Convert milliamps to amperes hour. Phone battery capacity

How quickly our phone drains directly affects the comfort of working with the device as a whole. This is understandable: when a smartphone fails at the most unexpected moments (for example, on the way home), the user experiences not the most pleasant sensations. It seems that the phone is there, but cannot be used. Moreover, we are talking mainly about entertainment.

What about a function such as communication or the ability to send a message? Imagine that you need to order a taxi late at night, and your phone died.

In this article we will talk about how the battery affects the operating time of the device, what high-capacity batteries are, how to find out the capacity of the phone battery, etc.

What is battery capacity?

So let's start with general characteristics technical parameters each battery. First of all, it is capacity. This designation shows how capacious the battery is, how much charge it can accept and transfer to an electronic device. Simply put, a battery's capacity shows how much electrical charge it can accept and store for your phone.

Capacity is measured in mAh (milliamp-hours). Each phone comes with different batteries, the capacity of which may vary. About what characteristics they have nutritional elements installed in certain device models, we will discuss later in this article.

Of course, you can expect that the battery capacity determines the operating time of the phone. This statement is quite logical. However, in practice it does not always work. We’ll talk further about what determines the operating time of a smartphone without recharging.

Dependence of capacity on charge consumption

In addition to the fact that the duration of the device depends on the capacity of the battery, there is another important indicator. You can call it the degree of optimization of phone systems.

Let's give clear example, which will show that battery capacity should not be overestimated when characterizing phones. Let's say the iPhone 6 model has a battery of approximately 1900 mAh. For comparison: devices Chinese manufacturers, running on Android, have batteries with a capacity of 2500 mAh. However, in practice, it may turn out that the Apple product will work longer. The reason is that it is optimized an order of magnitude better: the smartphone does not heat up, it is based on a single closed-source operating system that simply “flies” while working with the device. The same cannot be said about Chinese mobile phones, which, having a huge battery, heat up like an iron; hang and constantly slow down.

How to find out the battery capacity?

When choosing a phone, some users really pay attention to such an indicator as capacity. With it, they are confident that they will be able to choose a more durable device that will delight them without recharging for a longer period of time.

You can find out the capacity in the technical characteristics of the device (they can be seen both in a regular store on display with the phone and in online stores) upon purchase, and simply look at it by removing the back cover of the phone yourself. Under it you will see the battery label - the manufacturer, certificate and, of course, its capacity will be indicated there (in mAh or mAh - this is the same thing).

iPhone battery capacity

We have already mentioned that iOS devices can be called quite highly optimized. Now let's take a look at the real specifications the most popular versions of these phones.

So, iPhone 4, 5 and 6 generations have batteries with capacities of 1420, 1440 and 1810 mAh, respectively. As you can see, in fact, the iPhone battery capacity can hardly be called large. The same Samsung Galaxy S2 had an 1800 mAh battery, while it worked much less on a single charge.

The secret to the success of Apple technology is in the optimization work that was carried out on the devices. As we see, practice has shown its justification.

Samsung batteries

Since we’ve already mentioned the brainchild of the Korean mobile corporation, we can also characterize some phones from the Galaxy line. After all, if you analyze a lot of media from the world of mobile technologies and electronics, Samsung is often called a competitor to Apple. Let's try to compare the battery capacity of these phones.

So, if we characterize the Galaxy S, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6 devices, then their battery capacity will be 1500, 1800, 2100, 2600, 2800 and 2550 mAh, respectively! As we see, in addition to latest generation, the phone was steadily increasing its battery capacity. And this dynamic is definitely sharper than Apple's. Although user reviews about this line do not call the smartphones durable, they lag behind the iPhone in terms of operating time.

This indicates that chasing large capacity not always worth it.

The most "hardy"

If we take into account the entire smartphone market as a whole, then the leaders in terms of capacity are generally other companies. Maybe they're just using the high battery capacity number as a marketing ploy, or maybe these phones actually last longer.

So, the rating is as follows: the most “capacious” is the Highscreen Boost 2 SE smartphone with a 6000 mAh battery. Behind it comes the Philips Xenium W6610, which can please the user with a 5300 mAh battery, then comes the Sigma ThL 5000 (device battery capacity is 5000 mAh), followed by the X-treme (model PQ22) - a 4500 mAh battery. Next are the less durable Prestigio MultiPhone 5503 DUO (4000 mAh) and Fly IQ4502 Era Energy 1 Quad - 4000 mAh. We will not continue, since those models that are on the list below are not of particular interest within the framework of this article.

