How to become a real fairy 1 second. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

MOSCOW, March 4 - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. New round the spread of suicidal content among children was discovered in Vladimir. Local police are looking for the authors of an online newsletter with instructions on “how to become a fairy.” What is behind such messages is in the RIA Novosti material.

"How to become a fairy"

The interest of the Vladimir police was aroused by the picture “How to become a fairy of fire at home,” designed in the style of the animated series “Winx Club: School of Sorceresses,” popular among children. The instructions talk about a magical “transformation” using a gas stove. The main condition of the “rite”: perform it at night while the parents are sleeping.

The query “how to become a fairy” is quite popular. Over the past month, people in Yandex alone have been interested in this at least 32 thousand times. In total, 39 million sites are displayed on the Internet for such a request.

One of them describes the reason for the children’s interest: “After watching a cartoon about the Winx fairies, many of the girls began to ask the question of how to turn into a real fairy with wings, and were looking for a real and simple way to transform. There was a desire to have enormous power, to flutter around the world, and remain cute and small" (spelling and punctuation preserved - editor's note).

Most of the ways to become a “fairy of fire, water and nature of all powers” ​​are relatively harmless: contact the “fairy of wishes”, “treat” her with sweets, smear your hands with toothpaste for half an hour, put ice in a plate and dip your hand in melt water, and so on .

No laughing matter

For a long time (at least since 2013), Internet users found it funny how gullible children were and told each other about the ridiculous ways they found online.

© Photo: screenshot from the VKontakte public pageScreenshot from the VKontakte public page

© Photo: screenshot from the VKontakte public page

Popular video blogger Syenduk (Dmitry Karpov) was the first to notice the dangerous picture at the end of 2014. He dedicated three videos to sarcastic stories about “magical transformations” and collected over seven million views.

However, the Internet public started talking about “gas fairies” only in the spring of 2016. Parents in several regions of the country sounded the alarm. The same text - an anonymous story from a mother about how she woke up at night from the smell of gas and found her seven-year-old daughter in the kitchen - spread across the largest virtual communities.

In the summer, the first tragic case became known. The incident occurred at the end of 2015 in Cheboksary. Five-year-old Sonya decided to “become a fairy” from the Winx cartoon, acting on ill-fated instructions while the adults were not at home. The child suffered 50 percent burns to his body.

“My granddaughter refused porridge and wanted dumplings, I decided to run to the store to pamper my granddaughter. I was gone for about forty minutes. It never occurred to me. I still blame myself,” the girl’s grandmother told reporters.

Last year's reaction and results

The author of the picture could not be found. Only in Rostov-on-Don was an attempt made to detain the distributor of suicidal content. He turned out to be a 16-year-old teenager, a student at a local technical school, Ekaterina Stenyakina, chairman of the Youth Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, told RIA Novosti.

The work was carried out by Internet volunteers under the leadership of activist Alexei Azarov. Rostovites were forced to start monitoring social networks after the Boeing 737 crash in March last year. Then comments began to appear inciting national hatred from residents of the neighboring country, Stenyakina recalls. Vigilant citizens set up an Internet patrol, and a strange public page about fairies with a suspicious picture came into their field of view.

The community administrator was detained, but no criminal case was opened. According to activists, he immediately repented of what he had done and said that he published the suicide instructions as a joke. Group in social network blocked. Roskomnadzor included the page with instructions on the Pikabu resource in the register of prohibited sites.

The Rainbow company, which is responsible for the Winx Club brand, also responded to reports of a strange picture. June 9, 2016 CEO Rainbow Iginio Straffi appealed to the Moscow prosecutor's office with a statement of damage to business reputation and a request to open a criminal case against the creators of the material (a copy is at the disposal of the editors).

"Rainbow deeply regrets the distribution of material that apparently contains instructions for committing suicide and uses Winx Club characters. Rainbow, whose products are aimed at promoting the values ​​of kindness among children, is shocked by such cynical material that is obviously aimed at harming children," - RIA Novosti was told by the organization’s press service. Company employees expressed hope that law enforcement agencies will understand the situation.

