Traffic on the road will save money. Turn on economical driving mode

In order to save fuel, you first need to figure out what driving style you prefer. If you love and prefer an aggressive driving style, then you can forget about what savings are. But if you still sacrifice this, you will get significantly lower fuel consumption of the car.

And all because even with the same car and with the same amount of luggage, you can get different consumption, and this difference will be measured in liters. And given the current situation, such savings will be significant. It all depends on how you press the gas pedal.

Economy and driving style

If you use certain rules when driving, it will not be difficult to reduce fuel consumption. We receive the main consumption at the moment when the car picks up speed, that is, accelerates.

From this we can conclude that in the city you should not pick up high speed if you see that you will have to stop at a traffic light and then accelerate again, “burning” gasoline in vain. At the same time, it’s a good idea to accustom yourself to approaching a prohibitory traffic light “coasting,” which will also save some fuel.

Video - how you can save fuel when operating a car:

You should also not get too carried away with over-throttle when changing gears: firstly, it damages the gearbox itself, and secondly, it burns excess fuel. In addition, you should not hold the car standing on a slope with the clutch and gas pedal. This habit leads to increased wear of the clutch discs and additional fuel consumption.

Now let's talk about how to shift the gearbox correctly (this does not apply to automatic transmissions). Thanks to this method you can also save a lot of money. It is worth changing gears in advance, without bringing the speed needle to 3 thousand revolutions. In fact, it is advisable to switch somewhere around 2.5 thousand. If you move at a speed of 70 km/h in third gear, although it is high time to engage fourth, then you will have a colossal excess consumption of gasoline.

Economical speed

Every car has an optimal speed at which it consumes the least amount of fuel. Usually it ranges from 90 to 110 kilometers per hour and depends, for the most part, on the car engine. When you are moving along the highway, you just need to pick up a certain speed and maintain it with light pressure on the pedal. in this case is reduced to the very minimum required for the operation of the power unit.

Of course, city traffic jams are a very serious obstacle to economical driving. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, there is no way you can reduce your fuel consumption. Therefore, it is always worth thinking about your movement around the city in order to avoid traffic jams and simply go around it and, thereby, save money. A car navigator can also help with this, which provides a function for plotting a route to avoid traffic jams.

Fuel quality

It should be noted that and has a significant impact on the vehicle’s fuel consumption. You shouldn’t refuel at different gas stations, it’s better to choose one, but... At the same time, during the selection process, it is worth trying to refuel the car at different gas stations and see how the car behaves.

Try driving with gasoline from different gas stations and choose the one where the car pulls best and the engine runs quieter. Thus, you can not only get additional savings on gasoline, but also protect yourself from counterfeit fuel, which is abundant in our country.

Some drivers claim that the use allows them to reduce fuel consumption when operating a car.

Among the 100 car emblems of the world (), there are many automakers that produce fuel-efficient vehicles.

When traveling long distances late, you can save on fuel if you plan the optimal route -

Video - how to drive a Renault Logan car 100 km on 3 liters of fuel:

May be of interest:

Scanner for self-diagnosis of a car

Economy driving mode is designed to reduce fuel consumption by reducing the load on the engine. You can reduce fuel consumption by 37% just by changing your driving habits, which is why more and more people are trying to learn how to drive more economically due to the ever-increasing cost of fuel. Some driving techniques that help save fuel are very controversial and even dangerous, so this article will only focus on the simplest and safest methods to reduce fuel consumption and save money.

Driving techniques in economy mode depend on the type of car you have (that is, what engine it has: gasoline or diesel, hybrid, electric). Some of the recommendations may not be suitable for your vehicle.


