Skyrim centurion generator core why is it needed. Dwemer mechanisms (Skyrim)

Dwemer spiders- small spider-like mechanisms. They perform functions not only of security, but also of maintenance of Dwemer structures. They are resistant to critical hits and fire damage, and are also immune to cold. Some spiders explode after being turned off, causing electrical damage within a certain radius. They can be delivered to the battle site by special pneumatic pipes that permeate Dwemer ruins. On them you can find Dwemer scrap metal, gems, pieces of ore and soul stones.

Species: Dwemer Spider | Dwemer spider - worker | Dwemer spider - guardian

Dwarven sphere

Dwemer Spheres- These are relatively common defense mechanisms. When at rest, they are a normal sphere, which, when activated, opens up to reveal a humanoid mechanical body armed with a spring blade in one hand and a built-in crossbow in the other. The special bolts these crossbows fire cannot be used in the original game, but this was corrected in the Dawnguard expansion, where the spheres were given standard Dwemer bolts. The spheres are resistant to fire and electricity, and are also immune to cold magic. They move extremely quickly, and it is not possible to escape from them. Like spiders, they can be delivered to the desired point using pneumatic tubes. After destruction, Dwemer scrap metal and soul stones remain on them (in Dawnguard - also several bolts).

Types: Dwarven sphere | Dwemer Sphere - Guardian | Dwemer Sphere - Master

Dwemer Centurion

Dwemer centurions- the most formidable of the Dwemer mechanisms. They appear as large armored humanoid warriors, with a hammer at the end of one arm and a spring blade (much larger than the orbs) at the end of the other. Centurions are extremely durable, deal a lot of damage, and can resist Shouts, but they are quite slow. However, they can attack at a considerable distance with a jet of heated steam, causing great fire damage. Centurions are vulnerable to fire and on their remains you can always find a Great Soul Stone and a Centurion Generator Core, which is used as an auxiliary source of energy, because the power of a soul stone, even a Great one, is not enough for such a huge mechanism.

Species: Dwemer Centurion | Dwemer Centurion - Guardian | Dwemer Centurion - Master


This is a magical machine designed to make various things (armor, scrolls, weapons, creatures, etc.).

You can find her in Midden under the College of Winterhold. There are two entrances (hatches in the floor):
In the Support Hall under the stairs.
In the courtyard of the College to the left of the doors to the Hall of Elements.

Is alternative option an ordinary forge for a magician. If you didn't initially put skill points into blacksmithing, but did put them into spellcasting, then the Atronach Forge is a good tool for making Daedric equipment (Daedra hearts for it can also be created in the forge). To create some items you will need a Sigil Stone, to obtain it you need a 90 spellcasting skill and completing a quest to learn the corresponding ritual spell (to complete it, talk to the master of witchcraft at the College of Winterhold).

Crafting items

To begin, place the necessary ingredients in the sacrifice box. Then press the lever.

Basic recipes for the Atronach Forge

IMPORTANT: Creatures summoned this way will be hostile to the player. And they cannot be subdued by any spells or screams.
1.Salt + Amethyst + Soul Stone (any) = Void Salt
2.Salt + Ruby + Soul Stone (any) = Fire Salt
3.Salt + Sapphire + Soul Stone (any) = Frost Salt
1.Fire Salt + Ruby = Fire Atronach
2. Frost Salt + Sapphire = Ice Atronach
3.Void Salt + Amethyst = Storm Atronach
4.Skull + Daedra Heart + (2 pieces of meat) = Dremora (Sigil Stone required)
1.Staff of the Storm Atronach = Broom + Void Salt + Large Soul Stone + Orichalcum Ingot
2. Frost Atronach Staff = Broom + Frost Salt + Large Soul Stone + Refined Moonstone
3.Fire Atronach Staff = Broom + Fire Salt + Large or Great Soul Stone + Orichalcum Ingot or Corundum Ingot
Spell books
1.Spell Tome: Summon Frost Atronach = Frost Miriam + Frost Salt + Snow Wolf Hide + Corrupted Book
2.Spell Tome: Summon Storm Atronach = Void Salt + Poison Bell + Mammoth Tusk + Corrupted Book
3.Spell Tome: Summon Flame Atronach = Fire Salt + Dragon's Tongue + Bear Pelt (any) + Corrupted Book
4.Spell Tome: Soul Capture = Firefly Thorax + Salt + Soul Stone (any filled) + Corrupted Book
1.Scroll of Conjure Flame Atronach - Fire Salt + Roll of Paper + Coal.
2.Scroll of Conjure Frost Atronach - Frost Salt + Roll of Paper + Coal.
3.Scroll of Conjure Storm Atronach - Void Salt + Roll of Paper + Coal.
Daedric weapons and armor
1.Any Daedric weapon/armor (requires Sigil Stone) = Daedra Heart + Centurion Generator Core + Black Soul Stone + 1 similar ebony weapon/armor (NOT enchanted).
2.Random enchanted Daedric armor = Void Salt + Ebony Ingot + Daedric Heart + filled Great Soul Stone.
3.Random enchanted Daedric weapon = Silver Sword + Ebony Ingot + Daedric Heart + Filled Black, Greater or Greater Soul Stone.
1.Daedra Heart = Human Heart + Black Soul Stone (any) (Sigil Stone required)
2.Elixir +100% increase in Witchcraft = Ectoplasm + Soul Stone (any) + empty wine bottle


