Preventive and corrective work of a social pedagogue at school. The concept of prevention, types and levels of socio-pedagogical prevention The activities of a social educator to provide preventive

Main directions preventive work in the work of a social pedagogue. Primary prevention as improvement of people's social life, elimination of social factors and education of socially useful orientation. Moral and legal education, anti-alcohol education.

Secondary prevention of deviant behavior. Risk factors. Identification of persons with neuropsychiatric disorders.

The main forms of preventive work: organization of the social environment; informing; social learning; organization of alternative activities; organization of a healthy lifestyle; activation of personal resources; minimizing the negative consequences of deviant behavior. Forms of social and pedagogical work with parents to prevent deviations in the behavior of children.

Tertiary prevention of deviant behavior. Prevention of recurrent deviations in behavior, restoration of personal and social status minor.

Socio-pedagogical preventive activity with children of deviant behavior. Services for the rehabilitation and social adaptation of minors at social risk. Features of the interaction of a social teacher with other participants in the pedagogical process in the work on the prevention of deviant behavior in children and adolescents. Features of the work of educational institutions for the prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents.

Socio-pedagogical prevention is the process of eliminating from life the causes and conditions that contribute to deviations in the behavior of a growing person, as well as the creation of socio-pedagogical conditions for the formation of a highly moral personality.

Prevention of deviant forms of behavior is a set of measures aimed at its prevention. Experience shows that the transfer of the center of gravity in the chain of preventive measures to some separate links is doomed to failure in advance, and only with the harmonious use of the entire complex of measures (state, public, socio-economic, health, psychological and pedagogical, psychohygienic, etc.) .) we can hope for positive results.

In working with the developing personality, the World Health Organization proposes to distinguish: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

Primary prevention - a set of measures aimed at preventing negative impact biological and socio-psychological factors influencing the formation of deviant behavior (the activities of healthcare institutions for the timely diagnosis of pathologies of intrauterine development of children; solving the problem of employment of leisure of children and adolescents by the institutions of the school and out-of-school education system). It is primary prevention (its timeliness, completeness and constancy) that is the most important type of preventive measures in the field of preventing deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents.

Secondary prevention is a complex of socio-pedagogical, medical and other measures aimed at working with minors with deviant behavior. The main objectives of secondary prevention are to prevent a teenager from committing a more serious misconduct, an offense; providing timely socio-psychological support to a teenager in a difficult life situation. Secondary prevention is aimed at early detection and rehabilitation of neuropsychiatric disorders and work with the "risk group", for example, adolescents who have a pronounced tendency to develop deviant behavior without presenting it.

Tertiary prevention solves such special problems as the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders accompanied by behavioral disorders. Tertiary prevention can also be aimed at preventing relapse in individuals with already formed deviant behavior. Psychoprophylactic work can be included in a set of measures at all three levels; it is most effective in the form of influencing the conditions and causes that cause deviant behavior in the early stages of problems.

Currently, several approaches to the organization of the prevention of deviant behavior have been formed, which are based on a different understanding of the key factors of deviation, which, in turn, predetermines the direction of preventive actions, the choice of means, forms and methods for their implementation.

Outreach approach is based on the notion that deviation from social norms in people's behavior comes from ignorance of the boundaries of normative behavior. Therefore, the main emphasis here is on informing children and adolescents about regulatory requirements in order to increase their moral stability, the general level of culture.

Social preventive approach considers the identification, elimination and neutralization of the causes and conditions that cause various kinds of negative phenomena as the main goal. The essence of this approach is a system of socio-economic, socio-political, organizational, legal and educational activities that are carried out by the state, society, a specific educational institution, a social teacher to eliminate or minimize the causes of deviant behavior.

Among the main areas of prevention of deviant behavior, a special place is occupied by biomedical approach. Its essence lies in the prevention of possible deviations from social norms by targeted therapeutic and preventive measures in relation to persons suffering from various mental anomalies, that is, pathology at the biological level.

The next approach is socio-pedagogical, which consists in the restoration or correction of the personality traits of a person with deviant behavior, especially his moral and volitional personality traits.

Modern prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents includes the following forms:

First form - organization of the social environment. It is based on the idea of ​​the determining influence environment, on the formation of deviations. By influencing social factors, undesirable behavior of the individual can be prevented. The impact can be directed at society as a whole, for example, through the creation of a negative public opinion in relation to deviant behavior. The object of work can also be a family, social group, school, class or specific person.

Second form of work - informing. This is the most common area of ​​preventive work. In the form of lectures, distribution of specialized literature, conversations or visualization tools. The essence of the approach lies in an attempt to influence the cognitive processes of the individual in order to increase its ability to make constructive decisions. For this, information supported by statistical data is usually widely used, for example, on the harmful effects of drugs on health and personality.

The third form of preventive work - active learning of socially important skills. This model is one of the most effective in working with teenagers.

fourth form - organization of activities alternative to deviant behavior. This form of work is associated with the idea of ​​the substitutive effect of deviant behavior; it is implemented in almost all assistance programs in cases of already formed deviant behavior.

Fifth form - Organization of a healthy lifestyle. This form comes from the idea of ​​personal responsibility for health, harmony with the outside world and your body. The ability of a person to achieve the optimal state of his health and successfully resist adverse environmental factors is considered especially valuable.

sixth form - activation of personal resources. Active involvement of teenagers in sports, their creative self-expression, participation in communication groups and personal growth- all this activates personal resources, which in turn ensure the activity of the individual, his health and resistance to negative external influences.

seventh form - minimization of negative consequences deviant behaviour. This form is used in cases of already formed deviant behavior. It is aimed at preventing relapses or their negative consequences.

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List of materials:

  1. Individual accompaniment card
  2. Work plan of a social educator
  3. Comprehensive work plan for neglect.
  4. parent conference. “Child abuse. Methods of detection and prevention”.
  5. Holiday for mothers "Mother's Day".
  6. Presentation “Education of tolerance”.
  7. Speech at the parent meeting "Education of tolerance."
  8. The plan of the anti-drug action "Soviet - the territory of health".
  9. Pedagogical Council. Topic: "Conflicts in the class team."
  10. Presentation “Interaction between a social teacher and a class teacher”.

Social and economic problems, national-demographic and political-legal changes in modern Russia have also affected the education system. As a result of the depreciation of spiritual and moral ideals, child neglect and homelessness is growing, living standards are falling, and the number of dysfunctional families is increasing. The lack of humanity and mercy in society affects children.

The problem of helping children and adolescents is particularly acute in our society. Particular attention is drawn to the growing number of students with pathology in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Of course, such children need pedagogical rehabilitation and correction.

The school is faced with the task of organizing an effective system of measures to prevent deviations in the development of the personality and behavior of children and adolescents - the prevention of delinquency among minors.

The teaching staff strives for the educational system of the school, which includes the educational process, extracurricular life of children, their activities and communication outside the educational institution, to ensure, perhaps, a more complete and comprehensive development of the personality of each child, the formation of his independence and responsibility, civil formation .

The problem of forming a comprehensively developed, socially active, socially valuable personality becomes especially urgent when it comes to working with children and adolescents who are in a difficult life situation, the so-called “risk group”. The category of children at risk usually includes children from dysfunctional families who do poorly at school, are characterized by various manifestations of deviant behavior, etc.

There are children at risk in every class. Observation of their behavior in a team, living conditions in the family, child-parent relationships, the study of personal qualities, their society made it possible to identify the following reasons for students to fall into the “risk group”:

Alienation of children from family, school and society,

  • Trouble in the family (including insufficient care for the child by the parents, conflicts in the family, child abuse, absence and non-participation in the upbringing of the child by one or both parents; parental abuse of alcohol and drugs, etc.,
  • Low material level and poor living conditions; low educational and cultural level of parents; wrong attitude and mistakes in education, denial of the self-worth of the child,
  • Pedagogical neglect of the child (poor academic performance, lack of interest in learning),
  • The influence of a bad company, environment, society (this is especially important, because the insufficiently stable organization of the social life of the microdistrict, the lack of cultural, leisure centers for teenagers 13–16 years old, many institutions of additional education were closed, all this does not contribute to the formation of a healthy generation) ,
  • Sale of alcohol and cigarettes to minors,
  • Promotion of violence and cruelty through the media.

It is also necessary to note the influx of visitors from other cities and republics, states. Under these conditions, the task of forming norms of tolerant behavior among both students and parents is very important. Many families who have arrived in our city are in a socially dangerous situation: parents abuse alcohol, do not have their own housing. As a rule, they live in rented apartments, dachas in conditions that do not meet any sanitary and hygienic standards. Lack of registration prevents many newcomers from getting permanent, well-paid jobs.

