Tesla Model S battery design. Price of Tesla smart batteries - are they really profitable? Characteristics of the Tesla Model S battery

In the spring of 2015, Tesla showed the public a new battery for the home. At its core, it represents a new stage in the development of the corporation. This battery is the next step towards creating a smart home that will not depend on external communications.

History of creation

The production and consumption of electrical energy in the 21st century is one of the most important problems. The prospects of all humanity largely depend on it. Traditionally, electricity is generated in two ways:

  1. commercial (processing of coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, use of water and solar energy);
  2. non-commercial (processing of industrial waste, firewood, use of muscle power).

Moreover, commercial sources account for more than 90% of all electricity production. This trend has been observed for decades, despite a significant crisis in fuel resources and air pollution. If we do not begin to correct the situation, then either an energy crisis or a global environmental catastrophe may occur. Therefore, Tesla decided to contribute to the improvement of systems for the production and use of electricity by developing an innovative battery.

The project to create this unique Tesla battery was led by Elon Musk himself, who can be considered a revolutionary in the field of information technology. Indeed, just 10 years ago, almost no one believed in the success of electric vehicles. However, through the efforts of Elon Musk, it was possible to create a popular, high-quality electric car, the Tesla Model S, that every motorist will want to buy. It turned out that despite the monopoly of engines internal combustion, an alternative to liquid fuel has been found a long time ago. It’s just that no one dared to change established traditions. Following the success of electric vehicles, Tesla decided to develop a household battery.

The decision on this was presented on April 30 by Elon Musk himself. Such a revolutionary development should not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also on the economy as a whole. New battery called Tesla Powerwall. It will allow you to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and significantly reduce energy costs. That is, in fact, the Tesla company began to continue the idea of ​​​​autonomous provision of homes, which is no longer something unique. Already today many owners country houses cover the roofs of their homes with solar panels that power lead-acid batteries. Tesla's new battery should be much more efficient and cost-effective.

Powerwall Battery Specifications

The Powerwall battery can take energy from both solar panels and other energy sources. The system can have a capacity of 7 and 10 kW. Accordingly, the first option is suitable for daily use, and the second - for creating energy reserves. According to experts, the average American family living in a separate three-bedroom house that will operate a Tesla battery consumes approximately 3,200 kW per hour. Therefore, a fully charged battery can power such a home for about 4-5 hours.

It is expected that the installation of Tesla batteries will be carried out jointly with Solar City. This company manufactures and installs solar panels, and its largest shareholder is also the brilliant Elon Musk. In the future, it is planned to involve other partners who will participate in the development of the project. According to financial experts, the sale of new batteries could bring Tesla almost $4.5 billion. This is due to the fact that many large companies will be able to use the new batteries for their own purposes. It is for them that the Powerpack system will be developed, which will include a whole set of battery packs with a capacity of 100 kW per hour. For industrial purposes, these batteries can be combined into common system with a capacity of 10 MW per hour and even more. Tesla has already announced that the equipment has already begun to be tested in the American companies Walmart and Cargill.

Benefits of Tesla Powerwall Battery

Applications of lithium-ion battery cells

The use of lithium-ion batteries is an important innovative solution, which was taken as the basis for the creation of the Powerwall battery. This battery is significantly superior in many respects to traditional lead-acid samples. So, lead acid battery has no more than 800 discharge and charge cycles. At the same time, the lithium-ion battery has 1000-1200 charge and discharge cycles. In addition, a lithium-ion battery is several times better than a lead battery in terms of weight and capacity.

Nice design

It is thanks to its small size that the Tesla battery received a beautiful and stylish design. The developers of Tesla Powerwall decided that this product should create a pleasant pen impression, which in the end could become decisive. This product is distinguished by rounded edges and relatively thin thickness compared to competitors. In addition, the creators offer a wide variety of color options for these batteries. Therefore, even without taking into account technical characteristics, Tesla Powerwall will definitely catch your attention. This device can be mounted directly on the wall, where it will occupy a minimum of space.

Holistic eco-structure

The new Powerwall battery is available in two versions, each with a capacity of 7 and 10 kW per hour. Their cost is 3 thousand and 3.5 thousand dollars, respectively. In principle, if for some reason the consumer does not have enough capacity, he can add several more batteries to the system, increasing the total capacity to 90 kW per hour. That is, you can connect up to 9 batteries maximum. In order to connect these batteries, you do not need to thoroughly study the principles of constructing electrical networks. Here you can solve all problems with one cable.

