Electronic insurance: advantages and disadvantages. electronic insurance policy

Since the middle of last year, car owners have the opportunity to obtain electronic MTPL. This new method allows you to issue a document without queuing or visiting the insurance company. The article discusses how to issue an electronic MTPL policy and why it is convenient. Methods for obtaining it will also be studied in detail.

Electronic MTPL

A document received electronically has the same force as a paper one. It can be presented anywhere where necessary. Electronic MTPL insurance is issued directly via the Internet directly from the company, that is, on its official website. Car owners today can optionally make a purchase online or drive up to the office and purchase a document in the usual way.

Electronic MTPL insurance is information that a specific insurance company has concluded an agreement with the car owner, information about which is entered into a centralized database. Such a record guarantees the provision of services in in case of an accident on a universal basis.

After the car owner has applied for and paid for insurance, he receives an email with the policy attached as an attachment. The document must be printed, and after that you must sign in the space provided for this. Although the latter is optional. The insurance company uses digital signature, sealing the document with it.

If you want to additionally insure civil liability, you should know that in electronic format this is possible only when the insurance policy was issued in a similar way earlier and its validity is expected to be extended.

Electronic or paper MTPL have the same price. Although e-ordering will not take into account the commission fee

There are calculators that can help you determine the cost of car insurance. It depends on the power vehicle, age and length of service of the driver, locality in which the owner of the car is registered. For example, for a 22-year-old driver who has about a year of driving experience and owns a car with a power of over 100 Horse power and living in Moscow, the cost at different insurance companies will vary from 14 to 16 thousand rubles. And for the owner of a car with the same set of data, but living in Khimki, the price of car insurance will be about 13,800 rubles.

If we calculate the cost of such a service for a 50-year-old driver with thirty years of experience driving a vehicle with a capacity of up to 50 hp. s., living in Saratov, then the amount in this case will be no more than 4 thousand rubles.

Registration procedure

The document, received electronically, is a new service of auto insurance companies. Many drivers are afraid of innovations and prefer proven old way. However, electronic registration requires very little.

How to apply for an electronic MTPL policy step by step?

  • Go to the official website of the SK.
  • Fill out the proposed application indicating your data.
  • Signature for individual can be carried out electronically (using your PF account, that is, SNILS), and for a legal entity - an enhanced qualified digital version.
  • Having completed the registration, you need to wait until the data is loaded, calculations are made and the information is verified with a single database. At this stage, if necessary, the system may request Additional information.
  • After this, you should pay for the policy in any way convenient and familiar to the client.
  • Then they go to email, save the document and print it.

Be very careful when entering your information on the application. After all, if the policy contains errors, typos and data that does not correspond to reality, this may be the reason that payment of compensation in the event of an accident will be refused. At best, the process of receiving payment will be delayed.

The car owner chooses the method of document execution according to at will. There are no obligations in this case. Convenience for the driver plays a paramount role here.

When filling out the electronic MTPL, the price is chosen independently, depending on the duration of the insurance or the availability of additional services. Only insurance companies have the right to provide MTPL insurance in electronic form. No brokers or agents can do this.

After the procedure is completed, the data of the car owner as the policyholder is included in information system compulsory insurance. This system is automated. Thanks to it, the procedure for concluding a contract will be significantly simplified in the future.

It is clear that when purchasing insurance in this way, a vehicle inspection is not required.

What data is entered?

Before you issue an electronic MTPL policy, prepare the following documents.

  • Passport or other document that proves your identity.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Driver's license, as well as those of persons authorized to drive a vehicle.
  • Diagnostic card about passing the technical inspection.

All this data is available in electronic form, from where insurers receive the relevant information. Therefore, if the technical inspection has not been passed, you will not receive a policy (although there are insurance companies that help in this matter). If among the list of persons included in the agreement there is someone who does not have driver's license, - the result will also be negative.


Fraud in our country, alas, is not uncommon. Such offenders do not bypass the insurance industry. Forms are often falsified, and electronic compulsory motor liability insurance of a company is even easier to falsify. How to avoid falling for scammers?

Rules traffic tell us what the driver should have with him driver's license, a vehicle registration certificate, as well as an MTPL insurance policy. If the traffic police inspector asks to see the policy, the driver must provide a paper printout of the insurance.

Of course, the time will come when every traffic police car will have a terminal with which the inspector will be able to access the database to check the document for authenticity. But while this is not the case, the driver must have a paper equivalent of an electronic document.

There is a special system with which the car owner can check the authenticity of the policy independently. After all, each insurance has its own unique number.

Insurance companies receive policy forms from RSA. Therefore, by entering the policy number into the database, you can verify that the number matches the name of the insurance company. This method can be used not only by those who issued an electronic MTPL policy. Whether it is Rosgosstrakh, Reso, Soglasie or any other insurance company, it doesn’t matter, nor does the method of registration. In other words, if the contract was concluded by the policyholder by visiting the office of any insurance company, authentication via the Internet at RSA is also possible.

Benefits for insurance companies

When the innovation began to take effect, all insurance companies began to actively implement this system. It is not difficult to understand how beneficial it is for insurers.

They can significantly reduce the number of employees. Payment costs are reduced wages and commission bonuses. There is no need to strive to open new offices and so on.

Benefits for policyholders

But it’s not only beneficial for insurance companies new system. Car owners, in turn, receive the following preferences:

  • You no longer need to go to the office, look for a suitable insurance company and listen to all the information from the agent.
  • The policy is issued in a calm home environment, where the car owner himself makes the choice to purchase additional services or refuse them.
  • This can be done at any time convenient for you and you don’t have to devote a few special hours or take time off from work. A few minutes in the evening, on a weekend or any other time when possible is enough. After all, company websites, like the Internet, operate around the clock.

Minor flaws

In addition to the obvious advantages, which cannot be disputed, as in any system, there are also disadvantages in receiving electronic policies. Let's look at some of them.

  • Many people simply prefer not to shop online.
  • When insurance companies provide electronic services, there is no active advertising. Therefore, potential policyholders are deprived of information about the benefits of concluding an agreement with a particular company.
  • Small insurance companies are forced to significantly reduce the cost of services in order to enter the market. But this sometimes causes rejection and suspicion among people.

But all these shortcomings are not so significant.

Formality of the process

A more serious obstacle to the development of the service may be the inconsistencies that occur when registering a service such as electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. VSK, Rosgosstrakh or any other company enter into an agreement based on the data on the documents.

