Overfilling or underfilling oil: which is worse? Determining engine oil starvation: causes, signs and consequences Oil below the consequence level.

To ensure trouble-free operation of your car's engine, you need to regularly check the engine oil. This is the simplest procedure that requires maximum regularity. It is not necessary to go to a service station to measure the oil level - it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Advice! Check the level if you are planning a long trip ahead, as the check should not take place after heavy loads on the engine.

How is the level checked?

Level control can be divided into two main stages. This is the preparatory stage and the verification process itself.

Preparation stage

The preparation stage, in turn, is divided into the following processes:

Level check

Level checking is divided into the following stages:

  1. You need to remove the dipstick. Its standard length is about 30 centimeters, but the marks according to which the engine oil level is determined are located in its lower part. The dipstick is removed slowly and carefully. A cloth or paper towel should be kept nearby to prevent the oil from spreading on the surface.

Attention! Do not put a lot of effort into removing the dipstick. A little twisting and pressing is required just to move it out of position.

What are the dangers of excess oil to the engine?

Of course, an excess of oil is not as bad for the engine as a shortage, but it can still lead to certain malfunctions in the operation of the vehicle. Excessive oil can lead to:

What to do if there is insufficient oil?

If during the measurement of the oil level it was noticed that there was not enough oil, then it is necessary to top up to increase the volume to the required level. It is very important not to mix different types or brands of oils. It is necessary to replenish the volume only with the brand that is currently in the car. That is why you need to be prudent and, when replacing, buy it with a small margin. If there is no stock, then it is best to look for it on the shelves of a special store.

It’s not so scary when the level drops during a long trip and is exactly at the lower mark; it is much worse if it is much lower and you need to immediately top it up on the highway. Sometimes it may be that there is no such exact oil and you should not lose heart here, since there are brands that can be easily mixed with all types of oils without unpleasant consequences.

Attention! It is necessary to drive on mixed fuel only for a short period of time and, without delay, carry out a complete replacement with one type of oil.

Replenishment of the required oil volume

If changing or adding oil is being done for the first time, and you do not have the necessary experience, it is recommended that you first study the special manual for operating and repairing the car. Also, when there is no information about what oil is currently used, you need to study some of the features of your vehicle and conclude which oil best meets your requirements. Since oils exist in huge quantities, the choice will not be easy.

Adding oil is done through a special cap, which can be found at the top of the engine. Often there may be various inscriptions on it - indicators such as “Oil Fill”; in some cases, a special mark is applied to the surface of the cover, which indicates the type of oil suitable for a given engine. Unscrew the lid and insert a convenient and clean watering can into the hole.

Advice! It is best to use any rag to unscrew the lid. This will help avoid getting your hands dirty.

Add oil slowly. It is recommended to do this in small portions. It is necessary to pause periodically so that the oil has time to settle into the crankcase. You must be careful not to pour it over the top of the watering can, because then it will flow onto the engine and will smoke while heating. This will bring discomfort to both the driver and the passenger, since the burning smell will penetrate through the cooling system into the vehicle interior.

After topping up, check the level again. You should also take out the dipstick and carry out all the same manipulations as in the first check.


It is necessary to regularly analyze the level and condition of the oil. Undoubtedly, there are sensors for this, but you should not blindly trust their readings. Because it's just equipment and it also tends to make mistakes. In addition, the sensor will not be able to tell you the color and consistency of the oil. You need to see this for yourself.

If you regularly carry out control measurements and timely top up if necessary, you can be sure that your vehicle will not let you down.

How to properly check the engine oil level, we will learn in more detail in the following video:

Reliable engine operation is directly related to the amount of oil in its crankcase. To determine the volume of consumables, each car has a special probe with a pair of notches. They show the minimum and maximum of engine fluid (you need to check it no earlier than 10 minutes after stopping the engine). The difference between these marks is approximately 1 liter. It is considered normal if the oil level is between these notches for any car: Ford, Opel or KAMAZ - it doesn’t matter. Most car owners are probably aware of the consequences of a lack of oil in the engine: ultimately, this threatens major repairs. But what happens if the engine oil level is higher than normal?

Main reasons for overflow

When replacing engine fluid, you should check the manufacturer's recommendations for volume to prevent overflow. The value will be average: it all depends on how completely the old lubricant was drained. But in any case, following the factory’s instructions, you will keep the amount of oil within the required limits. Reasons for overflow:

  • changing the oil on a cold engine: after warming up, as you know from a school physics course, bodies expand and the level of engine fluid will rise;
  • topping up consumables when the machine is standing on an uneven place with a slope back or to the side;
  • pouring motor fluid from an excessively large container: you may simply not calculate the required amount, especially if there are no marks on the canister;
  • basic inattention;
  • lack of tightness of the gas pump: as a result, the oil is mixed with fuel, and the lubricant level increases above normal. It’s easy to check: smell the dipstick, and if you smell fuel, start fixing the problem.

