How to choose the right name for your future baby girl. What to name the boy? Male names and their meanings

Aug 22

The meaning of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. A successful choice largely determines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing one’s name has been preserved, for example, upon initiation into a new faith, clergy, etc. A new name means a new stage in life. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give it.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchits psychophysical characteristics, fit into the sociocultural context, and be in tune with family values ​​and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

1.Church calendar

2.Names of relatives

3.Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians

4.Astrological and other techniques

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is them that will be discussed further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the Solar System that formed in its inner region. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like.”

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are more than a million of them. Moreover, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This arrangement gave rise to the hypothesis that the planet Phaeton died at this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The remaining asteroids elude our immediate attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are quite a lot of such objects in the sky, the possible choice of names is large. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • Conjunct natal Sun or Moon.
  • In conjunction with the Ascendant, the planets of the 1st house, the ruler of the 1st house;
  • Having other major aspects with the indicated points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The Natal Sun is located at the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon at the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant at the 22nd Sagittarius, and the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter at the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to look at which asteroids were located at the indicated degrees at the time of birth. Many astrological programs provide this opportunity. As a rule, to do this you need to go to a special catalog and select the desired objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids are impossible, because for each selected degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with the names of people.

We see that already by the Sun we can make a preliminary choice: Inna, Ada. According to the almuten of the first house, Nadya is read, and according to the Ascendant, Sophia.

It is interesting to select names based on associative connections. In the “Ascendant” column there is the name of the asteroid - Simonov. Let's ask who this is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I’ll come back...”? Therefore, we consider the name Konstantin.

You can also start from the parents' map. For example, look at which asteroids the cusp and ruler of the fifth house of the child’s mother interact with.

The orbs should be small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and fun. Try looking for matches between your first house elements and asteroids. Coincidences are sometimes simply amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, the asteroid with my child's name makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification using asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as evidence of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, we are waiting for you at the open webinar “” daily at 12.15. and 19.15 Moscow time.

Are you expecting the birth of an heir or has a boy just been born in your family? Our list of male names - ancient and modern, popular among different nations - will help you name a boy in accordance with the meaning of the name and your family traditions. So, popular and rare names for boys - and the meaning of these names.

Popular male names starting with the letter A

Abram (Abramiy, Avraam, Avraamiy, Abram) - Hebrew: “father of all nations, heavenly father.”

Augustus - Latin: "majestic, great, sacred."

Avtandil - Georgian: "heart of the motherland."

Adam - Hebrew: "first man" or "red clay."

Adolf - Old German: "noble wolf".

Akbar - Arabic: "greatest, eldest."

Akim (Ekim) - Hebrew: "God offers."

Aladin - Arabic: "exalted faith."

Alexander - Ancient Greek: "protector of people."

Alexei - Ancient Greek: "protector".

Ali - Arabic: "exalted".

Alonso - Spanish: "courage, resourcefulness, wisdom."

Albert - Germanic: "noble splendor."

Alfred - Old German: "free, unencumbered."

Anatoly - Greek: "eastern".

Comment on the article “What to name a boy? Male names and their meanings"

Ragan (Leo) is the name of a lion who saved the leader’s pet (only son) from an alligator and saved human lives more than once. At the same time, he was seriously wounded and died soon after. The leader gave the name to the lion “Ragan”, which meant “Brave” in their language. This was the only lion in the history of mankind that differed from the rest in the Bravery of a lion and the soul of a person.
SIGNS: Planet: Jupiter. Element: Air, warmth-dryness. Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio. Color: yellow, black, white, blue. Day: Friday. Metal: Tin, electrum. Mineral: Red Diamond, sapphire, beryl, hyacinth. Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus. Animals: Lion, tiger, horse, swallow, peacock, dolphin.
Character of the name RAGAN according to the seasons
“Winter” is less strong-willed and spends more effort on securing for himself the material level that he considers acceptable for himself. But he is more open, sociable, frank. “Spring” - Ragan is active and purposeful. Even a comet cannot turn it off its intended path. He is popular with the opposite sex, but rarely reciprocates. “Summer” is lucky. He is less rational, his approach to work has more creativity, extraordinary and non-trivial solutions. “Autumn”-Ragan is lazy, he lacks ease of communication, spontaneity and activity.

26.08.2016 12:39:11, 66666666666666

Total 8 messages .

