Why propane and butane are mixed - properties of liquefied hydrocarbon gases. How to liquefy gases? Production and use of liquefied gas Receive propane gas

For more than 30 years in the USSR, then in Russia, liquefied and compressed gases have been used in the national economy. During this time, a rather difficult path has been passed in organizing the accounting of liquefied gases, developing technologies for their pumping, measurement, storage, and transportation.

From burning to recognition

Historically, the potential of gas as an energy source has been underestimated in our country. Not seeing economically justified areas of application, oil producers tried to get rid of light fractions of hydrocarbons and burned them uselessly. In 1946, the separation of the gas industry into an independent industry revolutionized the situation. The volume of production of this type of hydrocarbons has increased sharply, as has the ratio in Russia’s fuel balance.

When scientists and engineers learned to liquefy gases, it became possible to build gas-liquefaction enterprises and deliver blue fuel to remote areas not equipped with a gas pipeline, and use it in every home, as automobile fuel, in production, and also export it for hard currency.

What are liquefied petroleum gases

They are divided into two groups:

  1. Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG) are a mixture of chemical compounds consisting mainly of hydrogen and carbon with different molecular structures, that is, a mixture of hydrocarbons of different molecular weights and different structures.
  2. Broad fractions of light hydrocarbons (NGL) - include mostly mixtures of light hydrocarbons of hexane (C6) and ethane (C2) fractions. Their typical composition: ethane 2-5%, liquefied gas fractions C4-C5 40-85%, hexane fraction C6 15-30%, the pentane fraction accounts for the remainder.

Liquefied gas: propane, butane

In the gas industry, it is LPG that is used on an industrial scale. Their main components are propane and butane. They also contain lighter hydrocarbons (methane and ethane) and heavier ones (pentane) as impurities. All of the listed components are saturated hydrocarbons. LPG may also contain unsaturated hydrocarbons: ethylene, propylene, butylene. Butane-butylenes can be present in the form of isomeric compounds (isobutane and isobutylene).

Liquefaction technologies

They learned to liquefy gases at the beginning of the 20th century: in 1913, the Nobel Prize was awarded to the Dutchman K. O. Heike for the liquefaction of helium. Some gases are brought to a liquid state by simple cooling without additional conditions. However, most hydrocarbon “industrial” gases (carbon dioxide, ethane, ammonia, butane, propane) are liquefied under pressure.

The production of liquefied gas is carried out at gas liquefaction plants located either near hydrocarbon fields or along the path of gas pipelines near large transport hubs. Liquefied (or compressed) natural gas can be easily transported by road, rail or water transport to the end user, where it can be stored, then converted back into a gaseous state and supplied to the gas supply network.

Special equipment

In order to liquefy gases, special installations are used. They significantly reduce the volume of blue fuel and increase energy density. With their help, it is possible to carry out various methods of processing hydrocarbons, depending on the subsequent application, the properties of the feedstock and environmental conditions.

Liquefaction and compression plants are designed for gas processing and have a block (modular) design or are completely containerized. Thanks to regasification stations, it becomes possible to provide even the most remote regions with cheap natural fuel. The regasification system also allows you to store natural gas and supply the required quantity depending on demand (for example, during periods of peak demand).

Most of the various gases in a liquefied state find practical application:

  • Liquid chlorine is used to disinfect and bleach fabrics and is used as a chemical weapon.
  • Oxygen - in medical institutions for patients with breathing problems.
  • Nitrogen - in cryosurgery, for freezing organic tissues.
  • Hydrogen is like jet fuel. Recently, cars powered by hydrogen engines have appeared.
  • Argon - in industry for metal cutting and plasma welding.

It is also possible to liquefy hydrocarbon gases, the most popular of which are propane and butane (n-butane, isobutane):

  • Propane (C3H8) is a substance of organic origin of the class of alkanes. It is obtained from natural gas and by cracking petroleum products. A colorless, odorless gas, slightly soluble in water. Used as fuel, for the synthesis of polypropylene, the production of solvents, in the food industry (additive E944).
  • Butane (C4H10), a class of alkanes. A colorless, odorless, flammable gas, easily liquefied. Obtained from gas condensate, petroleum gas (up to 12%), during cracking of petroleum products. Used as fuel in the chemical industry, in refrigerators as a refrigerant, in the food industry (additive E943).

