First personal computer year. History of computer development

The acquaintance with the computer took place not so long ago, but its appearance was preceded by a long history of creation.

A little history

Blaise Pascal and Wilhelm Leibniz's adding machine are considered the ancestors of the modern personal computer. The term “computer” was first mentioned back in the 18th century. Then this term was applied to any mechanical computing device that could perform the most simple operations– addition and subtraction.

In the Oxford Dictionary, the word "computer" was interpreted as "computer".

Later, at the beginning of the 19th century, a more “smart” machine was invented that could solve even simple equations. Even later, they were able to create the first analytical multifunctional machine operating using punched cards. Given the close attention of scientists to these devices, their modernization took place at an accelerated pace. In a short time they were equipped with electric relays and vacuum tubes.

A long way from the first computer to the modern computer

In 1946, the first computer was presented to the world. True, that machine was many times larger than a modern computer and absorbed quite a large amount of electricity. The weight of the first computer was approximately 30 tons. Only large, wealthy companies and enterprises allowed themselves to use such computers.

In the early 60s, thanks to the invention of transistors, manufacturers were able to release the first mini-computer, the PDP-8. The computer was equipped with RAM for storing information, and they learned to save information on magnetic disks. The leading position in the production of computers at that time was taken by IBM, which remains to this day largest producer computers in the world.

A landmark event in the development of personal computers is the creation by Bill Gates of the Basic language interpreter “Altair”, which made it possible to create a variety of programs for computers.

Since the creation of Altair, the production of computers began to be widespread. Many manufacturers of PCs and software for them began to appear.

From that moment on, the main emphasis was on improving the quality and versatility of this technology, which allowed a person to use a multifunctional and compact “super device” - a modern computer.

If you ask the above question, be prepared to hear different answers. Since many have been created different types computers (or computing machines) since the 1800s, so it is simply impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Now let's look at everything in detail.

The first programmable "computing machine"

P The first “computing machine” was created by Charles Babbage in 1822. His idea was not to create a prototype of a modern computer, he simply wanted to build a machine that would calculate mathematical problems. Babbage was tired of human errors in solving mathematical problems, so he sought to create an error-free machine. But, nevertheless, his creation served as the basis for the modern computer.

This is why Charles Babbage is considered the inventor of the first computer. His “Babbage machine” was the first programmable analytical engine and, moreover, completely automatic. Computers today essentially do the same thing: read programs and execute them.

Charles Babbage was born in England, where he spent his life and career. After private school, Charles began studying at an academy in Enfield, where he began to develop an interest in mathematics. Babbage then entered Trinity College, Cambridge University, and completed his studies at St. Peter's College. His independent learning of the basics of mathematics also meant a lot.

Babbage's education played a major role in his future inventions. England is very proud of his son and some of his works are today in one of the museums in London.

Invention of the computer

The unique thing about Babbage's computer is that it could be programmed. After all, calculator developments were available then, but they only worked according to fixed rules. Isn't it amazing that the invention Babbage sought to create became incredibly useful to humanity centuries later?

The scientist used his student knowledge to develop a machine that calculated mathematical problems. Unfortunately, he never completed his dream project due to lack of money. Although his machine remained unfinished, his idea later evolved into the version of the computer we know today, and Babbage is rightfully considered the “Father of Computers.”

How did the computer get its name?

Have you ever wondered where the word “computer” came from? We should be grateful to Babbage for naming the computer as well as for developing it.

Everything is quite simple. Babbage tried to create a machine that could solve mathematical problems in the same way as a human. And the name of the computer itself comes from the English “computer”, where “compute” is translated as “to calculate”. And it was Babbage's idea that became the basis for all future computers.

Alan Turing and his achievements

The development of electronic computers, which are very similar to modern ones, was carried out by Alan Matheson Turing, an English scientist.

Alan Turing was born on June 23, 1912 in London, England. He was very interested in science and mathematics during his school period. However, he later entered Sherborne College, where the emphasis was on humanities rather than science. But that didn't stop him from exploring higher mathematics. For example, while studying elementary calculus, he simultaneously considered Einstein's complex conclusions regarding Newton's Laws. Alan spent a lot of time in the library and self-study.

Alan Turing began exploring the possibilities of computing while he was studying for a BA in mathematics at King's College Cambridge. There he wrote scientific articles and successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. He also reformulated Kurt Gödel's theorem, replacing the universal formal language with simple hypothetical devices that later became known as Turing machines.