The Atronach Forge does not have an ID, so it cannot be duplicated using the console.

It's rare for a forge recipe to drop from an enemy NPC.
After death, the bodies of atronachs and dremora can be searched and the spent ingredients can be slightly restored. The bodies will disappear if you use the Forge to create anything again.

In some versions of the game, a bug appears when making Daedric boots: when taken from the forge, they are not displayed in the inventory (the weight of the item is missing) for both the GG and the companion, however, the companion can put on the best armor, but it will still be missing from the inventory (impossible to take/change for upgrade). There is no cure yet. There were no problems with the creation of other items (weapons/armor).

You can effortlessly create things without wasting ingredients. In a nutshell: you leave 1 piece of the required ingredients in your inventory, put the rest in the closet in the previous room (to make it clear whether you managed to take everything or you missed something), fill the box with the required ingredients from your inventory, save (quicksave) , having first hovered the cursor over the box, then quickly press “E” on the box and, moving the cursor to the forge activation handle, press “E” again. Next, you need to have time to press “R” (take everything) before the ingredients disappear from the box, but after the process of armor appearing has started. It’s easier to navigate by the sounds (clicks) of the activation handle. A few practice attempts and you'll quickly get the hang of it. Then we open the inventory and check if there are ingredients from the box and if they are ALL, if so, we take the reservation from the pedestal, put the ingredients in the box again, save, etc. This may be nonsense, but for those who have a hard time with ingredients, there is a way out, + it’s always nice to know that somewhere we deceived Bethesd.

"Skyrim" is a game that has won the hearts and attention of many players. Open world and a lot of possibilities attract gamers. Armor and weapons play a huge role here. Without them, the character will not be able to fight opponents and cope with upcoming trials. Therefore, users are interested in codes for Skyrim. Today we will talk about this ammunition. Where can I get it? How to create? Is it possible to get the corresponding items using codes and the game console? We will definitely try to give answers to all this and more below.


Daedric armor is a type of heavy equipment for a character. This type of armor is high-level. At the beginning, there is no way to get it.

Skyrim codes for Daedric armor help you easily obtain either ammunition elements immediately or the resources to create them. To make armor, you will have to thoroughly improve your blacksmithing skill.

Externally, the ammunition resembles black demonic armor. This armor is made with the highest initial parameters of all the ammunition existing in the game.

Pros of armor

Codes for Daedric armor and weapons on Skyrim will greatly simplify the gameplay. Especially if the player wanted to get the corresponding kit.

What advantages does Daedra ammunition have? The armor has the following advantages:

  • a full set of ammunition increases intimidation by 10%;
  • if you use a potion that increases your blacksmithing skill by 130%, you can get enormous protection when creating armor;
  • the armor's abilities cover its heaviness.

I guess that's all. In any case, the ammunition being studied is good heavy armor. And many gamers use it in Skyrim.

Disadvantages of the kit

Unfortunately, if the character gets a set of Daedric armor and weapons, he will have to face some problems. Which ones exactly?

Firstly, the ammunition being studied is quite heavy. And therefore the player will not be able to carry many items with him. This is an extremely important point when exploring caves.

