What should a conscript take with him into the army? What to take to the army or a conscript's kit What to give to a conscript with a list.

So a summons came from the military registration and enlistment office. Ahead are preparations, farewells, the road to the army and service. A whole year away from home and familiar things. Fully state supported. However, when going to the army, you need to take something of your own. But what exactly and in what quantities. Not all conscripts and their parents know about this. Therefore, we will try to tell you what a conscript should take with him into the army, and what he should absolutely not take.

Less is more

When going to the collection point of the military registration and enlistment office, it is best to take as little things as possible. And not only because they can simply be taken away or stolen. Rather, because burdening yourself with extra burden makes no sense. After all, upon arrival at the unit, the situation will become clearer and it will be possible to buy or ask relatives to send what is missing. So, what should a conscript take with him into the army so as not to feel deprived at the assembly point and on the way to the unit?


A conscript's clothing should be light, comfortable, appropriate for the season, and not expensive. Its purpose is to protect the conscript from the cold until he receives his uniform. Next, it will need to be sent to relatives by mail, or delivered in person if relatives are going to come to the oath. Shipping will be absolutely free. However, dear and fashion clothes the conscript has no use for it. Therefore, you need to dress according to the principle of “a trip to the country” or “to the forest to pick mushrooms.” Be sure to take a change of underwear and a spare pair of socks with you. It’s not a fact that only one or a couple of days will pass before arriving at the unit; you need to be able to change your underwear and wash your socks.

If a conscript does not want to send his clothes home, he will have to store them in his unit under lock and key. And in this case, he risks losing it. Not even because someone might steal it. But because senior comrades in the service often use civilian clothes for unauthorized absences and constantly risk being caught by officers. In this case, civilian clothes will be taken away, and the perpetrators, including, as a rule, the owner, will be punished.


A conscript's shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for the season. No one knows how much time will have to be spent at assembly points and on the road. And the legs for a soldier are the main thing. Therefore, they should be warm, dry and free of calluses. It is best to wear your usual sneakers. In which it is easy to run and comfortable to walk. In addition, you need to take with you the most common rubber flip-flops. As replacement shoes for indoor use.

"Soap-snout" accessories

Soap, toothpaste, razor - this is what will accompany the conscript during the entire service. And this is something that will belong to him personally. The toothbrush should be in a case, the soap in a soap dish, the razor should have the required number of replaceable blocks. Don't forget about shaving gel, aftershave and cologne. At the same time, you don’t need to take expensive and fashionable perfume into the army. Even if this is the smell that a conscript cannot imagine himself without in everyday life. It is enough to take a good and discreet cologne.

In addition, you will need a washcloth, shower gel and a towel. Upon arrival at the unit, you will, of course, be given a government-issued towel, but at the assembly point you will have to use your own. You should not take a lot of cosmetics with you. Although, of course, if a conscript has problem skin, you need to take anti-acne cream with you, since it will be quite difficult to buy some of it. You can also take anti-blister cream with you.

Other important little things

Threads and needles are always useful in the army. Therefore, you need to take them with you. Threads are needed in three colors - khaki, black and white. In addition, you need to have a set of needles. All this needs to be put in a separate, well-closing case. Sewing skills will also come in handy.

Another important thing that a conscript must remember to take into the army is writing materials. A notebook with 48 sheets, a notepad, several pens and pencils and envelopes. The army is, perhaps, one of the last places from which letters are still written on paper in our age of electronic technology. All writing accessories can be folded into a lightweight plastic folder and then stored in this form in your bedside table.

In addition, you need to take with you bactericidal plasters, a regular adhesive plaster, a bandage and cotton wool. All this will be very useful after getting acquainted with army shoes.


It is advisable to take packed rations with you for several days. After all, before arriving at the unit, they may not be fed. It is advisable to take with you canned food, dry biscuits, dry smoked sausage, chocolate bars, bread or crackers and, most importantly, a supply of water in a plastic container. In addition, you need to take a set of plastic utensils. Products should not spoil quickly, take up a lot of space and require additional preparation. A kilogram of apples or oranges will be a good help for a conscript. You shouldn’t take a thermos with your mother’s soup or a can of stewed potatoes with you.