Internal risk factors include:

  • the child's feeling of being worthless,
  • low self-esteem, self-doubt,
  • lack of self-control and self-discipline,
  • ignorance and rejection of social norms and values,
  • inability to make adequate decisions in various situations,
  • the inability to correctly express their feelings, to respond to their actions and the actions of other people.

As a rule, a child receives the label of “difficult” if his behavior does not meet the expectations of adults and it is impossible to apply the developed pedagogical techniques and methods for his upbringing and education.

Therefore, one of the important directions educational work our school - the prevention of delinquency, deviant behavior, vagrancy, neglect in the children's environment, as well as early family trouble.

Prevention in pedagogy is considered as a special type of social pedagogical activity to prevent problems in the development and social development of the child.

The main goal of preventive work is to protect the child, his life, dignity, and the right to development in the changing conditions of social reality.

To do this, the school has created conditions for the normal upbringing and development of the child's personality:

  • Humane style of communication between all participants in the educational process,
  • democratic principles,
  • Reasonable discipline and order as a condition for the protection of a child and an adult in the educational space.
  • The possibility of manifestation of children's initiatives and their support from adults

In 1999, Russia adopted the federal law 120 “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency”, which regulates the issues of assistance and support for children, in fact forming a nationwide technology for working with children at risk. It is in the legal sphere that a set of legal norms and procedures has been approved that determine the possibilities of working with children in difficult life situations.

The purpose of my work as a social educator is to provide timely and qualified assistance to children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult socio-pedagogical, family and other situations.

My tasks are the following:

- prevention of neglect, homelessness, offenses and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to this;

– ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

- socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation;

- provide pedagogical support to every child in need.

In working with children and adolescents in difficult situations and in need of social and pedagogical support, I adhere to the following principles:

  • Understanding,
  • Confidentiality,
  • Confidence,
  • Unity of action
  • Humanity,
  • reasonable demand,
  • Variability.

Preventive work as a socio-pedagogical technology can be implemented most often by a social teacher who owns a functional algorithm and, based on this algorithm, can provide targeted assistance to a particular child.

I stick to the following functional algorithm:

1. Identification of children and adolescents who are in a socially dangerous situation and formation of a data bank. This function stands out in preventive activities, as it allows solving the problem of organizing activities that require the interaction of the entire teaching staff of the school, various structures, problem solving minors and their families.

At the beginning of each academic year, the school issues social passports for all classes, and subsequently a single social passport for the school is drawn up. Based on the data of social passports, a data bank of students who find themselves in a difficult life situation and families in a socially dangerous situation is being created with the aim of subsequent assistance to them.

The creation of a data bank is carried out jointly with inspectors of the ODN Ministry of Internal Affairs, district social workers of the SRC "Bereginya", with representatives of the guardianship and guardianship authorities of the administration of the municipality "Sovetsky", health and commissions for minors.

Databank of students of educational institutions, consisting of various accounts.

Class Date of Birth Surname
student's name
It is registered.
Date of production
Home address mugs,
sections, clubs.

List of foster children.

2. Diagnostics of the problems of personal and social development of children and adolescents included in the data bank and falling within the scope of the prevention system. In crime prevention activities, special attention is paid to the diagnostic activities of children and adolescents in difficult life situations.

This function is necessary to clarify the socio-psychological characteristics of the child and the parameters of his problem situation. Close cooperation with the school psychologist has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of this activity. We study the individual characteristics of the child and identify his interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in behavior, determine their causes, trace the origins of conflict situations; we study the conditions and features of relations with society, the life of the child.

With the help of diagnostic methods,

  • identification of students prone to violation of discipline, antisocial norms of behavior, lagging behind in their studies,
  • determination of the causes of deviations in behavior, moral development, as well as individual psychological characteristics of the personality of identified schoolchildren,
  • the position of the student in the class, the nature of relationships with comrades, the causes of deviations in interpersonal relationships.
  • studying the interests, abilities and inclinations of the student,
  • study of the child's contacts outside the school, their impact on this student,
  • identifying the level of social well-being of the child,
  • identifying situations of abuse and stopping violence at an early stage

As a social educator, my diagnostic tools include both sociological and psychological methods: observation method, conversation, questioning, testing, document analysis, etc.

A correct and complete study of the personality of the child, his environment, family helps to correctly and fully fulfill the third function of the algorithm.

3. Development of a plan for pedagogical correction of the personality, improvement of the life situation, change in the conditions of family education. Based on the results of diagnostics, we determine the essence of the problem or a set of problems and, relying on a bank of technological approaches, we select psychological, pedagogical, social means to effectively resolve this problem.

Plans are developed to provide timely socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance and support to a child in a socially dangerous situation, they should include the involvement of the child and his environment in the process of overcoming the problem situation, creating conditions for the child to master the positive experience of solving problems. A social teacher, psychologists, class teachers, school teachers take part in the development of an individual plan. In some cases, a correction plan is drawn up at the PMPK of the school.

For each minor, teenager, who is in a socially dangerous situation or family, an individual accompaniment card is drawn up. It keeps track of the work done. ( Annex 1).

4. Implementation of an individual plan to improve the life situations of minors . This function protects the principles of an individual approach in solving children's problems.

The leading methods that are included in this plan are: social patronage, conversations, counseling, etc.

As part of individual preventive work, planning of activities takes place ( Appendix 2) to improve the life situations of minors, therefore it is necessary:

  • distribution (in accordance with the goals and objectives of the activity) of participation and responsibility of all parties involved in the implementation of the program ( Appendix 3);
  • determination of the purpose of pedagogical influence, means, performers;
  • contributing to the activation and development of the personal resources of the child and his family, to form and maintain motivation to overcome the difficulties that have arisen;
  • prevention of deviations in the behavior of the student
  • assistance in obtaining the necessary types of assistance and support for the child in resolving a difficult life situation;
  • thinking over the methods and forms of work with the child and his environment to improve a difficult life situation;
  • implementation of representation and protection of the rights of the child and family in institutions of the prevention system;
  • thinking through the involvement of students in various types of positive social activities and ensuring success in it,
  • it is necessary to provide for changes in the nature of the personal relationships of pupils with peers and adults;
  • facilitating a change in the conditions of family education (based on the capabilities of the school), involving for this purpose the services and departments of the prevention system.

The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of individual preventive work is to improve the situation and quality of life of the child, eliminate sources of disadvantage, expand the possible protection of the child's right to a decent life, health, education and the realization of his abilities.

The preventive work of the school is also aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate between all participants in the educational process, updating the motivational sphere of students - an important condition for the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of illegal acts.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of offenses, vagrancy and homelessness”, individual preventive work is carried out with students registered on various forms of registration, the main forms of which are as follows:

– study by a psychologist of personality traits of adolescents, classes on correcting their behavior, teaching communication skills,

– visiting classes in order to find out the level of preparation of students in the classroom,

– home visits in order to control the conditions of their family upbringing, preparation for lessons, organization of free time, employment during vacation time,

– psychological and pedagogical counseling for parents, subject teachers, class teachers in order to develop common approaches to education and training school students,

– individual and group preventive conversations with students and their parents,

- involving adolescents in socially significant activities through the implementation of projects, program activities, their employment in institutions of additional education, participation in school events.

For effective individual preventive work, a social teacher needs close cooperation with a psychologist, with class teachers, parents, student groups, as this provides support for the child at all stages of his school life. For successful work with children of the “risk group”, a model of accompanying students of the “risk group” has been developed. ( Appendix 4).

A social teacher is an active participant in the process of adaptation of children in society. The school conducts PMPK for the adaptation of students of the 1st, 5th, 10th grades. This direction includes work with teachers and parents. Cooperation with teachers is essential, as it is with them that the child interacts the most. It is carried out through consultations, monitoring, seminars that increase the level of teachers' knowledge about the characteristics of the child's personality and contribute to the successful formation of the class team, improving the quality of work. Work with parents is of great importance: speeches at parent meetings, individual consultations, psychological and pedagogical education of parents through pedagogical lectures and thematic parent meetings, introducing the characteristics of the child's age, the methodology of conflict-free communication, the psychology of family relations.

In the last decade for Russia, the use of alcohol, narcotic drugs and other psychoactive substances by minors has become a problem that poses a serious threat to public health, the social sphere and the rule of law.