An effective solution for business and industry

In parallel with Powerwall, another system was presented, which is intended to provide electricity to industrial facilities. This new product is called Tesla Powerpack. The peculiarity of this battery is the ability to endlessly increase its potential capacity, reaching several Gigawatts per hour. This battery was created under the leadership of Elon Musk, who is used to thinking big. Therefore, this battery was presented not so much for individual users, but for the entire electrification system as a whole. In order to provide the entire planet with energy, Tesla is going to create more than 900 million Powerpack batteries.

This system will take care of the environment, which will completely eliminate the industrial generation of electricity using fossil resources. All this will reduce the release of external substances into the environment. In addition, the Tesla Powerpack battery will allow you to achieve complete autonomy of any industrial facility.

Payback calculation in Russia

Before purchasing a Tesla battery, you should understand whether it will be beneficial for you. If we take the amount of energy consumed per day as 10 kW per hour, then this will be equal to the use full capacity battery per day. Price Tesla batteries Powerwall is 3.5 thousand, which at the current exchange rate is approximately 175 thousand rubles. In addition, do not forget about the need to purchase an inverter, which by modern standards costs 1.5 thousand dollars. Also, do not forget about the losses that may occur in the electrical circuit consisting of a battery, a current converter and an inverter. At the same time, the total efficiency of a Tesla battery is approximately 87%. Therefore, the user does not receive all 10 kW per hour, but only 8.7 kW per hour.

Taking into account the two-zone tariff, daily energy consumption is 5 kW per hour, which is 57% of the maximum resource of Tesla Powerwall equipment. All the rest of the energy goes to evening consumption. With this calculation, per day of using the power grid, expenses for the year will be approximately 22 thousand rubles per year in the USA and more than a third less in Russia. Next, you need to consider that a typical lithium-ion battery traditionally loses about 6% of its original capacity over the course of a year. Therefore, over time, the battery capacity will gradually decrease, and after a few you will not be able to cope with the Tesla Powerwall battery alone.

It turns out that taking into account all the costs, the Tesla Powerwall battery in our country does not pay for itself even in 15 years. The total cost of the equipment, even without solar panels, is approximately 250 thousand rubles.

Reflections on the topic

According to many experts, the company's new development is an interesting option for achieving energy independence. This device will allow us to look forward to a future free of harmful emissions and the constant depletion of natural resources. However, today the cost of this equipment is too high for it to be profitable in our country. In addition, if you add the price of the converter, inverter and solar panels to the cost, the situation will turn out to be even less rosy. At the same time, many are ready to invest in their future now in order to create a green planet in this way. Tesla Powerwall is best suited for this purpose. In addition, you can count on further reduction in the cost of Tesla batteries in the future.

Of course, Elon Musk's idea is not completely innovative, since there are many options for home batteries in the world today. However, according to Musk, all these batteries are too expensive, inconvenient and not very reliable. Therefore, the main goal of Tesla is to popularize these batteries and reduce their prices.

Experts say the new Powerwall batteries should appeal to families and businesses that already have rooftop solar panels. Musk himself believes that in California alone there are at least 300 private homes that are equipped solar systems. Therefore, all of them can be safely equipped with Tesla batteries. Also, such batteries will become excellent option for buildings that require constant uninterrupted power supply. This applies to hospitals, military organizations, and so on. By storing solar energy, solar panels can be made more efficient and in demand. For example, if previously many people refused solar panels because they only worked in bright sunlight, then the situation may change now. Thanks to the use of batteries, energy can be stored during the day and used in the evening, which is more efficient.


The key disadvantage of the Tesla battery is its high cost. In addition, you will have to pay an additional several thousand dollars to install the battery. Agree that not every family can afford such a luxury. Therefore, according to Elon Musk, it is necessary to show people that using this device you can save a lot. To achieve this, it is expected to reduce the initial cost of the device by approximately 30%. This will become possible when construction of Tesla's new plant in Nevada is completed. In general, experts are optimistic, since, in their opinion, over the past few decades, the cost of electrical energy has generally been falling and there are no prerequisites for an increase in this price in the near future. This is why Tesla’s development in the form of a unique home battery will soon become really popular and in demand.

Of course, there has been quite a controversial attitude towards this car lately. Many people discuss what he is like, others. There are people who consider the Tesla car to be an excellent element of a PR campaign built on the sale of something that has existed for a long time, but it never occurred to anyone to make a car out of it, and there are few prospects for it, and it even exists

But let's leave these disputes behind and look at the main element of this car - the batteries. There were people who were not lazy and did not hold back a certain amount of money, took and sawed off a car battery.