Preparing the machine for economy mode

    Prepare the car. Cars with faults pollute the environment. The driving techniques discussed below will not work if the condition of your car leaves much to be desired. Regardless of whether you plan to drive in economy mode or not, you should do the following:

    • Complete maintenance and inspection. Unmaintained cars pollute the atmosphere. Maintenance and inspection are a prerequisite, without which fuel savings will not be possible.
    • Use only high quality spark plugs. Iridium-added spark plugs create a more powerful flash, which increases fuel combustion efficiency. Thanks to this, the driving performance of the car is improved, fuel is consumed more economically, and the amount of exhaust gases is reduced.
    • Use the lowest viscosity oil recommended by the manufacturer. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, since oil with a viscosity below the acceptable level can damage the engine. If the oil “does not take root” - it burns or leaks - switch to synthetic oils (including gearbox oil), as they can reduce friction in the gearbox and in the engine, as well as extend the life of these car elements. In addition, you will have to change the oil less often, and this will compensate for its high cost.
    • Try to fill in light 0W-20 type motor oil. This oil will make your engine have to work less hard to run because the oil is easier to pump. This will allow you to travel more kilometers before your next refueling, but theoretically the engine life may be reduced.
  1. Monitor the condition of tires and wheels. To save fuel, it is very important that the tires are not worn out or damaged, since the vehicle is in contact with the road only with the tires, due to which their poor condition can increase fuel consumption.

    • Check that the wheels are installed correctly and balance them. Tires often wear unevenly and may be misaligned, which can affect your gas mileage.
    • Check your tire pressure regularly. If the pressure is less or more than necessary, the wheels will either not be in sufficient contact with the surface, or the contact area will be too large, and this leads to increased fuel consumption.
    • Do not overinflate the tires to prolong the rolling. This will cause the tire to wear out faster and reduce traction. In rare cases, an overinflated tire can burst while the car is in motion, which can lead to a serious accident.
    • Clean the headlights and make sure all the bulbs are on. In some cases, you will need to follow the car in front at a certain distance. You will need to see it clearly for both fuel economy and safety.
  2. Remove unnecessary items from the car. Get rid of unnecessary items in the trunk. The more stuff you carry, the greater the load on the engine and transmission. By removing excess weight, you can save fuel.

    • Don't put away things that you might actually need. A small reduction in fuel consumption won't be worth it if you have to call a tow truck instead of installing the spare tire you removed from the trunk to reduce the weight of the car yourself.

    Driving safety and fuel economy

    1. Reduce the load on the engine. It is best to move at a constant speed; Driving at or slightly slower than the maximum speed limit and using cruise control are important for saving fuel. However, it is also important to vary your speed according to the road surface.

      Try to drive the car as if you have no brakes - coast as often as possible. When thinking over your travel route, choose roads where you won’t have to brake sharply and then accelerate. Coasting will help you reduce fuel consumption to such an extent that even smooth acceleration after that will not affect the consumption.

      Roll carefully. This is not always possible due to drivers trying to squeeze in front of you. Use common sense and remember to be safe.

      • Keep your foot on the brake. If you need to stop abruptly, you need to be able to react quickly. As you release the gas pedal, the brake pedal will control your speed.
      • Following traffic rules is more important than saving fuel. It's also cheaper because if you first have to pay a fine for running a stop sign, and then pay higher insurance rates because of an accident you caused by coasting, you'll lose all the money you saved.
    2. Handle the gas pedal carefully. This pedal supplies fuel to the engine, causing it to run faster, which also increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Careful handling of this pedal will save on fuel.

      If you need to increase your speed, do it quickly. Fuel consumption increases more smoothly if fuel enters the engine in one quick burst rather than gradually. In modern cars, slow acceleration increases consumption. On the other hand, acceleration in any case increases fuel consumption, so try to coast as often as possible.

      Avoid idling. If you're stuck in traffic or just need to wait in your car, turn off the engine. If you stand for longer than one minute, this will reduce your consumption by 19%.

      Use the "accelerate and slide" technique in hybrid cars. Acceleration and sliding will reduce consumption, but it is better to use this technique on open roads with light traffic.

