Simple and interesting dialogues for preschoolers and elementary school children with voice acting. Reading training

Long, but loved. 8-)
Sergey Mikhalkov
hung on the doors
I was locked up
Everybody left
And one
In the house
They locked him up.

We left Trezor
No supervision.
And so the puppy
I screwed up everything I could.

I tore the doll's dress,
He tore out a tuft of fur from the hare,
In the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes were dragged away.

I drove the cat under the bed -
The cat was left without a tail.

I found a corner in the kitchen -
I climbed headlong into coal,
The black one came out - unrecognizable.
Got into the jug - turned over,
I almost choked
And lay down on the bed to sleep...

We are a puppy in soap and water
I washed it with a washcloth for two hours.
No way now
Let's not leave him alone!

Mustachioed - Striped
Marshak Samuil

Once upon a time there was a girl. What was her name?
Who called
He knew it.
But you don't know.

How old was she?
How many winters
So many years -
Not forty yet.
And only four years.

And she had... Who did she have?
All striped.
Who is it? Kitty.

The girl began to put the kitten to bed.
- Here's under your back
Soft feather bed.
On top of the feather bed
A clean sheet.

Here's to your ears
White pillows.
Down duvet
And a handkerchief at the top.

I put the kitten to bed and went to dinner.
Comes back - what is it?

The tail is on the pillow,
There are ears on the sheet.

Is this how they sleep?
She turned the kitten over and laid it down properly:
Under the back -
On the feather bed -
A sheet.
Under the ears -

And she went to dinner.
He comes again - what is it?

Not a feather
Not a sheet
Not a pillow
Can't see
And the mustachioed one,
Moved over
Under the bed.

Is this how they sleep?
What a stupid kitten!

A girl wanted to bathe a kitten.
A piece
And a washcloth
Got it
And some water
From the boiler
In the teahouse
Brought it.

The kitten didn't want to take a bath
He knocked over the trough
And in the corner behind the chest
He washes his paw with his tongue.
What a stupid kitten!

The girl began to teach the kitten to say:

Kitty, say: ball.
And he says: meow!

Say: horse.
And he says: meow!

Say: e-medicine-three-thing.
And he says: meow-meow!

Everything is “meow” and “meow”! What a stupid kitten!

The girl began to feed the kitten.

Brought oatmeal
He turned away from the cup.

I brought him radishes -
He turned away from the bowl.

She brought me a piece of bacon.
The kitten says: - Not enough!

What a stupid kitten!

There were no mice in the house, but there were a lot of pencils.
They were lying on dad's table and fell into the kitten's paws.
As he skipped, he caught the pencil like a mouse,

And let's take him for a ride -
From under the chair under the bed,
From table to stool,
From the chest of drawers to the buffet.
Push - and scratch!
And then he drove it under the closet.

Waiting on the rug by the closet,
He hid, barely breathing...
Short cat paw -
Can't get a pencil!

What a stupid kitten!

The girl wrapped the kitten in a scarf and went with it to the garden.

People ask: - Who is this?
And the girl says: “This is my daughter.”

People ask: - Why does she have furry paws?
and a mustache like your dad's?
The girl says: “She hasn’t shaved for a long time.”

And everyone saw the kitten jump out and run,
that this is a kitten - mustachioed, striped.

What a stupid kitten!

And then,
And then
He became a smart cat.

And the girl has also grown up, become even smarter and is learning
in the first grade of the hundred and first school.


A gnome comes to us in the morning.
In Moscow it comes straight to your home!
And he says everything about one thing:
-Wash your ears more often!

And we shout back to him:
- We know for sure, there are no gnomes! -
He laughs: - Well, no, no.
Just wash your ears!

Conversation between old Willow and Rain
Tokmakova Irina

Eight - by the road,
Nine - in the meadow...
- What do you think, Rain?
Maybe I can help?
- Two - under the old spruce,
Near the stack there are six...
-What do you think, Rain?
Can't you count?
- I'm in a hurry daisies
Count everything
Ten - at the edge,
Under the aspen - five...
Well, how can I calculate it?
How long until trouble!
Suddenly there isn't enough for everyone
I have water!

Berestov Valentin
How good it is to be able to read!

How good it is to be able to read!
There is no need to pester your mother,
No need to shake grandma:
"Please read! Read!"
No need to beg your sister:
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call
No need to wait
Can I take it?
And read!

Where does the fish sleep?
Tokmakova Irina

It's dark at night. It's quiet at night.
Fish, fish, where do you sleep?
The fox trail leads to the hole,
The dog's trail leads to the kennel.

Belkin's trail leads to a hollow,
Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.
It’s a pity that in the river, on the water,
There are no traces of you anywhere.
Only darkness, only silence.
Fish, fish, where do you sleep? 05/06/2004 10:13:38, Nata

1 0 -1 0

What did the nut bush say to the little hare?
Tokmakova Irina

Stop, Little Bunny, don't run
Along the narrow path,
You better take care
His tail is thin.
The fox sneaks along the path.
It is unlikely that he is looking for mushrooms!

Question and answer

Aunt Trott
English folklore (trans. S. Marshak)

Aunt Trott and the cat
sat down by the window.
Sat next to each other in the evening
chat a little.

Trott asked: "Kitty-kitty-kitty,
Do you know how to catch rats?"
... "M-myp" - said the cat,
after being silent for a while.

Marshak (English songs and rhymes)

Three very cute fairies
Sat on a bench
And after eating a bun with butter
We managed to get so oily
Why did you wash these fairies?
From three garden watering cans

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep
All the royal cavalry
All the king's men
Humpty can't
Can't Dump
Humpty Dumpty
Collect Humpty Dumpty.
Little girl,
Tell me where have you been?
I visited my old grandmother
At the other end of the village.
– What did you drink at grandma’s?
- I drank tea with jam.
- What did you tell grandma?
- “Thank you and goodbye”

Tell me, our little lamb, how much wool will you give us?
- Don’t whip me yet, I’ll give you three bags of wool,
One bag for the owner, another bag for the mistress,
And the third - warm sweatshirts for small children.

Willie Winky the cat walks and looks:
Who didn't take off their shoes? Who's still awake?
Suddenly he knocks on the window or blows on the shelve
Willie-Winky-baby tells you to go to bed.

The alarm clock is sleeping. The bell is sleeping.
The puppy wakes up.
Wakes up and barks,
He wishes us pleasant dreams.
"Bay-bye! Bye-bye!"
That's what this barking means.


Seagulls, seagulls! Where is your home?
Seagulls, seagulls! Where is your home?
On the ground? On the water?
Or in the blue heights?
- Well, of course, on earth!
We are born on earth.
- Well, of course, on the wave!
Swinging on the wave.
- Well, of course, in the heights!
We fly high.
This is where, this is where we live!
This is where we live!

(Valentin Berestov).

Open the gate, Fox,
Receive a postcard, Lisa!
There is a picture on the postcard:
Carrot tail and club.
And it is written in the postcard:

Gather your belongings

Drummer Hare
Berestov Valentin

For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
"I won't drum!
No mood
There is no situation,
No preparation
I don’t see carrots!”
06.05.2004 10:14:29, Nata

1 0 -1 0

And further:

Why did the milk run away?
-The pan just squeezed his sides!
I put it on the fire,
Made me boil: be patient!
-I feel sorry for the milk...
-He was hot!
It was boiling, puffing,
It rose quietly!
It trembled, trembled,
It was decided: let’s run!
-... And now we need this porridge
You don’t even have to eat!

Conversation in a dark room.

You know, there behind the curtain
someone breathes and is silent...
-This is a whale.
-Someone’s shadow is sneaking - do you see?-
along the wall to the ceiling...
-This is a wolf.
-Someone creaked the closet door...
- Brownie.
-Why aren’t you scared?!
-Are you with me.

Milk ran away

The milk ran out.
Ran far away!
Down the stairs
It rolled down
Down the street
It started
Through the square
It's leaking
Under the bench
It slipped through
Three old ladies got wet
Treated two kittens
Warmed up - and back:
Down the street
It flew
And it crawled into the pan,
Puffing heavily.
Then the hostess arrived:
- Is it boiling?
- It's boiling!
Naughty firefly

With the dawn
The firefly went to bed.
They tell him:
"Turn on your side!"
"It's light outside!" -
they say to the firefly.-
Good kids
They've been asleep for a long time!"

The firefly covers its eyes
And waits:
When will you leave the room?
will mom leave?
Today he is having trouble:
He is with a sunny hare
I decided to make friends!

G. Sapgir

Once upon a time at the bottom of a glass
The dwarf met the giant
- How did you get into the glass? -
The Giant was surprised.

Roman Sef
-Hello, wind,
What's sad?
-I feel bad,
To the poor thing:
We ran away
Along the waves All my “lambs”.
I herd them
I guard,
But save them
I can not.
My herd is disappearing
On a rocky
I'm taking care.
Teddy Bear

The bear is wandering around the den,
My feet get stuck in the yellow leaves.
-Why are you sighing, bear?
The mouse rustled quietly.
The clubfoot answers,
After wiping your eyes with your paw:
-Mother Bear
Everyone is angry with me...
I ask “Give me honey, mom!”
And she: “Sleep for six months!...”

also favorites, but long:
Above our apartment
(E. Uspensky)

Above our apartment
The dog lives
The dog barks
And it doesn't let you sleep
Doesn't let me sleep

And over the dog
The cat lives
The cat meows
And it doesn't let you sleep
Doesn't let me sleep
To the dog

Well, over the cat
The mouse lives
The mouse sighs
And it doesn't let you sleep
Doesn't let me sleep
To the cat

At night on the roof
The rain is knocking
That's why
And the mouse doesn't sleep
The mouse doesn't sleep
All night long.

Sad in the sky
The clouds are running
The clouds are crying
And the tears flow
Tears are flowing
Let's rain!

And I offended the clouds
Little thunder
which is over the clouds
Fist pounding
Fist pounding


We shared
There are many of us
And he is alone
This slice is
for the hedgehog!
This slice is
For the siskin!
This slice is
For ducklings!
This slice is
For kittens!
This slice is
la beaver!
And for the wolf -
06.05.2004 11:00:49,

Plan for a seminar for educators on the topic:“Development of dialogical speech of preschool children”

creating an information space for exchange pedagogical experience and increasing the professional competence and skill of preschool teachers in the development of children’s speech.

1. Opening address - senior teacher O.V. Novikova
2. Report of the teacher - speech therapist Gladkikh T.V.
3. Practical part

Mastering coherent dialogic speech - one of the main tasks of speech development of preschool children. Its successful solution depends on many conditions (speech environment, social environment, family well-being, individual personality characteristics, cognitive activity of the child, etc.), which must be taken into account in the process of targeted speech education.

Speech performs multiple functions in a child’s life. The main and initial function is the communicative function - the purpose of speech to be a means of communication. The purpose of communication can be both maintaining social contacts and exchanging information. All these aspects of the communicative function of speech are represented in the behavior of a preschooler and are actively mastered by him. It is the formation of speech functions that encourages the child to master the language, its phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and to master dialogical speech.

Dialogical speech is speech conditioned by the situation and context (meaning) of the previous utterance. Dialogical speech is not only a higher form of speech development, but also historically the first. Dialogue is an involuntary and reactive (quickly comprehended) process of two-way exchange of information; it is a conversation in turns, where for each partner the period of speaking and listening alternates. The development of dialogue is a two-way process when the interlocutors communicate on equal terms, with mutual understanding and respect for each other, even if one of them is a child.

