Additional salaries for military personnel at the end of the year. Salaries of military personnel in Russia

The Russian government plans to pay additional salaries to the military this year. They called it “the thirteenth salary.” These payments are bonuses for the work of civil servants during the year. For employees of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the National Guard, payment of 13 salaries presupposes the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

They plan to raise wages for the special unit in 2018, and this year, make a payment in the form of an additional salary as a bonus. True, the premium will be different for everyone, depending on many factors and conditions.

Award in the Russian Guard at the end of 2017: current military salaries

The Russian Guard was formed in 2016 as a new power structure. This is an emergency but permanent service that will combat crime in the country. Employees were recruited at their own request; they became employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and other military structures. The selection took place at a professional level. The ban on indexation in 2016 led to the fact that the salaries of this power structure are not high.

Now the average salary for privates is from 20 to 25 thousand rubles, and for officers - 45 thousand rubles. Employee salaries depend on the region, since the budget is formed on the basis of the municipal budget. In addition, military personnel receive bonuses in the amount of 25% of the salary, increases due to heavy service, and allowances for awards.

In 2018, indexation should be carried out, which will lead to an increase in wages of employees of the Russian Guard, as economists have noted, by approximately 1-2 times.

Bonus in the Russian Guard at the end of 2017: the impact of conditions on the amount of payment of 13 salaries

The thirteenth salary has additional points that affect its receipt. For example, the premium should not be more than five times the calculated amount in the whole indicator. Civil servants and contract employees are not entitled to salaries. It will not be received by military personnel who have convictions or reprimands on their personal file. Military personnel with weak physical or professional characteristics will not be able to receive it. Department of Defense employees cannot receive additional pay if they have an additional job.

The number of payments depends on the position of the military personnel. Therefore, at the end of 2017, the largest bonuses will be received by chiefs, and the smallest – by deputy heads of structural departments. But you should not expect that the bonus will be noticeable, rather small, approximately 3-4% of the actual salary of military personnel.

Prize in the Russian Guard at the end of 2017: funds for bonuses may not be enough

At the moment, it is impossible to say for sure whether the bonus will be paid to employees of the Russian Guard. The Russian Guard is a new structure, and in addition to it, the Government allocates funds for other units. For example, this year all military personnel had their salaries raised by 15%. Therefore, the state may not have enough funds to pay additional bonuses to the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Defense.

In Russia, every law enforcement officer receives an annual salary bonus, in accordance with the law. Consequently, the government is not obliged to pay the additional thirteenth salary again.

When should I pay my salary for December 2017? When should I transfer the advance payment to employees for December, and when should I pay the second part of my salary in January 2018, taking into account the New Year holidays? Is it possible to pay December salaries early? You will find answers to the most common questions about the December salary in this article.

Payment terms according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Wages must be paid at least twice a month (Part 6 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The exact dates for payment of wages must be specified in the labor regulations, collective or employment agreement. Also, salary deadlines can be established, for example, in the Regulations on Remuneration. The exact dates of payment of earnings should be clear to employees and not raise questions.

From October 3, 2016, salaries must be paid no later than the 15th day after the end of the month for which they were accrued. That is, the deadline for advance payment is the 30th of the current month, and for salary – the 15th of the next month. So, for example, the salary advance for November must be paid no later than November 30, and the second part - no later than December 15, 2017. Cm. " ".

If the period between salary payments is more than 15 days, then the labor inspectorate has the right to fine the employer under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Also, the organization has established financial liability in the form of compensation for the delay (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the head of an organization can be held criminally liable provided that he was directly or indirectly interested in the delay in wages. It does not matter how many employees’ payments were delayed (one is enough). This follows from Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

To avoid fines and other liability, we recommend that employers pay attention to the table on the combination of advance and salary payment days. So, for example, if an advance is issued on the 25th, then the salary must be paid no later than the 10th. If the advance is on the 26th, then the second part is due no later than the 11th, etc.

If the established payment day coincides with a weekend or non-working holiday, the employer is obliged to pay the salary the day before. Even if the employee is on vacation (Part 8 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Salary payment deadline for December 2017

If you adhere to the indicated rules, then employers are required to pay wages for December 2017 within the following terms:

  • the first part of the salary (that is, the advance) must be paid in December (for example, December 26);
  • the second part of the salary must be paid in January 2018 (no later than January 11, if the advance was issued on December 26).

Advances and salaries must be paid on specific dates, which are established in the labor regulations, collective or labor agreement (Part 6 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In the example given, the advance and salary for December 2017 were paid on working days that do not fall on holidays or weekends (December 26 is Tuesday, and January 11 is Thursday). Accordingly, no problems should arise in such a situation.

When to go to work in January 2018

Taking into account the postponement of holidays in 2018, the “New Year holidays” for employees will last 10 days – from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018. The first working day of the new year will be Tuesday, January 9, 2017.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability for late payment of wages to employees. If wages are paid earlier, this does not violate the rights of workers. Therefore, the employer cannot be held liable for early payment of the December salary.