However, both the picture and its text content with instructions are still freely distributed on social networks. There are over two thousand thematic communities on VKontakte about the Winx fairies, which makes it difficult for responsible citizens to monitor manually. Blocking suicidal calls is problematic: applications with complaints about content are reviewed within 24 hours, and during this time it is not difficult for attackers to disseminate prohibited information.

Alexandra Arkhipova emphasizes: despite the fact that such stories themselves are urban legends, they can provoke people to bring them to life. Anthropologists and folklorists call this phenomenon “ostension.” For example, some of the “curators” of the “blue whale” game, who send threats and tasks to teenagers, are children themselves: “Such stories are a very convenient way to scare classmates and thereby gain authority.”

What to do

Due to their age, children are not always able to distinguish evil intentions from good ones, notes psychologist Inna Snegireva. She gives an example of a case during a consultation when a girl could not believe that evil advice could be hidden behind a beautiful picture with her favorite characters.

According to the psychologist, the child was confused by the benevolent tone of the dangerous message, the anticipation of magic and the beautiful azure-blue background: “Children’s perception is more focused on the emotional component. Children are accustomed to the fact that in fairy tales, negative characters look scary and evil, and their voices are extremely unpleasant. In this regard, advice from the good fairy in beautiful colors can be perceived positively."

Parents believe that if they explain something to their child once, that will be enough, the specialist complains. She emphasizes: this is not so. You need to speak using examples and in the form of dialogue:

The psychologist summarizes: the more time parents have to take an interest in the child’s life and participate in it, the less risk that someone will take advantage of his gullibility.

Little fairy fairies often hide from the ordinary world. Only the most worthy people, distinguished by kindness and responsiveness, can see and feel their presence. And the girl who believes in the existence of fairies with all her heart and does good deeds may not only get to know them, but also become a real fairy.

How to become a Winx fairy?

Each fairy, such as Winx, is distinguished by wisdom and a sense of style. Such fairies, in addition to having magical abilities, are also good housewives and fashionistas. Therefore, in order to become the same sorceress as Stella, Flora or Roxy, it is enough to learn to come up with beautiful outfits, read a lot of smart books and always put away your things. Moreover, all this must be accompanied by a special spell (“Krekin-mane Ste, Flo, Rock, Krekin-mane”).

But to become Fairy Bloom, all of the above will not be enough. You will also need to find a special hiding place that no one will ever know about, and decorate it so that there is nothing more beautiful in the whole world. Such a secret place enhances any magical phrase and gives its owner the power that the fairy Bloom possesses.

How to become a fairy with wings?

There are fairies who can fly. Small shiny wings help them in this. But not every fairy gets them at birth. Many people make them themselves from clouds and wind breath. One of the magic books describes how to become a fairy who can fly and how to make magic wings for yourself at home.

All owners of homemade wings become a flying fairy. You can make them from available materials: transparent thick film, scissors, paints and brushes, an old strap, thread and a needle and hairspray with glitter. First, the shape of the wings is cut out the right size and painted with paints of different colors. After it has dried, it is sewn to the strap (strictly in the center). All! - the wings are ready. The final touch is to spray them with varnish to add shine.

The wings will become magical only after a week, provided that during the day they are constantly on daylight. However, it should be remembered that in real life fairies fly only at night, so that others do not see the beauty of fairy wings and want to take them for themselves. If the magic wings are stolen, then all the magic will disappear in an instant, and it will no longer be possible to become a sorceress again.

How to become a water fairy?

To be a water fairy means to be able to command this element. Water sorceresses can cause rain, change the direction of river currents, and, peering into the very depths of lakes, predict the future. To become a fairy who is subject to the water element, you need to use proven methods, namely:

Learn to talk to water

To do this, you need to come to any water source (river, lake), choose the tree that you like the most, and hang a colored silk ribbon on it. This is done so that nature itself helps the magical transformation. Then sit down near the water, throw all extraneous thoughts aside and begin to listen to the noise (language) of the stream.

As soon as you feel that you are part of nature, you can ask any questions you may have. Water will answer them. However, at first it is better to ask questions that can be answered with a simple answer (“yes” or “no”). If after the question asked the sound of the water became louder, a fish jumped out of the river or some other phenomenon occurred - this means that water answers the question positively.