Dialogical speech acts as the main form of verbal communication, in the depths of which coherent speech is born. Dialogue can unfold in everyday conversation and can subsequently reach the heights of philosophical and ideological conversation.

IN early age The adult involves the child in the dialogue. Addressing the baby with questions, motives, judgments, he thereby actively responds to his statements and gestures, interpreting, “expanding”, spreading the incomplete situational statements of his little interlocutor, completing them to a complete form. The child transfers the experience of verbal communication with adults into his relationships with peers. The preschooler has a clearly expressed need for self-presentation, the need for the attention of a peer, and the desire to convey to his partner the goals and content of his actions.

1.1.Methods and techniques for developing dialogic speech.

Dialogical speech is a clear manifestation of the communicative function of language. Linguistic scientists call dialogue the primary natural form of linguistic communication. Work on the development of dialogical speech is aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication, creating one’s own remarks, questions, and occurs simultaneously with the perception of someone else’s speech. Participation in dialogue requires complex skills:

  • - listen carefully and correctly understand the thought expressed by the interlocutor;
  • - formulate your own judgment in response;
  • - express it correctly using language;
  • - change the topic of verbal interaction following the thoughts of the interlocutor;
  • -maintain a certain emotional tone;
  • - listen to your speech, make the necessary changes and amendments.

Several groups of dialogic skills can be distinguished:

1. Speech skills themselves:

  • - enter into communication (be able to know when and how you can start a conversation with an acquaintance or stranger who is busy talking with others);
  • - maintain and complete communication (take into account the conditions and situation of communication; listen and hear the interlocutor; take initiative in communication, ask again; prove your point of view; express your attitude to the subject of conversation - compare, express your opinion, give examples, evaluate, agree or object, ask, answer; speak logically, coherently;
  • - speak expressively at a normal pace, use the intonation of the dialogue.

2. Speech etiquette skills. Speech etiquette includes: address, introduction, greeting, attracting attention, invitation, request, consent and refusal, apology, complaint, sympathy, disapproval, congratulations, gratitude, farewell, etc.

3. Ability to communicate in pairs, a group of 3 - 5 people, in a team.

4. Ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieving results and discussing them, participating in the discussion of a specific topic.

5. Non-verbal (non-verbal) skills - appropriate use of facial expressions and gestures.

Dialogue speech is distinguished by its brevity and simplicity of construction. The specific conditions of reality in which the conversation takes place, direct communication with the interlocutor allow them to understand each other without resorting to detailed statements. From here dialogue is typical incomplete sentences, clear answers, short questions.

Oral dialogic speech occurs in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the linguistic design of the dialogue. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated, sometimes fragmentary.

Dialogue is characterized by:

a) colloquial vocabulary;

b) brevity, reticence, abruptness;

c) simple and complex non-union sentences;

d) short-term preliminary deliberation;

e) the use of templates, speech cliches, speech stereotypes,
stable formulas of communication, i.e. speech etiquette;

f) use of gestures, facial expressions, postures.

Speech clichés make dialogue easier. Dialogical speech is stimulated by internal motives and especially by the situation in which the dialogue takes place, and by the interlocutor’s remarks.

The building unit of dialogical speech is dialogical unity - a combination of two or more interrelated remarks. To master this form of speech, you need to master various types of dialogic unities.

Dialogical unities are built according to certain schemes:

  • question answer
  • question-answer-question
  • message-question
  • message-message
  • incentive-message, etc.

The kindergarten program provides for the teaching of dialogical speech. Work on the development of dialogical speech is aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication.

1.2. Methodological techniques for teaching children dialogical speech

A) Conversation as a type of formation of dialogical speech.

Conversation- an organized conversation between a teacher and the entire group of children, dedicated to one particular issue.

In a conversation, the teacher:

1) clarifies and organizes the experience of children, that is, those ideas and knowledge about the life of people and nature that children acquired during observations under the guidance of a teacher and in various activities in the family and in kindergarten;

2) instills in children a correct attitude towards the environment;

3) teaches children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of conversation;

4) teaches you to express your thoughts simply and clearly. In addition, during a conversation, the teacher develops in children stable attention, the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to restrain the immediate desire to immediately answer a question without waiting for a call, and the habit of speaking loudly and clearly enough for everyone to hear.

In conversations, children in the kindergarten preparatory group acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for learning at school.

Conversations on everyday topics we concern those everyday phenomena that children observe and in which they themselves participate. In conversations, children say with whom they live at home, what the names of family members are, and where they work, what they do at home, how they relax; talk about their games, activities and entertainment at home, about helping adults as much as possible; The environment at home and the environment in kindergarten are compared.

Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten help children understand the meaning of the activities of kindergarten employees who create convenience and well-being for all children.

Conversations on topics of social life clarify children's ideas about their hometown, about preparation for holidays in kindergarten, in the family, on the streets.

Conversations on natural history topics clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the seasons, animals, plants, and people’s work.

In conversations about favorite fairy tales and books, children remember their content and express their attitude towards the characters.

In conversations about household and labor items, for example, about furniture, about dishes, about clothes, about toys, about some tools, about means of transportation on land, water and air, it is discussed what objects are needed for, what and how they are made, what characteristic features(color, shape, size), who made these items and where, how to take care of the item so that you can use it longer.

Talking to children about school, and also about where their older brothers and sisters study, parents, the teacher reinforces the children’s desire to learn, interest in school and books.

When selecting program material for conversations, it is necessary to take into account personal experience children of the group, the stock of their ideas and knowledge, because children can take an active part in the conversation when they have some more or less clear and varied ideas about the subject of the conversation. A child cannot be allowed to describe something, to judge something that he does not have sufficient data that he has completely and clearly mastered.

The child’s personal experience, acquired through observations, in activities or through fiction, serves as the material on which to build a conversation and impart new knowledge to children.

During the conversation, the teacher’s questions, which are the main methodological technique in this lesson, reveal the content of the intended topic and, guiding the children’s thoughts, teach them to answer correctly. The teacher must think through the content and wording of his questions so that they are understandable to all children. With his questions, the teacher should direct the children’s thoughts to significant, characteristic signs and phenomena.

When conducting a conversation, depending on the children’s answers, sometimes it becomes necessary to ask additional questions, but you should not move away from the content of the main topic of the conversation.

To clarify children's ideas or to give a visual image of an object unknown to them, it is necessary to use visual material: a picture, a toy, a model, an object in kind. Visual material arouses great interest and speech activity in children. Their statements in this case are directly based on sensations and perceptions.

When conducting a conversation, the teacher should strive to ensure that all children are active participants. To do this, you must follow the following rules: pose a question to the whole group, then call one child to answer. You cannot ask children in the order in which they are sitting. This leads to the fact that some children stop working: it is not interesting to wait in line when you know that you are still far away.

It is unacceptable to ask the same children (the most lively).

If the teacher talks to one child for a long time, then the other children stop participating in the conversation. The same thing happens when the teacher himself, during a conversation, talks a lot about what the children already know well, or unnecessarily repeats everything that the children say.

Children's answers during the conversation are in the nature of short or more or less detailed remarks; One-word answers are also acceptable if the content of the question does not require more.

Children should answer loudly enough, clearly, in a cheerful voice

When preparing and conducting such introductory conversations, the teacher must follow the same rules. Conversations in a detailed form are conducted with middle-aged and older children.

This form of conversation corresponds to children’s interests and serves as an excellent means of activating children’s dialogical speech

b) Dramatization games as a type of formation of dialogical speech.

To make the conversation lively and bring joy, children are read funny poems, fairy tales, and look at pictures with them. So, the purpose of the conversation in this case is not to test the children’s knowledge, but to exchange feelings, ideas, experiences, express one’s own opinion, reasoning.

When telling a story together with an adult, the following technique is used: the adult begins the sentence, and the child completes it. It turns out to be a kind of dialogue. This technique is widely used when describing objects and toys, and when composing stories based on a picture, a toy, a series of paintings, a set of toys, a nursery rhyme, a proverb, etc.

The motives of the teacher and the children often do not coincide; there is no incentive. But now you have restructured the pedagogical process and invited children to play a fairy tale. We show children elements of fairy tale costumes and a “magic wand” and instantly the meaning of the communicative situation changes. This is no longer a retelling, but something interesting for children: dressing up, dramatization, a game. Children are not interested in describing a toy that everyone can see. To make the description interesting, you can use the following technique: the animals boast about which of them is more beautiful, which one has a more elegant skin. The technique of dramatization has a high motivating power, which can be used when drawing, when telling a fairy tale, and when writing based on a picture.

Folk pedagogy knows a lot outdoor games, which are built as a dramatization game based on a ready-made plot and include a variety of character dialogues. These are games such as “Geese-Swans”, “Colors”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”, “Gardener”, etc.

Folk games use different ways establishing dialogical communication between children and peers.

First. Focus on the partner, the need to listen and hear his voice, speech, look into his eyes. These are games like “Guess by Voice” (guess who called by voice); "What changed?" (carefully examine and remember your partner’s appearance and guess what changes in your appearance he produced).

The purpose of creating orientation towards a partner is served by a variety of round dance games in which children speak and move at the same pace, holding hands (tactile and auditory contacts).

Second. An attitude to respond, the need to listen carefully to your partner’s speech and the willingness to quickly answer him in a timely manner. Let's remember the game "Gardener". After the words “I’m tired of all the flowers, except…” the partner must respond before the end of the count “one, two, three.”

Third. Maintaining dialogue through the exchange of statements (questions, comments, incentives). These are various dialogues within games, which contain rituals (formulas) of greeting, farewell, and treatment.

c) Theatrical games, as a type of formation of dialogical speech.

Theatrical games can be divided into two subgroups: theater games and various elements of theater in amateur role-playing games. The games of the first subgroup are characterized by a focus on the viewer and an orientation towards the aesthetic value of the action. Games of the second subgroup are played for oneself, “for fun”, do not involve a spectator and do not strive for aesthetic expressiveness.

For the development of communication with peers and the development of dialogic speech, both subgroups of games are important.

When preparing the performance, much attention is paid to the expressiveness of children's speech and movements. Diction, intonation, speech volume, and methods of playful interaction with a partner are practiced. By taking on a role, the child moves away from his own egocentric position.

Children use their experience of participating in organized theatrical games in amateur theater games, acting out role-playing dialogues based on fairy tales, using dolls, costumes, and scenery elements. At the same time, the plot of the fairy tale and the experience of acting out the play together allow children to establish interaction, look for lines for role-playing dialogue, act in concert and receive joy from communicating with each other. The role of an adult in organizing joint independent theatrical games is not direct, but indirect.

According to my observations, when playing with dolls, children show more independence and speak more when addressing their play partner. In games with pretending, children admire themselves more and speak for themselves. However, with the intervention of the teacher, they are actively involved in improvised role-playing dialogues and show imagination in searching for means of expressiveness of the image.

d) Game as a type of formation of dialogical speech.

Developing the ability to answer questions.

First, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to answer and ask questions. Pay special attention to developing the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor, using various games for this.


You need to replace the answer with asked question reply to another topic. If the child answers the question asked, he leaves the game.