Characteristics of LPG

The main advantage of LPG is the possibility of their existence at ambient temperatures and moderate pressures in both liquid and gaseous states. In the liquid state they are easily processed, stored and transported; in the gaseous state they have better combustion characteristics.

The state of hydrocarbon systems is determined by the combination of influences of various factors, so for a complete characterization it is necessary to know all the parameters. The main ones that can be directly measured and affect flow regimes include: pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, concentration of components, phase relationships.

The system is in equilibrium if all parameters remain unchanged. In this state, no visible qualitative and quantitative metamorphoses occur in the system. A change in at least one parameter disrupts the equilibrium state of the system, causing one or another process.


When storing liquefied gases and transporting them, their state of aggregation changes: part of the substance evaporates, transforming into a gaseous state, part condenses and turns into a liquid. This property of liquefied gases is one of the determining ones in the design of storage and distribution systems. When boiling liquid is taken from reservoirs and transported through a pipeline, part of the liquid evaporates due to pressure loss, a two-phase flow is formed, the vapor pressure of which depends on the temperature of the flow, which is lower than the temperature in the reservoir. If the movement of a two-phase liquid through the pipeline stops, the pressure at all points is equalized and becomes equal to the vapor pressure.

Published: 01/04/2017 21:21

Propane is a gas with the chemical formula C 3 H 8, which is odorless and colorless. Butane is the same colorless gas as odorless propane, the formula of butane is C 4 H 10. Propane and butane belong to a number of alkanes and are used as components of LPG fuel. LPG is a liquefied petroleum gas; propane, like butane, has a calorific value suitable for use as a fuel. The general similarity of the physical properties of the two gases does not extend to their boiling point - for propane it is -43 o C, for butane it is much higher (-0.5 o C).

Therefore, propane can be used as fuel at sub-zero temperatures, but butane cannot, which is why a mixture of gases is used - liquefied petroleum gas or propane-butane. The mixture of gases is made so that propane (the short name for a mixture of propane and butane) can be safely used at any temperature. Separate use of propane is impossible for the following reason - when heated, propane expands significantly, which leads to an increase in pressure on the walls of the vessel (in which the gas is stored) from the inside. This property of propane leads to the formation of cracks on the inner walls of the tank and its gradual deterioration (due to the loss of the ability to hermetically contain the gas inside itself). Propane leakage is not the worst consequence of its expansion. In the event of sudden heating, propane can explode from the inside of the cylinder and cause significant damage to people nearby. Substances with a pungent odor are added to the mixture of propane and butane for timely detection of leaks.

A mixture of propane and butane is stored inside a cylinder or gas tank in liquefied form. Liquefaction of propane-butane occurs under the influence of pressure - using the compressor method; under pressure, a mixture of propane and butane is stored inside the tank. Liquefaction of propane makes it convenient for transportation and storage - in liquefied form, a mixture of propane and butane takes up 600 times less space. Storage is carried out at normal temperature, as a result of which propane partially transforms from a liquid state into a gaseous state (in this state propane-butane is used as fuel; in a gaseous state it is supplied to the gas boiler).

How is propane-butane produced?

Propane is obtained from petroleum extraction or refining operations. During oil production, associated petroleum gas is released - a mixture of various hydrocarbon gases, including propane. This production of propane occurs during fracking, an oil production technology involving hydraulic fracturing. Some propane is obtained as a by-product when oil is processed at refineries. The propane is then liquefied and transported to gas filling stations.

A mixture of propane and butane has been used for a long time in many areas of industry, production and everyday life, this is due to the special properties of the mixture of these gases. Propane-butane is distinguished by its unique ability to transform from a liquid consistency to its gaseous form and vice versa. Moreover, to obtain the required state, it is not necessary to use any cryogenic units.

How to obtain propane-butane

Propane-butane is obtained from oil and condensate of its associated gases; another name for propane-butane is liquefied petroleum gas. Its liquid or gaseous form is determined by climatic conditions: when the temperature rises, it is converted into steam, and when it decreases and the pressure simultaneously increases, it takes on a liquid form.

Where and how is propane-butane used?

