How to avoid becoming addicted to a computer. Computer game addiction: how to overcome a modern disease? Why does gaming addiction develop from computer games?

Computer game addiction is real problem modern humanity. Virtual games are addictive, attract attention, and take up valuable time that simply goes to waste. Is there treatment for computer game addiction and how can I make it help? The answer to this question lies through understanding the psychology of those who are involved in it more than in reality.

  • Who and why is at risk of becoming addicted to computer games?
  • What are the negative aspects of psychological addiction to computer games?
  • Why do people who depend on computer games have bursts of aggression and make a transfer from virtuality to reality?
  • How to completely and completely get rid of addiction to computer games?

Who are you, dear reader? Concerned and saddened parent looking for information about children's video game addiction? A loving wife or a caring husband who discovered signs of addiction to computer games in his other half? Or maybe you yourself feel and understand that something is wrong in your life, that you devote too much time and importance to computer games?

One way or another, one thing is obvious: addiction to computer games exists, this is not a fiction or a far-fetched hype around a non-existent problem. For the players themselves, the game is the most reality, which leads to real problems. The game creates a world in which you can find an outlet, at the same time it interferes with life and seems to make an outcast out of a person - this is exactly what a player risks becoming after many years of addiction to computer games. And the symptoms that can be observed in the player are more than frightening even for him.

What to do? How to avoid addiction to computer games? Where to look for salvation? Is there a treatment?

Before answering these questions, let's agree on one convention. We will not condemn a person who suffers from addiction to computer games, but will try to understand why the player is so attracted to the virtual world. And it is through this understanding that we will be able to find answers to the questions outlined above.

I'm riding a trolleybus. Next to me, a boy, about 15 years old, was stuck in his tablet, trying to pass the most difficult level of his game with skillful fingers. The boy is focused on the process, his persistent zeal for victory is surprising, his tension with which he approaches the game is fascinating - it feels like now, at this moment, his whole life depends on victory. And there is nothing around. And no one.

I look over his shoulder at his screen and see that the boy has lost. Once again, obviously. Although he does not express any emotions outwardly, not a single muscle on his face flinched, I literally feel his angry disappointment. But he doesn’t waste time - he launches the same level in a new way. And again - into battle!

The guy seems to be falling into the game. This is life! Beautiful graphics, characters perfectly drawn to the smallest detail, enormous response speed to the slightest movement with one finger - it seems that the player is God himself in this game.

But then the boy’s mother gets into the game. She suddenly pulls him sharply by the shoulder and screams in his ear - our stop, it’s time to get out. It is at this very moment that a decisive episode occurs on the screen. Probably one that the boy had already passed many times. And every time I lost. One for which he is probably now, at this moment, ready to give half his life and half a kingdom for victory, if he had one.

The boy continues to play, but his mother pulls him, and the trolleybus inexorably begins to slow down. The player is unable to take his eyes off the screen, he tries to simultaneously play, get up, and walk to the exit. And, of course, there was an embarrassment. The guy hit some grandma's car, apples fell across the cabin and rolled out into the already open doors. The grandmother groans, the passengers are perplexed, the guy and mother roll out of the trolleybus. And through the already closing doors I hear my mother’s screams and laments that all the boy’s attention, his whole life is in this damn toy and in the computer, that he is a poor student and does not communicate with his peers, that he is a real hermit. Her voice breaks into a squeal, she literally drags the child, who is a head taller than herself, by the collar and yells something. Well, I can't hear it anymore.

Surprisingly, the boy never takes his eyes off the screen. He continues to play and does not seem to hear his mother. And she, although she threatens to take the toy from her son, does not do this because she knows what an inadequate reaction can be in response to this action, including an aggressive one.

I feel sorry for my mother, because all she really wants is for her son to be happy. But I feel even more sorry for the boy because he also just wants to be left alone.

Probably everyone played computer games. Through system-vector thinking, it is easy to understand that those who spend time playing computer games for days are most often people who have a sound vector. It is the sound players who have a whole set of characteristics that make them potentially addicted players.

For all the people in the world who were born without a sound vector, the ordinary world is their whole life. Such a person with early age learns to communicate with others of his own kind, to distinguish between plants and animals, to derive benefits, to create something of high quality, to build cities, to live in a state. For a sound engineer, the world around is illusory. The less a sound student has managed to develop, socialize, and acquire social skills, the more illusory the world around him is for him.

Computer games often become salvation; they replace the real world for a sound person, involving him in virtuality, as in real life. A life in which everything is different, in which you can truly (as it seems to the sound artist) live. There the whole world is built around him, he decides what happens in this world. In him he is God and king, almost Creator. And any physical defects, for example, odors, do not interfere.
It would seem, well, what’s wrong with that? Well, a man is playing a game for himself, so let him play. He doesn’t bother anyone with his actions. Especially when it comes to children. Someone plays real games, and this one plays virtual ones - what's the difference? In fact, there is a difference and it is huge.

A person with a sound vector lives his whole life with a special division of the world: into internal and external. For him, it is as if there are two separate environments: one is his soul, what he experiences inside himself, and the other is the world around him. Already being small, he distinguishes these two worlds from each other, and reaches out to understand where the line between them lies. At the age of 6, he asks questions “why was I born?”, “what will happen when I die?”, “is there a God and what is he like?” And the world that is inside is very important and valuable for him, and the one that is outside - it is outside, not studied and often hostile. When a small sound child is raised correctly, instilling in him the morality of society, developing internal moral principles, barriers and principles are formed in him, it is these that allow him to live in society as an adequate person. But while he is small, while these boundaries do not yet exist, when he gets into virtual games, where the line between reality and the fictional world is blurred, he becomes more and more entrenched in the idea that the outside world is just an illusion. The more he hangs out in games, the more socially maladaptive he becomes. Living more and more in his illusion, he runs the risk of never receiving any moral or ethical restrictions, which means that he can afford everything he wants at some point.

If you shoot from a pistol at characters drawn to the point of wrinkles for 20 hours a day without breaks, then a shift gradually occurs when the hated real world merges with the virtual one. There is a feeling that ordinary people on the streets they are almost the same characters and you can express your hatred for them by simply pulling the trigger. A sound artist who has lost touch with reality can do this. And news feeds from time to time explode with such terrible messages of mass shootings.