Work on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

In this situation, there is a special responsibility on the part of professional groups working with children and youth - teachers, social pedagogues, school psychologists, doctors. An important point in the field of preventing the use of psychoactive substances and the prevention of drug addiction should be considered the focus of activities on the contingent of school age, since it is this age group of minors that is quickly drawn into the use of narcotic and psychoactive substances. The school holds various activities dedicated to the prevention of drug addiction.

Within the framework of the actions, class hours, trainings, competitions, games on the anti-drug orientation "Soviet - the territory of health!", on prevention bad habits"Conquering the peaks ...", "Start-ager" and other specialists go to parent meetings.

Every year, the school conducts research on students' awareness of the problems of the impact of smoking and other bad habits on the body, showing the relevance of this topic. More than 65% of the surveyed 10–12-year-old students live in families of smoking parents, 10% believe that smoking does not cause dangerous harm to human health, 25% of students have tried smoking or smoke, but they try to do it so that their parents do not know.

In order to change the attitude of children and adolescents to drugs and the formation of personal responsibility of students for their behavior, the formation of anti-drug attitudes by the school staff is doing a lot of work. First, students are provided with objective information about the negative effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs on the human body, on various organs. Conversations with the narcologist of the district hospital are organized.

An integral part of the preventive work of the school is the work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for students and their parents, especially since the concept of “health” includes physical, mental and moral health.

Particular attention at school in the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle is given to the creation of a “fashion for health” in the conditions surrounding the teenager. A certain system of socio-pedagogical activities that form consciousness, spirituality, individual lifestyle, is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students. Particular attention in the formation of a healthy lifestyle at school is paid to the mental (mental) health of the child.

Work is being carried out in several directions:

  • Diagnostic, correctional and developmental activities of the socio-psychological and pedagogical service (identifying the causes of emerging problems at the initial stage, working to eliminate problems through trainings, individual lessons, conversations, etc.),
  • Organization of rational nutrition (special attention is paid to students of preferential categories),
  • Formation of valeological knowledge among students and their parents through wall newspapers, parent-teacher meetings, analysis of results medical examinations at parent meetings
  • Development of mechanisms for joint work of all interested services,
  • Control over the implementation of measures to strengthen and preserve the health of students by the administration,
  • Provision of psychological and social support to adolescents of the “risk group” (psycho-correctional prevention of addictions, individual consultations, hours of communication, correctional and developmental sessions of psychologists with children with developmental disabilities (classes of compensatory education type U11),
  • Involvement of students in socially significant activities, in class and school KTD, institutions of additional education.

Coverage of circle and sports work of children of the “risk group”.

Uch. of the year 2006–2007 academic year year 2007–2008 academic year year 2008–2009 academic year year
Interest 87 % 96 %

Tasks assigned to the teaching staff:

– Providing students with objective information about the effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and psychoactive substances on the human body.

– Formation of students' negative attitude to bad habits.

– Formation to resist peer pressure offering alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, surfactants and narcotic substances.

In order to prevent bad habits, form a healthy lifestyle, and promote a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, the School holds Health Days, the campaigns “Conquering the Heights”, “Soviet - the territory of health”, “XXI century - without drugs”, sports competitions, “Fun Starts ”, “Dad, Mom, I am Athletes”, contests of posters and drawings.

Students receive information about laws, the legal system, their rights and obligations in the lessons of social science, legal classroom hours, in collective events such as “Brain - ring”, “ Round table" and etc.

In crime prevention activities, special attention is paid to diagnostic and individual work with all participants in the educational process, the processing of mechanisms for interaction with the services of the prevention system, the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, and the promotion of physical education and sports. During the months there are:

  • Questioning of participants in the educational process in order to identify the level legal knowledge, which showed a lack of awareness of some parents and students and further work on this issue among the participants in the educational process,
  • Acquaintance of parents at parent-teacher meetings, which addressed issues of legal education, got acquainted with the legal documents governing the processes of upbringing and education in the family and school, talked about the rights and obligations of teachers, children and parents, considered situations requiring help from parents in matters of family education. The inspectors of the ODN, KDN were involved in the meetings.
  • Conducted ind. the work of the inspector of the ODN, KDN with students and their families, consisting of various types of registration.
  • As part of the program "Continuity" for parents and children entering the school, counseling was organized for teaching staff. School teachers attended parent-teacher conferences kindergartens,
  • Individual and collective conversations were held with specialists from the services of the prevention system (social pedagogue, pedagogue-psychologist, inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, specialist of the KDN, etc.).

Preventive work with students who miss classes.

The school controls the education of minors. Strict accounting of missed lessons, work to eliminate gaps without a good reason, eliminate gaps in the knowledge of underachieving students, correctional and developmental classes with them, activities to identify non-learning children. The main forms of school work in this direction: a support model and an algorithm for working with students who miss classes, holding seminars and pedagogical meetings for school teachers, legal education of children and their parents ( Appendix 6 And Appendix 7).

Every month, class teachers report on missed lessons, submit written reports. ( Appendix 8).

The social educator collects information and provides it to the Deputy Director for BP. Subsequently, the results are heard at the MO class teachers, at the ped. meetings, ped. meetings with the director. Decisions are made and work is carried out to eliminate omissions without a good reason: the reasons for omissions are established, conversations and consultations are held with students, their parents, various specialists are involved, joint work is carried out with specialists from the ODN and KDN (as necessary).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of offenses, vagrancy and homelessness”, the School has formed a Council for the Prevention of Offenses. The Prevention Council is created by order of the director. The work plan is approved for the academic year. The Crime Prevention Council organizes and conducts work with students and their parents. Meetings are held jointly with psychologists, ODN inspectors, with the invitation of the parent community.

The education of the needs and skills of lawful behavior requires the formation of relations in the school team based on the strict implementation of the laws of the school, society, and state. This is facilitated by the regular meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Offenses of the School, where the personal files of students who miss classes, who have unsatisfactory grades, who have committed any misconduct or offenses, have been repeatedly considered, reports of class teachers on work with adolescents who are in a socially dangerous situation, were presented the results of diagnosing the socio-pedagogical neglect of children, etc.

In 2008–2009 academic year 6 meetings of the Council were held during the year, at which the following issues were considered: analysis of the work of class teachers to involve children at risk in circles, sections, interest clubs (October); educational work in the classroom to prevent deviant behavior of students (November); analysis of the causes of conflict situations in classroom groups, the role of school teachers in the elimination of conflicts (January); school activities for early prevention and prevention of delinquency of schoolchildren (March); organization of summer holidays for students of preferential categories (April). ( Appendix 9).

At meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Crimes, questions of the behavior and performance of adolescents of the “risk group” are regularly heard, parents who do not fully fulfill their parental responsibilities in the upbringing and education of children, etc. are invited.

The work carried out by the school to prevent deviant behavior of students is sometimes the only deterrent for some minor children and adolescents, therefore, the organization of school activities in this direction is one of the important tasks facing the teaching staff.

Together with a psychologist, class teachers and the deputy director for VR, at the beginning of the school year, a comprehensive work plan is drawn up for the prevention of neglect, homelessness, for the protection of children's rights, the prevention of offenses and crimes; work plan of the Council for the Prevention of Offenses, work plan for the prevention of the use of mentally active substances among minors, action plan for anti-alcohol and anti-drug propaganda.

Interaction of specialists in the work and provision of assistance and support to children at risk.

On the growth of offenses, and social behavior adolescents are influenced by many factors. This problem is serious and should be solved by the joint efforts of the family, school, community. The school organizes interaction with the services and departments of the prevention system. The partnership relations of teachers with all interested services, cooperation with them also contributes to the success of preventive work, the protection of the rights of the child. The social pedagogue works in close contact with various departments: the police, guardianship and guardianship authorities, the juvenile affairs inspectorate, health care, etc.

Work on the prevention of delinquency among minors at school is carried out in close cooperation with the following services: KDN under the district administration, ODN under the district police department, the department of guardianship and guardianship under the district administration, the department of social protection of the population, the central hospital and other medical and preventive institutions, institutions culture, social rehabilitation center “Bereginya” (district social workers), libraries, etc.

The work carried out by the school together with the services and departments of the prevention system in 2008–2009. year:

  • The Committee for Juvenile Affairs helped organize summer holidays for 10 students,
  • For children from 12 families who are in a difficult life situation, the guardianship and guardianship department has allocated free vouchers to summer health camps,
  • During the school year, the school paid great attention to studying children - they invited the disabled to the holidays, gave gifts.
  • Youth labor exchange "Chance" helped in the employment of adolescents from socially unprotected families, children of the "risk group".
  • The department of guardianship and guardianship assisted in the placement of children from dysfunctional families in the Bereginya CCR - 5 people.

