Liquid thermal insulation. Evidence of ineffectiveness

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NPO "Fullerene" » and ZAO IK « Climbing »

held a presentation of liquid thermal insulation Korund

At the OSM exhibition

Liquid thermal insulation is increasingly conquering the energy saving market. The issue of competition with Western liquid insulation materials is becoming more and more urgent. This is explained by the fact that during times Soviet Union There was a priority for cheap energy and the issue of energy saving was not as pressing as it is now. In the last 10-15 years, our state has paid attention to energy saving, as energy prices have risen sharply, and there has become a need to develop new insulation materials.

Our company has developed liquid thermal insulation that is competitive with Western analogues. Of great interest is liquid thermal insulation, which is made on the basis of vacuum glass beads and a polymer binder. Liquid insulation is attractive due to its ease of manufacture, has low material costs for production and is easy to apply to different types of surfaces. A wide range of applications for liquid thermal insulation. Thermal insulation materials of particular interest are liquid thermal insulation based on vacuum glass beads filled with vacuum on a polymer binder. Liquid insulation is used for insulation of building facades, roofs, insulation of water supply systems, and heating networks.

We present liquid thermal insulation Corundum. Corundum has established itself as the best liquid insulation of the 21st century. Corundum is used for both domestic needs - freezing of floors, ceilings, internal and external walls. Thermal insulation of cold bridges is of greater importance: window slopes, insulation of interpanel seams, insulation of balconies and loggias. It is also used for insulating cottages - facades, walls, water supply networks and sewerage systems. Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is used on an industrial scale in such industry giants as Gazprom, LUKOIL, TGK. Housing and communal sector. There is no particular substitute for Corundum in the restoration of buildings.

A number of tests were carried out, and conclusions were obtained on the use of Liquid Corundum insulation, see conclusions:

You can also look at reviews of industrial enterprises:

Maximum safety on a heated surface.

Application on the surface of Liquid thermal insulation.

For many years, the industry worked with burn protection guidelines that failed to take into account thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity - properties that ultra-thin insulating coatings have. The generally accepted maximum surface temperature was 60C.

The problem was that we initially dealt with the maximum permissible temperature on the surface, while the physical characteristics of the material were not taken into account.

Real experience with thermal insulation coating liquid thermal insulation showed that its characteristics for burn protection far exceed those accepted in industry.

For example, on a surface with a maximum temperature of 60°C, the surface

Liquid thermal insulation is simply warm to the touch and does not cause burns, as would be the case with a metal surface at that temperature.

This phenomenon is explained by the low thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity Liquid thermal insulation , which in turn makes it safer and reduces the likelihood of a burn for a person even with much more high temperatures.

Two different studies were conducted using liquid thermal insulation to determine “safe” surface temperatures, determined by mathematical calculations and the contact method. “Standard practice for determining the contact temperature of heated surfaces (calculation method)

The calculation method determines the values ​​of heat flows and surface temperatures measured after contact with a steel surface coated with liquid thermal insulation Corundum . Calculations show changes in contact temperature, because it depends on the thermophysical properties of the surface with which the skin comes into contact.

The results of liquid thermal insulation calculations are given in Table 1.

Safety regulations define the “safe” or “acceptable” temperature of heated surfaces. They determine the effect of temperature = 60°C on the skin for 2 seconds upon contact with the surface. The result of such exposure will be a medium-sized first-degree burn.

Table 1 shows that the “safe” contact temperature, when exposed for 2 seconds, is around 60C, which is the upper limit above which skin tissue will be damaged and this will be a second degree burn.

Table 1 below shows the thickness of liquid thermal insulation Corundum , which is necessary to reduce the temperatures of various steel surfaces to this “safe” level.

In these calculations physical properties heated surface was taken on steel.

Table 1. Results of thickness calculations for liquid thermal insulation Heated surface temperature (C)

Thickness of liquid thermal insulation

Contact temperature after 2 sec. exposure (C)

Liquid thermal insulation.

1. Problem - Formation of ice and icicles on the roofs of buildings.

Pitched roofs.

Reasons - The metal decking of the pitched roof is constantly heated by the abundant heat generated by the attic floors and pipelines; the overhanging eaves are heated by upward flows from the heat generated by the facade.

The boundary layer of snow melts from the warm roof, plus the heated cornice from below - all the conditions for the appearance of ice and icicles.

Those who think the sun is to blame are mistaken. In the winter of 2010 in Moscow there were frosts, heavy snowfalls, there was practically no sun, but the icicles grew successfully?!

Solution - It is necessary to fight not with icicles, but with the reasons that cause them.

Attic spaces must be brought into compliance with modern requirements, i.e. the attic must be cold (natural ventilation must be restored), the heat dissipation of the attic floor must comply with the requirements of SNiP. It is necessary to check the condition of the insulating layer of the attic floor and bring it to SNiP standards through additional insulation.

Heating system pipelines, flanges, valves, in the attic, insulate with liquid thermal insulation, a layer of 1.2 mm. (3 layers).

Apply a coating of liquid thermal insulation to the roof eaves (up to the front side of the facade), with a layer of 1.2 mm (3 layers), from the bottom of the eaves to the front line of the facade, on top of the eaves, 0.5 - 1.5 m wide.

Treat the internal surfaces of the funnels of gutters and downpipes with a coating of liquid insulation, a layer of 1.0 mm, to a height of 1.0 - 1.5 m. All these measures allow you to leave the roof deck in the “cold” zone, no heating - no conditions for melting snow . Snow has been thrown off roofs at all times, and in our time this must be done periodically - there is no alternative!

The result is a sharp reduction in heat losses in the attic space and natural ventilation. The roof deck, eaves and gutters are isolated from the outside air - the causes of icicle formation are eliminated.

Note - Work on applying liquid thermal insulation is of the painting type, not labor-intensive, and does not require large capital expenditures. Work productivity when applying liquid thermal insulation in one layer (0.5 mm), with airless sprayers - 100 m2/hour, application with a brush - 0.1 hour/m2.

The method was implemented in 2011 on the roof attic Scientific library State Hermitage, in order to eliminate condensation and ice formations, and will be used on the floors above three halls of the Hermitage in 2013.

The cost of the material is 452 rubles/l (1 layer - 0.5 mm, liquid), consumption - 0.8 l/l. (362 r/sl.) Work is carried out from towers, or by industrial climbers (applies to cornices). Work carried out - insulation of attics and pipelines - all year round, cornices and gutters - in the warm season. The durability of liquid thermal insulation coating is 15 years or more.

Mansard roofs.

The reasons are insufficient insulation from the living area, increased heat loss and rising flows from the facade cause heating of the roof deck.

Solution - Option 1 (existing buildings) - Apply Corundum liquid thermal insulation on top, over the entire area of ​​the roof deck, in a layer of 1.0-1.2 mm. Treat the cornices from below with liquid thermal insulation, a layer of 1.0 mm, to the front line of the facade. Treat the internal surfaces of drain funnels and downpipes with a layer of 1.0 mm per 1.0-1.5 m.

Option 2 (buildings under construction) - In order to protect against condensation, treat the internal surfaces of the roof deck with a coating of liquid thermal insulation Corundum, a layer

1.0 mm. To reduce convective flows, reduce the air gap between the roofing deck and the internal cladding to a minimum (increasing the volume of the premises), treat the outer surfaces of the cladding (before installation) with a coating of liquid thermal insulation with a layer of 1.2 mm. The outer surfaces of the roof, gutters (for protection from ice, solar radiation, UV and rain noise) should be coated with Corundum insulation, a layer of 0.8-1.0 mm (2 layers), other “traditional” insulation is NOT NEEDED!

Result - Additional roof insulation in winter period(85% of the heat flow is reflected back into the room) - 35% reduction in heating costs. In summer - 100% protection from the noise of rain and hail, solar radiation and UV in summer - the rooms are cool, air conditioning costs are reduced).

Additional insulation of the roof with liquid thermal insulation allows you to eliminate heating of the flooring - the causes of the formation of icicles are eliminated.

Flat roofs.

As a rule, there are no problems with the formation of icicles on flat roofs, because they have an enclosing parapet and are built above warm attics or technical floors (usually adapted for housing) and must have serious insulation.

Problem - For the most part, insufficient insulation of the roof slab and extremely low durability of the roof covering elements, causing the need for endless and frequent repairs.

This happens because water vapor accumulates in the mineral wool insulation layer, negative temperatures cause the formation of ice microcrystals that destroy the bonds in the insulation.

As a result, the insulation loses its properties, heat transfer resistance drops, freezing of the ceilings, mold and mildew appear on the internal surfaces. In the summer, ultraviolet streams destroy the integrity of the top layer of the roof “pie”, water gets into the insulation and next winter the process of destruction of the roof occurs in a exponential progression.

The process of local and complete destruction of such roofs takes 3-4 years.