Plunging into virtual reality, a person with an unfilled sound vector falls into a trap. He ceases to strive to fulfill his role, that is, he actually begins to degrade as an individual, a socially useful member of society. While he is satisfied with such a life, because it brings less discomfort. And at this time, this is what really happens: he stops studying, works poorly and becomes a burden, both for his family and for teachers or employers. Everyone wants to get rid of him, they avoid him, and so he is gradually forced out of normal life. And this pushes him even more into the game, from which he never wants to leave.

An adult, developed person with a sound vector, who is “immersed” in the game, still has a chance to get out of it. After all, he runs there from depression, from his sound questions, and, having been filled, he may yet return to a full life. But if a child does not initially develop before puberty, does not receive moral inoculation from parents and society, lives in games, he risks forever ceasing to distinguish between reality and virtuality.

If you are the parent of a child or a loved one of one who is addicted to computer games: If you yourself feel addicted to computer games, and this worries you:
Learn one thing: the more you put pressure on the gamer, the more you try to change him, the more you increase the discomfort in this world for him, thereby pushing him even more into the game. By forcibly taking away your computer and banning games, you can lead to a disaster with your own hands. This doesn't mean you don't need to act. It is necessary, and without delay for a day. But not with prohibitions and moralizing, but by luring the gambler out of his virtual space with what will be more interesting to him in this world. Keep in mind that you are not worrying in vain. Yes, computer game addiction is a real problem. And yes, she will progress. Of course, everything will not go away and will not resolve, no matter what age or gender you are. But giving up on it just like that, through willpower or self-prohibition, will also not work. Simply because our body is not designed that way: you will continue to do what brings you pleasure. And a computer game brings you this pleasure, although it is small (but it seems great simply because there is nothing to compare it with). You can get rid of this only by replacing the pleasure of the game with something greater in mass and meaning.

How to get rid of, or save a loved one from, addiction to computer games?

A person/child cannot be cured of addiction to computer games by simply taking away a toy or prohibiting him from playing. It’s like depriving a hungry person of food, like taking water from a thirsty person. Of course, we understand that a computer game is a poor filler for a sound vector, like unleavened oatmeal for a hungry person, but it is all he has. Nothing but aggression and dumb misunderstanding can be expected in response. Moreover, the ban will only increase the desire to play, and thereby we will push him even further into this very addiction. And if we also put pressure on the player, shout at him, force him to do something, strain him, then it’s as if we ourselves, with our own hands, are pushing him into the virtual world. After all, there is no all this swearing and stupid fuss, because it’s good there!

It is necessary not to take away the game from a computer game addict, but to offer something that will be an order of magnitude higher, better, more interesting. If you give a person more tasty food, he himself will refuse bland oatmeal.

Therefore, there is only one way to treat computer game addiction - and it is not easy. The sound person can be pulled out of the game only by giving him answers to his internal questions “why?” and why?" By the way, you can distract an addicted person from computer games in literally a couple of minutes, simply by starting a conversation with him about the meaning of life and carefully listening to his thoughts on this matter. And he will definitely have a lot of them, and many of them are bad and depressive, which is not surprising for a depressed sound artist. But by attracting his attention with questions, hooking him with “bait”, making it clear that this answer exists, you can gradually pull him out of the hole of gambling addiction and lead him to a different life.

Where to look for these very answers to the questions “why?” and why?" They lie in understanding human nature, the characteristics of all people, their lives, and most importantly - that very sound vector from which all these mental torments come. Yuri Burlan talks about this at trainings on system-vector psychology. He gives his lectures online, so that anyone can attend them, regardless of their place of residence. Free lectures are held every month; find out about the upcoming dates or by clicking on the banner:

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How to understand how harmless a computer game is? What is computer game addiction and how to deal with it?

Global technological progress has given us a lot of new and interesting things. The computer, which a few decades ago was a unique miracle of technology, accessible only to a select few, is now present in almost every home. To modern man It’s hard to imagine your day without this universal device - it is our faithful companion both at work and at home, when we “rest” after a hard day. Undoubtedly, there is nothing terrible about watching an interesting movie on the World Wide Web in the evening or searching for the necessary data. But this is not all that a computer can offer us...

There are probably few people left on Earth who are not familiar with computer games, or at least have not heard of them. According to experts, the history of computer games goes back a little more than half a century - the first of them appeared in the distant 50s. By definition, a computer game is a program that serves to organize the game process, communicate with gaming partners and/or is itself a partner. Often such games are created based on books and films. And since 2011, in the United States, computer games have been officially recognized as a separate art form.

In recent years, the production of computer games has become a huge industry. Of course, demand creates supply, which means more and more people want to play. Naturally, an hour or two of gaming once a week “to relax” will not kill anyone. But is everything as simple with computer games as we would like to believe? Let's figure it out.

Computer gaming addiction, or gambling addiction- a form of addiction that manifests itself through obsessive passion for computer games and video games. Dependence forms especially quickly in cases where a person tries to solve his own problems with the help of a game. psychological problems and tasks. For example, in the game you can feel like a completely different person, not the same as in real life; you can show feelings that are not customary to experience openly: aggression, anger; you can throw away real anxiety from the present time and go into the virtual world. According to research by experts, online games are the most addictive. History knows of cases of fatal consequences of such fun - for example, in 2005, a Chinese girl, who lost many days in a row at World of Warcraft, died of exhaustion.

At the moment, gaming addiction is not recognized as a disease. This disease is not officially included in the International Classification of Diseases. But debate over the adoption of this term is ongoing. According to experts, additional tests are needed to study in detail the impact of gambling addiction on the human body.

However, the results on the ground speak for themselves. Online games have captured the minds of humanity. The number of players is already in the millions. What is the catch in such a seemingly harmless activity? And the whole point is that, like any other addiction, it can drag you into its networks. The player forgets about everything in the world: food, sleep, basic hygiene, responsibilities to family, loved ones, children, not to mention physical activity and walks in nature. Unable to interrupt the gaming process, gambling addicts can lose their jobs and families. The real world for them is completely replaced by the virtual one.

But, naturally, it’s hardest for teenagers. These “no longer children, but not yet adults,” who are going through one of the most difficult periods in their lives, throw themselves into games “with their heads.” As a result, relationships with family deteriorate, exams fail, and exams fail. Former straight-A students fall into bad grades. In addition, over time, games begin to require more and more financial investments. Where can a person who does not yet earn money on their own get them? Many begin to beg from their parents, and when they stop giving, they take without asking. In such cases, urgent help is required - the young man is now unable to get out of this endless marathon alone...

