What is succinic acid and where is it used? All about succinic acid Succinic acid for people use in tablets.

In European countries, a drug called Coenzyme Q10 is popular, which has also entered the Russian market. However, not everyone knows that in Russia there is a cheaper analogue of this popular dietary supplement, which is said to be able to prolong life and contribute to the production of vital amino acids and speed up metabolism. Unlike the Western counterpart, Russian product It costs several times less, but is not inferior in terms of efficiency. This is succinic acid. The benefits and harms of succinic acid, its effects on the body, the nature of the application and much more are covered in this article.

Why take succinic acid

In conditions of constant stress, lack of sleep and an extended working day, the human body cannot cope with the load, and various failures occur that lead to depression, frequent colds, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other troubles. The human body produces the necessary amino acids, carbohydrates and other essential cellular compounds that are the building material and of which our body consists. The body receives these compounds from proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with food. However, it is not always possible to maintain a balanced regimen that would fully meet all needs. Vitamins and various dietary supplements come to the rescue, which are designed to support certain functions.

Such a dietary supplement is succinic acid. A healthy body produces this acid on its own every day in the Krebs cycle, which it needs to provide energy.

The Krebs cycle is a cycle of the conversion of citric acid in living cells, which is involved in the cyclic metabolism of the body. Serves to convert glucose inside cells into energy with the help of mitochondria.

In order for glucose to be converted into energy, the body needs to start the most complex metabolic process, while by consuming succinic acid, the body receives the final product - energy - at no extra cost, bypassing the complex process. That is, YAK helps glucose to go its way.

Simply put, succinic acid is needed for proper cell respiration, good metabolism, providing the brain and other organs with the necessary energy. It has a pronounced antioxidant, antihypoxic effect, removes toxins, protects the body from adverse effects environment.

Benefits for the body

Succinic acid tablets are taken 2-3 times a day with meals., they stimulate the following processes:

  • increase resistance to toxins and improve kidney and liver function;
  • provide oxygen to tissues, improve heart function;
  • supply oxygen to brain cells;
  • increase immunity.

Succinic acid is indispensable for people in a metropolis - when intellectual, psycho-emotional, physical activity is increased and various diseases are present. The need for this product is huge and always relevant, since even a healthy body is not able to produce more than a certain amount of it - about 200 grams per day. All this acquired baggage is immediately spent in the organs that are most in need of energy metabolism. But often this amount is not enough for the cells, and then they wear out faster, get damaged, grow old and die. An additional source of UC in this regard will serve well in the restoration and rejuvenation of cells under various loads.

In places with radiation, chemical and other pollution, where there were environmental disasters, the use of nuclear weapons becomes vital. It will help to withstand adverse environmental influences and regulate the physiological state of the body.

For students during sessions, the elderly, people during a flu pandemic, succinic acid will not be superfluous for the benefit of the body.

Applications of succinic acid

The unique properties of succinic acid are known and actively used in different countries. Basically, it is part of various drugs, but in its pure form in other countries is not used. Yak produced in Russia is no different from the one produced by the body. According to the principle of action, it is an analogue of the European "Coenzyme Q10", which costs 15-20 times more.

In sports

Succinic acid is widely known in sports, as it is the main source of accelerated metabolism, which allows faster healing of muscles damaged after training, and also to reduce the unpleasant painful effect after exercise. The drug in a sports environment is also applicable in order to utilize the effect of lactic acid on the body, which is formed under the influence of glucose breakdown.

A sharp increase in lactic acid in the blood occurs after a long workout, which is important in bodybuilding, where the effect of training is built precisely on muscle damage with the help of overload, which leads to their growth. After a good workout, increased levels of lactic acid in injured muscles lead to unpleasant pain. Succinic acid copes well with this effect and is widely used in this environment..

During pregnancy

Succinic acid during pregnancy is needed for easier hormonal changes without fluctuations in the immune system, reduces toxicosis, smooths out various complications and gives strength.

Succinic acid strengthens the blood-tissue barrier, protecting the fetus from microbes and adverse effects.

For kids

Succinic acid should be given to children in a smaller dosage than to adults. The taste of the drug is very similar to citric acid, which allows you to make drinks with a sour taste on your own. Such drinks will be much more useful than those with citric acid, since citric acid leaches calcium from the body.

You can also add the drug to other dishes and even completely replace the use of citric acid with it.

To prevent indigestion, in young children, the drug should be given strictly on a full, full stomach, washed down with plenty of water or diluted in it. In children of the first years of life, the acidity in the stomach is much lower than in an adult, so it is necessary to give the drug carefully. An overdose can also cause overexcitation and poor sleep. To avoid such symptoms, do not give them the drug shortly before bedtime.

With a cold

Succinic acid for colds will significantly alleviate symptoms and shorten the overall period of the disease. Not being a medicine YAK creates favorable conditions for the body, allowing it to fight the disease more easily and quickly.. It supplies the body with energy potential, which is especially necessary for it in crisis cases.