No one is trying to eliminate the causes of the destruction of such roofs, they simply do “patch” repairs and after a couple of years everything starts again, and again the “long-suffering” budget loses millions of rubles.

Solution - The simplest and cheapest way.

In the summer, carry out a “patch” repair of the integrity of the top layer of the roof covering. Depending on the condition of the insulation (inspection is required), apply the required number of layers of liquid thermal insulation (determined by calculation) to the top layer of the roof and treat the internal surfaces of the gutters with Corundum insulation.

More expensive and time-consuming method.

Complete removal of the roofing decking, pouring cement-sand screed over the reinforcing mesh with the creation of slopes for water drainage and applying the required number of layers of liquid thermal insulation (determined by calculation) with treatment of gutters.

One millimeter of liquid thermal insulation coating corresponds to 50 mm according to its thermophysical characteristics. mineral wool insulation.

The result is that 100% of UV and 85% of solar energy is reflected back into the atmosphere.

The top layer is protected from UV and moisture. The roof deck does not heat up

in summer and does not freeze in winter, the destruction of insulation is stopped (or eliminated). Gutters treated with liquid thermal insulation do not freeze.

2. Problem - Facades of the city of Moscow, Sevastopol, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, etc.

Facades of the historical part of the city.

Problem - The need to periodically repair the same facade is sometimes simply amazing. Apparently, the funds allocated for repairs are small, hence the quality of materials and work is corresponding. After only 4-5 years, decorative decorations are destroyed, paint is peeling - the facades have an unkempt appearance, and after another couple of years, renovations are underway again.

Solution - After restoration work, the facade is treated with acrylic primer, deep penetration. A coating of liquid thermal insulation is applied to the facade with a layer of 0.8-1.2 mm. or façade paints are applied on top.

Result - A coating of liquid thermal insulation Corundum covers the surfaces of any geometric shapes (sculptural compositions, decor, etc.), slopes of window and door openings with a continuous, seamless membrane.

The coating does not prevent the diffusion of water vapor, but does not allow moisture to pass into the enclosing structure.

The facade and all its elements receive additional insulation and protection from harmful influences environment and the sun. The material has the approval of leading construction institutes and permission from the Ministry of Culture for use on historical buildings.

Moisture and chemical elements do not penetrate into the masonry, UV is reflected 100%.

Destruction of the facade and decorative elements is excluded, there is no peeling of facade paints. The facades have a neat, well-groomed appearance for 15 years or more. The walls of the temples are covered with an ultra-thin thermal insulation coating, a layer of 0.8. The facade is protected from moisture, destruction of plaster and freezing. After reconstruction of the facade using liquid thermal insulation. Facades of houses subject to major repairs and reconstruction.

Problem - As a rule, these are buildings built 40-60 years ago, made of reinforced concrete panels and foam-aerated concrete. Currently, thermal insulation does not meet energy saving requirements

Interpanel seams and walls of buildings made of foam concrete are constantly exposed to the destructive effects of moisture, chemical reagents, thermal and ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Cracks, leaks, mold and mildew are a constant occurrence in such buildings.

The insulation methods of such buildings are imperfect, do not meet the requirements of the law, the materials used are prohibited by Art. 26, due to their lack of durability and low energy efficiency, and create extra weight loads on foundations that are not designed for this.

Solution - After sealing the interpanel seams, sealing cracks and additional leveling plaster on the facade mesh, liquid thermal insulation Corundum, 0.8 -1.6 mm thick, is applied to the facade of the building, including the slopes of doors and windows.

The result is that liquid thermal insulation encloses a continuous, seamless membrane around the facade of the building, the slopes of window and door openings. The coating does not interfere with the diffusion of water vapor. The facade receives additional insulation and protection from moisture, chemical elements. 100% UV, 85% thermal energy from the sun is reflected back into the atmosphere. There are no weight loads on the foundation, thermal loads have been eliminated. Destruction of the facade is excluded, there is no peeling of facade paints.

The facades have a neat, well-groomed appearance for 15 years or more.

New construction of residential and public buildings.

Problem - Thermal insulation materials used in the construction of new residential and public buildings, today, are directly prohibited for use, article Federal Law, as not durable, not energy efficient and not energy saving.

Currently, as a rule, two types of insulation are used - plaster using “traditional” insulation and “traditional” insulation covered with a ventilated facade.

The durability of load-bearing structures and walls of newly erected buildings is estimated at 100 years, the durability of insulation is 3 to 5 years, so both types can be defined as “anachronistic,” highly costly, and life-threatening. At the very best quality When installing mineral wool (basalt) insulation, it is not possible to obtain a continuous, seamless coating. There are air gaps between the walls 3) and the insulation layer, as well as between the insulation boards. This creates conditions for condensation to occur in the pores of the insulation and on the walls.

The insulation accumulates moisture not only in the form of vapor, but also in the form of water droplets penetrating through microcracks in the plaster and holes in the windproof film. Moistened insulation sharply reduces the heat transfer resistance of the structure (an increase in the humidity of the insulation by 1% increases its thermal conductivity by 4%).

Alternating temperatures form ice microcrystals, breaking the bonds in the insulation. Air cavities increase, there is more condensation and ice, and the destruction process progresses. After 3-4 years, destructive phenomena are already developing in a power-law manner.

After 5 years of operation, the insulation is a loose, crumbling “substance”, with rotten fastening elements and very low heat transfer resistance. Freezing, mold and mildew appear in the living area.

There is practically no insulation of the facade!

There will be a long and expensive process of replacing the entire structure.

Also, if installation technology is violated, low-quality (cheap) fastening elements are used, the collapse of such facades is inevitable; unfortunately, there were plenty of such examples in Russia.

Solution - On all types of buildings where mineral wool (basalt) - “traditional” insulation is used, they can be replaced with ultra-thin, liquid thermal insulation, at the rate of 1 mm. coating ≈ 50 mm. mineral wool insulation. Result - The durability of the facade increases tens of times, deductions for major renovation. The enclosing structures are located in a warm zone, and the “dew point” is in the middle of a thin layer of liquid thermal insulation.

A comfortable temperature/humidity ratio is established in the premises - the building is warm in winter, cool in summer. Complete absence of metal fasteners on plaster facades. The facade has an attractive, neat appearance.

In buildings of the "ventilated facade" type, there is no need for vapor barrier and windproof films, and for expensive (long-sized) fastening elements; facade ventilation is not needed! In all variants, cold bridges are eliminated. Comments - panel and brick buildings are unnecessary; liquid thermal insulation is made only with Corundum coating, a layer of 1.6-2.0 mm. Frame-monolithic buildings with self-supporting external walls have several catastrophic problems:

Problem 1 - Thermal insulation of the protruding ends of the floor slabs is carried out using “thermal liners”. The method proposed by Len "SpetsSMU" is so absurd and not durable that it causes "bewilderment" not only among designers, but also among builders. Thermal liners are used from the cheapest foam, or min. cotton wool. They are laid mostly wet ( it's raining and the gap between its laying and the laying of the wall is large, and the masonry mortar is wet) and it turns out that its thermal conductivity is equal to the thermal conductivity of water - i.e. no insulation.

And then according to the scheme - moisture-ice, moisture-ice and after 3 years there is rot in the place of the thermal liner and no repairs will help, because it is located between the slab and the brickwork of the wall. In Russia there are a huge number of buildings with freezing floors, without any prospects not only for energy saving, but also for repairs!

Problem 2 - Buildings with such walls (brick and foam concrete, in the form of insulation, inside) are prohibited in Europe.

The insulation should not be located indoors, because the wall will be in a cold zone, and the dew point will be next to the wallpaper, there will be no heat accumulation effect, the temperature / humidity ratio will be a “barracks-type” climate.

The solution is to ban the use of thermal inserts and internal insulation

For new construction, after erecting a monolithic frame, the floor slabs should be treated with Corundum coating, 1.6-2.0 mm thick (the end of the slab. The adjacent surfaces (floor/ceiling) are 150-200 mm wider than the wall being laid), or exclude foam concrete from the inner layer of the wall structure, and insulate the wall from the outside along the brick 4)_Liquid thermal insulation ≈ 2.0 mm, or plaster on the brick, followed by application of Corundum Thermal Insulation.

Operating buildings - apply a coating of liquid thermal insulation, 1.6 mm thick, to the ends of the floor slabs, covering the masonry layers at the top and bottom of one or two bricks.

All problems can be eliminated very simply and issues of further energy efficiency and energy saving of these buildings can be resolved.

Solving issues of energy saving and energy efficiency of residential and public buildings, in the light of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, when using liquid thermal insulation coating.

After the approval of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, “energy efficient quarter” programs were adopted in many regions of Russia and the cities of Petrozavodsk, Samara, Kazan, Vladivostok and others.

We have currently submitted a proposal to change the design of panel houses in order to increase durability, energy efficiency and energy saving.