Another reason for increased pressure in the system is the use of oil that is not appropriate for the season. For example, if you use winter material in summer, at excessively low temperatures, an increase in volume due to reduced oil viscosity is quite possible.

What happens if you fill the oil above the level?

One of the main consequences is deformation of the sealing elements: seals, gaskets. If the oil is filled in excess of the norm, leaks will occur, and the consumption of engine fluid will increase: you will have to constantly add it, and if this moment is skipped, the pressure in the engine lubrication system will become less than normal, which will lead to premature wear of the engine. Also overflow is one of the. But these are far from the only consequences; there are others.

Bay of candles

If there is excess pressure in the engine after an oil overflow, at some point it is pulsed into the chamber: it is formed. As a result, starting the engine becomes more difficult, it loses its power, and fuel consumption increases. This development of events is true for both the Volkswagen Touareg and the Russian Prior.

Oil foaming

If there is an excess of it, the crankshaft literally begins to drown in the lubricant, foaming it. This leads to the appearance of a non-uniform mass and the formation of air bubbles. The hydraulic compensators begin to fill with it, causing the operation of these elements to lose stability. As a result, the load on other parts of the gas distribution mechanism increases, which fail before their service life.

Problems in the engine lubrication system

The first to “suffer” is the one that gets dirty very quickly. This occurs due to the fact that air bubbles lift dirt from the bottom of the crankcase and spread it, like a virus, throughout the vehicle's lubrication system.

However, this cannot be called a serious problem: we are talking about a consumable element, which is still installed with a new one the next time the engine fluid is replaced. Much more dangerous is the accelerated wear of the oil pump gears: the large amount of liquid it pumps quickly reduces its working life. And the cost of the device, especially for foreign cars, is very significant.

Formation of excessively toxic exhaust gases

The smoke will be black and have a strong smell of burnt oil. The result is a “cocktail” that is extremely harmful to human health, especially if diesel smokes. Therefore, if you already know that the oil level is high and you need to drive, warm up the engine in an open garage.

Also, a large amount of oil leads to gradual clogging of the muffler and its rapid wear (this is facilitated by deposits formed when oil burns inside the exhaust system pipes).

Risks for cars with high mileage

New units and components will “survive the stress” with less consequences, but for an old car - Nissan, BMW, Ford Focus, Opel Astra and any other passenger car the situation can be more and more serious, since worn parts react more sharply in case of an emergency: the engine will begin to “approach” major repairs at an accelerated pace.

I poured oil into the engine: what to do?

The answer is obvious: you need to get rid of excess amounts of consumables. It’s worth noting right away that it is not recommended to wait until it fades naturally. It's better to remove the excess yourself. But how?

Method one

Warm up the engine and drive the car onto an overpass or inspection hole (you can also use a lift). Further:

  • Unscrew the cap from the oil filler neck;
  • unscrew the drain plug and drain excess liquid into a pre-set container;
  • quickly screw the plug back on;
  • check the oil level with a dipstick and, if necessary, add it or repeat the procedure;
  • check the level again.

This method is most often used when time is short or when the oil begins to foam, which can be determined by the dipstick. It makes sense to drain the lubricant in this way when it is fresh. If the car has covered 6-7 thousand km, it is more advisable to simply change the composition along with the filter. Disadvantage of the method: the work, frankly speaking, is not clean, and besides, oil loss is possible, since it is drained “by eye.” Therefore, many people prefer to get rid of excess material in a different way.

Method two

You will need a thin tube (for example, from an IV) and a disposable medical syringe corresponding in diameter. The engine must be warmed up before draining. Algorithm of actions:

  • remove the cap from the oil filler neck;
  • pull out the dipstick and insert the tube into the vacated hole;
  • connect a syringe to its second end;
  • pull out its piston, disconnect it from the tube and drain the excess into a prepared container;
  • Check the oil level and repeat the procedure if necessary.

The method is precise and accurate: you can extract exactly as much liquid as you poured. The only negative is that if the overflow was serious, it will take a lot of time to remove the excess.

Method three

Suitable for VAZ if you pour oil in a small amount: for example, 200-300 grams. In this case, simply unscrew the oil filter and pour out the excess. Put the element in place and check the level: it should be normal. There is another method similar to the second; only here the mouth is used instead of a syringe. With some experience, this is possible, but, as people say, it’s not for everybody.