The entire December salary can be paid in December 2017 on one day. For example, on the day of payment of the advance. It is not at all necessary to pay an advance, for example, on December 15, 2017, and then wait until December 29 to pay the second part of your earnings. However, this issue remains at the discretion of the employer.

The company does not face a fine for issuing wages ahead of time. It doesn’t matter for what reason the organization violated the regularity of payments - due to upcoming weekends and holidays or just like that. The Ministry of Labor reported this in a letter dated December 6, 2016 No. 14-1/B-1226. Salaries must be paid at least every half month (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Violation of this rule may result in a fine of up to RUB 50,000. (Part 6 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Officials assure that it does not apply in the case of early salary. After all, it turns out that employees will receive money even earlier than in half a month. This does not infringe on workers' rights.

Salary payment method

Pay employees' salaries for December 2017 in the manner established by the labor or collective agreement or in the internal labor regulations:

  • or cash;
  • or transfer to employee cards.

At the same time, we recommend keeping in mind that the period for crediting money to employees’ cards depends on the length of the bank’s operating day and on when the organization transferred the money. The exact terms of crediting, of course, must be specified in the agreement for servicing bank cards. Most often, money arrives at card accounts the next day after the organization transfers it. Thus, in order for employees to receive their salaries for December, for example, on December 29, it makes sense to submit a payment order to the bank no later than December 28, 2017.

In our opinion, there is no need to postpone payments directly until December 29th. The fact is that at the end of the year banks make a lot of payments. Moreover, December 30 is a non-working day (Saturday). Therefore, it is possible that the payment will not be processed in time if you submit the payment to the bank directly on December 29. And then, to put it mildly, a not very good situation may develop - the employee did not receive the money until January 9, 2018.

As you know, in Russia over the past five years there has been no indexation of military salaries. A considerable part of the budget is spent on the salaries of the Russian military, similar security officials and other categories of citizens, so it is not surprising that against the backdrop of the economic crisis there is no money for indexation. However, this year the long-awaited indexation may still take place. How the salaries of military personnel will change in 2018 will be discussed in the article.

When will the long-awaited increase happen and by what amount?

From January 1, 2018, the salaries of military personnel will be indexed by 4% in the Russian Federation. This increase has already been included in the Russian budget for 2018, and the percentage was planned for inflation in the past 2017. This will seem surprising to many, but, indeed, official statistics indicate that inflation was low, and when summing up the results of the year it will be even lower, it is even possible that this figure will drop to 3%.

However, despite such positive statistics, one should not expect that real military salaries, taking into account inflation, will remain the same.

In general, the State Duma Defense Committee, when developing the draft budget for 2018, insisted on even greater indexation, justifying its demands by freezing salaries in previous, rather difficult years. And if inflation was high before 2017, only last year it decreased. But still, over the past period, prices have increased by almost 50%, and the cost of a minimum food package has increased by as much as 60%. Yes, of course, the Russian military cannot be called poor, but this hardly means that they are ready for a decrease in their standard of living.

In addition, it should be noted that in the Russian army, as in society as a whole, there is quite a significant stratification. And if for an army general inflation is not of particular importance, then the non-commissioned officers will immediately feel the changes that have occurred. There are still certain difficulties with personnel in the army, and if the standard of living deteriorates, there will be no people willing to serve under a contract at all.

And yet, despite quite weighty arguments, the budget does not allow increasing the salaries of military personnel by a larger percentage. Thus, the military and their families will have to forget about prosperity for some time and get used to the current standard of living. The maximum that the state is ready to do now is to support today's life.

How will the indexation of military salaries affect the budget?

Increasing military salaries will cost the Russian budget no less, an additional 67 billion rubles. In total, 2.27 trillion rubles will be spent on indexing monetary allowances for military personnel and categories equivalent to them. This amount will be about 14% of all budget expenses.

The statistics presented are from open budget items. It is worth noting that the budget also has a closed part, all information about which is strictly classified. It is likely that it also includes the costs of indexing monetary allowances for certain categories of citizens associated with the defense of the state. But since this information has not been officially confirmed anywhere, the data is more of an assumption and cannot be considered significant.

In general, over 2.7 million military personnel and about 1 million civilians will receive a salary increase. In particular, the following will be indexed:

  • employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - just over 1 million people;
  • police officers - 904 thousand people;
  • employees of the federal penitentiary service – 225 thousand people;
  • employees of the Russian Guard - over 340 thousand people;
  • fire service employees – slightly higher than 250 thousand people.

To date, there is no information about the current average salary in the army, but it is known that in 2015 this amount was 62 thousand rubles and more.

It is unlikely that the salaries of military personnel have undergone significant changes since then, since there have been no increases or decreases, and the number of military personnel has remained virtually unchanged. But still, statistical data should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism. Do not forget that the statistics take into account both senior officers and warrant officers and sergeants, who receive very little monetary allowance.

What are your plans for 2019-2020?

Since the budget is based on economic development over the past three years, it is already known what exactly the state plans to increase the salaries of military personnel in 2018. Specifically, we can say that if this year the financing of indexation cost 67 billion rubles, then next year this amount increases by almost one-fourth and already reaches 84 billion rubles, and by 2020 it will almost double and become over 148 billion rubles . As a result, increasing salaries for the military and security forces over three years will cost more than 300 billion rubles. And although this amount seems impressive, in reality it is not at all a guarantor of the financial well-being of the Russian military.

