What types of car insurance are there? Types of compulsory insurance, what car policies exist

Increasing the protection of modern MTPL car insurance policies is a necessary measure after a huge number of counterfeits have appeared.

On this basis, the law decided to issue a new type of document, equipped with increased security measures, as well as its electronic analogue, which cannot be forged because it is entered into the RSA Internet database.

If you are interested in what an electronic OSAGO policy looks like, it is worth studying the photo, as well as studying the basic information on the document.

The new policy is an ideal opportunity to increase the confidence of car owners in the document itself and reduce the likelihood of possible fraud.

The reason for the appearance of counterfeit documents is an increase in insurance rates. This became the reason for falsifying a document that is important for every motorist.

Until now, every driver had the opportunity to present the policy to traffic police officers, without fear of detection of a counterfeit. The situation changed completely after the formation of the SAR database.

There are many other shortcomings of old policies, among which are:

  • low protection against counterfeiting;
  • printing a document did not require the use of special equipment; a regular printing line was sufficient;
  • lack of the required number of forms;
  • lack of information for the population regarding the protective measures of MTPL documents.

All this became the reason for purchasing fake documents related to compulsory car insurance. There were well-thought-out schemes in use, in which, even after discovering a counterfeit, the owner received financial compensation by simply going to court.

The electronic form of the insurance policy has become the first step in ensuring the protection of the insurer and vehicle owners. Its owner has equal rights and benefits as the owner of a previously adopted paper document.

The advantage is that it reduces the likelihood of policy fraud. The new forms will significantly strengthen the overall security level of the legal auto insurance system.

It is worth studying the appearance of new electronic policies and the measures taken to protect them from counterfeit documents.

The new policy was presented at the beginning of 2017. They officially entered the document flow on July 1.

Now, instead of a two-color document, car owners began to be issued policies that have a rather complex color scheme with a predominance of lilac.

High-quality document protection against counterfeiting is manifested in the following innovations:

  1. Double-layer printing with contrasting background. This increases the overall difficulty of making counterfeits at home.
  2. Complete font change. Now the document number, its name and main points are filled in with different font options.
  3. The watermarks have become of a different shape, and their location has also changed. Also, SAR watermarks appeared around the edges of the document. In the center you can see the background image of the car.
  4. A security metallized thread passes through the paper fibers. Above it is the inscription of the policy - OSAGO. Along the entire length of the line there is the inscription “policy”.

Representatives of the insurance company are given the opportunity to place a QR code in the upper right corner. This is an ideal opportunity to compactly place basic information about the insurer on a document.

In the future, information about the owner of the car for whom the policy is issued will be entered in this place.

It took the developers two years to develop and implement the new policy. The adopted innovations automatically affected the cost of the document; it increased in price by about 15%.

Additional expenses are included in the cost of the document, in the price rates of generally accepted compulsory insurance.

The new policy forms have equal legal force as the old ones. At the driver's request, insurance company employees must replace the paper document with an updated one.

To get it, the car owner will need to collect certain documents, but the replacement procedure itself is free. Before contacting an insurance company to replace a policy, you should first familiarize yourself with the following features of obtaining it.

Here are the most basic of them:

  1. If you are insuring your car for the first time, you can only use a paper version of the policy. This rule also applies when changing insurance companies. The reason for this rule is based on the lack of correct information in the RCA database.
  2. The process of registering a new electronic policy is carried out on the company’s website.
  3. To renew the insurance contract, a special verification code and a correct signature in pdf format are sent to the user’s mailbox.
  4. When drawing up a new document, drivers have the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments.

After receiving a positive result for replacing the policy, a new insurance form will be sent to the email address specified during registration. It does not have the levels of protection found in paper-based new insurance policies.

There is no need for protection, since traffic police officers have the ability to connect to the RSA database at any time and obtain information regarding the document they are looking for.

Registration of a paper version of OSAGO is often associated with the usual need to have an officially executed document in hand. In this case, it is necessary to change the old form of the document to a new one.

In other cases, specialists of the modern insurance market recommend applying for an electronic version of OSAGO. Before changing their document, drivers are interested in the question of what an electronic OSAGO policy is.

Along with protection against counterfeiting, the owner of this document receives the following benefits:

  • significant time savings, since there is no need to go to the insurance company’s office and stand in lines waiting for registration;
  • lack of intrusive, sometimes unpleasant service. In other words, this is an ideal opportunity to avoid imposed additional paid services;
  • You are given the opportunity to choose a convenient payment option.