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A child’s name can influence personality development and, to some extent, determine fate. Therefore, you need to approach choosing a name for a child very seriously, and many parents spend months thinking: how to choose the right name for their child?

From early childhood throughout our lives, we do not hear a single word as often as our own name. It consists of a set of sounds of varying pitches that excite certain parts of the brain, thus influencing its carrier, as well as the people around him.

Some names sound firm and tough: Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Zhanna, Dina, Ekaterina, Daria, etc. Under the influence of a sound stimulus, children with such names develop a persistent, stubborn character. They are independent and decisive.

Owners of soft-sounding names: Svetlana, Irina, Vera, Natalya, Mikhail, Sergey, Alexey, Ilya, Vasily, etc. - usually have a calm, flexible character.

There are neutral names, as if intermediate between hard and soft, names: Artem, Arkady, Andrey, Alexander, Valentin, Vitaly, Roman, Pavel, Olga, Anna, Anastasia, Zoya, Lyudmila, Lyubov, etc. As a rule, such people are balanced, reasonable, and moderately persistent.

How to choose the right name for a child: which names should not be chosen

The name must be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce and can be pronounced well both on its own and together with the patronymic. If the name ends with a consonant sound, and the patronymic begins with it, and even in the patronymic name itself there are many consonants - Alexander Dmitrievich, Eduard Dmitrievich - the sound is difficult. Either the first name or the patronymic is often distorted, and the person anxiously waits to see what they will call him this time.

You should not name children after deceased relatives, especially those who died tragically. There is no need to give names in honor of grandparents. The child inherits a certain share characteristic features, and, as you know, bad things are transmitted more easily.

Do not name your children names that are difficult to pronounce or in honor of any significant events and people (Revolution, Aurora, Stalin, etc.), so as not to complicate their lives in the future.

Do not give children the names of heroes of their favorite television series, famous writers or prominent scientists - especially if the middle name and last name are the same. Imagine that in the family of engineer Nikolai Tolstoy, their son was named Leo in honor of the writer.

At school, the boy was not given literature and the Russian language, and he became an object of ridicule from his peers. As a result, the child suffered serious psychological trauma and stopped going to school. His parents had difficulty rectifying the situation by transferring him to another class.

You should not call your sons after your father: Nikolai Nikolaevich, etc. - owners of such names grow up unbalanced, nervous, irritable, capricious. A girl should also not be named after her mother - it will be difficult for them to find mutual language.

How to choose the right name for a child: patronymic

The patronymic carries genetic information - something that is inherent in nature itself and is passed on from generation to generation. It corrects the image formed under the influence of the name, without radically changing it, but softening or, conversely, exacerbating some features.

“Hard” patronymics are Nikolaevich, Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Igorevich, Stanislavovich, Adolfovich, Vissarionovich, Vitoldovich, Veniaminovich, Valdemarovich, Vladlenovich, Rostislavovich, Emmanuilovich, Albertovich, Samuilovich, Yulianovich.

“Soft” - Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Efimovich, Ilyich, Ignatievich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Viktorovich.

“Neutral” - Pavlovich, Vadimovich, Natanovich, Kirillovich, Makarovich, Mironovich, Yakovlevich, Leontyevich, Vitalievich, Velentinovich, Artemovich, Tarasovich...

Softly pronounced first names and patronymics: Mikhail Ivanovich, Andrey Vladimirovich, Sergey Mikhailovich, Mikhail Sergeevich, etc. - belong to kind, flexible people who know how to find a common language with others. Aleksandrovich is usually an impulsive, harsh person. Igorevichs are more often than others stubborn and tough. Nikolaevichs often behave rudely, sometimes unpredictably, and it is difficult to find a common language with them. This patronymic gives a person increased emotionality and instability.

Research allows us to conclude that owners of “hard” middle names have a more difficult time in life than their namesakes with soft, calm middle names. Therefore, it is better to give children “soft” names for “hard” patronymics, and vice versa. For example, Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Anatolyevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Veniaminovich should be called Sergey, Mikhail, Peter, Ilya, Vasily, Evgeny, Victor, Irina, Natalya, Polina, Vera; Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Vasilyevich - Nikolay, Dmitry, Anatoly, Denis, Stanislav, Marina, Lydia, Evgenia, Alexandra, Victoria.