Petroleum gas is considered an environmentally friendly type of fuel, so it is used in home heating systems, used in the agricultural industry and other industries as fuel for boiler houses or vehicles, as well as for welding or cutting metals. In this case, butane acts as the fuel itself, and propane creates the necessary pressure. Propane-butane is produced in cylinders; the proportions are strictly regulated by the state, since the mixture is extremely explosive.

How gas welding work occurs in production:

For production work, a propane-butane mixture is produced in the form of special gas welding torches, into which flammable gas and oxygen are supplied from cylinders. If metal needs to be cut, the process occurs by burning it in an oxygen stream and removing the oxides that it forms.

During the welding process using a propane-butane mixture, the metal to be welded and its filler analogue are melted by a flame, which forms petroleum gas. The edges of the products are melted, and the gap between them is filled with filler metal, which is carefully introduced into the center of the burner flame with the mixture.

It is not without reason that the propane-butane mixture is widely used in household and industrial areas. Along with its unique properties, it has a relatively low and stable cost. In addition, most boiler houses and enterprises are designed for two types of fuel - their combustion devices can alternately burn a propane-butane mixture and natural gas, which gives good savings.

Propane is an organic compound, the third representative of alkanes in the homologous series. At room temperature it is a colorless and odorless gas. The chemical formula of propane is C 3 H 8. Fire and explosion hazard. Has slight toxicity. It has a weak effect on the nervous system and has narcotic properties.


Propane is a saturated hydrocarbon consisting of three carbon atoms. For this reason, it has a curved shape, but due to the constant rotation around the bond axes, there are several molecular conformations. The bonds in the molecule are covalent: C-C non-polar, C-H weakly polar. Because of this, they are difficult to break, and the substance is quite difficult to enter into chemical reactions. This sets all the chemical properties of propane. It has no isomers. The molar mass of propane is 44.1 g/mol.

Methods of obtaining

In industry, propane is almost never synthesized artificially. It is isolated from natural gas and oil through distillation. There are special production plants for this.

In the laboratory, propane can be produced by the following chemical reactions:

Physical properties of propane

As already mentioned, propane is a colorless and odorless gas. It is insoluble in water and other polar solvents. But it dissolves in some organic substances (methanol, acetone and others). At - 42.1 °C it liquefies, and at - 188 °C it becomes solid. It is flammable as it forms flammable and explosive mixtures with air.

Chemical properties of propane

These represent typical properties of alkanes.

The mechanism of halogenation reactions is chain. When exposed to light or high temperature, the halogen molecule breaks down into radicals. They interact with propane, removing a hydrogen atom from it. As a result, a free cut is formed. It interacts with the halogen molecule, again breaking it into radicals.

Bromination occurs by the same mechanism. Iodination can only be carried out with special iodine-containing reagents, since propane does not react with pure iodine. When interacting with fluorine, an explosion occurs and a polysubstituted propane derivative is formed.

Nitration can be carried out with dilute nitric acid (Konovalov reaction) or nitrogen oxide (IV) at elevated temperatures (130-150 °C).

Sulfonic oxidation and sulphochlorination are carried out under UV light.

Propane combustion reaction: C 3 H 8 + 5O 2 → 3CO 2 + 4H 2 O.

Milder oxidation can also be carried out using certain catalysts. The combustion reaction of propane will be different. In this case, propanol, propanal or propionic acid are obtained. In addition to oxygen, peroxides (most often hydrogen peroxide), transition metal oxides, chromium (VI) and manganese (VII) compounds can be used as oxidizing agents.

Propane reacts with sulfur to form isopropyl sulfide. For this purpose, tetrabromoethane and aluminum bromide are used as catalysts. The reaction takes place at 20 °C for two hours. The reaction yield is 60%.

With the same catalysts it can react with carbon monoxide (I) to form 2-methylpropanoic acid isopropyl ester. The reaction mixture after the reaction must be treated with isopropanol. So, we looked at the chemical properties of propane.


Due to its good flammability, propane is used in everyday life and industry as a fuel. It can also be used as fuel for cars. Propane burns at temperatures of almost 2000° C, which is why it is used for welding and cutting metal. Propane burners are used to heat bitumen and asphalt in road construction. But often the market uses not pure propane, but its mixture with

Oddly enough, it has also found application in the food industry as the E944 additive. Due to its chemical properties, propane is used there as a solvent for fragrances and also for processing oils.