In order to prevent offenses, deviant behavior of students, legal education of participants in the educational process, to intensify the joint activities of the school and services and departments of the prevention system in work in this area, the school has developed the following system of measures:

  • Participation in various raids helping to implement the law “On Education”, in interdepartmental actions “Police and Children”, “World Without Drugs”, etc.
  • Days of the inspector, during which individual and collective preventive work of the ODN inspector is carried out: conversations, consultations with students and parents, work with documents, interviews with class teachers who are on various accounts, visiting families together with school teachers.
  • health day,
  • Children Protection Day,
  • Councils for prevention and offenses.
  • Raids and family patronage, where social and pedagogical support is required.

Regularly once a month, and so on urgent need, raids are carried out together with inspectors of the ODN and KDN, guardianship and guardianship specialists under the district administration, district social workers in families in order to check the living conditions, living conditions of students, their employment after school hours. The results of the raids are brought to the attention of the class teachers in individual conversations, at the PMPK of the school.

Accounting for positive dynamics according to the testimony of offenses.

The table shows that the number of children at risk is decreasing. This is explained by the fact that class teachers, a social pedagogue and the school administration are doing a lot of preventive work to prevent delinquency: individual conversations are held with children, parents, employees of the ODN, KDN are invited to class hours, patronage is made for families where there are children at risk.

It is gratifying to note that the number of children registered in schools is decreasing. There are guys who actively participate in various school and district events, subject Olympiads.

To prevent mistakes in working with pedagogically neglected children will help:

- the specificity of educational work, clarity in the distribution of responsibilities, planning the actions of teachers and students, the personal responsibility of each educator;

– coordination of educational work aimed at both children and their parents;

- a combination of all types of planning (general, classroom, individual, long-term, current, working) and a system for monitoring the implementation of the plan;

- maximum involvement in educational work (planning, organizing, conducting) of the children themselves.

Preventive work with a dysfunctional family.

The family is the basis of the primary socialization of the individual.

It is with the family that the process of individual assimilation by the child of social norms and cultural values ​​begins. It is impossible to fully raise a child outside the family, but the conditions of upbringing in the family do not always contribute to its favorable development.

Dysfunctional family - this is a family that has completely or partially lost its function of raising children, creating them normal conditions for living, negatively affecting the mental state of the child, creating a threat to his life and health.

Every dysfunctional family is dysfunctional in its own way. The troubles of children in a family can be different: from a tense conflict atmosphere due to the mutual hostility of adults to the lack of elementary care for the child on the part of parents; Trouble can be hidden, not manifested in a vivid form, when parents, the child himself hide the ongoing dysfunctional processes in the family.

Quite recently, all the problems of upbringing, teaching, accompanying the child were carried out only by school teachers. However, issues of mental health, harmonious development and adequate socialization of the individual are not always solved by teachers.

Studies conducted by psychologists show that at present many children have an unbalanced psyche. There are many reasons for this, including the low material and standard of living of individual families, when parents think not about the spiritual potential of the child, but how to feed him.

The current situation, along with other subjective and objective reasons, contributes to child neglect and crime and other negative phenomena in the children's and adolescent environment. In such families, at first the parents did not pay attention to their child, letting the upbringing go by itself, then, when the first problems appeared, they did not contact the school, did not control the child and covered up his misdeeds, and then the parents stopped coping with the situation, alienation occurred child from the family.

As research and observational data show, the problems in which dysfunctional families are immersed can conditionally be qualified as social, legal, medical, pedagogical, psychological, material, etc. According to the diagnostics conducted at school, several forms of dysfunctional families can be distinguished:

  • Families where parents avoid parental duties (do not provide the necessary clothing, medical care; unsanitary living conditions, periodic absence of parents at home without a good reason, leaving a child alone at home without adult control);
  • Household drunkenness of parents (systematic use of alcoholic beverages by parents, gathering of strangers at the place of residence to drink alcoholic beverages);
  • Families where parents suffer from chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • Unemployed parents or temporarily unemployed,
  • Prosperous-looking families, but there are no close emotional ties in the family, the child feels lonely, there are no strong interpersonal ties between adults and children, loss of authority by parents in front of the child,
  • Hypo-guardianship (partial fulfillment by parents of their parental responsibilities, but in fact the child is left to himself most of the time, parents do not control his free time, his communication, and activities).

Prevention of maladjustment of children and problems of children of the “risk group” primarily consists in the early identification of dysfunctional, problematic families. The earlier such a family is identified, the more likely it is to be rehabilitated, to do everything possible to ensure that the child remains in the family with his parents.

For the early identification of families in a socially dangerous situation, we have several sources:

  1. The child's relatives. (Relatives come to me who show concern about underage children, about the problems that exist in the families of their relatives),
  2. Department of guardianship and guardianship of the district administration.
  3. Children's Clinic Doctors.
  4. Residents of the neighborhood, neighbors.
  5. Juvenile Commission.
  6. Department for juvenile affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  7. Identification of dysfunctional families also occurs when a child enters school. To get to know the families, class teachers of the 1st and 5th grades visit the families of students. If any trouble is found, the families immediately inform me as a social pedagogue.

The databank is compiled at the beginning and corrected throughout the academic year.

Data Bank of Families in a Socially Dangerous Situation.

When identifying a dysfunctional family, we adhere to the following work algorithm, which includes several stages:

  • 1st stage: acquaintance with family members, An initial survey of living conditions is carried out,
  • 2nd stage: awareness and definition of the problems that exist in it through conversations, observations,
  • 3rd stage: analyzes and finds out the reasons for the social disadvantage of the family, its features, value orientations, personal qualities of family members. Diagnostics of internal relations to each other, society, school is carried out.
  • 4th stage: acquaintance with her environment, society, social connections,
  • 5th stage: drawing up a family map,
  • 6th stage: preventive work with the family,
  • 7th stage: analysis of the results of work with the family, further actions are planned.

For more successful preventive work, a database of families requiring socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance is being created. Families are registered with the school.

Data bank of dysfunctional families.

Date of birth.
parents work
Home address Family index FULL NAME.
children living
in family
Date of birth of children School,

"P" - complete,

"N" - incomplete,

"B" - unemployed parents,

"Nb" - unfavorable,

"M" - low-income,

"MN" - large,

"A" - alcoholism,

"G" - hypoprotection.

In modern conditions, when most parents are concerned about solving the problems of the economic plan, and sometimes even physical survival, the social tendency of their self-exclusion from solving the issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of child development, they sometimes carry out education intuitively. In such families, there are no strong interpersonal ties between adults and children, and as a result, the external, sometimes negative environment becomes the authority, which leads to the child leaving the family.

School teachers do not take on the functions of upbringing, caring for children, replacing parents, as this usually gives rise to a dependent position of family members. To work with such a family, specific measures are being developed to help parents feel the need to care for their child.

Individual preventive work with the family is carried out in a complex, various forms and methods are used, specialists from various departments are involved:

  • individual conversations,
  • family visit,
  • Involvement of the necessary specialists: psychologists, lawyers, inspectors of the ODN, KDN, doctors (if necessary),
  • Consultations on various issues,
  • Work with the social environment of the family, relatives, neighbors,
  • Assistance in obtaining lost documents,
  • Assistance in obtaining a certain status (for example: poor, large, etc.),
  • Involving the family in socially significant activities, in school events,
  • Organization of holidays and summer holidays for children.

The issues of preventive work with children and dysfunctional families are always under constant control of the school administration, are considered at meetings of the MO of class teachers, the Council for the Prevention of Offenses, the school PMPK, where difficulties arising in dysfunctional families are discussed, ways to overcome them are outlined. In addition, the following work is carried out with parents: individual consultations, psychological and pedagogical education of parents through pedagogical lectures and thematic parent meetings, introducing the mental characteristics of the child's age, the methodology of conflict-free communication, the psychology of family relations

Specialists who provide assistance and support to children at risk experience great difficulties in working with dysfunctional families in which children live. The school works closely with the CDN, which coordinates preventive work in the district, and contributes to the solution of many issues in working with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Due to the fact that the ongoing preventive work with some families does not always have a positive result (parents refused to come to school, did not attend meetings of the Prevention Council, violated the rights of children to receive education),

In order to influence parents who avoid raising children, the school administration was forced to seek help from the heads of enterprises where the parents work.

Not every family can be helped. Sometimes a family crisis and troubles reach such a level that there is only one way out - to remove the child from the family, to place him in a social rehabilitation institution.

