The dismissed Deputy General Director of the Sochi National Park T. Bogoslovskaya is trying to achieve justice in court. Penkovsky announced dual power in the Sochi National Park. The Ministry of Natural Resources has repeatedly fired the director of the Sochi National Park.

Media holdingBRIOcontinues to cover the situation with the unexpected dismissal of the director of the Sochi National Park, Nikolai Dmitrievich Penkovsky.

Publication dated June 20, 2017:

It was not so easy to obtain any information from the SNP. Daria Filippova, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and acting director of the national park, has, not surprisingly, kept herself away from contacts with the media and even refused to answer questions over the phone.

It is no less surprising that Deputy for Media Relations Anna Anisimova also refused to answer questions and comment on the situation.

The answer from the Sochi National Park was short and concise

The fact that almost all employees of the national park signed collective complaints against dismissal and statements of claim for reinstatement of the director of the national park N.D. Penkovsky. we have already reported on the pages of the DISTRICT newspaper and website# BRIONEWS -

The editors have copies of these documents with signatures of employees of the Sochi National Park. Needless to say, the entire national park became a wall for its director.

Today, the editors received a copy of the Decision of the Central District Court dated June 29, 2017 from the representatives of the illegally (according to the court decision) dismissed director of the SNP. In short, then

The court decided:

Recognize the dismissal of Nikolai Dmitrievich Penkovsky illegal, restore Penkovsky Nikolai Dmitrievich at work in position Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sochi National Park".

The decision can be appealed within a month.

We will see how the “legal games” end in the near future, but today one thing is absolutely certain - Nikolai Dmitrievich Penkovsky is already a winner. Over the 15 years of work in the national park, he earned not only the respect of his subordinates, but also love, and not everyone succeeds in this.

At the same time, I would like to note that during the collection of information about the activities of the Sochi National Park, the editors received a lot of rather alarming information regarding the activities of the Lazarevskaya group of forestries.

If its authenticity is confirmed, some SNP employees will have to answer for their actions during this difficult period not only before the director, but also before the law.

On June 8 of this year, a significant event took place in our conservation area, undoubtedly worthy of chronicling the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas (and even the Year of Ecology).

By order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, the director of the Sochi National Park and the chairman of the Association of Nature Reserves and National Parks were dismissed North Caucasus, Member of the Board of the Association of Nature Reserve Directorsand national parks Russian Federation Penkovsky Nikolai Dmitrievich.

A is assigned to Nikolai Dmitrievich held the position of director of the national park in 2002, before that, he, a certified forester, worked

chief forester of the Sochi National Park.

N.D. Penkovsky supervises the process of planting seedlings by N.N. Drozdovduring an environmental campaign.

At the same time, over the past years, the Ministry has in every possible way emphasized Dmitrievich’s merits in the field of managing the national park. In every possible way. For 15 years.

Here, for example, is 2010:

And here is the year 2014 - Decree of the President of Russia dated July 21, 2014 No. 511 “On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation to N.D. Penkovsky. awarded the honorary title “Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation”.

And besides, the native Ministry awarded Dmitrievich with numerous departmental awards, including:

badge “Honorary Worker of Nature Conservation”;

badge “Honorary Forest Worker”;

badge “For merits in conservation work.”

And in addition to the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Nikolai Dmitrievich’s activities were noted by other government agencies. Here, for example, is an interesting photo:

It was posted on the website of the Federal Property Management Agency on November 25, 2015. Here, next to Penkovsky, is the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus federal district, Minister for North Caucasus Affairs and head of the Federal Property Management Agency. This photo was taken in memory of the presentation of N.D. to Penkovsky. gratitude for his significant contribution to the creation of the Kislovodsky National Park (by the way, Dmitrievich’s role in solving this problem is certainly very significant).

And on September 16, 2016, a gala event was held in Sochi in connection with the 60th anniversary of N.D. Penkovsky. And the director of the Department of Administration and Personnel of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, who arrived at this celebration, took the floor and told those presentnews: it turns out that Nikolai Dmitrievich already has a full bow of departmental awards. Almost full. And, to thunderous applause, he read out the Minister’s order to award the hero of the day with the last missing award - the badge “Honorary Worker of the Hunting Farm.”

