How is heating calculated in an apartment building? Heating meters for apartments: communal and individual

Payment for centralized heating services has become a significant expense item in the family budget of apartment residents. Accordingly, the number of users who want to understand the complex methodology for calculating payments for thermal energy consumption has increased. We will try to give a clear explanation of how heating fees are calculated in a private and apartment building in accordance with current standards and rules.

Which payment method should I choose for payment?

Calculating the cost of hot and cold water indicated in the receipt of the utility company is quite simple: the readings of the apartment meter are multiplied by the approved tariff. This is not the case with heat - the calculation procedure depends on a number of factors:

  • presence or absence of a home thermal energy meter;
  • is the heating of all rooms without exception taken into account by individual heat meters;
  • how do you have to pay - on time winter period or all year round, including summer.

Note. The decision on heating fees in the summer is made by the local authorities. In the Russian Federation, a change in the calculation method is approved by the state governing body (according to Resolution No. 603). In other countries former USSR the issue can be resolved in other ways.

Legislation Russian Federation(Housing Code, Rules No. 354 and new resolution No. 603) allows you to calculate the amount of payment for heating in five different ways, depending on the factors listed above. To understand how the payment amount is calculated in a particular case, select your option from the options below:

  1. The apartment building is not equipped with metering devices; payment for heat is charged during the period of service provision.
  2. The same, but heat supply is paid evenly throughout the year.
  3. In a residential apartment building, a collective meter is installed at the entrance; fees are charged during the heating season. Apartments may have individual appliances, but their readings are not taken into account until the heat meters register the heating of all rooms without exception.
  4. The same, with the use of year-round payments.
  5. All premises - residential and technical - are equipped with metering devices, plus at the input there is a general building meter for consumed thermal energy. There are 2 payment methods available – year-round and seasonal.

Comment. Residents of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus will certainly find among them suitable options that comply with the legislation of these countries.

The scheme reflects the existing options for charges for centralized heating services

The installation of apartment heat meters and the benefits of such accounting are described. Here we propose to consider each technique separately in order to clarify the solution to the problem as much as possible.

Option 1 – we pay without heat meters during the heating season

The essence of the method is simple: the amount of heat consumed and the amount of payment are calculated based on the total area of ​​the home, taking into account the square footage of all rooms and utility rooms. How much it costs to heat an apartment in this case is determined by the formula:

  • P – amount to be paid;
  • S – total area (indicated in technical passport apartment or private house), m²;
  • N – rate of heat allocated for heating 1 square meter of area during a calendar month, Gcal/m²;

For reference. Utility tariffs for the population are set government agencies. The heating price takes into account the cost of heat production and maintenance centralized systems(repair and maintenance of pipelines, pumps and other equipment). Specific heat standards (N) are established by a special commission depending on the climate separately in each region.

To make the calculation correctly, find out at the office of the service provider the value of the established tariff and the heat standard per unit area. The above formula allows you to calculate the cost of 1 sq.m of heating an apartment or private house connected to a centralized network (substitute the number 1 for S).

Calculation example. The supplier supplies heat to a one-room apartment of 36 m² at a rate of 1,700 rubles/Gcal. The consumption rate is approved at 0.025 Gcal/m². The price of heating as part of the rent for 1 month is calculated as follows:

P = 36 x 0.025 x 1700 = 1530 rub.

Important point. The above methodology is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and is valid for buildings where it is impossible to install building-wide heat meters for technical reasons. If the meter can be installed, but the installation and registration of the unit is not completed until 2017, then an increasing factor of 1.5 is added to the formula:

An increase in the cost of heating by one and a half times, provided for by Resolution No. 603, also applies in the following cases:

  • the commissioned communal heat metering unit failed and was not repaired within 2 months;
  • the heat meter is stolen or damaged;
  • readings from the home appliance are not transmitted to the heat supply organization;
  • access of the organization’s specialists to the house meter for the purpose of checking is not provided technical condition equipment (2 visits or more).

Option 2 – year-round accrual without metering devices

If you are required to pay for heat supply evenly throughout the year, and there is no metering unit installed at the entrance to the apartment building, then the formula for calculating thermal energy takes the following form:

The explanation of the parameters involved in the formula is given in the previous section: S – area of ​​the dwelling, N – standard heat consumption per 1 m², T – price of 1 Gcal of energy. The coefficient K remains, showing the frequency of payments during the calendar year. The value of the coefficient is calculated simply - the number of months of the heating period (including incomplete ones) is divided by the number of months in the year - 12.

As an example, consider the same one-room apartment with an area of ​​36 m². First, we determine the periodicity coefficient for a heating season of 7 months: K = 7 / 12 = 0.583. Then we substitute it into the formula along with other parameters: P = 36 x (0.025 x 0.583) x 1700 = 892 rubles. You will have to pay monthly for a calendar year.

If your house is not equipped with a heat meter without documented reasons, then the formula is supplemented with an increasing factor of 1.5:

Then the heating fee for the apartment in question will be 892 x 1.5 = 1338 rubles.

Note. In case of switching to another method of payment for heating utilities (from year-round to seasonal and vice versa), the supplier organization makes an adjustment - recalculation of monthly payments.

Option 3 – payment according to a common house meter during the cold period

This methodology is used to calculate payments for central heating services in multi-apartment buildings where there is a common building meter, and only some of the apartments are equipped with individual heat meters. Since thermal energy is supplied to heat the entire building, the calculation is still made through the area, and the readings of individual devices are not taken into account.

  • P – amount to be paid for the month;
  • S – area of ​​a specific apartment, m²;
  • Stotal – area of ​​all heated premises of the building, m²;
  • V – the total amount of heat consumed according to the readings of the collective meter during the calendar month, Gcal;
  • T – tariff – price of 1 Gcal of thermal energy.

If you want to independently determine the amount of payment using this method, you will have to find the values ​​of 3 parameters: the area of ​​​​all residential and non-residential rooms in an apartment building, the readings of the meter at the input of the heating main and the value of the tariff established in your area.

This is what a heat consumption recorder for an apartment building looks like

Calculation example. Initial data:

  • square footage of a specific apartment – ​​36 m²;
  • square footage of all premises of the house – 5000 m²;
  • The volume of thermal energy consumed in 1 month is 130 Gcal;
  • price for 1 Gcal in the region of residence – 1700 rubles.

The payment amount for the accounting month will be:

P = 130 x 36 / 5000 x 1700 = 1591 rub.