The structure of families of school students.

Family category Number (per 1 student)
2006–07 2007–08 2008–09
1. complete families 353 396 341
2. Incomplete families 190 136 214
3. Dysfunctional families 22 18 16
4. Large families 54 53 55
5. Families with foster children, foster families 21 21 22
6. Families with disabled children 30 26 22
7. Low-income families with income below the subsistence level 46 48 70
8. Families where there are criminals 3 4 4

The table shows that the number of complete families is decreasing. This negatively affects the development of the child's personality, its communicative and behavioral sphere. The child learns distorted stereotypes of family behavior and may continue to copy an incomplete model of the family. The indicator of incomplete families remains stable.

There is a positive trend in the number of dysfunctional families - their number is decreasing every year. The reason for this is the systematic systematic preventive work of all specialists involved in the prevention system.

The categories of families with foster children remain stable. The number of large families and families with adopted children is growing every year.

But the trend towards an increase in the number of low-income families continues. This happens because the parents lost their jobs or their income is less. living wage. Although it is positive that with good explanatory work, parents from families where there is not enough money are determined with a status that allows them to receive certain benefits (even for the second hot meal of the child at school).

Preventive activity is an important part of the work of a social pedagogue. Prevention of deviant behavior in the work of the social teacher of the school is a specially organized joint activity of teachers, parents, the student team, the public and the teenager himself, who is aware of the need for self-improvement (L.I. Malenkova).

Among the national tasks of preventing and preventing crime, a special place is occupied by the problem of early prevention of deviant behavior of minors, the prevention of antisocial behavior in the early stages of development, until social deviations develop into criminal activity. At the same time, early prevention of deviant behavior of minors, first of all, involves the timely identification and neutralization of adverse effects exerted on the minor by his immediate environment.

School, according to M.A. Alemaskin, is one of the central links in the system of general prevention of deviant behavior of minors. On the one hand, it is called upon to carry out the pedagogization of the educational and preventive activities of the family, on the other hand, the school must fully implement its own educational and preventive functions to correct difficult-to-educate students, carried out directly in the process of the educational process, to create an educational environment in school, at the place of residence, to improve the conditions of family education of children.

In the socio-pedagogical literature S.A. Belicheva., M.Ya. Galaguzova., L.V., Mardakhaev and others identified the main areas of activity of a social teacher in the prevention of deviant behavior of students at school: legal education; sex education; the formation of the moral culture of the individual; labor education; formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual; education of physical culture of the individual (formation of a healthy lifestyle).

A.I. Dolgova, A.K. Shchedrin note that the leading direction in the prevention of deviant behavior of students is legal education, as it contributes to the formation of legal consciousness among students. Legal education is an organized, systematic impact on a person, forming legal awareness, legal attitudes, skills and habits of active lawful behavior. The purpose of legal education is to form a sense of justice in students and to provide them with conscious and active lawful behavior on this basis.

A.I. Dolgova identifies the following tasks of legal education: the formation of the necessary system of knowledge on issues of state and law; formation of respect for the state and law, the principles of legality; instilling the skills of lawful behavior; education of an active civic position, intolerance to all kinds of offenses; formation of the need and ability to actively protect, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the interests and rights of one's own, state, public, rights of other persons. .

The task of a social pedagogue in the implementation of legal education is to coordinate the joint activities of all entities carrying out activities in this direction, to assist in the development and organization of various forms of legal education for school teachers, to participate in legal education himself.

Yu. Vasiliev, S. Tikhonenko note that sex education is the leading direction in the prevention of sexual deviations. Of particular importance is this direction of education in the upper grades, this is due, first of all, to age characteristics students. During this period of life, the formation of sexual behavior occurs.

The main task is to educate children in the right attitude towards this natural and not at all shameful or forbidden sphere of human relations. .

The formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual includes the education of humanity, conscious discipline and a culture of behavior.

Let us consider in more detail the elements of this area of ​​social and pedagogical activity. Education of humanity is carried out in a variety of activities, in various types of interpersonal relationships. The student must be included in empathy, complicity. An important condition for the education of humanity is the organization of socially useful activities, especially those types of activities where students are placed in a situation of direct concern for others, assistance and support, protection of the younger, the weak.

One of the central places in the system of moral education of schoolchildren is the education of conscious discipline and a culture of behavior. Observance of discipline implies submission to the requirements of the collective, the majority. The activity of a social pedagogue in the upbringing of conscious discipline should be aimed at explaining to school students the need to observe discipline in the interests of the individual, the team, and society.

The next direction we would like to consider is labor education. N.K. wrote about labor education, career guidance, employment in the framework of the prevention of deviant behavior. Semernova, A.N. Shchedrin and others.

Labor, according to N.K. Semernov, contributes to the formation of the personality, its moral recovery in the event that social deviations were made in the development of the personality.

In the conditions of a general education school, the following tasks of labor education are solved: the formation of a positive attitude among students towards work as the highest value in life, high social motives for labor activity; development of cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice; education of high moral qualities, diligence, duty and responsibility, purposefulness of enterprise, efficiency and honesty; equipping students with a variety of labor skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor.

In the socio-pedagogical literature, the pedagogical conditions for the organization of labor education are singled out: the subordination of the work of students to educational tasks that are achieved in the process of interpenetration of the goals of social, socially useful labor; a combination of the social significance of work with the personal interests of the student. The task of the social educator is to, in the process of fulfilling the obligation taken, to support the students' desire to complete the work, to accustom them to work systematically and evenly.

The formation of an aesthetic culture is important in organizing the activities of a social teacher to prevent deviant behavior of students.

The formation of aesthetic culture is a process of purposeful development of the ability to fully perceive and correctly understand beauty in art and reality. Children and adolescents are gradually moving towards the understanding that good in relation to nature lies in the preservation and increase of its wealth, including beauty, and evil stands in damage to it, in its pollution. V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.V. Lunev believe that it is the formation of the above position that contributes to the prevention of deviations.

Thus, aesthetic education is designed to form in school students the desire and ability to build their lives according to the canons of beauty, and therefore is one of the areas of preventive activity of deviant behavior.

L.I. Bozhovich, Yu.V. Vasilkova believe that the education of physical culture of a student's personality can stimulate the formation of an active and healthy lifestyle. The organization of work on the education of physical culture is aimed at solving the following tasks:

Promoting proper physical development, improving their performance, health protection;

Acquisition of the necessary minimum knowledge in the field of hygiene, physical culture and sports.

One of the most important areas of preventive activity of a social pedagogue is work to prevent deviant behavior of schoolchildren and overcome school maladjustment of students in order to prevent further deepening of deviation.

One of the determining socio-psychological factors of desocialization at school is that difficult-to-educate students are turned off from active, socially significant activities mediated interaction with classmates, which leads them to dissatisfaction, psychological isolation in the classroom, to the search for a new, preferred environment for communication and other reference points. groups. Emotional discomfort, psychological isolation of such students are exacerbated by the excessive authoritarianism of teachers, which negatively affects the nature of interpersonal relationships in the classroom.

Organizing the process of socio-pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents at school, a social teacher can use the following methods: psychological and pedagogical study and tracking of the child throughout the entire period of his schooling, timely identification of the state of students; educational activities in matters of education and upbringing, mental development of children and adolescents, aimed at increasing the level of competence of adults interacting with the child; organization of psychological and pedagogical consultations to analyze the behavior and development of schoolchildren with behavioral deviations; complex consultations of specialists for teachers and parents, conducted on the basis of data from socio-psychological, psychological-pedagogical and medical diagnostics; joint seminars and psychological and pedagogical workshops for teachers and parents; development of individual programs of correctional work and their implementation at the level of an educational institution.

The success of the socio-pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior in adolescents, according to L. Ya Oliferenko, is impossible without the combined efforts of the entire teaching staff of the school. The requirement for an integrated approach to education, one of the components of which is the unity of purposeful educational influences on the student's personality, explains the need for an approach to the problem of preventing deviant behavior of schoolchildren from the point of view of a school-wide system that provides for: methodological and psychological-pedagogical training of teachers for work specially organized at school with difficult-to-educate students; introduction into the practice of educational work of unified methods for studying and accounting for adolescents of deviant behavior; a clear distribution of functions between members of the teaching staff in organizing educational work with students of deviant behavior, in creating a single educational environment and involving such children and adolescents in various types of collective activities; management of the education of adolescents of deviant behavior in the family and immediate household environment; systematic analysis of the results of the work, their implementation in further practice.