The Turing machine was the first device that could use algorithms to solve arithmetic problems. For many experts, this was the first theoretical concept of a modern computer. Interestingly, the basic concept of a Turing machine is still being studied in the field of computer science around the world.


Based on the machine he invented, Turing worked on ACE (the Automatic Computing Engine) between 1945 and 1947. He also presented a report that a computer could store programs in memory (which is what modern computers). Alan Turing developed other theories and concepts, for example, the speech encoder, Turing-Welshman “Bombe”, “Colossus”, “Hut 8”, “the Naval Enigma”, etc.

Alan Turing died on June 7, 1954 in England. The cause of his death was cyanide poisoning, and as the examination showed, he committed suicide. Prior to this, he was accused of homosexuality, which was considered a crime at the time.

In contact with

Today, the computer has become an integral part of every person's life. This device is available in every home, and often not even one. Any workplace equipped with a computer in one format or another. The PC has long become commonplace and an obvious item of work and home use. And, of course, no one remembers for a long time what the very first computer in the world was like, and yet the process of evolution to miniature, but powerful devices didn't take that long.

However, the device has undergone enormous changes. So, let's take a short excursion into history and remember how and when the first computer appeared.

Before moving on to the question of when the first computers appeared, it is worth talking about those inventions of mankind that were made earlier and made a significant contribution to the main achievement.

  • The very first attempt to create a device that simplifies counting was made 3 thousand years BC. The ancient abacus (abacus) is considered the most distant predecessors of the first computers.
  • In 1642, Pascal created a digital computer. This is the first device presented to the general public and received great fame. The scientist’s development added and subtracted first five-digit numbers, and after modification, eight-digit numbers. At that time, this invention was considered unique and it was it that marked the beginning of a series of developments that led to the appearance of the first computer in the world.
  • The first tangible invention was made in 1938. German engineer Konrad Tzue created the Z1, although a mechanical, but already programmable machine.
  • Developments did not stand still and already in 1941, the same scientist introduced the Z3 to the world. The computer already had the basic characteristics of a full-fledged computer. But it’s too early to say that this is the first computer.

Unfortunately, Z3 was destroyed in May 1945 when Russian troops entered Germany. But today in one of the museums in Munich you can see a recreated copy of it. The mechanism is striking in its size and it is already very difficult to compare this colossus with modern miniature gadgets.

ENIAC - the very first computer in the world

What is ENIAC? Literally, it is an electronic numerical integrator and calculator. This machine was the first proof that it was actually possible to create a computer. What electronic machine capable of performing complex calculations. And that this is just the beginning greatest discoveries and developments.

History of the ENIAC project

The development of the very first computer in the world began in 1943. At the height of the Second World War, the United States required large volumes of calculations of firing tables, without which artillery could not hit the target accurately. At that time, this responsibility was assigned to women; calculations were performed manually using adding machines. In terms of time, such calculations took up to 16 days per calculation. To fully calculate one table, a large number of computers were involved and a lot of time was required.

In 1942, the University of Pennsylvania in the USA was offered a design for the first electronic computer based on vacuum tubes and a proposal to build it. The institute's management did not appreciate the project and sent it to the archives. Subsequently, the Ballistic Laboratory became interested in the computer. Such a solution would significantly speed up the calculation of shooting tables from several days or even months to several hours.

In 1943, the project, again recreated from memory by the developer, was presented to the scientific department of the Ballistic Laboratory. To prevent the innovation from being rejected by the military, the machine was called an electronic differentiated analyzer. The representatives of the commission were very familiar with the mechanical analyzer and got the impression that the engineers simply wanted to make it electronic. According to the developers, the future machine will be able to calculate the firing trajectory in 5 minutes.

The idea was approved and funds in the amount of almost 62 thousand US dollars were allocated to create the world's first computer. In the first development document, the machine was called “Electronic Numerical Integrator”; the additional word “Computer” was added to it a little later, after which the well-known and most famous abbreviation in the history of PC creation was formed.

In February 1944, all the drawings and diagrams of the future vehicle were drawn up. And a group of engineers under the leadership of the main developers was ready for the final assembly and implementation of the project. In the summer of the same year, two test modules were assembled into one device, which were used to add numbers. They multiplied two numbers and gave the correct answer; the results of the experiment were provided to the management of the institute and laboratory and confirmed that the engineers’ project was completely feasible.

ENIAC was finally assembled in 1945 at the end of the war and was no longer useful for military purposes. In this regard, the American military department decided to use the machine’s capabilities in calculations for the development of thermonuclear weapons. ENIAC was presented to the public only a year later. It successfully carried out its work for 10 years and was permanently disconnected from power in October 1955.