What is the essence of the method: through the square footage of the home, your share of payment for the heat consumed by the building during the billing period (usually 1 month) is determined.

Option 4 – accruals for the meter broken down for the whole year

This is the most difficult method of calculation for the user. The calculation procedure looks like this:

Here Rgod and Rkv are the amounts of last year’s charges for the introductory heat meter for the entire building and a specific apartment, respectively, Rp is the amount of the adjustment.

Let's give an example of calculations for our one-room apartment, taking into account that last year the building's heat meter counted 650 Gcal:

Vav = 650 Gcal / 12 calendar months / 5000 m² = 0.01 Gcal. Now we calculate the payment amount:

P = 36 x 0.01 x 1700 = 612 rub.

Note. The main problem is not the complexity of the calculations, but the search for source data. An apartment owner who wants to check the correctness of payment calculations must find out last year’s readings of the common building meter or record them in advance.

In addition, annual adjustments must be made based on new meter readings. Suppose the annual heat consumption of a building increases to 700 Gcal, then the increase in heating payments should be determined as follows:

  1. We calculate the total amount of payment for the past year according to the tariff: Pyear = 700 x 1700 = 1,190,000 rubles.
  2. The same applies to our apartment: Rkv = 612 rubles. x 12 months = 7344 rub.
  3. The amount of the additional payment will be: Rp = 1,190,000 x 36 / 5,000 - 7,344 = 1,224 rubles. The specified amount will be credited to you next year, after recalculation.

If thermal energy consumption decreases, then the result of the adjustment calculation will be with a minus sign - the organization must reduce the payment amount by this amount.

Option 5 – heat meters are installed in all rooms

When a collective meter is installed at the entrance to an apartment building, plus individual heat metering is organized in all rooms, payment during the heating season is determined according to the following algorithm:

Why such difficulties? The answer is simple: the readings of a good hundred individual devices a priori cannot coincide with the data of a common meter due to error and unaccounted losses. Therefore, the difference is divided among all apartment owners in shares corresponding to the area of ​​the dwellings.

Explanation of the parameters involved in the calculation formulas:

  • P – required payment amount;
  • S – square footage of your apartment, m²;
  • Stotal – area of ​​all premises, m²;
  • V – heat consumption recorded by a collective meter for the billing period, Gcal;
  • Vpom – heat consumed over the same period, shown by your apartment meter;
  • Vр – the difference between the costs shown by the house metering unit and the group of other devices located in non-residential and residential premises;
  • T – cost of 1 Gcal of heat (tariff).

As an example of calculation, let’s take our apartment of 36 m² and assume that in a month an individual meter (or a group of individual meters) “accumulated” 0.6, a house meter – 130, and a group of devices in all rooms of the building gave a total of 118 Gcal. We leave the remaining indicators the same (see previous sections). How much does heating cost in this case?

  1. Vр = 130 - 118 = 12 Gcal (we determined the difference in readings).
  2. P = (0.6 + 12 x 36 / 5000) x 1700 = 1166.88 rub.

When it is necessary to calculate the amount of year-round heating fees, an identical formula is used. Only the monthly averages taken for the previous year are used. Accordingly, the fee for consumed energy is adjusted annually.

Why do residents of neighboring houses pay different amounts for heat?

This problem arose with the introduction of various payment methods - by quadrature (standard), by a common meter or by individual heat meters. If you looked through the previous sections of the publication, you probably noticed the difference in the monthly fee. The fact is explained quite simply: if there are measuring instruments, residents pay for the resource actually used.

Now let's list the reasons why landlords receive bills with different amounts, despite the heat meters installed in their houses:

  1. Heating of two neighboring buildings is carried out by different heat supply organizations, for which different tariffs are approved.
  2. The more apartments there are in a house, the less you can pay. Increased heat loss is observed in corner rooms and dwellings on the top floor, the rest border on the street only through 1 external wall. And such apartments are the vast majority.
  3. One meter at the entrance to the house is not enough. A flow regulator is required - manual or automatic. The fittings allow you to limit the supply of too hot coolant, which is a common sin for heat supply organizations. And then they charge the appropriate fee for the service.
  4. The competence of the management chosen by the co-owners of an apartment building plays a big role. A competent business manager will solve the issue of accounting and regulating the coolant first.
  5. Uneconomical use of hot water heated by coolant from a centralized network.
  6. Problems with metering devices from different manufacturers.

Final Conclusion

There are many reasons for large heating bills. Obvious: a building with thick brick walls loses less heat than reinforced concrete “nine-story buildings.” Hence increased consumption energy recorded by the meter.

But before you undertake the modernization (insulation) of the building, it is important to establish control and accounting - install heat meters in all rooms and on the supply line. The calculation method shows that similar technical solutions give the best result.

Determining the cost of heating and calculating the amount of payment for a room in which there are two or more apartments is a rather complex process and requires special knowledge. There have also been changes in the payment procedure that came into effect in 2017.

The main document that guides organizations that charge and calculate heating fees is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings." In accordance with this document, there are 2 ways for consumers to pay for heating services:

  1. Equal amounts throughout the calendar year (Hereinafter - Method No. 1);
  2. Charges for actual heat consumption only during the heating period. In summer and outside the heating season, the service is not charged. (Next Method No. 2).

The choice of payment method is made by the local Administration of the city or district.

If Method No. 2 is chosen in a municipality, consumers must be recalculated at the beginning of the next year after the year in which the accrual option was changed.

How is the heating fee calculated in the absence of a common house heat meter?

Installation of a heat meter on the incoming heat pipeline in residential buildings is mandatory.

Only for houses that are dilapidated/emergency, as well as houses whose heat supply load does not exceed 0.2 Gcal/h, an exception can be made. This requirement establishes the federal law dated November 23, 2009 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and introducing changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation".

In apartment buildings residential buildings, where a common house heat meter is not installed (it is technically impossible to install it), and also individual heat meters are not installed in apartments, rooms or non-residential premises, the calculation of the heating fee for a specific room using Method No. 1 (calculations for heat are carried out evenly throughout the year) is carried out in the following order:

The size of the fee is determined based on heating standards per 1 m2 of area (standard indicator sizes are adopted by the tariff committee or local administration for each region) divided by frequency(12 months) and multiplied by the tariff and area of ​​the premises.

With Method No. 2 (calculations for heat are carried out only during the heating season) frequency is not taken into account.

