Objects move on their own. Telekinesis Training! How to move objects with the power of thought? You can't move your mind

I think many people thought about how to learn to move objects with the power of thought. So why dream, sigh and look with envy at those who can do it? After all, you can learn on your own and then demonstrate your skills in the company, use them in everyday life. Now I will talk about how to control objects with the power of thought. I will share my experience and list exercises that will help you in self-development.

My history

You know, it sounds trite, but I just watched the movie "Carrie" and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a trifling reason inspired me to engage in self-development, to master telekinesis. At first, I simply decided that I needed to gather all my will into a fist, look at the object for a long, long time and wait for it to move. She literally incinerated things with a glance, but they remained lying in place. I meditated before starting, but I was constantly distracted, thinking about something else.

After two weeks of such useless practice, I gave up for a while, because I began to think that in real life this is impossible to do. Fortunately, a friend of mine shared the exercises with me and told me that my method was wrong (almost everything). He taught me and rejoiced at my success, and now I want to help you. Don't waste your precious time following wrong techniques. It's best to start practicing right away. Then you don't have to relearn.

When I first started, I was suspicious of success. Here's another piece of advice: never doubt yourself. You will definitely succeed, just believe in yourself and motivate in case of failures. You can't imagine my delight when I finally got the paper off the table. Immediately my eyes widened, I was in shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window is open or the door, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day the same thing happened, soon the sheet gave in to me and allowed me to do whatever I want.

The main thing is to endure until your first positive result, after that you no longer want to quit what you started. This gives so much strength and positive, further training begins to take place faster and more confidently. Now I can move objects with my mind alone. With practice my skills have improved, it takes less time, plus now I can move something quite heavy.

Limit can be reached

Everything has a limit. I want to remind you that you will not be able to lift the cabinet and throw it against the wall in a big way. No cars, houses, bicycles. This is beyond the power of even the most trained person. Be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult for you to even work on a needle or a piece of paper. As far as I know, the record among those who practice telekinesis was a briefcase that weighed four kilograms. And then he managed to move a couple of centimeters. Even if you add up the forces of yourself and your partner, little will come of it. It is extremely difficult to manage energy in one room, you will knock each other down and disorientate.

So set yourself only achievable goals and do not think that you will gain superhero power. With speed, too, do not expect miracles. Juggling things is just a fairy tale that filmmakers came up with for a more colorful and exciting picture. The fastest is to crawl at a snail's pace. And then, if you're lucky. Undoubtedly, you will master how to lift objects with the power of thought. But they won't hover over your head or fly around the room. They just hang for a couple of seconds and crash.

Important! You must learn how to extend this flight and practice the technique of smoothly lowering the object to the floor.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the world famous writer, said these wise words: "No one knows what his powers are until he uses them." I suggest you finally find out about your opportunities and hidden talents, which you may not have suspected until now.

  • Plastic cup.
  • Matchbox.
  • Paper cone.
  • Match raft.
  • Rotations.

This is a set of exercises for beginners. Now I will tell about each in more detail. First you need to tune in the right way. Proper meditation will help with this. The first ten minutes you have to sit absolutely without thoughts in your head, how to merge with the air, dissolve in it. When you feel that you are becoming one with the room you are sitting in, move on to action. Raise all the energy from your body, collect it in one direction - into your hands. You should feel how they are filled with power. Then visualize these hands in front of you, it is with them that you will move objects.

So, when the preparation is completed, start training. Don't forget for a moment that you are doing everything with your energy hands. For convenience, you can even tie your real ones behind your back so as not to make mechanical and habitual movements. Only the rope should not put too much pressure on the skin, otherwise the pain and other discomfort will distract you from the process.

  • There should not be a draft in the room, since a plastic cup is easy to shake even with a simple breath. Try to point your imaginary hands in his direction. You don't have to put in the effort to pick it up. Just push, push. For the first time, you are not chasing beauty and precise technique, but the result. Encourage and motivate yourself with exclamations: “move!”, “move!”, “turn around!”. Again, these exclamations should not go beyond your head.
  • Moving objects with the power of thought trains an ordinary matchbox. Open it a little, and then try to close it.
  • Roll the paper into a cone. In this case, it is not necessary to glue the two ends with glue, since it also adds weight. Hang the cone on a string and make it spin. Yes, at first no spinning top and hurricane will come out. Just try to spin and stir the suspended object.
  • Make it harder with matches. Remove all contents from the box. Pour cold water into a deep and spacious bowl. It turned out to be an imitation of a small lake, pond or reservoir. Your task is to let the raft float. You must become a gust of wind that sets the direction and route. I do not advise you to influence the water and try to create waves. Work with cardboard transport.
  • Now hang a match on the rope. By the way, if this is difficult for you, then replace the props with a needle. They come in a variety of sizes and weights, so go up. It will be easy to spin these items.

