On which hand to wear a men's watch. On which hand do men and women wear watches?

On which hand do girls wear watches? This question has been trying to answer for centuries. Small chronometers, which at first served as wristwatches, were worn in breast pockets. They were attached to beautiful chains and placed mainly in the left pocket of the vest, so that it was convenient to use them for people who had the right hand active. At the same time, the interests of left-handers were not taken into account at all.

Gradually, their use became more and more popular, and they began to serve not only to clarify the time, but also for decoration.

If the male half of humanity with the help of wrist watches emphasizes their status and financial well-being, then for women they perform the function of a fashion accessory with which you can look stylish and fashionable.

There are still no exact rules on which hand to wear a watch for girls. There are several options that are related to the history, etiquette and professional sphere of women. Each of them has the right to exist. Let's consider some of them.

Principles of mechanics and electronics

Considering that the first wristwatches were mechanical, on which hand to wear them was determined by a small wheel, with the help of which they were wound. And since it was on the right, they placed it on the left hand. This made it possible to quickly wind them up and fasten the strap (for right-handed people, of course). On this basis, it was determined why and on which hand the watch should be worn.

The situation did not change with the invention of electronic clocks. Despite the fact that it was no longer necessary to wind them up, the force of habit made me wear them on my left hand.

Moreover, in the 60s, the rules of etiquette strictly regulated the wearing of watches on the left hand.

Mystical coincidences

A special theory called "Fukuri" gives its answer on which hand to wear them. Considering the recent special interest in mysticism in Russia, she has found many admirers.

According to this theory, there are special important points on each wrist that affect a person's health. They are located under the thumb and follow each other.

Why can't you wear a watch on your left hand? Details in the video:

With the right impact on these points, it is possible to improve or, accordingly, worsen the work of all organs and systems. For example, the Cun point, which is responsible for Good work heart, located in women on the right hand. According to ancient teachings, in women, blood flows to the right side. Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity needs to have a watch on the left so as not to affect such an important point.

Believe this theory or not, you decide. However, the fact has long been recognized that at the time of death of a person, for inexplicable reasons, his watch also stops. This means that there is a close relationship between the mechanism and people.

Comfort and style

As we have said, there are no clear rules indicating which hand to wear them on. The choice depends only on personal preferences and purposes of use.

So, if you need them solely to control time, use them on a non-working hand.

This will give you the following benefits:

  • Convenience when doing work;
  • Safety of the mechanism from damage;
  • Psychological comfort in the perception of the dial;
  • Easy to adjust and fasten the strap.

If your task is the style of the image, and you want to use the accessory exclusively as a decoration, nothing prevents you from putting them on the hand on which you think they will look better.

Thus, the most the right choice hands to use the watch will be a criterion of convenience.

Psychological aspect

Psychologists have noted the fact that, regardless of the dominant hand, some women wear them on the right wrist, while others wear them on the left. What is it connected with?

After the research, the following conclusions were made.

Women who prefer to wear a watch on their right hand are purposeful people who know how to set goals and achieve them. They cope well with life's adversities and, as a rule, are creative personalities.

In addition, there is an active psychological theory that correlates left/right with a person's relationship to the future and the past. Thus, it is noted that lovers of wearing an accessory on the left wrist constantly subconsciously turn to the past, analyzing long-gone cases. But the right hand with the clock says that her mistress is aimed exclusively at the future, calculating the time she has left for new things.

Pay attention to how cleverly advertising specialists use this technique, placing the most important elements on the right.

Changing the future

We have already found out that women's watches can be worn on any hand, while in a certain way stimulating good health.

However, psychics believe that with the help of these convenient and stylish mechanisms, it is possible to correct not only health, but also fate. So, what are the signs and superstitions associated with them.

Everyone knows the widespread opinion that it is impossible to give a watch as a gift. Perhaps this is good, because in this way you can choose the necessary shape and size of the accessory to turn it into a real talisman.