It turns out, for example, that vehicle inspection becomes formal. Many insurance companies provide an additional service in which, after issuing a policy, an operator is offered to carry out the inspection procedure without making any claims, that is, simply to record a record in the database.

Lack of equipment for traffic police officers

The traffic police inspector does not have special equipment that allows him to verify the authenticity of electronic forms. If the situation is stressful, this may contribute to conflict between the driver and the law enforcement officer. Everyone says that (Rosgosstrakh, Soglasie, Reso, AlfaStrakhovanie and all other insurance companies) have replaced the paper equivalent electronic signature. Therefore, some drivers, not having a paper version with them, refer to this inconsistency. At the same time, you should know that, despite the electronic signature, precisely because traffic police officers do not yet have the opportunity to check this information, drivers were required to carry a paper equivalent with them. Otherwise, the person will be fined 500 or 800 rubles.

Registration of a European protocol: what to do?

Questions also arise during registration drivers of road accidents using the European protocol. This document and method are designed to improve the situation on the road and register a minor traffic accident without the participation of a traffic police inspector. At the same time, if one of the drivers has an electronic MTPL, VSK for example, then how does the other participant in an accident can you verify its authenticity? It turns out that the norm, designed to simplify the procedure registration of road accidents, in such cases is completely lost.


Let's hope that such shortcomings can be resolved soon. After all, the ability to order electronic MTPL insurance via the Internet is indeed very convenient. And this will certainly be appreciated by many car enthusiasts in the near future. Then this will make life easier not only for policyholders and insurers, but also for traffic police officers.

We looked at how to issue an electronic MTPL policy and were convinced of its simplicity and many advantages of the system. We touched upon the shortcomings and pitfalls that still exist in connection with this innovation.

Based on the above, each car owner decides for himself: whether to adhere to the old-fashioned policy registration or switch to electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. AlfaStrakhovanie, Rosgosstrakh, Reso, VSK, Soglasie and many other insurance companies are ready to provide this new service today.

  1. Fast. You apply for a policy without queuing or going to the office; it is immediately sent to your email after settlement and payment.
  2. Comfortable. Your policy is always available in your personal account, by e-mail or Passbook/PassWallet on your smartphone.
  3. Reliable. More than 140 points for settling losses under MTPL in Russia are ready to provide support in case of an insured event.


  • Authorization.


  • City of owner: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, other.
  • Vehicle category: A - motorcycles, B - passenger cars, BE - passenger cars, C - trucks, other.
  • Car make and model.
  • Year of manufacture: 2019, 2018, 2017, other.
  • VIN number.
  • Engine power, hp
  • Period of use: 20 days - 1 year.
  • Purpose of use: personal, educational, taxi, rental, other.


  • Full Name.
  • Age.
  • Driving experience.
  • Identification.
  • Address according to passport.
  • Mobile phone.

Obtaining a policy

  • Apply for an eOSAGO policy and receive it by email.
  • Delivery: not required, you just need to print the received file.
  • Payment: only VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO and MIR cards are accepted for payment.

According to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the eOSAGO agreement begins to be valid no earlier than 3 days after the day of registration.
We recommend planning your purchase at least 3 days in advance. Apply online now.

PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh", license of the Bank of Russia for the provision of insurance OS No. 0001 - 03, issued on 06/06/2018, unlimited. Central office address: 121059, Moscow, Kievskaya st., 7. When paying for your policy online, no commission is charged.

About electronic MTPL

In 2020, every driver who has reached the age of 18 can buy compulsory motor liability insurance on the insurance company’s website and receive an electronic policy. Just register in your personal account, fill out the details and pay for the order - we will send the policy to your email.

The registration process consists of only 3 steps

The e-OSAGO policy must be printed and taken with you. It does not need seals - it is certified with a special electronic signature, which is verified on a computer. Electronic policy as valid as paper.

Tariffs applied when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in electronic form are they do not differ from the tariffs applied when issuing paper policies at the office of the insurance company or at the agent.

More details

Settlement online

On our website you can quickly check the status of your payment case under the MTPL policy or report the occurrence of an insured event.

Advantages of electronic MTPL

  • No office visit, no queues. All you need is a computer and half an hour of time.
  • Faster than courier delivery. All you need to do is log in and calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. We send the policy to your email immediately after payment.
  • The policy is always with you. It is stored in your mailbox and saved in . It can be printed and/or saved to Passbook/PassWallet on your smartphone.
  • Convenient mobile application. Personal account in your smartphone.

What you will need to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance

  1. Passports of the policyholder and the owner of the car.
  2. Driver's licenses of all approved drivers.
  3. Vehicle registration certificate.
  4. Vehicle passport.
  5. Valid diagnostic card.
  6. Bank card Visa, MasterCard or Mir.
  7. Half an hour of free time.
Please note that if, as a result of the check, some data does not match the PCA, you can send us scans of your documents and we will check them manually.

Beware of scammers!

Be careful, apply for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance only on the official website www.site. Do not resort to intermediaries - it is illegal! You risk purchasing an invalid or fake MTPL policy. You can check the authenticity of any MTPL policy.

We are always there

Also at your service is one of the widest networks of insurance offices in Russia - more than 2,000 Rosgosstrakh sales points where you can buy compulsory motor liability insurance. We will be happy to answer all your questions and insure you.
Find your nearest sales office

Other insurance products of Rosgosstrakh:

  • Other types of online insurance

Questions and answers on registration of compulsory motor liability insurance on the website

Design rules

How to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online?

  1. Register in .
  2. Fill in all the data in the online calculator.
  3. Get a cost estimate.
  4. Pay for the policy on the website with a bank card.
  5. Receive MTPL and accompanying documents by email.
How to extend OSAGO?

If you are already a client of Rosgosstrakh, have access to your personal account and want to renew your MTPL policy, you need to go through 5 simple steps:

  1. Login to .
  2. Go to the OSAGO online calculator - all the necessary data will already be filled in.
  3. Get the cost of renewal.
  4. Pay for compulsory motor liability insurance on the website with a bank card.
  5. Receive the file and accompanying documents by email.
When is it time to renew OSAGO?

It is better to renew OSAGO before the expiration of the current policy, so that there are no interruptions in insurance. According to the Directive Central Bank RF No. 4723-U, At least 3 days must pass between the date of application and the start of the contract. For example, if new policy should be valid from September 24, then it must be issued no later than September 20.

