What is the cost of living per person? How to calculate the cost of living in Russia and what does it consist of? The subsistence minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is intended for

Russia has long passed a law on the payment of social pensions to disabled citizens. In 2020, the Legislature increased the payment amount by 4%.

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Dmitry Medvedev personally signed the law. Officials set the cost of living according to the amount of the social pension. This article will introduce the reader to how the consumer basket is calculated this year.

Important aspects

In Russia, the law “On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation” was enshrined on October 24, 1997. It operates at the federal level. Living wage is a term that refers to an estimate of cost. consumer basket. This also includes payment of taxes and other mandatory payments.

Basic Concepts

The purpose of the above term:

  • assessing the standard of living of citizens in the country;
  • fixing the minimum wage for labor and educational activities, as well as benefits and benefits;
  • allocation of the necessary budget for each region.

Basically, the cost of living indicates a future pension after a certain period of work.
The Government of the Russian Federation independently designates the subsistence minimum, hereinafter referred to as PM.

However, in our country, the effect of this indicator on each subject that is part of the state is determined individually.

Functional Features

PM shows the minimum pension and working salary. Many Russian citizens are concerned about this issue in 2020, because they want to know what they should prepare for in the future.

If the amount of the indicator changes, then the remaining amounts for payment are recalculated - utility bills, prices for products and services intended for different categories of the population.

Photo: share of the population with subsistence level incomes

Recently, there has been a crisis in Russia, so you should not count on timely guarantees for increases in benefits, privileges and pensions.

Without paying the listed benefits under government programs, it is impossible to provide citizens with the necessary products and prosperity in general.

What the law says

According to the economic plan, the cost of living is divided into 2 types:

The listed types describe the minimum to satisfy human needs in Russia. Along with annual PM calculations, economists in Russia also analyze the following areas:

  1. The level of satisfaction with the life processes of the average citizen of the Russian Federation, taking into account the location of the individual.
  2. Prioritizing implementation government programs, which act to improve the well-being of the population in the right area.
  3. The number of people in need of assistance in the form of material benefits provided by the government.

On these grounds, Russian economists are developing an algorithm for calculating the cost of living for each person living in Russia.

What is included in the cost of living

According to legislative data, PM has the following components:

The number of products is calculated for a citizen who has an easy job. By the standards of the consumer basket, it is also not enough for a person to wear the same things throughout his life.

Division by category

Today, in 2020, the issue of PM is particularly acute. Literally every second citizen makes sure that his well-being is not less than the subsistence level.

People of retirement age Men are supposed to retire at 60 years old, and women at 55. By capital standards, the PM indicator = 10,700 rubles. However, the average cost of living for people who have retired is significantly lower - about 8,000 rubles
Workers This category includes people who do not work full-time for legitimate employers. Men aged from 16 to 60 years inclusive, and females from 16 to 55, respectively. The capital PM indicator that applies to this category is 17,000 rubles
Minors This includes minor infants, children and adolescents who are unable to work due to their age. Moscow PM indicator = 13,000 rubles

At the end of last year, the State Duma of the Russian Federation received a proposal to expand the categories described above. Deputies want to isolate people with unlimited features.

The issue will be resolved in 2020, so it is not yet known what amount of the living wage will be established for people with disabilities.

What amount of money

The cost of living changes every year due to an increase or decrease in prices for goods, services, payments and insurance premiums. Therefore, the amount of money equivalent to the PM also changes.

Today the figure has been increased for some categories of Russian citizens. At the end of 2020, the monthly wage per person in Russia was almost 10,000 rubles. Therefore, according to the authorities, this amount is required for normal living for a month.

Photo: the ratio of the cost of living and the average income of the population

Many Russians are sure that the amount is small, given the price tags in stores and the money spent on renting housing or paying for utilities.

The Russian government allocated 2,000 rubles less to people of retirement age than to the average person.

All about the consumer basket

The authorities calculate the price of the consumer basket, which includes goods and services necessary for normal life.

Prices for products in stores and all kinds of services are analyzed. PM is calculated easily - the approximate volume of required goods and services is taken together and divided into 12 parts. The resulting number is then multiplied by the average cost of products and other services.

Photo: what is included in the consumer basket per person per year

Then the resulting numbers, indicating the monthly norm for human consumption, are added together, and the cost of the consumer basket is obtained. The number of products entitled to each individual per month according to the PM is described in the section below.