By activating the body's own defenses, succinic acid can be an additional therapy for severe and chronic diseases, it also more actively removes toxins from diseases and drugs. It can be used for a long time.

When losing weight

Succinic acid during weight loss is used to speed up metabolism and increase energy supply to cells. Acid acts on the body in such a way that when eating food, it is saturated faster, receiving a sufficient amount of energy. Over time, the volume of food decreases, and the person begins to be saturated with less food than before. Thus, taking succinic acid for weight loss, along with a balanced and nutritious diet, will serve as a gradual, but healthy and safe weight loss, bring the body into tone, and remove toxins. With the help of YAK, you can get rid of bad habits, such as cigarettes or coffee. Succinic acid reduces the withdrawal syndrome and helps to pass the crisis period more smoothly..

With a hangover syndrome

Taking YAK before drinking alcohol prepares the body for negative impact alcoholic beverages. After such a drug intake, intoxication occurs faster, sobering comes faster, and hangover becomes smoother and passes faster.

Method and doses of succinic acid application

The use of YAK should be moderate. We must not forget that this is not a medicine and you should not see succinic acid as a panacea for all diseases. This is an extremely useful component for our body, the body always lacks its content, and it will be grateful to us for its additional supply.

Being an acid, it can irritate the stomach, this must be taken into account when taking the drug.. Best taken on a full stomach. The manufacturer recommends taking it with food as a dietary supplement.

The dosage for adults is contained on a blister pack and is recommended in the amount of 2 tablets 2 times a day. However, the dose can be increased if there is malaise, loss of strength or other situations. When taking 3-5 tablets per day in the amount of 0.1 g of the active substance, you can notice significant improvements in the condition after a couple of days of regular use. The course of taking the drug is 1 month.

The dose of YaK in children should be reduced by 2-3 times, you should add the drug to food in small quantities, as well as to drinks, fruit drinks, water that the child drinks.

Side effects, contraindications and overdose

Even the most harmless remedy has its contraindications for use. They also have succinic acid. Although succinic acid is very useful for humans, should be careful with its use if there are the following diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • angina;
  • toxicosis in late pregnancy;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • ischemia of the heart muscle.

Contraindications for use are mainly due to the effects that YaK gives the body: being, in fact, a natural energy drink, it can provoke an increase in heart rate if several tablets are taken at once. Side effects are also possible in case of increased acidity and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, since succinic acid can increase the unstable level of gastric juice in the risk group and affect inflammation of the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Allergic reactions are possible.

An overdose of the drug does not cause serious symptoms, however sleep disturbance and insomnia may occur.

The use of succinic acid in other areas

Being a natural component contained in many living organisms, the use of YaK will not bring any harm to the environment, since it is absolutely harmless, cannot pollute the soil or become a source of intoxication.

For the beauty of hands and nails

There are many masks based on succinic acid that will whiten the nails and make the skin of the hands soft and tender. Here is one recipe: mix a tablet crushed with a spoon with a tablespoon of honey, apply on the skin of the hands, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Bath for nails: dissolve the crushed tablet in a glass of warm water, place your fingers in the bath with the solution for 10 minutes.

For plants

Succinic acid increases the vitality of plants, increases their yield
. You can water the plants by dissolving 1 tablet in 5 liters, soak the seeds, spray the leaves. To get a lasting and noticeable effect from such an enrichment with a substance, you need to start using it as early as possible - preferably already at the stage of young shoots.

The principle of action of succinic acid on plants is to enrich the soil, clean it from harmful and toxic substances. Therefore, it will be useful to water the soil intended for planting in advance. Such tillage, as well as when watering already planted plants, achieves the effect of flora resistance to drought, cold, excess or lack of moisture, insufficient lighting and other adverse factors. With the simultaneous use of YAK together with fertilizers, the properties of the latter are enhanced, and there is a better absorption of minerals and nutrients. All this leads to the maturation of a strong and healthy plant with a high yield, which increases by several tens of percent. Ready fruits contain more vitamin C.

There is a separate form of succinic acid on sale in the form of a powder - especially for use in crop production. But you can also use the tablet form - dissolving the required amount in warm water and then mixing the resulting solution with cold water.

For animals

As well as for the human body, the properties of succinic acid for animals are of the most positive value, do not pose any danger, but, on the contrary, are only beneficial. Puppies and adult dogs, kittens and cats the remedy allows you to grow stronger, get sick less often and develop better. You can enrich the feed of chickens and other chicks with YAK, add it to the food and water of adult birds. The dosage is calculated at the rate of 0.03 g of active ingredient per kg of body weight. On an industrial scale in animal husbandry, succinic acid will reduce diseases and partially or completely replace antibiotic therapy.