And 8 months later, these same people urgently fired Dmitrievich according to the letter of Article 278 of the Labor Code.

Article 278 is not disciplinary; it does not punish for any specific offense. But it provides a simplified opportunity for the authorized body to terminate the contract with the head of the institution and replace one manager with another. Of course, more efficient.

This is a truly important HR policy tool. Moreover, the practice that has taken root in our country when the director of a reserve or national park is appointed to this position “for life” looks incorrect and not well thought out. It is no coincidence that in the US National Park Service, the director (namely the director, and not the rest of the employees) is appointed for a 5-year term (in exceptional cases, extended to 10 years), and then transferred to another park (well, or separated). Therefore, the very idea of ​​replacing even a highly honored leader, especially one who has reached retirement age, should not cause idiosyncrasy.

And in this case, it seems to be expected that the people will see a new, effective, with great potential, leader capable of leadingSochi National Park -the oldest in the country and perhaps the most difficult to manage (as for complexity - my personal opinion, but I understand it a little). And, the pepper is clear, thisthe figure must have practical experience in the field of conservation work - how could it be otherwise, given such and such a front of work (by the way, when 15 years ago the ever-memorable Minister Artyukhov appointed the director of the Sochi National Park, he didn’t even have enough imagination to consider candidates for the issues did not have a relationship).

Do you believe that this is the kind of figure they want to “put” on this important national park? Unfortunately, I don’t believe it. I would be glad to believe, but my baldness and gray hair clearly prevent me from doing this. And somehow there are no traces of a search for such a new effective candidate for this position (the world of environmental protection is narrow, such traces usually remain).

And I believe that now a candidate for a high position will jump out (like a jack-in-the-box) who is not burdened with experience in the field of protected areas, but has a “shaggy paw”, and will begin to talk about subtle personnel policies, even though they resemble banal raiding. Because this park is not in Mukhosransk, but in Sochi (!), yes and It has the largest budget in the protected area system, including the largest extra-budgetary budget. Both the rapid operation to dismiss the director and the events accompanying it suggest just such sad thoughts.

But the remarkableness of this story lies not even in its content, but in its form. In the form of a personnel decision.

It seems that if a person has been elevated to the shield by the Ministry for 15 years and his merits have been continuously confirmed, then he deserves at least human treatment. For example, to be invited to high management to discuss the issue of leaving a position (and also about the future fate of the national park, which is clearly not a stranger to Nikolai Dmitrievich). And the very procedure of farewell to the position of the honored director could have a decent appearance, fortunately, no special imagination is required for this.

And when instead a demonstratively dismissive action is taken (even an order to dismissthey send it to Sochi for review, knowing that the “dismissed” person is on sick leave), then, of course, it also makes sense. Instructive pedagogical meaning - once again remind every director federal system protected area, what is it- “a trembling creature” and has no right. And the fact that at the same time the very idea of ​​moral incentives (what are all these “honored workers” worth?) of professional personnel in the reserve system is once again devalued and trampled into the mud - this is a waste of time: both incentives, and personnel, and the reserve system. As the wise Yuri Trifonov wrote, “There was such a time - ask questions!”

N.D. Penkovsky with colleagues - directors of nature reserves and national parks. 2009

And one more thing - I remembered an episode from the wonderful, half a century ago, Soviet film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” - when the police commissioner (played by N. Kryuchkov) utters the winged words:

“Today, you know, I don’t give a damn about the well-deserved dog, tomorrow you look...”

How the commissar looked into the water! It's tomorrow.

Who did the director of the Sochi National Park interfere with?

We are sitting in a cozy Sochi cafe on the seashore. From time to time, the voices of my interlocutors are muffled by the sound of a wave crashing onto the coastal pebbles. Surprisingly, this year mid-June in Sochi was not at all hot, and the sea was still cool. That's why we don't have cold drinks on the table, but aromatic tea and strong coffee - they still invigorate and warm.

My interlocutors at the table are famous and highly respected people in the city: Alexey Vasilievich Gorbunov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Sochi, and Nikolai Dmitrievich Penkovsky- Until recently - Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sochi National Park". Why "until recently"? But this question was precisely the reason for our meeting.