In multi-apartment residential buildings, where it is technically determined that there is a place and room for the installation and normal functioning of a common building heat meter, and for which such installation is mandatory, an increasing factor is additionally applied to the above calculations, increasing the standard calculation in 2016 by 1.4 , and since the beginning of 2017 by 1.5.

In other words, the legislation motivates the owners of premises in an apartment building to install common house heat meters and make calculations using them.

Otherwise, sanctions will be applied in the form of increasing coefficients to the standards.

How is the heating fee calculated if there are general heat energy metering devices in the house?

As a rule, building-wide heat meters are installed and maintained by management companies, the homeowners' association of an apartment building, or any specialized organization at the discretion of the owners of apartments or other premises of the house.

The organization hired to carry out the work maintenance metering device, is obliged to take readings from the heat metering device on a monthly basis. They are then transferred to the heat supply organization.

At Method No. 2(calculations for heat are carried out only during the heating season) calculation of the amount of payment for the heating supply of the premises is done as follows:

for method No. 2: ratio of the share of the area of ​​this room from the total square footage of the entire house (the ratio of S of the room to the total S of all occupied rooms) multiplies on volume of heat consumed per month and per tariff for heat energy.

With Method No. 1, the amount accrued for heat supply during the calendar year is the same.

for method No. 1: the amount of the heating fee is determined in the following way: the area of ​​​​the room is multiplied by the average heat energy consumption per unit area (1 m2) and by the corresponding tariff size.

Average consumption per 1 m2 is calculated based on the total annual consumption according to the general house meter for the past year divided by the total area of ​​​​all rooms in the house.

In the absence of actual data for the previous year, the approved standard for thermal energy is used.

At the same time, annually in the first quarter of the year following the reporting year, an adjustment is made: the difference between the amount accrued for the year (according to the previous year) and the actual thermal energy consumed is added or compensated.

How are heating charges calculated if communal and individual heat meters are installed?

Individual heat meters (IMU) in our country are rarely installed in apartments and non-residential premises.

The reason is the peculiarity of intra-house heating systems with vertical risers from which heating devices are connected, which was mainly designed in residential buildings until recently. We wrote about when you can install an individual heat meter in an apartment.

Typically, individual heat meters are installed at the entrance of the heating pipeline into the room; in this case, the heating devices are connected in series to the horizontal wiring. And the return line runs parallel to the supply line and returns to the input point creating a “loop”.

If there are individual metering devices in all occupied premises of the apartment building (apartment building), Method No. 2 (calculations for heat are carried out only during the heating season), the heating charge for any room is determined:

For method No. 2, if there are individual metering devices in all premises: as the difference in the readings from the IPU (individual heat metering device in the room) and the share of the single heat meter per room (general house heating needs) multiplied by the tariff.

The share of ODN is determined based on the difference in the readings of the common house meter (heat consumption of the building) and the sum of the readings of all IPUs multiplied by the ratio of the area of ​​the room divided by the total area of ​​​​all rooms in the house.

With Method No. 1, calculations are carried out similarly to the method with Method No. 1 in the presence of a common house metering device and the absence of an IPU, only the total consumption of the heat meter in the room and ODN for the entire heating period divided by 12 months is taken as the monthly consumption.

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Payment calculation according to standards

Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where

Substitution of specific values ​​is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous example.

Payment for heating in an apartment building

When the formula takes into account all the necessary values, you can calculate heating in an apartment building.

Autonomous heating calculation

The calculation formula is as follows:

Heat meters

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

  1. Putting the device into operation.

Payment calculation according to standards
Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building
Heating calculation using individual meters
Calculation of heating in communal apartments
Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

According to current legislation, heating calculations in an apartment building are carried out in accordance with current tariffs. Calculation of the tariff can be carried out both using heat metering devices and using established standards for the volume of thermal energy consumption.

If a building is equipped with several metering devices, then the difference between common building meters and devices installed in individual apartments is evenly distributed among all residents of the building. To have a more complete understanding of such issues, you need to understand how heating is calculated in an apartment building.

Payment calculation according to standards

You need to understand how heating payments are calculated according to the standard, and you need to use this method only in cases where the apartment building does not have meters at all, neither common nor individual.

Heating calculation according to the standard is carried out using the following formula:

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where
  • Si – total area of ​​the room consuming thermal energy,
  • NT – standard value of heat consumption,
  • TT is the tariff set by the local heating service provider.

By substituting the necessary values ​​into the formula, you can calculate the cost of heating. The consumption standard may vary depending on the region, so you need to look for the required value in the appropriate regulatory documents. Tariffs are also individual, and before calculating heating according to the standard, you need to find out the specific values.

Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building

Next, you need to figure out how heating is calculated in an apartment building if there is a common meter. If such a device is available, heating calculations are carried out in accordance with its readings. What is important is that individual metering devices may already be installed in individual apartments, but if not every apartment has them, then the calculation is still carried out based on general indicators.

The formula for calculating heating using a common meter is as follows:

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where
  • TT is the tariff cost of heat set for a particular region by the local supplier,
  • VD is the total volume of heat consumed by the building, which is determined by the difference in the readings of the common meters installed at the input and output of the heating circuit of the building,
  • Si – total area of ​​a heated apartment not equipped with an individual meter,
  • Sob is the total heated area in the entire building.

Heating calculation using individual meters

Now it’s worth understanding how payments for heating an apartment are calculated if there is a meter. If each apartment in the house is equipped with its own meter (at least a common one), then the heating fee can be calculated based on its readings. The cost of heat in this case is formed from the total heat, which was taken into account by an individual meter, and the level of general household consumption.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Pi = (Vin + Viodn x Si / Sob) x TKR, where
  • Vin – the total amount of consumed thermal energy recorded by an individual meter,
  • Viodn – amount of thermal energy spent on heating non-residential premises in the entire house (defined as the difference between the general building indicator and the sum of all apartment meters),
  • Si – total area of ​​the apartment,
  • Sob is the total area of ​​all heated rooms in the building.

Calculation of heating in communal apartments

By and large, there is no particular difference in calculating the cost of heating in communal apartments from the methods described above - all formulas and indicators are the same, you just need to substitute specific values. The only difference in how heating fees are calculated in the case of communal apartments comes down to the proportional distribution of payment for each room.

If you still carry out a special calculation for communal apartments, you will get the following formula:

  • Pj.i = Vi x Sj.i / Ski x TT, where
  • Sj.i – living area of ​​a separate room,
  • Ski is the total area of ​​all rooms in a communal apartment.