Based on the plot picture, the first student makes up a simple, unexpanded sentence, and each next student adds a word to it.


It is required to compose a story on a given topic in a circle. Each participant begins his phrase by repeating the end of the phrase of the previous one.


1. Children take turns putting their hand into the bag, selecting one of the objects, feeling it and calling it. Then they pull out the object to test themselves.

2. One child chooses an object and tries to guess what it is. The rest ask questions that help determine which item is chosen.


Here the communication of children with each other comes to the fore. For this purpose, various communicative situations and games are created to develop non-verbal thinking.


Children break into pairs and choose one animal or bird for themselves and their partner. The selected animal must be depicted in such a way that other children recognize it.


With the help of leading questions, children are given incorrect information. dynamic characteristic depicted objects (is the plane plowing?, is the tape recorder jumping?, is the iron singing?, etc.). This directs children’s thinking to highlight the main functional feature of the concept-image and helps to form a dynamic psycholinguistic model “subject-predicate”. As a result, children come to the conclusion that an object can only be shown through its function - action. Then the “subject-predicate-object” model is introduced (I peel potatoes, Lena prepares a salad, I fasten the wheels) and at the same time expands and refines lexicon, the grammatical structure and pronunciation of speech develops.

Improving acquired skills.

At this stage, dialogues, role-playing games, dialogues with unfamiliar adults and peers are used. Thematic role-playing game meets the need of children to realize their own ideas and express their experiences. During the game, they move from implementing well-learned plots to independently constructing new ones. In a joint game, individual plans collide, which then need to be agreed upon.

d) A variety of activities for children to develop dialogical speech.

Dialogue communication with a peer is also served by the technique children writing a story together: one the child begins the story, the second continues it, and the third completes it. Children choose their partners themselves, agree on the content and order of storytelling. This could be an essay on a painting, a series of paintings, a set of toys, or a nursery rhyme. Stories can be recorded and made into an album of children's verbal creativity.

A wonderful technique that creates the ground for children’s dialogue is joint drawing of illustrations for stories.

Particularly important for the development of dialogical speech are activities of the cooperative type, first of all creative role-playing game, in which children jointly create an object-based play environment, come up with a theme and develop a plot, act out role-playing dialogues and, along the way, enter into a variety of real relationships. Develop dialogic communication in role-playing game can be , but not directly, but by exerting a developmental influence on the game itself through the creation of an object-based play environment, enriching children’s knowledge about the environment (primarily about social relationships), through the participation of an adult in children’s games as a partner.

For the active influence of an adult on the communicative activity of children, and therefore the improvement of dialogical speech, theatrical games, folk outdoor games and games with rules are more suitable.

2. Review of pedagogical literature on the development of dialogic speech in children

Dialogical speech is a clear manifestation of the communicative function of language. Linguistic scientists call dialogue the natural primary form of linguistic communication.

Characteristics of dialogical speech are given in a number of works: L. Yakubinsky “On dialogical speech”; Vinokur T. G. “On some syntactic features of dialogic speech.”

T. G. Vinokur defines dialogue from the point of view of the specifics of language: “... we can define dialogue as a special, functional-stylistic form of speech communication, which is characterized by: the presence of two or more participants exchanging speech; a more or less fast pace of speech, when each component is a replica; comparative brevity of remarks; brevity and ellipticity of constructions within replicas."

Games and exercises for the development of dialogical speech of preschoolers have been developed

O.S. Ushakova and E.M. Strunina, as well as researchers and teachers from pedagogical universities who conducted their research under the guidance of F.A. Sokhina and O.S. Ushakova (L.G. Shadrina, A.A. Smaga, A.I. Lavrentieva, G.I. Nikolaychuk, L.A. Kolunova).

Ushakova Oksana Semenovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head Laboratory of Speech Development and Speech Communication Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education Russian Academy of Education. In the books by O. S. Ushakova “Development of Speech of a Preschooler” and in “Program and Methods for the Development of Speech of Preschool Children in Kindergarten,” the author-compiler O. S. Ushakova describes some techniques for developing children’s dialogical speech. She believes that dialogical speech is more situational and contextual, therefore it is folded and elliptical (much is implied in it due to the knowledge of the situation by both interlocutors). Dialogical speech is involuntary, reactive, and poorly organized. A huge role here is played by clichés and templates, familiar lines and familiar combinations of words. Thus, dialogic speech is more elementary than other types of speech.

In articles on the topic of dialogic communication by the authors Arushanova A., Rychagova E., Durova N., some scenarios are given for children 3-5 years old for the development of dialogic speech. The authors conducted experimental studies in Moscow preschool institutions and found that children experience difficulties communicating with peers. The authors developed scenarios and introduced them into the practice of developing dialogic communication in preschool institutions. They used games and activities as the main form of training.

Noting that the dialogical form of a child’s speech in early childhood is inseparable in its essential links from the activity of an adult, D.B. Elkonin emphasized: “On the basis of dialogical speech, active mastery of the grammatical structure of the native language occurs” [Elkonin, 1966, p. 367]. Analyzing the stages of a child’s acquisition of the grammatical structure of his native language (according to A.N. Gvozdev), he noted that “within the dialogic form, the child’s speech acquires a coherent character and allows him to express many relationships” [ibid., p. 368].

Many experts believe that the ability to conduct a dialogue needs to be taught (V.I. Yashina, A.A. Pavlova, N.M. Yuryeva, etc.). In developed forms, dialogue is not just an everyday situational conversation; This is an arbitrary contextual speech rich in thoughts, a type of logical interaction, meaningful communication.

The dialogue is preceded by a “collective monologue” (J. Piaget) - verbal communication, when each partner actively speaks out in the presence of a peer, but does not respond to his remarks, not noticing his reaction to his own statements.

Kolodyazhnaya T.P., Kolunova L.A. emphasize that in preschool childhood it is necessary to develop a dialogical form of speech. Throughout preschool age, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to build a dialogue (ask, answer, explain, object, make a remark). To do this, you should use conversations with children on a wide variety of topics related to the child’s life in the family, kindergarten, his relationships with friends and adults, his interests and impressions. It is important to develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor, ask questions and answer depending on the context. Kolodyazhnaya T. P. Kolunova L. A. “Speech development of a child in kindergarten: new approaches.” - Rostov-n/D: TC “Teacher”, 2002. 21 p.

The literature also describes studies on the peculiarities of the development of dialogic speech by scientists such as L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubenstein. They believe that in mastering speech, the child goes from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, and even later to complex sentences... The final stage is a coherent speech consisting of a number of expanded sentences.

3. Proposals for the development of dialogic speech as a means of communication in children.

1. Teach children to answer questions briefly and in complete sentences:

What is Nastya doing? 1) plays; 2) Nastya plays on the sofa with a doll and a teddy bear;

2. Exercise children in asking questions about picture material, toys and in life situations (practical learning question words: Who is this? What it is? Where? For what? How many? Where? What colour? Which?)

3. Use mnemonic tables, diagrams, models for logical
constructed statements.

4. Enrich vocabulary in various types of work (dramatization of speech material, lexical exercises, comparison, description of objects, actions, human states, didactic and role-playing games).

5. Teach the use of speech etiquette formulas in children’s communication with peers and adults.

6. Develop coherent monologue speech (retelling, description)

7. Reading fiction of an educational and entertaining nature, followed by discussion, analysis of the semantic part, lexical, intonation expressiveness). Memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes.

8. Free conversations between adults and children on social and moral topics.

9. Learn to express your feelings verbally.

10. Use of various visual materials.

11. The use of puzzles and crosswords to enrich the speech, intelligence, and logical thinking of children.

12. Use of small forms of folklore.

13. Teach talking on the phone.

14. Teach role-playing games and their use in children’s everyday lives.

15. Inventing fairy tales on given topics, at the request of the children, using sayings, magical transformations, repetitions, “magic” objects.

16. Conducting lessons on politeness and etiquette.

17. Compilation of creative stories for the development of fantasy, thinking, monologue, speech.

18. Involving parents in the process of forming dialogical speech.


The development of dialogic speech plays a leading role in the process of speech development of a preschool child and occupies a central place in common system work on speech development in kindergarten.

Many experts believe that the ability to conduct a dialogue needs to be taught (V.I. Yashina, A.A. Pavlova, N.M. Yuryeva, etc.). In developed forms, dialogue is not just an everyday situational conversation; This is an arbitrary contextual speech rich in thoughts, a type of logical interaction, meaningful communication.

At an early age, the child is involved in dialogue by an adult. Addressing the baby with questions, motives, judgments, he thereby actively responds to his statements and gestures, “repairs” the dialogue (E. I. Isenina), interpreting, “expanding”, spreading the incomplete situational statements of his little interlocutor, completing them full form.

The dialogue is preceded by a “collective monologue - verbal communication, when each partner actively speaks in the presence of a peer, but does not respond to his remarks, not noticing his reaction to his own statements.

T. I. Grizik believes that the most socially significant form of communication for preschoolers is the dialogical form of communication. Dialogue is a natural environment for personal development. The absence or deficiency of dialogic communication leads to various kinds of distortions in personal development, an increase in problems of interaction with other people, and the emergence of serious difficulties in the ability to adapt to changing life situations.

The development of communicative abilities of preschoolers is an important part of the cultural and speech education of children. Constant attention of teachers and adults is needed in organizing the development of dialogic speech, active assistance in mastering the art of verbal communication.


1. Vetrova V.V., Smirnova E.O. A child learns to speak. - M.: Knowledge, 1988

2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 2-4 years old. - M.: Education, 1993

4. Classes on speech development in kindergarten / Ed. O. S. Ushakova. - M.: Modernity, 1999

5. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2000

6. Krylova N. M. The influence of conversation on mental and speech development children // Reader on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children / Comp. M. M. Alekseeva. - M.: Academy, 1999

7. Maksakov A.I. Does your child speak correctly? - M.: Education, 1988

8. Novotvortseva N.V. Development of children’s speech. - Yaroslavl: Gringo, 1995

9. Think of a word: Speech games and exercises for preschoolers. — M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001

10. Program and methodology for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten / Author-compiler O. S. Ushakova - M.: APO, 1994

11. Psychological and pedagogical issues of speech development in kindergarten. Sat. scientific works Redkol. F. A. Sokhin. - M.: APN USSR, 1987

12. Radina K. K. Method of conversation in educational work with children of the senior group of kindergarten // Reader on the theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children / Comp. M. M. Alekseeva. - M.: Academy, 1999

13. Solovyova O.I. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1966

14. Tikheyeva E.I. Development of children's speech - M.: Education, 1972

15. Ushakova O. S. Speech development of a preschooler. — M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001

16. Yakubinsky L. P. Selected works: Language and its functioning // Responsible. ed. A. A. Leontyev. M.: Nauka, 1986


Games for the development of speech communication

It is recommended to include in the game situation a dialogue with any fairy-tale character (“Leopold the Cat visiting the guys”, “Pinocchio came to us”). During the game, the teacher gives instructions to the children on how to conduct a dialogue (“First ask our guest what his name is, then say your name”). “Tell me where you live, give your address. Then you can ask the guest where he lives." In the future, we can recommend conducting game forms of work with complication of speech tasks; At the same time, children practice composing detailed answers to questions (for example, in the game “Dunno Asks”), and also take turns asking questions to a guest character in a fairy tale, cartoon, etc.

An approximate list of remarks and questions used in dialogues.