Succinic acid is able to strengthen a weakened body, become an assistant in the fight against infections and chronic diseases, stimulates the immune system, and allows you to resist infection during a flu pandemic.
. A real salvation for the body, it is an additional source of succinic acid produced by the body. A synthetic analogue is produced in Russia, it costs about 20 rubles. for 10 tablets and has no fundamental differences with natural succinic acid.

According to the principle of action on the body at the intracellular level, it is identical to Coenzyme Q10, which was produced by European scientists and which is used all over the world to lengthen life expectancy, improve metabolism, provide cells with respiration, improve regeneration and rejuvenation effect. It is actively used in the sports environment as a drug that speeds up metabolism, is safe for health, and is a mild stimulant.

It improves the work of the heart muscle, has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and blood composition, reduces cholesterol in the blood, nourishes the tissues of the body with oxygen - primarily the lungs, bronchi, which makes YAK a good tool in the fight against bronchial diseases and pneumonia.

It is converted in the blood into energy - a source of vitality for all processes. Helps the body in difficult periods of beriberi, illness, stress, lack of sleep and general adverse conditions. It relieves nervous tension, fights depression, improves mental function and attention. Favorably affects memory and reaction. Used in cosmetology as effective remedy for the improvement of the skin of the face, hands, the condition of the nails. Essential for plants and animals.

One of the cheapest dietary supplements is succinic acid, the benefits and harms of which are well studied. Succinic acid is a component produced by the body for metabolism and cellular respiration. The human body produces the necessary amount of acid, sufficient to ensure energy metabolism. With a deficiency of succinic acid, the supply of the substance is replenished with the help of biologically active additives and preparations.

What is succinic acid

Succinic acid is an organic compound. Acid does not accumulate in the human body. A healthy body produces exactly as much substance as is necessary for the normal functioning of organs.

Deficiency of succinic acid is noted:

  • With chronic fatigue.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • immunodeficiency states.
  • mental fatigue.
  • Exposure to adverse environmental conditions.

Getting from the outside along with food, succinic acid is synthesized in the body in quantities sufficient for metabolic processes. Esters of succinic acid and salts are called succinates. They are obtained by distillation of amber.

A lot of succinic acid contains useful products:

  • Deep sea molluscs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Rye bread.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Sour cabbage.
  • Light grape.
  • Barley.
  • Beets and juice from it.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Long aged wine.

Succinic acid has the following beneficial effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Anti-anxiety.
  • Antihypoxic.
  • General tonic.
  • Psychostimulant.
  • Protective.

Preparations with succinic acid are used to protect cells from pathogenic factors, eliminate hypoxia, and also as a replacement for coenzyme Q10. Acid is useful for the elderly, women, men and children, but it should be taken only after passing the tests and by prescription. The drug can be taken on its own only for a short time.

Release form

Succinic acid is produced in the form of a powder substance and tablets for internal use at a concentration of 0.25, 0.1 and 0.05 g. In the FDA, succinic acid is known as an antioxidant - food additive E363. In Russia, distribution is not limited - the drug can be bought without a prescription and in any quantity.

What is useful succinic acid? Tablets and powder use:

  1. To stimulate appetite.
  2. Increase the body's defenses.
  3. Neutralization of ethanol (alcohol).
  4. Increase in working capacity.
  5. Increase in diastolic pressure.
  6. Providing cells with oxygen.
  7. Strengthening immunity.

In addition, succinic acid contains medications: hepaprotector Remaxol, antioxidant Limontar, antibiotic Panklav, antidote Reamberin, glucocorticosteroid Budesonide-native and some vitamin complexes.

The benefits of succinic acid

Health benefits come only when taken according to the instructions and only after examination by a doctor. Although succinic acid is a dietary supplement, long-term use can be unsafe and lead to organ damage.

Acid intake is justified in the following situations:

  1. Persistent loss of appetite.
  2. Alcoholic or other toxic poisoning.
  3. Functional asthenic state (increased fatigue).
  4. Decreased mental performance and memory impairment.
  5. Psychological disorders.
  6. Colds.
  7. Accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels.
  8. Headache due to lack of oxygen.
  9. ischemic conditions.
  10. loss of potassium ions.
  11. Circulatory disorders.
  12. Swelling in osteochondrosis.
  13. Bronchopulmonary diseases.

Succinic acid is taken to prevent chronic diseases during periods of exacerbation. In violation of insulin production, the drug helps to normalize the metabolism of saccharides. In complex therapy, succinic acid is used to treat varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases. Also, the drug helps to restore health after injuries due to its regenerative properties. A useful supplement for the body of cancer patients, as the acid inhibits the reproduction of defective cells.

The benefits of succinic acid for women

Many women use succinic acid for weight loss. The drug removes accumulated toxins from the body, but you can lose weight only with additional measures - diet, exercise. The remedy does not have a fat-burning effect, but women note that losing weight with succinic acid is much easier. This is explained by the removal of excess fluid from the tissues, as well as an increase in physical activity, since succinic acid is a natural energetic.