Money and mobile phone

It is not only possible to take a telephone into the army, but also necessary. However, it doesn't have to be a fancy touchscreen smartphone. The simplest and most inexpensive push-button option will do. Preferably able to withstand “all hardships and hardships” military service" Although he will not accompany the soldier during forced marches, he can still fall, fall into the water or into the hands of colleagues with not the best intentions. In short, you shouldn't mind the phone. Other gadgets - a tablet, a camera, an audio player - do not need to be taken into the army. They won't be allowed to use them anyway. But if they steal or take it away, it’s very easy.

The conscript must have money. Everyone decides on the amount independently, but for the first time 1 thousand rubles, exchanged for 100 and 50 rubles, will be enough. This is enough to buy water, cigarettes and other necessary items.

What a conscript should not take with him into the army

There is a very specific list of items that cannot be taken with you into the army. When going on a trip, you need to leave them at home. So, you absolutely cannot take with you into the army:

Alcohol in any form. This is beer, low-alcohol cocktails, energy drinks, wine, vodka and all other drinks containing degrees. Alcohol is punishable. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Any cutting and piercing objects . Including knives, scissors and straight razors.

You are also not allowed to take drinks with you. in glass bottle x and food in glass jars. After all, people with an unstable psyche, having such dangerous objects at hand, can cause harm to themselves and others if they find themselves in a stressful situation.

Any medicines . Even iodine and brilliant green, as well as headache pills. If a conscript suffers from a chronic illness and must take medication, he must have a doctor's prescription. For all other problems - upset stomach or headache, one road - to the medical unit.

So, the backpack is packed and the conscript is ready to go. Let us remind you that a conscript's haircut must be as short as possible. Although it is not at all necessary to shave your head bald. But you will have to part with a beard or mustache, if you have one, in any case. Well, the most important thing is that you must not forget take a conscript with you into the army– endurance, perseverance, patience and sober mind. Courage, bravery and honor will also not be superfluous. Good luck!

Alexander served his conscription and remained on contract. At our request, he wrote some important advice to conscripts about what they should take with them into the army.

What to take with you to the army:

1) Phone and charger. It’s better to buy a cheap phone, better black and white, one that will hold a charge for a long time. Because at first it will still be problematic to charge it. The military registration and enlistment office gave me 2 SIM cards, between which calls were practically free throughout Russia. I gave one to my parents.

2) Wash accessories. You need to take a soap dish, soap, three disposable machines, shaving cream, toothpaste and toothbrush, roll toilet paper. You shouldn’t take expensive shaving foam or 500-ruble machines with cassettes—they’ll be taken away anyway.

3) I’m going for a day. There is no need to take perishable food, it is not known how long you will sit at the collection point. Cookies, sausage in vacuum packaging, bread, processed cheese, water or juice to taste would be ideal. I myself went into the army without food, which I greatly regretted)

4) Money. Take 1000 rubles, this should be enough for the first time.

5) Band-Aid! Lots of Band-Aid! Especially those who are called up in the summer. At first, unworn ankle boots will chafe your legs and you just have to endure it.

6) Cigarettes. If you smoke, take five packs. And as soon as you receive your uniform and clothing, throw the packs into your pockets. It's the same with money. Don't keep everything in one pocket.

7) Get a haircut. Short. You will have to do this. And it’s better to do it right away than to later be a black sheep among shaved recruits.

No need to take expensive things. All sorts of players, iPhones, e-books, eau de toilette, deodorants, aftershave creams, expensive lighters, wristwatches, and civilian clothes are best left at home. They will take it all away on the first day, put it in the nightstand, lock it, and you will never see it again. By personal experience I can say: I went to the army with a touchscreen phone, hoping to read books, and it was taken away from me under the pretext that it had a camera.

If later it becomes possible to use such things in the unit, it is better to ask your parents or friends to bring them to the oath.

Now at the regional military registration and enlistment offices, conscripts are given cosmetic bags. Under no circumstances should they be lost, as the item is mandatory, expensive and an inventory item!

I might have forgotten something, but the military registration and enlistment office should give you some instructions.

After the conscript has successfully passed the military commission, he will be required to arrive at the conscript collection point at the appointed time, from where he will go to the place of service. But he may have to stay at the collection point for quite a long time, waiting for the required number of recruits to gather. This raises the question - what does a conscript need to take with him to the collection point and, in fact, to the army.

