Homeopathy and alcohol. Is it possible to drink alcohol during homeopathy treatment?

Homeopathy offers treatment with highly diluted preparations in which herbs or natural substances are present in minimal doses. Even among people who are passionate about such unconventional therapy, there is no consensus on whether homeopathy and alcohol are compatible. Doctors give a clear answer to this: no, you cannot drink alcohol while taking homeopathic remedies.

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The basic principle of homeopathy: “Like cures like,” the main emphasis is on activating the body’s protective processes. In order for recovery to proceed quickly, the patient needs to carefully monitor what he eats and drinks so that the substances do not weaken the effect of the drugs.

The reason for the incompatibility of alcohol and homeomedicines lies in the concept of “antidote”. This is a substance that suppresses the effect of the drug, reduces it to zero and masks the process that became the root cause of the disease. All this leads to the fact that the doctor is not able to select the appropriate course of treatment. For homeopaths, such an antidote is alcohol, or rather, the ethanol contained in it.

However, a number of doctors believe that there are a number of drugs (there are very few of them) that are combined with a small dose of alcoholic beverages, and their effect on the body will not decrease. To determine whether it is possible to drink alcohol in a particular case, and which drinks should be preferred, the patient should consult a homeopath. He will study the pharmacological properties of the prescribed medications and will be able to tell whether combination with alcohol is acceptable.

If it turns out that alcohol will not affect the prescribed drug, you need to pay attention that you can not drink every product and in limited doses. For example, if a glass of dry red wine or a mug of beer is considered acceptable, then you should refuse vodka or cognac in any case, because they are antidotes for all medicines.

If the patient decides to approach therapy responsibly and not drink alcohol during this period, then the last portion of the strong drink is drunk no less than 24 hours before the first dose of medication, and the next one – a day after the final dose.

Important! No doctor can accurately predict how the body will behave in response to the combined use of homeopathic medicines and alcohol, so it is still recommended not to combine them. It is possible that symptoms may occur that will lead to fatal or critical consequences: a drop in blood pressure, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and liver, even complete organ failure.

What to exclude from your diet

Homeopathy imposes minor changes on the usual way of life. In addition to giving up alcohol, it is worth temporarily removing some foods from your diet: drinks with caffeine and mint in all its forms (candy or mint toothpaste), as well as sausage, kefir, kvass and some confectionery.

Even for people who cannot live without coffee and alcohol, this is not a very strict restriction, because homeopathy is usually used for emergency relief from cough, disturbed sleep, elevated body temperature or motion sickness, and the course of treatment is short-lived (usually this is one or two weeks).

Alternative opinions

Some experts believe that it is impossible to say unequivocally that any product cancels the effect of the medicine. But substances that have a “bright” effect on the body can change the effect.

For example, there is an opinion that eating foods that a person is accustomed to will not have any effect on homeopathy. If the patient is accustomed to drinking a mug of coffee every day in the morning, then over a long period the body has adapted and considers this mug to be the norm, therefore, when drinking a cup of drink with medicine, the latter will work in full force. In this situation, a malfunction can occur if instead of one mug you drink ten (again, if the usual norm is ten mugs, then nothing will happen).

When treating with homeopathy, it is not recommended to change the lifestyle to which a person is accustomed. You cannot exclude sharply bad habits or certain foods, because in this case the medicine may react to stress in the body and not work at all or even cause a negative reaction. Therefore, before changing your lifestyle, you should consult a homeopathic doctor.

But some experts are more categorical about combining alcohol and drugs. They believe that ethanol does not cancel the effect of homeopathic medicines, but radically changes their effect (in different ways, depending on the organism). This is what leads to side effects that can result in serious and dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to give up alcohol to everyone who cares even a little about their health.

What else is treated with homeopathy?

This therapy is actively used in the fight against alcoholism. It is very important that the patient agrees and is committed to treatment. Before starting therapy, a full examination is carried out and the general state of health is determined in order to select medications (the more individual characteristics are taken into account, the greater the effect of therapy will be).