How the computer was used

Ten years of continuous service is a very impressive period for the first computer. What did ENIAC manage to accomplish during this period?

  • As mentioned above, after creation and successful testing, the computer was disassembled and transported to the Ballistic Laboratory for calculations related to the creation of thermonuclear weapons. The latter required large capacities and ENIAC, although it simplified the process, was not completely suitable for full-fledged modeling. As a result of approximate and greatly simplified calculations of the first computer, the possibility of creating a hydrogen bomb was proven.
  • Then Monte Carlo calculations were performed at ENIAC.
  • Then the British physicist used the first computer to solve the aerodynamic problem of air mass flowing around an airplane wing at supersonic speed. The computer produced fairly accurate results.
  • Von Neumann calculated the values ​​of the numbers Pi and e on a computer with very high accuracy.
  • Also, this computer was used for the first time to calculate a numerical weather forecast. This calculation took place over 5 weeks, after which the results were analyzed.

Despite the length of time, the very first computer in the world produced very impressive results.

Design characteristics

In total, the creation of ENIAC cost almost 500 thousand US dollars and 200 thousand man-hours. The design consisted of 17.5 thousand lamps of 16 types, 7.2 thousand silicon diodes, 1.5 thousand relays, 70 thousand resistors and 10 thousand capacitors. The machine absorbed so much electricity that during the calculations, the nearest city was left without electricity for many hours.

ENIAC had the following parameters and characteristics:

  • the weight of the structure is 27 tons;
  • memory – 20 number of words;
  • required power – 174 kW;
  • computing power - 257 multiplication operations or 5 thousand additions per second;
  • clock frequency – 100 kHz;
  • Data input and output were performed using an IBM punched card tabulator.

To calculate multiplication, the machine used repeated addition, so the power in this direction of calculations is reduced. All calculations were performed in the decimal system, and the binary system was familiar to the developers, but they preferred the first (he’s not in the photo below - just a picture for atmosphere)

To solve each specific problem, ENIAC was recommuted until 1947, that is, programmers re-formed a program to calculate a new problem by rearranging blocks and commutators. Then each calculation task was used as a subroutine, which greatly simplified programming the machine.

Development team

So, who is the developer of the first computer? The authorship of the main project belongs to John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly. A whole group of highly qualified specialists worked directly on the creation of the machine.

  • Robert F. Shaw - function tables;
  • Thomas K. Sharpless – lead programmer;
  • Jeffrey Chuan Chu – square root and division modulus;
  • Arthur Burks – multiplication module;
  • Jack Davey – batteries;
  • Harry Husky – module for reading data to output;
  • John Von Neumann - participated in the project as a scientific consultant.

In addition to these specialists, a team of programmers consisting of six girls worked on the computer:

  • Marilyn Meltzer;
  • Kathleen Rita McNulty;
  • Frances Elizabeth Snyder;
  • Ruth Lichterman;
  • Betty Jean Jennings;
  • Francis Bilas.

Thus, it is difficult to determine who the creator of the ENIAC computer is in the singular. Many specialists worked on both the design and creation of computers.

Further developments and creation of the first personal computers

In 1945, the first report was provided from EDVAC, Von Neumann's improved version of the first computer. He performed calculations not only using punched cards, but also using his own memory, this reduced the number of lamps and speeded up the calculation process.

The first PCs for sale appeared after the creation of microprocessors. IBM tried to organize the first sales already in 1974. But the devices were not in demand at all. These devices used cassettes as memory, and the cost of the machines was no more and no less - 10 thousand US dollars. Hence the lack of demand.

The answer to the question of who created the first computer available for home use is obvious from the name of the machine - IBM 5100. This machine had 64 KB of memory and could run some programs. Despite the cost and unclear purposes of use, the first sales still took place.

Domestic developments

Engineers in the Soviet Union also did not sit still and developed their own product. Who created the computer in the USSR? The project was led by S. A. Lebedev. Work began in 1948. The car was built only towards the end of 1950. And already in 1952, serious calculations of scientific and technical problems were carried out on Soviet MESMs.

It is worth noting that when creating the very first computer in the USSR, Lebedev, independently of Von Neumann, came to the decision of using a program stored in memory to perform calculations.

Despite the fact that the Small Electronic Calculating Machine had low speed and a small amount of memory, it had fairly developed algorithms. It also had a storage device for long-term storage of commands and immutable constants.