      • Accelerate to the speed limit. This will allow you to use fuel as efficiently as possible. For the Toyota Prius, the most economical speeds are considered to be 25 km/h and 40 km/h, since at these speeds the engine simultaneously pushes the car forward and charges the battery.
      • Roll between accelerations using the accelerator pedal for battery power. This skill requires understanding how hard to press and under what conditions. Follow the computer readings. Learn to make the most of your electricity and you'll be able to drive more miles on a single fill-up.
    3. Take advantage of elevated areas. This basically means that you should go uphill slowly and downhill quickly. A slow climb will save you fuel because you won't be wasting more than you should. Going downhill faster means less consumption; In addition, you can coast far without using engine power. If you start driving this way when driving on low hills, you will soon notice that you are spending less money on fuel.

      • When descending a mountain, you can accelerate to high speed, spending a minimum of fuel. Don't take your foot off the gas until you feel like you're going faster than you should.
      • Use this technique on all hills. For example, if you are going down a mountain and see a red light ahead (where the slope has already ended), stop on the hill before reaching the stop line, and then coast for some distance.
      • Do not stop or park on an incline. There is nothing worse than pulling away from a stop in this position, since your engine will have to push the car and also fight gravity, which will pull the car down. Stop at the top of a hill or at the bottom if it is safe to do so.
    4. If possible, ride on the tail of big cars. A pocket of rarefied air forms behind the machine. Drafting- this is movement in this pocket. Try to get into this pocket as it will improve aerodynamics. This tactic isn't always safe, so consider whether it's right for you.

    Microclimate in the car

      Limit the use of air conditioning - turn it on only on the highway. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy cooling the air, which increases consumption. However, if you open the window, it will cause air resistance, which will disrupt the air circulation in the car, and this will also increase fuel consumption. Therefore, using an air conditioner is only justified if it is cheaper than the consequences of improper air circulation.

      Turn the air conditioner on and off. If you live in a hot climate where using the air conditioner is a necessity, try to turn it off after it has been running for a while. A few minutes after turning off the air conditioning, if the air conditioning is running, the interior will still be cool. When the air starts to heat up, turn on the air conditioner, cool the air and turn it off again.

      • The effectiveness of this method will depend on the model of the machine. In some cars, the power of the air conditioner is adjusted so that it can use less energy.
      • You shouldn't constantly reconfigure your climate control system, especially if it has a thermostat and many control buttons, rather than just a fan speed switch and fixed values. This can cause damage to the drive mechanisms, which are usually difficult to replace.
      • Conventional cars with internal combustion engines produce a lot of "extra" heat, so don't be afraid to use the heater.
    1. If you have a convertible, try to close the roof. Although owners of such cars believe that the whole point of such a car is precisely the ability to drive with the roof folded, the absence of a roof creates strong air resistance, which is why the engine will have to put more effort into moving the car.