  • Square shape. It should be chosen by those girls who suffer from their own frivolity and disorganization. They will help you get ready before a business meeting or an important conversation. Read also about.
  • Rhombus. Wear a watch in the form of a rhombus for any life adversity and mental discord. They will help you find harmony with yourself and calm down. But at the moment important decision you cannot wear them: they will not allow you to gather and bring your thoughts into working condition.
  • Circle. The magic of this form has been known for a long time. It makes the subconscious realize the transience of earthly existence and be more tolerant of other people and their shortcomings.
  • The oval shape should be chosen by women who cannot establish contacts with the people around them. Want a promotion? Do you dream of getting a competitor's place? Wear an oval watch! With their help, you will become more diplomatic and self-confident.
  • The triangular shape will help to achieve leadership. It is the triangle that will push you to new achievements and allow you to lead other people. However, you should not get carried away with such an accessory and wear it all the time, otherwise you risk turning into a narcissistic and arrogant person.
  • The hexagon will give inspiration to people of creative professions and help to find harmony.

If you have a watch that was inherited, regardless of its shape, it will become a powerful talisman. He will definitely protect you and give you good luck.

Right choice

Regardless of which hand a woman wears a watch on, you need to know how to choose the right one. Let's reveal a few secrets that will help you look stylish with this mechanism.

  • The case should match the size of the wrist: the accessory should not look too bulky or, conversely, small;
  • The strap should wrap tightly around the wrist, but not squeeze it;
  • Girls with thin, graceful wrists should choose a thin strap from chains or ribbons;
  • Watches of extravagant forms perfectly harmonize with elongated fingers;
  • Clear forms are necessary for women who have large hands and large wrists.

If you prefer an active lifestyle, the choice of accessory should be based on practicality: a rubber or metal strap will come in handy. After all, a good leather bracelet will be saturated with sweat, and your pen will exude not quite pleasant “flavors”.

Note! According to the rules of etiquette, you cannot look at the dial during a conversation: the person will get the impression that you have a desire to interrupt the conversation.

If you still need to navigate the time during a business meeting or a friendly conversation, put them on with the dial turned to the inner wrist. So you can quietly monitor the fleeting time.

We always try to adhere to certain rules. How to stay in society, how to conduct a dialogue correctly and, of course, how to look appropriate for the moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to a formal meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to watches. This accessory has firmly entered our lives and is no longer a traditional indicator of time. Today, a watch is an addition to the image, which can tell almost everything about its owner. What is the right way to wear a watch? On which hand? Are there any rules? Or maybe there are even interesting signs ... We will talk about this with you today.

Watch on the right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different, if I may say so, hands for wearing watches? There is an explanation for all this.

It is generally accepted that the watch on the right hand can wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is with the right hand that we produce more movements. Accordingly, the watch on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to somehow stand out from the crowd, you will choose the right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often, young people prefer to wear watches on their right hand, who tend to deviate from generally accepted norms and habitual customs. If you prefer to wear a watch on your right hand, then here you can most likely talk about a philosophical preference rather than a practical side.

According to psychologists the left side is characterized by negative shades, and the right side is positive, the left is the past, the right is the future. And all this can be attributed to wristwatches. If you are a purposeful person, try to move forward without looking back at past mistakes - choose the right hand.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also speaks in favor of wearing a watch on the right hand.. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the watch strap should be, there are energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a watch on your left hand, you can involuntarily put pressure on this point, which can even lead to cardiac arrest (again, this is all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, it is recommended to wear watches on the right hand.

Why should you wear a watch on your right hand?

There is another rather interesting version,The fact is that in this way you can protect the accessory from theft - in criminal circles, a watch on the right hand is a sign of "one's own", and pickpockets do not steal from their own.

Do you agree that this watch will look perfect on the right hand? ;-)

There is no specific etiquette in the field of wearing wristwatches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a watch on your right hand. This applies to the size and design of the watch (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with the clock. Probably the most common is that you can’t give a watch for a wedding, you can’t give a watch for a birthday either. Although, according to psychics, the donor needs to be given a coin in return in order to nullify all the negative aspects. But the watch that you inherited is the most powerful talisman for attracting good luck and protection. Such watches store all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatches, then we will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often adorned the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handed, the watch was worn on the left hand so as not to damage an expensive thing. Over time, watch production was established, and even models for left-handers went on sale, but the habit developed over a hundred years remained. Agree, because it is much more convenient to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap with your right hand.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, it is customary to wear watches on the left hand. And the point here is largely due to practicality. Indeed, in this way, we, first of all, get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we do most of the work with our right hand.

