Methodical hint. Structure of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standards Work program for the subject as a tool

Interview with M. R. Leontyeva

Leontyeva Margarita Romanovna

A mathematician by training, she worked for more than 20 years in the USSR Ministry of Education, and worked for 10 years as editor-in-chief of Prosveshcheniye.

The word “program” is heard everywhere now, it is given different definitions... What kind of programs can there even be?

The program is a capacious, multidimensional Russian word. In the education system, in the Law “On Education,” the word program is also used to characterize various documents.

In the education system, there are two programs that determine the levels of education: general education and vocational.

General education programs include: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

At the same time, in accordance with the Law, each level has a Basic educational program: primary educational program, basic educational program and secondary (complete) general education program.

What is OOP? It is the standard that determines the structure of the main educational program.

For example, the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education defines the structure of the educational program as follows: an explanatory note, the planned results of students mastering the general education program, a primary education curriculum, a program for the formation of educational programs, programs for individual academic subjects, a program for spiritual and moral development, education of students, a program for creating a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle , program correctional work, a system for assessing the achievement of planned results.

In other words, the main educational program of an educational institution is all areas of the school’s activities.

We will talk about programs in academic subjects.

The law provides that educational institution has work programs in academic subjects. Often in this case a beautiful name is used - the author's program.

The law does not provide for or have any interpretation of copyrighted programs. The Law has a work program, which means that a teacher in a school must have his own work program. Love? No! With the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, the standard strictly defined the structure of programs in academic subjects.

What is a work program and why is it needed?

Why is it needed? The teacher has always worked and works according to the program.

Previously, curricula for academic subjects were approved by the Ministry, last years are not approved or considered. And teachers today work according to these same proprietary programs, which have different structures and, as a rule, are more like concepts rather than programs.

Now the Standard, as already mentioned, has determined the structure of work programs for academic subjects and courses.

The program must contain an explanatory note with the objectives of teaching the subject; general characteristics academic subject; personal, meta-subject and subject results, the achievement of which is ensured by the program, the content of the academic subject, course, as well as thematic planning with the definition of the main types educational activities and description of logistics.

In fact, the state has put in order a very important document for education - the curriculum for the academic subject.

It is already known that many work programs have appeared on the educational literature market, invented and compiled arbitrarily. However, they are of little use to the teacher.

The school has the right to choose its own textbooks. But in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a work program must be drawn up, it must be included in the main educational program of the school, and the program for the academic subject must have a strictly established structure.

What then is the difference between working, authoring and sample programs?

Working programm has an established structure and is strictly connected with the sections of the Standard, especially with the requirements for the results of mastering OOP.

Sample programs for academic subjects are prepared by order of the Ministry of Education and are integral part an approximate basic educational program and are published on the Ministry’s website. They can be used as the basis for work programs.

That is, the school director or teacher cannot add their own sections?

The program for an academic subject or course must contain certain sections, but this does not mean that you cannot add something of your own. I may have a work program on the subject, in which, along with everything else, I will also include test papers or planned results to be achieved. It is necessary to show (and the teacher himself knows!) what personal, meta-subject and subject results need to be achieved, what content is included here and what types of educational activities will be used. That is why now the publishing house, to the best of its understanding, is beginning to create work programs to help teachers, the structure of which exactly corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

If he is presenting this program, is external review necessary?

The law does not provide for this. A teacher should be careful when purchasing a work program prepared by a publisher. He must remember that the order of the minister determines what should be in this work program. And if he bought some kind of work program in which there are only three columns of thematic planning, then this cannot be passed off as a work program. That is, it is necessary to see whether the structure and content of the program corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard or not. And if not, he will have to create his own program and add to it everything that the standard requires. Therefore, the Prosveshcheniye publishing house, with great difficulty, produces work programs that clearly meet the federal standard. It must be said that the authors are resisting, because they are already accustomed to the fact that “in my program I will tell you what a new, interesting course I have, how I acted, how I thought when I created this program...” But this is not for the teacher necessary! In fact, from the explanatory note to thematic planning, this is a state document, and then the features of the course begin, which are revealed in thematic planning.

If a teacher writes a work program, is it part of the main educational program of the institution, and the institution's program receives the corresponding review, and not a separate work program?

As a rule, the main educational program of the school is agreed upon with the founder, and subject programs are reviewed by subject methodologists.

What can be reviewed in a subject syllabus? The structure is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard, personal, meta-subject and subject results - in this program there must be those that the standard dictates. And if the content is reviewed, then this is strange, since the content is a reflection of the fundamental core and in fact should be taken from sample programs in academic subjects. In general, no one can dictate the structure of the course that I have chosen. I must describe this structure in my work program, that is, it is not the program that needs to be reviewed, but the textbook. And it has already been reviewed by the Ministry, because the textbook is selected from the federal list, which is approved by the Ministry. Nobody should review thematic planning at all, because it’s my business how I create it. In general, methods, teaching techniques, distribution of material, speed of study - this is all my methodology, and no one reviews it.

You should always look at the source. First, teachers must read the Federal State Educational Standard, find out what it contains specifically for the teacher.

Absolutely right.

If I, as a teacher, am responsible for the textbook, then the choice can only be from the federal list.

This is determined by the Law.

Previously, there were results at the end of classes, but now there are stages of training!

The standard says that there are planned results in all subjects. In the approximate basic educational program, which will be legalized by the Ministry, there are planned results in all subjects, and the teacher must focus on them.

Is it right for school management to require reference to programs in printed form?

None of your business, dear administration! You can only check the program and standard items. And where do I get it - whether I create it myself or buy it - there are no limits.

Should there be forms of control in the curriculum for the subject?