The proposal is as follows:

After the installation of the panels is completed, the front part of the facade is treated with liquid thermal insulation Corundum - in two layers (0.8 mm), covering window and door openings;
- a leveling layer of cement-sand plaster is applied over the mesh;
liquid thermal insulation is applied to the plaster (four layers, 1.6 mm thick), with the last layer tinted or a final layer of façade dye applied;
- on the inside of the panels, behind the batteries, 1 layer (0.4 mm) of liquid thermal insulation is applied;
- the required number of layers of thermal insulation Corundum (thickness ≈ 2.4 mm) is applied to the cement-sand screed of the roof; internal gutters and parapet surfaces are also treated with this coating;
- shut-off valves for heating systems are used, with automatic temperature control in the rooms;
- heating units of the building are equipped with a system of automatic control and accounting of thermal energy consumption, cold and hot water consumption.

Result - The entire building (from the roof to the foundation) is covered with a continuous, seamless Corundum thermal insulation membrane, including window and door slopes. The coating has 100% adhesion, elasticity, vapor permeability, and durability.

In summer - 100% of the ultraviolet flux and 85% of the thermal energy of the sun is reflected by liquid thermal insulation and double-glazed windows back into the atmosphere. There is no need to install air conditioners - the rooms are cool, saving energy up to 45%.

In winter - 85% of the heat flow is reflected back into the premises, the enclosing structures are in a warm zone - a heat accumulation effect appears.

The “dew point” is located inside the first layer of liquid thermal insulation (0.8 mm thick), in the humidity range from 40 to 90% and does not have a destructive effect on the facade.

Heat-protective screens behind heating radiators increase the temperature in the rooms by 3÷4°C and eliminate temperature stress in the panels.

Economic indicators (costs) during construction and operation are formed from the following items:

Reduction of construction time - productivity of work on applying 6 layers (2.4 mm) of thermal insulation Corundum = 20 m2/hour (one layer of 0.4 mm - 100 m2/hour), versus 8 hours/m2, when working “plaster on a mini-slab” ";
- reducing the weight of the façade insulation system by 16 times (the applied method is ≈ 16 kg/m2, the proposed one is 0.9 kg/m2) - this makes it possible to achieve savings by lightening the foundations;
- the durability of facades increases tens of times - deductions for major repairs are not needed, the risks of emergency repairs are eliminated;
- the appearance of “efflorescence” and peeling of paint are excluded; when soiled, only the façade is washed;

The adoption of the solutions described above allows not only to reduce construction time, increase the durability of buildings, and solve energy saving problems, but also to obtain significant budget savings.

3. Problem - Energy saving - heat losses.

The only country in Europe is Russia, where huge losses of thermal energy, everywhere, are a common thing, it’s time for the prosecutor’s office to deal with it.

Heat generating enterprises are not the place to work, but it’s scary to go there. Dust, dirt, the smell of incompletely burned fuel. There are leaks everywhere, steam leaks, dirty pieces of mineral wool hanging down, a huge number of bare, hot pipelines. Outdoor equipment has an equally depressing appearance - hot water and hot water tanks in icicles (increased heat loss), rusty, dented cladding, protruding mineral wool, network pipelines in the same condition. Well, straight out, some kind of Middle Ages.

Heating networks are generally a separate “novel”, episodes of which television regularly shows us. Widely promoted and approved polyurethane foam does not have sufficient linear expansion. When first started, the pipes crack.

Abundant heat loss and very intense corrosion begin (tens of times more intense than with a bare pipe). It is a crime to use such pipes, but every year they are stubbornly buried in the ground, only to have another accident after a while.

The cost of thermal insulation today is almost the same and depends little on the type of insulation chosen.

Nevertheless -

1. The service life of thermal insulation made from “traditional” materials is 2-5 years.

2. The service life of liquid thermal insulation is 15 years.

Therefore, when operating, invest money

Repairing pipes and replacing “traditional” insulation will have to increase 4 times

more often and 4 times more than in the case of ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum.

Why do “traditional” insulation materials last so little?

1. There is always an air gap between the pipe and the insulation.

2. The insulation itself is capable of accumulating moisture, both in the form of vapor and in the form of droplets.

An increase in insulation humidity by 1% causes an increase in thermal conductivity

material by 4%, the higher the humidity, the greater the thermal conductivity.

The thermal conductivity of “wet” insulation is equal to the thermal conductivity of water - 0.56 W/mC; the formation of ice not only increases the thermal conductivity to 2.2 W/mC, but also destroys the material. This creates all the conditions for condensation to occur in the air gap, which leads to intense corrosion of the metal.

Thermal insulation Corundum has 100% adhesion to metal, there is no air gap, they do not allow water to pass through, they are durable, their thermal conductivity does not change, therefore, the above described phenomena are completely absent! Solution - Taking into account economic efficiency, energy-saving and energy-efficient indicators, durability, anti-vandalism, ease of application and maintainability, use liquid thermal insulation to insulate equipment, pipelines, equipment in open areas, network pipelines and pipelines of any method of laying thermal power plants, boiler houses and heating networks. Let's consider thermal insulation from an economic point of view.

Example - Hot water heating main (overpass type). Length - 1000 m. Pipe diameter - 1020 mm. Coolant - water 100 oC.

The surface area of ​​the heating main pipe is measured from the outer edge of the insulation cover, so the total surface area will vary for different types thermal insulation -

1. The thickness of insulation made from “traditional” materials is 100 mm.

2. The thickness of the thermal insulation Corundum is 1 mm.

The total surface area of ​​the heating main will be -

1. “Traditional” materials - 3831 m2 (20% increase from the true area)

2. Ultra-thin liquid thermal insulation - 3203 m2. (true area)

Consequently, the estimated cost when using “traditional” materials will be 20% more than with Corundum Thermal Insulation,

and taking into account additional elements and time costs for work can be as much as 30% -40%, and will increase construction time.

Conclusion: The use of ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum allows you to increase the time between repairs by 4 times, reduce the estimated cost of construction work by 20-30% (even if the cost of 1 m2 of ultra-thin thermal insulation coating will be higher), and reduce the time of construction work.

Let's look at thermal insulation from an energy efficiency point of view.

The permissible standard heat loss on this heating main is 51 W/m2.

Heat loss will always occur, but its magnitude depends on the type

insulation used and radiated surface area (W/m2).

Based on heat loss standards, real losses on the heating main will be -

1. “Traditional” materials - 195381 W, or 0.17 Gcal/hour, or 1,489 Gcal/year.

2. Ultra-thin insulation -163353 W, or 0.14 Gcal/hour, or 1,226 Gcal/year.

Additional heat loss in relation to liquid thermal insulation,

when using insulation with “traditional” materials = 263 Gcal/year (with a length

routes 1000 m.), or 339,836 rubles/year. (we accept the cost of 1 Gcal = 1,294.12 rubles)

This is true only at the beginning of operation, as “traditional” materials deteriorate, after 2-3 years, heat losses will increase in a exponential progression and

accordingly the amount of monetary losses. The track will warm the atmosphere.

If you multiply the cost of losses from one kilometer of pipe by the number of kilometers of pipelines in urban networks, equipment of numerous boiler houses and thermal power plants, then the amount of losses will be commensurate with the profit of SUE TEK SPb for the year (they lost as much as they earned)!

Conclusion: The use of liquid thermal insulation will reduce unproductive losses of thermal energy, reduce fuel consumption at the city's generating enterprises, and completely protect equipment, pipelines, heating mains (of any installation method) from corrosion and condensation.

The proposed thermal insulation Corundum is fully certified in Russia and fully meets the requirements of Federal Law

No. 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency"

(Article 26) whereas many “traditional” materials, due to low energy efficiency (which was proven above) and durability, do not comply with the standards of this law and are prohibited for use.

The above calculations and conclusions are valid for any type of heating equipment, regardless of its location.

According to our calculations, by abandoning “traditional” insulation materials and using modern, durable, highly energy-efficient and energy-saving liquid thermal insulation coatings, the estimated cost of thermal insulation work will be reduced by 35%, and unproductive heat loss will be reduced during operation by up to 45%. Liquid thermal insulation is indispensable in modern conditions.

Liquid thermal insulation

The development of technologies in the construction sector allows the use of energy-saving materials that maximize the warmth of our homes. Liquid thermal insulation, which works on the principle of reflecting infrared rays from a heat source, is one such material

Often, a huge amount of heat “escapes” through the so-called “cold bridges” - places that quickly cool, regardless of the quality of heat in the house: corners of rooms, ceiling joints and interpanel seams, slopes, foundations, floor structures, etc. In this case, it is possible to avoid energy leakage if you paint these areas with Corundum - the insulation will help reduce the effect of “cold bridges,” thereby saving up to 30% of heating costs.