    Route planning taking into account economy mode

    • Buy a device that will allow you to monitor your driving style. This is a device that connects to the car's diagnostic system (all cars manufactured after 1996 have it). It allows you to count kilometers traveled if your car does not have such an option. If you regularly monitor the distance traveled, you can adjust your driving style.
    • Consider buying electronic fuel consumption meter. It can be fixed anywhere. It will transmit information in real time, including the cost of each kilometer, consumption in liters per hour, time remaining and distance including fuel. It will help you adhere to the principles of economical driving.
    • Try not to irritate your passengers with your economical driving techniques. Passengers should be carried in such a way that they feel comfortable while traveling. It will be useful to accelerate and brake slowly. Coasting can frighten people, and a non-working air conditioner or constantly pressing and releasing the gas pedal can cause irritation. Remember that it is more important to maintain a friendship than to save a couple of hundred rubles.
    • When driving in traffic jams, first of all think about not aggravating the traffic situation, and only then about reducing consumption. If the car is idling or if you accelerate all the time and drive short distances, you will spend more than if you drive calmly but not ideally (fast acceleration, air conditioning on, etc.).
    • Keep a fuel log to see how your actions save fuel.
    • Try to take passengers who are on the same road with you and ask someone to get into the car yourself, if you really care about the environment and the conservation of natural resources. The main weight in a car comes from the weight of the car itself, so if there are several people in the car, this will significantly reduce fuel consumption per person. The most efficient vehicle in this sense can be considered a city bus running on diesel fuel, due to the low cost of fuel per person.
      • The larger the car, the higher the fuel consumption due to weight and air resistance. Capacity increases, but at the same time wear of parts accelerates. A large vehicle is only effective when most of its seats are occupied.
    • Try filling only half the tank. The more gasoline is poured, the heavier the car and the higher the fuel consumption.
      • Remember that driving with minimal fuel will accelerate wear on the fuel pump. Modern electric pumps use fuel in a tank to dissipate the heat produced by the pump. If you regularly drive with the tank less than a quarter full, you will shorten the life of the pump. Replacing this part is usually very expensive, so keep this in mind.
    • Consider weather conditions. Try not to drive in strong winds, especially if the trip involves long driving on the highway. If it's raining or snowing outside, you won't be able to save fuel, but you shouldn't save it in these conditions, because safety is always more important.


    • Some of the methods described in this article may irritate other drivers on the road. WikiHow has articles addressing this issue.
    • Opinions vary regarding following trucks. It is better to abandon this technique altogether to avoid getting into a dangerous situation.
    • Do not put yourself and other road users in danger.
    • Avoid dangerous practices. They will not only put you at risk, but also other drivers.
      • Always stop when required by a stop sign and do not cut corners at speed.
      • Do not turn off the engine when driving downhill. This way you will not be able to control the steering wheel or brakes. Hybrid cars don't have this problem because they have the ability to power the steering and brakes electrically.
      • Do not create accidents by driving at low speed on a busy road.

From 15 to 60% savings on gasoline. This is exactly how much you can get if you apply all the methods I listed in this article. It's amazing how much gasoline we burn in vain literally out of the blue.

Find out how many extra liters YOU spend!

Method number 0: Visit the service

Out of competition.

Increased fuel consumption can be caused by a number of breakdowns. Everything written in this article assumes that your car is in good working order.

Visit the service regularly.

Method No. 1: Reducing Cx

Cx is the aerodynamic drag coefficient. The more a car looks like a bar of soap, the smaller it is.

For example, Gelendvagen, Cx=0.55:

Lada Priora, Cx=0.32:

Toyota Prius, Cx=0.25:

Racing car: Cx=0.16:

“Well, okay, I see. What should I do with my Gelendvagen? Should I use a sledgehammer to hit sharp corners?”

We won’t tap the corners, but removing some of the unnecessary stuff is a good idea. Here is a useful sign:

If you've forgotten the last time you used your roof rack, why not remove it?

And why every third person damages their car with a fly swatter, I will probably never understand. You can try to “enlighten” me in the comments.

Method No. 2: Reducing vehicle weight

Well, this is understandable: less weight means less consumption.

Check that you are not carrying unnecessary things with you (child seats, winter tires and anti-freeze bottles in summer).

Have you decided to install additional sound insulation? Remember that it will increase the weight of your car by 50-100 kg and consumption by 0.4–0.7 liters. That is, you will pay for sound insulation for the entire service life of the car.

In countries with excellent roads, it is wise to remove the spare tire. True, I heard that new cars there are not equipped with it anyway. In Russia, such a “trick” can hardly be called successful. I don’t know how the roads are in Ukraine.

Method #3: Change your driving style

For some, there are endless savings opportunities here (and according to the boring German Traffic Safety Council - up to 25%).

What driving style is the most economical?

Ask your grandfather: smart speed selection, smooth acceleration and braking. You also need to take into account the operation of traffic lights and the road situation in general. In a nutshell: the less often you use the brake, the less consumption.

Method #4: Choose your travel time wisely

If you're stuck in a traffic jam, you're wasting gas.