Heating of non-residential premises may not be taken into account in this formula, since the actual values ​​are always minimal.

Autonomous heating calculation

Apartment buildings can do without centralized heating - their own boiler room is used to supply heat. Problems may arise with how to calculate heating in an apartment building under such conditions - the calculation formula is quite complex and not very convenient.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Poi = Ev x (Vcri x Si/ Sob x TKRV), where
  • Vкрi – volume of energy resource used to generate thermal energy,
  • TКРV – the cost of this resource, which is determined by current energy prices,
  • Si – area of ​​individual living space,
  • Sob – total area of ​​the building.

Heat meters

In accordance with current legislation, heat meters must be installed. An important point is that the metering device is purchased and installed at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The work of heat meters is to measure the difference in coolant temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the system, while simultaneously taking into account the volume of incoming coolant. There are two main types of counters - tachometer and ultrasonic. The latter are an order of magnitude more expensive, but the high price is compensated by higher measurement accuracy and reliability.

When purchasing a meter, you must check whether it is certified and whether it can be used for heat metering. The installed meter must be sealed by specialists who have the right to perform such work. Devices are verified every four years.

How are heating charges calculated in an apartment building?

The cost of heat meters is usually relatively low, but you need to take into account that installation will require a number of additional elements:

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

Behind additional elements you'll have to pay a lot. In addition, you must take into account the cost of inserting, piping and connecting the meter - this work can only be performed by companies that have the appropriate permits. The cost of all work may be even higher than the cost of the meter itself, but this is a mandatory expense.

When choosing a company that will install the meter, you should also pay attention to whether its specialists perform the following work:

  1. Preparation of the installation project.
  2. Coordination of the project with the heating service provider.
  3. Carrying out initial verification and registration of the meter.
  4. Putting the device into operation.

Of course, the cost of a heat meter and the work required to install it is quite high, but all this is ultimately offset by savings on heating bills.

Heating calculations in an apartment building can be carried out using different methods. The choice of the correct calculation method depends on a number of factors, the main one of which is the presence and purpose of the heat meter.

Payment calculation according to standards
Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building
Heating calculation using individual meters
Calculation of heating in communal apartments
Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

According to current legislation, heating calculations in an apartment building are carried out in accordance with current tariffs. Calculation of the tariff can be carried out both using heat metering devices and using established standards for the volume of thermal energy consumption.

If a building is equipped with several metering devices, then the difference between common building meters and devices installed in individual apartments is evenly distributed among all residents of the building. To have a more complete understanding of such issues, you need to understand how heating is calculated in an apartment building.

Payment calculation according to standards

You need to understand how heating payments are calculated according to the standard, and you need to use this method only in cases where the apartment building does not have meters at all, neither common nor individual.

Heating calculation according to the standard is carried out using the following formula:

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where
  • Si – total area of ​​the room consuming thermal energy,
  • NT – standard value of heat consumption,
  • TT is the tariff set by the local heating service provider.

By substituting the necessary values ​​into the formula, you can calculate the cost of heating. The consumption standard may vary depending on the region, so it is necessary to look for the required value in the relevant regulatory documents. Tariffs are also individual, and before calculating heating according to the standard, you need to find out the specific values.

Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building

Next, you need to figure out how heating is calculated in an apartment building if there is a common meter. If such a device is available, heating calculations are carried out in accordance with its readings. What is important is that individual metering devices may already be installed in individual apartments, but if not every apartment has them, then the calculation is still carried out based on general indicators.

The formula for calculating heating using a common meter is as follows:

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where
  • TT is the tariff cost of heat set for a particular region by the local supplier,
  • VD is the total volume of heat consumed by the building, which is determined by the difference in the readings of the common meters installed at the input and output of the heating circuit of the building,
  • Si – total area of ​​a heated apartment not equipped with an individual meter,
  • Sob is the total heated area in the entire building.

Substitution of specific values ​​is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous example. When the formula takes into account all the necessary values, you can calculate heating in an apartment building.

Heating calculation using individual meters

Now it’s worth understanding how payments for heating an apartment are calculated if there is a meter. If each apartment in the house is equipped with its own meter (at least a common one), then the heating fee can be calculated based on its readings. The cost of heat in this case is formed from the total heat, which was taken into account by an individual meter, and the level of general household consumption.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Pi = (Vin + Viodn x Si / Sob) x TKR, where
  • Vin – the total amount of consumed thermal energy recorded by an individual meter,
  • Viodn – the amount of thermal energy spent on heating non-residential premises in the entire house (defined as the difference between the general house indicator and the sum of all apartment meters),
  • Si – total area of ​​the apartment,
  • Sob is the total area of ​​all heated rooms in the building.

Calculation of heating in communal apartments

By and large, there is no particular difference in calculating the cost of heating in communal apartments from the methods described above - all formulas and indicators are the same, you just need to substitute specific values. The only difference in how heating fees are calculated in the case of communal apartments comes down to the proportional distribution of payment for each room.

Calculation formula: how is the payment for heating in an apartment calculated?

If you still carry out a special calculation for communal apartments, you will get the following formula:

  • Pj.i = Vi x Sj.i / Ski x TT, where
  • Sj.i – living area of ​​a separate room,
  • Ski is the total area of ​​all rooms in a communal apartment.

Heating of non-residential premises may not be taken into account in this formula, since the actual values ​​are always minimal.

Autonomous heating calculation

Apartment buildings can do without centralized heating - their own boiler room is used to supply heat. Problems may arise with how to calculate heating in an apartment building under such conditions - the calculation formula is quite complex and not very convenient.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Poi = Ev x (Vcri x Si/ Sob x TKRV), where
  • Vкрi – volume of energy resource used to generate thermal energy,
  • TКРV – the cost of this resource, which is determined by current energy prices,
  • Si – area of ​​individual living space,
  • Sob – total area of ​​the building.

Heat meters

In accordance with current legislation, heat meters must be installed. An important point is that the metering device is purchased and installed at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The work of heat meters is to measure the difference in coolant temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the system, while simultaneously taking into account the volume of incoming coolant. There are two main types of counters - tachometer and ultrasonic. The latter are an order of magnitude more expensive, but the high price is compensated by higher measurement accuracy and reliability.

When purchasing a meter, you must check whether it is certified and whether it can be used for heat metering. The installed meter must be sealed by specialists who have the right to perform such work. Devices are verified every four years.