As you can see, there are a lot of phones that surpass the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy in terms of battery capacity. Whether there is a need for such large batteries is a moot point. But such devices are definitely in demand.

What are high capacity batteries?

However, there is another solution for those who would like to continue using their favorite smartphone or tablet, despite small capacity his batteries. We are talking about batteries with high capacity. The principle of their operation is that they are initially able to retain a greater charge than original device, despite the fact that they are sold for specific phone models.

The high-capacity battery is not made by the smartphone manufacturer, but most likely by a third-party company and sold under a different brand. It fits perfectly with the model indicated in its specifications, but sometimes it may have different dimensions (compared to the original battery). In this case, such a battery will be designed in the form back cover for phone. Due to its use, the device will become slightly thicker.

A high-capacity battery is used by those who really do not have enough standard charge for the device before it completely runs out. It allows you to significantly extend the operation of any gadget. For example, ZeroLemon batteries for some models can power your phone up to three times longer than the original accessory. Agree, such a difference will be noticeable.

Battery cases and Power Bank"

In addition to high-charge batteries, there are also other solutions to the problem of low battery life. These are portable chargers (so-called Power Banks) and battery cases.

The first ones look like full-fledged portable gadgets, which have a large and capacious battery (for example, 20,000 mAh). You can use it to charge anything - from a pocket player to a laptop. Accordingly, the charge of such a device will last as many times as its capacity exceeds the battery capacity of a phone, player or laptop. Let's put it simply: to charge an iPhone, a Power Bank can be used up to 10 times. After this, it will need to be charged from the mains in order to be able to carry out the operation again.

Another option is cases that have a built-in battery. Their capacity ranges from 2000-3000 mAh, which allows you to charge your phone, on average, once. But such an accessory, in addition to extending the operating time of the device, also performs another useful function- This is the protection and decoration of your smartphone.

How to extend the operating time of the device?

In general, in order not to buy anything, you can use additional tips on how to save battery power on your device. This is especially true if you have a phone whose large battery capacity allows you to do this.

You need to start by disabling all unnecessary services (mobile data transfer, Wi-Fi connection, Bluetooth module). All this “draws” the battery charge the most.

Next, you need to pay attention to the backlight of the smartphone. The screen is the mechanism whose operating costs can also be called one of the most significant. By reducing its brightness, you will extend the phone's operation without any problems.

Finally, pay attention to your work operating system. Try to turn off visual effects on your device and close unnecessary applications running in the background.

All this will also help the smartphone work longer.

We choose two things in the store that should be used “in tandem”, for example, an iron and a socket, and suddenly we are faced with a problem - the “electrical parameters” on the label are indicated in different units.

How to choose instruments and devices that suit each other? How to convert amps to watts?

Related but different

It must be said right away that a direct conversion of units cannot be done, since they represent different quantities.

Watt - indicates power, i.e. the rate at which energy is consumed.

Ampere is a unit of force that indicates the speed of current passing through a specific section.

To electrical systems worked flawlessly, you can calculate the ratio of amperes and watts at a certain voltage in the electrical network. The latter is measured in volts and can be:

  • fixed;
  • permanent;
  • variables.

Taking this into account, a comparison of indicators is made.

"Fixed" translation

Knowing, in addition to the values ​​of power and strength, also the voltage indicator, you can convert amperes to watts using the following formula:

In this case, P is the power in watts, I is the current in amperes, U is the voltage in volts.

Online calculator

In order to constantly be “in the know,” you can create an “ampere-watt” table for yourself with the most frequently encountered parameters (1A, 6A, 9A, etc.).

Such a “relationship graph” will be reliable for networks with fixed and constant voltage.

"Variable Nuances"

To calculate at AC voltage The formula includes one more value - power factor (PF). Now it looks like this:

An accessible tool such as the online amperes to watts calculator will help make the process of converting units of measurement faster and easier. Don’t forget that if you need to enter a fractional number in a column, do so using a dot and not a comma.

Thus, to the question “1 watt - how many amperes?”, using a calculator you can give the answer - 0.0045. But it will only be valid for a standard voltage of 220V.