Here's another little secret: do they still remember how they solved math problems about “point A and point B” at school? So, mentally imagine two points and transfer objects from one to another. Sometimes you can even invent a small bridge.

Parting words for beginners

It is commendable that you embarked on the path of self-development and decided to test the limits of your body. I ask you not to treat telekinesis as some kind of stupidity, charlatanism or fun. Approach this matter seriously and sincerely believe in success. Don't be disappointed with the result. I repeat once again: no one will ever succeed easily and quickly, even the most stubborn and capable student.

In telekinesis, as in learning of English language, there is one general rule A: You need to train and exercise every day. Hone your skills on exercises for beginners, and then move on to more difficult ones. It should not be that you want to rotate the cone and float the raft on the water. The main thing is not quantity, but quality. No need to learn a bunch of exercises and be able to do them somehow. Get one perfect, then move on to the next.

One more piece of advice: don't show your friends your first steps towards perfection. You are still inexperienced, any extraneous movement will distract you. You will be worried and nervous, wanting to impress. Therefore, involuntarily focus not on the movement of the object, but on thoughts about how you look from the outside, what they think of you. It is necessary, as it were, to dissuade skeptics and prove to them that the movement of objects by the power of thought is possible. And this kind of evidence takes a lot of time.

We draw a conclusion

Patience and a little effort. If you really want to master this direction, then nothing will prevent you from achieving your goal. To do this, one does not need to have some special talent from birth, everyone is equal in the topics of enlightenment. Someone learns to process their energy and manage it, while someone gives up. Wish you good luck and never give up!

Many of us have heard about telekinesis, but everyone knows that such abilities can be developed by everyone. How to move objects with the power of thought and what is needed for this, we will analyze in detail.

You can't move your mind

The essence of telekinesis lies in the fact that the power of thought will not work. You must understand the fact that it is impossible to do this, there are unreal things in the world, but you can still change something in it. The first thing to start with is to realize that the movement of objects with the help of thoughts is simply impossible, but you need to believe in your soul that you can do it.

How to move objects with the power of thought, emptiness

In order to develop in oneself the ability to move objects with the help, it is necessary to begin with the movement of emptiness. For example, you have some free time and you are ready to spend it on training. Sit in a comfortable chair and stare into the void for a long time. It is enough to spend several hours to see the emptiness. In essence, emptiness is the uncertainty around us. Imagine how emptiness envelops you and moves in space.


The next step is to work behind the action of your hands. To do this, you need to raise your hand at eye level, relax and realize that the hand is doing all yours. Clench your fist, concentrating all your actions, do similar actions with other parts of the body. Next, tighten your muscles one by one.


How to move objects with the power of thought using ordinary objects? The simplest thing for training and developing the power of thought is a pen. In a well-lit room, put a pen in front of you and look at it for a long time, study, examine every millimeter, keeping everything in your memory. When you get tired of it, start acting, making the impossible real, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths.

After several training times, the pen can only move 1 mm, it is almost impossible to do it the first time. Show your imagination, imagine that you are moving a pen. Such training will take a lot of time, after which you can move on to a more significant movement of the pen. Set up a setting for yourself; if someone else can do it, then so can I.

There are a huge number of different signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house, we will talk about the ten most important of them.

1. Strange smells.

One of the signs that your home may be haunted is strange smells that you normally shouldn't smell. These odors can appear suddenly and out of nowhere. The spirit may sometimes bring with it a smell that was familiar to it, such as the smell of a cigar, or some exotic flower. Knowing that this smell does not come from something in the house helps to recognize the secret occupant of your home, which you previously did not suspect.

2. Strange dreams about people or places you are completely unfamiliar with.

If a ghost lives in your house, sometimes it can cause you to have strange dreams and even nightmares about him. In a dream, you may see mysterious places you have never been to or people you have never met before. All of these may be signs that the ghost is trying to get your attention and tell your story. You need to understand that sometimes these are the souls of people who died in some mysterious or violent way. Seeing such people in a dream, or the places in which these people were, is a sure sign that their energy imprints have remained in your house. You can discover the history of your home in libraries and try to determine if what you read in the old newspaper news in the library resembles in any way what you saw in your dream.