Preventive work involves the interaction of a social educator with teachers, parents, social service specialists in providing the necessary assistance to the student and family, where the social educator acts as a coordinator of the educational efforts of the school, family and social environment and analyzes the educational results obtained. Socio-pedagogical prevention of deviations in the behavior of students will be successful if the interaction of all participants in the school society is organized. It can be represented by the following scheme 1 .

Scheme 1. Scheme of interaction of the school society for the prevention of deviant behavior of schoolchildren

Thus, the school as a socio-pedagogical system plays a major role in the prevention of deviant behavior in children and adolescents. For its effective implementation, close interaction of specialists within the system, as well as the educational institution itself with other social institutions, is necessary.

N.I. Bokun says that the necessary direction of the preventive activity of the social behavior of the school is the introduction into the activities of the institution and the implementation of special programs for the prevention of deviant behavior. The implementation of this area of ​​prevention includes the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the following objectives:

Raising the level of awareness of pupils about the problem of deviant behavior (about the social, legal and physiological danger of the phenomena of alcoholism, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency and crime);

Changing the inadequate attitude towards deviant actions and the formation of a negative attitude towards such behavior;

Formation of skills to resist and overcome external pressure, conformity (the ability to say "no", defend one's position, maintain one's beliefs and values);

Formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

The implementation of the main directions of preventive activities of a social teacher creates favorable prerequisites for the formation of the normative behavior of deviant children.

The block diagram of the process of preventive work of the social teacher of the school and the school staff with adolescents with deviant behavior is shown in diagram 2.

In the activities of the social teacher of the school, who carries out the prevention of deviant behavior, one can single out a certain algorithm of work (according to S.S. Gil) .

Stage 1. Diagnosis of problems of personal and social development of deviant adolescents. This function is necessary to clarify the socio-psychological characteristics of the child and the parameters of his problem situation. The specialist studies the individual characteristics of the child, identifies his difficulties and problems, deviations in behavior, determines their causes; explores the conditions and features of the relationship of the microenvironment of the child's life.

Stage 2. Development of a preventive program. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the social pedagogue determines the essence of the problem or a set of problems and selects psychological, pedagogical, social means for their effective resolution, both individually and in groups.

Individual preventive programs are developed within the framework of individual programs for comprehensive prevention of students. Group preventive programs - to solve certain problems of a group of deviant teenagers.

Scheme 2. The structure of the prevention of deviant behavior at school

Stage 3. Implementation of programs for the prevention of deviant behavior of school students.

During the current period, socio-psychological and pedagogical support of a teenager with difficulties in education is carried out. The dynamics of the development of positive forms of behavior, the features of emotional and volitional manifestations are monitored, psychological assistance is provided in relationships with teachers, students and parents.

Stage 4. Final evaluation. It is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of preventive work, making the necessary adjustments to it.

In this paragraph, we considered the prevention of deviant behavior carried out by a social teacher at school.

Thus, the activity of a social teacher in the prevention of deviant behavior of students in a general education school is multifaceted, including various areas: legal education; sex education; the formation of the moral culture of the individual, labor education; the formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual, the upbringing of the physical culture of the individual (the formation of a healthy lifestyle). Thus, based on the goals and functions of the activity of the social teacher of the school, the prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents is an obligatory component of the educational process in the institution.

For effective preventive activities in this direction, an integrated approach is needed: the involvement of various specialists using various forms and methods of social pedagogue activity.

One of the main activities of a social educator is preventive activities, including the prevention of delinquency, deviant behavior of children and adolescents, including alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, and early intimate relationships. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Prevention is evidence-based actions taken aimed at preventing possible physical, psychological or socio-cultural conflicts among individuals at risk, maintaining, maintaining and protecting a normal standard of living and health of people, assisting them in achieving their goals and revealing their internal potentials. Preventive activities carried out at the state level through a system of measures to improve the quality of life, minimize social risk factors, create conditions for the implementation of the principle of social justice, is called social prevention.

Social prevention creates the necessary background against which all other types of prevention are more successfully carried out: psychological, pedagogical, medical and socio-pedagogical. Psychological and pedagogical prevention - it is a system of preventive measures related to the elimination of external causes, factors and conditions that cause certain deficiencies in the development of children. Quite often, the elementary rights of the child are violated, which provides for the inclusion of a system of measures for the social protection of childhood in preventive work. Prevention involves solving problems that have not yet arisen. . Therefore, a number of measures are taken long before they occur. For example, many parents and teachers strive to develop the activity of the child, provide him with freedom of choice, encourage initiative and independence, thereby preventing social infantilism and passivity. Other preventive measures are taken just before problems occur. So, if a student has gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular subject, the teacher gives him individual tasks, additionally explains the material, gives advice on organizing homework, thus preventing the child’s pedagogical neglect or poor progress. The third group of preventive measures is taken in relation to the problem that has already arisen, but prevents the emergence of new ones. . For example, a teacher works with individual behavioral shortcomings of a child, preventing the development of negative personality traits. The first two approaches can be attributed to general prevention, and the third - to special.

Special prevention can be called a system of measures aimed at solving a specific problem: prevention of deviant behavior, prevention of academic failure, prevention of school fears, etc. Socio-pedagogical prevention - this is a system of measures of social education aimed at creating an optimal social situation for the development of children and adolescents and contributing to the manifestation of various types of its activity . Based on the understanding of the social situation of development, its objective (what it really is) and subjective (how it is perceived and experienced) aspects, socio-pedagogical prevention is aimed at changing various external and internal factors and conditions of social education or restructuring their interaction. With this type of prevention, social pedagogue can direct his activities to the educational microsociety of the child (teachers, parents, peer group), changing the nature of their relationship, impact on the child . It can also affect and change his ideas about others and relationships with them and the experiences that accompany them. Finally, it can contribute to a change in the child's position in relation to society (assistance, opposition, inaction).

17. Pedagogical support: essence, methods of support, support clients.

The functions of a social educator (diagnostic, prognostic, intermediary, corrective and rehabilitation, security and protective, preventive and preventive, heuristic) can be implemented by a social educator by providing a person with various types of assistance.

Types of social and pedagogical support.

§ Social information support - providing adolescents and their parents with information on social protection, assistance and support, as well as the activities of social services and the range of services they provide.

§ Social and legal support - observance of rights, assistance in the implementation of legal guarantees for adolescents, legal education on housing, labor, civil and other issues.

§ Social and rehabilitation support - assistance to adolescents, parents in the provision of rehabilitation services in centers, complexes, services and other institutions to restore their psychological, moral, emotional state and health.

§ Social and domestic support - assistance to adolescents living in families at risk in improving their living conditions.

§ Socio-economic support - assistance to adolescents in obtaining benefits, compensations, lump-sum payments, targeted assistance and material support.

§ Medical and social assistance - prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and other socially negative manifestations among adolescents, medical and social patronage of adolescents from families at risk.

§ Social and psychological assistance - assistance to adolescents in creating a favorable microclimate in the family, the immediate environment, in eliminating the negative influences of the social environment, difficulties in relationships with others, in professional and personal self-determination.

§ Social and pedagogical assistance consists in creating conditions for adolescents to overcome and prevent conflict situations in relationships with parents, peers, teachers, accompanied by adolescents in families at risk.

In the activities of a social educator in the conditions of an educational institution, the function of modeling, the advisory function and the function of assistance are distinguished. Simulation function is carried out through the participation of a social pedagogue in the development of new educational systems. advisory function due to the need for consultations for children at risk and adults on various pedagogical problems, issues of conflict resolution, material and other forms of assistance. Assistance function is aimed at providing timely social and pedagogical assistance and support to children and adolescents (including those who find themselves in a difficult life situation) and their parents, as well as teachers and persons involved in the pedagogical process.

Implementing the function of social and pedagogical support for pupils, social teacher:

§ establishes a trusting relationship with the pupil;

§ prevents and resolves conflict situations in relationships with parents, peers, teachers;

§ predicts the support of a teenager, taking into account the social development of the individual, the social environment;

§ reinforces the positive state of the child (cheerfulness, confidence, stability, self-control, determination, activity);

§ creates a situation of success in various activities of the student.

The list of functions and their specific content is being improved, expanded depending on the tasks of social and pedagogical activity, the specialization of the social teacher.

In special education, the main functions of a social teacher are: the function of social and legal support (aimed at providing assistance and exercising the legitimate rights and interests of people with disabilities and their families, and, if necessary, restoring these rights through judicial and other measures that do not contradict the law); the function of social and labor support (provides interaction with the administration, psychologists, teachers and other employees of specialized educational institutions for the career guidance of future school graduates, establishing contacts with enterprises and production teams for their further employment).

