We rid your car of the bad habit of filling spark plugs with gasoline. The spark plugs on the injector are flooded VAZ 2110 overflows the injector

A large number of motorists in operation vehicle periodically encounter startup difficulties power unit. In this case, quite often there are no obvious prerequisites in the form of clearly manifested malfunctions. An unexpected engine failure to start can occur both during a cold start and when trying to start a previously warmed one. In such cases, one of the most common reasons The reason why the car engine does not start is that the spark plugs in the engine are filled with gasoline or oil.

If the spark plugs are flooded, starting the engine will be very difficult or completely impossible. This indicates the presence of certain problems both with the engine itself and with individual elements and systems. In this article we will talk about why it floods, how to understand why the spark plugs are flooded, and also what a driver should do if the car does not start, fill the spark plugs with gasoline or motor oil, etc.

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Why do the spark plugs flood when starting the engine when cold?

Let's start with the fact that in the warm season the problem of flooding candles is not as pressing as in cold weather. As a result, it becomes more common that the car's spark plugs flood in the cold. The main signs of flooded candles:

  • the problem manifests itself in such a way that the starter turns over, but the engine does not “catch”;
  • the exhaust pipe smells of gasoline, the smell is distinct at the moment;
  • after unscrewing the spark plugs, the threads and electrodes are in gasoline, and dark carbon deposits are also present at the bottom of the spark plug;

Let us add that fuel filling occurs regardless of what power system is installed on a particular vehicle (engine with injection injection or carburetor version). The only thing, if you compare the injector and the carburetor, fills the spark plugs on the injector in cold weather somewhat less often. Also, some filling features may differ slightly, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular power system.

So, the spark plugs flood (especially at subzero temperatures) as a result of the fact that fuel enters the combustion chamber from the power system, but the fuel does not ignite. The spark plugs become wet, after which the further normal process of spark formation becomes impossible, that is, the engine will no longer be able to start.

As practice shows, the list of reasons why spark plugs fill on a cold injector or when a similar problem occurs on carburetor car, includes several main points:

Tuning and upgrading spark plugs with your own hands to improve fuel efficiency and other characteristics of the internal combustion engine. How to modify the candles yourself.

Smooth starting of the engine, with high air humidity or in the cold season, becomes a real torment for motorists. And this happens, first of all, with the fact that the fuel mixture floods the spark plugs. Why this happens and how to fix this problem will be discussed further.

Reasons for burning candles

When you try to start the car, the starter moves the valves of the engine cylinders, thereby trying to start it. At this time, a fuel-air mixture is formed in the cylinder chambers, which should flare up after a discharge occurs on the spark plug.

What happens when there is high humidity and low temperatures? The fact is that the flow in the air-fuel mixture is disrupted chemical reaction, which is why it does not ignite. And, naturally, because of this, the spark plugs are flooded.

In fairness, it must be said that such a malfunction occurs, as a rule, only on older car models and on cars with significant mileage. This is primarily due to three reasons:

  • Reduced compression in the engine cylinders,
    how to measure compression:
    on an injection engine
    on a diesel engine
  • Low quality gasoline;
  • Clogged injectors.

What to do if spark plugs flood

There are three ways to fix the problem yourself when the candles are flooded.

METHOD No. 1. Replacing spark plugs

By using spark plug key, one by one, unscrew the old ones and install new spark plugs.

METHOD No. 2. Cleaning old spark plugs

Cleaning old spark plugs of any type follows the same procedure. The spark plugs are unscrewed and cleaned using a metal brush - without heating, if the carbon deposits are small and easily removed.

And heating will be required if a large layer of soot has already formed on the candles. The candles need to be heated until they turn red. After this, carbon deposits can be easily removed, and after the spark plug has cooled, its contacts will need to be cleaned. However, excessive heating of the candles will lead to cracking of their ceramic insulator and the impossibility of further use.

METHOD No. 3. Performing a purge

One of the most effective, safe and simple ways eliminate the problem of flooding spark plugs - blowing. Blowing (aka drying) of candles is carried out as follows:

  • Press the gas pedal all the way down, opening the throttle to the maximum;
  • At the same time, continuously rotate the starter.

As a result of such manipulations, air, in sufficiently large quantities, begins to enter the cylinders and flows to the spark plugs, drying them out. Purge is used for both injectors and carburetor engines. The only disadvantage of purging is that it cannot be used when the battery charge is low, since it discharges quite quickly during this procedure.

How to prevent spark plugs from flooding?

It turns out that the candles will not flood if you follow three rules:

  • Use only those that are difficult to thicken motor oils who are not afraid of low temperatures;
  • Use fuel only High Quality and only the brand that is supposed to be used for a particular car;
  • Systematically adjust the nozzles on the injectors, and perform their routine cleaning (how to wash the injectors with your own hands).


Preliminary preparation of a vehicle for operation in the cold season is the key to its reliable operation.