3. Feeling of persecution.

Some people may be more sensitive to ghosts than others, they may feel the constant presence of someone or something, they may feel as if they are being watched. Of course, one should not rely entirely on such sensations when determining that a house is haunted, but it can also be a sign. If you feel that someone or something is following you, stalking you, try to focus and pay attention to see if there are any other strange and mysterious things going on around you. Don't be afraid and try to explore all the paranormal around you. Sometimes when people move into a new home, they can't help but feel like they're being watched all the time.

4. Feelings of heaviness in the air.

Some people are sensitive to changes in the energy field caused by being in the house of a ghost or spirit, and this sensation is akin to a feeling of heaviness in the air, making it difficult for a person to breathe. A sudden change in the air can be triggered by the presence of a ghost or spirit in the house and is another sign that you are not alone in the house. People who are not hypersensitive to such phenomena may also notice this, because sudden changes can make it difficult for a person to breathe. Usually, after cleansing a house or apartment, or exorcism in more dangerous cases, people notice that the air becomes cleaner and lighter almost immediately after the completion of the ritual.

5. Mysterious sounds.

Do you hear strange noises or whispers that cannot be explained? There is a reason for these sounds, and the reasons are spirits or ghosts trying to announce their presence. Sounds can of course be the result of other things as well, common house sounds like wind blowing through a loose window, a floorboard creaking, or some other household object, but knowing which sounds are and are not common to your home can help you determine reasons for their appearance. Most ghosts and spirits do not make sounds that are distinguishable by the human ear, and for this you need to have special equipment. However, there are so-called aggressive ghosts that sometimes make frightening and even chilling sounds, scattering objects around.

6. Change in air temperature.

Sudden changes in air temperature around you can also be a good indicator that spirits are nearby. If as you move around your house you notice that some rooms in it are colder than others or the air around you suddenly becomes colder, this is most likely not your cooling device. Sometimes the presence of a spirit around you can be noticed through a sharp cooling of the air temperature, and this is due to the fact that the spirit uses the energy accumulated in the place of its appearance to materialize. Sometimes you can walk through a very cold spot in your home even though the temperature in your home should be normal. Naturally, if a breath of cold blew around you, it does not mean that you will meet face to face with the spirit, but this may be a sign of its presence.

7. Objects in the house move on their own.

Some spirits like to move objects around your house when you are away. You will definitely notice this sooner or later when you return. If you are absolutely sure that this or that object in your house is not in place, and was not moved by you or your relatives, or guests who are at that moment in the house, then there is a possibility that it was moved by a spirit or ghost, in an attempt to inform you about your presence. Sometimes objects can move in your presence: doors open and close, things fall off the table. It is important to remember that any spirit capable of such tricks is most likely not friendly to you.

8. Feeling like someone is touching you.

Someone touches you, but there is no one around, oddly enough? It can also be a sign that a ghost has settled in the house. Involuntarily touching something or feeling a light breeze around you, as if someone is touching you. It is very accurate to know who it is and not to panic prematurely. You may just feel the hairs on the back of your neck tickle you. However, if any marks are found on the body after such a touch, or scratches and bruises that you cannot explain, this may be an indicator of the presence of evil spirits and energies. If the situation escalates, you should investigate what is happening and find the most appropriate way to deal with this phenomenon, because this can be very dangerous.

9. Sudden change in mood and behavior.

Naturally less common, depending on various signs, a more aggressive cast or spirit may be present in your home. These spirits may not be spirits but demonic formations. Sometimes the fear, anger, excitement and other emotions contained in a demonic being can be transferred to you, changing your mood and behavior. In more serious cases, the outcome may be the possession of a demonic being in you. A person should always be wary and protect others from such phenomena.

10. Seeing is believing.

And the last, but the most important sign of the presence of spirits and ghosts in your house, when you actually see them. Perfume can appear right in front of your nose. Figures of people may appear or disappear in some cases. You can also watch how absolutely ordinary people disappear right in front of your eyes. Such people may appear too pale, wounded, bloody. These people are not typical shadows and not a mote, from the corner of your eye, and most often these are the souls of people who died a violent death. Sometimes these souls will repeat the movements that they made right before death, often everything will be repeated over and over again, like a video recording. The souls of these people have already gone, but the images of their presence and death are imprinted on the environment.

According to the researchers, almost every person is given the ability to move objects with the help of a single thought. Telekinesis can be learned without even having the slightest ability. It's just that these abilities are inherent in a person from birth. The main thing is faith. Once you believe in your abilities, you will be able to achieve the desired result. You can develop this ability in yourself. At first, of course, it may not work out, but you should not give up right away. You have to be patient, assertive and train a lot, only in this way you can learn telekinesis. How to learn to move objects with your eyes if you do not need the help of teachers, but want to do everything yourself.