According to the legislation in force in 2017, you can renew your car insurance policy no earlier than 2 months (60 days) before the expiration of the previous MTPL.

We remind you that there is a fine for expired insurance and for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance.

How to check your MTPL policy?

The authenticity of the MTPL policy can be checked on the website of the RSA (Russian Union of Insurers).

What documents are needed to purchase MTPL online?

For registration insurance policy you will need the following documents:

  1. Passport of the policyholder and the owner of the car.
  2. Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC).
  3. Vehicle Passport (PVC).
  4. Driver's licenses of all authorized drivers.
  5. A valid diagnostic card for the car, if the car has undergone technical inspection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Data from all documents is required for accurate calculation of the KBM through the automated information system RSA.

How to pay for electronic MTPL?

You can safely pay for your policy using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or national bank card payment card"World".

Before paying, make sure that the 3DS service is activated on your card to protect payments on the Internet. If you receive SMS codes to confirm online purchases, it means that 3D Secure is activated on your card. The principle and conditions for activating the service can be clarified with your issuing bank.

I have a new vehicle / I am a new driver

If you have a new vehicle or are applying for compulsory motor liability insurance for the first time in your life, it means that your data is not yet in the RSA system. Since everyone needs to pass this check to obtain a policy, the procedure for you will be as follows:

  1. You need to fill out all the steps of the calculator, in Step 4 confirm the correctness of the completed data and click the “Next” button.
  2. After an unsuccessful PCA verification, you will see in the same window a form for sending copies of your documents for verification. Make scanned copies or clear photographs of all specified documents, add them to the form and click the “Send documents for verification” button.
  3. Within 20 minutes you will receive an email with the results of the verification and a special link for calculation and payment. Log in to your personal account, follow the link and pay for the policy.
    Important! The date of payment should not coincide with the start date of the policy, so if the policy is needed tomorrow, then it must be paid today.
I drove for a year without an accident, what discount will I get?

According to the tariff, for each year of accident-free driving, the discount on compulsory motor liability insurance increases by 5%.

Do I need to certify the electronic policy with a seal? Why do I need an electronic signature (sgn file)?

Electronic MTPL is the original of your policy.

  1. Print the electronic policy file on a printer and carry it with you in the car.
  2. The printed policy does NOT need to be certified with a seal or signature in the office!
  3. It does not need to be exchanged for a paper policy in the office.

Instead of a stamp and signature, electronic MTPL is certified by an electronic signature, which comes along with the policy to your email. The signature file (sgn) does not need to be opened or printed, it is simply stored with you. Additional information about the signature is in the cover letter that comes with the policy.

Answers to other questions.

You will find answers to other questions about MTPL (including electronic MTPL and policy price) in the Questions and Answers section.

You can also ask your question or describe the problem in detail using the form.

What to do, if...

I have problems with my password

If you don't receive A temporary password or it is not suitable, check the Spam folder in your email or try again later.

If you can't install permanent password, make sure that it contains at least 6 characters, must be in Latin, must contain lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers.

Error: “Incorrect personal account type selected”

Make sure that when entering your Personal Account you select the correct type: if you represent entity, then above the email and password entry field you need to check the box “Check if you are a legal entity.”

I don't have my PTS with me?

The number and series of your vehicle’s passport are indicated both in the PTS itself and in the vehicle registration certificate (VRC):

Notification “Confirmation not received from centralized systems RSA"

The notification was received because the data you entered about the drivers, car, owner does not completely match the data contained in the PCA system.

  1. Make sure you fill it out correctly all data insurance applications (check typos, dates, addresses).
  2. If all the necessary conditions for obtaining insurance are met, but you still see the notification “Confirmation has not been received from centralized PCA systems,” use the special form under the calculation and attach scanned copies (clear photographs) of documents confirming the information you entered. The data will be checked by an employee of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh within 20 minutes, and you will be able to issue an agreement on the website on the same day.
The error “DK required” appears.

The presence of a valid DC is checked automatically based on the entered information about the vehicle.

If you have a personal account, but the error still appears, use the special form in your Personal Account and attach a scanned copy of the current one diagnostic card. After verification, you can draw up an agreement on the website.

What to do in case of technical failure?

If you are worried about traffic police checks, then in this case, together with the policy, we will send an email with links to legislation in the field of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. Just show it to the police officer.

Last update: 12/02/2019

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Today we will talk about the electronic MTPL policy: how to properly apply for it online and where to buy electronic MTPL insurance on favorable terms .

From this article you will learn:

  • What is electronic MTPL insurance and what are its distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages;
  • How to properly register e-OSAGO;
  • How to avoid falling into the hands of scammers when purchasing electronic insurance online.

In it the reader will also find answers to the most popular questions related to online insurance.

This service is of interest to all vehicle owners and drivers. Simplicity and ease of design can attract the attention of even the biggest skeptics of the implementation of automated systems.

How to issue an electronic MTPL policy profitably, quickly, just read right now!

In this issue we will tell you what electronic compulsory motor liability insurance is and why it is needed, how to buy insurance online and where to apply for an electronic compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

All citizens of the Russian Federation who own motor vehicles are required to have an MTPL policy. Driving a car without compulsory insurance may result in a fine in the amount of from 500 to 800 rubles (please check the actual size of the fine further). The policy must always be kept next to the license and documents for the vehicle.

Important! Even during a short trip, unforeseen circumstances may occur; the MTPL policy will protect the driver from serious problems.

Auto liability insurance implies protection of property interests of car owners from risk causing harm to the health, life and property of third parties when using a vehicle. The MTPL policy is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For example: The owner of a Zhiguli car drove into a Mercedes car. The owner of an expensive car should not worry about the lack of Money at the culprit of the accident. Car repairs will be covered by the MTPL insurance of the owner of the Zhiguli.

Insurance companies that have the right to provide compulsory vehicle insurance must have a license to do so. Insurance is taken out or owner or driver auto. Since 2017 All Insurance companies are required to provide electronic policies at the request of clients.

You can read full information about MTPL insurance in the article “How to calculate the cost and where to buy and what it is.”

Since April 2017 New rules for the payment of compensation by insurance companies come into effect. Specific conditions have been established for the provision of monetary compensation or payment for repairs of damaged vehicles.