Succinic acid has other beneficial features- a person taking acid suffers less from ailments, complexion improves, mimic wrinkles are reduced.

Acid contains pearl cosmetics, many anti-aging creams and serums. Beauty salons use cosmetics saturated with this beneficial carboxylic acid.

Tablets can be used in homemade recipes. From a tablet of succinic acid and cream or clay, you can create inexpensive skin care cosmetics. Before adding to your favorite cosmetic, the tablet is crushed into dust, then mixed with a cream or lotion.

Homemade tonic can be made from a tablet and water - just dissolve the tablet and smear the face with a swab. Such a tonic is useful for the skin of the face, hands and nails. Outwardly, acid is used if it is not possible to drink tablets due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eye and other diseases.

A crushed tablet replaces a skin scrub. You can rub the drug into the hair roots or make a rinse from water and a crushed tablet. Also, one crushed tablet is added to shampoo or hair balm.

Properties of succinic acid for the human body

As a prophylaxis, athletes can take succinic acid, as the drug helps to reduce fatigue from physical exertion. The drug relieves pain after tiring workouts and helps to quickly restore muscles.

For people over 50 years of age, succinic acid is indicated to reduce the severity of age-related changes. Reception according to the instructions helps to delay gerontological diseases.

For women, acid can also be useful, as the drug improves the condition of the skin and hair. The course can be drunk during the planning period of pregnancy. Succinic acid reduces the risk of hypoxia in the fetus.

Before use, the tablet is dissolved in juice or sparkling water. Take immediately before meals. The effect of the drug occurs 15-20 minutes after ingestion. The half-life is 4 hours. The drug is excreted along with urine.

How to take succinic acid:

  1. An adult needs 1-3 tablets per day at a dosage of 0.25 g. The course of treatment is 28 days. Then the reception is stopped. To stimulate appetite, take 1-3 tablets per day for 5 days. With discomfort in the stomach, the tablets are drunk after a meal.
  2. For pregnant women, 250 mg is prescribed in the first trimester, starting from the 12th week. In the third trimester, succinic acid is prescribed immediately before childbirth - 1-3 weeks before delivery. The course of admission is 10 days.

It should be remembered that giving the drug to a child can damage the mucous membrane of his stomach, so only a doctor can prescribe acid. When providing emergency care, you can give the child one tablet before the ambulance arrives, for example, if poisoning is suspected.


Harm of succinic acid

Mentioning the benefits of the drug, you can not ignore the contraindications. Succinic acid is not prescribed:

  1. In diseases of the stomach: gastritis, ulcers.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Late gestosis in pregnant women (accompanied by convulsions, edema, increased pressure).
  4. Ischemic heart disease.
  5. Renal failure.
  6. drug intolerance.
  7. Glaucoma.

Succinic acid is safe if the dosage is observed. The dose should not exceed 0.01 mg per kg of body weight. When studying the drug in mice and rats, the drug was administered intravenously and orally. When the dosage was exceeded, the animal experienced various injuries: bleeding in the stomach, swelling of the skin, lethargy, weight loss, intestinal erosion, kidney stones. At a dosage of 1.4-2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight, the death of rodents occurred.

Exceeding the dosage in humans leads to insomnia, diarrhea, increased secretion of gastric juice, damage to the bladder, kidneys, and liver. In children, unreasonable intake can damage the enamel on the teeth. At the same time, cases of drug poisoning are unknown even when the recommended doses are exceeded.

When not to use succinic acid

In the absence of contraindications, acid is drunk during the day. However, it should be remembered that taking before bedtime can lead to excitability of the nervous system, as a result of which sleep will be disturbed.

If allergic reactions occur, the drug is canceled and shown to the doctor.

It is worth remembering that although the acid does not accumulate in the body, it may not be excreted from the plasma and damaged tissues.

It is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the lack of succinic acid in the body if:

  • Headache.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • The impact of unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Constant sleepiness.
  • Prolonged SARS.
  • Decreased immunity.

In this case, the doctor, after the examination, will prescribe succinic acid in tablets or as part of other pharmacological preparations. In other cases (physical exhaustion,) the drug is taken for a short time - within 1-2 days. For the beauty of the skin, succinic acid is used externally.

Most of the substances that a person needs for normal life comes from food or is produced in the body itself. But in some cases, it is necessary to additionally take drugs containing vitamins or minerals. Most people know how useful, for example, vitamin C or calcium. But not everyone understands why succinic acid is needed. In a healthy person who eats properly, its deficiency is not observed. But for some diseases and conditions of the body, it may be necessary to take additional succinic acid. Most often, tablets or powder containing this substance are prescribed by a doctor. And only then does a person understand why succinic acid is needed. And those who used it as prescribed by a doctor, then constantly use this inexpensive drug for medical and domestic purposes.