How to recognize computer gaming addiction? Experts call these symptoms:

  1. Reluctance to be distracted from a computer game;
  2. Irritation when forced to be distracted from the game;
  3. Euphoria or just a good feeling while being at the computer and playing a game;
  4. Inability to schedule the end of a game session and time spent on the computer;
  5. Forgetting about home and work responsibilities, studies, agreements, scheduled meetings while playing on the computer;
  6. Large financial investments to ensure that devices and computer software are constantly updated;
  7. Neglecting sleep, hygiene, health, in favor of spending as much time as possible in the game;
  8. Refusal of normal meals, preference for mechanical “absorption” of irregular, monotonous food in front of the computer;
  9. Abuse of psychostimulants: coffee, various energy drinks;
  10. An obsessive desire to discuss a computer game with everyone who understands at least something about it.

In addition, addiction to computer games negatively affects both physical and mental health of a person. The following physical symptoms are common:

  • Visual impairment, dry eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Changes in sleep patterns, sleep disorders;
  • Digestive disorders due to irregular and unhealthy diet;
  • Frequent back pain caused by prolonged sitting;
  • Problems with posture;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Constant feeling of fatigue;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is a lesion of the nerve trunks in the wrist area. This disorder occurs due to uncomfortable working conditions with the mouse and keyboard and prolonged muscle strain;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene and related problems.

Psychological symptoms of addiction are less noticeable to the naked eye, but no less significant. The player himself may not even notice how much time he spends on games, how he forgets to eat and moves away from his family and friends.

According to psychologists, those most susceptible to gaming computer addiction people who are insecure, have low self-esteem, have difficulty communicating, are dissatisfied with life and themselves, naturally shy and have complexes. The game gives them the opportunity to escape into another reality, fulfill their desires, experience new emotions, feel strong, significant, and armed. That is, in essence, real life is being replaced by a virtual game.

Psychologists include the following as the main reasons for the development of computer gaming addiction:

  1. Lack of real quality communication. Most of all, this problem affects children and adolescents whose parents are too busy or prone to overprotection. The lack of real communications forces people to look for them in the virtual world;
  2. Lack of bright interesting moments in life. When a person’s everyday life is filled with dullness and boredom, he tries to “get” positive emotions in the game;
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction. Basically, the “victims” of gambling addiction are people who are dissatisfied with their personal life or do not have one. Also, sometimes a pathological attraction to games disguises various sexual disorders and deviations from the norm. After all, the beauty of toys is that the player is essentially anonymous, no one will “see through” him or poke fingers at him, which means he can express himself in different ways;
  4. Unformed psyche. Often players “get stuck” mentally in childhood or adolescence, not wanting to accept adult life with all its responsibilities;
  5. Social fears, phobias. Often behind an increased craving for games is a fear of interpersonal relationships, society as a whole, the inability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, and a lack of creativity and flexibility. In this case, the virtual world of the game can replace a person with the reality that he is so afraid of and provide a more comfortable environment. All this poses a serious threat to success in real life;
  6. Conflicts, discord within the family. When everything is boring, “it’s not going well”, it’s not working out, there is a great temptation to go somewhere where you won’t be judged, and in general no one knows you;
  7. A chance to escape real life problems. A person begins to think that with the help of a game he can relieve his stress, anxiety, depression, “escape” from problems in school, overload at work, discord in the family and circle of friends;
  8. Presence of psychopathy. Psychopathy does not mean a disease, but pathological character traits, which under unfavorable conditions lead to prolonged stress and chronic diseases. Psychopaths are considered the most susceptible to various addictions.

According to psychologists, role-playing games pose the greatest danger. The very meaning of such games involves a person’s “entry” into the game, identifying himself with the character, the loss of the player’s individuality and his integration with the computer. And the stronger the immersion effect, the more difficult it becomes to tear yourself away from the game.

Computer games attract many people, but not everyone becomes a gamer. Players can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Situational game. Such people play when there are external factors: free time, competition. If there is no external influence, there will be no interest in the game either;
  2. Episodic game. In such cases, people start playing computer games from time to time, but they are able to control themselves and limit the time spent in the game;
  3. Systematic game. Such players are fond of computer games, but wasted time and unfulfilled responsibilities cause them remorse, as a result of which they may stop playing;
  4. Gambling. For people in this group, gaming becomes the meaning of life and takes up virtually all of their time. When at the moment a person does not have the opportunity to play, he still plans the course of the game in his thoughts, waiting for the moment to return to it. Unfulfilled obligations, unclosed cases, losses, instead of being removed from the game, on the contrary, provoke him to continue further and further. In this case, we are already talking about true gambling addiction.

The development of addiction to computer games occurs in several stages:

  1. Stage of mild infatuation. At this stage, adaptation to the game occurs;
  2. Infatuation stage. Sharp and rapid formation of dependence. There is an increased desire to play, and gaming sessions become longer. The stakes in the game increase (if the game is played “for money”). At this stage, there is still no struggle between the desires to play or not to play, and a person can still refuse to play even if he wants to sit at the computer;
  3. Dependency stage. At this stage, the magnitude of the dependence reaches its maximum value. The struggle between motives to “play” or “not play” is clearly evident; it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose “not to play.” The time spent at the computer increases sharply, excitement increases, and it becomes very difficult to tear yourself away from the game. If a player receives cash winnings, they are immediately returned to the game;
  4. Attachment stage. The strength of dependence remains stable for a long period of time, then declines slightly and is fixed again and remains stable. Now the game turns into the center of the player's entire life. Money becomes only a symbol of the game. At this stage, a person can no longer overcome the desire to play on his own. The goal of the game is the process itself, not winning. It is very difficult for a person to abstain from gambling; such intervals are extremely small and only arise forcibly. The player is always immersed in his gaming fantasies.

What consequences does computer gaming addiction entail? Psychologists include:

  • private and protracted conflicts at home, often family breakdown;
  • loss of friends and close circle;
  • loss of social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • personality degradation.