This is what it looked like

Tesla Motors is the creator of truly revolutionary eco-cars, which are not only mass-produced, but also have unique characteristics that allow them to be used literally every day. Today we take a look inside the battery Tesla electric car Model S we will find out how it works and reveal the magic of success of this battery.

According to the North American Protection Agency environment(EPA), Model S requires one recharge of 85 kWh batteries to cover more than 400 km, which is the most significant indicator among similar cars presented on the specialized market. To accelerate to 100 km/h, the electric car only needs 4.4 seconds.

The key to the success of this model is the presence of lithium-ion batteries, the main components of which are supplied to Tesla by Panasonic. Tesla batteries are the stuff of legends. And so one of the owners of such a battery decided to violate its integrity and find out what it was like inside. By the way, the cost of such a battery is 45,000 USD.

The battery is located in the bottom, giving the Tesla a low center of gravity and excellent handling. It is attached to the body using brackets.

Tesla battery. Let's sort it out

The battery compartment is formed by 16 blocks, which are connected in parallel and protected from the environment by means of metal plates, as well as a plastic lining that prevents water from entering.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured, confirming the working condition of the battery.

The battery assembly is distinguished by high density and precision fitting of parts. The entire picking process takes place in a completely sterile room using robots.

Each unit consists of 74 elements, extremely similar in appearance to simple AA batteries (Panasonic lithium-ion cells), divided into 6 groups. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find out the layout of their placement and operation - this is a big secret, which means that making a replica of this battery will be extremely difficult. We are unlikely to see a Chinese analogue of the Tesla Model S battery!

Graphite serves as the positive electrode, and nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide serve as the negative electrode. Specified volume electrical voltage in the capsule is 3.6V.

The most powerful battery available (its volume is 85 kWh) consists of 7104 similar batteries. And it weighs about 540 kg, and its parameters are 210 cm in length, 150 cm in width and 15 cm in thickness. The amount of energy produced by just one unit of 16 is equal to the amount produced by a hundred laptop batteries.

When assembling their batteries, Tesla uses elements produced in various countries, such as India, China, Mexico, but the final modification and packaging are made in the United States. The company provides warranty service for its products for up to 8 years.

Thus, you learned what the Tesla Model S battery consists of and the principle of its operation.

More interesting things about Tesla: here you go, and here you go

Let's take a look inside the battery of the Tesla Model S electric car and find out how it works.

According to the North American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Model S requires one recharge of 85 kWh batteries to cover more than 400 km, which is the most significant indicator among similar cars presented on the specialized market. To accelerate to 100 km/h, the electric car only needs 4.4 seconds.

The key to the success of this model is the presence of lithium-ion batteries, the main components of which are supplied to Tesla by Panasonic. Tesla batteries are the stuff of legends. And so one of the owners of such a battery decided to violate its integrity and find out what it was like inside. By the way, the cost of such a battery is 45,000 USD.

The battery is located in the bottom, giving the Tesla a low center of gravity and excellent handling. It is attached to the body using brackets.

Let's look at:

The battery compartment is formed by 16 blocks, which are connected in parallel and protected from the environment by means of metal plates, as well as a plastic lining that prevents water from entering.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured, confirming the working condition of the battery.

The battery assembly is distinguished by high density and precision fitting of parts. The entire picking process takes place in a completely sterile room using robots.

Each unit consists of 74 elements, extremely similar in appearance to simple AA batteries (Panasonic lithium-ion cells), divided into 6 groups. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find out the layout of their placement and operation - this is a big secret, which means that making a replica of this battery will be extremely difficult. We are unlikely to see a Chinese analogue of the Tesla Model S battery.

Graphite serves as the positive electrode, and nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide serve as the negative electrode. The indicated amount of electrical voltage in the capsule is 3.6V.

The most powerful battery available (its volume is 85 kWh) consists of 7104 similar batteries. And it weighs about 540 kg, and its parameters are 210 cm in length, 150 cm in width and 15 cm in thickness. The amount of energy produced by just one unit of 16 is equal to the amount produced by a hundred laptop batteries.

When assembling their batteries, Tesla uses elements produced in various countries, such as India, China, Mexico, but the final modification and packaging are made in the United States. The company provides warranty service for its products for a period of up to 8 years.