How to learn to move objects with your eyes step by step

It’s worth starting with the most elementary exercise - “moving the void”. Look at some one point and mentally, on the subconscious, begin to imagine that you are trying to move the void. Such an exercise is necessary in order to learn concentration. You will learn to concentrate your eyes and your attention.

At the same time, your body should be relaxed. But at the same time, the hands must move. Practice until you feel that the tension in their muscles, the body gradually begins to go away. Even when you move your arms, you should not have any tension.

If something does not work out, you still continue classes, do not stop. It is not always so easy to become a real professional, but experience comes only when a lot of effort and daily training are applied to it.

There is another way to learn how to move objects with your eyes. After the first preparation with moving the void, you can already start moving any objects. Try to work with a piece of paper. You will need a small piece of paper, which will need to be folded two times perpendicularly. Stick a pin into it or an ordinary needle into a plastic cover, a cork, you can into plasticine, put a leaf on the needle in the middle.

The needle and sheet should be at the same level of your eyes, but at a distance of two to three meters. Try to focus on the solar plexus, feel how the current passes through your hands, fingers, you feel a slight tingling. When your palms are opposite each other, it should feel like something is preventing you from touching them.

Now sit in a place where it is well lit. Bring your hands to a piece of paper and concentrate all your attention on it. Try to turn it over. Just throw all thoughts out of your head, they will only interfere with you, breathe calmly and deeply. It is best to do these exercises at night and for at least 30 minutes.


Start with exercises on "moving the void." Look anywhere and subconsciously "move the void." This will teach you to concentrate attention and look.

Try to relax the muscles of the body, but the arms should still move. Practice hard until the tension in the muscles during arm movements subsides.

Start learning to move material things. Take a small piece of paper and fold it in half perpendicularly twice. Stick a sewing needle or pin into a plastic bottle cap, cork, plasticine lump. Place a folded leaf on the needle in the middle.

Place a needle with a piece of paper at eye level, at a distance of 2-3 meters, to exclude the possibility of breathing.

Try to focus on the solar plexus, feel with your hands how heat moves from it. Feel a slight tingling and warmth on your fingertips and on your palms. If you turn your palms towards each other, then you should feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon between them.

Relax, sit back. The place for the exercise should be well lit. Bring your hands to the sheet and, concentrating, try to turn it over with the power of thought.

At this moment, do not think about anything, relax, put all thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply. You should only want the leaf to turn and see this process inwardly.

Do the exercise every time for about thirty minutes. It is best to do this at night, as the brain is less active at this time of day.

Don't get discouraged and don't doubt your abilities. If it doesn’t work right away, then be sure that success will come after three to five days of constant training.

Remember: the most important thing in this business is faith in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident in yourself, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

In the world familiar to us, the skill of moving objects with thoughts, or telekinesis, is nothing more than an illusion. In other words, focus. In order to demonstrate such a trick, for example, to your children, it is not at all necessary to be Copperfield. Let's try to move the object mentally at home.

You will need

  • - powerful magnet
  • - table or board
  • - a small metal object


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Not all metals and alloys are affected by a magnet. Choose products that are well attracted.

When demonstrating the focus, try not to touch the magnet on the inner surface of the table, this can ruin everything.

If the table is quite thick, or has any technological protrusions, this can complicate the task. Dining tables that consist of only a tabletop and legs are ideal.

Lean closer to the object of "telekinesis", make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand.
Alternatively, the magnet can be adapted to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, but you will lose some freedom to move the object.

Telekinesis is the ability to move items by one power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of non-contact movement of things, and they could not give a scientific explanation to these facts. Most often for the ability to move items Thought, like music, requires a certain gift, but this can be achieved through hard training.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - thread.


First, take a look at your family tree. Perhaps in your family there were already people who own telekinesis. Ask your grandparents. If you are lucky, and the owners of paranormal abilities are present in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to learn how to move items without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, as your abilities can wake up at any time.

If there were no sorcerers in your family, do not worry, you can achieve everything on your own. Find a point on the wall (if you have a new wallpaper without stains, draw it yourself) and concentrate your attention on it for 15 minutes every day. You should sit comfortably and be relaxed. Imagine that rays come from your eyes, which rest on a point.