PM is calculated according to the values ​​of the following indicators:

  • payment for living space;
  • payment of meters for water, electricity, gas and heating in winter;
  • usage public transport— payment for tickets;
  • events that satisfy the spiritual needs of a person - cinema, theater, museums;
  • other types of services - hairdresser, dinner in a restaurant, etc.

What's included in the product list

For 2020, the main “food” from the consumer basket was:

  • bread products: buns, loaves, bread and others;
  • coffee;
  • foods with sugar or confectionery;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • milk products;
  • sunflower and butter;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • fish.

Products are distributed among the 3 categories of people described above according to the requirements of monthly consumption.

For example, according to the authorities, the average child is entitled to 76 kg per month. For pensioners, the allowance is 98 kg, and for people who are busy with work, 126 kg is allocated.

Thus, the average monthly consumption of bread and bread products for children is 76 kilograms 600 grams, for pensioners - 98 kilograms 200 grams, and for working adult Russians - 126 kilograms 500 grams.

Other questions

Often the Russian population has additional questions regarding the cost of living. The answers to the most common ones are described below.

What do pensioners expect?

Pensioners who did not continue working after retirement and whose social pension is less than the minimum wage level at their place of residence have the full right to a social supplement.

The authorities add the missing amount according to the cost of living according to the region of residence.

This benefit applies at the federal level. Pay extra money to the department pension fund Russia, located at the place of residence of the pensioner.

Payments for a child

The cost of living has a significant impact on the payment of social benefits for children.Based on the information on child benefits, we can conclude:

  • When measuring PM, the cost of benefits such as maternal capital, benefits for caring for a child up to one and a half years old and others, for which the necessary documentation is collected in advance, which provides considerable assistance to a large family;
  • however, the baby benefit, which is assigned to the mother monthly, is a small amount - 50 rubles every month if the mother is on leave to care for a newborn up to 3 years old.

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The minimum subsistence level is determined for each region separately. In Moscow, since it is the capital, this indicator is currently one of the highest. Next, we’ll talk in more detail about how the living wage is calculated, why it is needed at all, and who can count on it.

basic information

The minimum subsistence level is a conditional value that is determined in each region separately. According to Federal Law No. 134, the cost of living per person is revised every quarter, so there is no constant value.

As a rule, the minimum living wage is, first of all, established for disabled persons and those who, due to certain circumstances, cannot work and receive a more favorable salary. In addition, it should be understood that the salary itself cannot be lower than the minimum regional subsistence level.


The minimum subsistence level is a conditional value, which is determined regionally, and represents the monthly material maintenance of a person, which can provide him with a certain standard of living, based on the corresponding economic situation.

The living wage is determined for the following categories of citizens:

  • able-bodied people who have not yet reached retirement;
  • children;
  • pensioners;
  • disabled persons.

For each group, the minimum subsistence level is determined separately, since there cannot be a single rate based on a person’s needs.


The legislative framework for calculating the living wage is based on the following regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 134;

As for the payment of benefits, the calculation of which is based on the minimum wage, in such cases the relevant Codes and regulations, resolutions of local governments.

Why do we need a living wage in Moscow?

The cost of living, and not only in Moscow and the region, is established to determine the amount of such social material subsidies:

  • payments to people in need - both one-time and on an ongoing basis;
  • benefits for the birth and maintenance of a child - both one-time and on an ongoing basis;
  • disposable material aid citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
  • social scholarship for students from needy, low-income and large families.

That is why the amount of benefits often differs depending on the region.

Latest amount changes for the capital

From January 1, 2020, the cost of living for Moscow residents has been revised and is:

  • 18,453 rubles – for legally capable registered residents of Moscow who have not yet reached retirement age;
  • 11,420 rubles – for those residents of the capital who additionally receive a pension;
  • 13938 rubles – for minor citizens.

At the same time, since the cost of living in Moscow in 2020 is revised every quarter, another recalculation was carried out in March.

So, the minimum wage is:

  • 15397 rubles – the average size living wage;
  • 17,560 rubles – for residents of the capital and the district who are legally capable and have not reached retirement age;
  • 10,929 rubles – for residents of retirement age;
  • 13300 – for children.