Such insulation will become an indispensable solution for residents of apartment buildings. Due to the fact that housing and communal services constantly regulate the hot water supply of houses using metering devices, many residents do not receive the necessary heat due to the fact that their apartments have more “cold bridges” (often these are corner rooms) than others. You can eliminate heat leakage once and for all by painting problem areas with Corundum heat insulator in several layers, following the interlayer drying technology (for a 100% result, it is necessary to conduct a thermal imaging inspection of the room, check the humidity level and proper ventilation). After all layers have completely dried, the surface can be covered with wallpaper, painted in the desired color, decorated, etc.

Thermal insulating material Corundum is easy to apply to surfaces: you don’t need special skills to work with it, just read the instructions and follow them, the product has virtually no technological and environmental restrictions. The heat insulator Corundum is certified in Russia and Belarus.

Paint Corundum

The use of paint is quite wide:

Thermal insulation of facades of residential and industrial facilities;

Insulation of corner and ceiling joints;

Processing of interpanel seams;

Thermal insulation of pile ends, basement walls and basement floors;

Insulation of cold and hot water supply pipes, gas pipelines and gas fittings;

Thermal insulation of the roof and roof canopies for protection against icicles, frames of prefabricated structures;

Insulation Vehicle;

Treatment of shut-off valves at energy facilities; at oil refineries;

Insulation of gas transport storage tanks and pipelines;

Thermal insulation of balconies and loggias, masonry joints, window and door slopes;

Insulation of containers to protect against temperature deformations;

Thermal insulation of monolithic concrete floors, walls facing the stairs;

Insulation of garbage chutes;

Heat and noise insulation of ventilation ducts, electrical substations, electrical cabinets, boxes at telephone exchanges;

Thermal insulation of refrigerator cars, ships and barges, metal furniture and other metal structures.

In order to complete the construction of the building efficiently and forget about repairs for a long time, special attention should be paid to atwarming the facades of residential and industrial buildings heat-insulating paint. To do this, the outside of the facade, after cleaning from dust and dirt, is painted in 3-4 layers over the entire area, allowing each previous layer to dry completely. If the facade is finished with tiles, then before work the wall is treated with a primer. Window slopes should be painted outside and inside.

The advantages of Corundum insulation are not only that it is a high-quality heat insulator - its service life exceeds 15 years, which means that you will forget about repair work for a long time. When repairing the wall, the thermal insulation coating will not need to be completely removed - only restored without losing the thermophysical properties of the heat insulator. And if you compare Corundum paint with such traditional insulation materials as foam plastic, mineral wool, etc., then the savings on dismantling and removal of insulation become obvious (not to mention the mountains of garbage and dust left after working with such materials!).

If wallpaper is pasted in the areas of planned treatment, they should be removed, and the wall should be cleaned of dust and dirt. If mold is present, the area is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. Next, the cleaned and dried wall is coated with a primer and allowed to dry. After preparatory work Let's start with the main paint jobs: apply Corundum insulation paint in several layers, observing a time-out for drying between layers of 6 hours. Using a heat gun and good ventilation can significantly reduce drying time. The finished coating must be uniform white(the first layer should be translucent!).

The optimal indoor humidity will be less than 60% and temperature above +18°C.

To accurately measure these indicators, we recommend a household electronic combined thermo-hygrometer, the remote sensor of which is attached to the wall surface. Using it, you will be able to control the microclimate of the room and, based on its testimony, make complaints to housing and communal services if the microclimate of the apartment, according to some criteria, does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards in accordance with SNiP 02/23/2003.

How will insulation of interpanel seams help against leaks and heat loss?

On the outside, we thoroughly clean all seams from old paint (if any), dirt and dust. Next, we coat it with Corundum paint in several layers (usually 4-5) along the entire length to a width of 0.6-0.8 meters.

IN natural areas With harsh winters and permafrost, thermal insulation of pile ends is relevant , the ends of which freeze while indoors. The sequence of work will be as follows: the pile is first heated, wiped dry, and dried. Then it should be primed, dried and then painted in 8-10 layers with Corundum insulation. The pile must be heated until the heat-insulating layer dries completely!

Thermal insulation of the walls of basements, cellars and basement floors, basement floors will prevent freezing: the outside must be insulated with heat-insulating materials, and the inside surfaces must be painted with Corundum insulation. This way you will get rid of dampness and increase the temperature in the room. Pay attention to the proper functioning of the ventilation: if the temperature of the wall increases, then it is quite possible that the “dew point” will move outside the wall, both outward and inward, and this will lead to the fact that the humidity in the room will increase with non-functioning ventilation, resulting in the appearance of dampness and fungus.

Thermal insulation of cold and hot water supply pipes will help increase the service life of pipelines by 30-40%. .

Very powerful “cold bridges” are formed along the cold and hot water supply routes passing nearby. Because of this, condensation constantly forms on the pipes, which has a detrimental effect on the metal of the pipelines. Thermal insulation will solve this problem and significantly reduce heat loss from pipes.

At the preparatory stage of work, the pipes are wiped dry, primed (if not galvanized), and allowed to dry. Next, apply 1 layer of Corundum insulation and leave to dry. Then the next two layers are applied in the same way. Each layer should not exceed 1 mm in thickness. You will see the thermal insulation effect immediately after the layers dry.

Insulating gas pipelines and gas fittings with Corundum paint will help reduce the heat transfer of metal pipes and will reduce the cost of preheating gas by about 10-15%. Corundum Anticor insulation has been specially developed for direct laying pipelines, which is both an anti-corrosion and waterproofing material.

For thermal insulation of roofing floors, 4 layers of Liquid Thermal Insulation Corundum are sufficient to restore the protective properties of the roof.

Recently, prefabricated houses have become increasingly in demand. A special task in such construction is the thermal insulation of the frames of prefabricated buildings, since metal frames are precisely “cold bridges”.

In this case, all frames and fasteners are treated with liquid thermal insulation paint. In case of saving, the caps of fasteners are painted (since heat “evaporates” through them to the outside).

This liquid thermal insulation is also irreplaceable in the insulation of cars and other vehicles: thermal insulation of the body from the inside in several layers will make the operation of the air conditioner or heater more noticeable. Painting should be carried out in a workshop or equipped garage.

The technology for thermal insulation of shut-off valves at energy facilities is slightly different from those described above. The preparatory stage remains unchanged. But the first layer of Corundum is applied to the reinforcement with vigorous rubbing movements. After the temperature of the metal has dropped slightly, the next 7-8 layers can be applied as usual. The interlayer drying time will depend on the ambient humidity and will be 2-6 hours.

Insulation of balconies and loggias is based on painting the balcony slab, adjacent sections of the wall, slopes, fastening points, seams and joints with insulation, which are exposed to the damaging effects of precipitation.

Thermal insulation of masonry joints is less important! And you shouldn’t think that during construction all the seams were carefully sealed, and concrete blocks will reliably protect from frost and wind. In fact, a large amount of heat escapes through the seams between blocks or slabs, and you can verify this with the help of a thermal imager used in thermal imaging analysis of the room (this was mentioned at the very beginning). During the analysis, energy holes are noted and their size is calculated. Next, all that remains is to paint over the marked areas (of course, having cleaned and primed the surface before painting) with a heat insulator in 2-3 layers.

The insulation of window and door slopes comes down to the fact that the slopes and seams themselves are painted with insulation, forming “cold bridges” in several layers.

To protect containers from temperature deformations during the collection and transportation of hot waste with uneven heating, you can also use heat-reflecting paint Corundum Classic.

IN residential buildings The insulation of monolithic concrete floors is relevant, since these concrete masses have greater thermal conductivity (and, as a consequence, heat loss) than hollow floors. You can, of course, go the traditional route: insulate with glass wool or polystyrene foam, but at the beginning of the article we already saw the inexpediency of this solution. It is enough to apply 3-4 layers of liquid thermal insulation to solve the problem.

IN apartment buildings The role of an “energy hole” is often played by the walls facing the stairwell (kitchen walls). They are much colder than the other walls in winter time, and therefore condensation often appears on them. Due to high humidity, fungus can settle in the room. To avoid this, it is enough to cover the problematic wall surface with 4 layers of Corundum heat insulator, observing the interlayer drying regime for 24 hours. The wall temperature should not be lower than +5°C when painting.

Insulation of garbage chutes and ventilation ducts is necessary to prevent dust from settling on the walls due to condensation, creating a highly flammable “fur coat”. For thermal insulation, 3-4 layers of Corundum insulation on the outside will be sufficient. In addition, the insulation layer will also work as a sound insulator.

Thermal insulation of electrical substations also primarily provides protection against temperature changes and the appearance of condensation - one of the root causes of short circuits. For reliable heat and anti-corrosion protection, the inside of the substation walls should be painted with heat-insulating material Corundum Classic in only 3-4 layers.

Insulation of electrical cabinets with liquid thermal insulation is carried out for the same reason as above. The insulation technology is the same.

Again, condensation is the reason for thermal insulation of boxes at telephone exchanges. To protect brackets and contacts from corrosion, metal parts should be painted with heat insulator Corund Anticor.