Monetary compensation is paid only in the event of complete destruction of the car, in the event that the amount of compensation more than 400 thousand rubles., death of the victim or his receipt of disability of the first or second group.

Repairs can only be carried out by companies recommended by the insurance company.

The law establishes a minimum warranty period for repair work - 6 months, the repair period is set at 1 month. The insurance company is responsible for the quality of repairs and the timing of their completion.

For two years now, car owners have been given the opportunity to purchase an insurance policy via the Internet.

In this case, there are two ways to apply for an MTPL policy:

  • Standard– written out on a standard form and sent by mail. A paper policy can be purchased online. We wrote a separate issue about it.
  • Electronic– e-OSAGO, it is sent to the customer’s email.

The pole number is registered in the electronic databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the database Russian Union Auto insurers. The insurance company must be an officially registered member of the RSA. This reduces the likelihood of counterfeiting and fraud.

We also wrote about car insurance in a separate article at the link.

Development electronic document management makes the electronic OSAGO policy in demand not only in large cities of Russia, but also in distant provinces. If previously car owners in small settlements preferred an e-policy on standard forms, now you can more often see a policy issued via the Internet.

Experts have made a prediction that in a few years electronic policies will completely replace standard forms.

Advantages (+) of electronic policies

Let's consider positive sides issuing e-policies:

  • There is no need to waste time visiting an insurance company or standing in queues; you can apply for insurance at home or at work;
  • The safety of the document is ensured; it cannot be “forgotten at home”, accidentally thrown away or torn;
  • Registration can be done around the clock;
  • The presence of electronic calculators allows you to calculate the amount of insurance.

Electronic insurance is certified by an electronic signature sent with the Policy.

Good to know: To distribute the service, many insurance companies provide bonuses and benefits for clients who have issued an electronic policy. In addition, clients save on paying commissions to insurance agents.

Disadvantages (−) of electronic OSAGO policies

In addition to the advantages, there are also negative aspects to using electronic poles:

  • The client himself enters data about the car and drivers; incorrect information may make it impossible to complete the transaction.
  • RCA databases may also contain unreliable data, which will not allow you to issue an electronic policy.
  • The need to check the policy by traffic police officers using databases, which takes time.

Despite the presence of negative aspects, the service of designing electronic poles remains in demand and promising. This is confirmed by statistics: in the 4th quarter of 2017, twice as many e-OSAGOs were issued as in the same period last year.

2. How to choose a company when buying MTPL electronic insurance - TOP 8 tips from experts 💎

Since 2017 of the year the sale of an electronic MTPL insurance policy is carried out in mandatory all accredited insurance companies. They are obliged to ensure the smooth and continuous operation of official websites. Technical interruptions on sites in total terms should not be more than 4 hours per month.

Important! If the site does not work, the client is automatically redirected to another insurance company. Responsibility and control over the execution of Government orders is assigned to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the RSA.

Companies can accept applications by email and send insurance to clients or install special services for issuing electronic policies.

Scheme for obtaining an electronic OSAGO policy:

  • Choosing an insurance company.
  • Registration in your personal account.
  • With help online calculator the insurance amount is calculated.
  • The client transfers the payment amount to the insurance company's account.
  • The policy and accompanying documents will be sent to your email address.

All information goes into the RSA database, where it is checked and changes are made regarding the purchase of insurance.

We described in more detail about issuing a policy in the section below.

The main point when deciding to use this service is the choice of an insurance company. You need to find a reliable, solvent company.

So, when choosing an insurance company, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

1) Checking the eligibility of the company (availability of licenses, etc.)

All insurance companies are required to have a license to operate. Official organizations are in the register on the official portal of ROSSTRAKHNADZOR. In addition, a copy of the license must be present on the company's official website.

It is worth choosing a company registered in the Russian Federation. Otherwise, you may be left without a policy and money.

2) Assessing the financial stability of the company

The higher the financial stability of a company, the more solvent and reliable it is. This means there will be no problems with paying for damages.

The main indicators of a company's success are the amount of authorized capital and reserve funds.

For example, with the established minimum threshold of authorized capital for insurance companies in the amount of 30 million rubles, the authorized capital of ROSGOSSTRAKH is 18.5 billion rubles, SOGAZ 25 billion rubles, INGOSSTRAKH 17.5 billion rubles.

3) Comparison of the company’s equity capital, net profit, volume of bonuses and payments

These criteria are important indicators of the company's performance. They are located on public websites of agencies and are decisive for compiling the rating.

4) Payout analysis

The sustainability of the company depends on the level of payments. Information on the number of bonuses received and amounts paid is available on the official websites of companies and on the portals of agencies involved in analyzing organizations.

5) Number of clients

The presence of a large number of clients indicates the success of the company and the quality of fulfillment of its obligations.

6) Reliability of the company

To assess the degree of reliability, insurance companies are assigned a “Reliability Rating”. It is assigned by rating agencies. Today the most popular agency is Expert RA. The highest level of reliability is considered class A++, very high A+, high A.

7) Reviews of companies

Studying reviews helps you make a choice in terms of customer service, speed of payments, and reasons for refusals. It’s good when you have the opportunity to hear feedback from real people (acquaintances, friends) who have already dealt with insurance companies.

Important analyze both good and negative reviews on thematic forums, their presence and quantity. Even a subjective opinion can help make a choice in favor of a particular company.

8) Brand popularity

The success of the company is confirmed by its big name.

Step-by-step instructions: how to quickly issue an electronic MTPL insurance policy

3. How to apply for an electronic OSAGO policy online in 7 steps - step-by-step registration of e-OSAGO 📝

Let's look at the procedure for registering e-OSAGO step by step:

Step 1 . Choosing an insurance company

You need to select a company and go to its official website in the “Apply for an electronic MTPL policy” section.

Step 2. Login to your personal account

Only registered users can log in to their personal account. Some companies have the opportunity to access the “insurance” website through the government services portal.

Step 3. registration on the site

The registration process is simple: the system asks you to fill out a form, which includes contact details, phone number mobile phone, it is necessary to confirm the identification code. After entering the received confirmation code, the client gains access to a closed section of the platform.

Step 4. Filling out applications

Fill out all forms and applications for registration. The website has online application forms that contain information about the owner of the car, its characteristics, and drivers. The client is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

To obtain insurance, the following documents are required:

  • Policyholder's passport
  • Rights of drivers who will drive the vehicle while the insurance is valid;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • Diagnostic card.
  • Old MTPL pole (if available).