Let's get acquainted. My name is Petrushka, what about you? Where do you live? (What is the name of the village (city) where you live?). What street do you live on? What is it called? What is the name of your mom/your dad/sister?

Such conversation games can be conducted on the topics: “How we play”, “On our site”, “The yard where I live”, “Our living corner”, as well as based on impressions from walks, excursions to the zoo, visits to children’s exhibitions creativity, etc.

In the initial period of teaching dialogue, a large place is given to communication between an adult and a child (conversation, conversation). These are recommended didactic games, like “Wonderful bag” (“Wonderful chest”), “Let's make a picture for the hare”, “Let's dress the doll Tanya for a walk”, “Bathing the doll”, etc.; It is necessary to conduct classes on memorizing stereotypical questions and answers.

“Happy Journey” (“On the Tram”).

Several children (6-8 people) can participate in the game. In the middle of the game room, chairs are placed in pairs, between which a passage is made for the “conductor”. The “conductor” sells tickets, asking which stop to which every passenger travels. The child passengers answer him. First, each child, together with the teacher, must determine to which stop he is going and for what purpose. Along the way, children get off at different stops, where various games and exercises can await them, corresponding to the name of the stop (“Playground”, “Stadium”, “Post Office”, “Park”, etc.). On the way back, the “passengers” again take their seats on the tram. The teacher (“conductor”, “tour guide”) organizes an exchange of impressions about what the children did “during the day”.

Didactic games for the development of dialogic speech.

“Wonderful chest” (“Wonderful bag”).

The teacher takes an object out of the bag and asks: “What is this?” Children answer the question. The basis for dialogue is the ability to answer a question or use the desired hand gesture, facial gesture, head movement. For speechless children, it is very important to master gestures and facial speech. It is recommended to use the following gestures and facial expressions: “joy” (the child’s lips are stretched in a smile), “please” (extend the hand palm up towards the interlocutor), “distress”, “surprise”, etc. these gestures are selected to be of the same type for a certain period of training and have a signaling value in the dialogue until the child is able to replace the gesture with the corresponding word.

"Find a match."

On initial stage The training speech therapist is the leader in the game. The children are given pictures (first two at a time, then 3-4 at a time), and the presenter is left with pictures paired to them. The presenter asks, for example: “Who has the ball?” A child who has there is the same picture raising it up. To complicate the task, the teacher requires that the action be voiced with the answer: “I have a ball.” The visual material in this game is varied, so the range of questions can be wide. You can ask questions about the color, shape, purpose, and details of the item. This game helps to work on increasing the complexity of syntactic structures (one-word answers, two-word sentences, sentences of 3-5 words).

This game can be built according to the “little teacher” principle. When children acquire the skill of independent play, the speech therapist gives them the place of leader. In this way, a dialogue is formed between children.

“Question or not?”

An adult invites the one who answers correctly to sit down: is what he said a question or not?

Mom bought paints. – Mom bought paints?

The nanny brought lunch. - Did the nanny bring lunch?

Game "Closed Picture".

The adult shows the upside down picture and explains that something very interesting is drawn here. Then he asks the children:

Do the same thing as the girl in this picture. Give me the same ball as in this picture. Give me the same number of cubes as in this picture.

Children are faced with the need to ask an adult: What does a girl do? Which ball? How many cubes? Etc.

Game "Fairytale Beast".

An adult talks about a portrait of an extraordinary animal. This beast is fabulous, wonderful, unprecedented. He himself came up with this beast, and if the children ask the right questions, they too will be able to imagine this beast and even draw it.

Children ask questions like this: Who does he look like? How many paws does he have? What shape is his muzzle? Does it have fur or a tail? Is he small or big?

In case of difficulties, the adult prompts the children: “Ask about the eyes and neck, paws and tail, fur, etc.”

Game "Telephone".

An adult takes out a ringing phone. He picks up the phone and asks the children to guess what, for example, the head of the kindergarten is asking him. The adult loudly answers imaginary questions, after each of them the children give their own version of the question:

- I'm teaching a class. (What are you doing?)

- They are doing well. (How are the guys doing?)

- Musical lesson. (What activity will they have next?)

- Millet porridge. (What was for breakfast today?), etc.

If the children are fascinated by this game, you can take out a second device and invite the two children to talk, for example, about their favorite games, about a fun summer. Each child, having answered, must ask the interlocutor a question.

Game "I'll tell you - I won't show you."

On each table, an adult puts a small box with a toy in it for two children. Allows the children to carefully look into it so that at the next table it is not visible what is hidden in the box. Then he gives the children a task: asking any questions, guess what is in their neighbors’ box. You can’t just ask – what’s in the box?

Children ask each other familiar, pre-practiced questions. For example, what color is the object? What shape? What is it made of? What can you do with it? Etc.

If those who asked the questions guessed what was in the box and correctly named the object, those who answered show the toy.

All didactic games are carried out first with the direct participation of an adult, and then by the children themselves.

Educational and methodological manual

Development of dialogical speech of children with special needs development
based on theatrical activities

Malei Galina Alekseevna,
teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 73
Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg



Tasks for the development of children's dialogical speech.

An approximate plan for the distribution of works by children’s age and lexical topics.

Practical material.



The problem of developing dialogical speech in children is one of the most pressing in speech therapy practice, since speech, being a means of communication and a tool of thinking, arises and develops in the process of communication. Dialogue is the main form of communication among preschoolers. Dialogue requires complex skills: listening and correctly understanding the thought expressed by the interlocutor; formulate your own judgment in response, express it correctly using language; change the topic of verbal interaction following the thoughts of the interlocutor; maintain an emotional tone; monitor the correctness of the language form; listen to your speech; make changes and amendments.

In the light of the competent approach, dialogic skills are the most important component of such a basic characteristic of children as communicative competence.

The development of dialogic speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment will be effective if used in the process correctional work active and verbal games with dialogues, dramatizations of folklore and specially selected poems, dramatization games.

Theatrical performances, which carry enormous educational opportunities, are always loved by children. The large and varied influence of performances on a child’s personality allows them to be used as a strong, but not intrusive pedagogical tool, because the child feels more relaxed, free and natural during the game.

Play is the leading activity of preschool children, and theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows solving many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of personal communicative qualities, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative, etc.

The dialogue of characters in a folklore miniature, in a poem, in a dramatization confronts the child with the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and intelligibly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, and he begins to actively use the dictionary. While preparing children for dramatization games, the articulatory apparatus is actively developing, sounds are being produced, and active and passive vocabulary is being enriched. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters' remarks, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, and the sound side of speech is improved.

The verbal Russian folk art used in theatrical activities contains poetic values. Introducing preschoolers to folk art makes their speech more expressive, emotional, and develops interest in their origins, roots, and culture.

According to G.M. Lyamina, literary works provide children with the best examples of dialogic interaction. Memorized literary dialogues conveyed by children in the dramatization of poems, nursery rhymes, folklore (role-playing), in theatrical performances, and in outdoor games form in their minds the image of a “participant” in the dialogue, generalize the forms of dialogical remarks and the rules of dialogue. And Yu.A. Vakulenko notes that dramatization play is a fertile field for consolidating and developing dialogical skills. Role-playing dialogues in a dramatization game are an indicator not only of the development of children’s dialogue, but also an indicator of the development of the dramatization game itself. The richer and more varied the dialogue in the game, the higher the level of children's gaming creativity. By developing playful interaction between children in games (role-playing dialogues), the teacher not only purposefully enriches children’s play, but also shapes all sides of the dialogue. And vice versa, developing in children the ability to use all functional types of dialogic cues and observe existing rules behavior in dialogue, the teacher promotes the development of dramatization games.

The educational value of dramatization games is also great. It lies in the formation of a respectful attitude of children towards each other, the development of a sense of collectivism and partnership. Based on the characteristics of the mental development of preschool children, most dramatization games are based on the material of fairy tales. Particularly important for children are the moral and ethical lessons that are presented through fairy tales and that children learn as a result of a joint analysis of each game.

Tasks for the development of children's dialogical speech

Teach children to use dialogue as a form of communication.

Enrich children's speech experience with various types of dialogical remarks. Activate speech activity.

To promote the development of skills to understand a variety of initiative requests (messages, questions, incentives) and respond to them in accordance with the functional task of communication: express an attitude towards the information received, answer questions and respond to incentives in accordance with established rules of behavior.

Master questions and answers of different form and content, interrogative and narrative intonations.

To develop in children the ability to use intonation, facial expressions, and gestures.

Improve emotional, expressive speech.

Develop the ability to follow the rules of dialogue.

To introduce children to literary works, that is, to promote not only the perception of forms of dialogue, but also their reproduction.

Develop speech skills: from perception and borrowing of speech forms to their independent use and transfer to new conditions of communication.

Stages of development of dialogical skills.

IStage. "Acting Technique"


Help children discover their potential; realize the need to work on the role.

Behave at ease “on stage”; be able to convey the essence of your character.

To help master the means of figurative expression:

  1. Intonation- children are invited to pronounce individual words and sentences with different intonations (questioning, surprised, cheerful, sad, fearful, etc.). It is necessary to achieve expressiveness and naturalness of speech.

To form intonation expressiveness of speech, specially selected sketches and exercises are used to develop clear pronunciation of words and sounds. This is, first of all, memorizing tongue twisters and pure tongue twisters. First, children are required to pronounce words slowly and clearly, then - clearly and quickly. To master expressive speech, I introduce exercises that develop the ability to determine the meaning of logical stresses in a text, and special creative tasks for the development of figurative speech. We are talking about exercises for selecting synonyms and antonyms, coming up with comparisons and epithets for given words.

Working on intonation, we recite short dialogues:

The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll scare you now!”

The parrot answers him: “Parrot, parrot, parrot.”

Children pronounce the dialogue - cheerfully with slyness, then intimidatingly, then sadly, etc.

  1. Poses- I use games « Ocean is shaking"; “Mirror”, “Monkeys”...

Then the children are asked to pose to represent someone or something (a fox, a bear, a cat, a rag doll...). Useful tasks include finding one, but the most striking movement that would make the image easily recognizable.

3. Gestures- children receive stage assignments: to show with a gesture a state or sensation - happy, sad, surprising, painful, hot, cold...

4. By facial expressions- children try to convey their emotional state or reaction to an imaginary event through facial expressions. Tasks: show surprise, joy, tenderness, sadness,…

5.Pantomime- learning to combine plastic poses, gestures, facial expressions.

" The gait of fairy-tale heroes"

A podium is being set up. The teacher names the character, the child on the podium demonstrates the gait of this animal or hero (a walking bear, a jumping frog, a scared hare, a grandfather, an old lady, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.).

IIStage. "Folklore miniatures and nursery rhymes"


Enrich children's speech experience with various forms of initiative and response dialogical remarks.

Master questions and answers of different form and content, interrogative and narrative intonations.

Accustom to follow the basic rules of dialogue: turn, maintenance and development of the topic of dialogue.

Reading poetry by role is one of the methods of this kind. By selecting poems and nursery rhymes with various functional cues for this purpose, the teacher contributes to the assimilation of the diversity of these cues. Dialogues using questions and answers are presented in many poetry works for children. Reading poems by role allows children to master not only the form of various dialogue statements, but also the rules of turn, to learn interrogative, narrative, incentive and other types of intonation. Maintaining the topic of a conversation and developing its logic is gradually taught in many works of folklore, structured in the form of a conversation.