Treatment of alcoholism with homeopathy is carried out only according to the scheme determined by the doctor. A follow-up consultation is carried out when the patient notices positive results. In this case, the doctor cancels some medications and prescribes others that will consolidate the gains and continue treatment no less effectively.

If a person does not suffer from drunkenness, but occasionally he may experience poisoning from alcohol-containing drinks, he can also resort to homeopathic treatment. It is used to alleviate the condition of the body, eliminate the cause of illness and eliminate symptoms. In particular, the drugs are used to relieve withdrawal symptoms, hangovers, headaches, reduce sweating and restore healthy sleep.

Important! During a consultation with a homeopathic doctor, you should tell about all the medications that a person takes, even vitamins and herbal remedies. This is necessary because medication and homeopathic treatments do not always work together.

Combined products

On the shelves you can find composite industrial medicines that are combined, that is, they contain several active components at once. As a rule, in the instructions for such drugs, manufacturers indicate which substances can weaken the effect of therapy and cause harm to the body. But if the instructions do not indicate whether the product can be used together with alcohol, and a person is overcome by doubts, then it is better to contact a specialist who will analyze the drug by its components and give an accurate answer.

Despite the fact that on pharmacy shelves you can now find a large number of homeopathic medicines for all occasions, you need to remember that these medicines are strong medicines that can only be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after a thorough study of the body’s characteristics and medical history. You cannot start a course of treatment on your own. Despite the widespread belief that homeopathy is absolutely harmless and brings only benefits, this therapy has a number of the following contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • tumor (benign and malignant);
  • heart disease;
  • mental disorders.

There are no fewer fans of homeopathic treatment, so the question of the compatibility of homeopathy with alcohol remains relevant. Experts in this regard are of the same opinion - combining drugs with alcoholic beverages is not recommended. Least, medicinal properties will be reduced to “no”. At most, ethyl alcohol can change the principle of action of the medicine and cause symptoms in the body that can lead to irreversible and dangerous consequences. In particular, to liver failure or cardiac dysfunction.

Some people believe that a glass of dry red wine or one glass of beer a day when using certain homeopathic medicines will not cause harm.

Only a specialist can prescribe a course of medications, so before mixing medicine and alcohol, it is better to consult with him.

Treatment with homeopathic medicines for alcohol dependence or alcohol intoxication is carried out only after examination by a doctor and drawing up an individual plan, taking into account all the characteristics of the body (lifestyle, presence bad habits, medications currently used, dietary habits).

Do not forget that this therapy, contrary to popular belief, is not suitable for everyone and has a number of contraindications. If during treatment the patient plans to change habits (quit smoking), then this should also be discussed with a homeopathic doctor to eliminate the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the drugs.

Homeopathy is a separate branch of medicine that treats “like with like,” i.e. drugs contain substances that cause the development of a particular disease, but in microdoses. Patients who are supporters of this technique are often interested in whether the combination of “homeopathy and alcohol” is possible? What consequences should they expect and is it worth the risk?

Principle of homeopathic therapy

Homeopathic treatment is based on a water molecule that carries information about the active substance dissolved in it. Sometimes homeopathic medicines contain only one molecule of water, but it carries the memory of the active substance. This information memory is applied to sugar balls taken by the patient to treat one or another functional disorder of the patient’s health.

The popularity of homeopathy prompts many experts to believe that this therapy is quite effective.

Interaction between alcohol and homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy considers such a pharmaceutical concept as an antidote. Antidotes are a type of substance that deprives drugs of the desired effect or blocks it. These substances can mask or hide the root cause of the disease, which does not allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and select the right treatment.

Alcohol is one of the antidotes that suppress the effectiveness of homeopathic therapy. Alcohol does not behave the same with all medicinal substances; compatibility with some is possible, but with others it is extremely undesirable and can be dangerous. There are a number of medications that react neutrally to ethanol, but this is a very small group of drugs.

To find out the compatibility of homeopathic medicines and alcohol taken, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. undergo a comprehensive examination by a homeopathic doctor;
  2. purchase the prescribed drug;
  3. study the annotation to it to calculate active antidotes.

Do not forget - each patient’s body is individual and no one can predict its reaction to mixing medicine with alcoholic beverages!