History of computer games

I wonder what the very first game in the world was? It was created in 1962 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Of course, the development of this product was carried out by engineers during non-working hours.

The first game was called Spacewar. The plot is based on a battle between two space liners that attack each other with special missiles. The game was launched on a separate processor with a speed of 100 thousand operations per second and a memory of 9 KB.

The map was shown on the display starry sky with liners. The gun was controlled and fired using joysticks and a keyboard. The number of missiles each enemy had was limited, which added excitement to a simple shooter. Each player had to not only hit the enemy, but also avoid his attacks. It was possible to maneuver between stars or make hyperjumps in space.

The game was released commercially, and it was planned to make a good profit from the product. But the toy never gained much popularity, although it made its creators famous in narrow circles. Nevertheless, subsequent developments in this direction were already in demand.

The creation of ENIAC, the very first computer in the world, was the start of developments in the direction of electronics and computer technology. Today, humanity has achieved quite a lot of success, but progress does not stand still and sometimes it is difficult to even imagine what awaits us ahead.

The computer has become an integral part of the lives of many people. But once upon a time, a PC was exotic or a device completely inaccessible due to the high cost or secrecy of technology. However, over time, initiators were found to transform the personal computer into a mass device. Thanks to whom did the PC become accessible to a wide range of digital technology lovers, as well as to ordinary citizens, those who, it would seem, can do without it? What computers are considered to be the first among such solutions?

First place criteria

Active discussions regarding who exactly released the first mass Personal Computer, have not subsided to this day. Arguments in favor of this or that brand, which manufactured a product that has become a widely replicated PC, are very different.

Experts consider the key criterion that can clarify the issue to be historical facts that reflect the specific time of the introduction of a particular product to the mass market. That is, whichever computer began to be sold earlier than others (later becoming mass-produced) should, according to this methodology, be considered the first. Therefore, our main task is to examine the relevant historical data.

First PCs

When did the first PCs actually appear - it doesn’t matter whether they were mass-produced or individual? Regarding this issue, discussions are almost more heated than in the case of defining those computers that have acquired the unconditional status of being widely replicated. Versions vary, reflecting who released the first PC, and even the state in which it appeared. Thus, there is information that in 1968, an engineer from Omsk, Arseny Anatolyevich Gorokhov, patented a computing device, the structure of which is very similar to modern PCs. It contained a monitor, a system unit with a storage medium, and electronic components, according to functions corresponding motherboard, random access memory and video card. However, the invention did not go into production.

Apple's first PC

There is a widespread point of view according to which the first full-fledged PC was invented in the USA, namely through the efforts of Steve Jobs and who offered the world the innovative concept of a PC under the Apple brand in 1976.

Apple required significant hardware additions - a case, a monitor, a keyboard. But after being equipped with them, they could function quite well. However, already in 1977, the Apple II computer was introduced to the market, fully equipped. These devices, according to many IT specialists and computer history enthusiasts, were fully consistent with their mass status. What does it mean? The fact that the Apple PC of 1976 is perhaps the first mass-produced personal computer. It was soon followed by the Apple II computer, which became available to a wide range of users.

First PC from IBM

But in relation to the point of view under consideration, a wide variety of counterarguments are actively presented. Among them, we can highlight those that are aimed at challenging the status of Apple's primacy in the aspect of bringing a fully equipped PC to the market as such. Thus, it is known that in 1975, before devices from Apple appeared, IBM managed to release the computer model 5100. It was characterized by the presence of a separate monitor, data storage medium, and keyboard, and therefore was fully consistent, as computer history enthusiasts believe, with the status of personal. However, its price - more than 20 thousand dollars apiece - several dozen American salaries, probably did not contribute to the fact that it was the first mass-produced personal computer.

IBM PC and criteria for “mass availability”

In 1981, IBM launched a device that was disproportionately more affordable than the 5100 model, but at the same time functional, and most importantly, with a completely competitive concept, called the IBM PC. The incredible success of the device allowed many experts and electronics enthusiasts to describe it as the first mass-produced personal computer. What kind of arguments do proponents of such an assessment give?

First of all, they call for rethinking the “mass” criterion as such. Of course, Apple's device has historically been ahead of many competitive solutions in terms of the concept of an affordable PC offered to the market. However, they began to spread especially actively due to openness: a user, having bought a PC, could modify it in terms of replacing a variety of components - processor, memory, hard drives. The supplier of monitors and additional devices could be any brand. Apple computers, in turn, were a closed platform. The situation was similar in the program aspect. The operating system of a personal computer in the IBM PC concept could be anything. In turn, on Apple devices In general, a proprietary OS should have been installed.