Now you know what the battery of the Tesla Model S electric car consists of.

The Tesla battery is known throughout the world thanks to the company's breakthrough in the field of electric vehicles. The idea is not new and has been mastered by presenters for many years automobile companies. However, American designers were able to optimize this area, taking into account the interests of the consumer. This was made possible to a large extent due to innovative energy supply systems focused on complete replacement conventional internal combustion engines. Let's look at the features and types of this drive.


The development of fundamentally new types of li-ion batteries is driven by the goals of improving the performance of electric cars. In this regard, the base line of the Tesla S model is focused on providing vehicle innovative power sources. Feature lithium ion batteries was the introduction of a combined operating mode, in which alternating energy supply from the internal combustion engine and the battery is allowed. At the same time, the company’s engineers continue to develop machines that are completely independent of the usual type of fuel.

It is worth noting that engineers are not limited solely to creating power elements for road transport. Several versions of Tesla batteries have already been released for domestic and commercial use. If the option for an electric car is aimed at maintaining the operation of running gear and on-board electronics, then stationary storage modifications are positioned as autonomous sources of electricity. The capabilities of these elements allow them to be used for servicing home appliances. Additionally, research is underway on solar energy storage. The work is still at the development stage.


Tesla batteries have a unique structure and method of placing active components. The main difference from the analogue is the lithium-ion configuration. Similar elements are used in the design of mobile devices and electrical tools. They were first used as batteries for cars by Tesla engineers. The entire block is divided into 74 compartments, which look like AA batteries. Depending on the battery configuration, it includes from 6 to 16 segments. The positive charge comes from the graphite electrode, the negative charge is provided by several chemical components, including nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide.

Tesla batteries are integrated into the car by fixing them to the bottom of the vehicle. This arrangement ensures a lower center of gravity of the electric vehicle, increasing handling. Special brackets are used as fasteners. Currently, there are not many such solutions, so this part is often compared with a traditional battery.

Important points relate to safety and placement method. The first factor is guaranteed by the highly durable housing in which the battery is mounted. In addition, each block is equipped with a fence in the form of metal plates. In this case, not the entire internal part is insulated, but each element separately. It should also be noted that there is a plastic lining that prevents water from getting inside.

  1. Converter.
  2. High voltage wiring.
  3. Basic charging device.
  4. Additional “charging”.
  5. Connector
  6. Module.

Characteristics of the Tesla battery

The most powerful battery variation for an electric car consists of 7104 small batteries. Below are the parameters of the specified element:

  • Length/thickness/width – 2100/150/1500 mm.
  • The electrical voltage indicator is 3.6 V.
  • The amount of power generated by one section is identical to the potential of one hundred personal computers.
  • The weight of Tesla batteries is 540 kg.
  • The travel time on one charge on an average cell with a power of 85 kW/h is about 400 km.
  • Speed ​​up to 100 km/h – 4.4 seconds.

Given the indicated characteristics, a reasonable question arises as to how durable these structures are, because high performance implies intense wear of the active parts. It should be noted that the manufacturer provides an eight-year warranty for its products. Most likely, the working life of the batteries in question will be the same.

So far, owners of electric cars cannot confirm or deny this fact. In addition, there are research results that indicate that the battery power parameter is characterized by its moderate loss. On average, this figure is about 5% per 80 thousand kilometers. There are other facts indicating that the owners of the specified vehicle are less and less likely to complain about problems in the battery compartment as new models are released.

Tesla battery capacity (model S)

It is necessary to evaluate the capacitance characteristics of batteries taking into account the development of production. Throughout the improvement of the line, the figure varied from 60 to 105 kW/h. Official information indicates that the peak battery capacity is around 100 kWh. As testimonials from owners indicate, the actual parameter will be slightly lower. For example, an 85 kW Tesla battery actually produces no more than 77 kW.

History also provides counter-examples confirming the excess of volume. There are known cases when a 100-kilowatt battery was endowed with a capacity of about 102 kW. From time to time, inconsistencies are discovered in the definition of active nutritional components. Mostly, discrepancies are observed in estimates of the number of block cells. This is due to the fact that the battery is constantly being modernized and improved, equipped with innovative elements.

The manufacturing company claims that every year updated modifications undergo transformations in electronic parts, cooling system, architecture. The ultimate goal of designers is to achieve the highest possible quality characteristics products.