A homeopathic doctor can immediately warn about the prohibition of drinking alcohol during the entire course of treatment. The traditional period of abstinence from ethanol is considered to be the following time period: 24 hours before taking the first ball, the entire course of therapy and 24 hours after taking the last one.

The ban on alcohol includes a number of food products: sausage, kefir, kvass, some confectionery products and other products that contain alcohol even in microdoses.

If the doctor did not say anything about the incompatibility of the prescribed drug and alcohol, the patient can occasionally indulge in red dry wine. The dose of the drink is no more than 1 glass per day. Beer lovers can quench their thirst with just one mug, nothing more.

Cognac and strong alcoholic drinks are universal antidotes; they must be completely abandoned during treatment.

Combined homeopathic remedies

Some homeopathic medicines are a complex of several substances at once. What to do in this case? The advice is simple - carefully study the instructions for the medicine. The manufacturer must warn about negative factors that weaken the therapeutic effectiveness of its product. Again, it’s better not to take risks, even if the annotation for the homeopathic remedy does not say about giving up alcohol.

The scope of application of many homeopathic remedies is wide:

  • runny nose, acute respiratory infections;
  • increase in body temperature (not critical);
  • insomnia;
  • seasickness;
  • cough, etc.

Most often, the drug is prescribed for a short period of time, 1-2 weeks. A sane adult who takes care of his body is able to endure and refuse the temptation to drink a couple of glasses.

Homeopaths do not impose too strict restrictions when prescribing medicines: in addition to strong alcohol, the patient should give up mint and products containing it (sweets, toothpaste). Also, while taking homeopathic pellets, women are not recommended to dye their hair.

Important: if a homeopath treats a patient suffering from a neuropsychiatric disease or mental disorder, it is necessary to state the medical fact - ethanol blocks neuroleptics and therapeutic effect It's not worth the wait.

What consequences to expect

Is it still possible for homeopathy and alcohol to be compatible? Many supporters of this area of ​​pharmacology claim that, within reasonable limits, it is possible. But their opponents insist on the opposite - if the patient values ​​​​his health, it is better to completely stop drinking alcohol during treatment.

The minimal harm from such mixing is taking drugs with zero therapeutic effectiveness.

Homeopathy, as a direction in alternative medicine, is actively used in the treatment of alcoholism, both male and female. This type of treatment has its supporters and opponents. In our country, such a technique is considered generally accepted and is actively used in conjunction with traditional scientific medicine.

Homeopathy treatment is a fairly well-known method for improving health.
Its founder is called the German physician Christian Hahnemann. He is considered the founder of alternative medicine. It is based on a principle formulated by Hippocrates more than two thousand years ago. It goes like this: “Like cures like.”

Doctor Christian Hahnemann

Homeopathic methods against drunkenness

Products created from plant components and undergoing special processing form the basis of homeopathy. It can be used as an additional treatment method, together with traditional medicine (coding) and psychotherapeutic techniques. A set of measures helps you get rid of drunkenness faster.

Many homeopathic specialists use this treatment method as their main one. Its essence is as follows: drugs are used that cause symptoms identical to the signs of the disease, in particular alcoholism.

In the fight against alcohol addiction, two directions are used:

  1. They treat the alcoholic’s current condition. This mainly concerns exacerbations of the disease that occur in the initial stages of the disease. By influencing the body, homeopathic medicines cause a stable healing effect. The result obtained lasts for a fairly long period.
  2. The second method is called “shock”. It is considered effective in permanent states of alcoholism. In this case, homeopathic remedies are used to rid the body of alcohol breakdown products. Additionally, a technique for correcting the patient’s lifestyle is used.

In order for the results to last for a long time, a long course of treatment is required, which is determined by a specialist. Typically, the course of taking such drugs lasts several months. The quality of homeopathic treatment and its duration depend on:

  • age group of the patient,
  • the presence of other anomalies,
  • features of the course of the disease and others.

One more characteristic feature This method of treatment is the ability to treat a patient without his knowledge.