“You understand what nonsense this is all about,” Gorbunov begins the conversation emotionally. - Out of nowhere, on June 8, an order from the Ministry arrives by fax natural resources on the dismissal of Nikolai Dmitrievich from the position of director. How is this so? An honored person, awarded numerous government awards - and just like that, you live a great life, retire? Our entire veterans organization is outraged by this to the limit! And this is about 60 thousand veterans and disabled people of war and labor! Nikolai Dmitrievich is a native Sochi resident, he started here as a forester, was the chief forester of the park, 15 years ago, having become the director of the national park, he literally piece by piece collected what is now the Sochi National Park. And this is how they treated him!

Alexey Vasilyevich said this almost in one breath, emphasizing each word in a military manner, then fell silent and, taking a sip of tea, glanced at Penkovsky, who was sitting next to him, as if hinting: I’ve finished, and now it’s your turn.

“I’m somehow not used to promoting myself, I don’t need it,” Nikolai Dmitrievich begins, slightly embarrassed.

Still, the Sochi National Park is not a business structure, but a state budgetary institution, whose team, which is about 800 people - scientists and specialists in the field of biology, ecology, forestry - has very specific tasks. This is the preservation of natural complexes, unique and standard natural sites and objects, the preservation of cultural and historical sites, the restoration of disturbed natural and historical and cultural complexes, environmental education of the population and the creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreational recreation in natural conditions. Well, in short, this is what our park exists for.

Therefore, I personally was extremely surprised not so much by the way in which I was fired, but by those who were sent to take my place to perform (for now!) the duties of director. This is a certain Daria Aleksandrovna Filippova, a journalist from Moscow. Moreover, this lady brought with her about a dozen strong guys. All this resembled a cavalry charge, and I was ready to believe it, if not for one “but”: on June 8, the FSBI office actually received an order for my dismissal by fax, signed by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation S.E. Donskoy. I learned about this privately from park employees.

- Was this really a surprise for you?

Certainly! I’m 61, and if it was necessary to send me on vacation, they could have waited until I returned from sick leave and given the opportunity to prepare a replacement. In the end, deciding behind your back, without me, is wrong and illogical. In our country, 2017 has been declared the year of ecology, and in connection with this, it is planned to hold an International Environmental Forum in Sochi in September, in the preparation of which I am directly involved. This position requires special education and experience, 15 years of managing such a complex structure as the Sochi National Park, which includes 15 forest districts, the Arboretum and Southern Cultures parks, the Sochi nursery, the leopard reintroduction center, the Priazovsky reserve and more than 800 personnel - this is a huge responsibility. And as a result, they decided to quietly “leave” you - this is not just unfair, this is a non-governmental approach.

It was not possible to fire Nikolai Penkovsky “quietly”. Donskoy’s “secret” order immediately became known not only in the region. The directors of Russian national parks and reserves from the Far East to the western outskirts learned about the order. The name of Nikolai Dmitrievich Penkovsky is widely known in Russian nature reserves; many foreign colleagues also know him. Why did the chairman of the Association of Nature Reserves and National Parks of the North Caucasus, a member of the board of the Association of Directors of Nature Reserves and National Parks of the Russian Federation, a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, and the owner of another 40 state awards suddenly find himself not needed (or disliked?) by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources?

Saved, recreated and multiplied...

Since 2002, under my leadership, the revival of this park began,” continues Nikolai Penkovsky. “In the same year, we were almost deprived of a significant part of the territory. Then, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (at that time Mikhail Kasyanov was prime minister - ed.), about 33 thousand hectares of specially protected natural areas were seized from the national park. We began to ring the bells, there was strong support from the public and environmentalists. Ultimately, the government decree was declared illegal, and this territory was defended.

Defending the land is one thing. The name of Nikolai Penkovsky in the park is associated with two of the most significant projects not only on a national scale, but also those that have received international recognition. In the dashing 90s, after the collapse of the country, the famous Sochi arboretum was also on the verge of ruin, but it was saved, and this is also due to the considerable merit of Penkovsky, who came to the post of director in 2002. And on the eve of the Winter Olympics, the national park team began implementing perhaps the most ambitious project of the last decade - the restoration of the Southern Cultures park, which had fallen into disrepair, in the Imereti Valley. Today this is one of the favorite vacation spots not only for Sochi residents, but also for numerous guests of the resort.