Get the power of water

You can become a water fairy by mastering the power of this element. To do this, you need to shout at exactly midnight over a previously prepared basin of water: “Mother Water, share your strength, so that I can be as strong as you.” The hair should be fluffed up and all jewelry should be removed from the body. After all the words have been spoken, you need to draw a bath, pour all the contents of the basin into it and bathe.

How to become a fairy with transformation?

To become a fairy who can transform into someone or something, you need to have a well-developed imagination, since the process of transformation occurs only in the case of a detailed mental representation of it. The fairy who has the powers of transformation was once a fairy with wings. She just grew up, and nature endowed her with more serious powers.

Now, in order to fly, such fairies do not need wings. They simply imagine how they turn into a bird (whoever likes which one better), then the moment of transformation and flight occurs. Sorceresses turn not only into birds, but also into animals, plants and various objects. This process occurs in the same way as during the transformation described above.

Therefore, only one who has made wings for herself and learned to fly can become a fairy who possesses the powers of transformation. But the following exercises for developing imagination will help you quickly master the technique of various transformations:

  1. Every day, draw pictures of the magical world. The magical world can only be seen in dreams. But some manage to reproduce its appearance using their innate abilities by inventing different animals, unusual trees, stars that you cannot meet in everyday life.
  2. Write fairy tales. All authors of fairy tales are wizards, but they don’t tell anyone about it. In order not to forget their transformation skills, they write stories in which they describe worlds where only magical creatures and powerful sorcerers live. If more than 1000 people read the fairy tale and everyone likes it, then the most important fairy queen gives the authors new strength.

    One important magical rule applies here: you need to write a fairy tale yourself by hand. The text of the fairy tale should be multi-colored, so before writing you need to stock up on colored pens and markers. You will need to draw pictures for each page.

How to become a nature fairy?

In fact, everyone is born a fairy of nature, but with age this is forgotten. To awaken the powers that were inherent at birth and become a fairy for real, you need to spend more time in nature and treat it with care. That is, do everything that is the responsibility of nature fairies: help people, sick animals, make sure that trees and flowers are not broken unnecessarily, never litter, but rather take care of the preservation of the environment.

If the fairies of nature do not fulfill their obligations, then they will have nowhere to take the magical powers that the universe gives them.

You can awaken the forces of nature within yourself relatively quickly and easily if you do the following:

  1. Do a lot of good deeds every day.
  2. Grow your own flowers at home or in the garden.
  3. Meditate (like a yogi: sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, distract yourself from everything and think only about your desire to become a fairy).

All these three points, when performed, must be accompanied by special words (“Katera, beginning, Katera, strength, Katera, wake up Dzsin”).

How to become an animal fairy?

Animals feel and understand everything no worse than other people, which means that they have consciousness. Therefore, it is quite difficult to command them. To do this, you need to be able to penetrate the thoughts of animals and replace them with your own. This can only be done in one way - clearly reproduce in your imagination the desired action that the animal must perform, and imagine how it performs it (where it goes, how it feels). In this case, you need to think as if the animal’s mind is a personal mind.

You won't be able to become an animal fairy quickly. First you need to learn to love them and not be afraid. We are talking not only about everyone’s favorite cats and dogs, but also about crocodiles, lions, bears, wolves and tigers. Moreover, simply loving animals is not enough; the most important thing is to achieve reciprocity from them, otherwise they will block the entrance to consciousness and it will not be possible to tame them.

It is better to learn to command animals from your pets. As soon as it starts to work out, you immediately need to perform a special magical ritual. To do this, take paints that can be used to paint on the skin (sold in children's stores). They need to draw some animal (your favorite one) on your face.

Then you need to stand on a chair, turn on music that contains animal sounds and sing 15 times “Trust Morley, quast Morley, quast Morley, come fairy queen. Trust morley, quast morley, stast morley, make me a fairy too quickly.” You need to sing to the tune that comes to mind. After that, put a chocolate bar near the open window and go to bed. If there is no chocolate in the morning, it means the fairy queen heard the song and everything worked out.

How to become a fairy of all powers?