Homeopathic remedies

Different stages of the development of alcoholism require the use of different homeopathic medicines. At the initial stage, three main ones are usually used:

  • Vomit nut (Nux vomica) - rids the body of harmful substances obtained from the breakdown of ethanol.
  • Oak bark (Quercus) - forms a persistent hostility to all types of alcohol-containing drinks. Helps relieve dependence on alcohol.
  • Lueticum is a nosode, used when the anomaly develops as a result of a genetic predisposition.

At the same time, to enhance the effect and shorten the treatment period, doctors recommend using auxiliary means:

  • Belladonna - is prescribed for severe signs of delirium tremens, attacks of anger and violence, and attempts to commit suicide.
  • Spanish fly (Cantaris) - recommended for people with frequent attacks of anger and regular loss of consciousness.
  • Henbane (Hyoscyamus) is recommended for use in patients prone to sadism and all kinds of perversions.
  • Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) - effective for manifestations of mental agitation associated with alcohol poisoning.
  • Datura common (Stramonium) - is used to relieve symptoms of delirium tremens.
  • Agave (Agave tequilana) - helps with insomnia caused by excessive alcohol consumption and frequent mood swings.
  • Agaricus (Agaricus) - has an effect on neuroses and inadequate reactions;
  • Anacardium (Anacardium orientale) - is prescribed to patients who have lost their memory, suffering from excessive irritability and uncertainty.
  • Apomorphina - nausea and vomiting are indications for prescribing this drug.
  • Arsenicum album - intended for patients with symptoms of mental disorders.
  • Asarum - will help relieve cravings for alcohol.
  • Calcarea carbonica - indicated for patients with hallucinations.
  • Capsicum - prescribed to potential suicides.
  • Chamomilla - used in relation to people prone to insulting others.
  • Hina (Cinchona) - increases appetite, prevents bleeding.
  • It is worth paying attention to the homeopathic medicine Sulfur. It is prescribed if there is a chronic form of the disease, when abuse of alcoholic beverages and stimulants is detected. It enhances the effect of other remedies, thereby accelerating the healing process. The structure of the medicine includes sulfur that has undergone a purification process. The following additional substances are used: sugar, water, medical alcohol.

It is important not to interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, especially at the beginning. The reason lies in the power of the funds. At the beginning of therapy with the use of these drugs, the effect of taking them can be so effective that it creates the illusion of complete relief from addiction, as a result of which the patient stops taking the medications. But if you stop treatment at this moment, there will be no point.

For the treatment of particularly severe forms of alcoholism, the experience of a specialist in the field of narcology and homeopathy plays a decisive role.

Types of homeopathic medicines

The dosage forms in which homeopathic medicines are produced can be in the form of:

  • solutions;
  • granules (tablets);
  • ointments.

To treat alcohol addiction, granules are most often used. They are small balls based on lactose, soaked in healing substances from plant extracts. Sometimes sugar is added to the medicine.

It is important not to use alcohol tinctures in the treatment of alcoholism!

Properties and efficiency

In homeopathy, it is crucial to defeat alcohol addiction the choice of means plays a role. In their production we use:

  • insects;
  • microorganisms;
  • animals and their organs;
  • herbs, including poisonous ones;
  • products from apiaries (mumiyo, beeswax, royal jelly and others);
  • minerals;
  • acids and alkalis;
  • medicinal plants, as well as alcoholic and aqueous extracts from them.

Homeopathy techniques have also found application in combination with generally accepted classical and traditional medicine. Reviews about these combinations are very different, sometimes very contradictory. Proponents of alternative treatment methods believe that homeopathic techniques are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, while traditional medicine treats exclusively symptoms. This is the main advantage of homeopathy, according to its admirers. They also believe that compatibility with traditional medicine can greatly increase the likelihood of recovery. A complete cure for the disease cannot be ruled out.

In any case, both adherents of evidence-based medicine and followers of alternative methods of treatment have pros and cons that speak about the effectiveness of treatment in one way or another.

Advantages and disadvantages

Treatment of any disease is considered from the point of view of the dominant: what prevails in healing - benefit or harm.