In addition, you need an email, where a package of documents will be sent, and a bank card to pay for insurance.

Any citizen who has reached the age of 18 and has a driver’s license has the right to take out insurance.

Step 5. Check by RSA

The insurance company checks the questionnaire through PCA. The database contains information about previously issued MTPL policies, the presence of accidents, and other information that affects the calculation of the coefficient that determines the cost of insurance.

Step 6. Payment for the policy

The verification takes a few minutes, after which the client is offered the amount to pay. Payment is made using a bank card.

All necessary documents are sent to the policyholder’s email address; a duplicate of them will be available in the personal account on the insurance company’s website.

Step 7 Print the policy

The policy is printed and must be in vehicle. If you wish, you can order a policy on a standard form; it will be sent by mail. Payment for delivery is made at the expense of the policyholder.

Good to know: Each traffic police inspector must have access to the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to be able to check the policy, regardless of the method of its registration.

4. Where to buy an electronic OSAGO policy – ​​TOP-8 insurance companies from which you can obtain insurance online 📄

To receive a quality service, you must choose a reliable insurer.

Name Reliability rating Authorized capital Main advantages
1. RosgosstrakhA++8.1 billion rublesAccepts for insurance any vehicle with a technical inspection.
2. SOGAZA++25 billion rubles.It is a leader in the auto insurance industry.
3. Alfastrakhovanie GroupA++11.8 billion rubles.Extensive experience, availability of services, speed of registration.
4. "Ingosstrakh"A++2.5 billion rubles.Availability of accompanying e-CASCO insurance programs.
5. JSC Tinkoff InsuranceA++6.7 billion rubles.A young, innovative bank engaged in the development of Internet technologies.
6. "RESO-Garantiya"A++3.1 billion rublesFast payment for insurance claims.
7. JSC "VSK"A++3.2 billion rublesHigh quality and reliability of the services provided.
8. "MAX"A++5.8 billion rublesFast fulfillment of obligations.

1) Rosgosstrakh company

The company has been operating for more than 20 years and is the legal successor of Gosstrakh of the RSFSR. The blocking stake is held by the state. Market share is 26 % .

The company can insure any vehicle subject to technical inspection. There are no increasing coefficients based on the experience and age of car drivers. The refusal rate for payments is 3.4%.

The company guarantees the availability, convenience and reliability of the services provided.

2) SOGAZ Insurance Group

Operates in the financial market since 1993. It is one of the largest Russian insurance companies. Occupies a leading position in auto insurance. Market share 4,6 % .

Electronic MTPL insurance from SOGAZ provides insurance protection to the car owner in the event of an accident that occurs through his fault, and guarantees coverage of expenses to third parties. The percentage of refusals on payments is 6.6%.

The insurance group occupies one of the leading positions in the auto insurance market.

3) Alfastrakhovanie Group

The company has been operating in the financial market for more than 20 years, has the highest reliability rating of A++, has more than 250 representative offices in different cities of Russia, and has about 25 million clients.

Ranks 4th among the largest insurers in the Russian Federation, with market share 5,8 % . The Alfastrakhovanie company is one of the first to start issuing e-OSAGO. The reliability and stability of the company guarantees the issuance of electronic insurance quickly and efficiently.

An electronic OSAGO policy can be purchased around the clock. The refusal rate for payments is 2.2%.

4) "Ingosstrakh"

The company has been operating in the financial market for more than 60 years. Rating A++. Market share 10,7 % .

Engaged in various types of insurance, has a high percentage of payments. The team consists of professionals who can provide timely assistance and advice.

When applying for e-Casco, related insurance programs are offered.

The percentage of refusal to pay is 3.8%.

5) Tinkoff Insurance JSC

A young and very promising company that is successfully developing and occupies one of the leading positions in the insurance market.

He is committed to introducing automated CASCO registration, provides the policy by e-mail or sends it to the home by registered mail at the client’s request. Provides the opportunity to register without the participation of intermediaries.

6) "RESO-Garantiya"

Has been working in the financial market for more than 15 years. The main area of ​​activity is auto insurance, so there is a guarantee of settling insurance claims quickly and efficiently. It considers e-CASCO to be a priority, does not allow failures in the program, and you can get a policy simply and quickly. Market share 13,4 % . The percentage of refusal to pay is 1.8%.

The company has more than 850 offices and representative offices, which makes its services accessible and in demand.

7) "Insurance house "VSK"

25 years of work experience guarantees high-quality service provision. The company provides both home and movable property (transport) insurance services. The company has twice won the National Company of the Year award. Market share 8,9% .

The company is characterized by high quality and reliability of the services provided. 24-hour consultation. The percentage of refusal to pay is 2.1%.

8) "MAX"

Operating since 1992. Accepted obligations are strictly fulfilled, full financial responsibility is guaranteed, and an individual approach to each client is guaranteed. Serves more than 30 million individuals.

Occupies 2,5 % insurance market, has a low percentage of refusals to pay – 5.7%.

Be careful when applying for electronic MTPL insurance - tips on how to avoid scammers

5. How not to be deceived when taking out electronic MTPL insurance - TOP 5 useful tips 📋

In connection with the increase in prices for policies, scammers have become more active, wanting to make money by deceiving policyholders. Scammers and swindlers offer policies at a reduced cost.

Important to remember! Estimated coefficients are set federal structures. Insurance companies only determine the base rate.

Experts suggest following these tips to avoid falling for scammers:

Tip #1. Do not purchase a policy at a reduced cost

The main criterion for choosing an insurance company is its reliability and stability. Large companies can provide discounts and bonuses to your clients. Their value is no more than 10% of the insurance amount. Therefore, when you are offered to buy insurance at a price that is 2 times less than the minimum, it becomes clear that this is a simple “scam”.

To roughly calculate the cost of an MTPL policy, we recommend using our calculator:


  • Individual
  • Entity
  • Vehicle type

    Motorcycles, mopeds and light quadricycles (cat. A, M) A car(cat. B, BE) Passenger car: taxi (cat. B, BE) Freight car(up to 16 tons inclusive) (cat. C, CE) Truck (over 16 tons) (cat. C, CE) Bus (up to 16 seats inclusive) (cat. D, DE) Bus (over 16 seats) (cat. D, DE) Minibus taxi (cat. D, DE) Trolleybuses Trams Tractors, self-propelled road construction and other machines

    Will it be used with a trailer?

