Average life expectancy Rosstat. average life expectancy

Since 1900, global life expectancy has more than doubled and is approaching 70 years.

Increased life expectancy around the world

Life expectancy has been rising rapidly since the Age of Enlightenment. In poor countries just before modern times, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. At the beginning of the 19th century, it began to rise in countries with developed industry, while remaining low in the rest of the world.

This has led to very high unequal health distributions around the world: good health in rich countries and persistent poor health in countries that remain poor. These global inequalities have decreased in recent decades. Countries previously suffering from poor health are rapidly gaining momentum.

Since 1900, the world's average life expectancy has more than doubled and is approaching 70 years. No country in the world has a lower life expectancy than the countries with the highest life expectancy in 1800, writes Oxford University economist and renowned data visualizer Max Roser.

The visualization below spectacularly shows the increase in life expectancy over the past few centuries. For the United Kingdom (which has the longest data timeline), we see that before the 19th century there was no trend in increasing life expectancy and life expectancy fluctuated between 30 and 40 years.

How life expectancy has changed by country over the past 500 years

The period of life expectancy of a newborn is shown - the estimated average number of years that the baby will live if the established patterns do not change during his life.

Over the past 200 years, countries around the world have made impressive progress in healthcare, resulting in increased life expectancy. Thus, in the UK, life expectancy has doubled and now exceeds 80 years. Health began to improve later in Japan, but the country quickly caught up with and surpassed Britain in the late 1960s. In South Korea, health began to improve even later, and the country made even faster progress than the UK and Japan. By now, life expectancy in South Korea has surpassed that in the UK.

The chart shows how low life expectancy was in some countries in the past. A hundred years ago, life expectancy in India and South Korea was only 23 years. A century later, life expectancy in India has nearly tripled and in South Korea it has nearly quadrupled.

Using the same visualization you can see dynamics of changes in life expectancy for individual countries (click on CHART, you can also add the country of interest by clicking on Add country). This display shows huge differences between countries: in sub-Saharan Africa, life expectancy is less than 50 years, while in Japan it is more than 80 years.

Let us recall that life expectancy is one of the components used to calculate the integral indicator.

Life expectancy has changed around the world

Life expectancy in every region of the world remained fairly stable throughout most of history until the start of the "health transition," a period in which life expectancy began to increase.

The table below shows that the transition to healthcare in different regions was not simultaneous. Oceania saw an increase in life expectancy in 1870, while Africa did not see an increase in life expectancy until 1920.

Estimating life expectancy before and after the “health transition”

Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy

Previous visualizations have shown that life expectancy is increasing around the world. However, life expectancy can be broken down into two components: " healthy life expectancy " And " years lived with disability " This breakdown is shown in the chart below.

Both indicators are rising in most countries. Life expectancy has increased around the world, and in some countries it has increased substantially in recent decades. Improvements in treatment methods and general health care have also increased the average life expectancy with illness and disability. This increase is in most cases less than the increase in healthy life expectancy.

In general, we see that in high-income countries the years of living with disability or disease burden are longer than in low-income countries (about 10–11 years compared to 7–9 years).

Healthy life expectancy

In addition to life expectancy, which is essentially an indicator of mortality, the most important indicator of development is healthy life expectancy for people of this age.

Below are the indicators healthy life expectancy(number of years people have remained in what they consider to be good health) for newly born (0 years) and for 60-year-old people.

Each disease affects quality of life to varying degrees, contributing different levels of disease burden and having different disability-adjusted life years.

Healthy life expectancy and healthy life expectancy by country (WHO)

by country (WHO)

Detailed data on average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy on the WHO website (xls; 22.5 MB).

Dynamic, interactive map Look for changes in life expectancy and income by country over 200 years in our material.

According to numerology and Pythagorean theory, the life of every person has a seven-year cycle of ups and downs of vitality, which depends on the date of birth and represents Life Chart (Vitality). Each year has its own indicator of the 7-year cycle, which is calculated using a special formula.