Did you eat the pie? - I caught a bear!

No, not me! - So lead me here.

Was it delicious? - It doesn't work.

Very. - So go yourself.

Yes, he won't let me in.

IIIStage. "Movement and verbal games with ready-made dialogic texts"

Folk pedagogy knows many outdoor games, which are built as a dramatization game based on a ready-made plot and include a variety of character dialogues. These are games such as “Geese-Swans”, “Colors”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”, “Gardener”, etc. Folk games use different ways to establish dialogic communication between children and their peers.

The rules of the game help teach children to follow the order of their remarks and to listen carefully to their partners’ remarks. But involuntarily, children learn the forms of different remarks and its rules in the game dialogue.

Outdoor game “Liski” /Belarusian folk game/.

Those playing the counting rhyme choose a fox - the leader and, lining up in a circle of 10 - 20 meters, place the fox cubs next to them (the fox can be any object: a cube, a ball, a toy). The fox approaches one of the players and says:

Where were you? - In the forest.

Who did you catch? - Liska.

Give back my fox. - I won’t give it for that.

What you will give it for - tell me yourself. - If you overtake, then I’ll give it back.

After that, they run in opposite directions in a circle. The owner of the little fox is the one who takes the free place in the circle, the fox is the player who remains.

Running is only allowed on the outside of the circle.

Verbal games provide rich material for the development of dialogic speech. The game "Gardener" is unpretentious in content, but it makes it possible to develop attentiveness to the remarks of partners in the game, the ability to enter into a game dialogue in turn.

The driver assigns each player the name of the flower. After this, the game dialogue begins:

I was born a gardener, and I was seriously angry. I'm tired of all the flowers except the dahlia. - “Informs” the driver.

Oh! - the player reacts when he hears the name of his flower.

What happened to you? - asks the driver, “continuing” the conversation.

In love! - “Dahlia” answers.

In whom? - the gardener is surprised.

To the aster, says the dahlia.

Oh! - the “aster” reacts, and the game repeats.

IVStage. "Staging of prose literary works»


Develop emotionally rich speech, memory, imagination, thinking. Teach children to follow the role they have chosen for themselves, showing creativity and performing a sequence of actions.

Cultivate willpower and learn to overcome shyness. Promote self-confidence.

Introduce a wide range of literary works, helping to understand the idea of ​​a literary work.

A creative game for children, in which they actively practice dialogue, is dramatization games. Drama games are a free retelling of literary works based on roles. The organization of such games is preceded by the stage of familiarization with the work, perhaps its repeated retelling in roles under the guidance of the teacher, and then direct and indirect assistance in the emergence of such games on the initiative of the children. The value of such games lies in the fact that they combine reproductive cues, borrowed from the text of the work, and projective ones, “invented” and designed by the child independently. The value of dramatization games lies in the fact that children draw the forms of various remarks from a literary model, imitating which they appropriate them and put them into their active speech baggage.

Literary works for children with special needs should not be voluminous: “At home, the godfather is a sparrow” (Russian folk nursery rhyme); “How Santa Claus hosted the parade”; “The Magpie and the Hare”, “The Magpie and the Bear” and other works by N. Sladkov, etc.

Literary works and games for dialogues and dramatizations in the senior group

Lexical topic

Fruits. Berries.

“Grandma’s kindergarten” (S. Georgiev)

Vegetables. Autumn.

“Birch boletus”, “We walked with you?..”

Cloth. Shoes.

Games for the development of pantomime “Game of Hat”,

"The Hedgehog and the Mouse"



“Lazy dolls” / I. Kim/


“Kitsonka”, “Sun for memory”,

P/i "Cat" (blind man's buff)

Wild animals

“Conversation of Frogs”, “Hedgehog and Hare”,

P/i "Hare month"

Winter. New Year.

"Bear" / G. Vieru/


Transport. City.

Games for developing pantomime “The gait of fairy-tale characters”


Theatrical adaptation of the fairy tale “Mistress Pan”

My family

"Where are you going, Foma..."


“Frog Shopping” /V. Orlov/

Body parts

“Ears” / E. Mashkovskaya/


“Friendship Lesson” / M. Plyatskovsky /,

P/i "Kite"

Wild animals

Games for developing pantomime “Disco for Animals”

"Bunny", "Fox and Mouse",

P/i "Snake"


"Moth" /L. Modzalevsky/, “Cricket”

"Three Butterflies" (German folk tale).

Literary works and games for dialogues and dramatizations

in the pre-school group.

Lexical topic

Literary works and games

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden

Games for developing pantomime “Vegetable dispute”

Forest. Mushrooms, Berries

"Honey mushrooms." "War of the Mushrooms"


"Chicken - Ryabushka." "Chick and Duckling"

“How a pig learned to speak” (L Panteleev)

Migratory birds

P/i "Birds"

Autumn Model House

“The most beautiful outfit in the world” (based on a Japanese fairy tale)


“The Mistress and the Cat” /V. Levanovsky/

P/i "Cat and Mouse"

V. Suteev “Who said Meow?”

Winter. New Year.

“How Santa Claus hosted the parade”

Wild animals of our forests.

"Wolf and Fox", "Fox and Hedgehog", "Hedgehog and Mouse"

P/i "Gray Wolf"

Wintering birds

“The Magpie and the Hare” /N. Sladkov/, “Snegirek” /Yu. Kapotov/

Animals of hot countries

“Long neck” /according to M. Plyatskovsky/


"Spring" /O. Vysotskaya //


“The Magpie and the Bear” /by N. Sladkov/

P/i "Kite"


"The Spider and the Bee"

K. Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly”

K. Ushinsky “Ladybug”

Practical material

Games and exercises for the development of facial expressions and pantomime.

"Game of Hat"

The game begins with trying on mom's or dad's hat. Having put it on, the girl (boy) “turns” into a young lady (dad, grandfather, uncle...), changes and demonstrates her gait and manners.

"Disco for Animals"

The animals decided to have fun (bear, wolf, hare, giraffe, monkey....) The disco is in full swing: the bear walks slowly, waddling; the hare jumps with its paws pressed in front of it; the fox moves smoothly, showing its tail with gestures, the monkey grimaces, the penguin sways importantly, holding straight arms behind its back, etc. In a word, everything depends on the imagination.

Cheerful music is playing. The child chooses the role of the animal himself.

« Pantomime"

Call two players. Children stand facing the audience, but should not see each other (they can be separated by a screen).

The players simultaneously use their movements and facial expressions to depict what the teacher offers them. Children-spectators evaluate who managed to do it better. You can, for example, invite the players to depict:

Scared bunny;

Merry clown;

A man waiting on the street for a bus in winter severe frost etc.

Children can be very inventive and spontaneous in such games.

Game "Mirror"

What does a mirror do? Repeats your movements. Let one person be a mirror, and others repeat after him everything he does. Stand opposite each other and copy facial expressions, poses, gestures, that is, completely imitate the model. After a while, change places with the child. Or identify the driver using a counting rhyme.

"Cat Habits"

We'll show you a little.

How a cat walks softly. /Walk on tiptoe/

Barely audible / Top - top - top /

Tail down. /Op - op - op/.

But, raising your fluffy tail,

A cat can be fast.

Daringly rushes upward. /Jump/.

Jump, yes jump, jump again,

And then he meows: “Meow!

I’m running away to my house!” /Run in place/

"Merry Monkeys"

/Children depict what they are talking about/

We are funny monkeys, we play too loud.

We clap our hands, we stamp our feet.

We puff out our cheeks and jump on our toes.

And let's show each other our tongues!

Together we will jump to the ceiling, raise our finger to our temple,

Let's stick out the ears and tail.

Let's open our mouths wider and make grimaces.

When I say “three” loudly, everyone freezes with grimaces!

One two Three! /Children make faces/.

Folklore miniatures, nursery rhymes, poems.

Where are you, brother Ivan? - How sweet crow's feet are!

In the upper room. -Have you eaten?

What are you doing? - No, I didn’t eat,

I help Peter. - And my uncle saw

What is Peter doing? How our master ate.

Yes, it's on the stove.

Where are you going, Foma? Where are you going? - I'm going to mow hay.

What do you need hay for? - Feed the cows.

What do you need cows for? - Milk.

Why milk? - Feed the kids.

Little kitty, where have you been? - She was tending the horses.

Where are the horses? - They left the gate.

Where is the gate? - The fire burned.

Where is the fire? - The water flooded.

Where is the water? - The bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - They went over the mountain.

Where is the mountain? - The worms carved it out.

Where are the worms? - The ducks pecked it.

"The Mistress and the Cat" V. Levanovsky / "Conversation of Frogs"

Why are you black, cat?

Climbed into the chimney at night. - Kuma, are you coming to us?

Why are you white now? - To you, to you. I jump to the water, I want to catch.

I ate sour cream from a pot. - And who, whom, godfather?

Why did you turn gray? - Crayfish, carp and catfish.

The dog rolled me in the dust. - When you catch it, will you give it to us?

Like what color are you? - If not, of course I will.

I don't know this myself.

"Who's whose"

Whose forest stream are you? - Nobody's!

But where are you from, stream? - From the keys.

Well, whose keys are those? - Draws.

Whose birch tree is by the stream? - Draw.

And you, little girl, are you a sweetheart? - I am my mother’s, my father’s, my grandmother’s.


Bunny, bunny, white tail, where have you been? - Mowed oats

Where are the oats? - The crane pecked it.

Where is the crane? - The bear drove away.

Where is the bear? - Sits in a trap.

Where's the trap? - On the hill.

Where is the pea? - In the evening it was washed away into the Kama by a stream.

“Spring” “Bear” / G. Vieru /

Well, spring, how are you? -Where are you going, bear?

I have cleaning to do. - Go to the city to see the Christmas tree.

What do you need a broom for? - Why do you need it?

Sweep the snow off the hill. - It's time to celebrate the New Year.

What do you need streams for? -Where will you put it?

Wash debris from paths. - I’ll take it to my house.

What do you need rays for? - Why not cut it down in the forest?

For cleaning too. - It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

I'll wash everything, dry it,

I will invite you to the holiday.

Active and verbal games with ready-made dialogic texts.

Outdoor game "Geese-swans", teaching children to address their interlocutor and ask questions.

On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live.

On the other - a wolf. The owner lets the geese out for a walk, they go to the other end of the site. The owner calls the geese:

Geese - geese! - Ha - ha - ha.

Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes.

Swan geese! Home? Gray wolf under the mountain!

What is he doing there? - Ryabchikov is stinging.

Well, fly home!

The geese run into the house, the wolf tries to catch them. Children who are caught leave the game. The most dexterous and fastest goose becomes a wolf.

Outdoor game "Kite" teaching children to take turns exchanging remarks and developing the topic of conversation.

The presenter is Korshun. The children surround him in a flock and a dialogue begins:

I walk around Korshun, I look at Korshun.

Korshun, what are you doing? - I'm digging a hole.

Why the dimple? - I'm looking for money.

Why do you need money? - Buy a needle.

Why do you need a needle? - Sew a bag.

Why a bag? - Put down pebbles.

Why pebbles? - Rustle at your children - mutter.

For what? - They climb into my garden.

You would make the fence higher, but if you don’t know how, catch them.!

