Analysis for helminthic infestations. Feces for eggworm, how to get tested for protozoa

How can a healthy person become infected with worms?

  • Through the water. As in the previous case, you can become infected this way in the summer. This is especially true in cases where adults and children visit reservoirs with dirty water. It happens that children even drink this water.
  • From pets. Very often, cats and dogs carry worms. The most interesting thing is that the animals do not show any signs of such a condition. You can get infected if you kiss your pets or eat the same treat with them.
  • Dirty hands. Washing your hands is the main rule of personal hygiene. However, not all adults adhere to it. What can we say about children?!
  • Through sand and mud. Most often, infection in this way affects very young children, who have a habit of tasting everything they can get their hands on.

In view of this, it becomes clear why doctors from all over the world strongly advise washing your hands and food thoroughly.

You can find out whether an infection has occurred or not by taking a test for worms.


Blood must be tested for worms if there are one or more signs of infection:

  • veterinarians and people in other professions that involve working with animals;
  • residents of areas with an increased risk of infection;
  • medical workers;
  • employees of kindergartens and other preschool institutions;
  • those who work in catering establishments;
  • children who are going to go to kindergarten or school.

Conducting research

To ensure that the analysis results are as accurate as possible, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. About a day before blood sampling, it is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages, fatty, fried and spicy foods from the diet.
  2. You should not exercise on the eve of your laboratory visit.
  3. It is not recommended to take any medications. If this cannot be done, the laboratory assistant must be notified.

The most accurate is the enzyme immunoassay. Based on the blood and its composition, it allows you to see whether a person has worms or not.

The laboratory technician takes about 3 ml of venous blood and gives the result after a few hours. It is worth noting that it can be false positive and false negative. To get accurate answers, you will have to donate blood again in about 2-3 weeks.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the disease that is caused by ascaris entering the body. This is ascariasis. Can it be determined by a blood test? Yes.

Unlike the previous case, the laboratory assistant will pay attention not to immunoglobulins, but to other parameters:

  1. Sustained increase in the number of eosinophils.
  2. Leukocyte level. The more of these cells, the more the body is affected by roundworms.
  3. Levels of AST and ALT (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase). These are substances that enter the bloodstream when cells are destroyed/damaged due to disease or injury.
  4. The amount of bilirubin.
  5. If ascariasis has become chronic, a blood test will show a decrease in hemoglobin levels and an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Worms are determined effectively and accurately using a blood test. It is necessary to take the test immediately after a deterioration in well-being is noticed. Delay is fraught with poisoning of the body and the development of serious diseases.

  • A more detailed and accurate picture of infection of the body with worms can be seen from the results of a blood test.

    Immunoenzyme type of diagnosis

    ELISA allows you to determine the amount of antibodies, the type of worms, the degree and duration of infection.

    When infected with worms, the body begins to intensively produce immunoglobulins - a special type of IgM antibodies. Testing for worms shows the presence of early antibodies within a maximum of one year after infection with helminths. After 12 months they disappear and never appear again. Instead of IgM, IgG antibodies appear, which remain in the human blood for life.

    What the result shows:

    • high level of IgG – helminthic infestation is chronic;
    • detection of IgM antibodies – the disease is in an acute stage;
    • high levels of antibodies of both types – exacerbation of chronic pathology.

    Results can be seen in 2–5 days. Negative - titer less than 1:100 - indicates the absence of antibodies to worms, the person is not infected. If the titer is more than 1:100, it is prescribed drug treatment in accordance with the type of worms and the degree of infection. If the values ​​are borderline, a retest is required after 14 days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of ELISA diagnostics

    An enzyme immunoassay can be taken in almost any private or public laboratory; such an analysis for the presence of worms is inexpensive. ELISA allows you to diagnose infection at an early stage, monitor the dynamics of the development of the infectious process in the body, and the effectiveness of therapy.

    Disadvantages of the method - sometimes false positive and false negative blood test results are possible. Rheumatoid factor and some chronic diseases distort diagnostic indicators.

    What other tests detect worms?

    If a child or adult is suspected of being infected with worms, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and submit all necessary biomaterials to the laboratory.

    In addition to enzyme immunoassay, blood is used the following types diagnostics to determine whether the body is infected with worms:

    • stool analysis for worm eggs and dysbacteriosis;
    • scraping;
    • general blood analysis;
    • biochemical and serological studies.