After you have learned how to concentrate your attention without any problems, complicate the exercise. Now keep looking at the point, while rotating your head. If this exercise was given to you without difficulty, draw a second point on the wall a little lower than the first and, concentrating on the top, smoothly look at the bottom. You should have the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and is pulling it down.

Take a plastic cup and place it in front of you on a hard chair. At the same time, sit on the floor. Making passes over the glass with your hands (which ones - your intuition will tell you), move it with the power of thought. With careful and regular performance of this exercise, the result should appear within a week.

Take a match, tie it to a string and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to make the match rotate around its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

After you have successfully mastered the exercises of moving a plastic cup and a match, you can move larger items, following the same principle.


  • How to learn telekinesis
  • how to pick up an object

Concentration of attention and thoughts requires a lot of mental effort. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the object of concentration. It can be difficult to concentrate even when doing routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at familiar things will help you maintain a steady interest in the problem you are considering.


An important factor for successful concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you are reading a book, writing or thinking about something, any sound or movement can distract your attention. It is most difficult to concentrate in crowded and noisy places. If you work from home, and your loved ones watch TV, talk loudly and constantly ask any questions, you will not be able to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Try to isolate yourself from external stimuli as much as possible. Find the most private and quiet place where you can be more productive. If you can’t find such a place, try to mentally isolate yourself from the events taking place around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass ball, and all external sounds bounce off it without reaching your attention.

When you need to concentrate on routine work or a boring lecture that does not arouse interest, try to find something new in it. Look at familiar things from the other side. Let's say you are listening to the tenth report at a conference, your attention has scattered and thoughts left in an unknown direction. Imagine yourself as a person who first encountered the topic being presented, as if you accidentally got into the hall. Find points in the report that might interest you. This may be different from your opinion on already known things, some previously unexplored figures, facts and wording of terms. You may be interested in the unusual style of the speaker and the ability to present complex material in an accessible way.

Learn to concentrate thoughts special exercises will help. Place any object in front of you - an apple, a vase, a matchbox or a watch. Focus on the selected object. Consider it from different angles. Pay attention to the color, volume, shape, smell, sensations when touching an object. Try to hold your attention clearly and think about the subject for at least two minutes. As soon as you notice that your attention has moved away from the object of concentration, gently bring it back and continue with the exercise. Do the exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. It will soon become easier for you to control thoughts.

Concentration - the ability to fix Attention on the same object for any period of time. However, the pace of modern life, the abundance of information and routine things often do not allow you to focus on one thing. This is especially true at work or school. How to learn to push everything unnecessary into the background?

Move objects with the power of thought - is it fairy tales or is it reality? Nowadays, this phenomenon is given a lot of attention, we can see programs about telekinesis on TV, read about it in magazines and on the Internet. But how do you know if you can learn on your own? move objects with your eyes or a thought?

What is it

Telekinesis is a human ability move objects without touching them. From Greek, this word is translated as "movement at a distance", and this name contains the whole meaning of the phenomenon.

In another way, it is called psychokinesis - this word is translated as "soul, breath." History knows examples when a person could move objects with the power of thought.

Let's remember the notorious Ninel Kulaginu– this woman moved various objects without touching them. She used her psychic energy and proved to scientists that it was possible.

The results of the research stated that at the moment of moving the object, thin and shiny dotted lines appeared near her fingers, which were recorded by the equipment.

This is what it looks like psychic energy, and everyone has it, you just need to learn how to use it, and this will require the ability to concentrate and direct energy to one point. This can be achieved through training.

How does it happen on its own the fact of telekinesis? Objects move due to mental efforts directed at them for the following reasons:

  • The brain generates a signal, sends it exactly to the target.
  • Consciousness controls and controls the nervous system.
  • The internal reserves of the body are activated, currents are generated that are directed to the object and move it from its place.

What does a person feel at the moment he makes volitional effort to move an object contactlessly? Let's figure it out. First, at first he concentrates his gaze on the subject in such a way that one day he begins to see more, as if to cover the entire subject with his gaze - this is how the mono-view manifests itself.

A person in this state can feel an object with his whole body, see what he has from below, inside, and so on. After that, noise begins to grow in his ears, everything inside him goes into a tense state, but the body remains outwardly relaxed.

He feels the energy, which, originating in the head, passes into solar plexus. The world turns into a blurry picture, the outlines become fuzzy - this is a state of trance. For a person, the boundary of reality seems to be moving away, sounds become quiet for him and go into the background, white noise is growing.

At this moment, the person's body and the object that he wants to move move into state of resonance. It is now that it can be moved by the power of thought, directing a stream of energy to it.