The cost of heat meters is usually relatively low, but you need to take into account that installation will require a number of additional elements:

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

You will have to pay a lot for additional elements. In addition, you must take into account the cost of inserting, piping and connecting the meter - this work can only be performed by companies that have the appropriate permits. The cost of all work may be even higher than the cost of the meter itself, but this is a mandatory expense.

When choosing a company that will install the meter, you should also pay attention to whether its specialists perform the following work:

  1. Preparation of the installation project.
  2. Coordination of the project with the heating service provider.
  3. Carrying out initial verification and registration of the meter.
  4. Putting the device into operation.

Of course, the cost of a heat meter and the work required to install it is quite high, but all this is ultimately offset by savings on heating bills.

Heating calculations in an apartment building can be carried out using different methods. The choice of the correct calculation method depends on a number of factors, the main one of which is the presence and purpose of the heat meter.

Calculation of heating costs in an apartment building,

equipped with a common house heat meter.

Currently, heating fees have increased sharply and amount to approximately half of the payment amount. Why is this happening? Having received a payment, people do not delve into the numbers, but go and pay. They think something like this: “Since the figure is like this, it means that it was calculated in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation based on the readings of metering devices” - AS WELL AS IT IS NOT SO!

Some management companies or HOA chairmen, taking advantage of the lack of control and illiteracy of residents, do very simply:

1. They charge residents for heating according to the standard, i.e. according to tariffs approved by Moscow, and are paid according to heat meter readings.

The heat meter readings are hidden from residents, because the difference between the tariff and actual consumption is significant.


Let's say. There are 100 apartments in the building, each costing 500 rubles.

How to calculate heating fees, temperature standards

per month - 50,000 rub. overpayments per year - 600,000-1,000,000 rubles. What if there are more apartments?

2. Some management companies or HOA chairmen RANDOMLY set the tariff a little less than the standard and proudly inform the residents: “Look, we are so generous, you pay below the tariff,” but in fact the overpayment is about the same as in the first case.

To avoid this, defend your rights and NOT OVERPAY, it is proposed to use a specific example to show how to calculate the cost of heating 1 sq. m. m. in a residential area (apartment).

The legal basis for determining the heating fee is Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the by-law - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Clause 4.2 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 states:

42.1. In the absence of collective (common house), common (apartment) and individual metering devices in all residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building, the amount of payment for utility services for heating is determined in accordance with formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standard consumption of utility services.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential or non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in a residential building indoors is determined in accordance with formula 3 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of a collective (common house) heat energy meter.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in residential and non-residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 3.1 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of individual and (or) general (apartment) heat energy meters.

In this case, in an ordinary Soviet-built house, we choose the calculation according to formula 3:

3. The amount of payment for utility services for heating in the i-th residential or non-residential premises not equipped with an individual or common (apartment) heat energy metering device in an apartment building, which is equipped with a collective (community) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual (or) common (apartment) heat energy metering devices, according to paragraphs 42.1 and 43 of the Rules, determined by formula 3:

- the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (common building) thermal energy meter with which the apartment building is equipped. In the cases provided for in paragraph 59 of the Rules, to calculate the amount of payment for utility services, the volume (quantity) of the utility resource determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph is used;

— total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises;

- the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building;

— tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344, the appendix was supplemented with clause 3.1, which comes into force on June 1, 2013

Knowing the formula, the number of gigacalories consumed during last year's heating season, we can calculate the heating fee in a particular house.


House No. 0: total area Sob=12000 sq.m.

Property area ∑Si=10000 sq.m.

Gigacalories (Gcal) for 2012-2013 = October+November+December+January+February+March+April+May.

Tariff=1570.14 rub/Gcal. (the amount of gigacalories consumed is taken for the last heating season and multiplied by the current year’s tariff).

1. Initial data on heating.

1.1. House No. 0: total area Sob = 12000 m2

area owned Σ Si = 10000 m2

1.2. Tariff:= 1570.14 RUR/Gcal; in 2013-14.

2. Readings of house heat energy meters for the heating season

2012 - 2013

2.1. Meter readings by month (heating season 2012-2013):

Gigacalories (Gcal). = October + November + December + January + February + March + April + May = 92+ 126 + 228 + 250+ 150 + 200 + 113 + 0 = 1159 Gcal.

2.2.Total cost of thermal energy for the heating season 2012-2013.

is 1,570.14 rubles/Gcal x 1,159 Gcal = 1,819,792.26 rubles.

Note: see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

2.4. Average per month (12 months)

RUB 1,819,792.26 / 12 = 151,649.36 rubles/month

2.5. Payment per m2 of area (the total area of ​​the house is taken) =

151,649.36 RUR/12000 m2= 12.64 RUR/m2

This is the real cost of heating, calculated in accordance with current legislation!

According to the standard, thermal energy consumption for heating one square meter. m. =0.016 Gigacalories, i.e. the cost of heating one square meter according to standards. approved by Moscow =0.016 Gcal. X 1570.14 rub./Gcal.=25.12 rub./sq.m.

Based on the current standard, slightly lowering this amount in an arbitrary manner, without taking into account the heat meter readings, the management company (HOA) charges residents a fee, for example, -22 rubles / sq.m.

Let's consider an apartment with an area of ​​76 sq.m.

Example:— i = the sum of the areas of all apartments in the house (apartment Nos. from 1 to 100).

Then the cost of heating without benefits, calculated according to meter readings for the month, will be:

RUB 12.64/m2X 76 m2 = RUB 960.4459

The management company (HOA) will charge residents 22 rubles/sq.m. x 76 sq.m. = 1672 rubles - the figure in the HOA accounting department’s payment slip.

Thus, the difference between the cost of heating accrued in accordance with current legislation and an arbitrarily taken amount in the payment bill of the management company (HOA) will be for one month:

1672 rub.-960.4459 rub.=711.55 rub.

For a year, the overpayment for a single apartment will be:

RUR 711.55 x 12 = 8538 rub. 65 kopecks.

This is an OVERPAYMENT for a year from only one apartment!

Each site visitor can use the above calculation to determine their own overpayment, as well as the overpayment of the entire house.

On this page you will learn how to calculate heating in an apartment in Moscow: the formula and system for calculating gigacalories in an apartment building, a device for measuring heat metering.

Residents of apartment buildings look forward to each new heating season with anxiety, and this is due to constantly rising heat tariffs.

To be sure that an extra figure is not added to the next receipt and not be horrified by the amount to be paid, you should know how the heating in the apartment is calculated.

What does the indicator depend on?