For Calculation of Life Schedule the numbers of the day, month and year of birth are multiplied among themselves. If the result is a number less than seven digits, then its first digits are sequentially added to it. For example, a person was born on February 10, 1970. Multiply 10x2x1970=39400. The resulting number is less than seven digits, so we sequentially add the first two digits to it and get a seven-digit code: 3940039.

To construct a Graph of Vital Forces, years are set aside along the X axis (7 years), starting from the year of birth. Along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of a seven-digit code obtained by multiplying the numbers of the day, month and year of birth (with digits added if necessary). Above the dot of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second year of life is the second digit of the number, etc.). For our example, it will be: 1970 - 3, 1971 - 9, 1972 - 4, 1973 - 0, 1974 - 0, 1975 - 3, 1976 - 9. The resulting points are connected by lines. Since this schedule has a 7-year periodicity, the schedule will be repeated in each subsequent 7 years of life.

Do not confuse the Vitality Graph with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of a Life Chart

To build a Life Graph, enter your date of birth and click “Build graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Life Graph.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the meanings of the Life Graph

0 Symbolizes a difficult period in life and the need for support from loved ones. During this period, painful conditions, apathy, frequent attacks of melancholy, failure and loss of strength are possible. This is always a period of life when there is a streak of failures and pessimistic thoughts are present. Zero means working off karmic debts; in order to avoid its harmful influence, you need to reconsider your life, understand your actions and draw the necessary conclusions.

1 Indicates a period of recovery after a difficult situation; at this time you need to rely mainly on yourself. At this time, self-dissatisfaction, irritability and imbalance appear. You have to fight for your rights and also work hard. People who have one in their childhood most often grow up in single-parent families or in difficult conditions.

2 It speaks of the beginning of a difficult but confident climb. At this time, there is an alternation of declines and rises in activity. However, this period is perceived, as a rule, with philosophical calm - the deuce gives the ability to control and “extinguish” in advance any negative manifestations.

3 The difficult period continues, but the outlines of a better life can already be seen. This period is characterized by instability of views and beliefs. The precariousness of the situation teaches flexibility in communication and forces one to show maximum ingenuity. As a rule, at this time many new friends appear and business activity increases.

4 Symbolizes constancy in habits and outlook on life. Indicates a period when a person has taken his place in society and does not want any changes. Stability and strength of position both in personal life and at work. If a four occurs after a larger number (the graph goes down), this indicates self-doubt, a loss of faith in one’s strength, which is why an energy decline occurs.

5 Symbolizes risk. This time is both the happiest and most unpredictable period. At this time, there may be a desire to take risks, to go all-in. You should prepare for the fact that life will resemble a lottery with its winnings and unpredictable losses. If the five appears after smaller numbers (the graph is going up), you can expect a gift from fate in the form of true love. At the same time, a five after large numbers (the graph is declining) indicates a possible discord in the family and relationships with a partner.

6 Indicates a period of reliability, harmony with nature and oneself. This is an ideal number that combines a harmonious balance of personality traits and movement towards a goal. Life will be characterized by sociability and balance. A person sets goals for himself that do not run counter to his moral principles. If six is ​​the point of decline in the graph, you should be more attentive to the financial side of life, but if this is the number of rise (comes after smaller numbers), this indicates an increase in well-being.

7 Symbolizes exploration of the unknown. During this period, it is possible to become interested in spiritual practice, meditation, research work. If seven is the point of decline (after it the graph goes down), it is probably necessary to reconsider your views on family relationships. If seven becomes a rising point (after it the graph goes up), this indicates strengthening relationships not only with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 It is the number of material success and means reliability, success in commercial activities. During this period, money seems to go into a person’s hands. If at the same time the eight is also a point of ascent, then you can continue to confidently move towards your goals. If the eight appears after the nine (the chart is declining), you should not take too many risks and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 The number of complete self-realization and reaching the limits of your dreams. Symbolizes complete success, the greatest achievements. This is the peak of a person's mental and physical abilities in the current 7-year life cycle.

To paraphrase the catchphrase of Ilf and Petrov from the novel “12 Chairs,” we can say “statistics knows everything... about demography.” About how long people live and how life expectancy has changed as humanity has developed. Statistical methods provide a general picture of the state of society and allow us to make a forecast of expected changes.