Cloth. When you arrive at the recruiting station, you should be given a uniform in your size. If you were given the wrong one, then be sure to demand its replacement, without giving in to any excuses. The same applies to winter uniforms, because even if it’s still a warm season outside, when you need it, they won’t replace it. After receiving it, mark it, at least not very noticeably. Thanks to this, you can easily find it. Usually, mothers give their sons huge pieces of white fabric for collars, foot wraps, etc. when sending them off. There is no need for this (unless you cut it into pieces first at home), since you can always buy it at the military store, and the piece of fabric will remain with the sergeants, or in the storeroom.

Shoes you also need the exact size, otherwise at least you won’t be able to march correctly.

Under no circumstances should you lose anything that was given to you at the military registration and enlistment office, since upon arrival at the unit you will be punished by the foreman for the loss of military property.

Necessary hygiene items. These include:

  • cotton swabs and disks
  • toothpaste and brush
  • aftershave cream
  • face lotion
  • soap (1-2 pieces)
  • soap box
  • cologne
  • 3 disposable razors
  • one toilet paper
  • shampoo.

The main thing is to try to take the simplest brands of all things - otherwise everything will be taken away. It must be said that in the spring of 2015, conscripts began to be given soldier’s cosmetic bags, where all the necessary personal hygiene items are stored, so don’t worry if you forget any of this.

Food products. Be sure to take with you to the recruiting station non-perishable food for two to three days and in non-glass containers. Stock up on a kilogram of vacuum-packed sausage, processed cheese, condensed milk (2 cans), stewed meat (six cans) and bread. You can also take canned fish in iron cans. And remember that storing food in cabinets is prohibited, and it is better to take sweets with you to the young fighter’s course. Water, juice, cookies and candies should be taken in plastic packaging.

Plus, when you head to the unit, don’t even think about taking it with you alcohol, since if the officer accompanying you is conscientious, upon arrival he will immediately file a report against you to his superiors, which will negatively affect your future service.

Money. It is advisable to take 500-3000 rubles with you, no more, if you serve close to home. This money should be in bills of 50-100 rubles. This is quite enough for cigarettes, food, uniforms, etc. until the young fighter takes the oath to take the course. It is best to distribute the bills in parts throughout all the pockets of the form.

Medicines. You will need to take with you, at a minimum, activated carbon, analgin, iodine, a bandage, and quite a lot of plaster, since at first your ankle boots and/or boots will rub your feet a lot. You cannot take loose tablets or medications that require a prescription if you don’t have one.

Cigarettes. Take half a block or a block of it, and distribute it like money into all your pockets. Choose them cheaper.

Get shaved preferably in advance, at a hairdresser.

Things. Do not take with you Apple products, e-books, a player, expensive lighters and wristwatches (simple, preferably with an alarm clock, on the contrary, be sure to take them) and your civilian clothes. All this will be taken away from you immediately, perhaps under some pretext. Or, which is unlikely, they will force you to hand them over to a room for storing personal belongings on a subscription basis, and give them out in your free time. If you still have the opportunity to use one of the above, ask someone in civilian life to bring it to you for the oath. It is prohibited to take piercing or cutting objects.

Now about what you need to take:

  • Phone and adapter for it. It is better to take the simplest one, black and white, so that it does not run out of charge for a long time, because at first it will be quite difficult to find access to the power supply. Perhaps the military registration and enlistment office will give you a couple of SIM cards with free calls within Russia. Be sure to save all the numbers for at least one of them, as there is a chance that the phone will be taken away from you and you will have to call from someone else’s phone. It’s also a good idea to set an access code on your SIM card and phone.
  • A notebook, small, signed, with all significant contacts.
  • Thin needles in the amount of 4-5 pcs.
  • Let them bring you envelopes for the oath, with the “to” field filled in, in the amount of up to 5 pieces.
  • Black, green, white threads.
  • Socks in size 3-4 pieces, you may not need them, since most likely you will be walking around in foot wraps, but still.
  • Spare laces for ankle boots.
  • Handkerchiefs, two or three, plain.
  • Black pens.
  • Three or four notebooks, 48 ​​sheets.
  • A small comb in a case.
  • Putty, for marking the shape, with a ball end.
  • Nail clippers.

If you need anything else, the military registration and enlistment office will tell you about it and you can buy everything you need or ask your relatives to send it by mail.

Photos. Don’t take too many of them with you, take them in such a way that you can carry them all with you; 2-3 small pictures of your favorite people are enough. The same applies to icons; it is best to take them in one quantity.

And in the end, remember that when you arrive at the unit, you should not be afraid of everything and everyone and worry about anything, since you are surrounded by people just like yourself. Behave confidently, as this will earn you respect, otherwise you will be harassed.