It is very difficult to control all powers at once, so it is impossible to become such a fairy right now without prior training. Sorceresses who control all powers did not learn everything at once, but gradually. First they mastered the technique of flight, then they received the powers of nature, then water, etc. Such students are endowed with new powers by the fairy queen. So she rewards them for their efforts. Therefore, you won’t be able to become a fairy right now.

To become a strong and experienced sorceress, you really need to learn lessons, just not like in a regular school, but magic ones (flying, magic language, magic counting, physical education). They are very similar to school ones, so you can combine one with the other. There are several magic tricks for this:

  1. Before each school lesson, be sure to say to yourself the following phrase: “Lesson, lesson, lesson, start and quickly turn into a magical one. Krakens, buoys, go ahead, I’ll quickly turn into a fairy.”
  2. In math class, turn all problems into magic ones. For example, if the problem is about a girl, then you need to imagine a fairy, if about an apple, you need to invent magical properties for it, etc.
  3. In each notebook, put a small piece of paper where it is written that its owner is a fairy, and it is listed what powers she has. For example: “My name is Masha. I'm a fairy. I can fly and talk to animals." This leaf needs to be decorated with colored pencils, and on the reverse side of it, draw a little fairy with wings and a magic wand.
  4. Make yourself a magic wand. It’s better to use an ordinary pen that you can use to write at school and carry it with you all the time. To do this, you need to take a colored ribbon, turn it into a bow and attach it to the pen cap. Let it lie on the windowsill at night so that the fairy queen will turn it into a magic wand. Just tell no one that this is a magical object, otherwise the wand will again become an ordinary pen.
  5. Turn all your school textbooks into magic ones. To do this, every morning you need to hang a magic blot on your backpack. This is such a special keychain. It can be done at home too. You will need a small toy with a ring. A ribbon with the inscription “Klyakasustr” is hung on the toy and together it is attached to a backpack by a ring with the words: “Klyakasutra monte, custo, ricco.”

Every girl dreams of being special and having abilities that her peers cannot master. How to become a fairy and learn to create magic? Bring benefit and goodness to people, delight them and surprise them? Becoming a real sorceress is a real adventure that will transform the life of any girl!

However, you should always remember that this is not only a huge gift, but also a great responsibility. A girl who is jealous, angry at others, lies to her parents, does tricks and other bad things will not be able to gain extraordinary abilities. To do this, you will have to change your harmful character. After all, a fairy is, first of all, a very kind creature, so she will give her power only to a sincere and good person.

In this article:

Winx Club: how to become the same?

These magical creatures came to us from the animated series “Winx Club,” which tells about unusual girls with magical abilities. Six beautiful fairies, each with their own magic, have become true role models. Is it possible to learn to have such talents right now? Yes, it is quite possible to transform into the Winx fairy. The main thing is to believe in magic and be a kind person.

To have the abilities of one of the Winx fairies, it is worth remembering several important rules:

  • they will never harm a person or do bad things;
  • sorceresses are not only beautiful, but also take good care of themselves: they dress well, brush their teeth and comb their hair on time;
  • if you really want to turn into a girl with magical abilities, it’s best not to tell anyone about it. Even a close friend!

Flora: queen of flowers

To have the magic of the Winx sorceress - Flora - means to be able to talk with flowers and plants, to love nature very much. To become like Flora, you need to go for a walk in nature on a sunny day in the summer and find the most beautiful flower. Under no circumstances should it be torn off!

Sitting near a flower and stroking its stems, you need to say the following words:

“Flora, be my friend! Give me strength! I love flowers and believe in magic. Thanks to you, I can become a real fairy of nature!”

The magic spell must be cast three times. Now your magical abilities will increase every day.

Muse: sound energy

Becoming a music fairy means learning to control the energy of sound. To possess the talents of the Muse, you need to quietly sing your favorite song to yourself in the evening before going to bed and say the real spell three times:

“Muse, give me the magic of music, the magic of sound! Let them help me do good for all people!”

After this, try to fall asleep. In the morning your secret abilities will be much stronger.

Fairy of the Sun and Moon

Those girls who like to admire the Moon and moonlight, as well as take long walks outside on sunny days, will be able to wield Stella’s magic.