Secondly, the character can be attacked when the player is wearing the appropriate armor. As long as it's in inventory, there won't be any problems.

Finding ammunition

In order to get ammunition in The Elder Scrolls V, you don't always need to use the console. Players can find or create the items they need. Weapons and armor included. And you won’t need Skyrim codes for Daedric armor at all.

You can find elements of the mentioned kit starting from character level 48. It is better to look near the Daedra caves. Enchanted armor and weapon items will appear in game world The Elder Scrolls V after level 49.

Daer armor and weapons can be purchased from the Dremora merchant. To do this, the player must have leveled up the Black Market skill. It is obtained by completing the quest “Black Book: Untold Legends”.

Crafting Items

Codes in Skyrim 5 for Daedric armor are not always needed. Players will be able to create the appropriate armor and weapons without any problems. But you have to try hard before that.

In order to craft a Daedric set, a character must level up his blacksmithing skill to level 90 and learn the “Daedric Armor” skill.

The Daedra armor recipe requires the following in your inventory:

  • Daedra hearts;
  • strips of leather;
  • ebonite ingots.

Mages will also be able to create Daedric ammunition. To do this, you will have to go to. The magician must have with him:

  • ebony equipment or weapons that will be remade;
  • black soul stone;
  • centurion generator core;
  • Daedra heart.

The bulk of items can be found in Daedric caves.

Using codes

Cheats and codes for Skyrim for Daedric armor and weapons must be used correctly. To bring your idea to life you will have to:

  • launch The Elder Scrolls V and start the game;
  • open the game console: to do this, press the “~” button;
  • print the command player.additem in the log;
  • indicate the ID of the item you want to receive: write the number of items separated by a space;
  • press the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

That's all. Now Daedric armor, weapons or things for creating them yourself will appear in your inventory.

Important: To switch the keyboard layout in The Elder Scrolls V to English language you need to change the language settings in operating system.

Codes for armor

Now let's talk about what combinations can be useful to obtain Daedric ammunition. Let's start with the armor.

You can get them if you use the following codes for Skyrim for Daedric armor:

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. The proposed combinations work flawlessly.

We get weapons

In addition to armor, players may find it useful. It can be obtained using the console by entering the following item IDs:

  • 000139b9 - sword;
  • 000139B7 - two-handed sword;
  • 000139b8 - mace;
  • 000139ba - war hammer;
  • 000139b3 - battle axe;
  • 000139b4 - ax;
  • 000139B6 - dagger;
  • 000139B5 - bow.

Fast, simple and very convenient! You don't even need to level up your blacksmithing skills. Even a new and inexperienced player can obtain Daedra weapons and armor.

Codes for resources

As already mentioned, the studied ammunition can not only be purchased and issued using cheats, but also created. To do this, the player must have certain items in their inventory. We have already studied their list.

Now let's talk about Skyrim codes for Daedric armor. To craft it, you can give yourself the following items:

  • black soul stone - 0002E500 or 0002E504;
  • Daedra heart - 0003AD5B;
  • Centurion generator core - 000F4983;
  • ebonite ingot - 0005AD9D;
  • leather strips - 000800E4.

Ebony armor codes will also be useful. They are needed only by magicians. Regular characters will do without them. This is quite normal.

Here are the combinations that will help you get ebony armor:

And for weapons:

  • 000139AF - two-handed sword;
  • 000139AC - battle axe;
  • 000139AE - dagger;
  • 000139B1 - sword;
  • 000139B2 - war hammer;
  • 000139B0 - mace;
  • 000139AB - ax;
  • 000139AD - bow.

Or "Why collect brooms and damaged books."

Hello, dear readers. Surely, many of those playing Skyrim have already found a magical forge in the dungeons of the College of Winterhold. For those who have not yet found it, please do not read the following. You already know the location of the forge, so look! Who seeks will always find.

Here it is, the forge of my dreams!

Well, with the caveats out of the way, let's move on to the guide. The Atronach Forge is a magical structure designed to meet the needs of magicians. First of all, by creating staves. Indeed, the forge is the only device in the game with which you can create staves. But staves are far from the only items that can be created at the forge. You can create some very interesting things in the forge. I also recommend reading one researcher's notes. From them it is clear that the ingredients are placed in a box for gifts (donations). Then the “smith” turns the handle. After this, the created object appears on the rune inscribed on the platform.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

In the center there is a box for gifts, in the lower left corner there is a handle, and in the upper right there is a recess for the Sigil Stone (about it in the recipes).

