must comply with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo approved by the Ministry of Railways.

The balls are transported on open rolling stock. At the request of the consumer, the balls are transported in covered wagons and cars with a covered body.

Transportation by rail is carried out by wagonload and small shipments.

Packaging, labeling and transportation of balloons to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

The text of the document is verified according to:

official publication

Carbon steel of ordinary quality

and low alloy.

Sat. GOST. - M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1998

See also information about galvanized sheet price in Chelyabinsk and pipe Chelyabinsk in the product catalog on our website.

GOST 7524-89




Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to rolled, forged, stamped steel grinding balls used for grinding ores, coal, clinker and other materials in ball mills.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of the requirements of paragraphs. and which are recommended.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1. Balls are divided into groups according to hardness:

1 - normal hardness for general purpose;

2 - increased hardness for general purpose;

3 - high hardness for grinding ferrous metal ores;

4 - especially high hardness for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

1.2. Dimensions, maximum deviations for them, calculated nominal volumes and mass of balls must correspond to table. .

Table 1

Dimensions in mm

Nominal diameter

Prev. off by nominal diameter

Estimated nominal volume, cm 3

Estimated nominal weight, kg








































1. Deviations from the geometric shape of the ball must not exceed the maximum deviations for the nominal diameter.

2. The volume and mass of the ball are calculated from the nominal diameter at a steel density of 7.85 g/cm 3 .

3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to standardize the upper limit of ball hardness.

Example of a symbol ball with a diameter of 80 mm of increased hardness (2):

2.2.5. The hardness of the balls must correspond to the standards specified in the table. .

Table 2

Hardness HRC 3 (NV), no less, for groups

on the surface of the ball

at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball
















1. Group 4 balls are designed for grinding non-ferrous metal ores, cement and refractories.

2. The hardness standard at a depth of 1/2 the radius of the ball is optional until 01/01/92.

2.2.6. No defects are allowed on the surface of the balls that would take the dimensions of the balls beyond the maximum deviations.

Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

Balls with a diameter of up to 30 mm inclusive, and at the request of the consumer St. 30 mm, packed in boxes or specialized containers. The boxes are formed into transport packages. Package parameters - according to GOST 24597. Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Balls are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of balls of the same size, one group and must be issued with one quality document containing:

Name and trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Stamp of the technical control department;

Hardness test results;

Symbol of balls.

The batch weight should be no more than 150 tons.

3.2. To check the size, quality and surface hardness of the balls, 10 balls are selected from at least five different places in the lot.

If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated control is carried out on it on a double number of balls taken from the same batch. The results of re-inspection are applied to the entire batch.

3.3. To control the hardness of group 4 balls at a depth of 1/2 radius, three balls are selected from three different places of every twentieth batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained on at least one ball, a repeat test is carried out on a double number of balls taken from the same batch.

If unsatisfactory results are obtained from repeated periodic tests, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained on two batches in a row.

3.4. No more than 10% of the balls selected for control are allowed that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size and surface quality.


4.2.1. The hardness on the surface of the ball is determined on two diametrically opposite areas.

The balls are transported on open rolling stock. At the request of the consumer, the balls are transported in covered wagons and cars with a covered body.

Transportation by rail is carried out by wagonload and small shipments.

Packaging, marking and transportation of balloons to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated 01.02.89 No. 148

3. INSTEAD GOST 7524-83


5. The validity period was removed by Decree of the State Standard of 05.08.92 No. 885

6. EDITION (September 2009) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1989, August 1992 (IUS 4-90, 11-92)

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