To become the mistress of the energies of the Sun and Moon, you need to hang two threads on your wrists. On the right hand there is a yellow thread - it will symbolize the energy of the Sun. On the left - white thread. She will become a conductor of the energy of the Moon. But before you fasten the talisman threads to your hands, say:

“Sun and Moon, help me become a real good sorceress! I will do only good deeds and will not harm anyone!”

After this, through the amulets, you will be able to feel the solar and lunar powers, which will reward you with extraordinary talents and skills. The Sun will help you study well, always be in a good mood and help others, and the Moon will help you to be very beautiful girl and not be afraid of anything.

Mistress of Light and Fire

In the cartoon "Winx Club", the sorceress Bloom used the magic of light and fire, which gave her almost unlimited abilities. You can become a mistress of the elements of fire and light with the help of a magical spell and a small secret ritual.

On a clear sunny day you need to go into nature and find a small clearing. You need to make sure that no one else can see you right now. Then stand in the middle of the clearing and stretch your arms up, straight towards the sun. At the same time, say the words of the magic spell:

Leila: how to subjugate water

To have the abilities of the sorceress Leila, you need to perform a magical ritual. To do this in the evening before going to bed, when the moon is shining through the window, place a glass of water on the windowsill in the room. Here are the words of the conspiracy that will help you gain the power of the water element:

“From now on, I will learn to control water and draw magical power from it! Leila, make me a real fairy, give me your magic! I swear that I will use it only for good!

After this you need to go to bed. If in the morning you felt a great surge of strength, it means that you have become a powerful sorceress who can now control water element. However, you shouldn’t immediately rush to the nearest body of water to test your strength. Your abilities will unfold gradually, day by day.

All technologies will be subject to

The sixth sorceress - Techno - had a skill that allowed her to subjugate all known technologies. How to make sure that your phone never breaks in your hands again, and the TV remote control doesn’t disappear when you need it most? To do this, you should turn to magic for help and perform a very simple ritual.

You need to take any home gadget, for example, cellular telephone or a tablet that belongs to you. Then in the evening, before going to bed, take it in your hands and quietly say:

“From this moment on, all technology becomes subject to me! Now nothing will break or work poorly for me! I have powerful magic - the magic of technology. From now on, any technology submits to me!”

After this secret ritual, the phone or tablet over which the magic words were spoken must not be turned on during the night. In the morning you will see that you have become much better at understanding any equipment in the house, and it has become better and faster.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Many girls dream of having real light wings. It's so great to learn how to fly with their help! Unfortunately, your transformation will go unnoticed by others. According to magical laws, the wings will not be visible to any people, but only to representatives magical worlds. One day the sorceress herself may see them in the lunar reflection of the lake.

However, this has never stopped special girls who know that magic is a serious thing, and it’s definitely not worth bragging to your friends that you got invisible wings through transformation. Otherwise, all the magic will disappear, and it will not always be possible to return it.

To become a fairy with wings in real life, at exactly midnight in the dark you will need to open the window and, looking at the sky, cast a magic spell ten times:

“I'm spreading my wings! I'm flying to the stars!"

After this, for seven days you have to imagine that wings are growing behind your back. After a week, a transformation will occur, and the girl will turn into a powerful sorceress with wings that she will feel behind her back whenever she wants.

In real life, a fairy with wings will not fly. But at night, in your sleep, you will fully feel your transformation and will be able to enjoy the wonderful feeling of flight and fascinating communication with kind creatures from other worlds.

There is another way to turn into a winged sorceress with transformation. This ritual will help:

  • draw on a blank sheet of paper the fairy with wings that you want to turn into;
  • On the back sheet, write down the magical abilities that you want to master. For example: “I want to fly”, “I want to treat animals” or “I want people to be drawn to me” and any others. The main thing is that they are not evil and cannot harm anyone;
  • then put the piece of paper under your pillow at night (it can be folded). Get enough sleep;
  • the next day, bury the leaf in the ground so that no one sees or digs it up.

How to turn into a fairy in a second? Ritual at home!