Methodology for determining average life expectancy

Average life expectancy (ALS) is a forecast, statistically calculated using probability theory, which shows how many years on average people born or at a certain age will live. The calculation is performed for a given calendar year, with the assumption that the mortality rate for all age groups will remain the same as at the time of the study. Despite the presence of conventions, the indicator is stable and not subject to sharp fluctuations. The law of large numbers, another tool of statistical research, plays a role.

In fact, life expectancy is an indicator of population mortality. The first calculation methods appeared in ancient times and were improved with the development of mathematics, statistics and demography. For example, they began to take into account infant mortality separately or differently. In developed countries it is small and does not distort the overall picture. The situation looks different in poor countries, where infant mortality rates are high, but most of those who survive the riskiest period are the first three years then maintains good health and ability to work until old age. If life expectancy were calculated as the arithmetic average of all deaths, the result would be a number that does not really reflect the mortality rate of the working-age population.

The methodology used in Russia covers age groups from 0 to 110 years. You can get acquainted with the algorithm by following the link. IN Russian methodology Arithmetic averages for groups are used as an intermediate result for further calculations, where step by step, through probability theory formulas, an indicator is gradually derived by which one can judge the demographic situation in the country.

Video: life expectancy in Russia

Sometimes it is mistakenly believed that SJV is average age died within a year. Indeed, the civil registry office sends such information to Rosstat in the form of tables. Registry office statistics on the deceased are used for calculations as one of many inputs. The final results may coincide, but this happens extremely rarely.

In literature and scientific usage two terms are used:

  • average life expectancy,
  • life expectancy.

They are synonyms and mean the same thing. The second, a tracing-paper from the English life expectancy, entered Russian speech and began to be used more often as scientific cooperation with demographers around the world expanded.

Russia in historical perspective

Despite the difficult internal situation in Russia associated with the protracted economic crisis and external influence due to sanctions from a number of countries and organizations, 2015 was marked by a demographic record. The average life expectancy of men was 65.9, women - 76.5, total - 71.4 years. Never before have Russians lived so long.

The results of 2018 will be summed up by March 2019, but already now, according to preliminary calculations, the overall figure is expected to increase by at least 8 months. If the forecast is correct, the male figure will approach 66.8, and for women - 77.2 years.

In 2017, life expectancy was 72.7 years (an increase of 0.83 years compared to 2016 - 71.87 years).” “The increase in life expectancy has affected both men and women. Men: 67.51 years (increase by 1.01 years compared to 2016), women: 77.64 years (increase by 0.58 years compared to 2016).


All data is publicly available on the Rosstat website ( Federal service state statistics).

There, by going to the appropriate section, you can make an interactive selection by year, time period and population group.