How to check the oil level correctly

This seemingly simple operation has its own nuances. First, prepare a clean rag. Now about the need to warm up the engine: even experienced mechanics argue about this: some say that you need to check it when it’s “cold”, others – when it’s “hot”. Both sides are relatively right: when the engine heats up, the volume of lubricant increases, and vice versa. Based on this, some automakers make two marks on the dipstick: HOT (hot) and COLD (cold). Procedure:

  • place the car on a flat horizontal platform (to check, switch the speed to “neutral” and release the handbrake: the car should stand still);
  • turn off the engine and wait 10 minutes for the fluid to drain into the pan;
  • pull out the dipstick, wipe it with a rag and reinsert it into the socket;
  • remove the “meter” again and check the level.

The process is described in more detail in the video.

About the role of oil in the engine

We have already found out that in an oil-filled engine, all its characteristics will deteriorate. The fact is that the greatest effect of the lubricant is observed when it is on the surface of the “piece of iron”, and not in the case of a complete immersion of an assembly or part into it. Excess oil clogs the channels and the result is a paradox that contradicts the well-known proverb “you can’t spoil porridge with oil.” The more it is, the less it reaches the crankshaft bearings, which causes rapid wear of the part. Here you go. To avoid getting into trouble, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and pour as much engine oil as required: no more and no less. It doesn’t matter what kind of car you have: a powerful truck with a YaMZ engine or a modest Chevrolet.

If many car owners are familiar with the fact that a low level of car oil in the engine lubrication system leads to serious consequences. But few people think that an excessive level, or overfilling, of engine oil can also lead to breakdowns. Therefore, it is important to maintain the oil level mark within the “MIN” and “MAX” limits on the special dipstick.

It is worth recalling that operating a car with a car oil level below the norm is strictly prohibited. At a minimum, before you start driving, you will need to top it up to normal, or go to a technical inspection station to determine the location of the leak, or to repair the vehicle.

Why is it dangerous to exceed the maximum oil level?

It’s not for nothing that car manufacturers indicate minimum and maximum oil level marks on car dipsticks. It is the gap between them (which is about one liter) that is most optimal for the high-quality operation of an internal combustion engine. But there is a certain group of motorists who believe that a “stock” of lubricant in the crankcase will not be a hindrance. But the truth is that fuel consumption will increase, and this is in the most optimistic forecasts.

The fact is that in normal mode, automobile oil lubricates all mechanical elements in the engine, thereby reducing the resistance force when the pistons move and the crankshafts and gears rotate, and protects the parts from wear. An excess of fluid in the system will lead to increased pressure and increased resistance during the movement of all elements. After all, you will have to push not only the parts themselves, but also the excess viscous fluid, which will give noticeable resistance at revolutions above a thousand.

Consequently, increased resistance in engine operation will lead to a decrease in its power and an increase in fuel consumption.

It is worth noting that increased fuel consumption without other consequences is an unlikely scenario, and realistic only in the early stages. Long-term operation of a vehicle with excess engine oil in the system can lead to a number of different breakdowns:

Intensive formation of carbon deposits begins, which appears on all internal elements of the engine;

Increase in harmful substances in the vehicle exhaust and contamination of the entire exhaust system;

An excessive oil level in the system leads to its intensive entry into the combustion chambers and, consequently, to the appearance of thick blue smoke from the exhaust pipe (you can read about other reasons for the appearance of blue smoke in our article: “What to do if blue smoke comes from the exhaust pipe ");

Naturally, intensive oil combustion leads to its consumption and increased cash costs for car maintenance;

Damage to oil seals in the engine. Due to the increased pressure, they will be squeezed out, or a leak will appear due to the formation of soot;

Intensive contamination of spark plugs, which will reduce their efficiency and shorten their service life.

Why does the engine overflow?

As you might guess, the main reason for a high level of engine oil is its overfilling when replacing or topping up the system. In this case, the cause becomes the owner of the car due to inattention or an accidental error. That's why. Before changing your engine oil, you should read the instructions and find out. How much oil is needed for your car, and monitor the amount of residue in the canister in advance.

The second reason for an increase in engine oil volume may be the ingress of coolant, water or fuel into the system. More often. This occurs due to a violation of the tightness of the gaskets between parts and mechanisms, or mechanical damage to the engine block.

It is worth noting that if a high oil level was detected immediately or in the near future, then nothing critical could happen to the engine. Therefore, it is worth moving on to urgently removing excess oil. To do this, you can use several methods, but be careful, if the engine oil has changed its consistency, viscosity or has foreign inclusions or foam, then you must urgently go to a technical inspection station. Because these are the first signs of foreign liquids entering the system.

How to remove excess oil through a hose?

For this method, at a minimum, you need a long hose that is inserted into the filler neck. To pump out excess liquid, you can use your mouth (not recommended, motor oil is a toxic liquid), a pump or a syringe. At the same time, the oil level should be checked regularly.

How to remove excess oil through the drain hole?

