If people stop reading. Alexander Gorodnitsky: If people stop reading, they will turn into animals

Computers and TV, gadgets have killed books. Now the Internet is killing big cinema, then it will kill TV. The time for books is over. We need scripts.

How the time of poetry has passed - it was killed by pop music - people always - still need to rest their souls and tear up the button accordion and shout - “frost, frost.” It’s easier with music than reading - there are letters, you need to scribble - but the musical addition to the poems and fun - there will be pop music. “Don’t let your soul be lazy” (c) is about poetry;

2) THERE ARE NO TALENTS OF YOUR CENTURY. There are no new poems that are kindred to the reader (for his soul); there are aesthete readers - well-read, very educated or reserved; there are shirtless guys - girls - even at 20, even at 50, there are simpletons - to each their own poems.

Yes, by 2015, a lot has been written - but times are changing, the abyss of need - therefore I do not agree with people who say that all books have been written. There will always be writers. Each time has its own books;

3) NO FREE PERSONAL TIME. Humanity has no time, man in the 21st century. Life is very active, people often don’t have time to eat or sleep;

4) FATIGUE. People have lost the desire to create and perceive new things. And reading is creating IMHO. They simply became an appendage to a certain machine system - the promise of a civilization of gadgets. Reading books is creating. The world is full of information. People don't know where to go from it. The desire to read will not return until they have at least an hour a day for themselves, the desire to experience emotions, to empathize has disappeared, everything is surrogates everywhere - nutrition, feelings, thoughts - it would be faster to go through this in a day and get away from it faster and what is important is burnout shower, chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s easier to drink or go fishing or sleep while watching TV. Fatigue.

5) DECREASE IN THE LEVEL OF TEACHING. General decline in the level of culture and pedagogy. Children should be taught to read from childhood.

Russian language


  • from 03/01/2012 - finish reading the story by V.G. Rasputina to the end. Write a description of the main character of the story in writing:
  1. What difficulties and trials did the boy have to endure in the city?
  2. What character qualities did the hero show in the city?
  3. What helped the boy cope with all the difficulties?
  4. What role did the teacher play in the fate of the main character of the story?
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In preparation for expressive reading, read the instructions first.How to read a poem expressively.doc

From literature lessons

  • Answer in writing the questions: “What is the role of literature and books in the modern world?” or “Is it necessary to read in the modern world?”

Student works

If people stop reading, they will think completely differently. A person will receive less knowledge. And he will spend all his free time on the Internet and watching TV. Only with a person who reads a lot, there is always something to talk about. Only a person who reads can and will write correctly. Without books we would remain savages! (Lisa A.)

What needs to be done to get people to read more?

We need to create more interesting books. You can advertise an interesting book on the Internet. Parents need to force their children to read books. (Tatiana Sh.)

What is the role of reading in the modern world?

The book plays an important role in a person’s life.

The book helps a person to escape from the modern bustle and immerse himself, together with the characters, in some kind of world of his own. The book helps in finding information. Reading develops thinking, expands vocabulary, teaches life, and improves our grammatical abilities. Books keep history. Due to recent developments, the book has become unpopular, but our parents' generation grew up with books. Anyway, a small child begins to read and make sentences using a book. After all, a small child will not be put in front of a computer, but given a book.

A book is an important thing in a person's life. (Nastya Z.)

A generation that will not read Chekhov, Turgenev, or Jules Verne will grow up cruel and cynical. At the beginning of summer, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) conducted research that the powers that be somehow did not notice. But in vain.

Their results are such that at least two ministries - culture and education - need to press all the “panic buttons” and hold emergency meetings of the cabinet of ministers. Because, according to VTsIOM polls, 35% of Russians DO NOT READ BOOKS AT ALL! But Russia, if you believe the speeches of the president and prime minister, has taken the path to innovative development. But what kind of innovations, scientific breakthroughs, development of nanotechnology, etc. can we talk about if more than a third of the country’s population has never picked up a book in a year? None, not even a failed detective! AiF decided to figure out why Russia, once the most reading country in the world, stopped reading and how this threatens society.

Sergei Kapitsa: “Russia is being turned into a country of fools”
VTsIOM data suggests that we have finally achieved what we have been striving for all these 15 years - raising a country of idiots. If Russia continues to move on the same course, then in another ten years there will be no one left who today even occasionally picks up a book. And we will get a country that will be easier to rule, from which it will be easier to suck out natural resources. But this country has no future! I uttered these exact words five years ago at a government meeting. Time passes, and no one even tries to understand and stop the processes that lead to the degradation of the nation.