“Soft” names are more suitable for “neutral” patronymics: Sergey, Mikhail, Victor, Alexey. You can also give them firm names, but only if the children were born in the spring or summer.

How to choose the right name for a child: seasons

In winter, talented, strong-willed, purposeful, thinking individuals are born, but in family life they experience difficulties because of their intractability, intransigence, need to argue over trifles and be sure to gain the upper hand. Many have a tough temperament, are tough, and domineering. These qualities are most strongly expressed in those born in December, weaker in February, “January” children are more balanced.

"Winter" women most often have male character, gravitate toward exact or natural sciences. Therefore, we advise you to give winter children “soft” melodic names, so as not to aggravate some of the character traits inherent in nature.

Spring people are easily vulnerable physically and mentally. They are indecisive, touchy, flighty, selfish. Many of them are very talented, but lack self-confidence, so they cannot be leaders. They have a subtle sense of humor and good memory and quickly grasp everything. March men pay great attention to their appearance and often look in the mirror.

They make good diplomats and speakers. Women do not get married for a long time - they are afraid of the upcoming changes. Spring children need to be given “firm” sounding names in order to withstand an unstable nervous system and psyche.

"Summer" children are kind, but often cowardly and spineless. They are easily influenced, emotional and impressionable, love risks, are proud, persistent, and courageous. They love children, take care of nature and animals, and are well versed in art. "Summer" children should be given "firm" names to protect them from unwanted adversity.

"Autumn" people are universal. They are reasonable, serious, comprehensively gifted, value accumulated experience and never repeat mistakes. they do everything slowly and thoughtfully, they are good diplomats, have a clear mind, and an easy-going character. “Autumn” children can be given any names, since nothing can affect their natural character.

How to choose the right name for a child: character

Knowing the natural coloring of the first name and patronymic and the date of birth, you can choose the right name and successfully develop the qualities that your child lacked from birth, or, conversely, muffle the undesirable ones.

It is very useful to take into account the characteristics of a name when raising a child:

Alexey (especially the “summer” or “spring” one) is a coward, a crybaby. If you scold and punish him for this all the time, the child will grow up irritable, selfish, and embittered.

Alexander is a merry fellow, a naughty man, a liar, but he has an innate sense of justice. Once you punish him undeservedly, you risk losing your authority forever.

Nikolai is quick-tempered, unbalanced, and proud. You should not hurt his pride; try to instill respect for others.

Natalias (especially “winter” ones) are ambitious, leaders by nature. They are spurred on by encouragement for any success. However, they do not tolerate flattery and are perfectly aware of insincerity and lies.

Olga is fair and difficult to compromise.

Lyudmilas are ambitious, vain, strive for universal recognition, and often experience bitter disappointment.

Irina is an easily addicted and amorous person. No matter how they are raised, personal life and matters of the heart will always be in the foreground.

If you decide to change your child’s name and choose one that could protect him and change his character for the better, this must be done before the age of five. The main thing is that the name corresponds to the internal state of the person, then the discomfort will disappear and complete harmony will gradually be established.

By the way

If a child says that he does not like his name, this is the first and very important signal that he is dissatisfied with himself. Once his self-esteem changes, he will begin to like his own name.

When choosing a name, remember that it will accompany the child throughout his life. A person can change his last name, but in most cases his first name stays with him forever.

How to choose the right name for your child: practical advice

1 Tip. When choosing a name, consider everything possible options

. How will it sound in combination with a middle name or last name? Do you get easy-to-pronounce and sonorous name options for your peers? Finally, will it be easy for the baby to pronounce it, because he will have to do it often! The more different variations of the name there are, the more different aspects of the personality will be able to receive their name. So if you want your child to be flexible, free to different situations and with different people

, choose a name that is easily varied. If, on the contrary, you want to encourage his loyalty, stability and constancy, look for a name that is difficult to change.

2 Tip.

Whatever path you take, you usually associate the name you give your baby with a certain person. And you subconsciously try to match your baby with him, expecting similar reactions, actions, and abilities from him. This is not bad, it is natural and normal, this is the mechanism of influence, the action of your parental message formulated in the name.

You should be wary when the child’s name becomes an excuse for some undesirable traits that hinder him (according to the principle “what can you do, Peters are all so stubborn!”) or when you begin to pay attention to those shortcomings of the baby that upset you in the prototype.