Observation: The forge appears to harness the powers of Oblivion, so whoever uses the forge should be careful.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

The action of the forces of Oblivion is the process of creating an object.

So, you found the forge, read the instructions, read the notes. Now you can begin the actual actions, creating various useful (and not so useful) things, gizmos and gizmos. But what to create? And, most importantly, from what? That's okay, now I will present you with some recipes for the Atronach Forge.

Oh yes, born experimenters, reading recipes under spoilers can cause irreparable harm to the pleasure of personal discoveries. So here are the recipes.

1) You can create creatures in the forge. For example, atronachs.

Fire: Fire Salt + Ruby.

Ice: Frost Salt + Sapphire.

Thunderstorm: Salts of the Void + Amethyst.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

Warning: the created atronachs are hostile to the player, be careful.

1B) You can also create a Dremora (but to create it you need the Sigil Stone, which is awarded for the quest for achieving 90+ experience points in witchcraft).

Dremora Valkinaz: Skull + Daedra Heart + 2x Raw Meat (dog, horker, horse, mammoth trunk, goat leg).

2) Various types of salts are created in the forge. Common Ingredients: Salt and Soul Stone (any filled).

Frost Salt: Sapphire/Flawless Sapphire.

Fire Salt: Ruby/Flawless Ruby.

Void Salts: Amethyst/Flawless Amethyst.

3) Staves, which I already mentioned. For staves, the common ingredients are Broom (yes!) and Soul Stone (Great/Large/Black, filled).

Frost Atronach Staff: Void Salts + Orichalcum Ingot/Orichalcum Ore.

Storm Atronach Staff: Frost Salt + Moonstone/Moon Ore.

Fire Atronach Staff: Fire Salt + Corundum Ingot or Orichalcum Ingot/Corundum or Orichalcum Ore.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

Crafted Summoning Staff.

4) In the forge you can create summon scrolls.

Atronach Summon Scroll: One of the types of salt (Frost, Fire, Void) + Coal + Paper roll.

5) It is also possible to “craft” spell books. So far only 4 species are known. Common Ingredient - Spoiled Book.

Summon Flame Atronach: Dragon's Tongue (plant) + Fire Salt + Bearskin.

Summon Frost Atronach: Frost Miriam (plant) + Frost Salt + Ice Wolf Hide.

Summon Storm Atronach: Poison Bell (plant) + Void Salts + Mammoth Tusk.

Soul Trap: Firefly Thorax + Salt + Soul Stone (any, filled).

6) The forge creates (so far only one) potion.

Sorcerer's Elixir (Sorcery spells last 100% longer. Lasts 60 sec.): Empty Wine Bottle + Ectoplasm + Soul Stone (any filled).

7) Very interesting recipe. Heart of the Daedra. This recipe requires a Sigil Stone (see step 1B).

Daedra Heart: Human Heart + Black Soul Stone (any filled).

The Sigil Stone is under the spoiler. Was obtained using the console. If you don't want to spoil your impressions, it's better not to watch.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

Here it is. And he also spins!

8) You can create random Daedric enchanted equipment. Alas, we need the Sigil Stone again (see point 1B).

Armor: Void Salts + Daedra Heart + Ebony Ingot + Soul Stone (Great/Large/Black, filled).

Weapons: Silver Sword + Daedra Heart + Ebony Ingot + Soul Stone (Great/Large/Black, filled).

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

"Forge of Atronachs." Management.

The enchantment is truly random.

9) And the last known recipe. It also requires the Sigil Stone (see paragraph 1B).

Daedric weapons/armor: Daedra Heart + Centurion Generator Core + Black Soul Stone + any ebony weapon/armor (the enchantment of weapons/armor disappears. According to another version, enchanted ones are not suitable at all).

So, you understand that the atronach forge is a capricious and dangerous structure, all the secrets of which are still unknown. So go for it! The device in the bowels of the College is waiting for you!

P.S. There may be some inaccuracies in the recipes. And it seems to me that there are still items that can be created in this forge.

I hope it was useful.