This is the easiest way to become a sorceress at home. To do this, you need to stay alone in your room, close your eyes and say the magic words three times:

“The power of the fairy is now with me!”

At first you will not feel anything, but then every day amazing adventures will begin to happen to you. You should always remember that now you are special. Therefore, you will be able to feel people, their desires, dreams. You need to help people and animals so that your strength increases. If you don't do this, your magical abilities may disappear.

Another way to quickly become a fairy at home requires courage of character. At night you need to wake up when it is still dark, go to the mirror and say the following words:

“Magic, give me the beauty and magic of a fairy!”

After this, quickly return to bed, close your eyes and fall asleep until the morning.

The next day, the girl who decided to acquire extraordinary talents in this way will feel much more confident in her abilities. If before she was timid, now she will feel more courageous and decisive, she will have good real friends.

How do you understand that you have become special?

After the mysterious initiation ceremony, many girls look forward to instant magical abilities. However, home magic doesn’t work like that, and you won’t be able to instantly, for example, become a fairy of nature or fire.

Magical talents will manifest themselves a little bit every day. You can feel magical changes every time you do a kind deed: feed a hungry kitten, comfort a crying baby, support a lonely person with a good word. After each such act, you will physically begin to feel how the magic in you becomes stronger.

You need to walk in nature as often as possible. A real sorceress spends most of her time among flowers and trees, helping them grow and protecting them. In return, the natural elements will give the special girl their wisdom and strength, which will allow her to multiply her extraordinary talents.

Becoming a fairy means living in harmony with people, nature and animals. Never offend them, but always help and support them. Then you will truly feel the wings behind your back and realize that you have turned into a powerful good witch.

How to become a fairy for real

First way. You need to write about your desire on a piece of paper. Write that you want to become a fairy, but that’s not all, you need to specifically indicate what kind of fairy you want to become (for example, a fairy of nature, water, or all powers...). Then drink a glass of water, and throw this paper out the open window, the main thing is that it flies as far as possible. Then you should go to bed and go to sleep. When you wake up, you will already be a fairy.

How to become a fairy at home

Second, no less good way. You need to fill a bowl with cool water, take paper of a certain color (if it is a love fairy, then red; for a nature fairy, green, etc.) and prepare a mirror and a candle. Cut out a heart from red paper, a maple leaf from green paper, and a wave from blue paper, it depends on what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you should set the edge of the paper on fire with a lit candle. Place the paper in water and reflect it in the mirror. Then, you need to look in the mirror and say: “I want to become a fairy!”, These words must be repeated three times, distinctly and clearly.

The third way to become a real fairy

Place ice in a large cup and wait until it melts. Then put your hand in this ice water and do not take it out for a minute or two, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into a fairy who has a certain power (which one is up to you to choose).

Remove your hand from the water and rub it with shampoo. Immediately after this, rinse it off with the water in which you kept your hand before. Then rub your hands against each other for two to three minutes. After this, in a few days you will become a fairy.

How to become a fairy in real life - method four

You need to take a bottle that previously contained perfume or eau de toilette. Fill this bottle with water to which you previously added 3 pinches of salt, 3 pinches of sugar and a tablespoon of liquid soap. Then place this bottle on the windowsill for two weeks.

Then once a day you need to “perfume” yourself with this water from the bottle, while you mentally imagine yourself turning into a cute fairy. After a certain number of days, your wish will come true!

How to turn into a fairy forever. Fifth way.

This should only be done when the moon is full. Wait until the moon is full. You need to have a glass of water and a piece of paper with you. On a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you need to go to the open window and then the moon will be reflected in the glass, then release your piece of paper with a wish into the glass and pour the water contained in the glass on yourself. And so, you became a fairy.

The sixth and surest way to become a fairy in life

To become a fairy without a full moon, you can ask the fairies themselves, let them give you this magical power. To do this you will need to summon these beautiful creatures. If you want to become a fire fairy, then sit down and sit down at the fire; if you want to become a water fairy, sit by the lake; if you want to become a moon fairy, look at the moon, only the full one (this is a prerequisite).