    1. The coprogram and scraping must be submitted three times, with a break of 5–7 days. The results depend on the qualifications of the laboratory technician and have a large error. This type of diagnosis is necessary when a child enters kindergarten, school, or to obtain a certificate for the swimming pool.

    4. With helminthic infestations, hemoglobin levels decrease, the number of eosinophils increases, and ESR increases to 15–20 mm/hour. A high white blood cell count may indicate infection.

    An increased level of eosinophils can be caused not only by worms, but also by allergies. Maximum permissible value in adults – 5%. In children under 2 years of age, the norm is 1-7%.

    6. A biochemical blood test is aimed at assessing the level of activity of AST (one of the indicators of protein metabolism in the body), ALT (marker enzymes for the liver). When worms are present, bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels increase.

    Ascariasis is a dangerous disease that requires competent and careful treatment. Before starting drug therapy, the diagnosis should be confirmed using modern methods diagnostics

    Types of disease diagnosis

    The clinical picture of roundworm infestation depends on the stages life cycle individuals and is in many ways similar to other diseases, therefore, in case of any ailment, you should seek help from a therapist, pediatrician or infectious disease specialist and take a general blood test.

    Possible symptoms of ascariasis:

    Analysis of stool for ascariasis is the simplest and most affordable way detection of helminthic infestation. To conduct the study you should:

    • collect a few grams of fresh feces in a sterile container (sold in pharmacies);
    • make sure that urine does not get on feces;
    • if necessary, store the material in the refrigerator for no more than 8-12 hours;
    • bring the stool to the laboratory.

    If roundworm eggs are found in the stool, the doctor will immediately prescribe antihelminthic drugs. However, it should be remembered that this research method is more reliable in the later stages of infection and can give false negative results during the period of “travel” of the larvae throughout the body.

    The absence of eggs and particles of worms in the stool may indicate the following:

    Blood test

    • mechanical hepatitis;
    • abscesses of internal organs;
    • Chronical bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • asphyxia;
    • perforation of the intestinal walls;
    • acute intestinal obstruction;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • anemia;
    • loss of vision;
    • peritonitis.

    A blood test for ascariasis can be performed from 7-10 days from the onset of infection, when the body begins to produce antibodies to ascaris antigens (IgG).

    To test blood for roundworms, blood is taken from a vein. Blood should be donated on an empty stomach, no earlier than 8 hours after the last meal. You can drink water.

    Explanation of the results obtained:

    • negative result (normal) - there are no IgG antibodies in the blood serum;
    • questionable result - the amount of antibodies is close to the borderline (repeated testing after 2 weeks is recommended);
    • positive result - antibody titer greater than 1:100.

    A positive test result indicates infection or a previous illness (these antibodies circulate in a person’s blood for up to 3 months). That is why it is important to conduct a comprehensive examination if ascariasis is suspected, and not just a blood test. It should also be remembered that the detection of antibodies in a patient is a reason to examine all family members.

    In the absence of complaints, a negative test for worm eggs, a repeated questionable blood serum test for antibodies is equivalent to a negative result.

    • When should you get tested?
    • What tests are there for the presence of worms?
    • Blood analysis
    • How to take a blood test?

    When should you get tested?

    Children often suffer from worms, so parents should periodically go to the clinic for testing. This will help identify the problem in advance. But this rule is not always followed. When is it necessary to get tested? There are certain symptoms that indicate the possible presence of worms in the body. The main features include:

    This study may show:

    How to take a blood test?

    To get the most accurate result, it is worth knowing how to take a blood test. This study is carried out on an empty stomach; you can drink still water. The last time you consumed food should be at least 8 hours ago. For 2 days it is better not to eat fatty and spicy foods. Blood is taken from a vein.

    If parents are not sure of the result, then it is recommended to repeat the procedure after another 2 weeks. To compare the doctor’s decision, it is worth contacting the same clinical laboratory a second time. After this, the doctor will make a final diagnosis. The price of such a service is different in each clinic.

    How to protect a child from worms?

    All parents should closely monitor the health of their children, as they need attention. In order to detect the problem in time, it is worth systematically showing it to the doctor. And the appearance of worms in children is a common problem. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly check the child for preventive purposes. For this, a blood test is taken. If worms are detected in time, getting rid of them will be easy.