The second, no less important project, which is being successfully implemented today by a group of scientists from the national park, is the reintroduction of the population of the Central Asian leopard on the territory of the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve (NGK will tell you in detail about this project in one of the upcoming issues). For these purposes, in the area of ​​the Akhtsu Gorge on the territory of the Sochi Park, a Leopard Rehabilitation Center was created with an enclosure complex, where initial stage 4 animals were brought from Iran and Turkmenistan, where they are still found in the wild.

The day after our meeting with Nikolai Penkovsky, I talked with the head of the Center, Candidate of Biological Sciences Umar Semenov, who immediately categorically stated that without the active participation of the director of the national park, who was the main implementer of this idea (presidential, by the way!), the creation of the Center, as well as the implementation of the reintroduction project, would be impossible in principle:

At the moment, the program for restoring the population of the Central Asian leopard, which was completely exterminated in the late 19th - early 20th centuries in the North Caucasus, has no analogues in the world, says the scientist. - And the foundation of this program, of course, is the Center created through the efforts of Nikolai Dmitrievich. He built it in three months. There is nothing like this anywhere else - neither in Russia, nor in the world at all.

The head of the park system department, Denis Ryltsev, in whose office we are talking with Umar, agrees with the words of his colleague, nods his head. Who, if not him, who came to work at the national park as a boy, should know what the personality of Nikolai Penkovsky means to the entire team of the Sochi National Park:

I started at the Arboretum from a working position - I walked around the park with a trimmer - as a head of department - for three years, and in general I have been working here for 15 years. I will not be mistaken if I say that this is not only my opinion, but that of the entire management team: such an unexpected decision by the minister to dismiss Penkovsky plunged us into complete bewilderment. The merits of Nikolai Dmitrievich are difficult to overestimate. I won’t go into details, but it’s enough that he, as director, successfully resolved all the problematic issues related to specially protected areas; we even survived the Olympics - we didn’t lose a single piece of land.

"Our Youth Team"

Denis Ryltsev’s office is located in the office building of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sochi National Park”, located on the territory of the Arboretum park under his jurisdiction in the very center of Sochi. Right there, on the first floor, is Director Penkovsky’s office, but since Nikolai Dmitrievich is still on sick leave, the office is closed. Therefore, the new leadership that arrived to replace him is several people headed by the acting. Director Daria Filippova - equipped an assembly hall for her offices.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t meet and talk with Daria Alexandrovna. Some middle-aged man, who did not want to introduce himself, in response to my request to let me in to see Ms. Filippova, said that she was not there: “She went to the Southern Cultures Park.”

It's a pity that she left. It would be interesting to know how Ms. Filippova plans to manage the national park, what is her concept for the further development of the recreational zone and park management, as well as the development of ecotourism. After all, if Penkovsky was fired so suddenly, it means that up there, on the sidelines of Mr. Donskoy’s ministerial apartments, they already knew “for whom” this dismissal was?

Well, we journalists have long known where the wind blew towards Sochi. After all, Daria Aleksandrovna Filippova is not a simple vegetable from the garden, but the niece (just think!) of a whole federal official, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin. So, it is naive to believe that a literary employee, that is, a journalist, simply asked herself “from the street” to become the director of the national park. This really smacks of protectionism. After all, could Dmitry Olegovich ask Sergei Efimovich for help? Why not? But why exactly to the national park? As far as I know, Ms. Filippova is a certified journalist (she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, by the way). So, was it worth it for an influential uncle to place his niece somewhere in the capitals as the editor-in-chief of “Red Star”, or, say, “Military Review”? Especially knowing how Mr. Rogozin gravitates toward military affairs. For example, his son Alexey, at 27, became deputy general director of an arms factory, and at 29, general director of the defense enterprise FKU Aleksinsky Chemical Plant. Today, 33-year-old Alexey Rogozin is the deputy head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (DIO RF Ministry of Defense). What kind of department this is, everyone remembers very well from the case of Serdyukov and Vasilyeva, the latter, by the way, was the one who headed it. And the recent scandals in which the DIO was again involved are related to the division of military property in the Crimea.