Then quietly call the fairy you want to see (for example: “Water Fairy, come to me!”). When you feel a slight breeze, or a chill, or the fluttering of their wings, it means that the fairy has come to you, you can ask her for the desired power. Just be sure to tell the fairy that you will use this power only for good purposes; if you do not say this, then she will not give you the power, and your wish will not come true. After that, just go home and go to bed, the next day you will wake up as a fairy with wings and magical powers.

The seventh way to become a fairy of all powers

Take toothpaste and spread this paste on your index fingers. You need to hold the paste on your fingers for 45 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Say out loud: “I am a fairy,” and repeat this phrase at least five times. After half an hour, you will hear the voices of fairies - ask them to give you miraculous powers, but you need to ask politely, only then they will agree. Go to bed, and if you wake up at night, you will see that your wish has come true - you have become a fairy with wings.

The eighth way to turn into a fairy

You need to be alone at home, so that nothing distracts you from this important process. Close your eyes and repeat “I am a fairy” three times, then clap your hands as you raise your arms above your head. This needs to be done every day for a long time, and then, perhaps, after some time you will turn into a fairy.

Tenth, last, easiest way to become a fairy

You must convince yourself that you are a fairy. Believe it with all your heart. You need to learn to find magic in the most ordinary, everyday things. Give positivity to everyone around you. Smile, say kind words, support in difficult times - these are the things that the people around you need. If you want to become a real fairy, you must learn how to do this first. To do this, you don’t need to perform any magical rituals - everything depends on you, you can right now become a fairy without wings if you pleasantly surprise the people around you.

I think with the help of this article and our useful tips, you have learned how to become a real fairy right now and begin to bring good and benefit to people. Good luck!

How to truly become a fairy on your own? The question interests the girls, since they know about the magical properties of fairies and that sorceresses have the power to do a lot. Becoming a fairy is not so difficult, but you have to try.

In the article:

How to become a fairy at home

To become a real fairy, you determine what magical properties you would like to adopt from your character: sorceresses can do a lot.

These magical creatures are capable of fulfilling wishes and commanding the elements.

Before performing rituals, it is worth deciding on the purpose. If a spellcaster wants to become a fairy who grants wishes, it is worth answering the question whether the girl is ready to help people all her life. If yes, a simple ritual is performed.

Need to . There are many methods of varying degrees of complexity. The simplest option will require colored markers or pencils, a sheet of paper, a beautiful fresh flower and sugar. A red circle is drawn on a piece of paper, an orange circle around it, then yellow, green, blue and purple. You should get a round rainbow. This is how sorceresses see her in flight.

Place a flower in the center of the rainbow and sprinkle with sugar. Then they begin to read the spell three times:

Fairy of wishes, I challenge you. Everything is prepared for you: a seven-color rainbow, a beautiful flower bud and sweet shiny crystals. The sugar glitters on the magical petals, the flower stands in a seven-colored circle, and the Fairy appears at that hour. Just like there are many grains of sugar, my desire is so strong, I can’t even count them, I desire so much. Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come.

If after the phrase the caster does not see the fairy, do not be upset - these creatures are rarely shown to people. But the presence of a magical creature is felt intuitively. Where a fairy appears, there is a special atmosphere of magic. If grains of sugar fall off the flower, the sorceress is nearby.

When the little helper comes to the call, you need to make a request:

Fairy of wishes, hear me, help me. Give me magical powers, knowledge, wisdom, beauty and charm. Give me the strength to help people. I’m not asking for myself, but in order to save the suffering, to help those who need me. Give me magical powers. Make me a fairy. Let it be so.

Communication with most magical creatures involves offerings and gifts. They say:

I want to appease you, I brought you a gift. If you fulfill the request, you will receive it.

They put sweets and decorations on the windowsill - a gift. Don’t be greedy: if the sorceress realizes that work is not appreciated enough, she will get angry.

If the spellcaster asks from the bottom of his heart, with good intentions, the magical creature will help him become a real fairy. The result will be very soon. A wave of positive energy will envelop the person, and the fairy of wishes will endow the girl with amazing abilities during the ritual or a few days later. A delay in transformation means that the caster is doubted. The decisions of sorceresses are swayed in the right direction by good deeds: only the worthy can join their ranks.