    • You should always wash your hands with soap before eating and after walking;
    • It is not recommended to touch animals that live on the street;
    • you need to wash fruits and vegetables;
    • toys for small children should be cleaned, washed and washed;
    • parents need to wash their babies’ clothes at high temperatures;
    • you should adhere to simple hygiene rules;
    • You need to trim your nails regularly.

    So, if a child does become infected with worms, he will develop certain symptoms. As soon as suspicions arise, you should immediately go to the clinic to conduct the appropriate tests.

    Clinical blood test for worms

    Worms are unique organisms; they are able to live at the expense of people, animals and other organisms. They are capable of causing harm to the owner and even killing him, releasing toxins, damaging organs and tissues. With such diseases, timely diagnosis and correct treatment. It is equally important to find out which helminths attack the body in order to know who to fight.

    Serological tests are aimed at detecting antibodies and antigens in blood serum. This is a common diagnostic method; no special preparation is required to take this test.

    Methods of laboratory testing for the presence of worms

    Medicine has always kept pace with the times, and every year more and more diagnostic methods appear. Laboratory research is an integral part of the treatment process, since blood is an important material for diagnosing diseases of the human body.

    Biochemical. By doing such an analysis, you can obtain maximum information about the internal organs of a person.

  • A hemostasiogram and coagulogram are done to find out the state of blood clotting. Such studies help prevent blood loss.
  • Hormonal studies have great importance for a person. Using these studies, the amount of hormones is determined. Since deviation from the norm can lead to diabetes, infertility, and mental retardation.
  • Serological tests are based on the detection of antibodies. This method confirms the presence of the disease, regardless of when the infection occurred.
  • Such methods make it easy to obtain the necessary information about your health status, make an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe the correct treatment.

    The state of a person's blood speaks volumes. Effective method The study is a biochemical analysis of blood composition. Even if the disease has just begun and the person has not yet felt any symptoms, he will show the slightest changes in the body. This will help prevent diseases in time. This analysis is also done to determine which microelement is missing in the body.

    The doctor can always prescribe biochemistry simply for prevention.

    When a person begins to suspect that uninvited guests have settled in his body, he must immediately seek help. First of all, you should definitely see a doctor, and

    But here another problem may arise. The disease progresses quickly and the start of treatment directly depends on how quickly the test results are ready. Of course, getting tests done at a public clinic is cheaper, but not as fast. It is much more convenient to contact a private medical laboratory; it is a little more expensive and faster. Because modern laboratories are equipped with the latest equipment and carry out complete research.

    What is the time frame for tests and when do I receive the results?

    To get results on time and not delay treatment, you can and should pay attention to the following factors:

    • Laboratory research method.
    • Technological equipment of the laboratory.
    • Amount of material for diagnostics.

    The timing of the tests directly depends on the clinic’s capabilities and the cost of the tests performed. But do not forget that each analysis has a limited shelf life.

    Biochemical and clinical tests: approximately the same readiness time of about 5 days and validity period of up to 15 days.

    Hormonal studies: readiness period 10 days, validity period 6 months.

    Allergy research: ready period 7 days, and about 3 weeks shelf life.

    How to determine the presence of infestations in the body based on blood composition

    How do blood cells react to helminthic infestations?

    Types of research

    Speaking about the study for dysbiosis, it is used to determine changes in the normal intestinal flora. With worms, it is possible to inhibit normal E. coli in humans.

    Why is this necessary?

    In addition to changes in blood composition, symptoms of the disease will help determine the presence of helminths. With helminthic infestation, the patient feels constant fatigue, depression manifests itself, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and there is itching in the anal area.

    Enzyme immunoassay blood test


    It is necessary to take such an analysis not only if you suspect worms. There are people who are at risk:

    • Veterinarians and those whose professions involve caring for animals.
    • Healthcare workers exposed to such infections.
    • Workers of preschool institutions, canteens, restaurants and cafes.
    • Children entering kindergarten.