5 minutes at home

Telekinesis requires a lot of energy, and you should be prepared for the fact that after training you can get very tired. If this does not scare you, then it is quite possible to learn how to move objects the power of thought at home.

There are exercises that will take you no more than 5 minutes, but will work effectively to develop your abilities. But first, remember the simple rules - never start exercising if you feel bad and before you start exercising, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head so that nothing distracts you.

This may not work out right away, in order to learn how to concentrate and free the mind from all that is superfluous, many experts recommend before telekinesis training some time to do yoga or meditation.

Fast learn telekinesis at home The following exercise will help you. Its purpose is to store energy. Sit comfortably and place your palms opposite each other.

Imagine how energy flows pass through you, and energy accumulates in the solar plexus. Feel a slight tingle or warmth as it passes through you. After that, send energy into the palms and imagine how it moves from one palm to another, flows through the wrists, shoulders.

You have enough of everything 5 minutes for this exercise, and if you do it regularly, your telekinesis abilities will increase markedly! Over time, it is worth giving it a little more time, and you will see how your energy increases.

The next exercise takes 5 minutes but you have to do it regularly. Sit in front of a mirror or ordinary glass, mentally draw a black dot on it and concentrate on it. Imagine how golden streams of energy come out of your eyes and bridge of your nose and gather at this point.

Remember that at this moment you should be very comfortable, nothing should be distracting. Over time, you should move on to the second part of this exercise - start rotating your head without taking your eyes off the point. At the same time, try to keep the energy rays in the same place, as if chained to this place.

Then, after a couple of weeks of such training, imagine already two points and move your attention from one to another. Try to feel the effort so that it seems to you that you are moving the same point with the effort of thought.

Quick and easy

To master telekinesis in all perfection, lengthy training will be required, but you can easily try to test yourself for a penchant for it. That is, everyone has abilities, it’s just that it’s more difficult for someone, for someone it’s easier, like any science.

So, take a plastic cup and put it on the table in front of you on its side. Sit in front of him, focus, breathe deeply. Try to immerse yourself in a state close to a trance, this can help meditation techniques. Throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, focus on the subject in front of you.

Now try to gather all your energy and move the glass with the maximum effort of will. Nothing succeeded? Dont be upset! Everything has its time. Change the position of the glass and try again. Even if you don't succeed right away, don't stop trying. If you exercise regularly at least three times a week, one day you will succeed.

Another way to learn move objects with the mind- Practice concentration. Draw bold dots on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall at eye level. One of the points should be higher and the other lower.

Concentrate first on the one below, and then slowly transfer your attention to the top, then back. Do this for several minutes. It’s good if you hang such a leaflet in front of your desktop and visit several times during the day do this exercise.

It will help in mastering telekinesis and an exercise with a match. Fill a deep bowl or saucepan with clean water, you can take boiled or running water, but ideally it should be spring water.

Now throw a match in there and start concentrating on it. Send all your energy, all your will to it. Imagine from your eyes beams of energy, which push the match and make it move in the water.

A good way is an exercise with a pen, pencil and thread. Take the listed items, tie a feather to one end of the thread, and a pencil to the other.

In addition, you will need an ordinary jar on which you need to put a pencil so that the feather hangs down and rests on a thread. Now you need concentrate on pen and try to move it with energy.

Do not get too close to the structure, then it will move not from energy, but from your breath, and such an action will not bring results.


To master telekinesis, it is useful to conduct energy practices. One of the exercises is carried out as follows: you need to close your eyes and relax, feel how the whole space around you is permeated with energies.

Try to grab, catch one of the streams, breathe it into yourself. Now exhale, trying to direct the energy into own hands. Feel how it passes through you, how it enters the palms, into the fingertips, pulsing there.

Connect your palms, separate, bring closer to the object that you want to budge - at first it should be something light - a feather or a cap from a pen. Move your palms over the object, to the side of it, lightly touch it, and then move your hands away.

try feel warm, tension between him and your skin. Then take a deep breath and exhale, relax. Repeat all over again, and so several times.

Well helps in the disclosure of this ability exercise called "Movement of the void." Relax, free your head from thoughts, sit back and concentrate on one point.

Look at this point continuously and concentrate energy on it. Now imagine that move with the power of thought a block of air from this point to another. Move the void several times a day.

Another interesting exercise is the movement of the pin. Take a plastic lid - preferably from a can, it is softer - and a pin. Push the pin into the center of the lid so that it is vertical and does not fall off. Put the structure in front of you and start focusing on it in the same way.