If you have issued an electronic OSAGO document, you should make a simple printed copy of it and have it with you in your car. Traffic police officers will need it during a routine document check or in the event of a possible accident.

The presence of such paper will allow traffic police officers to carry out the necessary checks in the absence of a network, which is typical for hard-to-reach places.

What does an electronic policy look like?

An important difference between an electronic policy and a paper one is the absence of any visually visible or hidden protective elements.

An electronic policy does not need such protection. The color of the printed electronic document is not important either; it can be copied on a regular black and white printer and presented to traffic police officers as needed.

The structure of the new electronic policy deserves special attention. Here are the main important points.

Here is the most important difference between an electronic policy - the name of the document “Electronic Insurance Policy”.

The serial number is also different - instead of EEE or CCC it is designated XXX. This is the most important digital and alphabetic identifier by which the ownership of the insurance document is determined.

This column contains the main advantage of the document. The probability of receiving a policy with an equal serial number is zero. Computer systems immediately detect this fraud.

Insurance time frames – 3 and 4 markers

Everything is standard here. The car is insured for a year, unless it is a temporary policy. This part contains all the relevant time dates, as in the paper version.

The policyholder and the owner are different persons. The policyholder arranges the insurance process itself, and the owner uses the insurance. The fields for these individuals are completely different.

Drivers who are allowed to drive a vehicle are entered in markers 7 and 8.

This section contains the main information regarding the car:

  • car make and model;
  • VIN code/body number;
  • state numbers;
  • number and series of the vehicle's passport, as well as the purpose of operation.

Persons who are allowed to drive a car are indicated as their full name, as well as the series and number of their driver’s license.

Policy cost and important marks – markers 9 and 10

The following blocks indicate the cost of the policy, that is, the insurance premium, as well as some important notes. This may be the place where the insurance was issued, that is, the address of the Internet resource, as well as the number of the paid online order.

Date and signature – 11-13 marker

Just like on a paper policy, on an electronic one two dates are indicated at the bottom - the conclusion of the contract and the issuance of the policy. Enter the first and last name of the insurance company employee.

The signature and seal on the electronic policy are for informational purposes only, that is, it is just a facsimile.

As for the place of signature, it is not placed on the e-policy. Only facsimile imitation may be present.

According to the rules of electronic insurance, the signature of the insurance owner will be replaced by the authorization of the buyer in the personal account where personal information is entered.

Only an electronic policy is considered valid without a signature; this rule does not apply to a paper policy.

Many people are interested in the question of how to use the electronic OSAGO policy?

All that is required from the driver when requesting an electronic policy from him is to verbally inform that it is available. Next, the employee acts according to the established instructions.

Having received the information, traffic police officers check the license plates against the database using a gadget with Internet access.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to print out an electronic MTPL policy will be - optional.

We are talking about a special IMTS service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the RSA database, into which information on policies is entered. This is all you need when deciding how to present an electronic MTPL policy to a traffic police inspector.

All data from the PTS during the process of filling out the electronic policy must be written down literally, accurately copying all information and possible inaccuracies. The computer should not notice discrepancies during the reconciliation process, otherwise it will be impossible to obtain insurance from home.

If an electronic policy has not yet been issued, you should take care of it, since there are plans in all cities to switch to this form of obtaining insurance. There will be no return to the previous accounting system.

At the moment, active work is being carried out to provide high-quality technical equipment to traffic police vehicles. Drivers are allowed to replace a regular paper printout with an image on a tablet or smartphone. It is enough to show this image, if you want to show something to the inspector.

Summing up

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the electronic policy for compulsory motor third party liability is calculated at the rates that are applicable for a paper policy.

The cost of policies, according to modern legislation, is calculated based on the tariff corridor that is established by the Central Bank of Russia.

The final pricing is influenced by a large number of factors - the driver’s age, driving experience, car power level and driver’s history.

Video: How to get an electronic MTPL policy

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One comment

    Everything described above is good. But insurance companies do not warn clients that the electronic MTPL policy is valid only after three days. When I called the insurance company and asked why you didn’t warn about the deadlines, they told me that we, the consumers, should know about this and added that ignorance of the laws is your problem. This is Ingosstrakh.

Every day the number of vehicles on the roads of our country is only increasing. This demonstrates the indispensability of cars, because they are the ones that help us travel long distances. Those who do not have their own car use public transport. But one way or another we all use machines. As cars increase, the number of accidents on the roads always increases. Therefore, in Russia there is compulsory car insurance.