By the way, at the beginning of this year, Ms. Filippova also went to work in Crimea... for the position of Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Crimea (quite a suitable position for a representative of our profession, isn’t it?). Daria Alexandrovna led this Crimean ministry for exactly 55 days: on March 27, she left this post, but one can only guess about the reasons for her dismissal.

And now, two months later, Filippova and her whole team appear in Sochi, immediately after the order from the Ministry of Natural Resources “to stop labor relations» with N.D. Penkovsky. As employees of the national park say, none of them have yet seen a written order on her appointment, but Filippova has already become actively involved in management activities, starting with personnel changes. First of all, I built up my team, placing everyone in key positions. And the team, by the way, got what it needed.

38 year old Dmitry Deryugin- manager with higher education- was appointed to the position of head of the department of environmental education, tourism and recreation. Previously, this department was headed by Penkovsky’s youngest son, Andrei, whom Filippova demoted to deputy (for what, no one can explain).

I don’t know what this manager has to do with ecology, but his last place of work was the department of specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Crimea, where he worked as deputy director from February 7 to March 6, 2017, that is, less than a month! (dismissed by agreement of the parties).

Another member of Filippova’s “Crimean team” is a 47-year-old resident of Kuban Vladislav Otino in, appointed to the position of head of the department for general issues. Such a unit has never existed in the structure of the FSBI Sochi National Park.

Otinov also stayed briefly in Crimea - from February 7 to March 6, he served as head of the park management department (dismissed by agreement of the parties), having behind him only a secondary education and work experience that had nothing to do with at least environmental or forestry activities.

To help Otinov acting. Director Filippova identified another “specialist in general issues” - Vitaly Knyazkova, about which little is known. Previously, he worked in various commercial companies in Sochi.

Denis Ryltsev was assigned as a deputy Nikolay Burakov, about whose education nothing is known, and his last place of work was the Rosa Khutor ski resort, where from December 2015 to February 2016 he was listed as a junior snow compactor operator.

In addition to the newly created department for general issues, Filippova, by order, introduced 5 more management positions into the budget staffing table, without which previously, according to Nikolai Penkovsky, the national park functioned quite calmly, bringing multimillion-dollar profits to the state.

-Where does the profit come from? - I ask. - How do you earn money?

Organization of tourist routes around the territory of the national park, excursions, visits to the Arboretum and the Southern Cultures Park, production of souvenirs - all these are very profitable areas in the activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution.

- Maybe this is what attracts your Moscow guests here?

Most likely so. Theoretically, one could assume that someone in Moscow had an interest in land in the center of Sochi, but this is basically impossible. After all, all the land within the boundaries of the national park is a protected area. But they can easily seize an institution like this and calmly, without doing anything, make a profit.

- Probably, after your dismissal, pressure is being put on your sons?

What else! Andrey was demoted. Maxim is checked: how many trials he participated in, how many cases he won, how many he lost, etc. Every step is controlled: when you came, when you left. But now there is a whole team of new deputies. I hope this bacchanalia will not last long.

Saying goodbye to Nikolai Dmitrievich, I tried to cheer him up: justice, they say, must triumph. Penkovsky nods approvingly:

Must. But we still have to fight for it. You understand, I’m not against a new leader coming to the national park, but we need to find a specialist and train him, and not send such a “landing force.”

Meanwhile, Nikolai Penkovsky’s colleagues, the directors of nature reserves and national parks in Russia, signed a collective letter of appeal (13 signatures in total) to the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Sergei Donskoy. In the letter, they expressed their extreme concern at such a “sudden dismissal” of such a distinguished person and one of the best specialists in nature conservation in Russia. And the team of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sochi National Park” even turned to the head of state, as well as the Prime Minister and the Presidential Envoy to the Southern Federal District with a request to “objectively understand” the reasons for the dismissal of such an effective, knowledgeable leader. There are more than three hundred signatures under the letter.

But Nikolai Dmitrievich himself does not sit idly by, he is not used to it. He hopes that the Central District Court of Sochi will make an objective decision on the fact of his dismissal by Minister Donskoy.

We've already sorted it out for you.

Sergey LADOZHSKY. Sochi - Krasnodar.