One of the “little things” that are often forgotten by novice drivers is switching the filter to the “winter” mode from the “summer” mode. In addition, you should always ensure that the battery charge is high for easier engine starting. Well, regarding candles, you need to know that another set of spare candles will never be superfluous! After all, the candles can flood at any moment, and you need to be prepared for this.

Video: New method cleaning your ignition

Video: Drying spark plugs on a VAZ 2114

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The car does not start the first time, but on the second and third attempts to start it becomes more and more problematic? In cold winter, after a frosty night, this situation is quite common. And, as a rule, the culprit is not the lack of fuel, not running out accumulator battery, not a starter.

The culprits are car spark plugs, designed to produce a spark discharge, but for some reason they stopped producing a spark. “Perhaps the candles are flooded?” — neighbors in the parking lot who managed to start the car the first time ask sarcastically. So what does it mean to prime the spark plugs?

Let's consider the process of starting an engine theoretically. The starter starts the car engine. This is an electric motor that spins the engine.

It is he who starts the car engine - the starter

The starter moves intake valves, feeding into the combustion chamber. At this time, the spark plug sends a spark from the ignition coil through high-voltage wires, which ignites the fuel assembly. It turns out to be a kind of micro-explosion, from which the engine starts, the valve pistons and all other mechanisms and components of the car along the chain are set in motion. If there is a malfunction somewhere in this area, fuel consumption will increase.

Passport data on fuel consumption of Lifan cars

Who gave the candles a “shower”

To start the system normally, you need a working starter, a powerful battery and adequate ambient temperature. But frosty weather with temperatures below -15 degrees cannot be called adequate even for a person who has just left a warm home. It is also too cold for the fuel-air mixture: gasoline does not mix well with air, which contains a lot of oxygen in cold weather.

At a temperature of -30 degrees the mixture refuses to mix at all. And the more oxygen in the air, the more gasoline is required. And the car electronics give the injectors a command: more fuel! Gasoline enters the combustion chamber, the battery, “on its last legs,” tries to rotate the starter, create compression in the cylinders, and also provide energy to generate a spark and flash to the ignition coils.


If the compression were sufficient, even the weakest spark would be enough, but, as a rule, it is not enough. And the injectors continue to pour gasoline. With each engine revolution, more and more gasoline enters the combustion chamber, and everything around is filled with it. And candles, once “under a gasoline shower,” are no longer capable of producing a spark.

Provocateurs of flooding

Several factors can provoke flooding of candles. These include an extremely worn-out engine: its pistons are not able to create the necessary pressure.

The pistons of this engine from Lifan Smiley could no longer start the engine in cold weather

That's why the engine won't start in the cold. Spark plugs are also filled in cars that have an old carburetor. Although their injection system is considered simple, it is outdated. If the carburetor is not adjusted correctly, it overflows fuel into the chamber and floods the spark plugs in winter. Moreover, if the car does not start, the carburetor continues to supply fuel as if it had started. The carburetor has no sense of proportion.

Carburetor and injection control system

Therefore, before the onset of cold weather, the carburetor needs to be adjusted. Cars with fuel injection systems are also not very careful when it comes to spark plugs. On-board computer in cold weather it commands the injectors to supply more fuel to the air mixture, but with a weak battery there is also not enough spark to ignite the fuel, as a result the spark plugs are flooded. And although the injector has special sensors monitoring the fuel supply and the engine, the car may still not start. If you can’t start the engine the first time, you need to wait a while and try again.

Poor quality gasoline and oil

Poor-quality gasoline and oil are also provocateurs for flooding spark plugs.

And if the situation with filling the spark plugs repeats itself almost every morning, and even in not very cold weather, then you should pay attention to the quality of the spark plugs themselves and the spark plug wires. Experienced motorists, guessing what might happen in winter period time, prepare for it in advance. As a rule, a powerful battery is installed and its charge level needs to be monitored over time.

Weak battery

In winter, a bad (dead) battery will definitely show itself

In cold weather, a weak battery is not able to create the necessary voltage on the engine spark plugs; a weak spark does not ignite the fuel. And if in the summer you can start and drive with a weakly charged battery, then in the winter such a “number” will not work.

Bad fuel

Also, spark plugs are filled due to low-quality fuel, so it is recommended to refuel at proven gas stations, especially in winter. The candles themselves need to be monitored and, if necessary, new ones purchased.

To prevent candles from flooding in cold weather, it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence: first turn on the low beam headlights for a few seconds. This way the battery will receive a small load. Then you need to turn off the headlights and wait 1 - 2 minutes, try to crank the starter, and then start the engine. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you can repeat it after 5 - 7 minutes. If the battery power is still not enough, then it should be removed and taken to a warm place overnight.

There is always a way out!

Flooded spark plugs, as follows from the above, are one of the most common problems of car owners, especially beginners who have not had to drive their car in winter.

But even inexperienced drivers will find a way out of any situation: the battery can be recharged, the spark plugs can be “blowed out”, cleaned and dried, or bought new ones. Moreover, the cost of candles is low.