We have a complete disconnect between words and deeds. Everyone talks about innovation, but nothing is done to make these slogans come true. And the explanations “I work so hard. When else should I read?” cannot serve as an apology. Believe me, our generation worked no less, but there was always time to read. And labor productivity in society several decades ago was higher than it is now. Today, almost half of able-bodied youth work in security organizations! It turns out that all these young guys are stupid, limited people who can only punch people in the face?

Where does the Volga flow?

You ask why a person should read at all. Again, I’ll give an example: the human and monkey organisms are very similar in all their characteristics. But monkeys don't read, but humans read books. Culture and intelligence are the main differences between man and ape. And intelligence is based on the exchange of information and language. And the greatest tool for exchanging information is the book. Previously, starting from the time of Homer, there was an oral tradition: people sat and listened to the elders, who in artistic form, through tales and legends of past eras, passed on the experience and knowledge accumulated by the generation. Then writing arose, and with it reading. The tradition of oral storytelling has died out, and now the tradition of reading is also dying out. Take it sometime and, at least for the sake of curiosity, leaf through the correspondence of the greats. Darwin's epistolary legacy, which is now being published, consists of 15 thousand letters. Leo Tolstoy's correspondence also takes up more than one volume. What will remain after the current generation? Will their text messages be published for the edification of their descendants?

I have long proposed changing the criteria for admission to higher education institutions. No exams are needed - let the applicant write a five-page essay in which he explains why he wants to enter a particular faculty. The ability to competently express one’s thoughts and the essence of a problem demonstrates a person’s intellectual background, level of culture, and degree of development of consciousness. But the Unified State Exam, which is used today, cannot give an objective picture of a student’s knowledge. It is built only on knowledge or ignorance of facts. But facts are not everything! Does the Volga flow into the Caspian Sea? The answer to this question deserves not a tick in the appropriate box, but a separate serious conversation. Because millions of years ago the Volga flowed not into the Caspian, but into the Sea of ​​Azov, the geography of the Earth was different. And the question turns from a textbook into an interesting problem. To solve it, it is precisely understanding that is required, which cannot be achieved without reading and education.

Feelings instead of minds

The question of losing interest in reading is a question of what is happening to people now. We have reached a very difficult moment in the development of humanity as a whole. The pace of technology development today is very high. And our ability to comprehend all this and live wisely in this technical and information environment lags behind this pace. The world is now experiencing a very deep crisis in the sphere of culture. So the situation in our country is quite typical for the rest of the world - in America and England they also read little. And such great literature that existed in the world 30-40 years ago no longer exists today. Nowadays, masters of minds are generally very difficult to find. Perhaps because no one needs minds - they need sensations.

Today we do not need to change our attitude towards reading, but to radically change our attitude towards culture as a whole. The Ministry of Culture should become the most important of all ministries. And the first priority is to stop subordinating culture to commerce. Money is not the purpose of the existence of society, but only a means of achieving certain goals. You can have an army whose soldiers will fight valiantly without demanding reward because they believe in the ideals of the state. Or you can have mercenaries in your service who will kill both their own and others with equal pleasure for the same money. But these will be different armies! And in science, breakthroughs are made not for money, but for interest. Such a cat's interest! And it’s the same with major art. Masterpieces are not born for money. If you subordinate everything to money, then everything will remain money; it will not turn into either a masterpiece or a discovery.

In order for children to start reading again, an appropriate cultural situation must exist in the country. What defines culture now? Once upon a time, the Church set the tone. On weekends, people went to church and instead of watching TV, they looked at frescoes, icons, stained glass windows - at illustrations of life in images. Great masters worked at the request of the Church; a great tradition illuminated all this. Today people go to Church much less, and television gives a generalized picture of life. But there is no great tradition, no art here. You won't find anything there except fighting and shooting. Television is engaged in the decomposition of people's consciousness. In my opinion, this is a criminal organization subordinated to anti-social interests. There is only one call from the screen: “Get rich by any means - theft, violence, deception!”

The issue of cultural development is a matter of the future of the country. The state cannot exist if it does not rely on culture. And it will not be able to strengthen its position in the world only with money or military force. How can we attract our former republics today? Only culture! In the era of the USSR, they existed perfectly within the framework of our culture. Compare the level of development of Afghanistan and the Central Asian republics - the difference is huge! And now all these countries have fallen out of our cultural space. And, in my opinion, the most important task now is to return them to this space again. When the British Empire collapsed, culture and education became the most important tools for restoring the integrity of the English-speaking world. The British opened the doors of their higher education institutions to people from the colonies.