Children run away in all directions. The kite is catching up. The game ends when


Bazikova O.A. Development of dialogical speech of preschoolers in the game. M.: LLC Publishing House "Scriptorium 2003", 2008.

  1. Artyomova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. A book for kindergarten teachers. M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  2. Arushanova A.O. Organization of dialogical communication between preschoolers and peers // Preschool education. - 2001.
  3. Korotkova E.L. Providing speech practice during the interaction of work on the development of dialogic and monologue speech. // Reader on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children / Comp. MM. Alkseeva. - M., Academy, 1999.
  4. Lisina M.I. Development of communication in preschoolers / Ed. Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina - M.: “Pedagogy”, 1974.
  5. Article by O.V. Akulova “Theatrical games of children” // Preschool education, 2006. - No. 4
  6. Internet resources.

Oksana Kalinina
Dialogue as a means of forming coherent speech in preschool children

It has been proven that the main dialogue is a form of communication among preschoolers. He is the main one for them shape mastery of all components of oral speech and school of formation social skills and habits that determine the nature of interaction with others.

Dialogue is natural environment development of personality as a whole. Lack or deficiency dialogical communication leads to various kinds of distortions in personal development, an increase in problems of interaction with other people, and the emergence of difficulties in the ability to adapt to changing life situations. It is no coincidence that the concept of lifelong education states that in preschool age special attention should be paid to the development dialogical speech.

At the beginning of the work, observing the children of my group, I noted their insufficient speech activity, the inability of most of the kids to build dialogue, have an unstimulated conversation. Taking into account the results of observation, and based on the relevance of development dialogical speech for preschoolers, I set a goal for myself - to develop children dialogical speech and teach them how to use it form of communication.

Based on the statements of researchers (V.I. Yashin, A.A. Pavlov and others, that dialogue needs to be taught, directed its activities towards creating a holistic approach to formation of dialogical speech in children.

First of all, at the initial stage for development dialogical speech in children a subject-developmental program was created in the group Wednesday, which features games that promote development speeches, subject and subject pictures, albums of various subjects.

In my opinion, an important factor in the development dialogical speech in kindergarten is the conversation and conversation between the teacher and the children. Therefore, I myself am often the initiator of interesting conversations, using any excuse to engage in communication with children. I use all moments of kindergarten life to talk with children. The topics and content of conversations are determined by the objectives of education and depend on age characteristics children.

Special role in development dialogical speech I'm taking you away fiction. After reading a literary work, I get attention children to the characters' dialogues, we retell or dramatize them, thereby the guys not only learn to build dialogue, but also borrow various forms communication for practical application.

Great influence on development dialogical speech provide games and play exercises.

The advantage of games is that they promote activation dialogical interactions both in preparation for the game and during the game itself. I include games as in direct educational activities, as well as joint and independent activities of children. I give children tasks that put them in situations that encourage them to engage in dialogue.

For formation of dialogical speech I use the method of verbal instructions. I give the children instructions to turn to a peer or an adult and ask, ask or find out something, and I always praise them for correctly constructed dialogue.

To enrich your speech experience children various types dialogical remarks, I introduce them to etiquette through playing out plots, dramatization, etc., while teaching them how to properly conduct dialogue.

I pay special attention to writing a story on a topic that the child likes. The child is first given a story plan consisting of 5 questions - tasks. It is proposed to talk about what is on the site, what the children are doing on the site; what games do they play; name your favorite games and activities; talk about activities and games on the site in winter (summer, etc.). After this, the child composes his story in separate fragments, before each of which the corresponding question of the task is repeated. The second option is that one child begins the story, the second continues it, and the third completes it. Children choose their partners themselves, agree on the content and order of storytelling. This could be an essay on a painting, a series of paintings, or a set of toys. Stories can be written down design album of children's verbal creativity. A remarkable technique that creates the ground for children's dialogue, is a joint drawing of illustrations for stories.

Reading poetry by role is one of the methods of this kind. For this purpose, I select poems and nursery rhymes with various functional cues, which helps to assimilate the diversity of these sayings. Reading poems by role allows children with special needs to master not only form of dialogue, but also the rules of order of statements, learn interrogative, narrative, incentive and other types of intonation.

Dramatization game is a fertile field for consolidation and formation of dialogical skills. Role-playing dialogues in dramatization play are an indicator not only of development children's dialogue, but also an indicator of the development of the dramatization game itself. The richer, more diverse dialogue in the game, the higher the level of gaming creativity children.

The theme of the games turns out to be the most diverse: it concerns the life of a kindergarten and family, reflects scenes from the lives of people, animals and plants; toys, vegetables and fruits, pieces of furniture, dishes, etc. are used as game characters. At the same time, the dramatization game instills in the child a sustainable interest in his native culture and literature , theater as an art form.

Drama games are a free retelling of literary works based on roles. The organization of such games is preceded by the stage of familiarization with the work, perhaps its repeated retelling in roles under the guidance of a teacher, and then direct and indirect assistance in the emergence of such games on the initiative of children. The value of dramatization games lies in what children gain forms various replicas from a literary sample, imitating which they appropriate them, put them into their active speech baggage.

Director's games are a type of dramatization games based on literary works. In these games the child can "to voice" role of several characters alone or with a friend. By moving the figures of a tabletop puppet theater (or acting with other types of dolls), children act out performances, practicing reproducing literary dialogues or writing your own"plays". The teacher can guide the assimilation of one or another aspect dialogue through the selection of literary works, with the help of tips and advice. And if the children don't object to"spectators" of his director's games, then the teacher, showing attention and interest, stimulates children to speech creativity.

An effective development method dialogical speech are a variety of games (role-playing, didactic, moving)

Ball games: "Finish the sentence"(the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, asks the question “Behind the number 5 is a number... The child answers the question and throws the ball to the teacher,” “Pass the ball - the number (time of year, day of week) call" "Say it the other way around"(the child selects antonyms for the words he names teacher: high - low, wide - narrow, “Catch the ball the color of the fruit (form, taste) call it."

Didactic games - lotto, dominoes, route games (labyrinth, cut-out pictures. All of them are based on the interaction of the players. The role of the adult who organizes the interaction when children master these games is great. Then the children begin to manage the games independently. Appear instructions: your move, go, place a chip, don’t peek; arise questions: apple - which one forms? What is red? A giraffe is tall, but who can be short? "Wonderful bag", "Find a Pair"- this game helps to work on complicating syntactic structures (one-syllable answers, two-word sentences, sentences of 3-5 words, "Closed Book"(an adult shows an upside down picture and explains that something very interesting is drawn here. Then he asks children: do the same thing the girl does, etc., "Telephone", "Fairy Beast",

“I’ll tell you - I won’t tell you”.

Games in pairs ( "I know…", “Guess the object I wished for”, "Finish the sentence", "Edible - inedible" and others, in which:

Methods of working with language are consolidated and clarified information received in the course of specially organized group activities form(activation of vocabulary, development of grammatical structure speeches, sound culture speeches, etc. d.);

Children are guided by their peer partner and his practical and verbal skills.

First, children master the rules of communication in games: compliance with the order of play and speech actions; do not repeat what has already been said; in case of difficulty, ask clarifying questions; politely address each other by name, use the “magic word” "Please".


As a result of the work done, I achieved the ability children participate in the conversation, answer the teacher’s questions, and ask them correctly. Children's dialogue became more saturated with adjectives, nouns and various new words. Now the children themselves want to ask questions and learn a lot of new and interesting things. They have an interest and desire to communicate using dialogue. During conversations with children there is an emotional upsurge in which they, trying to talk each other out, tell me what interesting things happened to them.

My work with the guys is at the beginning of the journey, but I really want to teach children fully communicate Using speech, show independence in statements, freedom in expressing your thoughts and feelings.

List of used literature:

1. Development children's coherent speech 5-6 years in experimental research activities. Preschool Pedagogy No. 10 2014 p. 26