It is always easier to prevent any disorder than to cure it. And gambling addiction is no exception. According to psychologists, a very important part of preventing computer gaming addiction (as well as other addictions) is outreach work, primarily among young people. It is necessary to give them examples of how such addiction destroyed human lives, led players to poverty, to the loss of favorite activities and previous interests. It is important to point out that gambling addiction is often a consequence of a weak character and lack of willpower. Also, in the prevention of gambling addiction among children, the positive example of the parents themselves and close adults is important - constantly observing how bright and interesting real life can be, independently taking part in it, the child is unlikely to want to exchange it for virtual life. And, of course, you should not neglect close emotional contact with your child - having found him among family and friends, the child will not be forced to chase him, running to the computer.

If such an addiction has already occurred, it is important to know that it is also treatable. But, depending on the stage of attachment to the game, its treatment may take months or years, full of prohibitions and restrictions.

Among the recognized methods of treating computer gaming addiction are the following:

  • Conversations with a psychologist. The task of such sessions is to convince the player of the ephemeral nature of his virtual world, to show him all the beauty and perfection of real, real life;
  • Drug treatment. An experienced doctor can prescribe special psychotropic drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics;
  • Attention to a loved one. It is very important to notice in time when a family member is immersed in games, try to pay more attention to him, diversify life, add new colors and impressions to it. After all, if a person, in addition to computer games, has other interests and hobbies, study, work, sports, a constant social circle, the likelihood of developing gambling addiction is negligible.

All these measures work best together, and under the supervision of specialists. Often, when treating a gambling addict, family psychotherapy is used - at the same time, many related problems of family members are solved.

If you are concerned about your family member's pathological passion for computer games, do not hush up the problem! It is very important to notice warning signs in time and seek qualified help. But don’t forget – a holy place is never empty. If you don’t fill the space freed up from games with lively, productive activities, there is a chance that other addictions will take their place - alcoholism or drug addiction. After all, in essence, a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation tries to find a way out for himself, a kind of “surrogate” for a normal life, which in reality does not exist for him. But to help find it, create it and love it - this is the specific task of the player himself and his loved ones. The task is difficult, but feasible, as many examples show.

“Be attentive to your loved ones, choose live communication, real life and always be happy!”
Anna Kutyavina

Several decades ago, a computer was a breakthrough in technology for people. It was very rare to meet him in the apartment. Today probably everyone has one. It is used for work, searching for necessary information, and relaxing.

There is not a single person on the planet who has not played or at least heard about computer games. The first simulators were invented back in the 50s. Often such programs are created based on the plots of books and films.

The production of computer games has acquired a global scale. A couple of hours a week of such pastime, of course, will not harm anyone. However, excessive passion provokes the formation of cravings.

The game is present in everyone’s life: football, entertainment in kindergarten, checkers and others. But computer simulators are different from them: they force you to immerse yourself in a fictional world, far from reality.

Gaming addiction to computer games is an escape from reality into cyberspace. The psychological state of the addict changes. The patient confuses reality with an imaginary world. In advanced cases, imagination becomes the only habitat.

There are many types of computer games.

The most dangerous for the psychological state are online ones.

The addict is immersed in the life of a fictional hero: he falls in love, makes friends, and fights. In cyberspace, emotions are brighter and more intense.

The psychology of gambling addiction is characterized by:

  • disorientation in time;
  • an endless feeling of something new;
  • distorted understanding of one’s “I”;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • antisocial characteristics;
  • a feeling of virtual power;
  • violation of the volitional aspect.

Schoolchildren and students are more susceptible to addiction. This is due to immaturity of mental development and suggestibility due to young age.

The disease is also observed in adults. A person leaves the real world for cyberspace during crises, difficulties, or in the presence of serious illnesses.

When depending on simulators, changes are observed:

  • increased feelings of anxiety;
  • severe fear, panic attacks;
  • excessive aggressiveness, irritability;
  • deviant behavioral model, sociopathy;
  • the emergence of a tendency towards violence;
  • increased risk of mental disorders.

According to statistics, teenage boys are more susceptible to gambling addiction. 80% of them spend more than seven hours a day in virtual reality. 50% of girls play a maximum of five hours a day.

Computer gambling causes serious harm human psyche. Dependent people “fall out” from society, become aggressive and irritated. They are almost impossible to control.

The concept of computer gaming addiction

Computer gaming addiction is defined as a disorder of the brain, motivation, memory and systems interconnected with them. These problems cause certain psychological, physiological, social and spiritual manifestations.

The addict loses the ability to abstain and control behavior. He has strong cravings and an abnormal emotional reaction. He does not realize and does not see his problem. The disease is characterized by remissions and relapses. If measures are not taken, the pathology will lead to disability and death.

Computer gaming addiction is a type of relationship between man and machine. This is an excessive emotional addiction not to technology, but to what it gives. The patient wants to fill all his time with games, but this is impossible for objective reasons.

The school and parents interfere with the child. For an adult - family, work. If these factors are not present, then the addict will completely immerse himself in a fantasy world. It is extremely difficult to get him out of there.

The final stage in the development of addiction will be complete immersion in cyberspace. It sounds scary, but it must be accepted as inevitable. However, this can be avoided if treatment is started.

Pathogenesis of formation

A common reason for the formation of pathological attraction is personality traits and character traits. Touchy people who are prone to chronic depression and have low self-esteem tend to avoid the “cruel” reality.

In reality, they cannot establish interpersonal relationships and become a kind of “outcast.” In cyberspace, no one bothers them or torments them with questions. There they can be whoever they want. This creates an addiction that is difficult to overcome without professional help.

Pathology can develop due to a lack of perception of yourself as you are, from loneliness and misunderstanding of loved ones. The patient is constantly in a tense state and emotionally exhausted.

Dependence is a consequence of upbringing in childhood and is caused by overprotection or high demands of parents.

In the first case, the child grows up to be dependent. He is used to his relatives deciding everything for him and in his adult life he is not able to do anything himself. Everything is simpler in the game: it is simple to operate and everything is decided in advance.

In the second situation, the child develops very low self-esteem. In a computer you can constantly be a leader, assert yourself through virtual reality.

Often people are not interested in their real life, so they plunge into cyberspace. They simply don’t understand that you can find a passion, a hobby. Play sports, start traveling, and not escape from reality into games.