Maybe it makes sense to go with a reserve? Maybe even at 6 am? Yes, you will arrive earlier, but you will save time and fuel, and the remaining hour can be devoted, for example, to reading Lifehacker.

I also don’t poke my nose into the center on weekdays. I save up all these things and do them in one fell swoop on Sunday, when the roads are much clearer.

Method #5: Choose your route wisely

Lifehacker regularly publishes articles about navigators. Many navigators are equipped with a traffic jam warning function. On other days, this can save you several hours of time and a couple of liters of gasoline.

By the way, friends, it will be great if you write your favorite service in the comments. I'm just looking at this topic.

Method #6: Use cruising speed on the highway

Cruising speed is the speed at which fuel consumption is minimal. Most often, it is achieved in the last gear at a speed of 2-2.5 thousand rpm.

The more powerful the car, the higher the cruising speed. For my “asphyxiated” Ford Fiesta (83 hp), this speed is approximately 90 km/h.

An increase in speed above cruising speed will inevitably lead to an increase in consumption. How much? Let's take the VAZ 2105 as an example:

  • 80 km/h - 7 l per 100 km
  • 100 km/h - 11 liters per 100 km (.

Very often the cruising speed is indicated in the car’s service book. Look, maybe you have it listed there too.

Method #7: Choose the right gears

As I already said, fuel consumption is minimal when the tachometer shows 2-2.5 thousand rpm. Try to always choose a gear so that you can move at exactly these speeds.

In modern cars, a special prompt is sometimes installed that signals when to shift up or down. At the end of the trip, such a car can even give you an “environmental rating.”

If you have an automatic, then, of course, you don’t have to think about the selected speed.

Method number 8: Selecting tires

Some tires consume more fuel, others less. The difference can reach 0.5 liters per 100 km. Agree, a lot?

When choosing economical tires, rely not on the manufacturer’s data, but on real tests conducted by all leading auto publications.

Method number 9: Do not install wheels with a larger radius

Many people put larger radius wheels on their cars, for example, R16 instead of R14. Of course, we can agree that the car looks “cooler” this way:

But, unfortunately, you will have to pay for this by increasing costs.

How long?

I have not found reliable data, but there is a belief that 1 cm of radius adds 1 liter per 100 km to the consumption. Quite a lot.

Method #10: Correct tire pressure

I won't advise you to overinflate your tires. Yes, this will reduce consumption, but at what cost? It makes more sense to inflate them to the highest level recommended by the manufacturer.

It says that reducing pressure from 2.0 kg/sq. cm up to 1.5 kg/sq. cm leads to excessive fuel consumption by approximately 3%.

Monitor your tire pressure. Or pay in rubles.

Method No. 11: Buy a heated garage

Warming up your car in winter is not easy, and while it is warming up, precious gasoline is burning. A heated garage can solve this problem at its root.

Method No. 12: Get a discount card

You will laugh, but I’ve been stopping by the same gas station for years, and only recently thought of getting a discount card there. It took me 5 minutes. Now I save 3% on each refill. I'm sure most major chains have something similar.

Bad Method #1: Turning off electrical appliances

Of course, if you turn off the air conditioning in the heat and sweat, the consumption will decrease significantly (by about 2 l/100 km). Opening the windows is not an option. You remember that in this case the aerodynamics of the car will worsen. “Behind the Wheel” even once conducted an experiment: what consumes more fuel - air conditioning or open windows. For the life of me, I don’t remember the result. Write in the comments who also read this article and how it all ended for them.

From the same series, turning off headlights, music, heated seats.

I don't think this method of saving is successful. If you’re going to give up the comfort of a car, then you have to go all the way and get on a bike.

Bad method No. 2: Driving in the “air shadow” of a large truck

On the highway, you can sit tightly behind a crawling truck and ride in its “air shadow”. They say that this way you can save as much as 3% of gasoline.