Orthodox medicine works on the principle of punctual treatment using proven methods, using proven drugs. It is a well-known fact that prescribed drugs in conventional medicine, in practice, often turn out to be ineffective, and often endangering health. However, in general, doctors in their practical activities take into account the proportionality between the benefits and the possible threat of the recommended treatment.

Homeopaths, in their work, use the principle of similarity, prescribing remedies that have no evidence of effectiveness. It is possible that their methods are based on an anti-scientific worldview. For example, everyone knows vaccinations against influenza, tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases. They are based on the principle of “like cures like.”

However, not all adherents of homeopathy recognize vaccination, considering it a dangerous event, in some cases threatening human health and life.


Use alcoholic drinks It is strictly prohibited if a person is undergoing treatment, including the use of homeopathic remedies.

It has been proven that alcohol is a strong antidote that can stop or weaken the effect of a homeopathic remedy. In this case, the doctor cannot accurately determine the source that caused the onset of the disease. Inaccurate diagnosis of the disease in advance leads to erroneous treatment.

The patient should complete the started course of homeopathic treatment without drinking alcohol. Otherwise, all the efforts of both the doctor and the patient himself will be in vain, and the treatment process will not bring the desired effect.

In addition, when combining homeopathic remedies with alcohol, the following disorders may occur:

  • functions of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • prerequisites for the development of malignant tumors.

You should not start treatment with homeopathy if there are subjective reasons or individual properties of the body. Before starting treatment, you must consult a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the right course, determine its timing, prescribe medications, and tell you about the nuances. You should trust a specialist and listen to his advice. Perhaps then there will be a chance to regain lost health.

Homeopathy is a medical branch that operates on the principle of treating a disease by its causative agent. In other words, homeopathic remedies for treatment are made from microscopic doses of substances that are causative agents of specific diseases, according to the principle “like cures like.” During treatment with homeopathic remedies, the patient must be extremely careful about what he eats and what he drinks in addition to treatment. Some substances can completely nullify or significantly weaken the effect of drugs. In this article we will look at the moments when homeopathic medications and alcohol are used at the same time, and what the consequences are.

General information about homeopathy

In the homeopathic principle “like cures like”, small doses of a substance are not able to cause a disease, but can prevent and even eliminate it.

Attention! Only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient is homeopathic treatment prescribed. The causes of the disease, the patient’s lifestyle and other circumstances of his lifestyle are determined.

Homeopathic preparations may include various substances of mineral, plant origin, and mushrooms. In addition, raw materials of animal origin can be used (for example, secretions of living organisms, snake venoms, etc.). Modern homeopathic preparations include bee products, whale liver, and various microorganisms. Thus, in homeopathy, the principle of selection of drugs, and not their source, comes first.

Combination of funds traditional medicine with homeopathic treatment can increase the chances of complete recovery several times. While medications work only to eliminate the symptoms of a disease, homeopathy treats the cause. There are cases when drug treatment of traditional medicine reduces the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment, so before starting treatment, you need to tell your homeopathic doctor about all the medications you are taking, including herbal medicine and vitamin complexes.

Attention! Homeopathic doctors warn that taking homeopathic medicines and drinking alcohol during this period is unacceptable, since these are mutually exclusive substances.

Alcohol from the point of view of homeopathy

The concept of antidotes in homeopathy refers to substances that block the action of drugs, depriving them of their desired effect. They are able to “hide” the original cause of the disease. Due to the action of the antidote, the doctor will not be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

For reference: Ethanol, which is included in absolutely all alcoholic beverages, is one of the most powerful antidotes that suppress the action and effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.

In this case, homeopathic therapy plus alcoholic drinks calls into question all treatment, which will either be completely ineffective or will not give the expected effect. Taking into account all of the above, it can be argued that the consumption of alcohol or medications containing alcohol, and any homeopathic treatment is categorically undesirable.

However, there are drugs in combination with which ethyl alcohol in small doses is acceptable. In homeopathy there are substances, although not many of them, that are neutral to the effects of alcohol. In order to correctly determine the compatibility of alcohol and various homeopathic medicines First of all, you need to undergo a full examination by a homeopath. Then, together with your doctor, familiarize yourself with the pharmacological properties of the drugs that are prescribed and identify active antidotes for them.