A mixture of propane and isobutane is used as R-290a refrigerant. It is more efficient than older refrigerants and is also environmentally friendly as it does not deplete the ozone layer.

Propane has found great use in organic synthesis. It is used to produce polypropylene and various kinds of solvents. In oil refining, it is used for deasphalting, that is, reducing the proportion of heavy molecules in the bitumen mixture. This is necessary for recycling old asphalt.

Dismissal for cause - expiration of the employment contract, is possible only if the fixed-term employment contract was concluded lawfully. Otherwise, it is an open-ended employment contract, to which paragraph 2 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not applicable.
It is necessary to take into account that termination of an employment contract on this basis does not occur automatically. Moreover, if neither party requested termination of the employment contract, and the employee continues to work after the expiration of the employment contract, then the employment contract is considered to be concluded for an indefinite period.
A precise explanation of the procedure for dismissal upon expiration of the employment contract is provided by Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which indicates that a fixed-term employment contract is terminated upon the expiration of its validity period, of which the employee must be notified in writing at least three calendar days before dismissal.
Dismissal is formalized by order and entry in the work book.

In some cases, a fixed-term employment contract does not indicate its expiration date or validity period. This is permissible if the employment contract is concluded during the absence (for various reasons) of a specific employee who retains the right to a workplace.

There are also works for which it is impossible to determine the completion date when concluding an employment contract. In such cases:

- an employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work is terminated upon completion of this work (completion of work is confirmed by a signed acceptance certificate for the work performed), the employee must be notified of the termination at least three calendar days before dismissal;
— an employment contract concluded for the duration of the duties of an absent employee is terminated when this employee returns to work (the absence of an absent employee is reflected in the time sheet);
- an employment contract concluded for the duration of seasonal work is terminated after a certain season (according to Article 293 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of such work, as a rule, cannot exceed 6 months; lists of seasonal work, including individual seasonal work, carrying out which are possible for a period (season) exceeding 6 months, and the maximum duration of these individual seasonal works are determined by sectoral (intersectoral) agreements concluded at the federal level of social partnership; the employee must be notified of the termination of the employment contract at least three calendar days before dismissals).

Dismissal is formalized by order and entry in the work book.

The last day of a fixed-term contract is considered to be the corresponding date of the last year (if the contract term is calculated in years), month (if the contract term is calculated in months).
If the last day of the term of the employment contract falls on a non-working day, then the day of expiration of the employment contract is considered to be the next following working day (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
It must be remembered that if a fixed-term employment contract expires during a woman’s pregnancy, the employer is obliged, at her request, to extend the term of the employment contract until the end of pregnancy (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Dismissal upon expiration of the employment contract

Home » Labor Law » Dismissal upon expiration of the employment contract

Regulatory framework and necessary conditions

The legislator names expiration of the term as one of the grounds for terminating an employment contract. All conditions and procedures are stipulated in detail by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 77 and 79).

The end of the period of validity of the employment agreement does not mean the automatic termination of the employment relationship. The legislation allows the inclusion in the contract test of a condition for its automatic renewal if neither party declares a different intention. For a contract to terminate, the parties must take certain actions.

In practice, a situation often occurs when the period stipulated by the contract has expired, and the employee is still working with the consent of the employer. This case is considered in Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The legislator clarifies that in the absence of actions by the parties aimed at severing the employment relationship, the contract is not considered terminated.

To express an intention to terminate the employment relationship, the employer must notify the employee in writing. The absence of such notice entails the extension of the contract with recognition of its validity indefinitely.

The employee is also required to perform similar actions in order to express his desire to terminate the employment agreement.

So, the contract between the employee and the employer is recognized as extended for an indefinite period if the following conditions are met:

  • the validity period specified in the text of the agreement has expired;
  • the citizen continues to perform his official duties;
  • the employer does not express a desire to terminate the employment relationship.

The procedure for dismissal upon expiration of the employment contract

If the company administration intends to terminate the employment contract due to its expiration, it is necessary to follow the procedure prescribed by law.

The following must be done:

  • provide the employee with written notice of the upcoming dismissal;
  • issue an order;
  • prepare and make the necessary payments;
  • provide the employee with an order for review against signature;
  • make appropriate entries in the employee record card;
  • make an entry in the work book.