Advice from an experienced person on what to take with you to the army

What should a conscript take for the army? Now let's look at this issue in detail. Let's list all the necessary things.

Each conscript has a different attitude towards preparation and training before being sent to the army. Once you receive a summons, it is very important to prepare yourself properly. This is necessary to make the service as comfortable as possible.

After receiving the summons, the conscript appears at the military registration and enlistment office at the appointed time. First, he is sent to the assembly point (the place where teams are formed), his stay there can take 1-3 days. Only after this the young guys are sent to military units. What should you take into the army? Now we'll tell you. Please note that all items and products must be prepared taking into account the waiting time, including the days of stay in the military unit.

Phone and money

What do you take with you to the army? Simple mobile phone and a SIM card with a pre-topped up account. The money will be useful for making calls home and friends. After all, in the army there will be no place to buy a phone refill.

It’s better not to take a top-up card with you, but to deposit the money directly into your mobile account. If you do it differently, after the call, it may be taken away from you by someone who didn’t think about it in advance and didn’t top up their phone. Another option is that someone will use the card for other purposes, for example, using it as a backing for a mount or instead of a pick.

What should you take into the army? Of course, money. It is advisable to have small bills for ease of use.

Personal items for hygiene procedures

Of course, in the army you will, as before, wash your face, shave and brush your teeth. Therefore, you need to take with you:

  • a piece of soap in a soap dish;
  • toothpaste and a brush for cleaning the oral cavity (in a case);
  • and spare blades for it;
  • toilet paper rolls (2 pcs.).

All this will come in handy while you are at the assembly point and waiting for your team to be formed to be sent to the military unit.

Cigarettes and food

What else do they take into the army? If a conscript smokes, then he should take cigarettes with him (you can use a block) for himself, as well as for everyone else who asks for a cigarette in the unit. You can take not only those that you prefer, but also cheaper ones for treating the kids.

What do they take into the army? Food. You need to prepare yourself a ration for several days from shelf-stable food, preferably in a glass container. You can make sandwiches with smoked sausage, and also buy: fish, 3-in-1 coffee, tea bags (you shouldn’t buy loose sausage, it won’t be useful), water or juice (optional). You will also need some sugar and a matchbox of salt. They also take various sweets, and a lot of them (you can treat the guys in the unit with them, they miss them in any case, and, of course, you yourself will want to eat something delicious).

Some necessary things

What do they take with them into the army besides this?

  • Medicines are taken if there are those prescribed by the doctor and they are required to be taken during service.
  • Set of sewing threads (green, black and white). You should take several needles with them. During your service, you may need to stitch or hem something, it is better to be prepared for such a situation.
  • Handkerchief (2 pieces or more). Suddenly during the service you will have a runny nose.
  • Comb. You can take it with you, but it will only be useful until you arrive at the military unit and perhaps for another couple of days. Remember that you will have your hair cut short and there will be no need for it for a long time. Although you will not use it, at the parades they will in any case check for its presence in the sleeve pocket of your uniform. That's why you need a comb small size, compact.

What do they take with them into the army, in addition to the above?

  • A cover for your military ID, because it will always be with you. Therefore, in order for him to have a normal appearance and lived to see DMB, you should definitely take this thing.
  • Black shoe polish and a shoe brush. Place these items in a separate bag. As you remember, the army has a special attitude towards clean and well-maintained shoes.
  • Notepad or general notebook for notes. A couple more pens and a few spare refills in case you run out of paste or lose a pen.

Photos of loved ones as keepsakes

What do you take with you to the army? Photos of people dear to your heart, it is better that they are small in size. You can also take an icon if you profess a religion. This will make it easier to endure your stay in the army.

All the necessary things, groceries, etc., need to be put in a spacious sports bag. It should be durable and easy to use. It’s better not to take anything extra with you; in 99.9% of cases it will be taken away from you in any case.

Clothes for conscripts

Clothing for the trip should be appropriate for the season and take into account all its features (heat and cold, rain and dry weather). After arriving at a military unit, civilian items will not be useful until the end of your service life; taking this into account, it is necessary to take a minimum amount of them. The only exception is extra pairs of socks (6 pieces), as they will come in handy.

What things does a future soldier not need?