It should be taken into account that each organism is individual, and it is impossible to predict the reaction of each patient to mixing alcohol with homeopathic medicines. An experienced homeopath, of course, will recommend avoiding ethanol-containing products and substances during the course of treatment, and will also tell you about the availability of other antidotes for your specific medications.

Time to quit alcohol during homeopathic treatment

The classic regimen for taking homeopathic medicines involves avoiding ethanol-containing products at least 24 hours before the first dose of the medicines, and abstaining from them throughout the entire course of treatment, as well as for at least 24 hours after its completion. Strong drinks, such as vodka or cognac, are universal antidotes. It is better to completely abandon them while undergoing homeopathic therapy.

Note! If your homeopathic doctor did not mention the ban on alcohol during therapy, then the patient can sometimes drink a glass of red wine, or no more than 200 ml of beer.

When treating patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, homeopathic doctors prohibit drinking alcohol, due to the fact that ethanol blocks neuroleptics, thereby preventing the onset of the therapeutic effect. Procedures for coloring hair, eyelashes and eyebrows are not recommended throughout the course. The use of products containing mint is also excluded. These may include confectionery products, menthol toothpaste, etc.

Combined homeopathy remedies

Homeopathic remedies are found on pharmacy counters industrial production in combination with alcohol. As a rule, these drugs include several active substances. In the accompanying instructions, manufacturers warn about factors that can weaken the effectiveness of therapy and cause harm. Therefore, before taking this remedy, you should thoroughly study the instructions for use.

Consequences of combining alcohol and homeopathy

In classical homeopathy, it is believed that no matter what drug is prescribed, drinking any alcohol-containing drinks will neutralize its effect. In addition, homeopathy in combination with alcohol can cause functional disturbances in the liver, up to complete failure of this vital organ. And, if you really want to get a positive result from treatment, you need to completely abstain from alcohol during therapy; homeopathy and alcohol are not compatible.

Homeopathy is a special regulatory therapy applied individually to each individual person. The basis of medicines used in homeopathy are water molecules that carry information about the substances dissolved in it. The main emphasis is on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. That is, during treatment, the effect is not on harmful viruses or bacteria, but on the activation of the body’s internal defenses.

Before starting treatment, many patients ask whether homeopathy and alcohol are compatible. It is impossible to give a definite answer here. The fact is that there are substances called antidotes in homeopathy. They can completely or partially suppress the action of a homeopathic remedy and reduce its effectiveness. As for alcohol, it does not fully possess the properties of an antidote. This means that in one case, it performs a suppressive function, and in the other, it becomes neutral. Sometimes the activity of a particular drug may even increase. It all depends on what medicine was used with alcohol.

Therefore, in order to accurately determine the relationship between the drug and alcohol, you need to be examined by a homeopathic doctor. Only after an examination can you receive an individual homeopathic remedy. The doctor must also give recommendations on how to take it. If it is determined that alcohol is contraindicated, you must stop drinking it for the entire period of treatment.


In addition to the main diseases, treatment of alcoholism with homeopathy is often practiced. In this case, great importance has the voluntary consent of the patient. At the doctor's appointment, a mandatory examination is carried out. Issues related not only to alcoholism are clarified, since in order to compile a complete clinical picture It is advisable to have as much information as possible. This will greatly facilitate the selection of the necessary drugs. Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the body significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Homeopathy for alcoholism is carried out strictly according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor. A repeat appointment is carried out only when a change in symptoms occurs and positive changes are noted. This is necessary to cancel some drugs that have completed their task, and prescribe new ones to enhance and consolidate the effect.


As already noted, homeopathy and alcohol and their compatibility do not have clear boundaries. In addition to weakening the effect of drugs, there may be unpleasant consequences for the whole body. Sometimes there is a drop in blood pressure, as well as other pathologies.

Treating doctors usually recommend abstaining from drinking alcohol. And the person himself must choose either alcohol or full-fledged treatment. Therefore, if someone is unable to give up addictions, then it is better not to start treatment.

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