I would like to see a person who cares so much about the environment that he is ready to “swallow” Kamaz exhaust for a long time. And the truck driver, it seems to me, will not tolerate such a “hare” for long and will try to do something. And you can forget about “Keep your distance.”

In short, a method for freaks.

Bad Method #3: Engine Additives

I mean “miracle additives” that are poured into the gas tank or into the crankcase and which promise fuel economy. I followed this topic at one time, but not a single automobile publishing house has ever been able to identify any significant savings.

For myself, I put an end to this topic. Or do you have a different experience? Write in the comments.

Bad way #4: Driving in neutral

When the car is rolling down a hill or coasting towards a traffic light, you can put the gear lever in neutral. The car stops engine braking, which means we save. Here's the theory.

However, it is proven that even fuel economy cannot be achieved. At the same time, driving in neutral can be dangerous - at the right moment you simply will not be able to quickly gain speed. And this may be necessary, for example, in the event of a skid.

To tell the truth, I sometimes drive like this myself. I will survive!

Bad way #5: Buying an electric car or hybrid

Electric cars have great benefits in some countries: tax breaks in Japan and Norway, free parking space in London, dedicated lanes in Norway.

Owners of hybrids, and even more so electric vehicles, are wonderful people who make our air cleaner. But I just can’t consider buying an electric car a success just as a means of saving money. Even in the USA, the hybrid begins to pay for itself only after 90,000 km. I wouldn’t be surprised if in Russia it doesn’t pay off in principle. No benefits for you, and the prices for these cars are skyrocketed.

What ways have I missed to save?

Write in the comments!

I will also be happy to laugh at bad ideas with you.

Driving economically can help you improve your fuel consumption and save money. Here are some steps you can take to reduce your fuel consumption.

Lighten your pressure on the accelerator pedal

Accelerate evenly, no more than necessary to smoothly merge with the flow of traffic. Going all the way to top speed may make you feel like a Formula 1 driver, but it will also drain money from your wallet.

Fuel consumption is proportional to the load with which the engine operates. Every time, take off when it turns green and see how often you have to visit the gas station. You are guaranteed to have unpleasant sensations from such an experiment.

Every time you press the accelerator pedal when making maneuvers or changing lanes, your fuel consumption is affected. Driving on the highway in a manner of accelerating as quickly as possible and then braking suddenly as soon as your bumper hits the car in front is a waste of fuel and a sure sign of an impatient driver. The best drivers move smoothly and make every move efficiently. Remember, the most economical manner is continuous uniform movement at a constant speed, and, if necessary, acceleration and braking should be carried out as smoothly as possible. This is not only economical, but above all safe.

Loss of traction - loss of fuel

Even if you don't pull away from a stop, you may sometimes notice your tires slipping, especially on wet surfaces or gravel. Any time a tire slips, no matter the reason, you are wasting fuel and also creating a safety hazard. Be careful when driving on slippery or unpaved roads. Slow down on uneven pavement.

Consider engine speed

Engine load is determined by how fast the crankshaft rotates. The crankshaft transmits the engine's power to the transmission and then to the wheels. Engine speed is measured in revolutions per minute, as indicated on the tachometer.

A manual transmission gives the driver complete control over the revs because the driver can force the engine to speed up or slow down by shifting gears. The lower the gear, the more revolutions per minute. The higher the rpm, the more torque the engine produces and the more fuel it uses. Automatic transmissions have taken some of this control out of the driver's hands, but they too can be manipulated to maximize fuel efficiency.

Shift gears clearly and quickly

On a manual transmission vehicle, quickly shift up through the gears. Optimal shift points vary depending on the engine combination and gearbox type, but for best economy, shift into second at around 25 km/h and into top gear by the time the car has reached 50 to 60 km/h.

Rule of thumb: If the engine speed is higher than necessary to maintain a constant speed, shift to the next higher gear. Shifting to lower gears is done in the same way, but in the reverse order. If you have to press down on the gas pedal to maintain speed, you probably need to shift to a lower gear. Dragging in too high a gear is bad for the engine or your finances.