Power Wall version

As mentioned earlier, along with the production of Tesla car batteries, the company produces household versions of energy storage devices. One of the most productive and recent modifications was the lithium-ion version of the Power Wall. It is designed to generate energy as a constant source or is operated as a backup structure like an autonomous generator. The model is presented in several variations, differing in capacity and serving to perform certain energy tasks. The most popular versions are 7 and 10 kW/h units.

Regarding the operational parameters, it can be noted that the Power Wall has a power of 3.3 kW with an operating voltage of 350-450 watts, and a current of 9 A. The weight of the structure is 100 kilograms, therefore, there is no talk of its mobility. However, as an option, for example, for a summer cottage in the summer, the block is quite suitable. The unit is transported without problems, since the designers pay great attention to the mechanical protection of the body part. Certain disadvantages include a long battery charging period (12-18 hours), depending on the modification of the drive.

Model "Power Pack"

This system is based on previous version, however, it is oriented towards commercial purposes. This means that this Tesla battery is used to service businesses. It is an energy storage device that is scalable and provides increased system performance at the target site. It should be noted that the battery capacity is 100 kW, and the indicated capacity does not refer to the maximum value. Engineers have provided a flexible design for the aggregation of several installations with the ability to obtain values ​​from 500 kW to 10 MW.

Single modifications are also being upgraded in terms of operational quality. Official information has already been received about the appearance of the second generation of commercial batteries, in which the power parameter was 200 kW, and the efficiency was close to 99%. The specified energy storage device differs in technological indicators. To expand the volume, the developers used a reversible inverter.

This innovation made it possible to simultaneously increase the power and performance of the system. The company plans to develop and introduce Power Pack cells into the design of additional solar components such as Solar Roof. This approach allows the energy potential of the battery to be renewed not through special highways, but through free solar flow in a continuous mode.

Production capacity

According to the manufacturer itself, innovative batteries are manufactured at Tesla's own Gigafactory. The assembly procedure was organized with the participation of representatives of Panasonic (supply of components for block segments). The specified enterprise produces the latest designs of power systems aimed at the third generation of Model electric cars.

It is assumed that the total number of products produced at the maximum production cycle will be up to 35 GWh. It is worth emphasizing that the indicated volume is half of all parameters of batteries produced in the world. Current maintenance is carried out by a team of 6.5 thousand people. In the future, it is planned to create an additional 20 thousand jobs.

Features include a high degree of burglary protection battery. This mitigates the possible risks of filling the market with counterfeit variations. In addition, the production procedure itself involves the participation of high-precision robotic technology in the process. There is no doubt that at the present time only corporations of the Tesla level are capable of displaying all the technological production nuances. Most interested organizations do not need plagiarism, since they are intensively conducting their own development.

Price policy

The cost of a Tesla battery also constantly varies due to cheaper production technologies and due to the release of updated components with increased performance parameters. Two or three years ago, the type of storage device in question was sold for about 45 thousand dollars (about 3 million rubles). Now the blocks have a price of about five thousand dollars (330,000 rubles).

The cost of home analogues of the Power Wall configuration is approximately the same. The most expensive versions include a commercial battery. For example, the first generation of this device can be purchased for $20-25,000 (approximately 1,327,000 - 1,650,000 rubles).

Competing modifications

Tesla is not a monopolist in production li-ion batteries. Despite the fact that other brands are not so well known on the market, their parameters are quite competitive. Among the popular representatives:

  • The Korean corporation LG produces Chem Resu drives, which are analogues of Tesla's PowerWall (a 6.5 kW/h system costs about 4 thousand dollars or 265,000 rubles).
  • The product from Sunverge has a power range from 6 to 23 kW/h, and is distinguished by the ability to monitor charge and connect to solar panels (price is 10-20 thousand dollars or 665,000 - 1,327,000 rubles).
  • ElectrIQ company sells household storage batteries with a capacity of 10 kW/h (together with the inverter, the product will cost $13,000 or 865,000 rubles).
  • Among automobile competitors, companies such as Nissan and Mercedes stand out.

The first auto giant produces a series of XStorage type batteries (working volume - 4.2 kW/h). The nuances of this modification include high level environmental safety, fully compliant with international standards for the production of passenger cars. Mercedes produces compact versions of 2.5 kW/h. At the same time, they can be combined into larger productive systems with a capacity of 20 kW/h.


Tesla electric car batteries and their household analogues are not very accessible to the mass consumer. With Power Wall systems the situation changes somewhat due to cheaper components. But the idea of ​​aggregation with blocks of solar panels cannot yet be successfully implemented due to high cost. Undoubtedly, the possibility of accumulating a free energy source is beneficial for consumers, but the purchase of such structures is beyond the means of most interested users.