2. Play as a development factor dialogue. Preschool Education No. 5 2007, p. 9

3. Development speech in children of senior preschool age. Preschool education No. 3 2007 p. 114

4. N. A. Pesnyaeva "Training dialogue– desired or actual?” M. 2008

Card index of ready-made literary dialogues
for the development of dialogic speech in preschoolers
Author: Menshchikova Marina Aleksandrovna,
teacher of MKDOU " Kindergarten Kedrovy settlement" Card file compiled in 2015
The wind howls, howls,
Sings a song to the children:
- I will, I will blow again,
You won't go for a walk!
- Don’t scare us, wind,
Better clear away the clouds
We'll dress warmly
Let's go for a walk anyway!
M. Menshchikova
The blizzard sings songs,
Doesn't let the kids sleep.
- Hush, blizzard, howl,
Don't interfere with Petya and Masha.
- I don't howl, I sing
Your lullaby.
M. Menshchikova
-Have you washed your face today?
- We washed ourselves and combed our hair.
-Have you eaten in the morning?
- The porridge was delicious.
- Did you say thank you?
- They definitely haven’t forgotten this!
-Are you ready for work?
-We are ready every day
And we are not too lazy to work!
M. Menshchikova
- Daughter, tell me how are you doing?
- I had a wonderful day today.
-What did you do, what did you learn?
- How birch trees, herbs and flowers grow.
- Who did you play with dolls with, who is your best friend?
-I, Mommy, have many friends,
But Yulia is the closest, I play with her
And I always share my secrets with her.
M. Menshchikova
Conversation with the rain
-Rain, rain, how are you?
You were already on your way yesterday?
The rain just patters
But he doesn't talk to me.
I ask him to sleep
That is, stop dripping.
He just looks out the window,
But he doesn't talk to me.
Rain, rain, smile,
With the sun, with the rain, make friends.
He whispers to me: “Don’t be sad,
The sun is on its way."
M. Menshchikova
-Who are you?
-When did you come?
-When the sun warmed up,
The snow was all eaten up
The birds have arrived
You are having fun.
-What did you bring with you?
-Bright days,
Buds on trees
The first leaves
Flowers in the meadows!
M. Menshchikova
A hedgehog runs along the path, puffing,
And there is a leaf on his back.
- Hedgehog, why do you need this piece of paper?
- I’m insulating my mink, my friend.
- What else did you insulate it with?
- I put twigs, grass and moss.
M. Menshchikova
Bear sleeps for a long time in winter
Under a century-old pine tree.
- Mishka, Mishka, why?
Are you sucking your paw?
-I sleep better with a paw,
I see summer in a dream.
M. Menshchikova
- Have you already changed your fur coat for the winter? –
The fox asked the little hare.
- Of course, I change it after that
So that it would be convenient for me to hide!
M. Menshchikova
- Kitty, kitty, where have you been?
-Did you drink milk from a cup?
- Where is your cup?
- I broke it yesterday.
M. Menshchikova
Two kittens
Two kittens early in the morning
We met at the sofa.
- Hello, Pusha, how are you?
- I saw the mouse yesterday.
-Did you catch her, buddy?
- She ran away behind the pole!
M. Menshchikova
Girl and kitten
Little Nastenka played with the cat,
She sang songs to him and read poems to him:
- I bay, bay, bayushki, I’ll sing for you,
And then I’ll put you to bed in bed.
But the capricious cat didn’t want to listen
And he sang his song to the girl:
- Meow, meow, Nastenka, I don’t want to sleep,
Better put some sour cream in my bowl.
M. Menshchikova
Mistress and cat
- Why are you black, cat?
- I climbed into the chimney at night.
- Why are you white now?
- I ate sour cream from the pot.
- Why did you turn gray?
- The dog rolled me in the dust.
- So what color are you?
- I don’t know that myself.
V. Levanovsky Hello, kitty
- Hello, kitty! How are you?
Why did you leave us?
- I can’t live with you,
There is nowhere to put the tail.
Walk, yawn...
You step on the tail.
Nastya Emelianenko
- Cat, what is your name? - Meow.
-Are you guarding the mouse here? - Meow.
- Cat, do you want some milk? - Meow. – And as a friend - a puppy? - Frr!
Little kitty, where have you been? - At the mill.
Little kitten, what was she doing there? - I ground flour.
- Little kitty, what did you bake from flour? - Gingerbread cookies.
Little kitty, who did you eat gingerbread with? - One.
Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.
Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
Sparrow, what are you waiting for? Can't you peck at the bread crumbs?
I noticed the crumbs a long time ago, but I’m afraid of an angry cat.
A. TaraskinSnegirek - Where are you from, little bullfinch, did you fly into our forest?
- I flew from the north, I wanted delicious berries.
Yuch - yuch - yuch, chu - chu - chu, I sing a song loudly.
- We have snowstorms, the blizzards are angry. You won't be afraid of them?
- I won’t be afraid of them, let them sweep and get angry.
I saved the warm red casing for winter.
Yu. Kapotov
- Hare, hare, what are you doing?
- I’m chewing the stalk.
- Why are you happy, hare?
- I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.
G. Sapgir
Tell me, dear hedgehog, what is good about hedgehog fur?
That's why he, little fox, is good because you can't take him with your teeth.
V. Fetisov
-Doctor, doctor,
What should we do?
Wash ears
Or not wash?
If you wash
How should we be:
Wash frequently
Or less often?
The doctor answers:
-Hedgehog..! The doctor answers angrily:
E. Moshkovskaya Why? (Joke)
- Why do we need ears?
- To listen to fairy tales.
- And the eyes?
- Look at the pictures.
- Hands?
- Put on your shoes.
- Legs?
- To play football.
- And the language?
- So as not to chat.
The hedgehog asks the bunny:
- Why are you crying, little bunny?
- I was very scared
Met a wild beast
He is green, bug-eyed,
I've never seen anything like this.
E. Charushin, E. ShumskayaFrog purchases
-Where are you coming from?
A frog frog?
- Home from the market,
Dear girlfriend.
- What did you buy?
- A little bit of everything:
I bought a kva-empty
Kva-salt and kva-rtoshka.
V. Orlov
-Where are you going, bear?
- Look for a Christmas tree in town.
- Why do you need it?
- It's time to celebrate the New Year.
-Where will you put it?
- I’ll take you to my house, to my place of residence.
- Why didn’t you cut it down in the forest?
- It's a pity, I'd better bring it.
G. VieruAnt
- Ant, wait, wait.
Why are you rushing home?
- Why can’t you see, dragonfly?
A thunderstorm is coming.
If I'm rushing home,
There will be torrential rain.
A. Taraskin Tell me, little river...
- You tell me,
forest river,
Why are you
Sound like that?
- In the morning above me
The titmouse sings -
That's why it's ringing
- You tell me,
forest river,
Why are you clean
Like this?
- In a clear voice
The titmouse sings -
That’s why the Water is pure!
- You tell me,
forest river,
Why are you
Is it blue?
- In the fontanel
Titmouse bathing
That's why it's blue
(V. Orlova)
-Why does the prickly hedgehog look so much like a Christmas tree?
-Because the hedgehog borrowed needles from our Christmas tree.
-Why did the squirrel’s tail stretch out to its full height?
-So that this squirrel can fly like a rocket.
Why does the mole dig its underground passage everywhere?
You know, the sweetest thing in the world for a mole is darkness.
Why don't beavers have either saws or axes?
-They don’t need axes, beavers have sharp teeth.
Why does only a rhinoceros grow a horn on its nose?
To decorate the nose with a horn and be called a rhinoceros.
(A. Vlasov)
Novice bull
The bull came out into the meadow.
The goat was met by a bull.
- Hello, I'm a bull,
I'm new to the meadow.
Show me quickly
Where is the tastier weed?
“Meh,” I’ll tell you in response,
There is no tasteless grass.
Weed is always good
If you chew slowly.
V. Viktorova
- Well, spring, how are you?
- I have cleaning to do.
- What do you need a broom for?
- Sweep the snow from the hillock.
- What do you need streams for?
- Wash the trash off the paths.
- What do you need the rays for?
- For cleaning too.
- I’ll dry everything a little,
- I’ll invite you to the holiday.
O. VysotskayaThe Fox and the Mouse
- Little mouse, little mouse, why is your nose dirty?
- I was digging the earth.
- Why did you dig?
- I made a mink.
- Why did you make the mink?
- Hide from you, fox.
- Little mouse, I’ll lie in wait for you.
- And I have a bedroom in my hole.
- If you want to eat, you’ll get out.
- I have a storage room in my hole.
- Little mouse, little mouse, I’ll ruin your hole.
- And I’m a stranger to you - and I was.
V. Bianki Yama
-Did you dig a hole?
- I was digging.
Did you fall into a hole?
-Are you sitting in a hole? - Sitting.
-Are you waiting for the stairs?
- I am waiting.
- A pit of cheese? - Cheese.
- Like a head? - It's intact.
- So, alive? - Alive.
- Well, I went home.
O. Grigoriev
- Did we go with you? - Let's go. - Did you find the pie? - Found.
- Did I give it to you? - Gave.
-Did you take it? - I took it.
-Where is he? - Who?
- Pie. - What other pie?
- Legs, legs, where have you been?
- We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.
- What were you little hands working on?
- We collected mushrooms.
- And you, little eyes, helped?
- We searched and looked, looked at all the stumps.
English song
(arranged by S. Marshak)
- Little girl, tell me, where have you been?
- I visited an old grandmother at the other end of the village.
- What did you drink at grandma's?
- I drank tea with jam.
- What did you tell grandma?
- “Thank you” and “goodbye.”
New thing
- Who bought the polka dot chintz?
- Dad is who.
- What kind of craftswoman sewed it?
- Mom is who.
- Who dressed up in new clothes?
- Masha – that’s who!
Who is grazing in the meadow?