Arboretum "Southern Cultures" before and after restoration

Sochi National Park was organized in 1983 to preserve the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, using them for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes, according to reference books and tourist brochures. We also read there that the park includes 15 forest districts, the Arboretum and Southern Cultures parks, a leopard reintroduction center and the Azovsky Nature Reserve. The area of ​​the national park is 193 thousand hectares, several dozen tourist routes are laid across the territory; last year alone, the national park was visited by more than 1.5 million tourists. Let us add on our own that the national park is also a very profitable commercial enterprise, the assets of which are difficult to even calculate. Some experts compare the cost of the land on which the park is located with the cost of the famous Rublyovka or the center of Moscow. Tenants of numerous tents and cafes are willing to pay a lot of money for the opportunity to sell churchkhela, beer and souvenirs on popular tourist trails.

However, despite the increasing flow of people from year to year, extra-budgetary income from the commercial activities of the budgetary institution - Sochi National Park has been steadily declining. And then the state, represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources, became interested in the financial and economic activities of the park administration. Last summer, the long-time director was removed from his post - Nikolai Penkovsky, and a whole team of financiers and lawyers, led by the ex-Deputy Minister of Ecology of Crimea, landed at the office of the institution Daria Filippova. The appearance of strangers in the holy of holies - the accounting department of the enterprise, which Penkovsky and his people had long considered theirs, produced the effect of a bomb exploding. Intercessor walkers flew to Moscow, to the Ministry of Natural Resources, and to newspaper editorial offices. The Kommersant editorial office found a letter signed by the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District against the appointment of Filippova to the position of director of the national park. The most surprising thing is that the main argument in the fight with Filippova for the director’s chair was her close relationship with the then Deputy Prime Minister of the government Dmitry Rogozin. Penkovsky tried to challenge his dismissal in court, but achieved nothing. Considering his many years of service, he was quietly sent into retirement to chair some association of foresters. The subsequent audit by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation confirmed Filippova’s suspicions about misuse of budget funds by the previous administration of the national park.

Considering that the scandal surrounding the national park became known throughout the country, the Ministry of Natural Resources made a Solomon decision: a new acting director was sent to Sochi Igor Gutsal, in order, as the department explained, to prepare for the creation of a single directorate of the national park and the Caucasus Nature Reserve, thus uniting these two economic entities. Gutsal invited a practicing lawyer with extensive experience, Tatyana Bogoslovskaya, to serve as his deputy for legal issues. And then Igor Gutsal made, in our opinion, the classic mistake of cowardly managers. Not wanting to quarrel with the old team, which had already demonstrated its capabilities in the fight against the niece of the Deputy Prime Minister, he left the key players in their places. And Gutsal did not give the new deputy, in fact his right hand, the right to endorse commercial contracts, lease agreements for property and land, and all documents on these issues were acting. The director signed personally, consulting, according to eyewitnesses, only with members of the old team.

But it was impossible to do nothing at all. On behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Bogoslovskaya initiated an audit of lease agreements previously concluded by the management of the national park. As a result of the audit, about a hundred claims were sent to chronic rent defaulters totaling more than 80 million rubles. You and I are not naive people and we understand that such non-payments are only possible if the tenant and the landlord know how to “negotiate” well with each other.

On this topic

On his Facebook page, the head of the Zheleznogorsk (formerly Krasnoyarsk-26) mining and chemical plant notified subscribers about the end of the contract, which the management of the Rosatom corporation decided not to renew.

At the same time, they checked the ticket offices of the Sochi Arboretum, which is part of the park. And there were some “miracles” here. It turned out that the guides to the arboretum, sold at the box office for 50 rubles apiece, were made by someone unknown, according to accounting don't pass. Let's quote the memo from the head of the internal control department V. Kazakova (subordinate to T. Bogoslovskaya) in the name of acting directors:

“...Printed products (map-scheme of the Arboretum Park) that do not belong to the Institution are sold by the Institution’s cashiers through the cash desks of the Arboretum Park for 50 rubles without providing the buyer with a cash receipt.

According to the cashiers... printed products (map of the Arboretum park) belong to the deputy head of the park department I.V. Belonogov, who gave instructions for their implementation..."