Take advantage of the upshift indicator

If your manual transmission vehicle has an upshift indicator, follow its recommendations. The indicator analyzes data from the engine, transmission, and accelerator pedal and tells you exactly when to shift into a higher gear to maintain maximum efficiency, and thus maximum economy.

When the engine speed is high relative to the accelerator pedal position, the indicator signals that by shifting to a higher gear you can get the same performance with less fuel consumption and no loss of power.

Saab and the European Environment Commission conducted tests to compare the efficiency of vehicles equipped with and without an upshift indicator. Test results, when driving in city mode, showed that on average, cars equipped with an indicator consume more than 9 percent less fuel. Even without such an indicator, to reduce fuel consumption you simply need to change into a higher gear earlier than usual, and use fifth gear as much as possible.

Watch the tachometer

Since tachometers are no longer limited to high-performance models, drivers now have the ability to monitor engine speed as easily as they monitor road speed. This allows you to find the point of the most efficient engine speed and stay as close to it as possible. At what speed does this happen?

The exact figure depends on the engine, but generally it is the speed at which it produces the most torque. To improve economy, it's generally best to stay below 3,000 rpm most of the time and shift into the next gear before the engine goes significantly beyond its optimal rev level. Running your engine speed too low has no impact on your finances, so keeping it below 1500 usually doesn't make any sense.

Sometimes miss the next gear

There is no rule that requires you to use every gear in a manual transmission, going through the entire 1-2-3-4-5 sequence each time. Try switching directly from first to third (skipping second), or going from second to fourth without using third. This technique is especially useful if heavy traffic finds you in too low a gear.

Get the most from your automatic transmission

An automatic transmission frees you from changing gears, but nothing is free, the engine must work a little harder and use a little more fuel to transfer power to the automatic transmission. To be sure, look at the technical specifications, the declared fuel consumption for models with a manual transmission is invariably lower than for similar ones with an automatic transmission. However, there are some things you can do to maximize the fuel efficiency of an automatic transmission-equipped vehicle.

Listen during acceleration as the engine note rises and then falls to get an idea of ​​when the transmission reaches the "top" of one ratio and changes to the next lower ratio. Also, watch how the tachometer needle rises and falls as the rpm changes. Remember, the higher the rpm, the more fuel you use.

Some automatic transmissions tend to stay in low gears too long to achieve maximum efficiency. Sometimes you can force the car to shift into a higher gear earlier than usual by pressing the accelerator pedal as you approach 50 km/h. Then, when the top gear has already been reached, continue to accelerate very smoothly.

Keep an eye on the overdrive light

Almost all manual and automatic transmissions have overdrive (gear overdrive), which can be used to save fuel. It is typically the highest numbered gear (or gears) that allows the engine to operate at a lower speed (or low rpm) while the vehicle is moving at a constant speed.

If you want to save money, get into overdrive as soon as possible and keep it there as long as possible until you need the extra power from the lower gear.

The automatic transmission regulates most of its decision-making process on its own. As a rule, the automatic transmission automatically switches to the highest gear, precisely in order to save fuel, at a constant speed, overdrive is activated automatically. But you can also go into or out of overdrive mode. On new cars, this is usually done using a button on the gearshift lever. Typically, the overdrive light turns on on the dashboard when the automatic goes out of it. If you accidentally exit overdrive mode, press the button to return to optimal fuel consumption.

Many modern automatic transmissions allow drivers to shift gears manually by moving the shift lever using a separate gate. It's not the same degree of freedom that a manual transmission provides, but it will still allow you to select a lower gear for better throttle response. However, this increases engine speed and burns more fuel. For best fuel efficiency, shift to the highest gear possible, or simply shift into Drive and let the automatic do what it's designed to do: Select the most fuel-efficient gear at any given time.