Using the calculators and tables available on the Internet, you can not agonize over formulas, but can easily compare different units of measurement.

This will help you select circuit breakers for different loads and not worry about your household appliances and the condition of the electrical wiring.

Ampere - watt table:

6 12 24 48 64 110 220 380 Volt
5 Watt 0,83 0,42 0,21 0,10 0,08 0,05 0,02 0,01 Ampere
6 Watt 1 0,5 0,25 0,13 0,09 0,05 0,03 0,02 Ampere
7 Watt 1,17 0,58 0,29 0,15 0,11 0,06 0,03 0,02 Ampere
8 Watt 1,33 0,67 0,33 0,17 0,13 0,07 0,04 0,02 Ampere
9 Watt 1,5 0,75 0,38 0,19 0,14 0,08 0,04 0,02 Ampere
10 Watt 1,67 0,83 0,42 0,21 0,16 0,09 0,05 0,03 Ampere
20 Watt 3,33 1,67 0,83 0,42 0,31 0,18 0,09 0,05 Ampere
30 Watt 5,00 2,5 1,25 0,63 0,47 0,27 0,14 0,03 Ampere
40 Watt 6,67 3,33 1,67 0,83 0,63 0,36 0,13 0,11 Ampere
50 Watt 8,33 4,17 2,03 1,04 0,78 0,45 0,23 0,13 Ampere
60 Watt 10,00 5 2,50 1,25 0,94 0,55 0,27 0,16 Ampere
70 Watt 11,67 5,83 2,92 1,46 1,09 0,64 0,32 0,18 Ampere
80 Watt 13,33 6,67 3,33 1,67 1,25 0,73 0,36 0,21 Ampere
90 Watt 15,00 7,50 3,75 1,88 1,41 0,82 0,41 0,24 Ampere
100 Watt 16,67 3,33 4,17 2,08 1,56 ,091 0,45 0,26 Ampere
200 Watt 33,33 16,67 8,33 4,17 3,13 1,32 0,91 0,53 Ampere
300 Watt 50,00 25,00 12,50 6,25 4,69 2,73 1,36 0,79 Ampere
400 Watt 66,67 33,33 16,7 8,33 6,25 3,64 1,82 1,05 Ampere
500 Watt 83,33 41,67 20,83 10,4 7,81 4,55 2,27 1,32 Ampere
600 Watt 100,00 50,00 25,00 12,50 9,38 5,45 2,73 1,58 Ampere
700 Watt 116,67 58,33 29,17 14,58 10,94 6,36 3,18 1,84 Ampere
800 Watt 133,33 66,67 33,33 16,67 12,50 7,27 3,64 2,11 Ampere
900 Watt 150,00 75,00 37,50 13,75 14,06 8,18 4,09 2,37 Ampere
1000 Watt 166,67 83,33 41,67 20,33 15,63 9,09 4,55 2,63 Ampere
1100 Watt 183,33 91,67 45,83 22,92 17,19 10,00 5,00 2,89 Ampere
1200 Watt 200 100,00 50,00 25,00 78,75 10,91 5,45 3,16 Ampere
1300 Watt 216,67 108,33 54,2 27,08 20,31 11,82 5,91 3,42 Ampere
1400 Watt 233 116,67 58,33 29,17 21,88 12,73 6,36 3,68 Ampere
1500 Watt 250,00 125,00 62,50 31,25 23,44 13,64 6,82 3,95 Ampere

Amp-hours in a battery: what is it?

Battery life mobile phone, a portable tool, or the ability to supply current to the starter when starting a car engine - all this depends on such characteristics of the battery as capacity. It is measured in ampere hours or milliamp hours. By the size of the capacity, you can judge how long the battery will supply electrical energy to a particular device. The time it takes to discharge and charge the battery depends on it. When choosing a battery for a particular device, it is useful to know what this value means in ampere hours. Therefore, today’s material will be devoted to such a characteristic as capacity and its dimensions in ampere-hours.

In general, an ampere hour is a non-system unit of electrical charge. Its main use is to express the capacity of batteries.

One ampere-hour represents the electric charge passing in 1 hour through the cross-section of a conductor when passing a current of 1 ampere. You can find values ​​in milliamp-hours.

As a rule, this designation is used to indicate the capacity of batteries in phones, tablets and other mobile gadgets. Let's look at what ampere-hour means using real examples.