Compulsory motor insurance

In Russia, compulsory motor third party liability insurance has been in force since 2003. Every year all road users are required to purchase an insurance policy. There are a large number of insurers in Russia who are ready to provide compulsory motor liability insurance; each of them has its own price. The insurance itself is just liability insurance. Many drivers do not approve of it, but consider it simply a money grab.

But that's not true. Those who have had to sue those responsible for accidents, restore the car at their own expense and wait until the insolvent citizen returns the money are on the side of the state. Compulsory motor liability insurance allows the victim to hope that he will still receive, although not more, compensation from the insurance company. In a word, compulsory car insurance is a correct and deliberate decision of our government.

Rating of insurance companies

There are dozens of large and small insurance companies operating on the Russian market. Almost all of them provide the MTPL service. Every year, companies lure customers by offering them various discounts and gifts. They all argue that compulsory car insurance is the best way to protect yourself and others. There are also various ratings of insurance companies in the Russian Federation; they are compiled annually and posted for general viewing. For example, according to Expert RA, in 2015 the best companies are:

  • "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • "Alliance";
  • "VSK";
  • "VTB Insurance";
  • "Ingosstrakh";
  • "MAX";
  • "Renaissance Insurance";
  • "RESO-Garantiya";
  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "SOGAZ";
  • "Agreement";
  • "UralSib";
  • "Energogarant".

Here you need to choose on your own, because all these insurance companies have been working on the Russian market for many years and have many reviews, good and bad. We have had compulsory car insurance for a long time. Rosgosstrakh, for example, was the very first to appear on the market, but it has not been at the first level in the ratings for a long time.

History of OSAGO in the Russian Federation

We know from history that compulsory motor liability insurance appeared in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. The government was pushed to this decision by the brilliant inventor of the assembly line, Henry Ford. He began mass production of inexpensive cars that quickly filled the streets of America. Already in the middle of the twentieth century, compulsory motor liability insurance reached European countries. The Soviet authorities considered this type of insurance unnecessary and, accordingly, did not introduce it in the country. And only in 2003 Russia adopted a law on compulsory motor liability insurance. Compulsory car insurance has become an integral part of the system and road traffic. A similar type of insurance exists in other countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Belarus there is also compulsory car insurance. "Belgosstrakh" is the leader in the market of such services in this country.

The difference between CASCO and OSAGO

As mentioned earlier, every year the number of vehicles on the roads only increases. In addition to compulsory motor liability insurance, in Russia there is another, voluntary type of car insurance - CASCO insurance. Few people use this service yet, but every year the number of insured cars is growing. When applying for a new car on credit, banks require clients to carry out compulsory CASCO insurance; otherwise, they cannot get a car on credit. A service of this kind is not cheap, but even if an insured event occurs, your interests will be protected. Documents for car insurance must be provided in the original (technical passport and personal passport); insurance agencies do not work with copies.

Rules of conduct in case of an accident

If you are involved in an accident, you need to follow the traffic rules.

  • First: turn on the hazard lights, if present and working.
  • Secondly: put up an emergency sign (in a populated area 15 m away, behind a populated area - 30 m away, if there is a turn, the sign must be installed in front of it).

The most important thing to do is to provide first aid to the victims (if any) and call an ambulance. Until the traffic police arrive, you need to stay where you are. Vehicles cannot be moved.

Registration of an insured event

Many people wonder whether car insurance is necessary. But if an accident happens to you, and you do not have a valid policy, the victim will have to pay for the damage from your own pocket. That's why OSAGO exists. If an insured event occurs, there are three options for how you can file the incident:

  1. Europrotocol. Used for minor accidents. In this case, there is no need to call the traffic police; those involved in the incident will file everything on their own. You can use the European protocol only if both car owners have valid insurance policies and no people were injured in the accident.
  2. Direct settlement (compensation for damages directly). It exists relatively recently, allowing the victim to apply for compensation directly to his insurer, rather than looking for the insurance company of the person at fault for the accident.
  3. Standard procedure. It is used in major accidents in which people or several car owners were injured.

The car insurance rule can help many victims recover and get their car repaired.

Amount and terms of payment under compulsory motor liability insurance

Today in Russia there are two more versions of the law on payment under the MTPL policy. The first - before 01.10.2014, the second - after 01.10.2014.

Revision before 01.10.2014:

  • If a person is injured or killed, the compensation will be 160 thousand rubles.
  • The property of one person was damaged - 120 thousand rubles.
  • The property of several people was damaged - 160 thousand rubles.

Revision after 01.10.2014:

  • A person suffered - 160 thousand rubles each.
  • Property was damaged - 400 thousand rubles each.

Both in the first and second editions, if the amount of compensation is insufficient, the injured party has the right to go to court and demand the rest of the money from the culprit of the accident.