From the latest news: the salary increase for military personnel in 2017 is planned by 5.5-9%. The amount of salary and the amount of additional allowances depend on the type of service: contract or conscription.

Salaries of military personnel under contract

In 2017, the total salary is based on the salary:

  • by military rank (from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • by position (from 10,000 to 42,000 rubles);
  • additional payments.

The current salary for a specific position or military rank can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the “Money” section.

Salary table by military rank and position
Military rank, positionSalary according to military positionSalary according to military rankAverage monthly accrual including all additional payments
Lieutenant (platoon commander) 7000 12 442 50 000
Captain (company commander) 7 900 13 970 52 000
Major (deputy battalion commander) 8 490 14 760 55 600
Lieutenant Colonel (battalion commander) 9 100 15 529 60 281
Colonel (regiment commander) 9670 17 500 70 320
Major General (Brigade Commander) 10 896 18 630 74 000
Lieutenant General (Army Commander) 11 500 29 354 117 000

Additional payments under the contract calculated as a share percentage of earnings by position.

The size and grounds are described in Articles 12 and 13 of Federal Law No. 76 “On the status of military personnel” and Federal Law No. 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”, and can be adjusted through legislative documents signed by the President of the Russian Federation, the government or local authorities.

Receive for:

  • qualification level;
  • length of military service;
  • special working conditions;
  • gaining access to state secrets;
  • execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times.
  • outstanding achievements

Let's decipher each point.

Skill level determines a premium of 5, 10, 20 or 30% depending on the class - third, second, first or master, respectively.

Behind length of military service paid only after 2 years of service. If the experience is less than 5 years, its size is 10%. Every additional 5 years raises this figure by another 10%, up to a maximum of 40%.

Special working conditions– the largest regular payment. It is calculated specifically based on working conditions. The maximum can be equal to the full official salary.

Gaining access to state secrets- measured based on the access level, the maximum set size is 65%.

Execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times. Let us conditionally divide such orders into 5 groups according to the amount of payments.

Orders paid from 2% for each day, but not more than 60% per month in total:

  • investigation of criminal cases during a state of emergency, armed conflict or peacekeeping operations;
  • personal participation in ship voyages; ;
  • procedural actions in criminal cases in the field; ;
  • personal participation in events outside the permanent location of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 80. ;

20% of current salary for investigations With:

  • fires;
  • disasters;
  • explosions;
  • accidents;
  • other natural disasters;
  • detection, inspection and removal of nuclear fuel elements, waste and other radioactive materials.

30% of salary by military position:

  • for service in areas of environmental crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur and at the Baikonur complex;
  • for the period of investigation of criminal cases related to the examination of corpses, as well as the examination and removal of the remains of corpses or cadaveric material.

40% for working with suspects accused during the investigation criminal cases.

60% for procedural control in criminal cases with organized criminal groups and communities.

In addition to the above, a serviceman receives annual cash assistance equal to his salary.

By call

Military personnel receive a salary according to their military position and a monthly additional allowance of 2,000 rubles. Depending on the region, a fixed amount of reimbursement for transport costs is formed: from 70 to 200 rubles.

Irregular service-related surcharges

In addition to the regular ones described above, there are more rare payments due to the current situation:

  • to cover expenses associated with business trips: general and daily allowances;
  • when moving to a new place of work;
  • upon dismissal: with less than 20 years of experience - 3 salaries, more than 20 years - 7 salaries;
  • upon dismissal due to injury: upon conscription - 1 million rubles, under contract - 2 million rubles.

The Russian government has planned to pay government workers the so-called thirteenth salary. In fact, this is a bonus that is issued to reward work throughout the year. But for employees of the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard, the payment of additional funds provides for a number of conditions.

13 salary for military personnel of the Ministry of Defense 2017: what affects the amount of payment?

The thirteenth salary cannot exceed five times the calculated amount in the general indicator. Civil servants and, as they are popularly called, “contract workers” cannot apply for it. The bonus is also not given to military personnel whose personal records include reprimands or a trial, as well as to persons with weak physical and professional characteristics. The same goes for Defense Department employees who have another job.

The amount of payments for civilians working in the armed forces this year is affected by their position. Thus, the largest bonus awaits the heads of the organization, and the smallest – the deputy heads of structural departments. It is worth noting that the premium will be very small. It is expected that its size will be 3-4% of the current salary level.

13th salary in the Russian Guard 2017: will employees receive a bonus?

It is not yet known for certain whether the employees of the Russian Guard will receive the bonus. Currently everything is working against this. Due to the fact that this structure is completely new, the authorities are already allocating quite a lot of funds to equip the units. Thus, this year employees’ salaries were increased by 15%.

According to Russian law, every law enforcement officer of the Russian Federation receives a salary increase at the end of the year, the amount of which must correspond to three of his salaries. It follows from this that if an employee receives such an increase, then he cannot claim the thirteenth salary.

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