Atronach Forge is an unusual machine that can make various things. The forge is the only device in the game that can be used to make staves. But the staff is not all that this miracle machine can create. You can find it in Midden, under the College of Winterhold.

Some items can only be crafted with the Sigil Stone, which can be obtained by completing the quest “Ritual Spell of Sorcery.” Also on the table in front of the forge was the book “Guide to the Atronach Forge.” Some recipes for the Atronach Forge will be written in it. Also on the table you will see some ingredients for the forge. To summon someone, you need to put the necessary items in the donation box and turn the handle.

Let's try to summon a formidable atronach, we will need: void salt and amethyst. We put them in the box, turn the handle and an atronach appears, but it immediately begins to attack us, so the point of summoning creatures is almost useless.

This machine is capable of not only summoning atronachs. Let's try to make void salts. For this we need: salt, a soul stone (any) and an amethyst, again we put everything in the box, turn the handle, and here are the salts of the void.

As it was said that the forge is the only machine for making staves, let's check it out. To create a staff for summoning a storm atronach, we will need: a broom, void salt, orichalcum ingot or ore and a soul stone (large, great or black). Again we put the necessary ingredients in the box, turn the handle and the staff appears.

You can also make Daedric weapons or armor (you need a Sigil stone). There are two ways to do this:

  1. Summon the weapons and armor we need: the heart of a Daedra, a middling centurion generator, a black soul stone (filled) and an ebony weapon/armor (what type of ebothine weapon will be, the same will be a Daedric one). If an ebotine weapon is enchanted, then with a Daedric weapon it will disappear, and the forge does not accept enchanted armor at all.
  2. Craft random armor and weapons with random enchantments. There are two recipes for summoning random weapons/armor. The first is intended for summoning weapons: silver sword + ebony ingot + Daedra heart + soul stone (large or black, filled). And the second one is for summoning armor: void salt + ebony ingot + Daedra heart + soul stone (large/black, filled).

As you can see, the armor and enchantment are random.

All Atronach Forge recipes


Fire Atronach Fire Salt + Ruby
Frost Atronach Frost Salt + Sapphire
Storm Atronach Void Salt + Amethyst
Dremora Valkinaz skull + goat leg (2 pieces) + Daedra heart (needs Sigil stone)
Dremora Markinaz skull + horker meat (2 pieces) + daedra heart (needs sigil stone)


Fire Salt Salt + Soul Stone (any) + Ruby
Frost Salt Salt + Soul Stone (any) + Sapphire
Void Salt Salt + Soul Stone (any) + Amethyst
Daedra heart human heart + black soul stone (needs sigil stone)


Sorcerer's Elixir empty wine bottle + ectoplasm + soul stone (any).


Summon Flame Atronach Fire Salt + Paper Bundle + Coal
Summon Frost Atronach Frost Salt + Paper Bundle + Coal
Summon Storm Atronach Void Salt + Paper Roll + Coal

Spell books:

Summon Fire Astronach Fire Salt + Corrupted Book + Bearskin + Dragon's Tongue
Summon Frost Atronach Frost Salt + Corrupted Book + Ice Wolf Hide + Frost Miriam
Summon Storm Atronach Void Salt + Corrupted Book + Mammoth Tusk + Poison Bell
Soul Trap salt + spoiled book + firefly thorax + soul stone (any, but filled)


Fire Atronach Staff Broom + Fire Salt + Corundum Ingot or Ore + Soul Stone (Large, Greater or Black)
Frost Atronach Staff Broom + Frost Salt + Refined Moonstone or Ore + Soul Stone (Large, Greater or Black)
Storm Atronach Staff Broom + Void Salt + Orichalcum Ingot or Ore + Soul Stone (Large, Greater, or Black)

Daedric weapons and armor:

Any ebony armor or weapon can be turned into Daedric armor at the Atronach Forge. To do this, just add to them: a Daedra heart, a centurion generator core and a black soul stone (filled).

Random Daedric Armor with random enchantment Void Salt + Ebony Ingot + Daedric Heart + Soul Stone (Great or Black, Filled)
Random Daedric weapon with random enchantment Silver Sword + Ebony Ingot + Daedric Heart + Soul Stone (great or black, filled)


Sometimes recipes can be found from other characters, but this happens rarely. They can mainly be found among necromancers. Here is the recipe for the Daedric Axe:

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