    Place of registration

    Moscow Moscow Region St. Petersburg Leningrad Region Barnaul Biysk Zarinsk, Novoaltaysk, Rubtsovsk Other cities and settlements Blagoveshchensk Belogorsk, free other cities and settlements Arkhangelsk Severodvinsk Kotlas and settlements Astrakhan other cities and settlements Baikonur Belgorod Gubkin, Old Shard Other Old Shard Others cities and towns Bryansk Klintsy Other cities and towns Vladimir Murom Gus-Khrustalny Other cities and towns Volgograd Volzhsky Kamyshin, Mikhailovka Other cities and towns Cherepovets Vologda Other cities and towns Voronezh Borisoglebsk, Liski, Rossosh Other cities and towns Birobidzhan Other cities and towns Chita Krasnokamensk Other cities and towns Ivanovo Kineshma Shuya Other cities and towns Irkutsk Shelekhov Angarsk Usolye-Sibirskoye Bratsk, Tulun, Ust-Ilimsk, Ust-Kut, Cheremkhovo Other cities and towns Nalchik, Prokhladny Other cities and towns settlements Kaliningrad Other cities and settlements Obninsk Kaluga Other cities and settlements Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Other cities and settlements Karachay-Cherkess Republic Kemerovo Novokuznetsk Belovo, Berezovsky, Osinniki, Prokopyevsk, Mezhdurechensk Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kiselevsk, Yurga Other cities and settlements Kirov Kirovo-Chepetsk Other cities and towns Kostroma Other cities and towns Krasnodar, Novorossiysk Anapa, Gelendzhik Armavir, Sochi, Tuapse Belorechensk, Yeisk, Kropotkin, Krymsk, Kurganinsk, Labinsk, Slavyansk-on-Kubani, Timashevsk, Tikhoretsk Other cities and settlements Krasnoyarsk Zheleznogorsk, Norilsk Achinsk, Zelenogorsk Kansk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Nazarovo Other cities and towns Kurgan Shadrinsk Other cities and towns Kursk Zheleznogorsk Other cities and towns Leningrad region Lipetsk Yelets Other cities and towns Magadan Other cities and towns Moscow region Moscow Murmansk Severomorsk Apatity, Monchegorsk Other cities and towns Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod Balakhna, Bor, Dzerzhinsk Kstovo Arzamas, Vyksa, Sarov Other cities and towns Veliky Novgorod Borovichi Other cities and towns Novosibirsk Berdsk Iskitim Kuibyshev Other cities and towns Omsk Other cities and towns Orenburg Orsk Buguruslan, Buzuluk, Novotroitsk Other cities and towns Orel Livny, Mtsensk Other cities and towns Penza Zarechny Kuznetsk Other cities and towns Perm Berezniki, Krasnokamsk Solikamsk Lysva, Chaikovsky Other cities and towns Vladivostok Arsenyev, Artem, Nakhodka, Spassk-Dalniy, Ussuriysk Other cities and towns Pskov Velikie Luki Other cities and towns Republic of Adygea Gorno-Altaisk Other cities and towns Ufa Sterlitamak, Tuymazy Blagoveshchensk, Oktyabrsky Ishimbay, Kumertau, Salavat Other cities and towns Ulan-Ude Other cities and towns Buynaksk, Derbent, Kaspiysk, Makhachkala, Khasavyurt Other cities and towns Malgobek Nazran Other cities and towns Elista Other cities and towns Petrozavodsk Other cities and towns Syktyvkar Ukhta Other cities and towns Simferopol Other cities and towns Volzhsk Yoshkar-Ola Other cities and towns Ruzaevka Saransk Other cities and settlements Yakutsk Neryungri Other cities and settlements Vladikavkaz Other cities and settlements Kazan Naberezhnye Chelny Almetyevsk, Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk Yelabuga Bugulma, Leninogorsk, Chistopol Other cities and settlements Kyzyl Other cities and settlements Abakan, Sayanogorsk, Chernogorsk Other cities and towns populated locations Rostov-on-Don Bataysk Azov Mines Volgodonsk, Gukovo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, Novoshakhtinsk, Salsk, Taganrog Other cities and towns Ryazan Other cities and towns Samara Togliatti Chapaevsk Novokuibyshevsk, Syzran Other cities and towns St. Petersburg Saratov Engels Balakovo, Balashov, Volsk Other cities and settlements of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Other cities and settlements Yekaterinburg Berezovsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Novouralsk, Pervouralsk Verkhnyaya Salda, Polevskaya Asbest, Revda Other cities and settlements Sevastopol Smolensk Vyazma, Roslavl, Safonovo, Yartsevo others cities and towns Kislovodsk, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Budennovsk, Georgievsk, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody, Nevinnomyssk, Pyatigorsk Other cities and towns Tambov Michurinsk Other cities and towns Tver Vyshny Volochek, Kimry, Rzhev Other cities and towns Tomsk Seversk Other cities and towns Tula Uzlovaya, Shchekino Aleksin, Efremov, Novomoskovsk Other cities and towns Tyumen Tobolsk Other cities and towns Izhevsk Votkinsk Glazov, Sarapul Other cities and towns Ulyanovsk Dimitrovgrad Other cities and towns Khabarovsk Komsomolsk-on-Amur Amursk Other cities and towns Surgut Nizhnevartovsk Khanty-Mansiysk Nefteyugansk, Nyagan Kogalym Other cities and towns Chelyabinsk Magnitogorsk Kopeysk Zlatoust, Miass Satka, Chebarkul Other cities and towns Chechen Republic Cheboksary Novo Cheboksarsk Kanash Other cities and towns Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Noyabrsk Novy Urengoy Other cities and towns Yaroslavl Other cities and towns

    Engine power

    up to 50 inclusive from 50 to 70 inclusive from 70 to 100 inclusive from 100 to 120 inclusive from 120 to 150 inclusive over 150

    Number of admitted persons

  • Limited
  • Unlimited
  • Driver age

    16-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 over 49

    Driving experience

    0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 more than 14

    KBM class

    Not previously insured M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    Insurance period

    1 year 9 months 8 months 7 months 6 months 5 months 4 months 3 months

    Period of use per year

    10 months or more 9 months 8 months 7 months 6 months 5 months 4 months 3 months

    Gross violations of insurance terms?