Stages and consequences

The development of pathological cravings occurs in stages:

  • Mild interest: the patient is undergoing adaptation.
  • Infatuation: Strong cravings appear. Each session is longer and the stakes increase. At this stage, a person can still resist his attraction.
  • Addiction: craving for simulators reaches its highest level. A person constantly struggles with the desire to play. Giving up a “hobby” becomes almost impossible. The time spent at the computer increases dramatically.
  • Attachment: the previous stage lasts for a long time. After this, the craving subsides and gains momentum with greater force. The game becomes the meaning of life for the patient; money is only a symbol. A person is not able to overcome his addiction on his own. The addict is distracted from the computer only under duress.

Consequences of gaming mania:

  • regular conflicts with relatives, disintegration of the social unit;
  • loss of friends;
  • lowering social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • degradation.

To avoid all of these problems, the pathological condition must be promptly identified and treated.

Signs and symptoms

It is not difficult to identify pathological cravings. Signs of computer gaming addiction:

  • Before the game, a person is in a good mood, in ecstasy before the action begins. He strives to finish all his work as quickly as possible in order to immerse himself in the virtual world.
  • During the game, the addict is overexcited and his emotional state is elevated. All senses are heightened.
  • If for some reason you need to break away from the computer, a person becomes irritated and anxious.
  • It becomes impossible to reduce the time spent using equipment.
  • Craving initially manifests itself in episodes, then becomes systematic.
  • The patient constantly promises to stop gambling and start spending time with loved ones. His words lead nowhere.
  • Play is a way to escape from difficulties, loneliness, bad mood, etc.

All of the above signs indicate the formation of addiction. It must be dealt with to avoid adverse consequences.

  • You need to carefully monitor the time spent at the computer. It is advisable to write down on paper what time the game started and when it ended. At the end of the week, calculate the number of hours spent on a questionable activity. The number will make you think seriously.
  • It is necessary to set a limited time in the game. For convenience, you can set a timer. If even after his signal the activity on the computer does not stop, at least the exact time spent on the “hobby” will be known. If the addiction is not completely advanced, you can choose certain days or hours dedicated to virtual reality. It is recommended to set a money limit that will be spent monthly in the game.
  • It is advisable to choose simulators that do not take much time to complete. Some games are difficult to complete, and they draw you into the virtual world even more.
  • The simulator should not be perceived as some kind of competition. This is just a game and there is no need to be afraid to quit before reaching the end. This is a virtual world, no one will blame you for not finishing the job.
  • You need to earn time on the computer. You cannot sit down to play games until all tasks are completed. You don't have to give up your hobby completely. You just need to understand the diversity of the world around you.
  • It is recommended to replace computer games with broadcasts. It is not necessary to be behind the monitor at this time. You can do useful things. For example, clean the apartment or cook dinner.
  • If you realize that it’s time to return to reality, it is recommended to abruptly give up computer games. This is difficult to do, but necessary. You can remove all simulators from your equipment and give the disks to friends for a certain time. After this, more time will be spent with loved ones and the realization will come that cyberspace cannot replace the real world.
  • To get rid of addiction forever, you need to determine the reason why it formed. By eliminating it, you will be able to free yourself from pathological attraction.

If you can’t overcome your addiction on your own, you need to consult a specialist.

To determine the presence of a dependency, you must agree or refute the following statements:

  • Staying at the computer lasts for hours. You can refuse to consume food, hygiene procedures, and other things in order to prolong your session in the game.
  • There are regular delays in the game longer than planned.
  • A person thinks of himself as a virtual character with a reputation in the game, and not as a real person.
  • Cyberspace is more important than interacting with people in the real world (even sometimes).
  • After completing the game you feel pleasure. I want to experience euphoria, adrenaline, and satisfaction again.
  • It’s hard to tear yourself away from the simulator, even at someone’s request.
  • Stop the game during important events(battles, battles, etc.) is difficult.
  • I have to hide my passion for computer games because I’m embarrassed to admit how much time it takes.
  • Relatives notice a pathological addiction.
  • Because of simulations, there is not enough time for studying, household chores, work, etc.
  • If you can't sit down at the computer, your mood worsens.
  • Immersion in a fictional world occurs even at the workplace or in an educational institution.
  • Games caused absences from work and school.
  • It is much easier to relieve stress using a computer than using other methods.
  • Because of the games, relationships with friends and family have deteriorated.
  • They invest in simulators cash, necessary for other purposes.

The more positive answers, the higher the risk of developing gambling addiction.

If there are more than 50%, then you need to seek advice from a specialist. Pathology began to develop.

Preventive actions

There is no specific prevention. Following the recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of developing a craving for computer games:

  • if a person spends a lot of time on virtual reality, he needs to be shown to a doctor;
  • you need to try to understand the meaning of the simulators that your loved one is playing: this will help you find common ground and build trusting relationships;
  • You cannot criticize games in front of a person who is passionate about computers: you need to gently express your thoughts on this matter;
  • it is necessary to understand what exactly attracts people in cyberspace and what is missing in reality;
  • limit access to books, films, and violent games: this will suppress aggressiveness.

The above will reduce the risk of addiction. However, if a person spends a lot of time at the computer and the first symptoms of pathological attraction appear, he needs to be persuaded to visit the doctor.

What is computer addiction and how does it occur? Signs of such obsession and its main types. How to cope with it and who to turn to for help.

The content of the article:

Computer addiction is a pathological connection between a person and a computer, the scale of which is growing every day. This side effect of technological progress is no less dangerous than other types of addiction - drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism. It can also “knock you out” of society and affect your physical health.

Description and mechanism of development of computer addiction

The concept of “computer addiction” appeared in the 80s of the last century in America. Psychiatric scientists have noticed that a computer, created to help a person in various areas of his life, can become truly irreplaceable. That is, to fill the entire living space of its owner, displacing loved ones, work and other hobbies from it, reducing basic hygiene and social skills to a minimum.

Today it is indeed very difficult to imagine life without computers and the Internet - they help at work, at home and in school. Thanks to them, we find the necessary information and share it, develop and communicate, learn and teach. And with the help of all kinds of computer games, within safe limits, you can well develop logic, thinking and attention. But clear safe limits for “communication” with a computer have not yet been established. Therefore, the line between a normal attitude towards your gadget and addiction to it is very thin, and everyone has their own.

The core of the formation of such mania is a failure in the mental mechanisms of perceiving the world and processing incoming information. This is facilitated by the level of development of modern computer equipment, which can successfully replace objective reality with virtual reality.