In order for compensation to be paid quickly, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documents and contact the insurance company as soon as possible, where you will write a statement about the occurrence of an insured event. After this, the company is obliged to make payment no later than 20 calendar days. Next you just need to wait. The insurance company will either pay you the required amount or refuse to pay.

If there is no response after the twenty-day period, a fine of 1% will be imposed for each day of delay in payment. There are cases when the insurer pays a smaller amount to the victim, but do not be upset, you need to write a statement about the situation to the insurance company and wait for a response within 10 days. In extreme situations, you can sue.

Refusal of compensation

Since our country has a law on compulsory motor liability insurance, it specifies the reasons for the insurer’s refusal to pay under the policy. There are two reasons why you may not get your money back:

  1. Violation of procedure when the car owner independently destroyed traces of the accident.
  2. Not an insured event when the culprit could not be determined in the accident, the accident was done on purpose or both drivers were at fault, etc.

We can say with confidence that if the insurance company doubts that you are right, or you cannot provide the vehicle for inspection, then you will not see any payment.

Every day in Russia there are many accidents, some minor and some quite large. They cannot be avoided, but compulsory insurance allows you to at least reduce risks and guarantee payment of compensation to the victim.

According to Federal Law No. 40, a person purchasing a vehicle must insure liability to the potentially injured party. The law has been in effect for more than 10 years.

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During this period, several types of compulsory motor liability insurance were formed, which every motorist who is planning to purchase a motor vehicle license should know.

Studying the policy

By purchasing MTPL, drivers are confident that they insure their car against accidents. However, this popular misconception is incorrect. The policy is necessary to insure the driver's liability to the injured party. If in the event of an accident the driver causes damage to the property or health of another person, the insurance company will compensate for the costs. The amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance is regulated by law.

A person involved in an accident will not be able to receive more than 160,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of payment is due when harm is caused to human life and health. The total amount of payments under 1 policy during the year cannot exceed 400,000 rubles. Usually this amount is enough to fully cover expenses. If the limit is exceeded, the person will have to compensate for the damage themselves.

The policy is a mandatory document that every driver must purchase. If during the inspection the traffic police officers find out that the motorist has flouted the rules, he will be fined. The amount of the penalty is 800 rubles. If a person does not want to spend extra money, he must conscientiously comply with the requirements of the law.

Appearance of OSAGO

Insurance companies change the appearance of compulsory motor liability insurance over time. This is necessary to ensure the protection of car owners from unscrupulous companies selling counterfeit documents.

Today, the distinctive features of MTPL include:

  • pink color of the form;
  • the presence of a metal strip;
  • watermarks that appear during transmission testing;
  • relief series and document number;
  • the presence of lint, which is noticeable upon careful examination of the paper.

The document can be filled out either by hand or using a computer. The paper should not contain blots or errors. Their presence makes the policy invalid. An insurer that finds information in the form that does not correspond to reality will refuse to pay compensation.


Today, types of compulsory motor liability insurance can differ significantly from each other.

Policies are distinguished:

  1. With limitation. The document differs from other types in that the owner who chose the paper is required to enter information on the number of persons allowed to drive a car into the OSAGO form. You are allowed to indicate up to 5 people on the form. The form must indicate not only the full names of the drivers, but also their license numbers. Based on the data, the insurance company will study each person's driving history and indicate the cost of the policy. It can vary significantly depending on the number of accidents each driver has had.
  2. No limit. The policy is more expensive than the previous one. The document does not contain a list of persons authorized to drive transport. The paper assumes that a wide range of people can drive. This increases the likelihood of an emergency. For this reason, the insurance company increases the price of OSAGO.
  3. Paper. A policy printed on paper is a classic type of compulsory motor liability insurance. The insurance company provides the driver with a form containing information about the vehicle and other details of the interaction. A person can always take the form with him. This simplifies interaction with traffic police officers. However, today cases of counterfeit OSAGO insurance have become more frequent. For this reason, car owners are starting to look for an alternative option for purchasing a document.
  4. Electronic. Modern technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human life. Auto insurance is no exception to the rule. Today you can purchase MTPL without leaving your home. Interaction with the insurance company is carried out via the Internet. The driver will not receive the usual form, however, data on the purchased insurance will be entered into the RSA database. Cooperation with the traffic police becomes somewhat more complicated. Today, government employees can check the availability of an electronic policy using the RSA database. However, the driver must provide insurance information to complete the action. If he fails to perform the action, traffic police officers may impose a fine for lack of insurance. For this reason, experts recommend carrying a printout of the electronic document in your car.
  5. Tourist. OSAGO is also required outside the country. However, the classic policy is not valid abroad. For this reason, insurance companies suggest that drivers purchase travel insurance. The document is issued for a period up to 20 days. You need to pay extra for it. By purchasing a travel policy, the driver will protect himself from possible fines and other misunderstandings that could occur if a lack of insurance is discovered.