What is succinic acid?

This natural substance was discovered not so long ago. Get it in the process of processing natural amber. This substance is a white powder, highly soluble in water and has a sour taste. And scientists have found out why succinic acid is needed. It turns out that it is an important link in the processes of oxidation in cells. The more it is, the better the metabolic products are oxidized and the more energy is generated. Succinic acid has a unique property: it accumulates in those organs and tissues that lack it.

Where is it contained?

Many millions of years ago, succinic acid was used by all organisms in the processes of life. It has been preserved since those years in the form of amber.

In addition, it is found in free form in unripe berries and beet juice. There is succinic acid in brewer's yeast, grapes and aged wines, seafood, sauerkraut and turnips. A lot of it in dairy products, cheeses and cereals. A large amount of it is found in alfalfa. But most often people consume products that are poor. Therefore, it is sometimes used in the food industry or its deficiency is made up for by taking special preparations.

What is succinic acid for?

For normal life, a living organism needs energy. It is formed as a result of oxidative processes in cells. And succinic acid is the most important link in this. It is under its influence that the oxidation and processing of useful substances and the removal of metabolic products occur. It helps in the formation of oxygen for the vital activity of cells. Only recently people understood why succinic acid is necessary for all living organisms. And now they use it for various diseases, decreased performance, for the prevention of viral diseases, diabetes and cancer. Moreover, it is useful not only to humans, but also to domestic animals and even plants.

Its effect on the body

Succinic acid:

Helps in lowering cholesterol levels;

Participates in cellular metabolism and improves;

Neutralizes and slows down the aging process;

Reduces the negative effects of drugs and accelerates their action;

Helps to recover faster after physical exertion, cope with the consequences of diets and malnutrition;

Neutralizes toxins and alcohol, fights intoxication and hangover;

Restores joint mobility;

Has a diuretic effect;

Improves blood circulation;

Increases efficiency, improves attention and memory, helps fight irritability and stress;

Reduces blood sugar levels;

Increases immunity;

It cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Under what conditions is it used?

Those who have learned why a person needs succinic acid use it for various ailments, for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Most often it is used in such cases:

To prevent or relieve symptoms of a hangover, 1-2 tablets can be taken before taking alcoholic beverages or after that;

Take succinic acid for the treatment of drug addiction or when quitting smoking;

Often athletes also take succinic acid. Why is it needed in this case? This substance helps to recover faster after exercise;

Many women drink succinic acid tablets for weight loss and in order to better tolerate various diets;

It is good to take succinic acid for the prevention of seasonal colds;

Such drugs are prescribed to both parents when planning pregnancy to improve reproductive function;

Succinic acid in asthma and bronchitis helps in the outflow of mucus, reduces the frequency of attacks;

As an aid, these tablets are used for any inflammatory processes;

Improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases;

Serves as a prevention of diseases developing on the basis of aging;

Studies have been conducted proving the effectiveness of taking succinic acid preparations in oncological diseases. This substance slows down the growth of cancer cells and improves the patient's condition;

Why do you need succinic acid in tablets yet? It is recommended to take it for stressful conditions, insomnia, irritability, fatigue and decreased performance.

Succinic acid during pregnancy

Any medication, even dietary supplements, a woman in position can take only on the recommendation of a doctor. But for some reason, such a harmless and useful drug as succinic acid is rarely prescribed.

Why does the body need it during pregnancy?

1. This substance reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.

2. Regulates the activity of the intestines and helps to avoid both diarrhea and constipation, which are common during pregnancy.

3. Much easier under the influence of succinic acid is the hormonal restructuring of the mother's body.

4. Participating in metabolism, succinic acid helps to create a more favorable environment for the development of the baby, preventing the development of preeclampsia, oxygen starvation and other complications.

5. It is indicated to be taken for any colds to protect the child from viruses and increase immunity.

Succinic acid for weight loss

Although this substance does not have fat burning properties, it is often used for weight loss. Reviews of those who used succinic acid for such purposes note that the process of weight loss with it proceeds faster and diets are much easier to tolerate. After all, this substance not only speeds up metabolism and improves the elimination of toxins, but also contributes to a more complete absorption of food, preventing it from being stored in fat. In addition, succinic acid reduces swelling, relieves fatigue and relieves nervous tension.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of this substance are widely used to maintain the beauty and health of the skin and hair.

In addition to the fact that succinic acid is part of many creams and shampoos, you can use it in powder form. Based on it, compositions for masks and peels are made. They perfectly cleanse the skin, do not cause allergic reactions and have a rejuvenating effect. Succinic acid eliminates age spots and spider veins, helps fight premature skin aging. Its regenerative properties are used to eliminate scars, scars and acne marks. Succinic acid is also effective for hair. You can add the powder to your regular shampoo or make a mask based on it. After regular use of such products, the hair becomes thicker and stronger, their growth improves and loss stops.