- Horses?
- No, not horses!
Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...
- Goats?
- No, not goats!
Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...
- Cows?
That's right, cows.
Drink milk, children,
You will be healthy.
Yu. Black Frog
Little frog almost cries
Jumps to mom for advice
- I swam in the water like a fish,
I was a tadpole
And now nowhere in the pond
I won't find my ponytail.
Kvakushka laughed here and said:
- You have become a frog,
You swapped your tail for paws,
You can jump with dad.
A. BerlovaVorona
(Based on a poem by V. Orlov) - Kar-kar-kar! What a theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning!
He stole the penny from his pocket!
- Stop, crow, don’t scream.
Don't shout, just be quiet
You can't live without deception:
You don't have a pocket.
- How?! Why didn’t they say it before? Kar-r-raul! Car-r-man stole!
I know what I need to come up with
- I know what I need to come up with,
So that there is no more winter,
So that instead of high snowdrifts
The hills were green all around.
- So what do you need to come up with?
So that there is no more winter?
And what about instead of snowdrifts
Will there be hills with grass?
- I look into the glass
Green color,
And immediately it’s winter
Turns into summer!
A. Barto - Come on, bunny, jump and jump!
- Why not gallop? I'll jump!
- With your paw, bunny, knock, knock!
- Why not knock? I'll knock!
- You fall on the grass!
- Why don’t I fall? I’ll fall.
- Lie down and rest, rest!
- If I need to rest, I’ll rest.
English folk song
(arranged by S. Marshak)
-Buy onions, green onions,
Parsley and carrots.
Buy our girl
A minx and a cheat!
-We don't need green onions,
Parsley and carrots.
We only need a girl
A minx and a cheat.
- Wake up!
- I'm waking up!
- Get up!
- I'm getting up!
- Wash your face!
- I’m washing my face!
- Get wet!
- I'm pouring myself!
- Wipe yourself off!
- I’m drying myself!
- Get dressed!
- Going to!
- And say goodbye!
- And I say goodbye!
Gulya-Dove (Udmurt folk song)
-Gulya, blue dove!
Sit on a branch, on an oak tree!
-I would sit down, but the owl,
The head is unkempt,
There with the eyes - loop-loop!
And with your legs - thump, thump!
I don't want to go to the oak tree
I'll fly across the river -
To the green valley
To the cheerful rowan tree.
Away game
- Hello, hello, we are waiting for guests!
- We were wet to the bone.
- Where is your umbrella?
- Lost.
- Where are the galoshes?
- The cat took it away!
- And the gloves?
- The dog ate it!
- It’s no problem, guests, come through the gate, go up the threshold
come over for apple pie.
I. FajilloMoth
- Tell me, moth,
How do you live, my friend?
How can you not get tired
Is everything fluttering around every day?
- I live among the meadows,
In the shine of a summer day,
Scents of flowers -
This is my food!
- But your life is short -
It is not more than a day old;
- Be kind, man,
And don't touch me!
L. ModzalevskyPerebivalka - Beyond the river...
- For what?
- Behind such a wide one!
- There lived a crocodile...
-What did the crocodile chew?
- I didn’t chew!
A crocodile just lived!
- But you said
Was he chewing something?
Or was he worried?
- Oh! Okay, chew it!
I was terribly worried!
And bit and swallowed
Those who re-re-bi-val!
A. Kondratieva
Scrut - Who lives under the ceiling?
- Dwarf
- Does he have a beard?
- Yes.
- Both the shirtfront and the vest?
- No.
- How does he get up in the morning?
- Myself.
- Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?
- Cat.
- How long has he lived there?
- Year.
-Who runs along the rooftops with him?
- Mouse.
- Well, what's his name?
- Skrut.
- He's being capricious, right?
- Never!
Sasha Cherny
- Kittens, kittens, little guys!
Who is your biggest? Who is your youngest?
“When we all grow up, we’ll go after the mice.”
One grandfather cat will stay at home
Yes, lying on the stove - waiting for us with kindness.
-Grisha, Grisha - give me the knife! -You won’t give it back. -Give me, Grisha, a pencil. -You won’t give it back. -Grisha, Grisha, give me the eraser. -You’ll bite off half of it. -Grisha, Grisha, give me the ink. -You should run and buy it!
Elena Blaginina
An old birch tree whispers quietly to a willow tree.
Grandfather Seryozha walks around the yard with a broom.
- Grandfather Seryozha, look,
We're blowing bubbles!
You see, in every bubble -
At the crimson dawn,
Along the birch tree, along the willow tree,
According to Seryozhka, according to the broom.
You look, look, look:
Bubbles flew -
Red, yellow, blue –
Choose any one for yourself!
A goat has four legs
Udder, beard and horns.
He will say loudly: “Be-be-be,
I bring you milk!
Drink milk, Alyosha.
You will jump high!
You will run faster than everyone else
You will grow faster!”
How are you living?
- Horses, horses, how are you living?
Horses, horses, what are you chewing?
- Well, as long as we live,
We are chewing grass in the meadow.
- Chickens, chickens, how are you living?
Chickens, chickens, what are you chewing?
- Well, as long as we live,
But, sorry, we don’t chew.
We peck quickly
There are grains on the path.
- Goats, goats, how are you living?
Goats, goats, what are you pecking at?
- Well, as long as we live,
But, sorry, we don’t bite,
And we fight in the morning
Bark from young aspens.
- How do you rabbits live?
What are you rabbits doing?
- Well, as long as we live,
But, excuse me, we don’t give a damn,
And we chew deftly
Fresh carrots.
- How are you kittens?
What, kittens, are you gnawing on?
- Well, as long as we live,
But, sorry, we don’t bite.
We drink a little
Milk from a bowl.
- Birds, birds, how are you living?
Birds, birds, what are you drinking?
- Well, as long as we live,
We drink raindrops
And we sing songs to you
In the mornings and evenings.
Cloud cloud
I met you.
Cloud cloud
She shouted:
- Why are you walking?
On a way?
Get out of my way,
Let me pass!
The cloud answered the cloud:
- You better not touch me!
I walk wherever I want.
If you touch -
I'll teach you a lesson!
Cloud cloud -
Forehead, forehead,
And across the sky -
Bom, bom!
Fight over the city
Give in to no one
He doesn't want to.
The clouds were beating
The whole hour
Sparks fell from the eyes.
They fought seriously -
Brought yourself to tears!
V. Orlov
-Hey, quail, motley feather,
Where did you spend the winter?
- U krinitsa.
- Where did you fly this summer?
- At the wheat.
Wintered -
I drank water.
Flew -
She pecked the grains. Poems about fish
In a quiet river
In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish:
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I was fishing
I was fishing for a fisherman
Uncle Petya is an eccentric.
- Where is your fisherman?
- No, he left, you sly man!
Lost it!
E. ChepovetskyWhere did the rain wander?
- Where have you been, little rain?
- I woke up the saffron milk caps in the grove,
So that you don't oversleep the dawn,
They hit you in the box.
T. Dmitriev
Lenya asks Petya:
- How to knit nets for fish?
- There are a lot of holes to take,
Tie them all together with threads.
V. Biryukov
After the rain
- Uncle, how many suns are there in the world? –
The children asked me.
I say:
- It’s... one.
The kids laugh in response:
- What do you! Full of suns
There is sun in every puddle.
M. Tank Rainbow
The rooster saw a rainbow:
- What a beautiful tail!
Ram saw a rainbow:
- What a high bridge!
And the horse looks at the rainbow:
- The horseshoe is big...
The river looks at the rainbow:
- And there is a river in the sky?
I. GamazkovaAt the stream
A moose cow approached the stream,
Looked down:
- Painfully small, painfully quiet,
You can drink it in two sips!
The ant was busy for a long time
He built a raft from needles:
- Is this Lena or Volga?
How it rages, how it roars!
G. GraubinWhat to do after the rain?
- What to do after the rain?
- Jump through the puddles!
- What to do after the rain?
- Let the ships go!
- What to do after the rain?
- Swing on the rainbow!
- What to do after the rain?
- Smile at each other.
V. Danko
Clouds are roaming in the blue sky,
The yellow ray of sun goes out.
Red tomato is angry:
- Why doesn’t the sun burn?
Rad green cucumber:
- Wow, I'll finally get drunk.
You are clear water,
Rain, wash my cheeks.
E. StekvashovaPine buds
The duck quacked from the doorway:
- I caught a little cold.
I every minute
I cough and cough...
The woodpecker leafed through the book,
The woodpecker read a book
I underlined two lines:
- Pine buds.
Not a cure, just a miracle
Your cold will go away in no time.
V. Luksha
Count it!
The Hedgehog glanced sideways at the Christmas tree:
- How many needles do you have?
Sad on the stump:
- Maybe more than on me?
The mistress of the forest says:
- Climb on the branches, count them!
Maybe more, maybe not -
Count and give the answer!
I. Demyanov Bird cherry color
The Owl has a sad look,
Owl's eyes hurt.
Sat on the roof:
- I don’t see anything!
Dr. Woodpecker gave advice:
- Pick up the bird cherry blossom.
Drink the decoction -
May be,
He will help you.
V. Luksha
It's all winter...Where is summer?
It's all winter...
Where is summer?
Animals, birds!
Waiting for an answer!
- Summer, -
The swallow thinks -
Arriving very soon.
Summer needs to hurry,
And it flies like a bird!
- Is it arriving? –
The Mole snorted. –
It's crawling underground!
You say
Summer is coming soon?
I don't hope so!
Toptygin grumbled:
- Summer
Sleeping in his den
The horse neighed:
-Where is the carriage?
I'm now
I'll deliver summer!
-Summer, -
The hares told me, -
He gets on the train at the station,
Because maybe it's summer
Ride like a Hare -
Without a ticket!
Boris ZakhoderClouds
- Clouds, clouds,
Illuminated sides!
You are like a miracle.
Where are you from?
From which corner?
- We are at sea,
In the open
We were born on a warm night.
It's foggy there
Early in the morning
They got up and rushed.
We flew and looked:
There is so much beauty in the world!
Both houses and gardens
Admired from above.
To the villages
On the trees
We'll fall into the fields.
Large, clean, silver
Let's make everyone happy with the rain!
B. Syrov
Green tree, where is your home?
- On the edge of the forest, above a quiet hill.
Green Christmas tree, how did you live?
- It turned green in the summer and slept in the winter.
Green tree, who cut you down?
- Little, old grandfather Pamphil.
Green tree, where is he now?
- Smoking a pipe at home and looking at the door.
Green tree, tell me why?
- He, grandfather, has no one.
Green tree, where is his house?
- On every street, around every corner...
Green Christmas tree, what to call him?
- Ask your grandmother, grandmother and mother...
Sasha Cherny
- Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
prickly needle
Where did you grow up?
- In the forest.
- What did you see?
- Fox.
- What's in the forest?
- Frost.
Bare birches,
Wolves and bears -
That's all the neighbors.
- And on New Year’s Eve
Everyone sings a song.
M. Evensen New Year's fairy tale
Grandfather Frost has a snowflake on his nose. Christmas trees were collected in the forest in the evening.
Sixty green, forty blue,
Sixty older, forty young.
Christmas trees and spruce trees began to spin together
And they sang a winter forest song:
- Fall, snowflakes, fall quickly,
Make a white road for the sleigh.

And he ordered snowflakes to fall from the sky.
Little stars and stars flew from the sky,
And the road became white with snow.
The Christmas trees began to spin again and they ate
And they sang another winter song:
- Come to us, wind, without a needle and thread
Sew us, little tailor, white capes.
“I like the song,” Santa Claus said
And he ordered the wind to fly quickly.
And the wind rushed, mischievous and dexterous,
Without a needle or thread, I instantly sewed new clothes.
The Christmas trees and spruces began to spin again
And they sang another song joyfully:
- we are now ready, we will go now! On fun party we will go to the children!
“I like the song,” Santa Claus said
And he ordered the sleigh to be brought quickly.
The wolf drags a fur coat to Frost,
And the Fox has a big red hat.
The hares brought the mittens to the sleigh.
And the bag of gifts appeared on its own.
Seven hot horses like a whirlwind - downhill!
Grandfather Frost is on his way to the children.
G. Sapgir
The Adventure of the SnowmanOnce upon a time there was a Snowman:
The mouth is a blade of grass, the nose is a twig.
All the animals were friends with him,
They often came to visit.
He was walking past a Christmas tree,
And towards him - wolves!
He hears - they whisper:
- Tilt the branches lower!
- This tree is for four of us
Let's cut it down quickly with an axe!
- These trees are of no use -
Only needle wounds!
The snowman was not confused
Immediately he rushed through the forest:
- Hey, little animals, help,
Save our Christmas tree!
The animals ran to the Christmas tree.
Well, the wolves got scared,
They ran away.
Well done, Snowman!
Olga Korneeva
The ball flies striped
The cubs are chasing the ball.
- Can I? –
asked the mouse.
- What you!
You're still a baby!
G. Sapgir The most important
-Who is the most important in toys?
- I, the tin soldier.
I don't cry, I don't grieve.
I march day and night.
And I can still shoot
From guns and cannons,
If anyone breaks
Comes up with toys.
A. Akhundova
- Stop crying, girl!
- Not enough...
- What's your name, girl?
- Ka-a-cha...
- Katya, who offended you?
- No offense...Have you seen the bagel?
He first rolled into the grass,
And then I found myself under a bush,
And then I played in the sand...
- Here's the bagel you're holding in your hand.
And I’ve already taken a bite.
- Take a bite too!
- Thank you.
Y. Akim
- Where are you from, pie?
- I come from the field, my friend.
I was born there as grain,
I was at the mill later.
I visited the bakery
And now it’s on the table.
T. Dmitriev
My mother brought me some dryers,
I looked and there were freckles on them.
Cleared the dishes from the table
And he said to her:
- I won’t eat!
- Why? - Mom asked.
He didn’t lie, he answered directly:
- If I eat these dryers,
Freckles will come to me.
But in vain I thought like this:
It was just poppy seeds that were drying.
I. Vinokurov
This is not your pie
With a crispy crust,
And the ruddy ship,
The most real one.
- Full speed ahead!
- There is full speed!
- Right in your mouth!
- Eat it straight into your mouth!
This delicious ship
Baked by mom.
Lucky cherries
In the middle itself.
R. Kulikova
I decided to cook compote
On mom's birthday.
I took raisins, nuts, honey,
A kilogram of jam.
I put everything in the pan,
Stirred, poured water,
I put it on the stove
And he turned up the fire.
To make it tastier,
I won't regret anything.
Two carrots, onion, banana,
Cucumber, glass of flour,
Half a cracker
I added it to my compote.
Everything was boiling, steam was swirling...
Finally, the compote is cooked!
I took the pan to my mother:
- Happy birthday, mommy!
Mom was very surprised
She laughed and was delighted.
I poured compote for her -
Let him try it soon!
Mom drank a little
And... she coughed into her palm, and then said sadly:
- Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you!
M. Druzhinina
- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!
Vladimir Orlov
- What’s the weather like, tell me, if possible, -
At the window, the umbrella asked carefully.
“The sun is shining,” I heard in response, “
And there is not a cloud in the high sky.
An umbrella turned in the corner, sighing:
“The weather,” he said, “is bad.”
- What’s the weather like, tell me if you can
For tomorrow? – he asked again carefully.
“Gray and damp,” I heard in response, “
Clouds and rain.
And the umbrella exclaimed:
- Hooray! Grace!
It's nice to walk in this weather!
S. Jaksevac Stop being angry for us already
We've had enough of being angry already.
Everyone around is having fun!
Let's make peace quickly:
-You are my friend!
-And you are my friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before
Kitty-murysonka-Kisonka-murysonka, where have you been? - She was tending the horses.
-Where are the horses? - They left the gate.
-Where is the gate? - The fire burned.
- Where is the fire? - The water flooded.
- Where is the water? - The bulls drank.
-Where are the bulls? - They went over the mountain.
- Where is the mountain? - The worms have drained.
- Where are the worms? - The ducks pecked it.
Dad knocked over the vase:
Who will punish him?
- It’s fortunate, it’s fortunate, -
The whole family will say.
Well, what if, unfortunately,
I did it!
- You're a bum, you're a bungler! –
They'll say something about me. Oh. Grigoriev

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