In the photo above you can see the capacity designation in ampere hours. This car battery 62 Ah. What does this tell us? From this value we can find out the current strength with which the battery can be uniformly discharged to the final voltage. For car battery the final voltage is 10.8 volts. Standard discharge cycles typically last 10 or 20 hours.

Based on the above, 62 Ah tells us that this battery is capable of delivering a current of 3.1 amperes for 20 hours. In this case, the voltage at the battery terminals will not drop below 10.8 volts.

In the photo above, the laptop battery capacity is highlighted in red – 4.3 ampere-hours. Although with such values ​​the value is usually expressed as 4300 milliamp-hour (mAh).

It should also be added that the system unit of electric charge is the coulomb. The pendant is related to ampere hours as follows. One coulomb per second is equal to 1 ampere. Therefore, if you convert seconds to hours, it turns out that 1 ampere-hour is equal to 3600 coulombs.

How are the battery capacity (amp-hour) and its energy (watt-hour) related?

Many manufacturers do not indicate the capacity in ampere-hours on their batteries, but instead indicate the stored energy in watt-hours. Such an example is shown in the photo below. This is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone battery.

I apologize for the photo with small print. The stored energy is 6.48 watt-hours. The stored energy can be calculated using the following formula:
1 watt hour = 1 volt * 1 ampere hour.

Then for the Galaxy Nexus battery we get:

6.48 watt-hours / 3.7 volts = 1.75 amp-hours or 1750 milliamp-hours.

What other types of battery capacity are there?

There is such a thing as the energy capacity of a battery. It shows the ability of the battery to discharge within a certain time interval with constant power. Time interval in case of automobile batteries Usually set to 15 minutes. Energy capacity initially began to be measured in North America, but then battery manufacturers in other countries joined in. Its value can be obtained in ampere-hours using the following formula:

E (Ah) = W (W/el) / 4, where

E – energy capacity in ampere-hours;

W – power at 15 minute discharge.

There is another variety that came to us from the USA, this is a reserve tank. It shows the ability of the battery to power the onboard moving vehicle when the generator is not working. Simply put, you can find out how long the battery will allow you to drive your car if the alternator fails. You can calculate this value in ampere hours using the formula:

E (amp hours) = T (minutes) / 2.

Here we can also add that when batteries are connected in parallel, their capacity is summed up. When connected in series, the capacitance value does not change.

How do you know how many amp hours your battery actually has?

Let's look at the process of checking capacity using an example. But such a controlled discharge can be done for any battery. Only the measured values ​​will differ.

In order to check the actual amp hours of your battery, you need to fully charge it. Check the degree of charge by density. A fully charged battery should have an electrolyte density of 1.27─1.29 g/cm 3 . Then you need to assemble the circuit shown in the following figure.

You need to find out what discharge mode your battery capacity is specified for (10 or 20 hours). And discharge the battery with a current intensity calculated using the formula below.

I = E/T, where

E – rated capacity batteries,

T – 10 or 20 hours.

This process requires constant monitoring of the voltage at the battery terminals. As soon as the voltage drops to 10.8 volts (1.8 on the bank), the discharge must be stopped. The time it takes for the battery to discharge is multiplied by the discharge current. This gives the actual battery capacity in ampere-hours.

If you do not have a resistor, you can use car light bulbs (12 volts) of suitable capacity. You select the power of the light bulb depending on what discharge current you need. That is, if you need a discharge current of 2 amperes, then the power will be 12 volts multiplied by 2 amperes. Total 24 watts.

Important! After the battery is discharged, immediately charge it so that it does not remain in such a discharged state. For such a discharge it is better not to do it at all. With this deep discharge they may lose some of their capacity.

I think the topic may be of interest to many, because... Almost everyone is facing this now.

We are talking about battery capacity and its designation.
Historically, battery capacity is most often indicated in mAh (mAh) or Ah (Ah). In some cases, this can lead to serious misconceptions. For example, it may happen that a person sees two batteries, say 800 mAh and 2400 mAh. And most likely he will decide that the second one stores three times more energy. But this may not be the case. It may well turn out that the “800 mAh” battery will store much more energy. And now I’m not talking about the cunning Chinese who write whatever they like on the label, but about physics.