Table: life expectancy at birth in Russia

YearsWhole populationUrban populationRural population
1896–1897 30,54 29,43 31,69 29,77 27,62 32,24 30,63 29,66 31,66
(across 50 provinces of European Russia)
1926–1927 42,93 40,23 45,61 43,92 40,37 47,50 42,86 40,39 45,30
(for the European part of the RSFSR)
1961–1962 68,75 63,78 72,38 68,69 63,86 72,48 68,62 63,40 72,33
1970–1971 68,93 63,21 73,55 68,51 63,76 73,47 68,13 61,78 73,39
1980–1981 67,61 61,53 73,09 68,09 62,39 73,18 66,02 59,30 72,47
1990 69,19 63,73 74,30 69,55 64,31 74,34 67,97 62,03 73,95
1995 64,52 58,12 71,59 64,70 58,30 71,64 63,99 57,64 71,40
2000 65,34 59,03 72,26 65,69 59,35 72,46 64,34 58,14 71,66
2001 65,23 58,92 72,17 65,57 59,23 72,37 64,25 58,07 71,57
2002 64,95 58,68 71,90 65,40 59,09 72,18 63,68 57,54 71,09
2003 64,84 58,53 71,85 65,36 59,01 72,20 63,34 57,20 70,81
2004 65,31 58,91 72,36 65,87 59,42 72,73 63,77 57,56 71,27
2005 65,37 58,92 72,47 66,10 59,58 72,99 63,45 57,22 71,06
2006 66,69 60,43 73,34 67,43 61,12 73,88 64,74 58,69 71,86
2007 67,61 61,46 74,02 68,37 62,20 74,54 65,59 59,57 72,56
2008 67,99 61,92 74,28 68,77 62,67 74,83 65,93 60,00 72,77
2009 68,78 62,87 74,79 69,57 63,65 75,34 66,67 60,86 73,27
2010 68,94 63,09 74,88 69,69 63,82 75,39 66,92 61,19 73,42
2011 69,83 64,04 75,61 70,51 64,67 76,10 67,99 62,40 74,21
2012 70,24 64,56 75,86 70,83 65,10 76,27 68,61 63,12 74,66
2013 70,76 65,13 76,30 71,33 65,64 76,70 69,18 63,75 75,13
2014* 70,93 65,29 76,47 71,44 65,75 76,83 69,49 64,07 75,43
2015 71,39 65,92 76,71 71,91 66,38 77,09 69,90 64,67 75,59
*Starting from 2014, data taking into account the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the average life expectancy was about 30 years. First World War and Civil War only made the situation worse, after which Soviet time there was steady growth as social problems were solved and life improved. Even the monstrous losses in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 did not change the trend. By 1950 the figure was: women - 62, men - 54 years.

By 1990, the USSR had reached its demographic peak, general indicator throughout the country was 69.2 years. This was followed by the collapse of the Soviet state, and in Russian Federation the demographic crisis began. In the 90s, the sad term “Russian cross” appeared, which was used to describe the intersection of curves - rising mortality and falling birth rates. The population loss was 1 million people a year, it seemed that Russia was dying out.
The turning point came in the 2000s. The country has risen. By 2012, the birth rate exceeded the death rate. Rosstat also noted a shift in the average life expectancy of the population, which for the first time became more than 70 years.

Russia has a huge, unevenly populated territory. The Federation consists of 85 regions with different levels of development, incomes and quality of social services. Accordingly, their life expectancy is not the same. Traditionally, people live for a long time in the Caucasus and in the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg; the situation is worst in Tuva and Chukotka.