Since the rules for the use of heat in apartment buildings have changed, now their residents see in the payment receipt not one column, as was the case before, but two:

  1. A typical bill for using heating services in an apartment.
  2. An account that takes into account the heat lost for the needs of the home (HH).

To calculate heating in an apartment building (2017), you need to know how exactly it is heated, and what device for measuring heating in an apartment records heat consumption:

  1. There are buildings where there is a common building structure, but apartments and other premises do not have them.
  2. Metering devices are installed everywhere: in every residential and non-residential premises.
  3. Buildings where there are no meters for heat used for general needs.

Only if you have information about the number of meters in a multi-storey building and the cost of heating can you find out how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated.

How is heating in an apartment calculated in 2018-2019?

Calculations when the apartment does not have a meter, but there is a common house meter

How to calculate heating in an apartment in Moscow? To be confident in calculations in such a situation, you need to know 4 indicators:

  1. The volume of heat consumption used for the needs of the house. For example, for a month it is 250 gCal (each region has its own tariffs, and the amount of heat consumed can be seen in the receipt or found out from the service that provides heat to the building).
  2. The next parameter is total footage of the house, which includes all premises, from apartments and staircases to non-residential buildings - boutiques, offices and more. This data can also be obtained from the housing office department. For example, the building area is 7000 m2.
  3. The next element needed to make the calculation is heating costs in an apartment building, this is the area of ​​separate housing. For example, it is 75 m2. There is information about this in the registration certificate for housing.
  4. The last indicator is cost of 1 gCal (tariffs are indicated in the payment receipt). For example, it is 1400 rubles.

Having all the data in hand, you can find out how heating is calculated in an apartment without a meter:

250 gCal x 75 m2/7000 m2 x 1400 rub.

How is the heating fee calculated according to the standard?

Thus, the cost of heating in the apartment is calculated; now all that remains is to make calculations for general house heat.

This requires another important indicator - total area of ​​all rooms in the building, both non-residential (offices, cafes, shops) and apartments. For example, it is 6000 m2.

Now the calculation of heating an apartment in an apartment building will look like this:

250 gCal x (1-6000/7000) x 75/6000 = 0.447 gCal

Having received these data, you can multiply them by the cost of 1 gcal to obtain the cost of the heat tariff:

0.447 gCal x 1400 rub. = 629 rub.

By adding both indicators, you can find out how much you will have to pay per month:

3750 rub. + 629 rub. = 4379 rub.

This is how heating is calculated using a meter in an apartment building when it is a shared building.

Owners of apartments with autonomous heating do not have to make such complex calculations, since they have their own metering device installed. But they will either have to find out the calculations of heat consumption indicators for general house needs or calculate them themselves.

Calculation if there is a common house appliance and an apartment appliance

When all premises, both residential and non-residential, have meters, and a common building metering device is installed, then the calculation of gigacalories of heating heat in an apartment building is calculated differently.

With the first indicators everything is simple. They are taken individually and amount to, for example, 2 gCal.

In this case, the cost of spent heat will be equal to 2 gCal x 1400 rubles. = 2800 rub., where:

  • 2 gcal– these are the costs of an individual apartment taken according to the meter;
  • 1400 rub.- a tariff approved by authorized bodies, and it is different in each region of Russia.

To calculate how much you will have to pay for public heat, you will need the following data:

  1. General house meter indicators, let them be equal to 250 gCal.
  2. The next thing to find out is, how much heat is spent on non-residential premises. You can find out about this from the heating network organization. For example, 10 gCal.
  3. Will be required data on the total area of ​​the entire housing stock of the building. For example, 5000 m2.
  4. Heat consumption rate= 0.025 gCal.
  5. Area of ​​the building with all rooms, both non-residential and apartments. For example, 6000 m2.
  6. Consumption of thermal energy that goes to hot water supply to the building. Let it be equal to 30 gigacalories.
  7. Calculate the amount of energy consumed for public needs:

(250 – 10 – 5000 x 0.025 8 – 30) x 75/ 6000 = 0.96 gCal

If the building has a central hot water supply, then the formula for calculating heating in the apartment will be carried out without taking into account the volume of heat and energy spent on heating water.

  1. Multiply the volume by rubles– 0.96 x 1400 = 1344 rub.
  2. Putting the indicators together– 2800 rub. + 1344 rub. = 4144 rub.

This is how heating is calculated in an apartment building when there are meters everywhere. It is easier to make all calculations based on the indicators in the payment receipt.

Calculation in the absence of a common house heat metering device

How to calculate the heating of an apartment was indicated above, but you can calculate how much you will have to pay for public heat if the building does not have a meter, as follows:

  1. The indicator of the norm of heat consumption adopted in the region is taken. For example, to know how the heating of an apartment in Moscow is calculated, you will need information about the regional coefficient. For the capital and region it is 1.3, and in the regions of the Far North it will be 1.5-2. And so on for each region of Russia. In our example, it is 0.025 gCal/m2.
  2. Take into account the area of ​​all premises included in the non-residential category. For example, 100 m2.
  3. Add apartment area, in our example it is 75 m2.
  4. Take into account the area of ​​the building in all “contents”, for example, 6000 m2.

Calculation of the heating system of an apartment building:

  1. The volume of heat consumed is calculated: 0.025 x 100 x 75/ 6000 = 0.031.
  2. We convert the resulting volume into rubles: 0.031 x 1400 = 43.4
  3. By adding this indicator to the apartment data(2800 + 43.4 = 2834.4 rubles), the total amount payable is obtained.

This is how heating in an apartment is calculated by area, taking into account all the rooms in the building.

The examples given above allow you to learn how to independently make all the calculations for paying for heating, both for an apartment and for the heat consumed for general needs. It is enough to know the tariffs and basic indicators to double-check the correctness of the amount indicated in the payment.

In most Moscow houses, heating fees are calculated based on the readings of the general building heat meter. For this purpose, meter readings for the previous year are used.

  1. The management company divides the amount of heat that your home received according to the meter last year by 12 months.
  2. From the resulting figure, subtract consumption for non-residential built-in and attached premises, and divide the difference by the area of ​​the residential premises of the house and multiply by the total area of ​​your apartment and the existing From July 1, 2019, for residents of all Moscow districts, except TiNAO, the following tariffs for thermal energy are established:
    • if the house is served by a public Joint-Stock Company Mosenergo - 1864.3 rubles/Gcal;
    • if the house is served by the public joint-stock company "Moscow United Energy Company" - 1904.28 rubles/Gcal;
    • if the house is served by the public joint-stock company "Moscow United Energy Company" and it is connected to the heating network after the heating point (or at it) operated by the heat supply organization - 2,389.72 rubles/Gcal.
  3. At the beginning of the year, the management company checks the resulting figure with the amount of heat actually consumed and makes adjustments in one direction or another depending on how much heat your home consumed last year. The payment adjustment is indicated on the receipt, in the “Recalculation” column.