As for etiquette, then in a business environment, the watch should be on the left hand, whether it be a man or a woman. The choice of this side will indicate the elegance and education of a business person. It is also worth paying attention that the watch does not look out much from under the shirt cuff, is not very defiant (so that the interlocutor is not distracted) and corresponds to the business style.

Why do people choose their left hand to wear wristwatches:

It's just convenient, because putting a watch on your left hand and helping yourself with your right hand is much more practical.

The watch can be wound without even removing it from your hand.

On the left hand, the watch is the least susceptible to damage and any other influences. After all, according to one sign, a damaged watch promises problems to its owner, therefore, you should treat your wristwatch as carefully as possible.

According to the esoteric version, wrist watches for the left hand are chosen by those who cannot accept their past, constantly experiencing events that can no longer be changed.

The watch on the left hand indicates that its owner is a creative person.

Wristwatches entered our lives in the 20s of the twentieth century. With the development of new technologies, it seemed to everyone that they had become obsolete, they had become a relic of the past, because now time can be viewed on a mobile, laptop, tablet and other gadgets with which we have become inseparable. But it turned out - no, they wear watches, although, of course, not everyone they meet.

Now this thing carries a slightly different semantic load. This is not a chronometer in the first place, but a fashion accessory, an integral part of a gentleman's business suit, as well as a lady's fashionable image.

In the higher reaches of society, the trained layman's eye can determine your status and creditworthiness in a minute, just by looking at your watch. We will not delve into such aspects, whether it is necessary to wear a watch at all, which watch brand is better to choose and how to choose the right watch. Now we will discuss the question on which hand a woman should wear a watch, is it really important to adhere to generally accepted norms.

On which hand should women wear? Practical Considerations

It is believed that women wear watches on their left hand:

  1. First of all, this is due to practicality, because most people have a working hand - right. So that they do not interfere with work, the watch was worn on the left hand.
  2. There was another important aspect: earlier chronometers were mechanical, so they required frequent winding. Naturally, it is more convenient to turn the miniature head of the winding mechanism with the right hand. Yes, and unfasten-fasten the strap as well.

Important! For left-handers, the opposite is true, but earlier this part of society was little considered. Therefore, the norm somehow took root that girls should wear watches on their left hand. This was even recorded in the strict rules of etiquette in the middle of the last century.

Now many models do not require winding, you just need to change the battery in time. Therefore, on which hand to wear a watch is up to you, based only on personal convenience and practicality.

The psychology of the question

Psychologists believe that a person’s left hand symbolizes the past, and the right hand symbolizes the future. Based on these considerations, if you strive to build your future, keep up with the times, open up new horizons in your personal life and business, you should wear such an accessory on your right hand.

Psychologists noted the following picture:

  1. Purposeful, self-confident, business women wear a stylish watch on their right hand. They are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties, they go through life confidently and with their heads held high.
  2. Wearing a watch on the left hand is preferred by girls who value stability and love romance.

What else should you know? Bioenergetics of the issue

Representatives Chinese medicine, rooted in the distant past, they assure that there are certain energy points on the human body. They can be manipulated to influence health. It is difficult for our compatriots to understand exactly how, but it really works!

Probably everyone has heard about healing acupuncture and the magical results of acupuncture. Eastern folk healers are well aware that the human body, and especially the limbs, are dotted with such points. If you know where to press, you can get rid of pain, or improve the functioning of a particular organ in the human body.

The body, from their point of view, is permeated with special meridians through which vital energy circulates. In certain places there are reflex points located not deep under the skin, which can be affected by acupressure or acupuncture.

There are also such energy nodes on the wrist under the thumb. According to the ancient Chinese teaching "Fukuri", the active points responsible for the work of the heart in men and women are located on different hands:

  1. For men, it is on the left, so they should wear bracelets and watches on the right hand.
  2. And for women, such points are on the right hand, so it is advisable to wear the watch on the left, so as not to interfere with the work of the heart with a tight strap or other details.

Important! The energy flow must circulate freely and unhindered. This is the key to the correct and stable operation of our "motor", according to the ancient Chinese. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Aesthetics and style

If you have already decided on which hand to wear a watch, then do not forget about some of the rules dictated by fashion.