Socio-pedagogical support the child includes various forms of joint creative activity (games, holidays), assistance in understanding the world and himself. Much attention is paid to psycho-emotional rehabilitation, where in the first place are comfortable living conditions, the friendliness of staff and educators, as well as special psychotherapeutic methods, primarily game therapy, fairy tale therapy, and psychotherapeutic theater.

Among rehabilitation activities an important place is given to social and pedagogical work with the child's family. It is necessary to teach parents to adequately treat a teenager: to assist in solving his problems, to develop humane relations. If parents lead an anti-social lifestyle and do not want to change it, then it is necessary to assist in the selection of a foster family or adoptive family.

Individual correctional classes with students they help to solve the following tasks: creating interest in their activities, persistent motives for completing tasks; elimination of gaps in the development of adolescents, preparation for the assimilation educational material; updating the child's knowledge, ideas and skills with their subsequent expansion and enrichment; correction of deficiencies in existing skills and abilities; additional training in the methods of performing individual learning activities and ways of working with teaching aids; training in building a program of activities and ways to control its implementation at each stage, comparing intermediate and final results with the expected ones; restoration of the function to an active, self-regulating state, i.e. learning to use the developed skills and abilities not only in familiar, well-developed conditions, but also in other situations; independent acquisition of knowledge and, on its basis, independent qualitatively different application of available opportunities.

Special organization of corrective work regime: the alternation of tasks and rest, which will allow to overcome neurodynamic disorders in the mental sphere, primarily a decrease in mental performance, concentration and stability of attention.

General didactic principles: visibility; consolidation of knowledge and skills; availability; scientific character; individual and differentiated approach, taking into account age characteristics.

It is necessary to include adolescents as assistants in appropriate adult activities.

Adolescents who view their family as more cohesive and warm tend to experience less depression and anxiety.

Correctional work with adolescents and their families is strictly individualized and should be built taking into account their psychological and biological characteristics, and it is also necessary to take into account psychological features adolescence.

Thus, socio-pedagogical support is a complex of various types of socio-pedagogical activities: diagnostic, psycho-emotional rehabilitation, group and individual correctional work, organization of collective creative activity, work with dysfunctional families.

Clients of social and pedagogical support:

§ maladjusted children (partial or complete loss of a person's ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment)

§ children with disabilities

§ children left without parental care

§ dysfunctional families

§ migrant children

§ children with deviant and delinquent behavior

§ children with temporary problems

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1. Socio-pedagogical technologies of work of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family

The family is the most important institution of socialization through which the child learns basic social knowledge. Acquires moral skills and abilities. Perceives the values ​​and ideals necessary for him to live in society. It is the family that is called upon to provide for the basic, basic needs of the child. Which include:

Physiological needs, sleep, rest, nutrition;

Need for security (roof over head, social and material security);

The need for love and respect. However, the family does not always perform vital functions for the development and social development of the child. Such families are united by the concept of "dysfunctional family". This category of families includes:

families with low material income;

families leading an asocial lifestyle;

families. in which parent-child relationships are violated (that is, there are conflicts, violence, alienation, indifference.)

Whatever factors may be due to dysfunctional families, it to one degree or another negatively affects the development of the child. Therefore, one of the mandatory components of the work of a social pedagogue with children who have any social, psychological or pedagogical problems is work with their families.

The trouble of the family worries the social pedagogue, since the child is at the center of the social pedagogue. Accordingly, the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of the family, the impact on the intra-family situation are aimed primarily at ensuring the vital needs of the child and protecting his basic rights - the right to life and the standard of living necessary for full development.

This is also the reason for the significant similarity in the structure of technologies, which necessarily include three levels: preventive, diagnostic, and rehabilitation.

preventive level. Prevention is a set of measures carried out through the organization of publicly available medical, psychological and socio-pedagogical support for the family.

When working with a family in which the upbringing of a child resorts to violence. It is necessary to explain to family members the harmful effects of physical punishment of children and explain humanistic methods of education. The organization of pedagogical education for parents of this category is aimed at making them understand the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, since parents often do not realize the behavior that physical punishment of a child can lead to.

Pedagogical education includes the activities of the information and training plan to consider the main patterns of child development, age-related psychological factors in the formation of his personality at specific stages, problems of each age and develop general recommendations for their resolution. It is necessary to pay attention to such problems as the role of the mother in relationships with the child in the early stages of his life, the importance of emotional factors in relationships in the family, to introduce the concept of age crises, to work on the formation and development of skills to communicate with children, manage their activities, develop speech , positive traits.

A social educator should promote non-violent education, explain that there are many methods by which one can instill obedience and responsibility in children without resorting to corporal punishment.

For example:

praise children for good deeds;

reward for any change for the better, even if it is minor, as this helps to increase the child's self-confidence;

try to teach the child to correct the wrong act;

talk to children in a tone of respect and cooperation; involve the child in the decision-making process;

avoid empty threats;

do not express preference for one of the children if there is more than one child in the family;

do not demand from the child what he cannot do;

evaluate the act itself, and not the one who committed it;

use every opportunity to express your love to the child.

Parents should also be aware of acceptable methods of punishment,

children should not be deprived of the opportunity to meet basic human needs.

THE EFFICIENCY OF THE PREVENTIVE ACTIVITY OF A SOCIAL TEACHER directly depends on right choice way to communicate with family. Careless, condescending or too formal attitude at a meeting, as well as reproaches, intimidation are unacceptable. Anticipating a difficult conversation, the social educator should carefully prepare for the meeting. Collect as much information as possible about the family, carefully consider the content and form of the conversation. At the beginning of the meeting, it is necessary to note the favorable aspects of family life, the positive qualities of the interlocutor. Having won the order, it is necessary to find a tactical form for defining the problem.

Successful work with the family is helped by the atmosphere of friendly, partnership, informal relations between the social pedagogue and parents, which is facilitated by holding thematic meetings, evenings of rest, etc. In the process of their joint preparation, it is possible to get to know each other better, show mutual interest, attention, warmth. Skillfully organizing communication between children and adults, a social pedagogue helps them feel joy and satisfaction from joint activities, which this family did not experience before.

diagnostic level. There are two options for the activity of a social pedagogue.

In case of voluntary appeal of clients - assessment of the situation, if necessary, organization of a consultation with a psychologist;

In case of involuntary treatment - collecting reliable information about the family, organizing a meeting with her, providing feedback.

Diagnostic steps:

Collection of information; Information analysis. Making a social diagnosis.

Diagnosis requires adherence to certain principles. Let's highlight the most important of them.

Methodological principles:

Objectivity in the collection of facts and their interpretation, the plurality of sources of information. Reliability of information. Client-centrism (look at the problem based on the interests of the client)

Ethical principles:


Degree of openness;

Non-intervention in private life.

At this stage, the following diagnostic methods are required:

Observation (allows you to determine gender, age, nationality, financial situation, character traits, level of intellectual development and mental state of the client)

Conversation (dialogue or interview, oral questioning according to a premeditated plan)

Questionnaire (written survey);

Tests (a set of tasks that allows you to determine the level of knowledge of a person, the state of his personal, psychological characteristics).

Widely used in diagnostics:

A) scale methods. To determine the result of joint work, a scale is proposed on which he must note the state of his problem before and after a visit to a social pedagogue.

B) Card techniques - a set of cards with a certain semantic content (love, hate, divorce, longing).

C) projective techniques - a kind of tests aimed at determining states unconscious by the client (aggression, experience)

D) associative projective techniques built on verbal associations, a system of unfinished sentences;

E) expressive techniques (based on drawing: drawing of a family, drawing in the form of an animal, a plant).

E) analysis of documentation. The study of documents is an important part of the work of a social pedagogue, necessary for further work with the family, to help other professionals, law enforcement, for reporting, to protect their interests;

G) the method of social biographies - the collection of information about the life history of a person and his family.

rehabilitation level. This level is the most important in the system of work with the family, as it is carried out at all stages of communication. Rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at the fastest and most complete restoration of the full functioning of various categories of the population. At the individual level of rehabilitation work with parents or with a child, several technologies are used:

Counseling is a process of interaction between two or more people, during which certain knowledge is used to help the person being consulted.

Methods, methods of counseling:

Included observation;


Approval or condemnation, find a compromise, condemn actions, find out the reasons, try not to condemn.

The legend method is a way to help a client through a story about another person who found a way out of a similar situation.

Telephone counseling - offering your help, researching the client's problem.

The method of "letter of appeal", trust - the purpose of the letter of appeal: to provide information or request it, a petition.