Insulation of refrigerators should be carried out by painting the outside with 4 layers of Corundum Facade insulation.

Thermal insulation of landing stages, ships and barges using polymer materials Korund Classic, Korund facade can become on modern ships a panacea for heat in summer and freezing in winter in conditions of acute shortage of space.

Thermal insulation of subway tunnels is needed to reduce humidity levels. It is produced by painting prepared walls and ceilings with insulation in several layers.

According to statistics in Russia, about 90% of houses do not meet modern heat saving standards. To improve the situation, a number of legislative acts and industry regulations have recently been adopted to ensure the performance of buildings taking into account the requirements; all new buildings are being built using modern heat-saving technologies. What to do with old buildings? It is necessary to insulate the facade walls, due to this losses are reduced to 40%. There are quite a lot of insulation materials, in this article we will consider only one type of them - liquid.

Taking into account the application technology, composition and operational characteristics, all types of liquid insulation can be divided into two types: ultra-thin and foam. Ultra-thin (warm paints) are the newest development of building materials technologists, universally applicable. Ultra-thin insulation materials significantly reduce the cost of work on insulating facade walls, reduce work time and improve quality. But they also have negative sides, we will talk about them throughout the article.

Warm paints

By appearance almost indistinguishable from ordinary acrylic paints, despite the different trade names have almost identical structure.

The material includes:

  • glass-ceramic microscopic spheres. Diameter 0.05–0.1 mm;
  • aluminosilicate microspheres. To increase heat saving indicators, there is partially no air inside;
  • titanium dioxide. It has minimal weight, the porous structure prevents the transfer of heat from warm surfaces to cold air;
  • special latex mixture. Increases resistance to hard ultraviolet rays, compensates for thermal expansion, prevents the appearance of microcracks;
  • acrylic. The paint base has excellent adhesion to most building materials.

High-quality liquid insulation materials are highly efficient; 1.2 mm of coating corresponds to 5 cm of mineral wool in terms of heat-saving indicators. The effect is achieved due to the presence of a large number of hollow microspheres, which minimizes losses due to ordinary convection. Shiny microspheres additionally reflect infrared rays; the coating also works as a thermos.

Comparative table of performance indicators of thermal paints and traditional insulation materials. The table uses average paint characteristics.


Thermal conductivity indicators W/m2×s0,0010–0,0015 0,045 0,05
Layer thickness with the same heat saving indicators1.0–1.3 mm50–60 mm45–50 mm
Approximate cost of additional materials for installing insulation0 550–650 rubles450–550 rubles
Cost of construction work per 1 m2150–160 rubles600–650 rubles450–500 rubles
The total cost of thermal insulation with the same heat saving indicators per 1 m2750–800 rubles1200–1300 rubles2500–2600 rubles

Liquid insulation can be applied with ordinary rollers and brushes or special sprayers. But there are also disadvantages to such materials:

  • high cost of thermal paints;
  • short shelf life;
  • large loss of quality due to violation of storage conditions;
  • Manufacturers do not provide accurate data on heat-shielding properties; thermal insulation is performed by eye. It is even theoretically impossible to accurately calculate the required thickness of the insulation layer; everything is determined by the practice of operating already treated structures.
  • high-quality thermal insulation may require up to 10 layers of paint;
  • actual consumption always exceeds that indicated on the packaging.

How to choose high-quality liquid insulation

We have already mentioned that these materials significantly deteriorate their properties due to prolonged or improper storage. What to look for when buying dyes?

  1. The lower the paint density, the better its heat-saving properties. A ten-liter plastic bucket should weigh between 6–6.5 kg. If the weight is greater, then such insulation is not worth purchasing; its application will not be effective.
  2. Hold the paint in the plastic bucket up to the light. Lightweight heat-insulating microspheres rise upward. The thicker this layer, the better the thermal insulation.
  3. Rub a small amount of paint with your fingertips; you should feel a large amount of rough microgranules. The absence of such an effect indicates the manufacturer’s dishonesty and the low quality of its products.
  4. The paint color must be completely white. Change in color indicates serious irregularities technological process. This does not apply to paints containing mineral color additives.

The recommendations are simple but very effective. The fact is that currently you should not pay the main attention to the cost of the product; some manufacturers deliberately sell low-quality products at high prices in the hope that the choice stereotype will be triggered.

Prices for various types of liquid thermal insulation

Liquid thermal insulation

Step-by-step instructions for applying heat paint

Using an example, let's look at the insulation of a brick wall without plaster. In the future, the facade will be covered with slabs using conventional technology.

Select a specific brand of insulation. Decide how it will be applied: roller, brush or spray.

Practical advice. If your wall is relatively flat, you can paint it with a roller. If there are deep seams, it is better to paint with a brush; a roller cannot paint such recesses. The highest quality coating is obtained when working with a spray gun; this is a unit for universal use.

It must be remembered that painting a façade wall several times with a brush is time-consuming and difficult. Moreover, you will have to work on a ladder or scaffolding. Correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Step 2. Level the wall surface as much as possible. Cut off large pieces of mortar with a hammer or chisel, and sweep away the dust with a brush.

If there is soil contamination, it needs to be washed off. Paint will never stick in dirty places. As a result, peeling, loss of tightness, and a significant deterioration in heat-saving indicators occur. The surface of the facade should be dry, the weather should be good.

Step 3. Prepare the paint for use. Perform the work according to the instructions; actual actions depend on the composition and solvent. The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Test the material on a small section of the wall. If the paint is too viscous, then dilute it portionwise with constant stirring. A large amount of water significantly reduces the thickness of one coating layer. As a result, you will have to increase their number, which means additional loss of time and effort.

Step 4. Pour the paint into a special container for the roller. The roller should have a medium-length pile; such a tool will capture more paint at a time. Dip the roller into the container, take it out and spin it on a special platform. It is located slightly above the area for pouring paint. Dip the roller into the paint again and roll it around the area again. Do this until the roller has absorbed the maximum amount of paint evenly around the entire circumference. Before removing the roller from the container, rotate it; in this state, the paint will not drip onto the ground.

Step 5. Bring the roller to the wall and press it to the surface with medium force. The first pass must be made from the bottom up; the excess helmet will be squeezed out, immediately fall under the roller and be evenly distributed over the surface of the facade wall.

Step 6. Paint the wall in sections, do not allow gaps. Remember that surfaces should not be exposed to rain for at least 24 hours. If the weather turns bad, protect painted surfaces from getting wet. For protection, you can use plastic film, fix it to the facade wall or scaffolding, if one is used during work.

Apply the second layer only after complete polymerization of the first; if the first time you applied the insulation with vertical movements of the roller, then the second time you need to paint with horizontal movements.

Plastered walls can be finished with colored thermal paints, in which case the insulation will simultaneously serve as a finishing decorative coating. In the same way, you can insulate wooden surfaces, including log houses made of rounded logs.

Prices for paint sprayers

Spray gun

Following several general practical recommendations for applying thermal paints can reduce material consumption, reduce processing time and improve the quality of the coating.

The material has many technical names, but all types are made on the basis of ordinary foam plastic. During production, synthetic urea-formaldehyde resin, foaming agent, orthophosphoric acid and water are used. As can be seen from chemical composition, calling this product “environmentally friendly” can only be a stretch. Liquid foam is especially harmful during application - be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory system. The density of the material depends on the amount of resin; pay attention to its percentage when purchasing a product and making foam.

Liquid foam is applied to the walls using a complex apparatus using compressed air in metal cylinders (mobile version) or connected to a stationary compressor. The components are loaded into the mixer, water is added, and the mixer is sealed. Liquid foam is supplied under pressure to the surface, the thickness of the insulating layer is adjusted manually. There is foam with high adhesion rates that is used to insulate open surfaces of facade walls before finishing. This technology is often used during the construction of frame houses. The interior space of the wooden frames is insulated, and after the foam has hardened, the finishing of the facade surfaces of the load-bearing walls is done.

The second option is to insulate the space between the load-bearing wall and the façade cladding. The work can be carried out both during new construction and during insulation of old buildings with an air gap. It is the second option that we will talk about in detail.

Insulation - liquid foam

The heat saving efficiency of unfilled air spaces is very low and never meets the calculated values. The fact is that the façade masonry wall has quite a lot of holes of various sizes. They are present in the seam between the bricks, and at the junction of window and door openings, and at the installation sites of the rafter system. At first glance, the holes are completely invisible, but as you fill the space with liquid foam, material will appear in each of them, and you will be unpleasantly surprised by the large number. There is no need to be upset; after the foam has hardened, it is carefully cut off and the visible cut is sealed. For such insulation work, a special liquid foam is used, which is not glued, but is repelled from the surfaces of architectural elements. This allows you to fill a large volume of space through one hole.