    Test procedure

    To take the ELISA test and obtain a reliable result, the patient needs to prepare. A test for worms is taken in the morning on an empty stomach; at least nine hours must pass after the last meal. The patient can only drink still water. Experts recommend stopping taking medicines 14 days before the test. In this case, the result will be more objective. If it is impossible to stop taking the medication, you must inform your doctor about the name of the drug. In this way, it will be possible to take into account possible data distortions. Alcoholic drinks and drugs can also negatively affect the results.

    The test results must be deciphered by the attending physician. With an accurate diagnosis, you can choose an effective treatment method and quickly get rid of unwanted guests.

    Blood test for worms

    The development of diseases associated with the entry of helminthiasis pathogens into the human body is not uncommon. Diagnosing the presence of worms in the body is necessary using a number of clinical and laboratory research methods. Examination of stool for the presence of helminth eggs and larvae cannot always identify the pathogen. In this case, a blood test plays a significant role, especially when it comes to the acute phase of helminthiasis.

    The so-called “blood test for worms” can essentially include:

    • general blood test (in particular ESR, eosinophils);
    • liver tests (AST and ALT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase);
    • enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to helminths.

    But it is worth understanding that it is not possible to unambiguously diagnose the presence of helminths in the body from the blood itself, much less specifically indicate their type. These diagnostic methods are complementary and are used in combination with others.

    When is analysis needed?

    Carrying out such a study makes it possible to detect the presence of several helminthiasis pathogens in the human body at once. The value of this analysis is especially noticeable if the body experiences migration of worm larvae and eggs from one organ to another. The main indications for a blood test are suspicions of:

    Characteristics of the study

    This analysis involves the study of previously taken blood, followed by determination of the level of eosinophils (special leukocytes), since an increase in this indicator always indicates infection with helminthic infestations. In cases of severe enterobiasis in children (rarely in adults), a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels may be observed.

    The appearance of helminthic infestations in the body often provokes the formation of inflammatory processes, which can be evidenced by an increase in the level of leukocytes in a blood test, as well as an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

    Blood test for ascariasis

    Such a study will be considered in more detail using the example of one of the most common diseases caused by roundworms. To detect the causative agents of this disease, as well as to assess the severity of damage to the body by roundworms, a clinical blood test is performed. In the acute stage of ascariasis, a persistent increase in the level of eosinophils will be observed.

    Another important indicator in this case is the level of leukocytes in the blood. It would be quite logical to say that the higher the level of leukocytes and eosinophils in the blood, the more strongly the human body is infected with helminths.

    For a more accurate assessment of the severity of the pathological process with ascariasis, the doctor may recommend a biochemical blood test. This study evaluates the levels of AST and ALT, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase.

    In the chronic course of this disease, an increase in the total number of eosinophils will also be observed, while the concentration of leukocytes will be slightly reduced due to suppression of the immune system. With chronic ascariasis, hemoglobin levels will also suffer. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) will be significantly increased.

    Conducting a clinical blood test for ascariasis can be uninformative in some cases. For a more detailed diagnosis, it is possible to use an RNGA analysis (blood test for antibodies to helminths), for which special reagents are used. To perform such tests, a preliminary blood sample is taken from a vein.

    It should be noted that in some cases with ascariasis, it is advisable to study not only blood, but also sputum, in which larvae of pathogens can also be observed.

    Ascaris larva in the blood

    Analysis procedure

    There are a number of specific indications for conducting such a study. The following categories of people are subject to mandatory blood testing for helminthiasis:

    • A contingent of people whose work activities involve constant contact with animals (veterinarians, dog handlers).
    • People who have a persistent increase in the level of white blood cells in the blood.
    • People living in areas with the greatest risk of infection with various types of helminthiasis.
    • In case of suspicion of helminthic infestations.

    24 hours before the expected blood test, you must adhere to special diet, which involves the complete exclusion of alcohol, fried, fatty and spicy foods. You should also limit physical activity to a minimum. Taking any medications on the eve of the test is also extremely undesirable. If the reception medicine is inevitable, it is important to inform the laboratory doctor about this in advance.

    Obtaining a false result when conducting a blood test for worms is possible if you have any serious diseases. A blood test for helminthiasis should be used as part of one overall plan for diagnosing worms. Only in this situation can you obtain the most reliable information.

    You can find out in more detail what the test for worms is called, which one should be taken so as not to spend extra money, and also get advice regarding this test at an appointment with a parasitologist.