Transformation into a fairy in 1 minute in real life

The ritual is quick, used if the caster initially has a large supply of energy. If the magician does not have enough strength to perform a quick ritual, the ritual will not be completed. To carry out the transformation, you should go out into nature - a river bank, a forest, an open area.

It is advisable that there are no people nearby: no one needs additional confirmation of the existence of magic. The caster should spread his arms wide and raise his head up towards the sun. Feel how the sun's rays touch the body, envelop it, as if creating invisible protection and magic wings, and the magician receives magical properties.

You should tune in to this wave. Usually one minute is enough. Then they say one phrase:

Wings from sunlight woven, magical powers given by nature, from now on I am a real fairy and can create real miracles.

Afterwards, the girl will feel that real fairy wings have appeared from the sunlight. It is nature that has given us unique abilities that are used only for good purposes. If a magician uses magical powers to harm people, nature will take away the power as quickly as it gave it.

The secret way to transform

There are many ways. If a person is a lady natural forces, initially determine the patron element.

They settle on the elements according to their zodiac sign. If you are not happy with this choice, you need to prepare for difficulties along the way. It is much easier to ask for help from the element to which a person initially belongs. Managing natural phenomena is quite difficult.

There is a universal secret ritual that will allow you to join any chosen element. For the ceremony to be successful, you need to choose a suitable place:

  • forest - fairy of the earth;
  • coast of a reservoir - water fairy;
  • windy place - air fairy;
  • the area where the fire is safely lit is the fire fairy.

After determining the element, they look for a suitable place to conduct the ceremony and mentally prepare for the transformation. For the ritual, they come to the designated place before dawn. The sunrise is celebrated at the site of the ritual. As the sun begins to rise, the words are spoken:

Mother earth/sacred fire/violent wind/water that gives strength (depending on which element is addressed), give me strength. Give me wisdom, give me endurance, give me the fortitude not to turn away from my chosen path. Make me a real fairy. Give me the opportunity to control the elements, give goodness to people, and perform miracles. And I promise to be your obedient daughter and follow your laws in everything.

While casting the spell, they are as close to the elements as possible: they touch the ground, put their hands in the water, raise them to the wind, stretch them to the fire. The spell is repeated three times, after which the caster will feel that the spirits of the elements have arrived. If the entities are unhappy with the call and do not give power, the magician will feel strong anxiety, fear, and confusion.

If the forces of nature agree to bestow unique magical abilities, you will feel peace, joy, and happiness. The caster will feel energy flows emanating from the attribute symbolizing the element, enveloping him in a dense cocoon.

When the chosen element charges with an energy flow, they go home. When turning to the element of fire, the fire is extinguished so that no one knows that a ritual was being performed.

There will be changes the next day, but it doesn't end there. The abilities bestowed by the elements should be developed. Conducted. As the magician develops his skills, he will be able to perform miracles without resorting to spells.

How to become a real moon fairy

A lot has been said about magical abilities and the Moon. Moon fairies have the power to fulfill their most cherished desires. Sorceresses of the Moon are able to influence the course of events, see or change the future. If a girl wants to join the moon fairies, one ritual is performed.

They wait until the full moon, when sorceresses are strongest and can bestow a rare gift. At midnight you need to go to the window and open it so that you are under the light of the moon.

It is desirable that the moonlight completely illuminates the figure of the caster. Even if it’s at least to the waist, it’s already good. Prepare a sheet of paper in advance and write about your desire to become a fairy.

When the magician is illuminated by moonlight, they take out a sheet with a written wish. They read the request loudly and say:

Fairy of the moon, in my requests I call on you. I ask you, grant me magical powers, give me the opportunity to join you and become a moonlight fairy!

Next, take matches and a small saucer, where they put a note with a wish. The paper is set on fire and the ashes are thrown into the wind. You can go to bed. If the ceremony is performed correctly, the Moon Fairy will definitely hear and grant magical abilities.

Every girl is capable of becoming a fairy, she just needs to try. If you turn into a magical creature, it is difficult to return to human form. The exception is situations when the powers donated by patrons are taken away. To prevent this from happening, you should do good and help people.

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