The social qualities of a computer “slave” suffer the most from such dependence: empathy, openness, sociability, friendliness, desire to communicate. Deeply rooted addiction to computer games displaces the listed qualities, causing social maladjustment. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to it.

The result of such a life in illusion can be increased aggressiveness, antisocial behavior, ignoring responsibilities (domestic, professional, family, etc.), external and internal degradation. Over time, the addict’s body also reacts to going into virtual reality. Chronic fatigue, problems with the stomach and spine, hemorrhoids, and visual impairment appear.

Important! Dependence on a computer develops faster than all other addictions - from 6 months to 1 year of “communication” with your gadget.

The main causes of computer addiction

There are many reasons for moving to the virtual world. They can be inside a person and drag him into addiction without resistance. Or they can be around him and gradually pull him into the abyss of virtuality. The main “bait” of any gadget connected to the Internet is the satisfaction of three important human needs:

  • Information hunger. Of all the living creatures on our planet, it is to us, humans, that information is very important and constantly needed. The computer is capable of processing, systematizing and storing it, and the Internet is capable of providing it in any quantity and on any issue.
  • Exercise for the brain. The nature of our brain is such that it cannot be calm. He simply “adores” simple logic puzzles and actions, the results of which are immediately visible. Working with a computer fully satisfies these requirements, since it is precisely a sequence of logical operations and actions.
  • Need for communication. Another human feature is the need for communication. The World Wide Web makes it possible for absolutely everyone to communicate: from those who in reality cannot imagine life without communication, to those who in this same reality find it very difficult to meet people and find friends.
However, such “baits” themselves will not work if the person does not have any psychological problems.

The main psychological causes of computer addiction:

  • Personal qualities. Such as vulnerability, anxiety, low self-esteem, touchiness. This can also include a tendency to depression, isolation, inability to solve problems, resolve conflicts, experience stressful situations, and build relationships, including with the opposite sex. The virtual world gives such people the opportunity to become ideal, drawing them more and more into this illusion.
  • Escaping reality. That is, from problems with loved ones, peers, and employees. The computer here becomes a refuge from discomfort, pain, humiliation, conflicts and the need to change something. It improves your mood, creates the illusion that everything is fine - but only here, in virtuality. Thus, leading away from solving the situation in reality.
  • Loneliness. Due to the inability to communicate, complexes, misunderstanding of others. A lonely person finds such necessary support in games or networks - there he relieves his emotional tension and anxiety, having never learned to solve his life situations on his own and ask for help from real people nearby.
  • Side effects of parenting. Namely, overprotection, inflated demands on the child. Communication problems and lack of mutual understanding in the family can also incline people to communicate with a computer.
  • Forced reduction in social activity. As a result of health problems (severe or long-term illness, disability), lack of work, including due to maternity leave.

Serious diagnoses - schizophrenia, depression - can also contribute to the development of computer and Internet addiction.

Signs of an addicted person

Despite the fact that computer addiction does not yet have generally accepted recognition, the main diagnostic criteria for this mania have nevertheless been developed. They are divided into two large groups: mental and physical.

Mental symptoms

Mental signs of computer addiction:
  1. Dependence of mood on being at the computer. Behind him - a great mood, euphoria mixed with a feeling of guilt; without it - irritability, depression, aggressiveness, a feeling of emptiness and not knowing what to do with yourself.
  2. Losing control of time. Internet addiction erases the boundaries of time and the concepts of day and night for its captive. At the same time, communication with one’s gadget is steadily increasing, unnoticed by the addict.
  3. Inability to stop. Often it is almost impossible to tear a computer prisoner away from the “occupier”. The need to interrupt the game (communication, browsing, etc.) causes resistance, indignation, and aggressiveness in the addicted person. Gamers are often obsessed with a goal: to reach a certain level, get all the bonuses, complete the entire game, and then all similar games. At the same time, he does not have a final goal (thanks to game developers), since game world is constantly updated with new versions of virtual reality. Even if for some reason he doesn’t like the game, he won’t leave his computer. He'll find another game.
  4. Ignoring the world around you. Internet addiction, like a jealous soulmate, over time displaces from the environment of its “slave” everyone who can interfere with their “relationship”. That is, family, work, study, personal relationships, interests and hobbies. A dependent person will prefer a computer to any other activity, even his once most favorite one.
  5. Denial of the problem. Like any other mania, computer gaming addiction is not recognized by the person who has fallen into its “embraces.” At best, he realizes that he spends too much time on virtual reality and promises to improve (both to himself and to those around him). But he does not keep these promises, even resorting to lies. In the worst case, he simply denies any dependence and harm from it.
  6. Irritability. It is observed due to the inability to access the Internet (damage to the gadget, lack of Wi-Fi, unpaid traffic), as well as its low speed.
  7. Minimizing needs. A person caught in a computer network stops taking care of himself, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Relegates basic hygiene procedures to the background.

Physical signs

Physical signs of computer addiction:
  • Vision problems. Namely, myopia, dry eye syndrome, display syndrome, which arise due to overload of the visual apparatus, which, in turn, occurs as a result of prolonged work at the monitor.
  • Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system. Thus, a forced posture at the computer with a bent back can over time lead not only to pain in the back and neck, but also to curvature of the spine, the development of osteochondrosis and even intervertebral hernias. Tensions in the muscles of the hand and fingers on the mouse can result in muscle pain at best, and in the worst case, pinched nerves and tendons (carpal syndrome).
  • Digestive system disorders. Irregular and poor nutrition can result in gastritis, peptic ulcers, and chronic constipation for a gamer or social media lover. And in combination with a long stay in a sitting position - and hemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. A sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting posture contribute to blood stagnation and, as a consequence, the development of varicose veins. The same sedentary lifestyle, supported by high-calorie snacks, can also contribute to the appearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, that is, atherosclerosis.
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system. Due to the need for constant attention and processing large amounts of information, and in the case of games, quick decision-making, the nervous system is exhausted. Fatigue sets in. As a result of lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, and poor nutrition, the brain simply does not have time to rest and the nervous system does not have time to recover. Therefore, fatigue gradually increases and turns into chronic fatigue. In addition, the nerves are constantly “undermined” by negative emotions - from scandals with relatives, problems at work or in school, one’s own bad decisions or the wrong moves of other players, low-rated photos or deletion from friends on social networks.