Professional advice. Many inexperienced builders think that foam boards laid in the air space between the wall and the cladding reliably insulate the house. This is fundamentally wrong. Foam boards only “work” when air does not circulate between them and the wall. To do this, the surface of the façade wall must be flat, and the adhesive on the slabs must be applied with a comb spatula over the entire area in horizontal stripes. In all other cases, actual heat savings are no more than 10% of the calculated ones; energy is lost due to air draft between the warm wall and the foam.

Have you identified many houses where polystyrene foam was fixed on the facade walls using the method we described? Or, in the worst case, was the glue carefully applied with a trowel along the entire perimeter of the sheet without gaps and in several places in the middle? All other options are literally money down the drain. You can correct the situation with liquid foam. How is a façade wall insulated?

Technology of insulation of facade walls with liquid foam plastic

Step 1. Prepare materials and tools. In addition to a special unit, you will need an electric hammer drill and drills with pobedit tips for the diameter of the filler tube.

Step 2. On the facade wall, drill holes in the seams between the bricks in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between them is approximately 1 meter. Foam will flow through the holes. Immediately prepare wooden pegs of the appropriate diameter to temporarily plug the holes while foaming the space between the walls.

Drilling holes

Step 3. Prepare the liquid foam filling unit for operation. Start filling the space with foam from the lowest hole. The air pressure cannot be more than 5 atm, otherwise there is a risk of cracks appearing in the façade cladding. Due to the fact that the space between the walls is small, reduce the amount of material supplied. Specific values ​​are determined practically. Don’t rush to tackle the whole house at once; set up the operating modes in a small area, preferably on the back side of the house.

Step 4. You need to work with an assistant. One turns on/off the supply of liquid foam, and the second installs a pipe in the holes and monitors the filling of the space with foam. As soon as foam appears from a nearby hole, it is closed with a wooden wedge, the supply of foam stops, and the pipe is inserted into the adjacent hole.

Step 5. Always work from top to bottom. If foam does not appear in the adjacent hole for a long time, reduce the distance between them or slightly increase the pressure in the system.

Practical advice. Before starting to fill the space with foam, release air from the compressors into the holes. Check if it comes out everywhere and if there are any dead zones. If such areas are found on the facade wall, you need to drill new holes nearby and repeat the air test.

If the wall is not laid well enough, then turn off the unit immediately when foam appears from cracks in the masonry mortar. Drill the filler and inspection holes on these facades closer to each other.

Step 6. Using this method, blow foam on all facade walls around the perimeter of the building, and close the control and filler holes with wedges.

Prices for aluminum stairs

Aluminum ladder

At this point, the work on insulating the facade walls with liquid foam is completed. The next step is to remove the remaining foam. On facade walls prepared for finishing plaster or finishing with other materials, you should simply break off large pieces of frozen foam with your hands.

If the facade wall is already finished with decorative facing bricks, then traces of foam should be removed with a clean damp cloth. This is not difficult to do; the work does not require much time. After removing the foam, you will have to clean the filler holes a little from the foam and seal them with cement-sand mortar to match the color of the joints.

It is difficult to find the same composition of the mixture - not a problem. Seal the holes with any solution, after it dries, paint the seams with a suitable color. This will take a little more time, but the appearance of the facade walls will completely change, mosses and mold will be removed from the seams. And this would have to be done in any case; a personal home constantly requires care.

Video - How to apply liquid insulation

Video - Insulation of facade walls with foam insulation

In the vast sea of ​​all kinds of heat-insulating materials presented on the modern market, it is not easy for even professional builders to navigate.

What can we say about ordinary people who decided to insulate their home with their own hands without the involvement of specialist finishing specialists.

The fact is that each of the heat-insulating materials has its own operational characteristics, specifications and scope. One of these modern thermal insulator materials is liquid wall insulation.

Types of liquid insulation

Heat-saving paints retain heat in the room

The term “liquid insulation for walls” means two completely different groups:

  • thermal effect paints. Designed for painting interior walls and exterior thermal insulation;
  • - foamed liquid polymers (penoizol, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, etc.).

In addition, there is a small group of recently developed polymers, which are currently still being finalized and cannot yet be purchased in our construction supermarkets.

Therefore, there is no need to dwell in detail on these concept materials of the future in this article.

Each of the listed groups has its own technical properties and performance characteristics, as well as methods of applying them to the surfaces being treated.

It is precisely because of the fundamental differences that liquid thermal insulation for walls should be considered separately, as two different materials - paint and foam insulation.

Before choosing one or another option, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of their use.

Thermal paint

This is a relatively new material that appeared on our market no more than a decade ago. It is used as insulation for walls inside and outside buildings.


The insulating components of thermal paint are glass ceramic particles, aluminosilicates, and titanium dioxide.

In appearance, paint-based thermal insulation is practically no different from ordinary acrylic paint - it has a similar structure and even smell. However, thermal paints, unlike acrylic paints, are a high-tech product and have a rather complex composition.

In scientific terminology, this is not just paint, but a liquid suspension with a heat-preserving effect. It consists of the following components:


Microspheres of paint are filled with air, forming a kind of air cushion

According to manufacturers, painting liquid insulation materials have unique thermal insulation properties. So, a layer of thermal paint of 1.1 mm according to technical tests can effectively replace a 50 mm thick layer of mineral wool.

This brilliant indicator is achieved due to the presence of a large number of vacuum-filled microspheres inside the thermal layer. This significantly reduces heat loss from inside the building due to convection. The brilliant color created by glass ceramics, aluminum and titanium derivatives provides additional protection by reflecting infrared radiation.

In general, the paint-based heat-insulating coating works like a reflective coating on a thermos. The consumption of the heat-insulating suspension is 1 liter per 2 sq.m., when applied with a thickness of 0.5 mm. It is applied in several layers until a thickness of 1 - 2 mm is achieved.

Comparative characteristics of liquid paint insulation, mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

ParameterThermal paintMinvataStyrofoam
Thermal conductivity (W per sq.m.
per second)
0,001 0,045 0,05
Layer thickness required for
achieving the same thermal protection indicators
1 - 1.2 mmUp to 60 mm45 mm
Cost of fasteners
for installation 10 sq.m. insulation
0 rub.OK. 600 rub.OK. 500 rub.
Cost of installation work
by a team of professionals for 1 sq.m.
150 rub.650 rub.550 rub.
Cost of 1 sq.m. coatings800 rub.1300 rub.2500 rub.

As can be seen from the table, thermal paint has truly unique properties, which are far from even achieved by polystyrene foam and mineral wool, which were the most effective insulation materials.
The use of the coating will increase heat by 1.5 - 2 degrees

Regardless of whether the walls are insulated from the outside or from the inside, it will not be possible to achieve the indicator declared by the manufacturer (1 mm layer of thermal paint = 50 mm layer of mineral wool). According to the instructions for use, it is enough to apply a heat-saving suspension to the surface with a roller or brush to dramatically warm up the interior.

As the practice of using such materials shows, painting the brick walls of a building with them can increase the temperature in the premises in winter by 1.5 - 2 degrees. That is, there is still some effect from the warm paint, but it is, of course, far from the notorious 1 mm = 50 mm.

To achieve a similar result, according to basic calculations, it will be necessary to cover the perimeter of the house with 12 - 15 layers of heat-saving suspension. And this will be simply unrealistically expensive, given the high cost of such compounds.

The mixture has a beautiful iridescent metallic sheen

But despite the controversial issue of the effectiveness of heat-saving paint, it still has a number of advantages. First of all, this is the aesthetic side. As experienced finishers advise, if you have decided to paint your house, then it is better to use thermal suspension for these purposes, of course, if its cost fits into your estimate.

On the one hand, there is an excellent decorative effect, which is provided by a coating with an iridescent metallic sheen. On the other hand, there is at least some heat-saving effect, which conventional paints and varnishes lack.

Thirdly, thermal paint has anti-corrosion and antiseptic properties, so treating the internal or external surfaces of a building, as well as communication pipes and ventilation ducts with similar mixtures, will prevent the appearance of fungus, mold and corrosion on them.

A significant advantage is the water-repellent quality of the paint, which allows you to additionally create a layer of waterproofing for internal or external wall surfaces. The convenience of using thermal suspensions for insulating communication pipes in hard-to-reach places is undeniable. The ease of application makes this method of thermal insulation the most successful.

Choosing the right thermal paint

The thicker the paint, the better it will protect against heat loss

Since thermal paint has a considerable price, you should be able to choose the right quality product. To do this, you should know a few nuances.

  1. The lower the density of the coloring composition, the higher its thermal insulation properties. Typically, a 10-liter bucket of suspension should weigh no more than 6.5 kg. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the expensive composition was diluted with a simple one, worsening its technical properties.
  2. Lift the bucket and look through it at the light. Lightweight microsphere fillers should rise to the top, creating a layer of metallic color at the top. The thicker this layer, the higher the quality of the suspension.
  3. If, after stirring high-quality paint, you stretch a drop of it between your fingers, you can feel the presence of a large number of microspheres: the surface will not be smooth, but rough.