Thus, it is clearly visible that over the last quarter the amount of benefits has become slightly smaller, and for all categories of citizens.


Comparative table of the cost of living at the beginning of June according to Government Decree No. 526 PP dated 06/05/2018:

Compared to the previous quarter, the cost of living in the region has increased.


It should be noted that in Moscow and the region that belongs to the capital, the average cost of living per person was not less than 15,000 rubles. The amount is revised every quarter, but Lately it goes up, not down.

The minimum wage (minimum wage) should not be confused with the minimum subsistence level. The government plans to subsequently increase the amount of both the first and second benefits.

To apply for subsidies

The minimum subsistence level is used when calculating social benefits, including when calculating subsidies. Despite the fact that last quarter the amount of material subsidies was reduced, this did not affect the calculation of subsidies - data from the second quarter of 2017 was taken as a basis.

Living wage for a pensioner

At the beginning of June, the cost of living is 11,157 rubles. In regions this figure may be lower. If a pensioner receives a pension less than the subsistence minimum, then he is required to receive a regional supplement.

At the same time, it should be noted that for capital pensioners, according to Moscow PP No. 805, the minimum pension was increased by 3,000 rubles. It is not yet known whether the material subsidy will increase in the future for residents of retirement age from the regions.

Consumer basket

The size of the living wage is determined based on the needs of the citizen, so the consumer basket is taken as the basis.

It includes three main components:

  • a minimum set of products, which includes 11 items;
  • essentials - medications, bed linen, clothes and shoes, school supplies, detergents, household chemicals;
  • payment for public utilities, transport services, expenses for visiting cultural institutions.

It should be noted that the composition of the consumer basket must be reviewed at least once every 5 years.

As for food products, the consumer's basket includes the following:

  • bread products, including pasta;
  • potato;
  • melons and vegetables;
  • fresh fruits;
  • sugar and confectionery products, but in terms of sugar;
  • fish products;
  • meat products;
  • milk and dairy products, but in terms of milk;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oil and fats;
  • other products, including tea, seasonings.

The last revision of the consumer basket composition was carried out in 2013, therefore, a new revision should be in 2020.

Minimum wage in Moscow

Since the beginning of May of this year, the minimum wage has also been revised - now it is 11,163 rubles. It should be noted that this, despite the Labor Code, this type of material subsidy was smaller size living wage.

Each family has its own income level. This leads to the fact that individual families may be in slightly cramped conditions and require some support from the state.

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There are quite a lot of such families in the country. The government, in turn, makes a lot of efforts to help citizens in need. This could be financial support or the provision of various types of benefits.

What is taken into account when calculating

Such a value as the cost of living is subject to constant change due to inflationary processes in the national economy. With rising prices for basic products, citizens' need for means to support their livelihoods increases.

The cost of living is considered as the total cost of mandatory payments and goods in the consumer basket. To simplify the calculation system, the total cost of living is calculated. And for each social group its size is separate.

So, in order to accurately understand the essence of the calculations, consider the following important factors:

  1. Working citizens, children and pensioners are considered the main social groups population.
  2. The consumer basket is a minimum set of services and goods. Moreover, everything is calculated in such a way that this is enough for a citizen to ensure normal life and health
  3. Average per capita income is the amount of money for each member of one family.

These are the main factors used in the calculation.

Now consider the purpose of the living wage, which is indicated in Federal Law №134:

  • on its basis, conclusions are drawn about the standard of living of citizens;
  • it helps shape social programs;
  • it is the cost of living that is the minimum value for calculating pensions, scholarships and benefits;
  • it forms the budget expenditures for the next year.

But each individual region of the country has its own characteristics. Therefore, regional authorities are vested with the powers and rights to adjust the cost of living at their discretion. This helps assess living standards, draw up local budgets and provide assistance to families.

Amount for a family of 4 people

The calculation will be made after citizens submit a special application to the social protection department.

In order to make all calculations correctly, a social service worker must know the complete composition of the family, as well as the income of each working adult in this family for the last three months.

Information is also needed regarding the property owned by the family.

The family may include:

  • married citizens living with minor children;
  • citizens living in a civil marriage, living with minor children;
  • live-in guardians and their wards;
  • blood relatives living together.

All income determined by law can be taken as the basis for calculations.