Table: life expectancy by region of the Russian Federation in 2013

№№ Region of RussiaBoth sexesMenWomen №№ Region of RussiaBoth sexesMenWomen
1 The Republic of Ingushetia78,84 75,97 81,32 43 Kostroma region69,86 64,31 75,29
2 Moscow76,37 72,31 80,17 44 Ivanovo region69,84 63,90 75,42
3 The Republic of Dagestan75,63 72,31 78,82 45 Sverdlovsk region69,81 63,64 75,86
4 Saint Petersburg74,22 69,43 78,38 46 Altai region69,77 64,11 75,44
5 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania73,94 68,46 79,06 47 Bryansk region69,75 63,32 76,32
6 Karachay-Cherkess Republic73,94 69,21 78,33 48 Omsk region69,74 63,86 75,57
7 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic73,71 69,03 78,08 49 Republic of Bashkortostan69,63 63,66 75,84
8 Chechen Republic73,20 70,23 76,01 50 Chelyabinsk region69,52 63,48 75,46
9 Stavropol region72,75 67,91 77,27 51 Nizhny Novgorod Region69,42 63,06 75,75
10 Krasnodar region72,29 67,16 77,27 52 Tula region69,41 63,22 75,57
11 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra72,23 67,27 77,08 53 Samara Region69,40 63,28 75,50
12 Belgorod region72,16 66,86 77,32 54 Vologda Region69,35 63,21 75,63
13 Republic of Tatarstan72,12 66,35 77,73 55 Mari El Republic69,30 62,82 76,13
14 Republic of Adygea71,80 66,55 76,97 56 Komi Republic69,27 63,22 75,39
15 Penza region71,54 65,47 77,52 57 Republic of Karelia69,19 63,17 75,05
16 Volgograd region71,42 66,11 76,57 58 Vladimir region69,13 62,78 75,44
17 Rostov region71,39 66,34 76,28 59 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)69,13 63,54 75,00
18 Tyumen region71,35 65,97 76,72 60 Krasnoyarsk region69,06 63,35 74,77
19 Republic of Kalmykia71,35 65,65 77,25 61 Orenburg region68,90 63,10 74,82
20 Astrakhan region71,34 65,91 76,72 62 Smolensk region68,90 62,93 74,97
21 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug71,23 66,53 75,88 63 Perm region68,75 62,61 74,89
22 Tambov Region70,93 64,87 77,15 64 The Republic of Khakassia68,57 62,95 74,14
23 Voronezh region70,89 64,81 77,03 65 Kurgan region68,27 61,93 74,97
24 Chuvash Republic70,79 64,59 77,19 66 Primorsky Krai68,19 62,77 73,92
25 Moscow region70,78 65,10 76,30 67 Tver region68,13 62,28 74,03
26 Ryazan Oblast70,74 64,77 76,61 68 Kamchatka Krai67,98 62,59 74,07
27 Saratov region70,67 65,01 76,19 69 Khabarovsk region67,92 62,13 73,96
28 Lipetsk region70,66 64,56 76,77 70 Pskov region67,82 61,81 74,05
29 The Republic of Mordovia70,56 64,79 76,39 71 Kemerovo region67,72 61,50 74,04
30 Kaliningrad region70,51 65,10 75,68 72 Sakhalin region67,70 62,17 73,53
31 Ulyanovsk region70,50 64,64 76,30 73 Novgorod region67,67 60,89 74,75
32 Murmansk region70,46 65,15 75,26 74 The Republic of Buryatia67,67 62,32 73,06
33 Yaroslavl region70,45 64,25 76,37 75 Altai Republic67,34 61,48 73,44
34 Leningrad region70,36 64,73 76,05 76 Magadan Region67,12 61,84 72,77
35 Tomsk region70,33 64,78 75,90 77 Transbaikal region67,11 61,47 73,10
36 Kirov region70,26 64,31 76,29 78 Irkutsk region66,72 60,32 73,28
37 Oryol Region70,22 64,36 75,92 79 Amur region66,38 60,59 72,59
38 Novosibirsk region70,19 64,29 76,13 80 Nenets Autonomous Okrug65,76 60,22 75,21
39 Arhangelsk region70,16 64,11 76,27 81 Jewish Autonomous Region64,94 58,84 71,66
40 Kursk region70,14 64,27 76,00 82 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug62,11 58,65 66,42
41 Kaluga region70,02 64,43 75,51 83 Tyva Republic61,79 56,37 67,51
42 Udmurt republic69,92 63,52 76,33 Note: Crimea and Sevastopol, which became part of the Russian Federation in 2014, are not taken into account.

The situation is clearly presented on the map of Russia.

Statistics, which present information in the form of tables, graphs and presentations, are tools for the executive and legislative branches to help make decisions in domestic politics and economics.

Russia and the world

Life expectancy depends on many factors, the most significant of which are:

  • heredity;
  • food quality;
  • level of healthcare;
  • working and living conditions;
  • ecological situation and climatic features;
  • public education;
  • habits and traditions rooted in the people;
  • domestic and foreign policy of the authorities.

Historically, Russia has been inferior in life expectancy to its neighbors. The gap continues to this day. Main reasons:

  • harsh climate and vast distances;
  • wars, epidemics and political upheavals of the 20th century;
  • mistakes of the country's leadership, anti-people policy at the turn of the era.

In 2010, according to the UN, Russian life expectancy of 66.7 years was in modest 136th place in the world ranking. From the republics former USSR The situation was worse only in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Video: Life expectancy in the world, 2014

In 2015, the indicator improved; Russia is still in the second hundred, but already in 110th place. Over 5 years, an increase of 26 points, in numerical terms - 70.5 years.