Group level of rehabilitation work. A group is an association of people associated with common interests, activities, place of residence, etc.

Group rehabilitation methods:

A conversation is a dialogue between two parties involved.

Lecture - the transfer of information by the lecturer.

Dispute - a prepared discussion of one important issue.

Discussion - a clash of opinions on a problem, which can lead to a dispute, conflict.

A meeting is a planned event to discuss current issues.

One of the effective technologies of group work is training. During the training sessions, many methods of individual and group forms work: mini - lecture, dispute, conversation, video materials are used. Play therapy, brainstorming.

One of the technologies of social pedagogy is public relations, which involves: identifying the needs of the population, drawing public attention to social problems, stimulating public charity. The main instrument of public relations is the mass media (leaflets, announcements, invitations, questionnaires).

A social educator often finds himself in a situation where he is expected to provide assistance that goes beyond his powers. Upon deprivation of parental rights, participation in decision-making on the issue of bringing them to court, testifying against parents, and sometimes acting as a lawyer, they receive the execution of a court decision on supervision or isolation of the child.

The task of a social educator is to create a sense of security in the family, he must be firmly convinced of the correctness of his actions, be able to clearly state his goals to the clients with whom he is going to work.

A social educator must constantly learn new methods and techniques of working with the family, understand the mechanism of their impact and take a responsible approach to their application.

While helping others, he must differ from other professionals not only in his special knowledge, but also in his special attitude, not only in his special knowledge, but also in his special attitude towards his clients. On the one hand, he must recognize and respect their rights as individuals, and on the other hand, he must take into account the uniqueness of the inner world of each person, which does not tolerate a general approach. To establish contact, a social educator must learn to look at the world through the eyes of his client, from the position of client-centrism.

2. Socio-pedagogical technologies of work of a social teacher with children of the “risk group”

One of the most important and at the same time the most difficult areas of professional activity of a social pedagogue is social and pedagogical work with children, which one way or another is always singled out as an independent category, but it is called differently: difficult, difficult to educate, pedagogically neglected, problematic, maladjusted , children with deviant behavior, children at risk.

Since they are difficult to educate, special educational measures must be applied to them (often with the participation of the police).

The most characteristic manifestations of social and psychological and pedagogical maladjustment of these children are aggressive behavior, conflicts with teachers and peers, alcohol and drug use, offenses (fights, theft, fraud, etc.), not attending school, vagrancy, suicide attempts, etc. .) Therefore, such children need to be corrected, or more broadly - the process of socialization. That is, the main goal with this approach is to adapt, adapt them to society, to make sure that their behavior does not go beyond the social norm, does not interfere with the establishment of normal relations with others. social educator family child

One of the most common and at the same time the most uncertain among the names of this category of children is the concept of "children at risk". The word "risk" means the possibility, a high probability of something, as a rule, negative, undesirable, which may or may not happen. Therefore, when talking about children at risk, it is understood that they are under the influence of some undesirable factors that may or may not work. In this case, we are actually talking about two aspects.

The first aspect is the risk to society, which is created by children of this category, whose behavior could pose a danger to others and society as a whole, since it was contrary to generally accepted social norms and rules. The second aspect - it was at this level that the problem appeared most characteristic - the risk that children themselves are constantly exposed to in society: the risk of losing life, health, normal conditions for full development.

Children acquire such an “ugly” social appearance not because they are born that way, but under the influence of various risk factors that do not depend on them. Among these factors, the following main groups can be distinguished:

Biomedical: (state of health, hereditary and congenital properties, mental and physical development, trauma of intrauterine development).

Socio-economic (material problems of the family, unfavorable psychological climate in the family, immoral lifestyle of parents, inability to live in society).

Psychological (rejection of oneself, neurotic reactions, emotional instability, difficulties in communication, interaction with peers and adults).

Pedagogical (inconsistency between the content of the programs of a general educational institution and the conditions for teaching children to their psychophysiological characteristics, the pace of mental development and learning of children, lack of interest in learning, closeness to positive experience, inconsistency with the image of a schoolchild).

It is under the influence of these factors that children are at risk. Usually this includes the following categories of children:

· Children with developmental problems that do not have a pronounced clinical and pathological characteristics;

· Children left without parental care due to various unenforceable circumstances.

· Children from dysfunctional, asocial families.

· Children from families in need of socio-economic and socio-psychological assistance and support.

Social and pedagogical work with children at risk has two main components:

Identification of children of this category in the children's environment and organization of work with them;

Direct individual or group work with children.

Socio-pedagogical technologies are aimed at identifying children at risk, diagnosing their problems, developing individual-group work programs and providing conditions for their implementation.

1. Formation of a data bank of children and adolescents at risk. It is carried out jointly with the inspector of departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the district inspector of the internal affairs bodies, with representatives of the guardianship and guardianship authorities of the department of education, social protection, health care and the commission on juvenile affairs.

When forming a data bank, the following positions are specified:

what are the grounds for registration;

what structures work with a teenager;

what work is being done to resolve the problem;

what else can be done to solve this problem.

2. Diagnostics of the problems of personal and social development of children and adolescents falling into the scope of the social pedagogue.

To do this, the social educator works with the child, with class teacher, teachers. Parents in order to clarify the situation in which the child is.

Social teacher:

examines the individual characteristics of the child and identifies his interests and needs. Difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in behavior. Determines their causes, traces the origins of conflict situations;

explores the conditions and characteristics of the microenvironment of the child's life.

The social pedagogue uses psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in his work, while the most important instrument of pedagogical diagnostics is pedagogical observation.

3. Development and approval of programs for socio-pedagogical activities with a child, a group, the public.

All developed programs must meet the following characteristics.

The expediency of methods, forms and means of socio-pedagogical activity, including the expediency of involving various services, departments and administrative bodies;


measurability of expected results - are submitted for discussion by the methodological council or the pedagogical council of the educational institution.

4. Providing conditions for the implementation of programs.

A social educator, being an intermediary between students and an educational institution, the environment, social service specialists. departments and administrative bodies. Acts simultaneously with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, the Department of Education and the leadership of the school, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the programs, the participation and responsibility of all programs involved in the implementation, informs the Commission on Juvenile Affairs on the results of interaction between interdepartmental structures for the implementation of individual programs, the school principal on the progress of the programs , teaching staff, head of the education department on the results of intra-school structures for the implementation of programs.

5. Consulting.

For this purpose, the social pedagogue conducts consultations for students, parents, teachers and other persons at the school, on the days and hours established by the working schedule, upon contact.

6. Interdepartmental relations of the social pedagogue.

Working as part of the socio-psychological service of an educational institution, the social pedagogue plans and carries out his work in close contact with the psychologist and other specialists of the service, as well as the executive secretary of the commission on juvenile affairs, and other persons involved in this work.

A social educator has the right and must apply to the commission on juvenile affairs if assistance is needed in organizing contacts or in the event that representatives of the prevention system perform the functions assigned to them improperly.

The implementation of the functional areas of activity of a social pedagogue within the framework of organizational technology creates a framework for the application of certain socio-pedagogical technologies for individual or group work with children who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation.

Socio-pedagogical technologies of individual and group work

Firstly, it allows specifying the special problems of the child, while the dynamism and variability of the state of the latter are taken as a basis in technology and are taken into account everywhere both at the time of the initial diagnosis, and in time, and at the end of the socio-pedagogical interaction between the specialist and the child;

Secondly, it is meaningfully connected with the subsequent and previous stages in such a way that failure to fulfill the tasks of any of these stages in practice leads to the need to complete it or repeat it again;

Thirdly, in itself it can be considered as an instrument for stabilizing the position of the child.

One of these problems at the present time is the use of alcohol and drugs by minors. A social educator can provide at school:

prevention of addictions dangerous for the health of children (alcohol, drugs, toxic);

providing individual confidential assistance and support to children who already have problems with these addictions.

And in conclusion, we can conclude that social technology is a certain way of carrying out human activity to achieve socially significant goals.

Social technology lies in the fact that the dismemberment is carried out on the basis of and using scientific knowledge and best practices.

Social technology is an element of human culture. Social technology is a specific, specially prepared and consistently implemented activity aimed at solving a social problem.


1. Galaguzova M.A. Social Pedagogy. -M., 2003.

2. Galaguzova M.A., L.V. Mardakhaev. Methods and technology of work of a social pedagogue. - M.2002 Technologies of work of a social pedagogue with a family.

3. Shakurova M.V. Methods and technology of work of a social pedagogue. - M., 2002.

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