How to use succinic acid preparations correctly?

Most often, the doctor prescribes the pills, and he determines the dosage in which they should be taken. If succinic acid is used to prevent diseases and improve overall well-being, then they drink one tablet 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to do this in the morning, as this substance has a stimulating effect. But with this method, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. To extend the course, you need to take a break for a day every 3 days. In this case, the tablets can be drunk for a month.

There are also special regimens for taking the drug:

To relieve symptoms of intoxication or a hangover, it is permissible to take 3 tablets at once, and then one tablet every 2 hours, but not more than 6 pieces per day;

When recovering from intense physical exertion, you can drink 3,000 milligrams of this acid once;

For emergency help with sciatica or myositis, 3000 milligrams are also taken, but divided into three times for 3 days;

Small particles of amber can enter the human body through the pores. For example, in diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear amber beads around the neck.

If not tablets are used for treatment, but a solution of amber powder, then it is recommended to drink it through a straw, and rinse your mouth after use so that the acid does not destroy tooth enamel.

Can everyone apply?

In most cases, succinic acid preparations do not cause any side effects. The only thing that can happen when taking large doses is irritation of the gastric mucosa and the development of gastritis. Such drugs are not drugs and are considered dietary supplements. But succinic acid brings great benefits to the body even in small dosages. It is considered absolutely harmless, and is prescribed to everyone. Only individual intolerance can become an obstacle to taking succinic acid. But like all other acids, it is not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers or gastritis. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed to patients with a persistent increase in blood pressure and a tendency to form kidney stones.

Why do plants need succinic acid?

In order for indoor flowers to grow and develop normally, regular watering, fertilizing and transplanting are not enough for them. It is recommended to use succinic acid in floriculture. This substance is not a fertilizer, but rather a powerful biostimulant that helps flowers absorb nutrients and withstand adverse environmental factors. So why do plants need succinic acid?

Clears the soil of toxic substances.

Helps flowers absorb fertilizer.

Promotes better stress tolerance during transplantation.

Improves seed germination.

Helps to resist many diseases and pests.

The hardest thing to care for orchids. Therefore, various fertilizers and biostimulants are often used to care for them. Many flower growers know why orchids need succinic acid. Under its action, these delicate flowers become more resistant, release new roots and bloom actively. In addition, this biostimulant cleans the soil and helps control pests. Flower lovers need to know what succinic acid is for. Proper care is very important for orchids, and she helps with this.

Succinic acid (sodium succinate, butanedioic acid) is a key biochemical molecule. Nature uses it for energy metabolism in plants, human tissue and animals. It has been used for centuries as an analgesic and natural antibiotic.

Succinates are natural regulators of body processes. The need for them arises with increased stress: both physical and emotional. Acid is unique in that it accumulates only in those areas that need it, bypassing healthy cells and tissues.

It can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of tablets. It is a colorless crystalline solid and is a product of amber processing. How useful is succinic acid and how important is it for the human body?

Amber is an antioxidant that can help with heart rhythm disorders, it improves blood circulation and the functioning of the urinary system.

A proven fact - succinic acid has a positive effect on the restoration of the nervous and immune systems, increases the body's resistance to infections, and also helps to compensate for the leakage of energy in the body and brain, increasing attention, concentration and reflexes and reducing stress.

The use of succinic acid prevents the development of neoplasms, reduces sugar and neutralizes kidney stones. With varicose veins, butanedioic acid eliminates inflammation, restores blood circulation, and as a result, veins are restored.

Succinic acid is one of the natural acids found in foods such as broccoli, rhubarb, sugar beets, unripe gooseberries and grapes, fresh meat extracts, various cheeses and sauerkraut.

All of these products have very distinct and noticeable flavors which may be due in part to the enhancement of taste by small amounts of naturally occurring succinic acid.

Succinic acid is an acidity regulator and also a flavoring agent. It can be present in sweets, baked goods, etc. In addition, it is present in oysters, hard cheeses, yoghurts, sunflower seeds, strawberries, wine, hawthorn, nettles.

The required amount of acid for an adult is 200 mg per day. And if a person does not eat enough food with acid, then he needs to use it as a food supplement.

Indications for use

The use of succinic acid should be agreed with the attending physician. Generally indications are:

  • chronic stress conditions in humans;
  • heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • radiculitis;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • allergy;
  • asthma;
  • SARS, influenza, colds (complex forms) - including in children, pregnant women;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • fibroids, tumors (development prevention);
  • oncological diseases as an antitoxic agent;
  • hangover, alcoholism;
  • taking vitamins, drugs to reduce their toxic effects;
  • taking food supplements;
  • disease prevention in the elderly.

This substance is considered harmless, but, despite this, you should not self-medicate. Before you start taking, you should consult with your doctor. The specialist may prescribe a course of tablets or a solution. It is usually recommended to start with 500 mg in the morning with plenty of water.