What you should not take into the army:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to take with you: drinks containing alcohol (alcohol in any form), cutting and stabbing objects (scissors, wire cutters, etc.), medications without a doctor's prescription (that is, without a prescription).
  2. It's better to leave an expensive phone at home. For the duration of the service, use the cheapest one without various additional functions (camera, music, games, programs, etc.). There is a possibility that an expensive mobile phone may be stolen or taken away during service, and you are unlikely to be able to get it back in the future. And the conditions of being in the army are difficult. Therefore, it is easy to break or break your valuable phone.
  3. Jewelry made of gold and silver (rings, signets, bracelets, etc.). The only thing you can take into the army is a chain and a cross.
  4. You should not wear valuables or expensive shoes or sneakers. All this will not be useful in the army. Having arrived at the military registration and enlistment office with a bag of necessary things, you will go to the military unit, disassemble it, then put your civilian clothes there. Usually, on the day of taking the oath, civilian items are handed over by the soldier to his relatives or friends (the one who came to take the oath), and the conscript uses the uniform issued to him during his service.

Pay attention to your moral preparation, try to prepare yourself for a long stay away from family and friends. You will have regular physical activity, a new regime and daily routine.
Take heart and don’t lose heart, be sure that everything will be fine!

A little conclusion

Now it is more or less clear what a conscript should take into the army after receiving a summons. Apart from the above, you don’t need to take anything else. This will be enough for training and service in the army.

When going to the valiant ranks of the army, a recruit, of course, can take with him some necessary things, although the unit will provide everything for service and everyday life. You need to take a minimum of things, since excess and unnecessary things can simply be taken away or stolen. And here the natural questions of parents and future soldiers arise: what clothes should they wear for service? Is it possible to bring food, money, equipment with you, and won’t all this be taken away at the assembly point or directly in the unit?

  1. So, the conscript does not need to dress super pretentiously and expensively, because after he is given a uniform at the training camp, personal clothes will be offered to be mailed to relatives or handed over directly to them when taking the oath. There is another option to give your personal clothes for storage in the so-called copter, where they will remain for a whole year until release. So get dressed ordinary clothes , which you won’t be sorry to lose if something happens.
  2. Personal care products . The recruit must have his own personal toothbrush and paste, brush case, soap in a soap dish, disposable razor, shaving gel, aftershave balm, washcloth and towel. Tip: take a couple of packs of adhesive plasters, they will definitely come in handy.
  3. Take it with you threads(black, white, green) and needles in a well-closing case.
  4. Will come in handy notepad and pen, an ordinary notebook, a pencil and empty envelopes.
  5. According to the charter, it is allowed to store in a personal nightstand book, magazine, photo album , but it’s not a fact that you will have time to read.
  6. Underwear , socks, several handkerchiefs.
  7. Comb, folding comb.
  8. You can take mobile phone , it’s only better that he be cheap , there is a high probability that the expensive and sophisticated one will be taken away.
  9. Money. You can have a small amount of money with you, enough to buy water and food for the first time. An amount of 500-1000 rubles, exchanged for small change, is quite suitable. Then, if you need money, relatives will send or bring you.
  10. If you smoke, you are allowed to take cigarettes. The cheaper they are, the better; in any case, they will either be taken away or they will ask for everything.
  11. You can take a musical instrument, for example, guitar, if you know how to play perfectly. You may be invited to play in preparation for the holidays instead of serving an assignment, and just on a day off you will be the center of attention of the team, being able to masterfully play your favorite instrument.
  12. Products. It may take several days before arriving at the unit, so it is better to prepare packed rations for several days. This can be canned meat or fish, crackers, dry smoked sausage, cookies, chocolate, bread. Don't forget water or any drink in plastic bottle- fruit drink, tea, juice, as well as a set of disposable tableware - plate, fork, spoon, knife, which you won’t mind throwing away.

What can't you take into the army?

  1. Alcoholic drinks: beer, cocktails, wine and any other drinks containing alcohol.
  2. Piercing and cutting objects, such as knives, scissors. Glass bottles and jars are not allowed, as they can break and turn out to be quite dangerous roses. Such measures are taken due to the fact that, if they find themselves in a stressful situation, some people with a shaken psyche can do bad things and harm themselves or their comrades.
  3. Tablets and any other medications without a prescription or doctor's prescription.

As stated above, it is prohibited to take pills and other medications, but in case of a headache or throat pain, it is better to take cough drops, paracetamol, noshpa, and runny nose spray. If the snoring of co-workers bothers you, earplugs will not hurt. Naturally, all this can be taken away from you, so remove these items out of sight.

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