Application method

Cover the walls with several coats of paint

Liquid insulation is nothing complicated.

It is produced in several stages and is completely similar to the work of painting surfaces with conventional paints and varnishes.

When purchasing a thermal composition, it should be taken into account that the surface will have to be treated more than once. Depending on the climate zone in which the home is located, it may be necessary to apply from 2 to 5 layers of paint.

The whole process looks like this step by step:

  1. You should measure the area of ​​the surface to be painted and purchase the required amount of thermal protective suspension.
  2. Preparing the surface for applying paint - removing dust and dirt, filling cracks and seams, treating with a primer composition.
  3. Before use, the paint should be thoroughly mixed with a mixer attachment to evenly distribute the spherical filler granules throughout the entire volume.
  4. Apply thermal paint to the surface using a spray gun or roller. We paint the seams and corners with a paint brush.
  5. After the first layer has dried, apply the second layer, etc. For more information about thermal compositions, watch this video:

Until it dries completely, that is, at least a day, the painted wall should not be exposed to heavy rain. It can wash out light micro-grain fillers from paint, which will turn expensive thermal insulation into ordinary acrylic paint.

Foamed polymers

Other liquid thermal insulation is foamed polymers - polyurethane, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam insulation

The foam adheres hermetically to all wall protrusions

Unlike solid boards, liquid polymers provide increased level thermal insulation. The fact is that when installing sheets of the same foam plastic, it is very difficult to achieve their tight fit to the wall surface. In any case, over time, a gap forms between them, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of thermal protection.

When liquid foam is applied to the surface being treated, it adheres tightly to it without forming any gaps. Thanks to the excellent adhesion of foam compounds, they are firmly held on any surface - wood and walls, metal pipes and concrete floor slabs.

Internal walls insulated with foam can be covered with finishing material

In addition, for uniform and durable application of foam there is no need to level, putty or otherwise prepare the walls. If foam insulation is applied to the façade parts of a building, after hardening it can be subjected to further decorative processing. Trim off excess foam and foam, and then treat it with a leveling putty compound. The service life of such thermal insulation can be about 50 - 70 years.

Among the disadvantages of these thermal insulation materials, it is worth pointing out their low environmental friendliness. When heated, polymers begin to release volatile chemical substances, and when burning - a large amount of acrid smoke.

Air and steam will no longer be able to pass through foam-treated surfaces.

The fire resistance of foam insulation is simply zero. Not only can it not create reliable protection against fire, but it itself actively supports combustion, contributing to the spread of fire.

Another disadvantage is that surfaces treated with foam no longer allow air to pass through them. As a result, natural gas and steam exchange indoors is disrupted. To restore it, it is necessary to install an efficient ventilation system.

The only exception here is penoizol - it does not support combustion under normal conditions and can serve as fire protection.


Foam insulation is produced using a number of complex components. They include:

  1. Urea-formaldehyde resin.
  2. Orthophosphoric acid.
  3. Foaming chemical components.
  4. Water.

Due to the fact that toxic substances are used as components, when working on spraying foam insulation, you should use protective clothing, including respirators, goggles and gloves.

Application method

Foamed polymers are applied to the surfaces being processed using special devices connected either to an air compressor or to cylinders with compressed air. For more information about the characteristics of the material and its spraying, watch this video:

All chemical reagents are loaded into the mixer hopper, and water is also added there. After this, the stirrer hatch is hermetically closed. As a result of a chemical reaction, foam begins to be produced inside it, which is supplied outward under pressure from a special nozzle.

When insulating the walls of houses, two different technologies can be used:

  • external insulation;
  • internal wall insulation.

External insulation is carried out by spraying polystyrene foam or other polymer onto the external walls of the building. This treatment is carried out immediately before finishing the house. After drying, the foam forms such a strong adhesion to the wall that it serves as a solid base for applying subsequent layers of decorative finishing. Such a surface can be plastered, puttied, or simply covered with siding, glass-magnesium or other finishing material.

Cover the facade with several layers of polyurethane foam

The in-wall insulation system is used directly when laying brick walls. In this case, channels 1 - 1.5 m long and half a brick wide are left inside the masonry. After the walls are raised by 1-1.5 m, the wells are filled with foamed polymer.

After this, the masonry rises to the same height, and the process of filling the wells is repeated. This method is used if the walls of the house are constructed from facing bricks, and external insulation is not provided for by the project. For an example of insulating a house in 1 day, see this video:

After a detailed consideration of all the nuances and features of both materials, you can make right choice in favor of one of them. It all depends on the design features of the building, the level of thermal protection required, the requirements and financial capabilities of the home owner.

In the modern world thanks to the latest technologies, various insulation materials appear on the market that have improved characteristics.

Liquid thermal insulation for walls is A relatively new development, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the insulation processes.

The advantage is that the material can be used both.

In addition, anyone can apply thermal insulation; to do this, you only need to arm yourself with a few things.

You can also pay attention to such insulation materials as:

Liquid thermal insulation for walls - what is it, pros and cons, difference from conventional materials

In Western European countries, residents insulate their homes exclusively with heat-resistant paints. This method is also beginning to be used in Russia, but so far its popularity does not exceed 50 percent.

But this type of thermal insulation is in increasing demand and will certainly, in a few years, displace the usual methods of heat preservation for everyone.

According to the classics, many construction companies mainly offer to insulate the residential sector with foam plastic, as well as cotton rolls. However, today almost all industrial facilities can no longer function without liquid insulation.

Liquid thermal insulation - characteristics declared by the manufacturer

Disadvantages of the insulator:

  • It is worth storing and transporting liquid insulation with strict adherence to temperature indicators;
  • High pricing policy;
  • It is difficult to correctly calculate thermal conductivity;
  • In areas with moderate temperature conditions, it is necessary to apply more than ten balls of paint, which ultimately increases the consumption of material and significantly increases the cost of the repair itself.
  • Lots of negative reviews, the essence of which boils down to one thing - the insulating characteristics do not even closely correspond to the declared ones. To achieve good insulation, many layers of paint are required.


  • Minimum labor costs during operation, you can apply the paint with a roller or a simple brush.
  • Large-scale objects can be covered in a short period of time;
  • Heat retention by 40-50 percent;
  • Before painting it is worth carrying out minor preparatory work;
  • Unlike conventional insulation, the liquid version is considered indispensable at the stage of internal insulation of an apartment or house. They can be used to treat hard-to-reach places where the use of rolled or cotton insulation is impossible. In addition, not everyone wants to use the latest materials because of their bulk, which negatively affects the dimensions of the room.

Types of liquid thermal insulation and popular manufacturers

Liquid is considered to be the most popular on the domestic market. thermal insulation from companies:

  1. Akterm;
  2. Corundum;
  3. Astratek;
  4. Thermomet;
  5. Isollat;
  6. Teplosil;
  7. Armor;
  8. Lic Ceramic.

We will consider types of liquid thermal insulation according to the latest manufacturer.

  1. Standard. Standard thermal insulation is applied exclusively in the spring and summer months. Operating temperature range -58 to +500 Fahrenheit.
  2. Ultra. This thermal insulation material is significantly different from the previous version. It has improved thermal conductivity, which is 0.0012. Decreased several times specific gravity thermal insulation, as a result this affected the reduction of consumables during coating application. This mixture does not need to be stirred from time to time in liquid form, all because the microspheres are evenly distributed here.
  3. Thermo. It is recommended to be used when repair work is carried out in winter or late autumn. Designed exclusively for metal surfaces. The application temperature for this type of liquid thermal insulation is from -4 to +122 Fahrenheit. And the operating temperature is from -58 to + 752 Fahrenheit.

What is the difference between internal and external wall insulation

Wall with external insulation

This application technique considered the most effective, because the house retains heat, while the internal area does not change in any way.

An important advantage is the increased ability of external walls to retain heat. Walls that are insulated from the outside cool down much more slowly than walls that are insulated from the inside.

Undoubted advantages:

  1. Minimal heat loss;
  2. Inside the insulation, as a rule, there is a dew point. In rare cases, it can accumulate at the outer edge of the wall;
  3. The wall will never be wet;
  4. The steppe maintains a certain temperature along the entire perimeter, there are no jumps;
  5. The coating reliably protects the wall from seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations, it is not affected by precipitation, which is considered the main cause of its destruction.

External insulation

Internal insulation

This method considered the simplest, however, in terms of functionality it is significantly inferior to the previous one.

This manifests itself in:

  • Heat losses up to 10 percent.
  • dew point. It is located in the space between the inner wall and the insulation or in the insulation itself, which will undoubtedly lead to condensation beginning to accumulate and dampness appearing in the room;
  • Walls are not able to retain and accumulate heat.

At the stage of performing thermal insulation indoors, it is more rational to use a vapor barrier film over a heat-insulating ball to prevent steam from entering the insulation.