You can request the area of ​​the house and the readings of the common house heat meter in your management company. Her contacts can be found on the portal.

2. How are charges for water supply and sanitation calculated?

  • by counters. If your apartment has individual meters, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current tariff. Water disposal is calculated as the sum of actual consumption for cold and hot water supply and is also multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, the following tariffs for water supply and sanitation are established for residents of all Moscow districts, except TiNAO:
    • cold water supply - 40.48 rub./m³;
    • hot water supply - 198.19 rubles/m³;
    • water disposal - 29.57 rubles/m³.
  • without meters. If your apartment does not have individual meters, check with the management company (you can find its contacts on the portal) whether a common house water meter is installed in your house. If installed, then subtract from its readings the general house water consumption (for watering lawns, washing stairwells, etc.) and the readings of meters installed in non-residential premises (in the basement, attic, etc.) - all these readings can be clarified with the manager companies. From the resulting figure, subtract the readings of metering devices installed in residential premises; divide the difference between all residents registered in apartments without water meters. The result cannot exceed the standard established for one person by more than twice;
  • according to standards. If the house is in disrepair, dilapidated or in If meters are not installed in the apartment, although such a technical possibility exists, the final amount will also be multiplied by an increasing factor of 1.5. This can be avoided if you submit an inspection report to the service organization confirming that it is not technically possible to install the meter.">there is no technical possibility install a common house or individual meter, water consumption (for houses with all types of amenities) is determined at the rate of 6.935 cubic meters of cold water, 4.745 cubic meters of hot water and 11.68 cubic meters for sewerage for each person registered in the apartment. The standard is also multiplied by the current tariff.

In houses with an individual heating point (boiler room), the payment for hot water consists of a payment for cold water and for heating it. Cold water is charged as usual.

3. How are gas charges calculated?

If you do not have a gas meter installed, its consumption is calculated according to Gas consumption standards:

  • in the presence of a gas stove and centralized hot water supply - 8.3 m³/person;
  • if you have a gas stove, gas water heater and the absence of centralized hot water supply - 20.8 m³/person;
  • in the presence of a gas stove, the absence of a centralized hot water supply and a gas water heater - 10.4 m³/person.
">standard for each resident registered in the apartment and multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, the following gas supply tariffs are established for residents of all Moscow districts, except TiNAO:
  • RUB 4,904.86/1,000 m³ - for houses with heating from gas heaters;
  • 6.83 rubles/m³ - for all other houses.

If your apartment has a gas meter, then you only pay for the gas you spend. To do this, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current tariff.

Gas meters need to be installed only if you consume more than two cubic meters of gas per hour. In practice, this means that, in addition to a gas stove, you should at least have a gas water heater at home.

You can read more about how to install meters in our.

4. How are electricity charges calculated?

If your apartment has individual meters, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current From July 1, 2019, the following electricity supply tariffs have been established for residents of all Moscow districts, except TiNAO:

For apartments and houses that have an electric stove or electric heating system:

  • flat rate tariff - 4.65 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by two zones of the day: day zone - 5.35 rubles/kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by three zones of the day: peak zone - 5.58 rubles/kWh, half-peak zone - 4.65 rubles/kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles/kWh;

For apartments and houses that do not have an electric stove or electric heating system:

  • tariff with a single rate - 5.47 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by two zones of the day: day zone - 6.29 rubles/kWh, night zone - 2.13 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by three zones of the day: peak zone - 6.57 rubles/kWh, half-peak zone - 5.47 rubles/kWh, night zone - 2.13 rubles/kWh.
">tariff .

If your apartment does not have meters, the fee will be calculated as follows: the amount is permanent or temporary The number of people living is determined according to the registration data in the apartment.

">residing people are multiplied by the standard for electricity consumption and the tariff. The following standards apply in Moscow:
  • for an apartment with a gas stove: 45 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 50 kWh - if one person is registered in the apartment;
  • for an apartment with an electric stove: 70 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 80 kWh - if one person is registered in the apartment.

If meters are not installed in the apartment, although such a technical possibility exists, the final amount will also be multiplied by an increasing factor of 1.5. This can be avoided if you submit an inspection report to the service organization confirming that it is not technically possible to install the meter.

5. How can I find out about utility rates?

Management organizations are obliged to provide free access to information about the main indicators of their financial and economic activities, about the services provided and about the work performed for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, about the procedure and conditions for their provision and implementation, about their cost, about prices (tariffs) for the provided utility services through their placement in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

6. How are fees calculated for major repairs and social rent?

If you are a homeowner, you pay fees for major renovation. From January 1, 2020, the single minimum rate is 18.86 rubles per square meter. You can read more about contributions for major repairs in ours.

If you are a tenant of an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, then the city makes contributions for major repairs for you, but you must pay monthly rent for the premises. The fee is calculated by multiplying the base rate by various odds.

For social services and rental of specialized residential premises For social support in non-subsidized houses
Basic board size

160.60 per 1 sq.m.

160.60 per 1 sq.m.

Board compliance factor
Residential quality factor
Residential improvement coefficient
  • 1.0 for houses with an elevator
  • 0.8 for houses without an elevator
Location coefficient
  • 1.08 - zone I, within the Third Transport Ring
  • 0.8 - zone II, outside the Third Transport Ring

8. How are fees for other services calculated?

Services related to the management of the house and the maintenance of the common property of its owners (for example, intercom maintenance) are provided by the management company. On general meeting owners can decide what additional services they want to receive, and the management company will determine the tariffs for these services. You can view the contacts of your management company on the portal.

Services not related to the management of the house and the maintenance of the common property of its owners (for example, a radio point or television antenna) are provided by third-party organizations. Payment for them may be included in a single payment document or paid with a separate receipt. The cost of services and the conditions for their provision are specified in the contract.

Everyone should know how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated. This information will help you understand what is included in the price. Moreover, its formation occurs on the basis of certain documents.