As soon as the effect is noticeable, the daily dose can be reduced to 200 mg per day. If there is no improvement, then the dose should be increased, but also after consultation with your doctor.

Excessive consumption of succinic acid can harm health, not improve it, so it is recommended to be monitored by a doctor. And read the instructions for use.

Succinic acid: contraindications

In some people, this substance can cause severe heartburn or irritate the walls of the stomach, in addition, the drug not recommended for people diagnosed with:

  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract (the substance can lead to an increase in the secretion of gastric juice);
  • hypertension, glaucoma, coronary heart disease (the drug may increase blood pressure);
  • individual intolerance, drug allergy.

Weightloss remedy

In bodybuilding, and as a weight loss aid, sodium succinate is the number one helper. Acid normalizes the functions of organs, has a beneficial effect on the entire body, and it, in turn, fights excess weight. People not only lose weight, but are also treated in the process of taking.

It improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and waste products at the cellular level. This increases the level of oxygen and energy in the cells; increases resistance to stress, increases the body's resistance to stress and reduces fatigue during exercise.

The duration of the course is agreed with the doctor.

Succinic acid in oncology

In Moscow, at the Institute of Biophysics, studies were conducted with the participation of volunteers: in addition to the use of acid, the subjects kept a diet, consumed herbs, vitamin and mineral complexes, and healing drinks. The results were processed over several years.

It was found that the use of succinic acid stops the growth of tumors, and different ones: cancer of the ovaries, mammary glands, cervix, colon.

With the use of standard methods of treatment - operations, chemotherapy, radiation, and in addition acid - the chances of a cure increase by 2-3 times. It also helps to alleviate conditions associated with toxicosis after chemotherapy.

This substance helps to cope with acne, normalizes cells, stimulates and activates metabolism, removes toxins, restores elasticity and freshness of the skin, complexion. Improves nutrition of skin cells, reduces scars, bags under the eyes, reduces wrinkles.

Grind 2 tablets of succinic acid, pour the resulting powder with 1 tablespoon of water, mix. Apply to the face (avoiding the eyes), do not rinse, the mixture should be completely absorbed. Repeat every week.

In addition, succinate peels are popular in cosmetology. They are indicated for people whose skin is prone to acne, as well as sensitivity and rosacea. Peeling strengthens blood vessels and restores blood microcirculation.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the type of skin. It can be carried out in a beauty parlor, or you can do it yourself. This tool is effective in the fight against cellulite, it helps to even out the skin texture and reduces stretch marks.

Succinate molecules are injected subcutaneously, which allows you to influence the problem locally.

It enhances metabolic processes in cells. Injection is the most effective, as it affects the deep layers of the skin. It is used in combination with hyaluronic acid, activating the metabolism in cells.

Interaction with other drugs

The compatibility of sodium succinate with other drugs has been proven. It can be taken with many medications, but it reduces the effects of barbiturates and anxiolytics.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body experiences severe stress, and here butanedioic acid will be an assistant and savior. It helps to increase the oxygen metabolism of the body and provides nutrients to the unborn child. Reduces predisposition to stress and anxiety.

Accelerates the excretion of toxins from the body. Reduces the risk of anemia. Use during pregnancy and lactation is recommended by doctors in small doses, not more than 250 mg per day.

Before use, consultation with a treating specialist is necessary.

Taking pills inside helps to improve the structure of the hair, their condition, accelerates growth and prevents hair loss.

In addition, you can supplement the use of tablets with external use. You can add the crushed agent to the rinsing balm. Or apply to the hair, after washing the head, having previously dissolved 3-4 tablets. You can also add the product to the shampoo.

It is recommended to mix crushed tablets with olive oil, apply to clean hair, hold for 10-15 minutes, like a mask, cover your head with a towel, then rinse. You can carry out this procedure once a week until the hair acquires a healthy, radiant appearance and stops falling out.

Succinic acid is a unique remedy that is used both in medicine and cosmetology, helps to fight serious diseases, has a preventive effect, affects various functions of the body: both physical and psycho-emotional.

But you should always remember that acid, like any remedy, may have contraindications, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking succinate.

Succinic acid for a hangover is a proven budget tool that has a minimum number of side effects. This substance has a completely natural origin and is produced in the human body. Extracted from natural amber.

In its pure form, it looks like white crystals, perfectly soluble in alcohol or water. A healthy person, as a rule, does not experience a lack of succinic acid, however, in the case of a hangover syndrome, it is recommended to replenish its deficiency from the outside.

What is succinic acid

Succinic acid does not apply to medicines and is a biotic that the body receives from foods such as: cheese, rye bread, sunflower seeds, sauerkraut, fruits, berries and seafood. Thanks to succinic acid, energy metabolism in tissues is stabilized, moreover, it has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect and reliably protects the body from the toxic effects of ethanol metabolites.