Table: UN ranking on life expectancy

RatingA countryboth sexeshusband.wivesm.
1 Japan83,7 80,5 86,8 7 1
2 Switzerland83,1 80,0 86,1 1 6
3 Singapore83,0 80,0 85,0 10 2
4 Australia82,8 80,9 84,8 3 7
5 Spain82,8 80,1 85,5 9 3
6 Iceland82,7 81,2 84,1 2 10
7 Italy82,7 80,5 84,8 6 8
8 Israel82,5 80,6 84,3 5 9
9 France82,4 79,4 85,4 4 5
10 Sweden82,4 80,7 84,0 16 12

Russia is among the countries with life expectancy in the range of 71.1–69.7 years.

Table: Russia in UN rankings

106 Kyrgyzstan71,1 67,2 75,1 111 102
107 Egypt70,9 68,8 73,2 100 111
108 Bolivia70,7 68,2 73,3 103 110
109 DPRK70,6 67,0 74,0 113 108
110 Russia70,5 64,7 76,3 127 89
111 Kazakhstan70,5 65,7 74,7 123 106
112 Belize70,1 67,5 73,1 110 114
113 Fiji69,9 67,0 73,1 114 115
114 Butane69,8 69,5 70,1 97 126
115 Tajikistan69,7 66,6 73,6 116 109

Considering such positive factors like size Russian economy, the volume of foreign trade, the size of gold and foreign exchange reserves, the position of the Russian Federation in the UN ranking can be called depressing, inappropriate to its capabilities, unless, of course, we take into account the positive dynamics of the last five-year plan.

The main reason Russia lags behind many prosperous countries in life expectancy is that the level of poverty and uneven, and sometimes unfair, distribution of income are still high. Millions of people do not receive the guarantees of social protection declared by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies lead to early and sudden deaths. Insufficient control of supervisory authorities over labor protection and road safety contributes to the population decline. Shortcomings in the work of medical institutions, catering establishments, and non-compliance of food products with GOST standards reduce the quality of life, which leads to a deterioration in the health of the population in all regions. There are many problems and everything needs to be solved.

Prospects for life expectancy in the Russian Federation

The demographic situation is very sensitive to external influences and internal processes in society. In order for the positive trends of recent years to continue and not go backwards, constant attention of the state leadership is required on the entire range of problems.

The forecast is currently optimistic.

  1. There has been stability in the economy. The country's leadership declares further growth in the well-being of the people.
  2. Medical statistics show a decrease in mortality in oncology, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Smoking and alcohol abuse cessation is cultivated among the population. The number of supporters of a healthy lifestyle is increasing. There is widespread participation in sports and physical education.
  4. In 2019, the foreign policy situation is expected to improve and tensions with NATO countries to decrease.

There are many factors, some may increase, others may weaken. Statistical studies of demographic processes will make it possible to specify them.

As is known, diseases of the circulatory system and cancer in Russia collectively account for more than 60% of all deaths. If either of these two indicators decreased even slightly, we would immediately see a decrease in overall mortality in the country.

Eduard Gavrilov


The Russian government is confident that in the near future Russia will continue to grow in the UN rankings.

By 2020, life expectancy should increase to 74 years, and the population of Russia - to 147.5 million people.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev


We have had a sharp jump in male life expectancy by 7 and a half years over the past few years. This is one of the leading results in the world.

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova.


Video: average life expectancy in Russia

If the government implements plans to really increase the population's income and improve the quality of life, then life expectancy will continue to increase. The population can help the government achieve this demographic task if they take care of their health and refuse bad habits and being actively involved in physical education and sports.

The Russian public regularly puts forward a proposal to make the indicator of average life expectancy in the regions the main one for determining the effectiveness of local authorities. The initiative did not find legislative support, but has not been removed from the agenda. After all, the mortality rate and survival rate for all population groups clearly show the state of society and the social security of its citizens.


Reserve exhausted

What's wrong with the Ministry of Health's reports on the increase in life expectancy in Russia


The constant accelerated increase in life expectancy in Russia has become an important topic in Veronica Skvortsova’s public reports almost from the first days of her work as Minister of Health. This week, the head of the Ministry of Health announced that the country has almost achieved the strategic target of 2024. At the same time, fulfilling the further goal of entering the club of “80+” countries may be in question, experts warn.