You can also use the drain hole in the oil pan and drain all the car oil, and then fill in the required amount again. The entire procedure completely repeats the process of replacing used fluid yourself, with the only exception: the drained oil will not be used and will be refilled.

Remember, before the procedure, you should wait until the engine has completely cooled down. Because hot oil can cause serious burns. Now let's move on to a step-by-step description of the procedure.

1. It is necessary to open the filler cap.

2. After placing the car on an overpass or over a repair pit, you need to find the drain plug on the pan.

3. Before unscrewing the plug, you need to place a convenient container for the drained oil.

4. After the preparatory processes, you need to use a wrench or a special tool.

5. Now you just have to wait about 10 minutes until it drains completely.

6. After the oil is completely drained, it is necessary to tighten the drain plug tightly, but without excessive zeal.

7. The last point is to fill the engine with oil, but be more careful about this.

It is worth remembering that the oil level in the car must be checked regularly, at least 1 - 2 times a week.

As a rule, during the operation of a car, a large number of drivers are faced with the fact that the engine oil level gradually decreases after replacement. There may be several reasons for such a decrease, starting with certain malfunctions and ending, which is quite acceptable for many engines.

Less often, a car owner may encounter an increase in oil level during the next check. It is important to understand that by itself (depending on temperature, etc.) the total volume of lubricant cannot increase significantly.

In other words, if this happens, then we are talking about a malfunction, and often quite serious. Next, we will talk about why the engine oil level rises, as well as what the driver should do if the engine oil level rises sharply.

Read in this article

So, as already mentioned, the consumption of lubricant is normally allowed, but not an increase in its quantity. As a rule, there are only three reasons for this phenomenon:

  • oil was initially poured into the engine;
  • fuel actively enters the lubrication system;
  • the oil system contains coolant ();

Before considering each case in order, let's start with the fact that the oil level must be measured correctly. Further, a high oil level in the engine, like a low one, is not allowed. With a low level, everything is clear, since it will immediately disable the power unit.

At the same time, knowing that without lubrication the engine wears out quickly and severely, many mistakenly believe that the more oil you pour into the engine, the better. This is especially true if the engine “eats” oil on its own or for other reasons (for example, wear, etc.).

What to look for when the lubrication level is high

It turns out that a high level can arise as a result of a banal overflow of oil into the engine. Also, possible mistakes should not be ruled out, especially among novice car owners:

  • when replacing or adding lubricant, the car was not placed on a flat horizontal platform;
  • the lubricant was added, then the dipstick was immediately removed to check the level, without taking into account that it was necessary to wait for the time during which the residues still flowed into the pan;
  • the level was checked “hot” immediately after stopping the internal combustion engine, etc.

In this case, excess lubricant must be removed immediately, which will avoid foaming, oil squeezing out through oil seals, gaskets and seals, oiling of the turbocharger, and penetration of lubricant into other systems and components.

  • Let's move on to the second reason. To understand why the oil level in the engine increased in this case, it is enough to evaluate the operation of the engine, as well as the condition of its power system. We will not consider outdated carburetor internal combustion engines separately, focusing on injection power units. However, a number of problems may be common to both types.

First of all, disturbances in engine operation (failures, etc.) parallel to a significant increase in fuel consumption will indicate that the fuel-air mixture does not burn in individual cylinders for one reason or another. In this case, part of the fuel will actually “fly out” into the exhaust pipe, while the other part will inevitably flow into the crankcase through.

If we add to this that the engine itself may be worn out (missing rings, damage to the cylinder bore, obvious smoke from a grayish exhaust, etc.), then the total amount of fuel in the oil often turns out to be quite large.

In this case, the oil smells like gasoline, becomes highly flammable and dilutes greatly, which can be reliably determined during testing. Also, with such diluted lubricant, the engine runs very noisily, and the unit itself will quickly fail.

In this case, fuel in the oil is only a consequence of breakdowns, and the root causes of the engine malfunction itself can be different. For example, problems with mixture formation (the mixture becomes over-rich in gasoline and loses its ability to ignite), lack of spark on the spark plugs, low compression, leaking injectors (when closed injectors “pour” fuel), etc.

In any case, the engine cannot be operated with such a problem, since the lubricant loses its protective, antifriction and other properties. The power unit must be repaired immediately, eliminating the main cause or a whole set of problems due to which fuel enters the engine crankcase.

  • Finally, the third reason. In this case, working fluid from the cooling system enters the engine oil. This is indicated by a decrease in the coolant level in the expansion tank, an increase in the oil level, and also under the oil filler cap.

The danger of mixing oil and antifreeze is that the result is not only a loss of oil properties, but also the formation of sediment. This deposit is the result of a chemical reaction between the additives in the base engine oil and the component package in the coolant.

What malfunctions are indicated by the emulsion on the oil dipstick and oil filler cap? Ways to independently determine the causes of this problem.

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