Make sure nothing is blocking movement

Do not drive the car with your foot resting on the brake pedal, only lightly touch it. Even the slightest application of the brakes while driving will increase fuel consumption. It also places unnecessary stress on the engine and transmission and causes accelerated wear on the brake rotors.

We're not even talking about checking the handbrake. Never, never drive with a handbrake!

Even when your car is not moving, you can save some money. In our final section, we'll look at some ways to save fuel while your car is stationary.

DELFI, Ilmar Saabas

In the last year, an economical lifestyle has become not only an urgent necessity, but also, so to speak, has become fashionable. The state saves, residents and entrepreneurs save. Now car drivers are also being taught to save money.

In fact, the general principles of economical driving are more or less known to all car owners, but practice shows that in life this entire set of measures is used quite rarely. Something seems illogical (for example, keeping a distance in conditions of heavy city traffic, when in a stream everyone tries to take advantage of the interval in order to gain an extra ten meters), something (for example, planning a route not along the shortest, but along the least crowded route) requires changing old habits. However, knowing the basic principles of economical driving is useful in any case. offers a short list of expert recommendations.

Keeping your distance

If the driver keeps his distance from the car in front, this gives him time to assess the situation and anticipate developments. By following your driving style, you can not only save fuel and avoid stress, but also increase your safety on the road. Instructor Aivis Dreimanis: “We carried out special tests when the driver first overcomes the route in a normal, aggressive mode, and in a calm mode - with timely maneuvers and analysis of the situation on the roads. There is virtually no time difference, or it is insignificant - measured in seconds.”

Driving style

Movement should be as smooth as possible, without sudden acceleration or braking. The more stops along the route, the higher the fuel consumption: every time the car starts moving, fuel consumption reaches its maximum. Depending on the situation on the road, you can brake with the engine (as a rule, this can be done if you keep your distance). Instructor Aivis Dreimanis: “Traffic jams cannot be avoided, but movement in a traffic jam should be smooth, no need to twitch or accelerate. You should also not try to save money by switching to neutral speed - this method worked in the era of Zhiguli, now injection engines consume more fuel when coasting than when braking the engine.”

Choosing the right gear and engine speed

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Economical driving is not driving slowly. The correct choice of gears and engine speed is of great importance when saving fuel. Keep an eye on the tachometer: the lowest fuel consumption is achieved by selecting the highest gear at minimum but stable speed. If the needle is in the range from 1500 to 2500-3000 rpm, everything is fine. Instructor Aivis Dreimanis: “If the situation requires sudden acceleration, it may make sense to skip a gear - for example, shift from second to fourth, or from third to fifth.”

Route planning

By monitoring the situation on the road, avoiding unnecessary maneuvers and unnecessary braking, drivers can significantly reduce fuel consumption. Plan your route in a timely manner, choosing not the most direct path, but the freest streets. Every extra stop while driving and every extra start of the engine leads to additional fuel consumption. Instructor Aivis Dreimanis: “Those who regularly travel along the same route (for example, to work) may notice that even 10-20 minutes significantly affect the traffic intensity. It may be worth observing a pattern and planning your trip for the least busy time.”


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At speeds over 90 km/h, fuel consumption increases especially quickly, and the roof rack on the car (which is actually rarely used for its intended purpose) costs an additional half a liter of gasoline per 100 kilometers. As for truck drivers, they should use a lot of train, since inertia plays a big role in saving fuel.

Tire pressure

A decrease in tire pressure makes it difficult to drive a car, increases the risk of slipping, and leads to rapid wear of the tires. Fuel consumption is also increasing. Normal tire pressure for a passenger car, depending on the model, ranges from 1.7 to 2.5 atmospheres. For a truck, depending on the weight, the recommended tire pressure is from 6.5 to 9 atmospheres.

Technical condition of the car

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A technical inspection occurs once a year, but this is not a reason for not monitoring the technical condition of the car. When it comes to fuel economy, you should make sure that the brakes are working properly and that the wheel alignment is in order.

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