Driving lessons for teenagers. Training at the Vikan driving school is the key to successful driving


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Training at the Vikan driving school is the key to successful driving

It is very difficult for a person who has decided to undergo training at a driving school to determine how high-quality and fundamental the knowledge will be in a particular institution, whether it will provide the necessary practical training so that after training the graduate will be able to own car go onto city roads. Studying at a driving school is not only an opportunity to get driver's license. Here students receive the necessary knowledge and skills for accident-free or extreme driving.

At the Vikan driving school, several training options are available: for a driver’s license of various categories, as well as the opportunity to obtain a certificate of completion of a defensive driving course. Such skills cannot be obtained in every institution. At the school you can learn the necessary skills for every driver, as well as special skills that will be useful even for an experienced car enthusiast. Courses on accident-free driving slightly different from the usual practical training during initial training. Here the student, who is a driver with some experience, learns how to drive a car on a dangerous slippery road or how to use all-wheel drive off-road.

Payment Methods. It is not necessary to pay the entire amount for training at a driving school at once; we provide the opportunity to pay for training in installments. It is also possible to study at a driving school on credit, through the Alfa Bank lending system. We accept payment both in cash and by bank transfer. Driving school cost...

Why is it worth training with us?

Studying at a driving school in Moscow is a comprehensive process that includes not only learning the rules and subtleties of driving, but also the opportunity to gain skills in driving around a metropolis. The Moscow driving school website publishes a complete program that anyone can take. Training at a driving school in Moscow is structured in such a way that each student feels comfortable acquiring new knowledge. The workshop is conducted by experienced teachers with extensive driving experience and an attentive attitude towards students. The traffic safety training course is also taught by experienced drivers who have solid experience in teaching such knowledge to drivers. A driving school in Moscow offers to take the theoretical section of the course in comfortable equipped classrooms. Practical classes are conducted in modern, serviceable and comfortable cars.

"Vikan" is the best driving school in Moscow. Here, high-quality services are provided, the peculiarities of students’ acquisition of knowledge are taken into account, and during practical classes, the peculiarities of student driving are noted. This allows the teacher to find an approach to the person, make his stay behind the wheel comfortable and maximize the knowledge that will subsequently be used every day in life.

The driving school website is constantly accessible and will help new students navigate the program, as well as familiarize themselves with the principles of training. The Moscow driving school website is also available for enrollment in the course. Here you can learn more about the school itself, teachers, equipment, cars. You can also find out the cost of the chosen course by calling the numbers published on the driving school website. The skills and knowledge acquired in the driving school will allow each student to feel like a confident participant. traffic.

The car has become an integral part modern world, and every person strives to learn how to manage it, including children. However, there are not as many driving schools in our country for children as for adults, but they still exist. What is a children's driving school and what do they teach there?

In Russia in Lately began to pay great attention to teaching children the rules of the road, since school lessons do not provide enough knowledge, and often the child does not know which traffic light he can cross the road at.

If you send your child to a children's driving school, he will receive knowledge of traffic rules there, and will also learn how a car works. Consequently, on the road he will become more careful and attentive, understanding the danger a car poses and how important it is to follow the rules. It is very important to develop competent behavior on the road in a child from childhood.

If your child has had a passion for cars since childhood, then studying at a children's driving school will be a fun and interesting activity for him. If he becomes seriously interested in the car, as well as in car racing or motor sports, then you can additionally enroll him in the Automotive Sports program, which is available in some children's driving schools.

Training program in children's driving schools

Children's driving schools usually accept children aged 8 years and older, but some driving schools accept children from 5 years old. Practical classes take place on buggy karts or special sports cars. Training takes place in closed equipped areas and in driving school cars.

The program and intensity of classes depend on the age of the child and are divided into 3 stages:

Stage 1:

The first stage of theoretical training includes the study of traffic rules, the basics of road safety, the relationship between a pedestrian and a driver, as well as a basic course on the construction of a car and a motorcycle.

The first stage of practical training includes training in using the controls, getting into the driver's seat, starting and braking, reverse and forward snakes, turning in a confined space, and entering the pit.

Stage 2:

At the second stage of theoretical training, children are taught the design of the main components and assemblies of a car, driving in difficult road conditions, navigator training in rallies, the rules of motorsport competitions, and also the forces that influence the car, the reasons why skidding occurs, and what malfunctions are studied. may occur on the road and how they affect traffic safety.

At the second stage of practical classes, children learn to work with the steering wheel, learn to brake different types coatings, get the car out of a skid, study the features of the rear and front wheel drive, operation of the gearbox, engine, loading and unloading of axles, wheels, operating ranges, maximum torque, and also learn to pass obstacles such as pits, combs and springboards.