All policies, except for travel ones, may vary in validity period. A person can purchase a policy for a period of 3 to 12 months.

There is a seasonal OSAGO. Paper saves money if the driver only uses the vehicle for a certain period. For accident-free driving, you can get a discount on your insurance. But the calculation of the cost of the service package only takes into account a period whose duration exceeds 10 months. If the driver purchased insurance for a shorter period, it will not be taken into account when determining the price of the service package.

Registration of insurance for individuals and legal entities

Regardless of who owns the car, the vehicle must be insured. However, registration of compulsory motor liability insurance can vary significantly depending on the status of the owner of the vehicle.

The main nuances of the operation include:

  1. Policy provision period. If individuals can purchase compulsory motor liability insurance, the validity period of which varies from 3 to 12 months, then for companies the minimum threshold has been increased to 6 months. The maximum insurance period does not change.
  2. Number of drivers who can be included in the policy. While individuals can save on the cost of insurance and choose a limited option that allows access to a vehicle for no more than 5 people, organizations do not have this option. For them, insurance companies always provide a policy with unlimited access to management.
  3. Compensation limit. For 1 incident, a person, regardless of his status, can receive no more than 160,000 rubles. However, insurance companies do not set an annual benefit for institutions. So, if an individual can receive no more than 400,000 rubles in 12 months, settlement with the company will be made based on the total number of incidents. For each insured event, the company can count on the maximum amount of payment.
  4. Trailer insurance. According to Government Decree No. 938, a trailer is recognized as a vehicle and requires state registration. For this reason, it is subject to almost the same rules as a car. If the vehicle for transporting goods belongs to a legal entity, the type of transport is subject to compulsory insurance. The situation does not apply to ordinary citizens. If an individual uses a vehicle with a trailer, he can insure the vehicle for transporting goods at his own request.
  5. Policy cost. Current legislation prescribes a special method for determining the price of a policy. Insurance is affected by the rate and coefficients. The user's status also plays a role. The price of MTPL for legal entities is significantly higher than a similar package of services for ordinary citizens. The cost of insurance is affected by the absence of a limit on the number of drivers. Institutions providing services believe that the likelihood of an insurance situation occurring for company-owned vehicles is higher. The absence of restrictions on the amount of annual payments leads to the fact that insurers significantly increase the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

The differences depend only on the status of the person. It will not be possible to avoid changing conditions.

Types of policies

In addition to compulsory insurance, the driver can purchase additional service packages.

This includes:

  • OSAGO;
  • CASCO;
  • DSAGO.

Some drivers believe that these are 3 types of compulsory motor liability insurance. They're almost right.

The service packages are very similar, however, CASCO and DSAGO do not need to be purchased.

Tariffs significantly expand the list of possibilities of compulsory motor liability insurance, but they are not able to replace it. By purchasing DSAGO, a person will increase the limit of liability for an incident. The package of services involves a larger volume of payments.

If the driver is involved in a serious accident, he can count on compensation of up to RUB 3,000,000. At the same time, the cost of the service package itself is low. A person will have to pay 1–5 thousand rubles. Experts recommend that drivers with little experience or residents of megacities apply for DSAGO. Intense traffic in large cities increases the likelihood of an emergency.

OSAGO applies to an incomplete list of possible incidents. So, if the car is stolen, the owner of the vehicle will not be able to count on compensation for the damage incurred. For such situations, CASCO is provided. The policy is more expensive, however, it protects the owner’s vehicle from a full list of incidents. The driver himself can choose the list of services he wishes to purchase.

However, companies treat motorists who only insure their vehicle against theft without purchasing an accident protection package with distrust. Organizations have the impression that the driver can independently cause damage to property in order to receive compensation. For this reason, it is better to purchase CASCO, which provides a full range of services.

The obligatory form of insurance for all cars in the Russian Federation is OSAGO. The abbreviation stands for compulsory motor third party liability insurance. From the definition, the essence of this document is clear, without which it is impossible to register with the traffic police, move on the roads and undergo technical inspection.

Insurance provides compensation for vehicle repair costs in the event of an accident for the party injured in the collision. The guilty party repairs his car at his own expense. To receive compensation, you must contact the insurance company within a strictly specified time frame.