Let's figure out what a battery capacity of say 4000 mAh means. Quite simply, this means that the battery can supply 4000 mA of current for one hour. Or 1000 mA for four hours. Or 2000 mA for two hours and so on. But the current consumed by the device/supplied by the battery is only one characteristic; there is another one - voltage. With the same current, the voltage can be different. Remembering the school physics course, you can calculate that, for example, with a current of 1 A and a voltage of 10 V, the load consumes 10 W. And with the same current of 1 A and voltage of 3 V, the load consumes only 3 W. Therefore, voltage is the most important characteristic and it is impossible to talk about the amount of energy that a battery can store, knowing only about the current.

Most correct description The battery capacity is Wh (Wh). Let's say a battery capacity of 10 Wh will tell us that it can power a 10 W load for one hour. At the same time, what current and voltage there is is no longer important to us. Capacity in Wh is very easy to calculate - just multiply the capacity in Ah and the rated voltage of the battery in volts.

Why did the mAh designation still stick?
The fact is that the voltages on batteries are not random, but depend on the type of element. Nowadays these are most often lithium cells. The nominal voltage on one lithium cell is 3.7V. As long as we are talking about the same type of battery and the same number of consecutive cells in the battery, we can “legally” compare mAh capacity. But as soon as one battery has one cell, and the second has two connected in series (7.4V), it is no longer possible to compare capacities in mAh, because with the same mAh, the second will have twice as much energy.

When should you bother?
When you are not sure that the batteries are of the same type, with the same number of cells. For example, phones always use lithium batteries in the amount of one cell (maybe there are exceptions, but I haven’t seen them). This means they can be easily compared in mAh. You can also safely compare batteries intended for one device, because it is extremely rare that a device supports batteries with a different number of consecutive cells. But you can’t compare batteries of different devices and types like that. Let's say laptops have batteries with two serial cells (7.4V) and three (11.1V).

Also, sometimes people are surprised that a regular AA battery says 2700 mAh, while a phone with approximately the same capacity has only 800 mAh. This is exactly the case when it is wrong to compare mAh, because
AA battery capacity is 1.2V*2.7Ah=3.24Wh, while the capacity lithium battery 3.7V*0.8Ah=2.96Wh, that is, they are almost the same, and do not differ at all by three times.

Conclusion: you can only talk about the battery capacity in mAh if you also specify the type of battery (chemistry and number of consecutive cells) or its voltage. In other cases, comparison of capacity by this parameter is absolutely meaningless.

The battery life of a mobile phone, a portable tool, or the ability to supply current to the starter when starting a car engine - all this depends on such characteristics of the battery as capacity. It is measured in ampere hours or milliamp hours. By the size of the capacity, you can judge how long the battery will supply electrical energy to a particular device. The time it takes to discharge and charge the battery depends on it. When choosing a battery for a particular device, it is useful to know what this value means in ampere hours. Therefore, today’s material will be devoted to such a characteristic as capacity and its dimensions in ampere-hours.

In general, an ampere hour is a non-system unit of electrical charge. Its main use is to express the capacity of batteries.

One ampere-hour represents the electric charge passing in 1 hour through the cross-section of a conductor when passing a current of 1 ampere. You can find values ​​in milliamp-hours.

As a rule, this designation is used to indicate the capacity of batteries in phones, tablets and other mobile gadgets. Let's look at what ampere-hour means using real examples.

In the photo above you can see the capacity designation in ampere hours. This is a 62 Ah car battery. What does this tell us? From this value we can find out the current strength with which the battery can be uniformly discharged to the final voltage. For a car battery, the final voltage is 10.8 volts. Standard discharge cycles typically last 10 or 20 hours.

Based on the above, 62 Ah tells us that this battery is capable of delivering a current of 3.1 amperes for 20 hours. In this case, the voltage at the battery terminals will not drop below 10.8 volts.

In the photo above, the laptop battery capacity is highlighted in red – 4.3 ampere-hours. Although with such values ​​the value is usually expressed as 4300 milliamp-hour (mAh).

It should also be added that the system unit of electric charge is the coulomb. The pendant is related to ampere hours as follows. One coulomb per second is equal to 1 ampere. Therefore, if you convert seconds to hours, it turns out that 1 ampere-hour is equal to 3600 coulombs.

How are the battery capacity (amp-hour) and its energy (watt-hour) related?