First of all, for those who could later become managers of these new countries. I recently spoke with Estonians - they are ready to study medicine in Russia. But we charge them a lot of money for studying. Despite the fact that they get the opportunity to study in America or England for free. And how can we then attract the same Estonians so that interaction with us becomes more important to them than interaction with the West? In France, there is a Ministry of Francophonie, which promotes French cultural policy in the world.

In England, the British Council is considered a non-governmental organization, but in fact it pursues a clear policy to spread English culture, and through it, global English influence in the world. So cultural issues today are intertwined with issues of politics and national security of the country. This important element of influence cannot be neglected. In the modern world, it is increasingly science and art, rather than resources and productive forces, that determine the power and future of a country.

Should we force children, and even ourselves, to read? Why is interest in literature falling? Why read a lot, and what does it give? We will try to answer these questions in this article about books and reading.

Any statistics can confirm that interest in literature is noticeably declining. If in Soviet times we were still considered the most reading country, today Russia occupies only 34th place in the world ranking. The conclusion suggests itself. The meaning of a book in a person’s life is clearly changing. Authors change, ways of obtaining information, its media and accessibility change. But is it worth fearing and sounding the alarm?

This is how the famous writer Viktor Erofeev assesses the situation: “A huge number of people at different times shouted that culture was ending. Apparently, in this generation it will end in the form in which we have imagined it for many centuries. An epidemic in the form of stupidity is coming to our planet. Such a fatal epidemic of stupidity."

Journalist Ivetta Smolyaninova recalls: as a child, my parents always said: “Read more books, otherwise you will never become a worthy person.” I still didn’t understand what “being a worthy person” meant, but this method worked for me. Ten years later, in the same way, my parents tried to instill a love of reading in their younger sister. The result was unsatisfactory. The child was simply not interested in flipping through the yellowed pages with small text. “So, should I enjoy this?” - my sister was perplexed, looking at another book gift. This may seem surprising, but in a relatively short time, the value of the book and its role in the education of the individual have changed noticeably.

On the other hand, in bookstores, it’s actually becoming less and less common to see a queue for some new book release. Despite the fact that a huge number of books are published every day, all this variety seems to repel the reader.

“I remember very well these crowds at bookstores in the early 80s,” recalls musician Andrei Makarevich. “Back then, having Tsvetaeva’s three-volume work in her possession was considered a truly prestigious thing.”

Why is there a fashion for reading and the idea that only a person who is not a stranger to reading can be an intelligent and truly full-fledged person and member of society?

Below are several possible answers to this generally rhetorical question.

1. “Beded yourself with reading” in childhood. Aversion to learning, required reading programs are now associated with something unpleasant. I don't want to go back.

Some people think that the period of absorbing information has passed, now it’s time to do something different.

2. Books have powerful competitors (TV with hundreds of channels, the Internet, social networks).

3. Too much work, too little free time. A tired person has no time for books. At best, it’s TV that you can watch while doing your own thing.

But how can you rest or relax here?

For reference: per day, seven leading channels show “160 fights, 202 murders, 6 robberies, told 302 negative news” (according to statistics from the Russian House magazine, May 2009).

4. The present time requires activity, even hyperactivity. Many people think so. Otherwise, they will overtake, otherwise someone will come to success first. We fuss a lot and cannot stand inaction, believing that only actions lead to results. Although, as a rule, the ability to think is a necessary quality in achieving a goal. Reading requires temporary inaction, but are we ready for such sacrifices?

We turn to a book for a purpose. Some because they have nothing to do, some because it is a learning task, and some are looking for answers to questions in books.

Our life was unthinkable without reading. People read for different reasons. They read in order to obtain new information necessary for life and work. Reading takes a break from everyday worries, distracts you, and broadens your horizons. At the moment, entertaining reading is given the palm. A person experiences a lot of stress throughout the day, and negative emotions accumulate. Mental tension. And “light reading” helps you relax and relieve tension, immerse yourself in another life, country, century... Reading enriches you emotionally.

Real literature helps you live more fully. A person often looks in books for what he lacks in life. Or the book reflects what is happening in his soul, in his life.

It always surprises me when someone says, “I don’t read books.” Yes, there are many things in the world that occupy our time - movies, video games, media. But you should still find time to read. If you don't read books, you're missing out.

1. Reading improves imagination and creativity

When we read, we give new life to the written words - they are transformed in our imagination. We reintroduce the sights, sounds, and smells of a fascinating story. And this work develops the “creative muscles” of our brain - and there are few places where you can find such effective exercises.

2. Improved intelligence

Despite all the achievements of modern technology, reading remains the best way to learn and store information. Those who read more become smarter. They filled their heads with information that others do not have and would not have without books.