Since types of compulsory motor liability insurance allow you to choose the most convenient car insurance scheme, many are limited to one policy. However, the modern insurance industry offers different options for protecting car owners both legally and financially.

The subtlety of understanding the functions of compulsory motor liability insurance is that under this policy it is not the car or its owner that is protected from accidents and unforeseen circumstances, but the liability of the person who caused the accident to the injured party.

The cost of insurance is relatively low. There are different types of car insurance, which together allow you to protect yourself in a variety of situations. If a car is involved in an accident, the culprit will pay for repairs to the victim’s car, regardless of his own wishes.

Payments are made by the insurance company, to which you must submit all the circumstances of the incident, documents issued by the traffic police, checks and invoices confirming the cost of repairs. The insurance company reviews the case and provides payments.

All payments that can be received under compulsory motor liability insurance are strictly regulated. Only the amount is paid that does not exceed the limit for compulsory motor liability insurance. Insurance issued for a car does not include life and health insurance for the owner and driver of the car.

OSAGO can be issued not only for individuals, but also for companies, auto insurance is mandatory. The cost of an insurance policy for a careful driver who avoids an accident becomes lower. Theft and theft of things from the interior of a car are not included in the list of insurance cases under MTPL.

Types of car insurance in Russia

In the Russian Federation, you are allowed to take out several different policies for your car.

Types of car insurance for citizens and legal entities:

  • OSAGO (compulsory);
  • CASCO - voluntary insurance;
  • DSAGO - car owner liability insurance on a voluntary basis.

OSAGO is a necessary precaution dictated by the state. OSAGO, in turn, implies different types of insurance. There are several types of such policies, and in the event of an accident, the amount of compensation also varies.

Voluntary CASCO insurance more fully covers the range of insurance services for car owners. A detailed description of CASCO risks also includes theft, accidental damage to a car in a parking lot, and car theft. MTPL does not apply to these cases.

This policy can be full or partial; its registration is carried out only on a voluntary basis. CASCO and OSAGO are similar, but do not duplicate each other. To apply for CASCO insurance, you will need to take into account the make of the car and its price category, age, driving experience, place of residence (regions differ in coefficients) and engine power of the car.

CASCO allows you to get insurance in case of car theft, attempted burglary, scratches, dents received while parking or in a parking lot and natural disasters. CASCO is often used in combination with MTPL.

In Russia there is another type of insurance - DSAGO. It is under this policy that the limit of compensation paid can be raised to 1-3 million rubles by paying for the policy in the amount of 1,000 - 5,000 rubles. DSAGO consists of liability insurance and the property itself. This is an additional and completely voluntary insurance. In combination with compulsory motor liability insurance, this policy allows you to receive significantly larger payments under a standard compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

What type of MTPL insurance?

If compulsory insurance cannot be cancelled, then voluntary insurance is taken out solely at the request of the car owner. However, it is the latter that help to significantly increase the amount of compensation and expand the scope of the policy.

Such policies (CASCO, DSAGO) are more expensive. The decision of which type of MTPL insurance to choose depends on the class and cost of the car, the location of its storage (underground garage, parking in a closed local area, in a parking lot, near the house).

Within the MTPL insurance system, there are subtypes of insurance programs for different cases. The territory determines the increasing coefficients where transport is used. When traveling to another city, the coefficient changes. Voluntary types of insurance are more expensive, but provide coverage for a greater number of accidents with the car.

The cost of a mandatory policy depends on several factors:

  1. Basic tariff;
  2. Duration of the insurance period;
  3. Car owner history (number and frequency of accidents);
  4. Reducing and increasing coefficients.

For individuals and legal entities, the cost of the policy varies. One policy may include several persons who can drive a car. This will increase the cost of the policy, but for some companies and individual entrepreneurs it is a prerequisite. The liability of the driver of a truck or special vehicle must also be insured.

Types of MTPL insurance

Auto insurance type Liability insurance for the culprit of an accident Car insurance for the person responsible for the accident Life and health insurance
Auto insurance name OSAGO DOSAGO CASCO Driver insurance
Insurance type mandatory voluntary
Policyholder the culprit of the accident
Beneficiary Injured in an accident due to the fault of the policyholder policyholder Passengers of the policyholder's car
Maximum payout amount If in an accident the car is destroyed or the cost of repairs exceeds the amount: 400,000 rub. (property)

600,000 rub. (health and life of people)

impressive amount market value of the insured vehicle impressive amount

Since an insurance policy is necessary in different circumstances, for different periods and for different operating conditions, a division by type of insurance is provided.