This may include all types of remuneration, including the average income that must be retained by the employee in cases of temporary disability, dismissal, or other situations specified in the Labor Code.

This list includes social benefits of citizens, pensions, as well as the following benefits:

  • on unemployment;
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • for children under 1.5 years old.
  • compensation assigned for fulfillment of labor obligations
  • severance pay.

This list should include alimony, disability payments due to injuries or occupational diseases.

If a citizen receives income from the rental of real estate, has received an inheritance, income from entrepreneurship, creativity, or has a bank account in his name, then such income must also be taken into account.

However, there are some categories of income that cannot be taken into account in the calculations:

  • income of adult children if they live separately from their parents;
  • parents’ income if they were deprived of parental rights (even if they live together);
  • income of children who are on state support;
  • the spouse’s income if he is in military service or is studying at a military educational institution;
  • income of the spouse if he is serving a sentence in prison.


All calculations are made based on the following formula:

Average per capita income (AC) = income of all members seven (D) / 3 (calculation period is 3 months) / Number of people (CN).

Each region has its own level of living wage. This indicator is recalculated quarterly. In the third quarter of last year it amounted to 10,328 rubles.

To calculate assistance, take the cost of living indicator and multiply it by 1.5. This is necessary to determine the maximum amount of family profit.

If the result of the calculation is less than the established minimum multiplied by 1.5, then the family can count on receiving assistance.

Calculation samples

Example 1

Let's do the calculation for a family of four, which includes two adults and two children. The spouse's income is 60 thousand rubles. The wife's income is 40 thousand.

It turns out that the family income is 100 thousand rubles.

We make calculations:
SD = 100,000/3/4=8,333 rubles.

We count size limit: 10328*1.5=15,492. It turns out that the calculated amount is lower than the limit.

Example 2

Let's try to make calculations for a family that consists of two spouses, one minor child and a pensioner. The husband earns 60 thousand, the wife 30 thousand. The pension is 20 thousand.

SD = 110,000/3/4=9,166 rubles

As we have already calculated, the limit is 15,492. The result of the calculations is also lower than this figure, which means that the family can count on government support.

Example 3

Calculation for a family of four, which includes two spouses, one minor child and one adult child who has been disabled in the second group since childhood and lives with his parents.

The husband earns 50 thousand, the wife 40 thousand, the benefit for disabled people from childhood of the second group is 10,068.53 rubles.

SD = 100,068/3/4 = 8,339 rubles.

This figure is also lower than 15,492 rubles. This family can also count on receiving benefits.

Based on the calculations, we found that all three families can receive benefits.

Who can receive low-income status

Citizens receive the status of a low-income family after this is recognized by local government bodies. When making a decision, their income for each family member is taken into account.

This status gives the right to receive benefits from the state. The specifics of assistance depend on the region in which the family lives.

The main condition for obtaining such status is the calculation of average per capita income. And based on the resulting amount, a decision is made.

When assigning this status to a family, it is important to remember that a family is considered a group of citizens who have a common way of life, that is, they live together. Usually these people are connected by family ties. But there are also exceptions.

So, who can be part of the family:

  1. Husbands and wives.
  2. Parents and children. And guardians and wards too.
  3. Stepsons and stepdaughters.
  4. Grandfathers and grandmothers.
  5. Stepfathers and stepmothers.

In cases where a family has a low income and includes people with disabilities, then it has a special privilege to be assigned the status of a low-income person out of turn. The same applies to large or single-parent families.

Childless spouses or if one of the spouses has his own child and is raising his own child can count on social support.

However, couples civil marriage social help is not provided. The same applies to those who are scheduled and live separately from each other.

Only those who are in a difficult financial situation can be classified as low-income families. Moreover, they could not independently influence the circumstances that led to this situation.

But if family members can work, but do not work due to unwillingness or alcohol abuse, then they are experiencing financial difficulties through their own fault. It turns out that they cannot qualify for government assistance.

Determine the amount of benefit

There are low-income families in every country. There are 23 million low-income citizens in our country. Very often in families with three or more children, with one parent, pensioners or disabled people. Therefore, they all need additional support. They get it through benefits.