3. Reading can change your life

Some books can change your life in ways you might not expect. Books like The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, and Flowers for Algernon made me see the world differently. These books had a profound effect on me and I was changed by reading each one. This is the power of reading - a journey into yourself, and not just through a fascinating plot. Just like after a trip, after such books, you are no longer the same as before.

4.Readers are sexy

According to research, women consider smart guys sexier than those with average intelligence. Intelligence is one of the most sought-after qualities that women look for in men. So, single guys, check out the bookstore!

5. The ability to empathize

It's hard to imagine yourself in someone else's shoes, especially if their world is very different from yours.
Reading is a great way to “look into another person’s head” and learn about their thoughts and feelings. Instead of looking at life from one point, you can look at the world through different eyes!

6. Wisdom

Every time you open a book, you fill your head with knowledge, facts, opinions, stories. Reading is like a continuous delivery of information. Along with this information, the reader also receives experience. Books are stories about someone's life lessons, about experiences gained. This is an opportunity for you to understand how the world works. By reading books, you become wiser.

7. Self-improvement

The more you read, the wider your vocabulary. It’s not surprising - after all, you regularly come across so many words in different books that you soon begin to use them in everyday life. Good readers are usually good writers themselves. Any successful writer will tell you that to improve your writing skills, you need to read every day. Moreover, reading helps improve self-confidence. It can help you in many areas of life, such as social relationships or career advancement.

8. Improved thinking skills

Reading enhances analytical thinking. People who read identify patterns faster than people who don't read. Reading makes your mind sharper and strengthens the synapses in your brain, because it also trains your memory. In other words, your brain gets stronger and faster because you read.

9. Improved attention and concentration

Most of us are accustomed to “multitasking” and have learned to divide our attention between TV, the Internet, telephone and a lot of other things. But this way we lose the ability to focus on one important thing at the right time. Reading a book improves your ability to concentrate. After all, the book itself requires full concentration, because if you are distracted, you lose the thread of the story.

10. People who read have a better chance of success.

You can probably find successful people who don't read books. But it's difficult. Remember famous scientists, businessmen, writers, politicians. If they all have a common interest, it is reading.

11. Generating ideas

Ideas are a powerful engine. Scientific and technical achievements are based on them. They solve world problems and cure diseases. Ideas can change our lives. When you read, you get many new thoughts. These thoughts swirl around in your head - and help you create your own amazing idea.

12. Reading will help you set your priorities correctly.

Reading opens up new possibilities for you. You will read about new adventures, a different way of life - about different things that you had never even thought about before. Perhaps you will think about it and realize that you want to change your life and set other goals for yourself. And what is important in your life is not at all what you previously put in first place.

13. Live multiple lives

People who don't read can only live their own lives. Readers have access to many, many lives - real or fictional characters. We can feel what they felt, experience what they experienced.
Our own life experiences make us stronger and wiser. But if you only live one life, you are depriving yourself of other people's experiences and lessons from their lives.

14. Improved mental health

Just like the muscles in the body, the brain needs a boost to stay healthy and strong. Research has shown that mental activities such as reading can slow down (or even prevent) Alzheimer's disease and dementia. And people who read a lot during their lives experience much later age-related decline in memory and mental abilities, compared to those who did not like to read.

15. Around the world without leaving home

Traveling is the best way to get to know other peoples and cultures. And the second best way is reading. It can open up a whole new world for you - right outside your doorstep. A lot of books have been written about different countries; you can read about any corner of the globe and get acquainted with the life of different peoples through books.

16. Improved physical health

We usually read in silence, alone with ourselves. When you are captivated by a good book, you are in a state close to meditation. Reading is relaxing and calming. The result is a reduction in stress and normalization of blood pressure. People who read suffer less from mood disorders.

17. More topics to talk about

The more you learn about new topics, stories, and opinions, the easier it becomes to strike up conversations. After all, you have an endless source of new discussion material at your fingertips!

18. Explore yourself

Have you heard the expression “lost in a book”? Reading is an active process, and you yourself are actively involved in it, as if participating in the action. You can learn a lot about yourself through reading. For example, you may ask yourself what you would do if you were in the book's place. And the answer may surprise you.

19. Expand your horizons

If you don't read, then your world is small. You only know a small fraction of what is happening around you. Reading will reveal to you how big the world really is. There are many subjects that I knew nothing about. It was only when I started reading about them that I realized how little I knew before!

Thousands of books are printed every month. Add to this blog posts and magazine articles. You can always find something to suit your taste among this variety. Moreover, now there is nothing easier than becoming a reader. Libraries are everywhere - and they are free! Now there are digital copies of books, which means you don’t even have to go to the library.

So, given all the benefits of reading listed, there is no reason not to read.

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