No less surprising is the situation with the tenant of the Pendulum Passenger Cable Car, stretching from the resort avenue to the entrance to the park. The contract at the dumping price was received by the company Dorstroy LLC from the village of Bogdanovka, Stavropol Territory. It appears that the lease agreement was concluded without a public tender, request for proposals or confirmation of authority from the Ministry of Natural Resources. There seems to be only one explanation - the founder of Dorstroy LLC is someone Alena Levitskaya originally from Novocherkassk. Advisor's compatriot general director national park Nikolai Pikalov.(It is Pikalov who is considered here to be a real eminence grise, left by Penkovsky in the park to oversee financial flows). Well, how can you not please your fellow countrymen by farming out a profitable property? By the way, a one-way ride on the cable car costs 250 rubles, and there are plenty of people willing to pay this money in the resort Sochi.

During the inspections initiated by Deputy General Director Tatyana Bogoslovskaya, other, no less interesting stories began to appear. It turned out that in February 2018, the head of the legal department of the National Park Boris Menshikov took part in the arbitration process in the city of Krasnodar at the request of Techinvest-Sochi LLC. In this process (attention!) Menshikov was not on the side of the National Park. That is, a lawyer who receives a salary in government agency, spoke out against your employer? In any private company, such a head of the legal department would not have worked for even three minutes. Here Menshikov, apparently, got off with only a reprimand. The initiator of the recovery was Bogoslovskaya. The rest, let’s be careful, were not at all bothered by the “incorrect” behavior of the corporate lawyer.

There was also the matter of 140 million rubles, which I planned to receive from the UPC Stroy National Park for work for which everyone still had questions. Moreover, the documents that allowed the contractor to apply for government money bore the signature of an employee of the institution who previously held the position of deputy director.

One way or another, by June of this year the Ministry was already tired of the mess going on in the National Park. The work of the commission sent from Moscow led to the dismissal of Igor Gutsal. He quickly left the director's chair, changed numbers mobile phones and departed in an unknown direction. And in the corridors of the ministry, walkers from Sochi already appeared as usual. What words and arguments they found for Moscow officials will probably forever remain a mystery. But as a result of their campaigns, a personnel decision emerged, which caused consternation among the conscientious employees of the national park: Boris Menshikov was appointed acting director. Yes, that same lawyer who seems to forget which side to take in court and for many years has not paid attention to the outrages happening in the institution. There can be only one logical explanation for this appointment - one of the ministry employees took advantage of the situation and simply slipped it to the new minister Dmitry Kobylkin this ridiculous candidate.

His rise to power as acting The director, apparently, began with a vendetta. The main enemy was Menshikov’s yesterday’s boss, Tatyana Bogoslovskaya. Instead of doing their direct work, the employees, almost with chronometers in their hands, found out the time Bogoslovskaya arrived at work. The documents she prepared for management were lost or marinated in the longest drawer. It would be strange if they did not take advantage of the entire arsenal of meanness in stock. How could Bogoslovskaya receive six penalties in 25 days and still be fired under the article? Despite the fact that over the previous 25 years of work experience she had no penalties at all.

The absurdity of the situation outraged the regional prosecutor's office. There is information that, apparently, a corresponding order was even sent to the National Park, but there the document was simply ignored. It was not possible without filing a lawsuit to protect the legitimate interests and rights of Tatyana Bogoslovskaya. The local press also took her side, devoting many publications to this story. However, people familiar with the realities of Sochi do not expect a miracle from the local court. Bogoslovskaya hopes for an objective hearing in the Region.

But it’s too early for the old new team of Sochi National Park to celebrate their victory. Just the other day, an order from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 508 appeared. The document states, among other things: “... Attribute to the jurisdiction of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov, the territories occupied by the dendrological park of federal significance "Southern Cultures", the dendrological park of federal significance "Arboretum", the recreation center "Nut Grove" and the state nature reserve of federal significance "Priazovsky" and associated property...". This means that the most delicious parts of the national park come under the control of the director of the Caucasus Nature Reserve Sergei Shevelev- a tough person and known in the Region for his principled position in everything related to nature conservation. Dissatisfaction with the new appointment has already manifested itself in numerous anonymous telegram channels. Will Shevelev be able to correct the situation? Time will show. We would really like to hope so.

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