The place where the thermal insulation will be adjacent to the structure must be sealed with foil adhesive tape. In this case, it is advisable to make an overlap of several centimeters.

Internal insulation

Wall construction

The wall pie should consist of:

  • Thermal insulation;
  • Cement board;
  • Lathing;
  • Brusa;
  • Hydro-wind protection;
  • Plasterboard sheet;
  • Membrane film.

Roofing pie, despite its apparent simplicity, must be performed in accordance with certain rules:

  1. The climatic zone and purpose of the house should be taken into account when calculating the thickness of the walls;
  2. To choose insulation you need pay attention to good sound and heat insulation, reasonable price;
  3. If the purchased thermal insulation does not have special protection against getting wet and other negative impacts, rational use of special film;
  4. It is essential to apply the insulation correctly so that avoid cold spots where heat leakage is possible in the future;
  5. The construction of the façade is carried out taking into account the requirements for the materials used.

Wall construction

Preparation for application - installing sheathing, sealing cracks, etc.

Liquid thermal insulation Apply exclusively to dry walls, which must first be cleaned of small particles of dust, white deposits of soluble salts, past coatings, and possible fungal infections.

If necessary crumbly and soft areas are removed, cracks are formed different compositions made of cement and plaster.

Also required removes laitance from concrete surfaces. This can be done mechanically or chemically.


To smooth out significant defects (chips and deep cracks), it is necessary to use an appropriate putty for interior or exterior work.

After all the cleaning work, you can begin installing the sheathing on the wall. Initially, using a plumb line, the rack is installed at the corners of the wall. It is worth stretching the string between them, so that in the end you see the “guitar string” - sagging in this case is unacceptable. Then the vertical posts are attached.


Thermal insulation material should be applied to a new concrete or plastered wall only a week after it has completely dried. In this case, the permissible percentage of moisture and temperature in the room itself or outside must be taken into account.

When thermal insulation is applied to a wall that has previously been painted, First, the old paint is removed from areas of peeling and peeling. If necessary, sanding is carried out with sandpaper. Choose medium and coarse grain models.

Insulation of liquid thermal insulation from the inside - detailed installation diagram step by step

  1. Work must begin with the stage of leveling the walls. The brick wall must first be treated with plaster and then primed. Each next ball of paint must be applied after the previous one has dried. At the final stage, the walls are plastered.
  2. Liquid thermal insulation is applied to regular paint, so anyone can do the job. For a high-quality coating, it is worth applying more than one layer of coating. After the latter has dried, you can proceed to finishing the walls.
  3. Use a roller, brush or sprayer to apply the coating.
  4. For work, arm yourself with a brush made of unnatural bristles, which are used for applying interior and façade paint to paint a small surface. Before applying the necessary thermal insulation material, the walls are wetted with water.


To obtain the necessary insulating layer, it is important to direct movements only in one direction.

When applying heat-insulating material to plaster, it is recommended to use staple; the layer thickness should not exceed 1.0 mm.

Applying thermal insulation using a spray gun

Applying liquid insulation using a spatula

Insulation of liquid thermal insulation from the outside - detailed installation diagram step by step

  • Before applying the thermal insulation material, it should be thoroughly mixed to obtain homogeneous mass. If technical devices are used for this purpose, the rpm speed cannot be more than 250. If necessary, liquid thermal insulation is diluted with running water. Mix the resulting mass periodically during operation.
  • Use a layering brush to apply, air or airless sprayer, in this case it is necessary to follow the drying technology between different layers.
  • The thickness of the applied coating should be no more than half a millimeter, some manufacturers allow applying a layer of 0.8 mm to plastered, concrete, and brick surfaces. The final coating thickness is determined by thermal and technical calculations.
  • After applying one ball of the material used, no more than a millimeter thick, you need to wait at least a day before applying the next one. Complete drying of the finishing ball depends on their number. Temperature and air humidity also play an important role. If necessary, the drying time between layers must be increased several times. The coating will resist precipitation within 24 hours.

External wall insulation

Applying insulation with a brush

Vapor barrier and waterproofing

When insulating, you should pay attention to vapor barrier, otherwise the surface will very quickly become unusable. The most commonly used liquid rubber is liquid mastic.. This is an excellent vapor barrier that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Rubber should be applied in an even layer; its significant advantage is that seams do not form after use. Rubber must be applied by spray, directly on top of the thermal insulation.. The layer should not be more than a millimeter.

Vapor barrier of walls

Waterproofing protects various building structures from moisture penetration. It is easy to apply, does not require special qualifications from workers, and does not form seams.

The choice of liquid insulation remains with the owner of the house or apartment. But, in any case, when buying a material you like, you need to carefully study the characteristics (technical as well as operational) and instructions for applying the product to the selected surface.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself insulation of a wall with liquid thermal insulation:

In contact with

This thermal insulation consists of ceramic microparticles filled with rarefied air from the inside and polymer compounds located in a liquid medium. Thanks to this structure, this material has high thermal insulation properties, good adhesion to the surface being treated and flexibility. A thickness of only 1 mm is enough to provide the necessary level of protection against heat loss, as well as against moisture penetration.

This product is ideal for any materials - wood, plastic, metal, concrete, etc. It can also be applied to various industrial equipment, with a permissible temperature from -60 to +260 degrees. The application process does not cause any difficulties - it is completely similar to the dyeing technology, and the same tools are used for its implementation. Liquid thermal insulation TC Ceramic has the following advantages:

  • Low heat conductivity
  • Does not allow liquid to pass through
  • The surface “breathes”, preventing moisture from accumulating
  • The thermal insulation layer is perfectly smooth, allowing water to quickly roll off the surface, thereby reducing heat loss
  • Relatively long service life - 10-25 years, depending on operating conditions, without changing the quality of thermal insulation
  • Good adhesion to any surfaces
  • Ease of installation

Liquid thermal insulation Alfatek

Thermal insulation material Alfatek is a ceramic multicomponent composition. It is produced in a ready-to-use form and is intended for application to surfaces of any complexity and composition. Alfatek is designed to solve the following problems:

  • Internal and external insulation of house walls
  • Thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection of pipes
  • Prevents condensation accumulation
  • Gives an aesthetically beautiful appearance to the treated surfaces

In addition, this insulation can significantly reduce the weight of the structure, which makes it possible to pour a simpler and, accordingly, cheaper foundation. A millimeter layer of this thermal insulation can replace centimeters of other insulation, resulting in reduced installation and heating costs. Alfatek is applied to the surface using a regular brush or by spraying. After drying, a durable, seamless film is formed, eliminating the occurrence of cold spells.

Liquid thermal insulation Teplomett

Teplomett thermal insulation has a consistency similar to ordinary paint, which, in addition to aesthetic qualities, has the ability to insulate various surfaces. This material can be used to insulate cold floors, walls, production equipment, pipelines, etc. Teplomet has the following advantages:

  • A large number of colors and shades that allow you to choose the right option for a specific case
  • Insensitive to large temperature changes from -60 to +250 degrees
  • High adhesion to all types of materials
  • Has the ability to move the dew point closer to the outer surface, thereby eliminating excessive moisture
  • Ability to insulate surfaces of the most complex shapes

Liquid thermal insulation RE-THERM

Composite thermal insulation RE-THERM is a modern material used for insulating surfaces made of various materials. It provides protection not only from cold air, but also from the action ultraviolet rays, precipitation, high and low temperatures. An insulation layer of just 1 mm has the same thermal insulation value as mineral wool 5 centimeters thick. Unlike bitumen mastics, this material does not crack and provides reliable protection surfaces for 15 years or more.

Advantages of RE-THERM thermal insulation:

  • Fire safety
  • An environmentally friendly product, therefore installation is possible both outside and inside the room
  • The material, along with thermal insulation properties, has an aesthetic appearance, which makes it possible to eliminate finishing
  • Quick application and drying time - after 4-24 hours the thermal insulation completely hardens
  • There are no restrictions on the materials to which thermal insulation is applied

Liquid insulation Astratek and Corundum

Insulation materials Astratek and Corundum are modern way thermal insulation of the room, which replaced traditional options such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, etc. Unlike other liquid insulation materials, Astratek has some application features:

  • The need to clean metal surfaces before use
  • At high surface temperatures, it is advisable to moisten it with water.
  • Can be applied at surface temperatures from +5 to +120 degrees

Thermal insulating paint Corundum has a number of advantages that determine its high popularity. It can be applied to any shape and surface composition, providing thermal protection and corrosion resistance. This material provides a barrier that prevents moisture penetration and promotes a favorable indoor environment.

Comparison of liquid thermal insulation with other insulation materials

The ability to apply liquid thermal insulation with your own hands, without the involvement of specialized builders and equipment, makes this material indispensable in home life. Liquid insulation is also indispensable for interior decoration of a room - it does not reduce the usable area, but at the same time provides the necessary level of thermal insulation. Compared to other insulation materials, the liquid type of insulation is many times lighter, which reduces the load on the structure.


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