Important Calculations

How is heating in an apartment calculated? The corresponding government decree approves the procedure for payments and submission of documents. There is a certain procedure for providing utility services to owners of apartments and residential buildings. Another resolution approved the rules for providing similar services to all citizens of the Russian Federation.

When faced with the question of how to calculate the heating fee, you must be guided by the rules adopted initially and in a later version. Although only the latest version for 2011 should be used, the period associated with the transition to it continues. Local government authorities at the regional level determine the list necessary documents that need to be followed.

How to calculate payment for heating according to the rules established by Resolution No. 354? The provided procedure determines the collection of payments not for the entire year, but only for the heating period. If the subject’s place of residence is the Moscow region, and charges for heat are made only during the period from October to May, then you can safely be guided by the information provided. If the number of months is different, you must follow the rules established by Resolution No. 307.

Payments only during heating seasons makes the calculation process much simpler and more convenient. This is a significant achievement and a plus for residents. In practice, it becomes clear that the heating fee established at a later period for residential premises is slightly higher than the amount accepted earlier. This is due to the fact that payments were divided over all 12 months. In most cases this leads to inconvenience.

How is the payment for heat in apartments calculated? The calculation algorithm is influenced by a number of factors. Among them are:

  • the presence of one meter in residential premises (apartment buildings);
  • the presence of heat meters in every apartment and non-residential premises;
  • the presence of distributors (they should be in half of the non-residential and residential premises of an apartment building).

Calculation formula

According to the rules, if heat is metered using a common household appliance, it will be possible to calculate the fee based on the established parameters. The standard for thermal energy consumption for heating may vary in each specific region of the country. It determines the number of gigacalories that are needed to heat the area for 30 calendar days.

The heating tariff is approved individually for each region by local authorities. We are talking about the cost of 1 Gcal for heating. An important parameter is the area of ​​residential premises. It should be taken into account that the heated area of ​​​​the room does not include a balcony or loggia.

  1. Heating standard.
  2. The total area of ​​a residential or non-residential premises.
  3. Determined cost of energy consumed (thermal).

If you look at the calculation formula in more detail, you need to multiply the number of gigacalories for heating the room by the price of 1 hl, and then multiply by the area of ​​the apartment.

Calculation under other conditions

To calculate the payment for energy in the absence of meters in an apartment building, but in the presence of a common house appliance, you must follow the calculation procedure given below. Payment according to the described procedure is charged exclusively in those buildings where there are no meters in absolutely all apartments and non-residential premises.

The formula used involves first calculating the ratio of the total area of ​​individual residential premises to the total area of ​​residential premises. Next, the resulting value must be multiplied by the cost of thermal energy and by the number of gigacalories that were consumed during the estimated period of time. The amount of energy expended is determined based on the readings of a common household appliance.

If not all apartments are equipped with meters, but, for example, only 95%, the above algorithm can be used for calculation.

Payment for heat according to it in a simplified version is carried out using the total amount of thermal energy used in the house. The share of each apartment must be calculated. The resulting volume of heat consumed must be multiplied by the current tariff suitable for a particular region.

Counters of different types

Calculation of heating fees has some peculiarities if a common heating system is installed in a multi-storey building. measuring device and separate meters for measuring the amount of heat in all apartments (this applies not only to residential premises). The main thing is to clarify the availability of metering devices in all apartments.

In the case under consideration, the formula includes the following indicators. They take the volume of heat used in a specific facility (applies to residential and non-residential premises). It is determined on the basis of indicators taken from individual or general meters related to the apartment metering device. The amount of communal resource is determined, thanks to which the general house needs are satisfied. At the same time, they are equipped with collective devices that make it possible to accurately take into account the consumed thermal energy.

The total area of ​​the building, which contains many apartments belonging to residential or non-residential real estate, is taken into account, as well as the total area in a separate individual object located in this multi-apartment building. Be sure to take into account the cost of heat for each region.

The payment can be made if the following calculations are made: the area of ​​the apartment is divided by the area of ​​the house and multiplied by the amount of energy provided for the total needs of the entire building with apartments. Then sum it up with the amount of energy consumed in the first room. In the last step, you need to multiply the resulting figure by the active tariff.

Essence this option The payment is that the amount of heat consumed by residents of one apartment increases by the part of the heat spent as part of general house needs.

If the final number is higher than the amount paid in advance, it will be counted toward the payment the person plans to make. If it turned out more small value, you will need to pay extra. The action is carried out on the basis of corrective mechanisms.

With distributors

What to do if distributors are installed? These are sensors that are installed on the batteries from the outside. They take into account the amount of heat given off by the batteries to the external environment. This device is similar to a meter, but it functions differently.

If you follow the rules for the provision of public utility services, you need to take into account that government decree No. 354 has a certain norm. Accounting for housing and communal services determines the use of distributor readings in the calculation process.

A multi-storey building must have a common building metering device intended for collective purposes. It is important that the installation of distributors be carried out in such a number of apartments, which together constitute more than half of all residential and non-residential premises.

If these requirements are met, once a year (if residents decide, then more often), payment for thermal energy based on distribution devices will be adjusted taking into account sensor readings.

The calculation formulas contain the following indicators:

  1. Payment for heating in a specific room equipped with a sensor for a time period subject to adjustment.
  2. The number of apartments and non-residential premises in one multi-apartment building that are equipped with special measuring devices.
  3. The total number of distributors that are located in one room of a residential property.
  4. The part of the consumed service relating to thermal energy that is accounted for by a separate distributor. This share is taken into account in the amount of heat consumed in each room equipped with sensors.

Early ruling

According to document No. 307, payment rules apply subject to the presence of energy measuring devices in a building with many apartments. Settlement manipulations are reduced to charging fees throughout the year.

The amount paid by residents for energy consumed may be adjusted.

Monthly amount for indoor heating different types in multi-apartment buildings with distributors is calculated using a similar formula that is used for apartments with meters. It is enough to multiply the total area of ​​a residential property by the amount of thermal energy consumed for the previous period (year). The resulting figure is multiplied by the tariff.

The payment amount is adjusted every year according to a certain formula. It takes into account the amount of payment for heat, which is taken from the building’s general metering equipment. The fee is taken into account according to standard value in apartments that do not have a sensor. You need to know other indicators noted in the rules. For example, this is the share of payment amounts related to a specific measuring device.

Each person should not have any difficulties in the process of calculations. It is necessary to constantly monitor ongoing changes in the law to take into account tariff increases and other criteria.

If any difficulties arise, you can contact the appropriate authorized service at your place of residence.

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