To determine the amount of benefits, you need to understand that there are several types:

  1. Social.
  2. Tax.
  3. For education.
  4. Allowances for payment of housing and communal services.


  1. In this case, discounts are provided for each child on payment kindergarten. The calculation depends on the amount of payment. For the first child there is a 20% discount, for the second – 50%, for the third and subsequent ones – 70%.
  2. Payments are also made to students from such families. 850 rubles if he studies in professional educational institutions and 2358 if at a university. Values ​​are minimum and vary by region.
  3. For large families, benefits are paid depending on the cost of living in the region.

As for the tax benefit, it lies in the fact that such families do not need to pay personal income tax on social benefits.

The student receives education benefits in the form of a state scholarship.

The allowance for housing and communal services is paid six months and depends on the cost of receipts and the size of the living space.

The current value is established by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated August 24, 2018 No. 550n “On establishing the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in general Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of 2018":

For children - 10,390 rubles.

Per capita - 10,444 rubles;
For the working population - 11,280 rubles;
For pensioners - 8,583 rubles.

What does the cost of living of a child affect?

Social benefits

The size of the monthly social child benefit, which is paid to low-income families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level, depends on this indicator.
When the cost of living changes, the benefit amount is recalculated automatically.


If the amount of alimony is established by the court not as a percentage of wages, and in a fixed monetary amount, a multiple of the child’s subsistence level, then, according to the law, they must be regularly recalculated in accordance with the increase or decrease of this indicator.

The value of this indicator indirectly affects the amount of alimony ordered by the court, since the cost of living is taken into account by the judge when considering the issue.

Living wage for a child, official and unofficial

You can often hear that the living wages set by the government are greatly underestimated, and that the “minimum consumer basket” is actually much heavier. Recently, with the participation of the Avito company, an “independent” calculation of parental spending on filling the “children's basket” was carried out. Indeed, experts are convinced that children are much more expensive.

Thus, in February 2018, the average indicator values ​​for the 22 largest cities in Russia were:

For newborn girls: 28.9 thousand rubles.
- For newborn boys: 28.8 thousand rubles.
- For girls before school age: 25.1 thousand rubles.
- For boys of preschool age: 25 thousand rubles.
- For girls of school age: 17 thousand rubles.
- For school-age boys: 16.9 thousand rubles.

As expected, parents have to spend the most money on their children in Moscow:

For a newborn: 38.5 thousand rubles.
- For a preschool child: 32.7 thousand rubles.
- For a preschool child: 22.3 thousand rubles.

How is it determined

The subsistence minimum is established by the Government of the Russian Federation (all-Russian value) and the regional governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (one for each region) at the end of each quarter based on numerous statistical data.

The total amount (per capita) and values ​​for three groups of the population are determined separately: the working population, pensioners and children.

If for some reason the indicator is not calculated by the regional government, then the all-Russian value will be used to calculate the amount of benefits and indexation of alimony in a fixed amount.

In the regions

Living wages in Moscow

Established by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 19, 2018 No. 1114-PP “On establishing the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the second quarter of 2018.”

For children - 13,300 rub..

Per capita - 16,463 rubles;
For the working population - 18,781 rubles;
For pensioners - 11,609 rubles.

Living wages in St. Petersburg

Established by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 930 dated December 11, 2018 (for the third quarter of 2018):

For children - 10,754 rubles. 60 kopecks

Per capita - 11,021 rubles. 30 kopecks;
For the working population - 12,079 rubles. 50 kopecks;
For pensioners - 8,954 rubles. 10 kopecks

Current values ​​of living wages in the regions of the Russian Federation can be found in the regulatory documents of regional governments.

Some people are mistaken when they believe that the cost of living is a monetary value that exists only in our country. In fact, living wage- this is the minimum level of income that is required to maintain a certain standard of living in the state.

The standard of living is made up of the needs that we experience every day. It is easier to divide them into food and non-food needs. TO food refers to the minimum food set necessary to ensure and maintain human life, to non-food- goods and services that do not include food, but are also an integral part of human life. These include, for example, clothing, hygiene items, as well as mandatory government payments and fees.