The story is similar with other alternative drives, the principle of operation and use of which provides a lot of advantages, but requires the use of high-tech devices and devices.

Bottom line

In the market of batteries for electric cars, Tesla is the undisputed leader. This is largely due to the use of innovative equipment in the production of environmentally friendly transport. At the same time, engineers of a leading company face certain obstacles. For example, the Model S series with lithium-ion cells has been criticized for poor protection against fire of the power supply elements.

However, designers are constantly improving their models and take criticism constructively. For example, after the only battery fire in the history of electric vehicles, they began installing a hollow aluminum beam (to protect against obstacles on the road surface), a pressed aluminum shield, and a titanium plate. Everyone who bought cars before this improvement was offered to have them completed free of charge at service stations.

We have partially reviewed the battery configuration Tesla Model S with a capacity of 85 kW*h. Let us remind you that the main element of the battery is the company’s lithium-ion battery cell Panasonic, 3400 mAh, 3.7 V.

Panasonic cell, size 18650

The figure shows a typical cell. In reality, Tesla cells are slightly modified.

Cell data parallel connect to groups of 74 pieces. With a parallel connection, the voltage of the group is equal to the voltage of each of the elements (4.2 V), and the capacity of the group is equal to the sum of the capacities of the elements (250 Ah).

Further six groups connect serially to the module. In this case, the module voltage is summed up from the group voltages and is approximately 25 V (4.2 V * 6 groups). The capacity remains 250 Ah. Finally, modules are connected in series to form a battery. In total, the battery contains 16 modules (total 96 groups). The voltage of all modules is summed up and ultimately amounts to 400 V (16 modules * 25 V).

The load for this battery is an asynchronous electric drive with a maximum power of 310 kW. Since P=U*I, in nominal mode at a voltage of 400 V, a current I=P/U=310000/400=775 A flows in the circuit. At first glance, it may seem that this is a crazy current for such a “battery”. However, do not forget that in a parallel connection, according to Kirchhoff’s first law, I=I1+I2+…In, where n is the number of parallel branches. In our case n=74. Because within the group internal resistances We consider the cells to be conditionally equal, then the currents in them will be the same. Accordingly, current flows directly through the cell In=I/n=775/74=10.5 A.

Is it a lot or a little? Good or bad? In order to answer these questions, let us turn to the discharge characteristics lithium ion battery. American craftsmen, having disassembled the battery, conducted a series of tests. In particular, the figure shows voltage oscillograms during the discharge of a cell taken from a real Tesla Model S, currents: 1A, 3A, 10A.

The spike in the 10 A curve is due to manual switching of the load to 3 A. The author of the experiment solved another problem in parallel; we will not dwell on it.

As can be seen from the figure, a discharge current of 10 A fully satisfies the cell voltage requirements. This mode corresponds to the discharge along the 3C curve. It should be noted that we took the most critical case, when the engine power is maximum. In reality, taking into account the very use of a dual-motor drive with optimal gear ratio gearboxes, the car will operate with a discharge of 2...4 A (1C). Only in moments of very sharp acceleration, when driving uphill at high speed, can the cell current reach a peak of 12...14 A.

What other benefits does this provide? For a given load in case direct current the cross-section of the copper conductor can be selected as 2 mm2. Tesla Motors kills two birds with one stone here. All connecting conductors also serve as fuses. Accordingly, there is no need to use an expensive protection system, additionally use fuses. In the event of a current overload, the connecting conductors themselves melt due to their small cross-section and prevent an emergency. We wrote more about this.

In the figure, the 507 conductors are the same connectors.

Finally, let's consider the last question that worries the minds of our time and causes a wave of controversy. Why does Tesla use lithium-ion batteries?

Let me make a reservation right away that specifically on this issue I will express my subjective opinion. You don't have to agree with him)

Let's carry out comparative analysis different types batteries.

Obviously, the lithium-ion battery has the highest specific performance today. The best battery in terms of energy density and weight/size ratio is, alas, still in mass production does not exist. That is why in Tesla It was possible to make such a balanced battery, providing a power reserve of up to 500 km.

The second reason, in my opinion, is marketing. Still, on average, the resource of such cells is about 500 charge-discharge cycles. This means that if you actively use the car, you will have to replace the battery after a maximum of two years. Although, the company really .

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