For a woman, a hand chronometer is, first of all, an accessory, so it should be combined with the style of clothing in general:

  1. If you go for a walk with your child in the park, head to the gym or, wearing a tracksuit, go with friends to nature, then it is quite possible to get by with a simple electronic watch on a silicone bracelet.
  2. Are you going to a celebration? Then the accessory must be elegant and elegant.
  3. It is undesirable to hang the same hand with watches, bracelets, noticeable rings. Distribute decorations evenly.
  4. For a party and a disco, you can pick up a creative watch with an unusual dial and a strap decorated with rhinestones, chains, beads and other similar details. Young ladies now prefer watches with multi-tiered bracelets.
  5. According to etiquette, the dial must fit the wrist of the “hostess”. Tiny watches on a full hand and “Kremlin chimes” on a thin handle look ugly.

As you can see, there are no strict rules regarding which hand a woman should wear a watch on, so be guided, first of all, by your own comfort and personal preferences.

We always try to adhere to certain rules. How to stay in society, how to conduct a dialogue correctly and, of course, how to look appropriate for the moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to a formal meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to watches. This accessory has firmly entered our lives and is no longer a traditional indicator of time. Today, a watch is an addition to the image, which can tell almost everything about its owner. What is the right way to wear a watch? On which hand? Are there any rules? Or maybe there are even interesting signs ... We will talk about this with you today.

Watch on the right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different, if I may say so, hands for wearing watches? There is an explanation for all this.

It is generally accepted that the watch on the right hand can wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is with the right hand that we produce more movements. Accordingly, the watch on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to somehow stand out from the crowd, you will choose the right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often, young people prefer to wear watches on their right hand, who tend to deviate from generally accepted norms and habitual customs. If you prefer to wear a watch on your right hand, then here you can most likely talk about a philosophical preference rather than a practical side.

According to psychologists the left side is characterized by negative shades, and the right side is positive, the left is the past, the right is the future. And all this can be attributed to wristwatches. If you are a purposeful person, try to move forward without looking back at past mistakes - choose the right hand.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also speaks in favor of wearing a watch on the right hand.. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the watch strap should be, there are energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a watch on your left hand, you can involuntarily put pressure on this point, which can even lead to cardiac arrest (again, this is all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, it is recommended to wear watches on the right hand.

Why should you wear a watch on your right hand?

There is another rather interesting version,The fact is that in this way you can protect the accessory from theft - in criminal circles, a watch on the right hand is a sign of "one's own", and pickpockets do not steal from their own.

Do you agree that this watch will look perfect on the right hand? ;-)

There is no specific etiquette in the field of wearing wristwatches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a watch on your right hand. This applies to the size and design of the watch (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with the clock. Probably the most common is that you can’t give a watch for a wedding, you can’t give a watch for a birthday either. Although, according to psychics, the donor needs to be given a coin in return in order to nullify all the negative aspects. But the watch that you inherited is the most powerful talisman for attracting good luck and protection. Such watches store all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatches, then we will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often adorned the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handed, the watch was worn on the left hand so as not to damage an expensive thing. Over time, watch production was established, and even models for left-handers went on sale, but the habit developed over a hundred years remained. Agree, because it is much more convenient to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap with your right hand.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, it is customary to wear watches on the left hand. And the point here is largely due to practicality. Indeed, in this way, we, first of all, get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we do most of the work with our right hand.

As for etiquette, then in a business environment, the watch should be on the left hand, whether it be a man or a woman. The choice of this side will indicate the elegance and education of a business person. It is also worth paying attention that the watch does not look out much from under the shirt cuff, is not very defiant (so that the interlocutor is not distracted) and corresponds to the business style.

Why do people choose their left hand to wear wristwatches:

It's just convenient, because putting a watch on your left hand and helping yourself with your right hand is much more practical.

The watch can be wound without even removing it from your hand.

On the left hand, the watch is the least susceptible to damage and any other influences. After all, according to one sign, a damaged watch promises problems to its owner, therefore, you should treat your wristwatch as carefully as possible.

According to the esoteric version, wrist watches for the left hand are chosen by those who cannot accept their past, constantly experiencing events that can no longer be changed.