In 2019, compulsory motor liability insurance differs in terms and is issued in two types:

  • Limited insurance;
  • No limits.

The policy can be presented in paper or electronic form. There is also a travel type of insurance. Every year new types of paper policies appear. They vary in color and shape of protection. At the moment, a metallized strip sewn into the paper indicates that the policy is original. Changes are necessary to protect car owners from scammers.

With or without restrictions

The most common types of insurance are divided into compulsory motor liability insurance with and without restrictions. Limited insurance is valid only for a certain number of people who are authorized to drive the insured vehicle. The rules prohibit anyone from driving who is not included in a valid insurance policy.

If this is discovered, the car owner will have to pay a fine. In the event of an accident, insurance payments will not be made, but the victim will still receive compensation for damages from the personal funds of the culprit. By limiting the circle of people, the risks of entrusting the car to an inexperienced or unnecessary driver are reduced.

An extended insurance policy without restrictions does not in any way regulate who can drive a car (as long as the drivers have a valid license).

The cost of OSAGO insurance is noticeably higher than that of a limited vehicle, but anyone the owner trusts can drive this vehicle. A policy with restrictions is beneficial for a family, but not for a company. However, what exactly to choose is up to the owner of the vehicle.

By timing

The validity periods of MTPL insurance policies vary, but you cannot choose them arbitrarily. For all insurance programs, a quarterly, six-month and annual grid applies. You can choose one of the options, and those who drive their car into the garage for the winter until spring prefer shorter insurance periods. For summer residents, there is a seasonal policy, which is very convenient in terms of saving money when taking out insurance.

By choosing a short-term policy, the car owner will save money on additional purchase of DSAGO insurance. Thus, all risks of damage to property and health will be provided for and the person will be protected not only from the point of view of compliance with duties, but also from the point of view of protecting his property rights. Individuals receive a large amount of compensation.

Types of insurance cases

It is not possible to receive money under compulsory motor liability insurance in all cases. Each insurance company provides the client with a list of cases in which they expect compensation.

In insurance practice, all insured events are divided into several categories:

  1. Social;
  2. Property;
  3. Responsibility;
  4. Personal;
  5. Entrepreneurial activity.

If a person’s property status has changed, then social insurance will provide support during this period. Cases of such circumstances include retirement, disability, termination of employment for a good reason.

One of the insurance cases is the death of the breadwinner. In this case, the insurance company provides support to the family of the deceased. The MTPL policy insures precisely on the principle of compliance with social responsibility.

Protection of property and material assets from loss or loss falls under the property category. In this case, compensation is made if the material assets of the insured citizen are damaged, detracting from their value. It is this type that includes such types of car insurance as CASCO and DSAGO.

Factor Criteria for increasing the cost of insurance
Type of policy Greater variety of insurance cases taken into account
Driving experience Little driving experience
Vehicle make Demand among hijackers
Vehicle characteristics Large size and power of the car
Signaling Unreliability of the applied software or its absence
Accident frequency A large number of accidents over a certain period
Vehicle cost More expensive cars
Place of registration of the policyholder Large city with a larger population
Insurance period Short term insurance

Payment classification

A citizen receives car insurance if it is written down in detail in the insurance contract he has concluded. The payment covers damage resulting from an accident, accident or other road incident. The amount of compensation under the MTPL policy is determined by the rules.

It depends on the type of compensation:

  1. By property;
  2. For health.

If two cars were damaged in an accident on a road, the insurance company will not pay more than 120,000 rubles. If there were three or more participants in the accident, then the limit is limited to 160,000 rubles. It is impossible to receive more than 400,000 rubles under one policy; these are the MTPL norms.

In case of accidents, immediately submit documents to the insurance company (for example, a protocol and diagram of the incident), determine the amount of damage and expect payment.

As a rule, these amounts are needed to repair the car. Damage caused to health is more difficult to assess, but amounts exceeding the compensation limit are rarely required. Compensation for property damage, which turns out to be more than what is required under compulsory motor liability insurance, is paid by the culprit of the accident from his personal funds.

Types of car insurance in Russia are divided into several types, while the legislation provides for only one form of compulsory insurance, while the remaining options are voluntary. Depending on the category, policies have some differences regarding insured events and payments for them.

Why do you need car insurance?

Vehicle insurance is included in the list of conditions, the fulfillment of which is considered the responsibility of each car owner. Having a policy guarantees the protection of the interests of the car owner in the event of unforeseen circumstances, for example, an accident. More broadly speaking, insurance is a guarantee that a person will not suffer any losses in the event of an accident or other incident.