In frosts or cold weather, many are faced with the fact that the candles flooded. This phenomenon is especially common on cars with high mileage. As a result, the spark plug cannot produce the proper spark to start the car.

Reasons why candles flood

  • The candles have served their purpose. Old spark plugs are unable to produce a powerful spark. and thus are unable to ignite the fuel as required. In this case, you need to replace the spark plugs.
  • Ignition module. Although this is a reliable element, it does not last forever. Its price is steep and in order not to waste money and time, replace it with a known good one. If the car starts, then feel free to go to the store for a new part.
  • Injectors - element fuel system the most vulnerable. For long runs injector nozzles become clogged and the fuel from them does not begin to spray, but simply pours, thereby flooding the candles. There is only one way out. Remove the injectors and take them for diagnostics.
  • Coolant sensor. Perhaps the most incomprehensible reason at first glance. Let's figure it out: when the engine starts, this sensor sends a signal to the electronic engine control unit. The sensor transmits the coolant temperature to the computer and based on this reading, he already determines how much fuel to supply. If the coolant sensor is faulty, it will give incorrect values, and the computer, in turn, will either not add fuel or supply an excessive amount of fuel. In both cases the car will be difficult to start, and in cold weather when oil frozen in the crankcase is added to this. This makes starting the engine very difficult.

How to start a car

First of all, do as experienced car owners advise. Press the gas pedal to the floor and turn the starter for 10-15 seconds, then release the gas. The car should start.

If this method does not help, then you need to unscrew the candles and dry them. It is better to calcinate on a gas burner or gas stove. Heat only the part of the spark plug where the electrode is located.. After this, clean the spark plug with sandpaper as shown in the photo.

Now let's go to the car. Do not screw in dry spark plugs right away.. To begin with, do this: crank the starter for 10-15 seconds, thereby drying a couple of cylinders. After this, try to start the engine.

I can say for myself that The method of calcination helped me.

Of course, these actions should be carried out if you are sure that the battery has the proper voltage e. If the battery is weak, then these methods are unlikely to help.

Sometimes a removed spark plug may be wet. This may be caused by gasoline, oil or coolant (antifreeze). Each of these liquids has its own determination methods.

Gasoline can be easily identified by its high volatility. By unscrewing the spark plug, the gasoline quickly dries out. Most often, filling with gasoline occurs when starting a cold engine. This can also happen due to incorrect ignition adjustment.

Oil on the spark plug electrodes may appear due to significant wear of the oil seals in the valves. Less commonly, the cause may be wear of the engine cylinder-piston group or breakage of the oil rings on the piston. Any of these faults requires immediate repair.

The amount of oil on the spark plugs can indicate how serious the problem is. When diagnosing, it is best to use a set of new spark plugs recommended by the car manufacturer, since droplets of oil are clearly visible on a clean insulator. The first stage is the appearance of small dark spots from burnt oil. This will not affect the performance of the spark plug in any way, but will indicate that there are still problems with the engine. The next stage of oil entering the combustion chamber will be the moistening of the lower threaded part of the spark plug. This state of the spark plug will cause popping noises in the muffler Idling. They disappear as the engine speed increases.

The last stage is the complete wetting of the candle from below. In this situation, a spark does not form at all. Therefore, a cylinder with such a spark plug does not work. You can find out about this by regular claps in the muffler, which do not stop with increasing speed. The engine starts to stall.

If oil enters the combustion chamber with completely working fuel supply and ignition systems, then its combustion occurs on the electrodes of the spark plug. As a result, the oil does not have time to wet the candle. That's not to say it's good, but it's not too bad either. In this case, droplets of burned oil turn into ash. It accumulates on the electrodes, increasing their thickness. When the engine is running, the ash warms up well. This promotes further combustion of the incoming oil. It is easy to clean, but it is better to do this at the same time as replacing the valve seals. If you remove the ash from the candle, the oil may stop burning. Because of this, the spark may stop jumping, the spark plug will flood, and the cylinder will stop working.

Sometimes “traditional craftsmen” use the following methods to combat flooding of candles: install candles with a shorter skirt or with a higher heat rating, increase the spark voltage by putting on high-voltage tips, leaving a small gap. All these methods are short-lived, ineffective, and are dangerous for the condition of the car.

The reasons for the ingress of coolant may be the following: a poorly pressed cylinder head, a crack in it or in the liner body, a leaky carburetor heating system. As for the last reason, it is typical only for Japanese cars.

In practice, it is difficult to determine whether antifreeze enters the combustion chamber, since when the engine warms up, some holes may close as a result of metal expansion. Diagnostics must be carried out on a cold engine. To do this, you need to start the car for about 10 seconds. During this time, the candles will not have time to heat up and the cracks will not disappear. When the spark plug is removed, the coolant looks like dew drops.

When buying new spark plugs, you should be wary of counterfeits, as they can cause the entire engine to fail. They can be identified by a crooked or uneven inscription, poor-quality processing of the hexagon of the candle, or poorly executed packaging.

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