Putin's records

The Ministry of Health has long been a source of good news on the topic of demography. Having received the ministerial portfolio in 2012, Veronika Skvortsova announced at the end of 2013 that Russia had achieved natural population growth “for the first time since 1991.” Moreover, it took on a pace that had not been seen for 30 years before, that is, in the last Soviet years, too. At the same time, the country achieved the highest life expectancy for women in its history - 76 years and 6 months. “It’s lower for men, but the movement for the better is happening at a faster pace than before,” Skvortsova noted, speaking at the third congress of the National Medical Chamber in April 2014.

In October 2015, Skvortsova will announce that the life expectancy of Russian men has increased by 7.5 years. The minister said this was a “dramatic jump” and “one of the leading results in the world.” In March 2017, the head of the Ministry of Health will announce another increase in the life expectancy of Russians - by another six months, to an average of 72 years. In February 2018, on the sidelines of the economic forum in Sochi, Skvortsova will report that the figure has managed to grow for almost another year, and for men - even more than a year.

In February 2019, Veronika Skvortsova summed up the results of fifteen years, including the seven that she herself worked in a ministerial post. The average life expectancy of Russians has grown to almost 73 years, and the head of the Ministry of Health again called this rate one of the highest on the planet. At the same time, Skvortsova expressed confidence that over the next 12 years Russia will be able to get into the club of “80+” countries. Finally, this week the minister reported to Vladimir Putin that the life expectancy of women in Russia has reached 78.5 years for the first time. The goal of the national project “Healthcare” is to reach a total life expectancy of 78 years by 2024, the minister recalled.

The indicator that Veronika Skvortsova is accustomed to reporting in a positive manner is the life expectancy (LE) of a person at birth. It is operated not only by our officials, but also by the UN and the World Health Organization, says expert of the Committee of Civil Initiatives (CGI), economist Evgeny Gontmakher. This is a recognized and very important characteristic of the standard of living in the country.

Life expectancy is calculated by demographers based on special mathematical models. It is important that we are not talking about the average age of those who passed away during the reporting calendar year. However, these statistical data are also taken into account when assessing the probability of death of a person at different ages - from infancy to the very old (110 years). As a result, they get an answer to the question of how long a person who has just been born will live. It is clear that this forecast is probabilistic, because there are many factors due to which it may not come true, including disasters, epidemics, wars, and the like.

As Evgeniy Gontmakher notes, and Minister Skvortsova herself admits: the increase in life expectancy in Russia occurred mainly due to another indicator - a decrease in infant mortality.

Having noticeably decreased over last years, he really brought Russia closer to the level of developed countries. Here we must pay tribute: over the past decade and a half, the country has indeed made serious investments in the development of obstetric services, including the construction of federal and regional perinatal centers. And this played a role, given that, along with infant mortality, it was also possible to improve the situation with maternal mortality.


Where does the growth in indicators come from?

The problem is that now this reserve is almost exhausted, while other age strata or, as demographers call them, age cohorts remain exposed to the risks of premature death. But in this regard, the Ministry of Health and its leadership have nothing special to boast about. A third of Russian men do not live to see 60, reminds Gontmakher. Moreover, there are surprising figures from which it follows: the life expectancy of men who managed to live to 65 years (since 2019 this is the retirement age) is not much higher than it was... in 1897, when in 50 provinces Russian Empire conducted the first census and obtained the first demographic statistics.

Life expectancy at age 65 (in years) *

*Sources: Population of Russia for 100 years (1897-1997), 1998; Demographic Yearbook of Russia, 2017.

**Source: National Research University Higher School of Economics “Demographic context of raising the retirement age”, 2018.

— A separate problem is the mortality rate of middle-aged men - 40-50 years old. In the developed world there is practically no such problem, but here we have an anomaly in this regard. And the reasons for such a high mortality rate at this age, if we do not take into account cases of violent death, are mainly related to health conditions,” notes the KGI expert.

The President pointed out to Skvortsova the deplorable state of primary medical care and demanded that no later than July 1, 2020, she defend a program for its actual restoration. If the developed world is moving towards preventive medicine, then Russians continue to see doctors mainly when something already hurts. But you still need to see a doctor, especially a specialist. This applies not only to medium and small cities, rural areas, but also to million-plus people. Moreover, the prettier Moscow is no exception.