The details of each stage are determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Service of notice

When the term of the employment contract is nearing completion, no later than three days before this moment the employee should be notified of dismissal (Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When informing an employee about the upcoming termination of the contract, it is necessary to include the expiration of the agreement as the reason.

The head of the organization or another employee who has special authority to do so has the right to sign the notification. Signing a message by an unauthorized person will invalidate it and may result in serious consequences.

If the document is drawn up in one copy, it remains in the organization, if in two, then one of them is transferred to the citizen. In any case, the dismissed employee signs the employer’s copy.

Know! If an employee declares the need to give him a copy of the notice, the enterprise administration is obliged to do so.

What to do if the employer has not concluded an employment contract with the employee, read here.

Making an order

When deciding to terminate an employment relationship, the employer is obliged to issue an order to dismiss the person. It must have the format required by legal regulations (unified form T-8).

The head of the company or other authorized employee must sign the order.

Providing the document to the employee to read is a legal requirement. The citizen must attest to the fact of familiarization with the order in writing. The absence of such a record is the basis for concluding that there was a violation of the dismissal procedure with the corresponding consequences.

The employer may not be able to present the order to the employee, and the employee may refuse to sign for familiarization. Then a record of these circumstances is made on the form.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample order to terminate an employment contract with an employee:

Watch the video. How to fire an employee after the expiration of the employment contract:

Preparation of payments

Upon resigning, an employee has the right to receive wages and other amounts due to him.

The list of payments upon dismissal includes:

  • remuneration according to hours worked;
  • if there is unused vacation, compensation is proportional to the number of days.

The right to vacation arises even with a two-week period of work, so in each case the issue of compensation should be considered individually.

If a citizen uses his leave ahead of time, the amount of remuneration is reduced accordingly.

Entry in the work book

The HR department employee makes a note of dismissal in the employee’s card. It has the T-2 form and is generally required for personnel records.

Please note! An entry in a work book is of great importance, so the rules for making it should be considered in detail:

  • the entry must be made on the day of dismissal;
  • in the column “information on admission/dismissal” is entered as a basis for termination of the contract, clause 2, part 1, art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The number and date of the order must be entered;
  • the employee who made the entry indicates his position and surname with initials;
  • the seal of the legal entity is affixed. It is recommended to do this carefully, not to occupy the following lines;
  • the personnel employee puts his signature on the line below;
  • the work book must be given to the citizen on the day of dismissal, accompanied by this action by entering information into the book of registration of the movement of work books. The dismissed employee must affix his signature. Placing a signature when receiving a book is very important, since otherwise a citizen may declare that the organization is withholding his documents.

Situations arise when an employee is not at work on the day of dismissal; the reasons are not important here. Then it will not be possible to hand over the documents to him on that day. To ensure compliance with all legal requirements, the employer should issue written notice to the employee that the employment contract concluded with him is terminated on the basis of expiration. Here you need to refer to the previously submitted notice and order.

Further in the text of the document there should be a proposal to appear at the HR department to receive all documents. A citizen has the right to ask in writing the administration of the enterprise to send him a work book by mail or to give consent to this (also in writing). Notice of dismissal is sent by mail.

Important! All documents should be sent to the employee by certified registered mail with a list of attachments. In this case, the employer should issue a postal notification in order to know for sure that the addressee received everything. Second copies of the covering letter and notice are kept in the personal file with a postal notice attached.

What are the consequences of untimely issuance of technical documentation?

If an employer delays issuing a work book to an employee, this may entail consequences in the form of administrative liability and compensation for damage.

Compensation for harm

A work book is a document confirming the status of an employee, the presence and extent of his work experience. The absence of this document becomes an obstacle to getting a job, since providing a work book is a common requirement of the employer. For details on the entire set of documents for registration in the service, see “Documents required when hiring an employee.”

Judicial practice has demonstrated the ability of workers, if there is a delay in issuing a work book, to demand that the organization pay compensation for damage. Its size is determined based on the average salary lost during the days of illegal retention of documents (Articles 139, 234 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, rulings of the Irkutsk Regional Court dated December 17, 2013 No. 33-10037/2013, Moscow City Court dated November 24, 2010 No. 33-36584 ).

Administrative measures

Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for violating the deadlines for issuing a work book to a citizen. In this case, a fine will apply.