Many manufacturers do not indicate the capacity in ampere-hours on their batteries, but instead indicate the stored energy in watt-hours. Such an example is shown in the photo below. This is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone battery.

I apologize for the photo with small print. The stored energy is 6.48 watt-hours. The stored energy can be calculated using the following formula:
1 watt hour = 1 volt * 1 ampere hour.

Then for the Galaxy Nexus battery we get:

6.48 watt-hours / 3.7 volts = 1.75 amp-hours or 1750 milliamp-hours.

What other types of battery capacity are there?

There is such a thing as the energy capacity of a battery. It shows the ability of the battery to discharge within a certain time interval with constant power. The time interval in the case of automobile batteries is usually set to 15 minutes. Energy capacity initially began to be measured in North America, but then battery manufacturers in other countries joined in. Its value can be obtained in ampere-hours using the following formula:

E (Ah) = W (W/el) / 4, where

E – energy capacity in ampere-hours;

W – power at 15 minute discharge.

There is another variety that came to us from the USA, this is a reserve tank. It shows the ability of the battery to power the onboard moving vehicle when the generator is not working. Simply put, you can find out how long the battery will allow you to drive your car if the alternator fails. You can calculate this value in ampere hours using the formula:

E (amp hours) = T (minutes) / 2.

Here we can also add that when batteries are connected in parallel, their capacity is summed up. When connected in series, the capacitance value does not change.

How do you know how many amp hours your battery actually has?

Let's look at the process of checking capacity using an example. But such a controlled discharge can be done for any battery. Only the measured values ​​will differ.

In order to check the actual amp hours of your battery, you need to fully charge it. Check the degree of charge by density. A fully charged battery should have an electrolyte density of 1.27-1.29 g/cm 3 . Then you need to assemble the circuit shown in the following figure.

You need to find out what discharge mode your battery capacity is specified for (10 or 20 hours). And discharge the battery with a current intensity calculated using the formula below.

I = E/T, where

E – nominal battery capacity,

T – 10 or 20 hours.

This process requires constant monitoring of the voltage at the battery terminals. As soon as the voltage drops to 10.8 volts (1.8 on the bank), the discharge must be stopped. The time it takes for the battery to discharge is multiplied by the discharge current. This gives the actual battery capacity in ampere-hours.

If you do not have a resistor, you can use car light bulbs (12 volts) of suitable capacity. You select the power of the light bulb depending on what discharge current you need. That is, if you need a discharge current of 2 amperes, then the power will be 12 volts multiplied by 2 amperes. Total 24 watts.

Important! After the battery is discharged, immediately charge it so that it does not remain in such a discharged state. For such a discharge it is better not to do it at all. With such a deep discharge, they may lose part of their capacity.

How to choose battery capacity?

For cars, the battery can be selected according to engine size. In the table below you can see the correspondence between engine volume and battery capacity.

Battery capacity, Ah Vehicle Engine volume, l
Battery capacity, Ah Vehicle Engine volume, l
55 cars 1 — 1,6
60 cars 1,3 — 1,9
66 passenger cars (crossovers, SUVs) 1,4 — 2,3
77 light duty trucks 1,6 — 3,2
90 medium duty trucks 1,9 — 4,5
140 trucks 3,8 — 10,9
190 special equipment (excavators, bulldozers) 7,2 — 12
200 trucks (trucks, road trains) 7,5 — 17

For passenger car In a sedan or hatchback class, batteries with a capacity of 50-65 ampere-hours are sufficient. For SUVs and large crossovers, a 70-95 ampere-hour battery is suitable. If you have a car with diesel engine and (or) a large number of current consumers in the on-board network, then it is worth taking a battery with nominal capacity 10-15 ampere-hours more than the above figures.

A small supply will also come in handy winter time when, due to a decrease in temperature, the battery loses part of its capacity. There is an empirical relationship according to which, when the operating temperature decreases from 20 C by one degree, the battery loses 1 ampere-hour.

Excessive capacity is also useless. After all, the on-board network of a particular car is designed for certain battery characteristics. For example, a small car's generator simply cannot cope with charging the battery for a diesel SUV. As a result, the battery will constantly not be fully charged. At the same time, you will not receive any benefits of a more capacious battery, but will only overpay for unnecessary ampere hours. We also recommend reading the article about.
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