    Moreover, due to the microscopic nature of helminths, it is very difficult to understand exactly when and under what conditions the primary infection occurred.

    Thus, if helminthiasis is not treated, a person’s digestive processes will be disrupted, the immune system will be greatly weakened, and general exhaustion of the body will occur and poor absorption of nutrients will occur.

    Symptoms for which analysis is prescribed

    Blood testing for helminths is primarily indicated for dry cough, persistent nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and allergic skin rashes. This study is always prescribed by a doctor who conducts an initial examination of the patient and takes his medical history.

    Additional signs for which blood tests for helminths may be prescribed are:

    • Sleep disturbance, irritability and general disturbances in the central nervous system.
    • Heat bodies.
    • Sudden weight loss and muscle weakness.
    • Visual impairment and brittle nails.
    • Constant weakness and enlargement of the liver.
    • Headache and human susceptibility to viral diseases.
    • Itching in the anal area.

    Preparation for delivery

    In order for the blood test to be as accurate as possible, you should properly prepare for it. Thus, twelve hours before blood sampling you should not eat anything (the test is taken on an empty stomach). Also, the day before the test, you must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and eating fatty foods.

    In the week before the test, it is important to avoid stress and excessive physical activity. You need to stop taking medications three days in advance.

    Testing for helminthiases: features of the procedure and methods of analysis

    In addition, preventive testing for worms is necessary for those workers who are at increased risk of infection (veterinarians, medical personnel, employees in canteens, cafes, as well as people working in kindergartens).

    How is the analysis carried out?

    Testing for helminthiasis is carried out in laboratory conditions. Typically, blood is taken from a finger for this purpose. Less commonly, blood is taken from a vein.

    Today in Moscow, testing for helminth infections can be carried out both in public clinics and in private highly specialized laboratories (Analysis24, Health Clinic, Medical Center Service). In St. Petersburg, this diagnostic procedure can be done at the SM clinic, Diabedklinik, and the Helix service.

    Lead time and cost

    On average, the analysis takes two days. In some public clinics, test results will have to be expected within 3-5 days.

    Decoding the results

    With a recent primary infection IgM antibodies are detected in humans.

    For chronic helminthiasis a person has a high level of IgG antibodies.

    Acute helminthiasis established when high IgM antibodies are detected.

    With an increased level of IgM and IgG antibodies, the patient is diagnosed with an exacerbation of chronic helminthic infection and the inflammatory process.

    Treatment of helminthiasis in an advanced state of the patient should be carried out in a hospital setting under medical supervision. Milder forms of the disease can be treated at home.

    • Means for normalizing intestinal function (Linex, Bifiform).
    • Vitamin complexes.
    • Immunomodulators.
    • Sorbents.
    • Antihelminthics (Vermox, Nemozol).

    A person should also follow a diet, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

    Correct heat treatment food, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating.

    Every six months it is important to have a preventive examination with a doctor and be tested for helminths. For pets, deworming should be practiced.

    Young children should be aware of hygiene early age. It is also necessary to monitor the quality of the water consumed. It must be passed through a filter and boiled.

    It is strictly prohibited to swim in bodies of water that are of questionable cleanliness.

    Namely worms. At first they do not cause much discomfort, but then they begin to actively reproduce and feed on what humans eat. One of the most reliable methods to find out whether there are worms in the body is a blood test.

    Signs of the existence of worms in the body

    If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your doctor to prescribe tests.

    When to donate blood for worms

    There are a number of indications for testing to detect worms in the blood, which usually include constant headaches, skin problems, frequent colds, weight loss, etc. Sometimes even a doctor gives a referral for a blood test for worms, if a person suffers from insomnia, he is constantly nervous and has low level hemoglobin.
    True, people do not always pay attention to such symptoms, attributing everything to... And that is why patients are referred for tests mainly because of itching in the anus, as well as sudden weight loss. For prevention purposes, children attending schools and kindergartens are forced to take these tests once a year. In addition, employees of medical institutions, as well as employees of educational institutions, canteens, etc., in mandatory are tested for worms.

    You can donate blood for worms almost everywhere, both in a paid clinic and a free one. It is best not to eat for at least eight hours before the procedure. Typically, blood is drawn in the morning and the person receives the results within a few days.

    Who needs to donate blood for worms?