Apply all your will to moving the pin at least a little, to scroll it around its axis. If you do this regularly and direct the energy over time, your efforts will be rewarded.

You can also try to move a piece of paper with the power of thought. To do this, take it and put it at eye level, for example, on a shelf. Now focus and direct energy at him, trying to turn him over. Most likely, you won’t succeed right away, but it’s quite possible to move or move the leaf slightly.

If you are sick or tired, in no case do not start exercising - so you will spend valuable energy, which could go to recovery. Before classes, try to relax, listen to calm music, take a bath, light an aroma lamp.

In order to concentrate and direct your energy to one point, you need to free yourself from experiences and everyday worries that distract and take away strength. This can help simple meditation- sit with your back straight and eyes closed for 5-10 minutes and breathe deeply.

Imagine how golden energy is concentrated inside you, how it fills every cell of your body. Relax all the muscles in stages, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. At the end of the meditation, take a deep breath and open your eyes. Now you ready for exercise.

There is a theory that it can be uncontrolled. So do not be surprised if at the time when you started to exercise, during quarrels or disputes in your house, objects fall by themselves, things move.

Such the phenomenon is known for a long time, it is called a poltergeist, but in fact it is an uncontrolled human energy, with impulses and emotions breaking free.

Due to nervous shocks, the human brain enters a special state in which it can direct energy in such a way that the effect of telekinesis is created. Therefore, be careful in your experiments and try to be as nervous as possible, because this can lead to injury!

A few decades ago, people could only be surprised and dream about how simply unusual people move objects. They were considered magicians and wizards, they were feared and respected. Many dreamed of learning telekinesis on their own, negotiated with suppliers, purchased special literature, read, trained, but ... nothing came of it. It turns out that some fifty years ago, all printed literature in this direction was produced by enterprising people who were ready to earn their first capital, literally on the air.

Often the advice that could be read in such books was very similar to the well-known fantasy work, where a schoolboy named Harry did the impossible with a wave of a magic wand. Over the past century in Russia, superpowers have been revealed in only two people, and each of them did not want to specifically learn this at all. As they say in their publications and tips, you don't have to wish for something very much. Everything turns out by itself, and how they managed to move a pencil, set in motion the water in a glass container, and also raise a bird's feather in the air, they shrug their shoulders and shrug.

The concept of telekinesis

Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the ability to move objects without using the hands. The scientific concept of this phenomenon sounds like an interacting resonance of the human body and any objects, the interaction of which occurs:

  1. Formulation of a directed message by the brain.
  2. Management of the nervous system by consciousness.
  3. Activation of the body's internal reserves, namely the currents, are the main engine that affects the movement of external objects.

Let's imagine ourselves in the place of a person who is learning the skills of telekinesis. For example, he stands in the middle of the room, on the floor and stares at the heavy sofa. She tries to move him with just one look. When a person strains his gaze, he stares at the object, begins to see the sofa in a different direction. This is called monovision, when a person, as if going beyond his body, sees an object in a different projection. He examines the sofa - he sees its outline, the back walls, the box inside. That is, he sees the "skeleton" of the object and what is inside. Next, a person begins to hear a sound that is more like a vibration or a "white" noise. It is difficult to describe in words, but all his insides are tense, a person feels a heartbeat and an impulse that gradually descends down to the solar plexus. The outlines of all objects in the room become blurred, the boundaries are erased, the sounds are dulled. And it is at this moment that the human body and the object enter the same state - resonant. A sound is heard that the human ear perceives as very loud - this is the sound of a moving object. The sound “cuts” the brain and powerful “goosebumps” run through the body. At this time, the movement of the object occurs.

Who can learn

The ability to master telekinesis is extremely rare. Only one or two people in a million are able to effortlessly move an object, lift it into the air, and perform other actions that cannot be performed at a distance. For example, to kindle or extinguish a fire, disconnect, bend metal objects, etc. Scientists still have not found scientific evidence for this phenomenon and continue to shrug. But there is an opinion that every person has such abilities. Just not everyone notices them and does not try to develop them.

When asked whether it is possible to learn how to move objects at a distance, experts in this direction answer in the affirmative: “Yes, you can. You just need to follow a few rules."

Basic Rules:

  1. It is necessary to have a great desire, as well as to have a firmness of character and believe, believe and believe that everything will work out.
  2. Learn to relax.
  3. Know how to concentrate.
  4. Learn to master both body and mind.
  5. Be ready to train every day, without a break.