Two concepts

Thus, the criterion of “mass” in relation to the market computer equipment can be understood different ways. Computers from Apple correspond to it due to the fact that with the release of the first devices from the brand, PCs became affordable to a wide range of users. Speaking about the US market - any resident with average salary. IBM offered the American and subsequently the world market devices that, in addition to affordability, could be freely modified and copied at the concept level. Software for a personal computer corresponding to the IBM architecture could also be created by any willing and able person.

Well, to answer main question We can write articles in two ways. If we talk about when and by whom the first mass-produced personal computer was developed in principle, then we can well call the Apple company and the 1976 device of the same name the pioneers of the market. But we know that there are other criteria for mass availability, such as openness to any developer of hardware components or software. These, in turn, correspond to the IBM product. Thus, answering the question of when and by whom the first mass-produced personal computer was developed, we will say that the main role here was played by IBM and its product IBM PC in 1981.

Interpretation of the term “personal computer”

There are differences in the interpretation of the term “personal computer” and the accompanying difference in versions, reflecting the primacy of one or another brand in terms of bringing PCs to the market. What are the experts' opinions on this matter?

Some experts point out that the term “personal computer” itself existed long before the devices in question from Apple and IBM appeared. According to some reports, it was first used in relation to the Programma 101 device, released by the Italian company Olivetti - again, to the question of the country of origin of the first PCs. Based on this fact, it is incorrect to give primacy to any of the American brands - Apple or IBM.

However, there are discussions regarding the factors that influenced the widespread use of the term “personal computer”. Here the versions diverge virtually synchronously with the distribution of opinions regarding the primacy of IBM and Apple in terms of bringing to the market devices accessible to a wide range of users. It will probably also not be correct to compare their legality.

The first mass-produced computers from Apple: characteristics

However, let's return to the history of the PC. We have determined that, according to one interpretation of the term “mass”, Apple can be considered the supplier of the first PCs. It is interesting to study the characteristics of the devices that the American corporation brought to the market in 1976 and 1977. The Apple was equipped with a MOS 6502 processor that ran at 1 MHz. The PC had 4 KB of RAM installed, which could be increased to 48 KB using additional cards. The Apple II had almost the same characteristics.

Apple's first PCs: possibilities

What could you do on the first Apple PCs? It may seem that personal computer processors of the corresponding type have a very modest frequency indicator.

However, the noted performance was sufficient for the development of programs, as well as for games - in fact, the first commercial applications of the corresponding type were, as some historians and experts note, written specifically for the Apple II. Computer games, thanks to Apple PCs, have thus become available to a wide range of users.

IBM PC: characteristics

The characteristics of the IBM PC released in 1981 are as follows. The PC was equipped with an Intel 8088 processor running at 4.77 MHz. The computer could have up to 640 KB of RAM. PC controlled operating system IBM BASIC or PC-DOS.

It can be noted that the IBM PC used mainly floppy disks with a diameter of 5.25 inches as a data storage resource. Later, PCs with cassettes appeared on sale. However, IBM PC soon resolved the issue of connecting a hard drive to the computer by releasing a separate module for it, through which power could be supplied. So users were able to connect disks with a capacity of about 10 MB to their PC.

The IBM PC model turned out to be so successful that the concept proposed by the American company began to be actively copied by both amateurs and large businesses. The corresponding solutions were called "IBM PC Compatible", that is, compatible with the original platform. This term has remained relevant to this day.

Based on the IBM concept, the most different classes personal computers - “desktops”, monoblocks, laptops. Many experts believe that the architecture of mobile devices, in general, corresponds to this platform, since they contain processors, memory, video processing and data storage modules.

Of course, both brands - Apple and IBM - have made major contributions to the development of the computer industry. At least in the global PC market, no competing concepts have shown themselves noticeably. The fundamental nature of both platforms predetermined their influence, which can still be traced today - in almost all major segments of computer equipment and digital devices.

Continuity of concepts

Both concepts - open and closed, proposed by IBM and Apple, thus remain relevant to this day. At the same time, according to experts, the platform from IBM is characterized by greater mass popularity - due to the openness noted above.

In the modern computer market there is the term “IBM PC-compatible computer”. This does not mean that it is necessarily produced by IBM. However, it is quite consistent with the concept that she proposed in 1981. Of course, a wide variety of types of personal computers have appeared on the market, but from the point of view of their platform membership, they can one way or another be classified as corresponding concepts from the IBM PC.