The cost of living in the Russian Federation


September 8, 2016
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a bill, according to which new living wages came into force: 9956 rubles(per capita), 10,722 rubles (for the working population), 8,163 rubles (for pensioners), 9,861 rubles (for children).
PeriodPer capitaAble-bodied citizensPensionersChildrenNormative act
II quarter 2016 9956 10722 8163 9861 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2016 No. 882
I quarter 20169776 10524 8025 9677 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2016 No. 511
IV quarter 20159452 10187 7781 9197 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2016 No. 178
III quarter 20159673 10436 7951 9396 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2015 No. 1291
II quarter 201510 017 10 792 8210 9806 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2015 No. 902
I quarter 20159662 10 404 7916 9489 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2015 No. 545

The subsistence minimum is essentially intended to justify the value and is equated to the value of the consumer basket.

Consumer basket 2016

At its core, the subsistence minimum is the minimum cost of the so-called “consumer basket,” which includes food and non-food products.

Which ones are determined by the evaluation commission. Suppose, if you think that visiting a SPA salon is a necessary procedure for carrying out your life activities in the state, believe me, these visits will not be included in the consumer basket in any case. It brings together exclusively those goods and services, the absence of which could affect the health of citizens.

Roughly speaking, in order for a person not to get sick and die, he needs this, this and that. At the same time, even the moral and cultural needs of a person are taken into account. For example, the basket contains an entry to a cinema or some exhibition. True, you will have to visit such establishments once a month if you set a goal to fit your budget into the living wage determined by the state.

Like the cost of living, the consumer basket varies depending on the category of citizens: the working population, pensioners and children. According to our state, pensioners eat the least. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but the cost of the consumer basket for them is always calculated lower than for the other two categories of citizens.

From this table it is easy to calculate that, for example, panties alone should last you about 4 months, and fish and other seafood products on your table should be 50 grams per day. These calculations were made for the working population (i.e., for a full-fledged working man), for children and pensioners, of course, these figures will be lower.

How to live?

Is it possible to live on a subsistence level by eating exclusively the products offered by the consumer basket? We offer you a very interesting experiment showing the peculiarities of life on the means of the consumer basket. How hard or easy it is - everyone will assess for themselves individually.

Living wage for a pensioner

Pensioners in our country, according to those who compiled the consumer basket for them, consume the least. Therefore, in absolutely every region, the cost of living will be lower than that of children or the working population. On the one hand, there is a rational grain in this, on the other hand, the pensioner is deprived of any income other than a pension, which in turn will directly depend on the cost of living.

In other words, the pension cannot be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence level, but the size of this pension is determined by the subsistence level.

That is, the amount of bread, fish and butter that a pensioner is allocated per month will entirely depend on the consumer basket, because the accrued pension is generally identical to the subsistence minimum.

The size of the living wage for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole and by region.

Living wage per child

A separate column highlights the cost of living required to support a child. However, there is no proper division by age. It is assumed that for children of primary preschool age and for teenagers, the parent must meet the minimum amount determined by the state. It is assumed that the cost of diapers at a young age balances the cost of trousers for a school child, and vice versa.

The cost of living for a child in the Russian Federation as a whole and by region.

Table of living wages by regions of Russia

In each region of Russia, the cost of living has its own personal meaning. This is due to the income of the population, as well as the cost of the food basket that differs in each region. The values ​​in the table are given in rubles.

Note: The table below shows the values ​​of the cost of living in the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2016, the information is current as of September 2016. You can also download an XLS file with data for previous periods.

Download data on the cost of living for the second quarter of 2016, the first quarter of 2016, the fourth quarter of 2015, the third quarter of 2015 in a single file xls

Table of values ​​for the second quarter of 2016. All amounts are in rubles.