    Base rates

    Insurance payment

    If you are offered a cost for compulsory motor liability insurance that is significantly lower than in the calculator above, then you should be wary and recalculate all the criteria in the policy again.

    Tip #2. Assess the reputation of the insurance company

    The insurer can be assessed based on its prevalence in the Russian Federation. Reputable companies with a number of offices and representative offices throughout Russia, do not engage in fraudulent activities. Here the likelihood of falling into the hands of scammers is low.

    The stability of the insurance group’s work and the percentage of refusals to pay insurance compensation are taken into account.

    Tip #3. Check the package of documents sent

    When issuing an electronic policy, documents are sent to the policyholder’s email address. It is necessary to check the presence of all necessary documents, sent when registering e-OSAGO.

    Important! The absence of at least one of the documents can lead to the nullity of the transaction and a fine for driving without compulsory insurance.

    The set of documents must contain:

    • Policy with payment receipt.
    • Electronic signature.
    • Insured's memo and MTPL insurance rules.
    • A link where you can check the authenticity of your insurance.
    • Representative offices of the insurance company in the region where the transport is located.

    You can check the authenticity of your insurance by going to the official RSA website and entering the OSAGO e-policy number in the search. The policy status will be checked automatically.

    If it is active, there is nothing to worry about, otherwise, following the saying “ miser pays twice", you will have to take out the policy again, only this time in a reliable company.

    Tip #4. Apply for e-OSAGO only on the official websites of companies

    Since 2017 any accredited insurance company is required to have a working official website with the ability to issue electronic MTPL. Contact information should include telephone numbers for consultation. If the site has a dubious interface, irrelevant information is presented, and the phones do not answer, it is better to opt for another insurer.

    To be sure of making the right choice You can use third-party assistant services. Such platforms were created, among other things, to facilitate the search for insurers for clients applying for e-MTPL.

    The policyholder has the following options:

    • Calculate insurance.
    • Choose the best offers.
    • Receive individual offers in your personal account.
    • Get an electronic policy, saving up to 20% of its cost.

    The services of such sites are usually free. To access information, you must register. After specifying the type of insurance, the client has the opportunity to calculate the cost of e-MTPL in several companies at once.

    Attention! Due to the demand for the service, clone websites have appeared that duplicate the official websites of insurance companies in their interface. To avoid scammers, you can call hotline insurance company.

    Checking the site's address security will also confirm the existence of the insurer. Resources without the prefix " https://» are considered weakly protected, and you should not enter personal data on them, since there is a high probability of theft.

    Tip #5. Make a follow-up call to the insurance company

    You can check the authenticity of the electronic MTPL by calling the contact phone numbers provided on the company’s website. Tell the manager the policy number and ask to check its availability in the registry.

    If the insurance company representative confirms the existence of the policy, then everything is in order.

    6. Differences between an electronic policy (e-OSAGO) and a paper one 📑

    In terms of eligibility, both types of policies have the same legal force. The appearance of the poles is also identical, the difference is that there are no protective marks on the electronic pole; they are simply not needed. The policyholder's data is entered into a unified register located in the RSA and IMTS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. They are on the official websites of these organizations, and where every traffic police officer can check any car owner for insurance.

    The advantage of issuing an electronic policy is that scammers easier and faster to fake paper version of insurance, since electronic ones are more difficult to counterfeit.

    7. Checking electronic MTPL insurance policies by traffic police officers 🔎

    The traffic rules indicate the requirement to have MTPL insurance for possible presentation to a traffic police officer. In connection with the possibility of issuing an electronic policy, such necessity disappeared .

    Through the RSA database or the Ministry of Internal Affairs representative law enforcement verifies insurance coverage by the policy number or the vehicle's individual identification number (VIN).

    Helpful advice: To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to print out the electronic policy and attach it to the documents for the car. This is especially true for areas far from the center, where traffic police officers trust paper more.

    In the absence of the Internet, a law enforcement representative can call the nearest traffic police station to check the availability of insurance using the policy number or VIN of the car.

    After the system has been fully tested electronic insurance The need to carry a paper document with you will disappear by itself.

    8. 5 advantages of applying for an E-OSAGO policy via the Internet ✅

    Electronic registration of insurance is beneficial for both parties to the transaction. For insurers, there is no need to maintain a large staff of employees, train them, rent office space, and so on.

    Advantage 1. Saving money

    Registration of e-OSAGO occurs without intermediaries, who need to pay an additional commission for completing the transaction. Many large insurance companies provide clients with additional discounts And bonuses when working with them via the Internet.

    Advantage 2. Availability and speed of receiving services

    There is a significant saving of time. To apply for a policy, you do not need to go to the company, stand in line, or listen to various additional information from insurance agents.

    To obtain standard insurance you will need to allocate from 2-3 hours . Registration of an electronic policy takes 15-20 min. To apply for an electronic insurance policy, it is enough to have a computer and Internet access. The policy is sent by email immediately after payment.

    Important! The Bank of the Russian Federation strictly controls compliance by insurers with the requirement for uninterrupted sales of e-MTPL.

    Enforcement measures are taken against violating companies, so insurers are trying to ensure uninterrupted work on issuing electronic policies.

    Advantage 3. Opportunity to choose the best option

    Using the Internet, the policyholder has the opportunity to choose a profitable service. To determine the optimal tariff plan, it is enough to compare the basic tariffs of several insurance companies.

    Advantage 4. Ease of use

    The electronic policy cannot be lost or forgotten at home; it will not lose its validity because it is torn or wet. The policyholder always has the opportunity to print a new document (if desired).

    Traffic police officers generally do not need paper to check the availability of insurance.

    Advantage 5. Convenient payment

    Electronic insurance is paid using a card, electronic wallet and other payment methods via the Internet.

    9. Elimination of errors when registering electronic MTPL 🔔

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes. According to reviews from clients who have already taken out electronic insurance, they happen quite often.

    The most common are discrepancies between the data available in the register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the RSA and those provided by policyholders in the questionnaire:

    • Inconsistency PTS numbers and STS. This happens quite often, you can try rearranging them.
    • Error in the date of receipt of rights. It is necessary to set the date of receipt, and not re-issuance of a driver’s license.
    • Incorrect spelling of car brand.
    • Incorrect determination of the Bonus-Malus coefficient (BMC) by the system- This is a discount for accident-free driving. The data can be taken from the previous insurance; this can be easily corrected by contacting the insurer.