The watch on the left hand indicates that its owner is a creative person.

Every day before leaving the house we think: what to wear? What will our image be like today? When choosing clothes and accessories, most often we are guided by three well-known points: etiquette, convenience and beauty. They can also become decisive in the dilemma: on which hand should the watch be worn - on the right or on the left?

Why do we wear watches on our hands?

That's the question! On what else? Well, probably, many will be surprised to learn that before the invention of wristwatches, they were worn on a chain - either as a pendant (female version) or in a pocket (male version).

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. pocket watches were considered fashionable and convenient, and therefore an incredibly popular accessory. So why have they almost disappeared from modern life? Of course, the mere appearance of a wrist watch did not mean the instant surrender of pocket watches. Just the opposite. For a long time, the society did not want to part with the already beloved pocket ones and change them for no one knows what. Moreover, in the 19th century, the first wristwatches were created only for women and rather for beauty, and not for use - therefore, men refused to wear anything like that for quite a long time. But the period of European wars at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries demonstrated the need to change priorities.

Trench watches became a transitional link between pocket and wrist watches. As the name implies, they were created for the needs of the field troops. In fact, these were almost the same "pickpockets", only with wires welded on the sides, into which a long strap was threaded for secure fastening even over the uniform. During the First World War, it became clear that not only ground forces, but also aviation needed watches.

A little later it was adjusted industrial production watches with modern strap lugs instead of wire loops. At first they were available only to the military and were even issued as an element of ammunition. Everything turned upside down: now women's watches have become a rarity, while men flaunted this accessory very often.

Nowadays, many watch brands use retro motifs in their designs, referring to the time when the career and even the life of professionals depended on a quick glance at the readings of a wristwatch.

On which hand is it customary to wear a watch?

Watches are usually worn on the left hand. But only because most people (85%) are right-handed. The three most popular explanations for this phenomenon are dictated solely by convenience, and not by someone's whim.

1. The working hand is not loaded with unnecessary accessories that may interfere with work, writing, etc.

2. It is convenient to fasten the watch on the left hand with the working right hand.

3. It is also convenient to wind a mechanical watch with a working right hand (which is why the classic location of the crown is on the right side of the case).

Watches worn on the left hand: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolly, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama.

Can the watch be worn on the right hand?

The question sounds like “is it possible to write with the left hand?” - Of course you can, it's your hands! Left-handers have survived more than one era of discrimination. In the Middle Ages, they were subjected to serious pressure from society - left-handedness was equated with obsession. In the Soviet Union (and in other countries of the same era), left-handed schoolchildren were forcibly retrained to be right-handed.

Fortunately, this issue is now closed. There are even separate brands that produce left-handed models: in such watches, the head and buttons are located not on the right, but on the left.

If the left hand is working, it is more convenient to wear a watch on the right, and no one can argue otherwise. Except for the left-handers themselves, who, like some right-handers, sometimes calmly wear a watch on their working hand. For example, Vladimir Putin, although he is right-handed, wears a watch on his right hand, because, according to him, on the left hand, the crown rubs the brush.

Watches are worn on the right hand: Alexander Lukashenko, Ksenia Sobchak, James Cameron, David Beckham.

On which hand do men and women wear watches?

The choice of hand has nothing to do with the gender of the person. There are only certain situations when the choice of hand is dictated by the established ideas of style and etiquette in society. On which hand to wear a watch, men and women decide depending on the given conditions.

On which hand do men wear watches?

For men, watches are, first of all, a serious indicator of status and social status. Following business etiquette, they wear them on the left hand. However, men who still wear a watch on their right hand have a logical advantage: they will definitely notice their watch before others, even during a greeting handshake.

On which hand do women wear watches?

For women, watches are primarily an ornament, so they put them on any hand. Thinking about which hand the watch is worn on, girls sometimes show miracles of creativity and put on elegant bracelet watches on both hands at once. The only exception is when a woman follows a strictly conservative business style and, like men, chooses her left hand.

By the way, among men there are also those who wear watches on both hands. It really is so convenient for someone, but for the most part this style is designed to shock the public and emphasize their own non-conformist style. For example, among famous people, Diego Maradona wears watches on both hands.

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