Succinic acid is found in fresh and dried apples, green gooseberries, alfalfa, barley, brewer's yeast and cold-pressed sunflower oil.

It is believed that when using even large doses of acid, there is virtually no harm to the body. The intake of succinic acid is indicated in the cold season and during periods of exacerbation of seasonal and infectious diseases, since it not only removes accumulated toxins and toxic substances, but also significantly increases the body's resistance to various viruses and pathogens of various ailments.

Instructions for use warns against the daily use of this substance, since its excess can lead to the formation of oxalate kidney stones, as well as provoke a hypertensive crisis.

Does succinic acid help with a hangover syndrome

Succinic acid with a hangover is used to activate the immune system and accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. The substance improves cellular respiration and in the shortest possible time eliminates acetaldehyde and other poisons resulting from ethanol poisoning. It is worth taking the recommended amount of the drug after heavy libations the day before for the following reasons:

  • The substance accelerates metabolic processes in the body and the production of a number of amino acids necessary for recovery after alcohol intoxication.
  • Succinic acid helps to improve well-being, and also increases tone and eliminates lethargy.
  • Detoxification and elimination of the negative symptoms of a hangover proceeds much faster.

Since succinic acid has been successfully used for hangovers for more than a dozen years, many manufacturers of bioactive supplements designed to eliminate the negative symptoms of binge include it in specialized complex products. For example, Limontar, which is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, is a combination of citric and succinic acids, which allows you to saturate the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C and speed up the process of removing dangerous toxins.

Treatment of chronic forms alcohol addiction allows the use of succinic acid, but it can be used as one of the elements of complex therapy, and by itself is not able to save a person from addiction and the serious consequences of withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to the enhanced synthesis of ATP, the energy resource of the body is significantly increased, and the production of glucose, which is necessary for the full functioning of the brain, is also accelerated.

It is confirmed that the drug helps to increase endurance, and also improves the condition of the skin.

It is interesting! At drunkenness the vascular system is under critical overload. Dicarboxylic acid helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and tissues, preventing their destruction. If you use it before taking alcohol, you can avoid such unpleasant symptoms as headache, severe vomiting, nausea, thirst and lethargy.


Despite all the advantages of succinic acid in the fight against a hangover, you should refrain from using it in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of poisoning with arsenic or mercury vapor;
  • in the presence of pathologies of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system;
  • with cholelithiasis, fatty liver and cirrhosis;
  • with bronchial asthma and varicose veins;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

Peptic ulcers and other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are similarly an obstacle to the use of succinic acid, since it can increase acidity, which will only lead to an aggravation of a hangover. Before using such drugs, it is necessary to without fail consult with your doctor, who will make an informed decision on the advisability of using the drug and select the optimal dosage.

How to use succinic acid correctly

How to take succinic acid with a hangover? If the morning after drinking turned out to be difficult, and a person experiences a full range of negative sensations associated with poisoning the body with ethanol, it is recommended to start cleansing it by taking one tablet (100 mg). If within an hour there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, the procedure must be repeated.

The maximum allowable dosage is 600 mg per day. Since almost any acid irritates the walls of the stomach, this drug should be taken on a full stomach. Otherwise, you will have to save yourself from heartburn and pain syndrome localized in the gastrointestinal tract. Succinic acid before drinking alcohol can significantly alleviate negative symptoms in the morning, maintain working capacity and relatively good health.

The drug must be used in the following way:

  • 60-80 minutes before the start of the buffet, you need to drink 2-2.5 tablets (200-250 mg), after having a tight bite.
  • The tablet is taken sublingually or swallowed whole, the method of administration does not have a special effect on the strength of the effect. Resorption less traumatizes the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Drinking the drug immediately after drinking is fraught with problems with sleep, since it has a pronounced tonic effect.

Compatibility this tool with glycine, which is often used to get rid of a hangover, is extremely negative, since the amino acid glycine has an opposite (calming) effect on the body. Taking two drugs at the same time can only aggravate the general condition. Magnesia also does not combine with succinic acid, like most sorbents. Enterosgel or activated charcoal will simply absorb all the useful elements of the drug along with toxins and ethanol metabolites.

The benefits of this endogenous biospecific compound are in the stimulation of energy metabolism and a pronounced tonic effect.

It is interesting! A few tablets of acid drunk after alcohol saturate the cells with oxygen and neutralize free radicals that provoke the development of a number of serious diseases. The drug stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and helps to get rid of the side effects of various medications.


Succinic acid and alcohol do not show any signs of negative compatibility in the case of simultaneous use. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, and many people use it periodically to alleviate negative hangover symptoms.

A number of well-known scientists, including M. Solovyov and V. Anisimov, believe that succinic acid, when used correctly, prolongs life and significantly increases the level of the body's natural defenses. It is very successfully used for the treatment of chronic alcoholism, but the duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 9-10 days.

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