Subject of the federation Per capita Able-bodied citizens Pensioners Children
Federal cities
1 Moscow 15382 17561 10883 13259
2 Saint Petersburg 10356,5 11375,7 8294,2 9986,2
3 Sevastopol 9809 10503 8056 10375
4 Adygea 8722 9302 7142 8866
5 Altai 9634 10019 8033 9832
6 Bashkortostan 8839 9363 7167 9018
7 Buryatia 9628 (Q1) 10005 (Q1) 7607 (Q1) 10074 (Q1)
8 Dagestan 9145 9425 7220 9250
9 Ingushetia 9041 9309 7123 9145
10 Kabardino-Balkaria 11266 11596 8650 12560
11 Kalmykia 8522 8907 6835 8651
12 Karachay-Cherkessia 8823 9305 7072 9030
13 Karelia 12985 14064 10958 12334
14 Komi 12128 12914 9827 12336
15 Crimea 9794 10456 8033 10405
16 Mari El 8996 9576 7342 9266
17 Mordovia 7985 8555 6557 8218
18 Sakha (Yakutia) 16095 16974 12880 16704
19 North Ossetia Alania 8942 9501 7161 9115
20 Tatarstan 8141 8686 6656 8097
21 Tyva (Tuva) 10193 10510 8036 10656
22 Udmurtia 8510 9017 6926 8560
23 Khakassia 9233 9727 7398 9776
24 Chechnya 8926 (Q1) 9700 (Q1) 8701 (Q1) 7717 (Q1)
25 Chuvashia 8434 8922 6873 8596
The edges
26 Altai region 8956 9572 7275 9011
27 Transbaikal region 10775,98 11259 8572,88 11140,87
28 Kamchatka Krai 19192 19965 15239 20641
29 Krasnodar region 9958 10764 8219 9603
30 Krasnoyarsk region 11111 11746 8641 11708
31 Perm region 9594 10251 7857 9754
32 Primorsky Krai 12767 13459 10226 13860
33 Stavropol region 8407 8916 6810 8742
34 Khabarovsk region 13174 14010 10664 13674
35 Amur region 11852 (Q1) 12487 (Q1) 9471 (Q1) 12505 (Q1)
36 Arhangelsk region 13346 14319 11118 12877
37 Astrakhan region 8987 9414 7220 9783
38 Belgorod region 8221 8826 6822 8150
39 Bryansk region 9223 9889 7659 9068
40 Vladimir region 9398 10183 7856 9495
41 Volgograd region 9216 (Q1) 9898 (Q1) 7477 (Q1) 9331 (Q1)
42 Vologda Region 10506 11337 8642 10382
43 Voronezh region 8317 8990 6938 8277
44 Ivanovo region 9650 10429 8026 9697
45 Irkutsk region 10146 10753 8171 10370
46 Kaliningrad region 10223 10965
8382 9914
47 Kaluga region 9429 10124 7842 9345
48 Kemerovo region 9032 9545 7267 9516
49 Kirov region 9276 9943 7598 9318
50 Kostroma region 9345 10112 7780 9262
51 Kurgan region 9333 9962 7707 9841
52 Kursk region 8456 9060 7015 8562
53 Leningrad region 9068 9624 7901 8877
54 Lipetsk region 8523 9144 7092 8721
55 Magadan Region 18575 19455 14576 19716
56 Moscow region 10916 (Q1) 12082 (Q1) 8178 (Q1) 10697 (Q1)
57 Murmansk region 13731 14281 11439 14223
58 Nizhny Novgorod Region 8891 9531 7329 9204
59 Novgorod region 9936 10778 8223 9909
60 Novosibirsk region 10614 11281 8516 10995
61 Omsk region 8787 9294 7071 9065
62 Orenburg region 8467 8942 6920 8750
63 Oryol Region 8967 9604 7435 9035
64 Penza region 8522 9151 7003 8960
65 Pskov region 10648 11550 8786 10481
66 Rostov region 9734 10337 7869 10281
67 Ryazan Oblast 8930 9647 7424 8905
68 Samara Region 9810 10755 7751 9785
69 Saratov region 8384 8983 6886 8672
70 Sakhalin region 13938 14650 11037 14773
71 Sverdlovsk region 9675 10309 7976 9964
72 Smolensk region 10599 11392 8696 10541
73 Tambov Region 8403 9096 7031 8385
74 Tver region 9747.25 (Q1) 10468.37 (Q1) 8052.75 (Q1) 10215.7 (Q1)
75 Tomsk region 10753 (Q1) 11303 (Q1) 8588 (Q1) 11203 (Q1)
76 Tula region 9212 9854 7926 9113
77 Tyumen region 10285 10803 8229 10630
78 Ulyanovsk region 9029 9678 7403 9285
79 Chelyabinsk region 9538 10184 7857 9881
80 Yaroslavl region 9095 10078 7454 9354
Autonomous region
81 Jewish Autonomous Region 12794,50 13509,19 10224,53 13482,66
Autonomous okrugs
82 Nenets Autonomous Okrug 19493 20270 15821 21076
83 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 15072 15652 11855 14514
84 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 18576 19032 14325 19387
85 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 15993 16567 12519 15763
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