“They’ll adjust it or they’ll quietly forget it”

The problem of reducing mortality among middle-aged and elderly people is connected, however, not only with the quality medical care. Play an important role healthy eating, healthy habits, but all this, one way or another, depends on the general economic situation and the material well-being of citizens. However, it is difficult to talk about the economic prerequisites for a long life when, even according to official data, the number of those who are forced to put up with incomes below the subsistence level is growing.

That is, according to Evgeniy Gontmakher, they live in poverty, while another 25-30% of the population can be considered simply poor.

— Two thirds of families are fighting for survival, good condition This does not contribute to health in any way. So don’t be fooled by the height that is mentioned in Once again Minister Skvortsova announced, it’s not worth it. Without further systemic action on the part of the state, it may stop, the economist is sure.

The head of the scientific and educational center “Development of Regional Socio-Economic Systems” of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Gordeev, is even more skeptical. According to him, the state is extremely stingy in investing in human capital, and those investments that were made did not actually produce the most convincing results on the ground. This also applies to the obstetric system; Gordeev does not agree with the positive assessments.

In conditions when key economic markers are creeping down, there is a high risk that the life expectancy indicator will finally turn into a “crafty figure,” the expert believes. That is, real changes in the social well-being of Russians will be replaced by yet another adjustment of the accounting and statistics system. Or, if the calculations stop making you happy at all, they will quietly forget about the life expectancy.

Rosstat has prepared a forecast of life expectancy for Russians until 2030.The document (available from Life), sent for approval to the Ministry of Health, presents three options: low, medium, high. It is interesting that none of them will reach 74 years by 2018, as required by the May presidential decrees.

According to the most optimistic forecast, such life expectancy in our country is expected by 2019, according to the average forecast - only by 2024, and in the pessimistic forecast there is no figure of 74 years at all.

However, this forecast is somewhat more optimistic than the one published by Rosstat in May last year. On average, for each year the indicator increased by 0.21 years.

The life expectancy of Russians is steadily increasing from year to year. So, according to the resultsIn 2015, a record was reached in the entire history of observations - 71.39 years, in 2014 this figure was 70.93 years, and in 2011 - 69.8 years.

According to a new forecast from Rosstat, the gap between the life expectancy of men and women will gradually narrow, but will still remain significant.

The Ministry of Health on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population for the period until 2025 notes that in Russia, mortality from major non-communicable diseases is 68.5% of the total mortality of the population. We are talking about diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.

One of the most common reasons for the development of diseases is an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, poor diet (excess salt and lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet), neglect of physical exercise, excessive addiction to alcohol.

The Ministry of Health's strategy spells out measures that should help the country's residents lead a healthier lifestyle. In particular, these are restrictions on the advertising of “junk” food, a ban on the sale of alcohol to citizens under 21 (it is already known that) and the introduction of additional taxes on overly salty foods. Another direction of implementation of the strategy is the opening of a cafe with a diet menu. The Ministry of Health offers to open such cafes free of charge for those who are below the poverty line. There are other initiatives there as well. The document is still being approved by the government.

Demography experts note that many factors influence the life expectancy of the population.

Life expectancy itself is a complex indicator that changes under the influence of many factors, says CEO All-Russian Center for Living Standards Vyacheslav Bobkov. - Part of these factors lies in the material security of people. The deterioration of material conditions affects health - poorer nutrition, reduced opportunities to purchase medicines.

Global historical events have a great influence on demographic indicators, noted Deputy Director of the Public Institute of Demographic Security Elina Zhgutova.

Look at how demographics have evolved. Elderly people now are children of the war years. It would seem that they have seen a lot, their health is poor. But in fact, the strongest generation survived. The last decade is not significant for statistics. During this period there are people with a very strong vitality. And if you take the 90s plus, relatively speaking, the 70s, I think people born during this time will die very early. In those days, the core of life was broken. It is no secret that life expectancy depends not only on health, but also on will, tone, goals, and understanding of life. And in the 90s, everything was broken - including health, because alcohol, porn, etc. poured in.

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