Apple's platform remains closed. The situation is similar with others on which the brand is present - in particular, in the field of mobile gadgets. Smartphones and tablets from Apple - iPhone, iPad - are characterized by a closed platform.

It can be noted that their main competitor is considered to be an open concept based on Google. Thus, the confrontation between open and closed platforms has actually moved from the PC market to the mobile electronics segment.

Human life in the twenty-first century is directly related to artificial intelligence. Knowledge of the main milestones in the creation of computers is an indicator of an educated person. The development of computers is usually divided into 5 stages - it is customary to talk about five generations.

1946-1954 - first generation computers

It is worth saying that the first generation of computers (electronic computers) was tube-based. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) developed ENIAC - that was the name of the world's first computer. The day it was officially put into operation is 02/15/1946. When assembling the device, 18 thousand vacuum tubes were used. The computer, by today's standards, had a colossal area of ​​135 square meters and a weight of 30 tons. Electricity needs were also high - 150 kW.

It is a well-known fact that this electronic machine was created directly to help solve the most complex problems of creating an atomic bomb. The USSR was rapidly catching up and in December 1951, under the leadership and with the direct participation of Academician S.A. Lebedev, the fastest computer in Europe was presented to the world. She bore the abbreviation MESM (Small Electronic Calculating Machine). This device could perform from 8 to 10 thousand operations per second.

1954 - 1964 - second generation computers

The next step in development was the development of computers running on transistors. Transistors are devices made from semiconductor materials that allow you to control the current flowing in a circuit. The first known stable operating transistor was created in America in 1948 by a team of physicists and researchers Shockley and Bardin.

In terms of speed, electronic computers differed significantly from their predecessors - the speed reached hundreds of thousands of operations per second. The dimensions have also decreased, and the consumption of electrical energy has become less. The scope of use has also increased significantly. This happened due to the rapid development of software. Our best computer– BESM-6 had a record speed of 1,000,000 operations per second. Developed in 1965 under the leadership of chief designer S. A. Lebedev.

1964 - 1971 - third generation computers

The main difference of this period is the beginning of the use of microcircuits with a low degree of integration. Using sophisticated technologies, scientists were able to place complex electronic circuits. The invention of microcircuits was patented in 1958. Inventor: Jack Kilby. The use of this revolutionary invention made it possible to improve all parameters - the dimensions were reduced to approximately the size of a refrigerator, the performance increased, as well as reliability.

This stage in the development of computers is characterized by the use of a new storage device - a magnetic disk. The PDP-8 minicomputer was first introduced in 1965.

In the USSR, similar versions appeared much later - in 1972 and were analogues of the models presented on the American market.

1971 - modern times - fourth generation computers

An innovation in fourth-generation computers is the application and use of microprocessors. Microprocessors are ALUs (arithmetic logic units) placed on a single chip and have a high degree of integration. This means that the chips begin to take up even less space. In other words, a microprocessor is a small brain that performs millions of operations per second according to the program embedded in it. Size, weight and power consumption have been reduced dramatically, and performance has reached record highs. And that's when Intel came into the game.

The first microprocessor was called Intel-4004 - the name of the first microprocessor assembled in 1971. It had a 4-bit capacity, but at that time it was a gigantic technological breakthrough. Two years later, Intel introduced the eight-bit Intel-8008 to the world; in 1975, the Altair-8800 was born - this is the first personal computer based on the Intel-8008.

This was the beginning of an entire era of personal computers. The machine began to be used everywhere for completely different purposes. A year later, Apple entered the game. The project had big success, A Steve Jobs became one of the most famous and richest people on Earth.

The IBM PC becomes the undisputed standard of computers. It was released in 1981 with 1 megabyte of RAM.

It is noteworthy that at the moment IBM-compatible electronic computers occupy approximately ninety percent of the computers produced! Also, we can’t help but mention Pentium. The development of the first processor with an integrated coprocessor was successful in 1989. Now this brand is an indisputable authority in the development and use of microprocessors in the computer market.

If we talk about prospects, then this is, of course, development and implementation latest technologies: ultra-large integrated circuits, magnetic-optical elements, even elements of artificial intelligence.

Self-learning electronic systems- this is the foreseeable future, called the fifth generation in the development of computers.

A person strives to erase the barrier in communication with a computer. Japan worked on this for a very long time and, unfortunately, unsuccessfully, but this is the topic of a completely different article. At the moment, all projects are only in development, but at the current pace of development - this is the near future. The present time is the time when history is made!

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