Vehicle insurance is carried out by companies that have a license and permission for this type of activity. The process of issuing a policy, whether it is a mandatory form or a voluntary option, is carried out subject to a number of criteria. At the same time, insurance companies are constantly expanding the list of offers for car owners in order to create the most favorable conditions for clients.

Types of car insurance

In the Russian Federation, car insurance is presented in the following categories:

  1. mandatory;
  2. voluntary.

In the first case, insurance is compulsory and applies to all car owners without exception.

Voluntary types of insurance are not mandatory, and the contract is concluded only with the consent of the owner of the vehicle. Another feature of this category is a wider list of options and situations subject to insurance.

In order to figure out which policy option is suitable for a particular citizen, you will need to study in as much detail as possible all the features and conditions for obtaining each type of car insurance.


The MTPL policy is a compulsory type of insurance, which is the only one in this category. According to the law, the need to conclude an insurance contract applies to all vehicle owners. In the absence of a policy, the owner of the car will not be able to drive the car, register it, or submit it for technical inspection. Ignoring legal norms is fraught with a fine and liquidation of rights, and often the evacuation of the vehicle to a parking lot.

OSAGO implies insurance of civil liability of the car owner in the event of an accident where he is found guilty. In other words, the compensation payment to the injured party is paid not by the owner of the policy, but by the insurance company from which it was obtained. In this case, compensation for harm is provided both in the situation of damage to property and in the event of damage to the health of third parties. In this case, the owner of the insurance does not have any rights to payment.

As for the amount of compensation, it is calculated based on the damage caused. Moreover, in case of damage to property, the amount is limited to 400,000 rubles, and in case of harm to health or life - 500,000 rubles per victim. If the amount of damage caused goes beyond the established limits, the difference is paid by the person responsible for the accident.

The cost of an MTPL policy is fixed by federal rates, which does not give insurance companies the right to increase it. In general, the size depends on the power of the vehicle, the age and experience of the driver, the validity period, and the region where the contract was concluded. The average price of a policy is about 12,000 rubles.

One of the increasingly popular types of optional insurance is considered to be DSAGO - voluntary insurance of the car owner’s liability for harm to a third party in the event of an accident, which significantly expands the capabilities of the compulsory policy.

An additional opportunity here is to increase the scope of compensation payments, which is very important in light of the increasing popularity of expensive cars. Payment under DSAGO is made only if the limit on the compulsory insurance policy cannot cover the amount of damage caused.

Execution of the document is possible only with the consent of the owner of the car and if there is a valid compulsory motor liability insurance. In this case, both policies will be valid for the same period of time.

The cost of insurance is set by each company independently, but on average does not exceed 4,000 rubles. As for the payment limit, it ranges from 300,000 rubles to 30 million rubles.

The CASCO policy is another voluntary insurance option, called comprehensive insurance. In this case, the car itself is insured and in case of any circumstances, the policy fully covers all damage received. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the owner of the car was the culprit or a third party.

The list of insurance cases here is quite extensive. The car is insured against theft, road accidents, natural disasters, heavy objects falling on the car, and hooligan actions of intruders. In almost all situations, the insurance company covers the amount of damage. An exception may be cases when the policy holder was drunk or left the scene of an accident.

Tariffs for the purchase of CASCO insurance are considered quite high. The amounts are set directly by insurance companies and are not regulated by law.

Accident insurance

An additional and voluntary type of insurance is accident insurance. The object here is the state of health, as well as the life of the driver and his companions, if any were present in the cabin at the time of the incident.

An accident may include:

  • natural disasters;
  • explosions;
  • emergency situations on the road;
  • fire.

Compensation is provided if the victims are injured, mutilated, as well as in case of loss of ability to work and death. In the latter case, the insurance payment is intended for the relatives of the deceased person.

Insurance called “Green Card” will be required by the car owner if he is going to leave the Russian Federation and go abroad. In fact, the policy is an analogue of compulsory motor liability insurance, but is not valid within Russia.

It is best to obtain a Green Card in advance by contacting one of the insurance companies in the Russian Federation. Insurance sales points have also been opened at the borders of some countries. In any case, a citizen will be able to move freely in his own car throughout the Schengen countries only if he has this type of insurance.

There are many types of car insurance in Russia. Only one of them is mandatory - the MTPL policy, without which driving a vehicle is in principle impossible. Other insurance policies are issued only with the consent of the owner. At the same time, many car owners are convinced that for a smooth drive it is necessary to take out several insurance options in order to maximally protect themselves from all sorts of negative situations and their consequences.

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