Types of computer addiction

Experts who deal with this problem identify several types of it. This division was based on certain psychological prerequisites of the addict.

The most common types of computer addiction:

  1. . Constant freezing in in social networks Over time, it replaces real communication, friendship, and personal relationships. Risk group: people who are unsure of themselves, as well as those who have not realized themselves in life (at work, in the family, in their personal lives, in communication).
  2. Computer games. The most dangerous in this regard are online multiplayer games. They provide the most optimal illusion of power, significance, participation, a feeling of victory, success, good luck. They give titles, titles, records and even love. In this case, any mistake or wrong decision is not a problem. In the virtual world, you can fix everything, start over. That is, it has something that is not in the real world. Risk group: people who do not want to solve real problems, overcome real life obstacles.
  3. Passion for porn sites. A person suffering from such addiction prefers sexual release in front of a monitor screen rather than with a live partner. To do this, he uses porn sites and porn films, replacing real sex with virtual sex. Risk group: people who do not have a real partner, with dissatisfaction from their existing relationships.
  4. Obsessive surfing. Internet surfers can spend hours surfing the web searching for information. However, they are not necessarily looking for something specific. Often such people simply follow interesting links from one site to another. As a result, the brain, overfed with a huge volume of diverse information, over time loses the ability to think deeply and critically. Risk group: curious people who have a lot of free time at their disposal, shopaholics, as well as those who want to compensate for their external shortcomings or lack of self-confidence with knowledge.
  5. Passion for gambling and betting money online. Today, almost every Internet site is full of advertisements promising huge winnings and earnings. Such virtual casinos, exchanges and bookmakers successfully play on the passions of gambling people. Especially those who do not have the opportunity to visit a real casino. Risk group: gambling people, as well as those who strive for easy money.
To summarize, in any case, a person is pushed into virtual reality by his dissatisfaction real life and reluctance (fear) to change this life.

Ways to combat computer addiction

Again, drawing a parallel with other addictions, treatment for computer addiction will only be successful in one case. If the addict admits his problem and truly sincerely wants to get rid of it. Otherwise, the pathological addiction will only worsen. The main role in the treatment of such addiction is played by psychologists and psychotherapists, with the obligatory assistance of relatives of the addict, and in the presence of physical consequences, by doctors of the appropriate profile.

Preparing for computer addiction treatment

Almost always, excessive passion for the computer is first noticed by those around the addicted person - his relatives, friends, colleagues. But not himself. Therefore, they are the ones who begin to look for a solution to this problem.

Most often, those interested in returning the virtual “tramp” to reality try to do it themselves. First, persuasion is used (sometimes even in the form of an ultimatum) on an intuitive basis, then on the basis of relevant literature, articles and forums on the Internet. And only after realizing the futility of such a campaign, those who have not yet given up, seek help from specialists.

Thus, the first consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist occurs not with the addict himself, but with those people who want to help him. During it, a specialist helps relatives (friends) with advice on how to behave with an addict so that he admits his addiction and wants to cure it.

Psychological correction of computer addiction

The main goal of a specialist in treating computer addiction is to find the reason for the patient’s departure to the virtual world, and then determine a way to return him to reality and help him get used to it. Thus, at the first stage, the causes of addiction are diagnosed and depression and psychiatric problems are excluded.

Only after this can you choose the main vector of psychological correction: improving relationships with family, peers, the opposite sex, developing self-regulation skills and the ability to cope with difficulties, education strong-willed qualities and increased self-esteem.

One of the important directions of such treatment is to involve a computer-dependent person in the real world. Show that he can also be interesting and exciting even without the Internet and a gadget. For this you can use different types entertainment, sports, art. For example, bowling, paintball, football, hiking, picnics, dancing, music, family rituals (pizza nights, walks with children, etc.) or parties with friends.

Since even at this stage the specialist cannot do without the help of the addict’s relatives, he continues to work with them. He helps not only create the necessary atmosphere at home, but also advises how not to lose faith in the success of treatment. Because this is also an addiction. This means that it will not be easy to get rid of it.

If psychotherapy methods are ineffective, a specialist can use a more complex way to overcome addiction - hypnosis.

Important! Today there is no universal guaranteed way to get rid of computer addiction. Treatment is selected individually and largely depends on the patient himself and his environment. Moreover, this particular addiction is considered one of the most difficult to cure.

Drug treatment for computer addiction

Medications are not the primary treatment for this type of addiction. They help solve physiological problems that arise as a result of computer addiction.

Based on what disorders computer addiction has caused in the body, the following groups of drugs can be prescribed:

  • Antidepressants (in case of depressive conditions).
  • Sedatives (to relieve irritability, excessive nervousness). Including herbal origin (preparations of oregano, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng). The latter not only have a calming effect, they can improve brain function, normalize sleep, and stimulate the immune system.
  • Vitamins, or rather vitamin-mineral complexes (to compensate for deficiencies resulting from nutritional disorders). The main emphasis is on vitamins A and E, selenium, which have a positive effect on the target organs of computer addiction - the brain and eyes.
  • Symptomatic medications for the treatment of problems with the eyes, spine, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.
Any medications used in the treatment of addiction should only be prescribed by a doctor. In the same way, the effectiveness of their use should be under the supervision of a specialist.

How to get rid of computer addiction - watch the video:

Today it is impossible to completely isolate a person from a computer, but it is very easy to become dependent on it. And in order not to waste your strength and the strength of your family on healing, it is better to learn to find the right emotions and solve problems in reality.

In general, the term “addiction” defines a subject’s pathological addiction to something. Today there is a known dependence in relation to chemicals(substance abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism), gambling, food, sex, video games, etc.

The term “computer addiction” defines a person’s pathological addiction to working or spending time on the computer. American scientists first started talking about computer addiction in the early 80s. Nowadays, the term “computer addiction” is still not recognized by many scientists working on the problems of mental disorders, but the very phenomenon of the formation of a pathological connection between a person and a computer has become obvious and is becoming increasingly widespread. In addition to computer addiction, there are some related types of addictions: Internet addiction And gambling addiction, which, one way or another, are associated with spending a long time at the computer. Characteristic features of addictions of various types are: withdrawal syndrome, the desire to obtain an object of addiction, behavior aimed at acquiring an object of addiction, a decrease in critical attitude towards the negative aspects of addiction, loss of interest in relation to the social side of life, appearance, satisfying other needs.