Stage 3:

At the third stage of practical classes, children learn how to get into a sports car, study the features of its seats and seat belts, learn turns, entering and exiting them, its aspects, critical points, study the classification of turns by difficulty, learn to take turns in a controlled drift, counter-slides (rearrangement), turning 180 degrees (police turn) in reverse and forward, learning to use the left foot when braking and using the handbrake.

Upon completion of the “sports training” course, your child will be able to participate in competitions such as “sprint”, “rally-sprint”, “multi-event”, and will be assigned a sports category.


Educational literature available

Free schedule for visiting theory

Driving school near the metro

Modern motor park

Training at the Vikan driving school is the key to successful driving

It is very difficult for a person who has decided to undergo training at a driving school to determine how high-quality and fundamental the knowledge in a particular institution will become, and whether it will provide the necessary practical training so that after training the graduate will be able to drive his own car onto city roads. Studying at a driving school is not only an opportunity to obtain a driver's license. Here students receive the necessary knowledge and skills for accident-free or extreme driving.

At the Vikan driving school, several training options are available: for a driver’s license of various categories, as well as the opportunity to obtain a certificate of completion of a defensive driving course. Such skills cannot be obtained in every institution. At the school you can learn the necessary skills for every driver, as well as special skills that will be useful even for an experienced car enthusiast. Accident-free driving courses are slightly different from the usual practical training during initial training. Here the student, who is a driver with some experience, learns how to control a car on dangerous slippery roads or how to use four-wheel drive off-road.

Payment Methods. It is not necessary to pay the entire amount for training at a driving school at once; we provide the opportunity to pay for training in installments. It is also possible to study at a driving school on credit, through the Alfa Bank lending system. We accept payment both in cash and by bank transfer. Driving school cost...

Why is it worth training with us?

Studying at a driving school in Moscow is a comprehensive process that includes not only learning the rules and subtleties of driving, but also the opportunity to gain skills in driving around a metropolis. The Moscow driving school website publishes a complete program that anyone can take. Training at a driving school in Moscow is structured in such a way that each student feels comfortable acquiring new knowledge. The workshop is conducted by experienced teachers with extensive driving experience and an attentive attitude towards students. The traffic safety training course is also taught by experienced drivers who have solid experience in teaching such knowledge to drivers. A driving school in Moscow offers to take the theoretical section of the course in comfortable equipped classrooms. Practical classes are conducted in modern, serviceable and comfortable cars.

"Vikan" is the best driving school in Moscow. Here, high-quality services are provided, the peculiarities of students’ acquisition of knowledge are taken into account, and during practical classes, the peculiarities of student driving are noted. This allows the teacher to find an approach to the person, make his stay behind the wheel comfortable and maximize the knowledge that will subsequently be used every day in life.

The driving school website is constantly accessible and will help new students navigate the program, as well as familiarize themselves with the principles of training. The Moscow driving school website is also available for enrollment in the course. Here you can learn more about the school itself, teachers, equipment, cars. You can also find out the cost of the chosen course by calling the numbers published on the driving school website. The skills and knowledge acquired in the driving school will allow each student to feel like a confident road user.

Every day you see how children, both young and older, run right under the wheels of speeding vehicles. And this despite the fact that for many years now schools have class hour every quarter children are told about how to cross the road, how to behave in public transport etc. But it’s one thing to read morals, another thing is to ensure that children comply with the traffic rules.

And here admonitions alone are not enough. It is necessary that the child himself can feel himself in the driver’s seat and understand the potential threat of carelessness on the road. The Shturman Center advocates for introducing driving lessons into the school curriculum. Here are the main reasons given by parents who bring their children to study with us:

Learning to drive a car helps a child understand vehicle as a source of increased danger. Parents say that thanks to driving lessons, their children begin to behave like competent pedestrians. Let us add on our own that, according to research by psychologists, it is in the transitional age, from 10 to 14 years, that a child masters logical thinking, he masters operations according to the “if ...” scheme. then...” Therefore, as a result of learning to drive in children of average school age at a very early stage a sense of self-preservation is formed, a foundation for life!

Nikolai, 13 years old, learning the front and back snake in reverse on one's own...

For children, driving a car is, first of all, a game, but the game is very important, where children learn to take adult things seriously: responsibility for themselves, for those around them, for the entrusted car. At the age of 10–13, children are actively growing, and their feet can already reach the pedals. During this period, it is very important to make the child feel that with his work he can achieve everything he wants. Thanks to children learning such adult things as driving a car self confidence grows, mood improves, character changes. Parents of many of our students believe that thanks to driving lessons their children increased attention and concentration, which is very important in studies.