3 Tip.

Be aware that by choosing a name, you are, consciously or not, encouraging and supporting certain traits in your son or daughter. This is your first message to your baby about how you want him to be, what fate you wish for him. magazine "Motherhood", April 1999:

  1. Every young parent, even before the birth of their baby, faces the difficult question of choosing a name for their new little one. This problem should be approached with all seriousness, since a poorly chosen name can cripple a child’s life. And until the age of 18, he will not be able to change it, no matter how much he wants.
  2. Be wary of non-standard names. Children are often ridiculed and attacked by their peers because of their unusual name. This could be psychologically traumatizing for him. Children, in general, do not want to stand out much among their friends. Think for yourself whether you would like to be given such a name.
  3. Choose a name that will evoke a feeling of respect and not rejection among others. Do not choose very affectionate and soft names. Otherwise, your child will not be taken seriously.
  4. Don't trust your opinion about the sound of the chosen name. You are biased towards your child and tend to embellish everything connected with him. Just because you like the way you say a name doesn't mean you'll also like how someone else pronounces it.
  5. The first name must be combined with the child's middle and last names.
  6. Don't choose a name based on fashion. The fashion for a name will pass, and over time the name itself will no longer sound so beautiful, and sometimes even ridiculous.
  7. A name can influence a child's character and destiny.

All names sound different, some are very hard and dry, others sound soft and poetic. All people from childhood get used to the sound of their name and already identify themselves with it. The name becomes not just a word, but part of the personality of its owner.

Tips for choosing a name:

  1. If you already have some name options, try them on a complete stranger. See what associations this name will evoke in you, and what impression this person will make.
  2. Have someone say the chosen name out loud. This is how your child will be addressed all the time. If this does not suit you, then the search is worth continuing.
  3. Think about which famous people or people you know have the same name. If you know people with the chosen name well, then analyze their characters and how their lives are going. Although your child’s destiny will be different, his character may be similar. Here, various descriptions of the characteristics and meanings of names, that is, interpretation of the name, can help you.
  4. Imagine what life your child will have. If you want a calm and happy fate for him, then try to choose a name that is not too rare and not the most common. Common names seem too banal, and the child’s pride will be hurt, he will be lost in the circle of his peers. But very rare name, on the contrary, will attract too much attention to it and it will not always be pleasant.

If you want to develop a strong and persistent character in your child, you can call him one of the rare and strong names. In this case, he will have to defend himself and his interests from childhood. Remember that a name can only influence the character of your child, but will not shape it completely. The most important thing is proper education. There are quite a few bad names to be found in the world.

The meaning of names plays a very important role when choosing a name for a child.

« The meaning of the name is often underestimated, says Natalia Gusakovskaya, an astrologer-linguist who has been studying the meaning of a name and its influence on a person’s character, in combination with his Zodiac sign, for 20 years. - And this is one of the key reasons for the formation of certain character traits of a child, which can manifest themselves already at a young age».

Spring children- These are sensitive individuals, with an easily vulnerable and unstable nervous system. They are often talented, especially in creativity, but lack self-confidence, so it is difficult for them to achieve anything in life. The best option for such a person there will be a solid-sounding name, which will give the person more determination and fortitude.

Summer children proud, brave, love risks, often even to the point of extremes, and adventure. They get along well with animals. But they often suffer from timidity, cowardice and spinelessness. To give such a child more confidence, it is better to give him a firm name.

Autumn children universal. They are reasonable and thoughtful, have a gentle character, an inquisitive mind, and never repeat mistakes. Show sufficient wisdom and generosity towards the mistakes of other people. Comprehensively gifted. Any name will suit such individuals; it will only complement their already harmonious nature.

Child's zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign is also important to consider when choosing a name for your child.

Tough fire signs(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) need soft names.

Soft water(Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) and earthly signs(Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo) neutral or hard names are suitable. It is better to choose neutral ones, first of all, for Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn, in order to soften the specificity and excessive stubbornness.

Air signs Both hard (Gemini) and neutral (Libra and Aquarius) names can be suitable.

And finally - more Some general tips for choosing a name for a child:

  • Do not name your child after relatives, especially those who are no longer alive.
  • Don't give your child an overly exotic name.
  • Do not give in to temptation and do not give your child a name in honor of famous personalities, significant events (for example, the Revolution), heroes of your favorite films, literary works and so on.

Good luck choosing a name and a happy destiny for your child!

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