Causes of computer addiction
Man is a thinking creature. Information is much more important for him than for any other living beings. The computer is a powerful tool for processing and storing information, in addition, thanks to the computer, various types of information have become available. It is this feature that is most attractive to people suffering from computer addiction, since in a certain sense they suffer from a violation of information exchange processes.

The formation of a pathological addiction to a computer is based on a violation of the mental mechanisms of perceiving the world and processing information. The level of development of computer technology and software at the moment creates the illusion of reality into which a person working at a computer is immersed. For reasons not yet known, our brain “loves” to solve various logical problems and perform various simple steps, instantly bringing results. In itself, working at a computer is a sequence of logical operations and actions that can completely capture the attention of the worker and temporarily isolate him from the outside world.

The emergence of the World Wide Web has created the possibility of so-called interactive communication. Interactive communication is extremely attractive for people who are alienated and insecure, who at the same time want communication, but do not find it in the society around them. In addition, thanks to the Internet, the horizon of possibilities for satisfying human information needs has significantly expanded. Signs of Internet addiction are an obsessive desire to check email, spending long periods of time in chat rooms, and an uncontrollable desire to search and read various types of information on the Internet. In some cases, people become addicted to watching porn films and reading porn literature on various sites. This phenomenon cannot be called Internet addiction if in addition a person likes to read regular porn magazines and watch porn films on TV. In this case, the Internet is only a source of information, and addiction itself should be considered a sexual behavior disorder or sexual addiction.

The situation is a little different with video games and addiction in relation to them. In this case, as in the case of viewing porn sites, the computer is only a means of providing access to the desired information; working at the computer in itself does not attract people suffering from gambling addiction.

Fans of electronic games are mainly teenagers and young people. One of the features of modern computer games is developed sound and video, which can create a sense of reality and temporarily remove the user from the perception of the world around him. Many electronic games involve more than just solving logical problems, but also a certain emotional load, which, in fact, underlies most cases of pathological attachment to games. Electronic games differ significantly in genre and content. The least dangerous are the so-called arcade games, with simple graphics and sound. These games, as a rule, “kill time”; they cannot evoke long-term affection. Another thing is role-playing games, during which the player “reincarnates” into the hero he controls and is immersed in his world. In such games, the sense of reality can be very great and hold the player’s attention for a long time.

The greatest danger is posed by “shooters”, which are characterized by a very primitive plot based on violence. Such games can negatively affect the child’s psyche and cause excessive aggressiveness.

In most cases, computer, Internet or gaming addiction arise against the background of hidden or obvious dissatisfaction with the world around us and the impossibility of self-expression, with the fear of being misunderstood.

As a rule, computer addiction (or its varieties) causes indignation and condemnation from others, which further deepens the conflict, and, consequently, increases the addiction to spending time on the computer.

Symptoms of computer addiction
Although, as mentioned above, the term “computer addiction” is still not recognized internationally, there are a number of diagnostic criteria that help determine the presence of pathological addiction in relation to computer work. Symptoms of computer addiction can be of two types: mental and physical. Let's look at each of the groups below:

  1. Mental signs of computer addiction are, in general, similar to mental signs of other types of addictions. The most common mental signs of computer addiction are “loss of control” over the time spent on the computer, failure to keep promises made to oneself or others regarding reducing the time spent on the computer, deliberate understatement or lies about the time spent on the computer, loss of interest in social life and external activities. seemingly, justifying one’s own behavior and addictions. Important symptoms of computer addiction are a mixed feeling of joy and guilt while working at the computer, as well as irritable behavior that appears if for some reason the duration of work at the computer decreases.
  2. Physical signs of computer addiction are represented by disorders of the eyes (visual impairment, display syndrome, dry eye syndrome), musculoskeletal system (spinal curvature, posture disorders, carpal syndrome), digestive system (eating disorders , chronic constipation, hemorrhoids). Physical signs of computer addiction are less specific and are usually caused by prolonged use of the computer. Some of these signs may also occur in people who do not suffer from computer addiction at all, but who are forced to for a long time at computer.

You can independently diagnose computer addiction using various on-line tests. An example of such a test can be found on this page.

The influence of computer addiction on a person
Within reasonable limits, working at a computer, using the Internet or some video games can even be useful for a person, as a means of developing logic, attention and thinking. Many computer games can be educational, and you can read a lot of useful and interesting information on the Internet. Problems arise when the time spent at the computer exceeds acceptable limits (in fact, these limits are not defined by anyone), and a pathological addiction arises and the need to spend more time at the computer.

The most pronounced negative impact of computer addiction on a person’s social qualities is: friendliness, openness, desire for communication, and a sense of compassion. With severe computer addiction, there is a strong degradation of an individual’s social connections and the so-called social disadaptation of a person. Most often, social maladjustment develops in children and adolescents who spend a lot of time playing computer games and on the Internet. The degradation of social connections in this case develops due to the displacement of objective reality by virtual reality created with the help of a computer. Against the background of social maladaptation and deepening into the world of virtual reality, excessive aggressiveness and various types of antisocial behavior may appear.

A person suffering from computer addiction, as a rule, pays less attention to work and the performance of various social functions. This fact can cause serious problems in the professional and family fields. The unkempt appearance and obvious aloofness of “computer geeks” makes them unattractive to society, which in turn aggravates the conflict between society and a person suffering from computer addiction.

The physical aspects of computer addiction are characterized by general exhaustion of the body - chronic fatigue. As a rule, people suffering from computer addiction neglect sleep and rest. At the same time, euphoria and excitement caused by games or being on the Internet can mask fatigue, which causes even greater fatigue in the body. Against the background of computer addiction, various mental and behavioral disorders can occur.

Not only rest and sleep are neglected, but also nutrition. Against the background of computer addiction, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often occur: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids.

Spending a long time at the computer negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system and eyes. Spinal curvature, myopia, farsightedness, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and display syndrome often occur.


  • Treatment of computer addiction
  • Moskalenko V.D. Addiction: a family disease, M. : PerSe: PER SE, 2002
  • Sweet Corinne Off the Hook: How to Get Rid of bad habits and passions, St. Petersburg, etc.: Peter, 1997
  • Yusuf Ibrahim Ahmed Chat addiction as a psychosocial problem, M., 1991

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

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