Modern children do not have many topics that they could discuss with their parents, especially with dads who work from morning to night. Driving lessons give children a new bridge in relations with parents, new topic for equal communication.

School age is best time for learning motor skills. That is why dance, music, and languages ​​are taught from childhood. What we learn in early age(for example, riding a bicycle), arms and legs are remembered more quickly after many years.

Why teach children to drive?

People often ask: why teach children to drive at the age of 11-12-13-14... years old?

But it depends what kind of children they are.
A few sketches that may help someone answer this question.

The girl is not very athletic. An experienced trainer will immediately notice difficulties with coordination. The right hand works in a special way; perhaps there were neurological disorders in childhood. Exercises are difficult for her, classes do not go quickly. Parents complain that not everything is going smoothly at school and that there is little interest in the lessons. But at the training ground we don’t notice this at all. It is clear that she is terribly interested, she is ready to painstakingly hone her technique, showing strong-willed, fighting qualities over and over again. During the entire school year I missed classes only once - and that was due to illness. Her parents are proud of her successes; they say she has matured.

Mom brought her son for re-education. He complains that his son begged his dad to let him steer. Dad gave up: in the summer at the dacha we went outside the outskirts and put our little son in jail. And less than 10 minutes later, an almost incredible thing happened: on his first trip, the son hit a moose. (Where did he find it?) And guess what, the son continued to want to drive the car. His parents began to hide the keys, seeing his determination. “If he really wants to do it, let him do it in a safe environment, under supervision.”

The boy, an athlete, loves all sports: basketball, swimming, rowing - everything comes easy to him. He arrives tired after training in the pool, always hungry. 2 apples or bananas to get started. In the very first lesson, he does things with us that you wouldn’t do with others even in the third. But there is not often a twinkle in the eye. In general, he yawns a lot, complains about life, about his workload, about school. There are a lot of uninteresting things in his life, but they need to be done. Really, who needs it?.. Quitly quits classes. I understood what was what, that this could also happen, but the schedule, and in general...

The girl sits down: “Oh, this is gas, can I have some gas?” Cool!! Actually I can do it!!! Can I now?!..." Such children need a lecture for 15 minutes, and return it to their parents. Grow up a couple of years :)

The boy does not have a single free day. This makes him happy. He is used to working and is very proud of it. In addition to school, additionally: two languages, dancing, speed reading, swimming, drawing, and now driving. He is still in the middle of school, but the impression is as if he is already an accomplished adult at the wheel. He is interested in everything, including driving. I studied in the first half of the year, then the schedule became completely unbearable, driving will have to wait...

What parents need to know before starting classes at the Sturman Center

Dear Parents. We would like to tell you how to prepare your child for the first lesson at the Shturman Center and what to expect.

Before class

It will be great if the Sturman Center website and our YouTube channel you will study together with your child. And then tell us which exercises and driving styles interested you the most.

What to bring to class?

1. A bottle of water (you’ll probably be thirsty).
2. Shoes - boots or shoes with thin soles with a closed toe and back. A thin sole is needed to better feel the pedals. (Sneakers, sneakers, sandals, Crocs, flip-flops, espadrilles, loafers, Louboutins, fins - shoes for experienced drivers :)). BUT: if you don’t have boots, it’s okay for the first lesson, we’ll find something to do :)))
3. If the day is hot, we recommend taking a spare T-shirt with you; after 120 minutes of active exercise, the child may want to change clothes.

After driving

Without wasting time, feed your tired baby, believe me, he deserves a double portion of calories!

During the lesson

Navigator Center Rule:
There is one trainer and one student in the car.
Accompanying people (including parents, teachers, security, friends) can watch the process while at the training ground or while having a good time in one of the many cafes and restaurants of the Rumyantsevo Business Park, on the territory of which our training ground is located.

Question: Why is that? Why can't I sit with my child in the car? I want to see what he's doing.
Answer: This is our school policy.

Question: But still, why?!
Answer: We are responsible for ensuring that 120 minutes are as productive and comfortable as possible for the student. Experience has proven that the third person in the car 1) confuses when something doesn’t work out, 2) gives advice, expresses opinions, and all this takes time away from driving.

Question: What if it's a security issue?
Answer: During the lesson, security guards work around the perimeter of the training ground. A practice adopted by all of our clients' security teams.

And further. So that you can be sure of who your child is studying with for 120 minutes, take the first lesson for yourself. They will test you at the test site, in the city, give you recommendations, and answer your questions. And you will understand what kind of people and what program they will use to teach your children to drive. But the main thing is that in the future you and your child will speak the same driver’s language!

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