    Insurance companies warn that if there are discrepancies, it is necessary to send scans of documents to the company and the insurer will check all the data and make the necessary changes independently.

    Often due to system failures you can see the following errors:

    1. “It was not possible to obtain a calculation based on the data provided”;
    2. “Exchange error with RSA”;
    3. “Registration is not available in your region”;
    4. "Unknown error".

    To eliminate them, you can try visiting the site in the morning, when the system is not so busy.

    Good to know: If, when applying for e-MTPL, the policyholder indicated incorrect data, which led to a reduction in the cost of the policy, it is necessary to urgently contact the insurance company to clarify the data.

    Otherwise, the Insurer has the right to recover the entire amount from the policyholder insurance compensation, paid to the victim in the event of an accident. If no payments are made, the difference between the price paid and the amount payable will be recovered.

    10. Nuances that should be taken into account when applying for e-OSAGO 📎

    Let's consider some additional nuances that should be taken into account when purchasing an electronic MTPL policy via the Internet:

    Good to know: By the end of 2020, it is planned to fully develop programs that will allow tracking uninsured vehicles using video cameras and automatically sending a fine to the post office.

    11. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) ❓

    Due to the fact that the service for providing e-OSAGO is new, policyholders have a lot of questions related to the design, conditions and use of electronic poles. Here are the answers to the most common ones:

    Question 1. What does an electronic policy look like? (Photo, required data)

    After registration and payment, the Policyholder receives the policy by e-mail in pdf format.

    This is what an electronic MTPL insurance policy looks like - photo

    His appearance practically no different from its paper counterpart. It is green in color, but there are no micropatterns on it that serve as protection against counterfeiting.

    The policy contains the following information:

    1. Name.
    2. Series XXX (because electronic) policy number.
    3. Insurance period.
    4. The period of use of the vehicle for which insurance applies.
    5. Policyholder
    6. Owner of a vehicle.
    7. Car characteristics: make, VIN, state. sign.
    8. List of persons allowed to drive vehicles, indicating the driver's license number.
    9. Insurance premium amount.
    10. IN special marks the name of the Insured is indicated
    11. Date of conclusion of the contract.
    12. Policyholder (signed with an electronic signature).
    13. Insurer's seal.

    Sample e-OSAGO: example photo of what an electronic OSAGO policy looks like

    It can be printed on either a color or black-and-white printer; this does not play a role in its identification.

    Question 2. What should I do if an “unexpected error” occurs at the time of payment?

    If such an error occurs, you can try to enable SMS notification on the policyholder’s bank card. This may be incorrect processing of payment errors, or transmission of them in the wrong format to the service by the payment gateway.

    You can try to pay with a different card.

    Question 3. What to do if the driver’s experience is incorrectly indicated?

    To correct this error, indicating not the actual length of service, but the date of issue of the license will help. The system checks the year, day and month do not matter.

    Question 4. Confirmation has not been received from centralized PCA systems, what should I do?

    If there is a difference between the data provided by the policyholder and those in the RSA system, an error appears: “Failed to be verified in the AIS RSA.”

    To correct the data you need:

    1. Check the data provided. In some insurance companies, data that has not been verified is highlighted in color, in others it is not, so you need to carefully study all the information provided yourself.
    2. Check the compliance of the PTS data and the Vehicle Registration Certificate. When filling out the form, it is better to take information from your previous insurance, since they are already included in the RSA database.
    3. To correct the error, contact the insurance company's technical support service.

    12. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

    Despite the fact that the introduction of e-OSAGO is determined at the legislative level, there are a lot of problems that arise during registration, related to the unpreparedness of sites and the presence of errors in the PCA system.

    Registration of e-MTPL insurance is a new direction in the development of auto insurance; this service is already gaining popularity. It is already clear that the future lies behind in modern ways auto insurance.

    In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about electronic compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet:

    All motorists who use the old registration method should try to issue an electronic policy in order to feel all the benefits of using it.

    Questions for readers

    Have you purchased an MTPL e-policy online? Did you manage to figure it out and get insurance the first time?

    Dear readers of the RichPro.ru website, if you have any questions about purchasing electronic MTPL policies or comments on the topic of the publication, then leave them in the comments below.

    To apply for electronic MTPL, fill out a special online form. The registration procedure consists of several simple steps:

    1. Do the calculation. To buy OSAGO online, fill out the calculator form. Enter information about the vehicle, its owner and all authorized drivers. Information must be entered in strict accordance with the documents.

    2. Wait for the data to be verified. The specified information will be sent for a quick online check using the RSA database. After its successful completion, you will be able to continue purchasing car insurance.

    3. Pay for insurance. If you are satisfied with the cost of the policy, make payment using any of the proposed methods. After the funds are credited, the electronic MTPL insurance policy will be sent to your e-mail in *pdf format.

    4. Get a policy. Print the received document on A4 sheet and always take it with you. Additionally, you can save the file with electronic insurance OSAGO on your smartphone. At the request of traffic police officers, you must present a paper printout of the policy.

    Those wishing to issue an electronic MTPL policy on the website will need:

    1. Passport of the car owner and the policyholder (if they are different people).

    2. Car passport (PTS) and car state registration certificate (STS).

    3. Driver's licenses of all persons who are allowed to drive.

    4. Vehicle diagnostic card (except for cases provided by law when provision of a diagnostic card is not required).

    Payment for the electronic MTPL policy is carried out using standard payment systems presented on the website:

    1. bank cards (VISA, MasterCard);
    2. Internet bank "AlfaClick".

    Important! If you decide to buy and pay for insurance online, do not use the AlfaStrakhovanie current account. In this case, the payment for the electronic MTPL policy will not be counted and the contract will not be concluded.

    The validity period for a new insurance contract must begin no later than 60 days after the date of purchase new insurance online. Renewals can be made before your existing policy lapses. By deciding to buy an electronic OSAGO policy online in advance, you will eliminate the possibility of interruptions during which you could get into an accident.

    According to the terms of car insurance, for each year of break-even driving the driver receives KBM discount at the rate of 5%. Moreover, it can be summed up over several accident-free years of insurance in a row (but not more than 50% over 10 years). When concluding a contract of compulsory motor third party liability insurance, the discount is determined upon request automated system RSA.

    If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.