    As mentioned above, there are certain groups of people who must donate blood for worms. These include:

    • People who work directly with animals. These can be either veterinarians who mainly work with pets or veterinarians in villages
    • People who live in areas with an increased number of cases
    • Medical workers, since they constantly work with people and must be absolutely healthy. In addition, they can easily become infected from their patients
    • Kindergarten workers, as they have contact with small children and must be healthy
    • Workers of canteens, cafes, restaurants, as they have contact with food and can easily be carriers
    • Also, all children who enter kindergarten and school receive a referral for tests for worms, and if they were found in the stool or blood, they will be prescribed treatment and the trip to the hospital will be postponed. educational institution until complete recovery.

    Enzyme immunoassay blood test

    Sometimes tests can be both false positive and false negative. In this case, you will need to take the test again in about two weeks to find out the exact result. To carry out enzyme immunoassay, about 3 milliliters of venous blood is taken. Based on the results, it is possible to determine both the degree of the disease and its absence. True, this depends on the professionalism and attentiveness of the laboratory employee who conducts the analysis itself. The accuracy and reliability of the result depends on how well he can recognize various antibodies.

    How to get rid of worms

    1. Levamisole, the cost of which varies from 70 to 90 rubles
    2. Piperazine, the cost of which varies from 10 to 30 rubles
    3. Nemozol, the cost of which varies from 130 to 160 rubles
    4. Vermox, the cost of which varies from 90 to 100 rubles

    A blood test for worms is prescribed by specialists very often, especially when it is impossible to accurately determine the presence of eggs in the stool. Sometimes even some doctors skip the stool test and prescribe it right away because this type of study is more reliable. True, before you take it, you need to prepare, namely not to eat 8 hours before and not to drink alcohol. This is necessary for the accuracy of the results.

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    Read along with this article:

    Is it possible to determine worms from blood? It is possible and with great accuracy if a special immunological blood test is supplemented with other diagnostic methods, including a “classical” examination of a stool sample under a microscope.

    Usually in this case, the attending physician pays special attention to the level of eosinophils (one of the types of leukocytes), as well as to the appearance of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood plasma. The protective mechanism developed in the human body over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution ensures the formation of such specific antibodies in response to the appearance of worms. IgE causes inflammation in the intestines, which helps expel helminths.

    In many cases, specific symptoms of helminthiasis force you to consult a doctor:

    • Bruxism (teeth grinding while sleeping)
    • abdominal pain
    • nausea
    • loss of appetite
    • weakness, increased fatigue
    • diarrhea and constipation
    • itching in the anal area.

    In these cases, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which, in addition to a smear from the area anus and the stool test will also include a blood test.

    Toxocara in the blood

    It is impossible to detect toxocara in the blood with such a type of helminthiasis as toxocariasis, although the larvae of these helminths are able to migrate through the blood vessels to different organs and tissues. On the other hand, due to the increased complexity of diagnosing toxocariasis using conventional methods (smear, stool examination), an immunological blood test comes to the fore with this helminthiasis.

    In this case, the detection of specific antibodies to Toxocara, which humans can easily become infected with from dogs and cats, allows a final diagnosis to be made.

    Roundworms in the blood

    Roundworms, like Toxocara, are not detected in the blood. The main method for diagnosing ascariasis remains scatological examination or, more simply, stool analysis, although ascaris larvae have the ability to penetrate from the intestines through the bloodstream into the heart and lungs, from where they, with sputum reflexively swallowed by the patient, again enter the intestines for final “growing up.”

    If ascariasis is suspected, a blood test is mandatory, along with stool and sputum analysis. In the initial period of the disease, ascariasis is manifested by an increase in the number of leukocytes and eosinophils. Later, this helminthic infestation can lead to the development of anemia.

    Blood for ascariasis

    Blood can be tested for ascariasis in the laboratory of any medical institution, since this helminthic infestation is one of the most common. In addition to a general blood test, which in case of ascariasis reveals increased level leukocytes and eosinophils, there are also special methods for serological blood testing, which, due to their complexity and high cost, have not yet become widespread.

    This is a reaction of indirect hemagglutination and latex agglutination.

    However, in practice, the most common method for serological diagnosis of ascariasis continues to be the immunological method - detection of specific antibodies to ascaris in a blood sample.

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