Testing your potential

Let's look inside ourselves, inside our consciousness, check ourselves, our potential. To learn telekinesis, you need perseverance and regular training. You can learn this phenomenon both with a teacher and on your own by conducting home workouts. The main rule of practice:

  1. You need to practice every day.
  2. Don't get distracted and learn to focus.

Getting Started with Energy

Classes should take place in a calm environment. Turn off all objects that reproduce sounds: TV, radio, phone, close windows. Even the sound of the hands of a wall clock can interfere.

  1. Relax your body, try to close your eyes and feel your energy, its flow.
  2. Inhale, exhale - slowly release the air, trying to direct the energy into your hands.
  3. Try to feel the flow, feel how the energy gathers in the palms and absorbs into the fingertips.
  4. Place your hands in front of you with your palms together. Try to feel the density of the space formed between them.
  5. Place any object between your palms. Raise your palms up over the object, feel the warmth.
  6. Bring your hands closer to the object slowly. Focus.
  7. You should feel a slight tingle or feel that the distance between the palms is compressed, as if drawing them to each other.
  8. Gently touch the object and also slowly move your hand to the side.
  9. Feel the sensation of resistance when the object doesn't let go of your hand.
  10. Remove your hand and rest.
  11. Relax.
  12. Try to release the energy.

This is a step by step description of the first lesson. In subsequent sessions, you must try to create an energy sensation with any objects of different sizes and weights. Experiment with different distances, trying to gradually increase the distance between you and the subject. Constant training will allow you to feel the energy at a distance of two to three meters.

During the training period, achieve a tingling sensation in the palms and fingertips, gradually increasing the distance between objects. Achieve a sense of "push".

During the training period, it is necessary to achieve through daily training in order to feel the energy of space even with closed eyes. Training can begin with working out the feeling of a small distance. Only after honing these phenomena, you can try to move a small object from its place, without the use of physical contact.

Mastering Visualization

Before you start learning, you need to mentally "draw" a small dot on the subject. First of all, you need to get rid of all thoughts without exception. It is very difficult to do this, but with time you will succeed. Look at an imaginary target and think about it, imagining that the eyes are directing the rays to this point. When this stage of training is over, and you can do it without effort and special concentration, you need to add a second exercise - circular head rotations.

After - the exercise becomes more complicated and you need to “draw” a second one to one point, slightly higher than the first. Now your task is to look from one point to another so that the points move - the top one is at the bottom, and the bottom one moves up. This is the most important rule in mastering the technique of telekinesis.

After honing the above techniques, you can move on to the most important thing - real objects. In the same way as with moving imaginary points, one should practice moving objects.

Don't stop there: patience and perseverance will help you figure out if you have special abilities that just need to be "awakened", or if you are able to comprehend all the basics and learn telekinesis on your own.

Fans of science fiction, the unknown side of the world, the underworld, UFOs and other things - you have all heard about and, unlike those who just love to read about hobbits before bed, you dream and live with the idea of ​​​​mastering telekinesis. We will tell you how to move objects, but we do not guarantee that you will succeed.

Impossible to move the mind

The essence of telekinesis is not to believe what you might think and move the remote to your hands. On the contrary, you must understand that this is impossible, that there are impossible things in the world, and that everything that is impossible can still be changed. That is, first of all, realize that the movement of objects with the power of thought is impossible, and then believe that you can do the impossible.


In order to develop the ability to move objects with the power of thought, you need to start with the movement of emptiness.

In a free moment, sit back and stare into space for a long time. A few tens of minutes - and all in order to see the emptiness. What is emptiness? Emptiness is nothing concrete, everything that is around, but nothing definite.

Don't imagine that you are moving the curtains, just see how the emptiness moves in space.


The second step towards controlling objects with the power of thought is work on your hands. Raise your hand to eye level, relax it completely, and realize that it moves precisely because you want it to. Clench your fist, emphasizing the brain on this, do the same with the rest of the body. Next, learn to move your hand without straining your muscles.


The classic inventory of those who decide to learn how to move things with the power of their mind is a pen. Place it in front of you in good light and start looking at it for a long time, studying how a new acquisition is to the smallest detail. When tired of looking, repeat to yourself that it is, of course, impossible to move it with your thoughts (you must believe that this is impossible!). Further move it!

The pen should move 1 mm, and this, of course, did not work the first time. So, you should work on your fantasy and imagine that you moved it, see in reality that it is moving.

Many days will pass for the passage of each of the stages, in the end, you must deal with the most important of them - the direct, real movement of the pen.

Just try to do it, realizing that it may not work, but it may work.

This will not happen on the first, and not on the hundredth attempt. But there are people who do this impossible, so you can too.

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