Please note! Its size is:

  • for legal entities – 30,000-50,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs – 1000-5000 rubles;
  • for relevant officials – 1000-5000 rubles.

If an administrative offense has already been committed previously, a higher fine is provided:

  • for legal entities – 50,000-70,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs – 10,000-20,000 rubles;
  • in relation to officials, a fine of 10,000-20,000 rubles. Or application of disqualification for a period of one to three years.

How to act according to the law

If a person does not appear to receive a work book, he must send a notice of the need to obtain it or agree to send it by mail. The employer is recommended to issue a valuable letter with an inventory. This way he can protect himself from charges of illegally delaying the issuance of documents. Liability is excluded from the moment the letter is sent. This procedure is fixed in Part 6 of Art. 84.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The notice sent to the employee is drawn up in free form. No special forms have been developed. The main thing is to write that the citizen comes to the organization to get the book or gives written consent to send the document by post.

Mandatory condition for termination of a fixed-term contract

Many employers take the termination of a fixed-term employment contract lightly, considering it to cease from the moment the validity period ends. This is wrong. If the contract has expired and the parties continue to fulfill the obligations stipulated by it without declaring termination of the relationship, the contract becomes automatically extended for an indefinite period.

Therefore, if the administration does not intend to renew the employment relationship with the employee, he should be informed of the upcoming dismissal in advance.

Required deadlines

Clearly regulating the procedure for terminating employment contracts, the legislator provides the following terms:

  • notice of termination of the employment agreement - at least 3 days before termination;
  • to make the provided payments - the day of dismissal. We are talking about the amounts of wages and compensation for vacation.

Features of termination for certain categories of workers

Some employees benefit from additional state support - women on maternity leave and pregnant women.

The state of pregnancy does not allow a woman to be fired, except in extreme cases.

Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers to the following situations:

  • return to work of an employee whose position was occupied by a woman if she cannot be transferred to another job;
  • liquidation of the enterprise;
  • termination of activities by an individual entrepreneur.

Note! The validity of an employment contract can be extended at the request of a pregnant woman if she attaches a document confirming her condition - a certificate from a medical institution.

The employer is obliged to extend the term of the employment relationship until the end of the pregnancy. In the event of a bad outcome (death of the child), the contract will be valid until this moment. If the pregnancy develops safely, the woman provides sick leave. Based on this document, she is granted appropriate leave.

There are no such guarantees for women on parental leave. If the employment agreement ends during the period of such leave, dismissal is carried out in the usual manner.

Heads of the organization

The employment contract with the head of the organization must have a certain period. When it ends, the employee is dismissed and the contract cannot be extended. If the employee is expected to continue to perform managerial duties, a new employment contract should be concluded with him.

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Extension of a fixed-term employment contract with an employee

Letter of Rostrud dated November 20, 2006 No. 1904-6-1 examines in detail cases when the contract has expired and the parties have not declared its termination. The procedure for continuing cooperation is subject to the rules.

So, the duration of the contract is considered indefinite. In such a situation, a separate additional agreement regarding the terms of the contract is attached to the already concluded agreement. The work book, on the contrary, does not need to make additional entries.

If the employer, by the end of the contract, without taking any action, expects the employee to continue working, this position is erroneous. An employee has every right not to go to work.

Vacation and compensation upon dismissal

An employee who has entered into a fixed-term employment contract has the full right to vacation. Its duration is 28 days, while the rest time is paid.

At the time of dismissal, the employer should calculate the amount of compensation for unused vacation days in order to make payment in full. The procedure is regulated by Art. 127 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The law establishes a separate procedure for certain categories of workers.

For your information! When performing seasonal work, two days of vacation are given for each month of work. If the employment contract is concluded for a period of less than two months, the calculation is made in the same way.

Features of appeal in court

Judicial protection of the rights of citizens violated during the dismissal process is carried out by filing a claim.

Supporting documents should be attached to the application, namely:

  • a copy of the employment agreement;
  • document confirming the amount of salary (certificate);
  • a copy of the work book (all pages).

In addition, the court order obliges the transfer to the court of all other documents relating to compliance with the dismissal procedure.

Termination of an employment relationship is a serious procedure. In order not to violate employee rights and protect itself from possible litigation, the employer should carefully study and apply the requirements of the laws.

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