The standard does not provide for this. However, the school itself, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as we have already said, must create a school curriculum based on the assessment system. Methodological associations should discuss what kind of assessment and control system the school should have.

Parents and evaluators should be aware that the school has self-assessment, bi-weekly testing, or something else.

We receive questions from teachers: do programs need to be graded?

I would reassure people that, unfortunately, they are not alone! Apparently, neither the head teacher nor the director knows that for more than five years the Ministry of Education has not certified programs; the Ministry of Education only examines textbooks. And the Law “On Education” only provides for the examination of textbooks. Therefore, a program with a stamp can only be found up to 1995.

"Compilation of workers

programs in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

and approved changes."

15.04.2016 1. “On the work programs of educational subjects” letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 28, 2015. No. 08-1786 2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1576 dated December 31, 2015 “On amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009. No. 373" 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1577 dated December 31, 2015 "On amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of LLC, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010. No. 1897" “On the work programs of educational subjects” letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 28, 2015. No. 08-1786 1. “... In order to reduce the administrative burden of teaching staff of public education, the Department has prepared changes to the Federal State Educational Standard in terms of requirements for work programs of academic subjects.” 2. “... original curricula of academic subjects, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the approximate educational program of the corresponding level of education, can also be considered as working programs of academic subjects. The decision on the possibility of using them in the structure of the PLO is made at the PA level.”

3. “... changes have been prepared to the Procedure for the formation of the federal list of textbooks, ... It is assumed that the FPU will include textbooks that have a methodological manual for teachers, containing materials on methods of teaching, studying a subject or education; incl. an approximate work program for an academic subject, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard..."

Required elements working program of a separate academic subject, course Until 12/31/2015 From 01/01/2016 1) Explanatory note 2) General characteristics of the academic subject, course 3) Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum 4) Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject, course 5) Content of an educational subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description of educational, methodological and logistical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) Planned results of mastering an educational subject, course 2) Content of the educational subject, course 3) Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allotted for the development of each topic Mandatory elements of the work program of extracurricular activities courses Until 12/31/2015 (Federal State Educational Standards of NOO) From 01/01/2016 (Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC) 1) Explanatory note 2) General characteristics of an academic subject, course 3) Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum 4) Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering an academic subject, course 5) Content of an academic subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description of educational - methodological and logistical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) Results of mastering a course of extracurricular activities. 2) Contents of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization and types of activities; 3) Thematic planning. How are the different components connected? Development of a work program, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning Preparation for the lesson (lesson flow chart, target settings = planned results) Design (construction) of control and measuring materials (CMM), preparation for various assessment procedures

Work programs for academic subjects (courses) are drawn up for the entire level of education

(grades 1-4, grades 5-9), not per academic year

Each teacher draws up his own work program, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

Programs compiled by different teachers for parallel classes can (and should) differ!

I. Planned results of studying an academic subject, course

The graduate will learn

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn

The planned results of studying an academic subject or course completely repeat the subject part of the section “Planned results of mastering OOP LLC”.

However, since the Work Program is often used as a separate document, it is better to repeat this section here.

The basis for writing this section of the Work Program is the corresponding section in the “Approximate OOP LLC”, where the planned results are described by subject.

Here the column “The graduate will learn” is not changed by the teacher, while in the column “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn” there may be significant changes.

The basis of this section is the content “ Fundamental core» Standard

learning programs

Federal State Educational Standards NOO and Federal State Educational Standards LLC

The program does not in any way reflect the sequence of mastering the course topics

This section of the Work Program describes ONLY the semantic units of the training course by grade!

III. Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic

Approximate lesson thematic planning

Similar thematic plans are created FOR ALL SUBJECTS within the framework of LESSON ACTIVITIES.

Calendar - thematic planning

Each teacher composes his own CTP, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

KTP structure (in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards)

Section topic

Lesson topic

PR (planned result from the section “The graduate will learn”) = content element code


Calendar and thematic planning

Intended for chronological arrangement of content units that were described in the previous section.

Calendar and thematic planning (CTP) is compiled by the teacher ONLY FOR HIMSELF! THIS IS A TEACHER'S WORKING TOOL!

Therefore, the CTP must contain those columns that the teacher needs for his work.

Therefore, different teachers may have different forms of planning (indicate the required columns in the Regulations)

Thus, the school Regulations on the work program of a teacher implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC stipulates that the teacher has:

  • Author's program on the subject (course).
  • Author's work program for the subject (course).
  • Own calendar and thematic planning containing CMMs or a link to them.

A work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the optimal and most effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing educational relations for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. A work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the optimal and most effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing educational relations for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. The subject RP can be uniform for all teachers working at the school or individual. It is the basis for creating a QTP.

Development Regulationscurriculum

Basic documents

  • state educational standard (federal and national-regional components);
  • the basic curriculum of schools in the Russian Federation (distribution of educational content by educational areas, academic disciplines, years and weeks);
  • standard (exemplary) training programs;
  • educational program and curriculum of the educational institution;
  • work program for a particular teacher's subject.

Sample programs for the subject

  • reflect the leading ideological ideas of the development of society,
  • determine the main directions for the implementation of the content of education and the requirements for the organization of the educational process, for basic knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account the specifics of a particular academic subject;
  • are calculated on the number of hours allocated to study each educational field in the invariant part of the Basic Educational Plan of the Educational Institution Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 dated 03/09/2004;
  • serve as the basis for drawing up work programs for training courses and disciplines.

An approximate (standard) curriculum is a document that reveals in detail the mandatory (federal) components of training content and quality parameters of learning educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is advisory in nature

Sample Program Functions

Information and methodological function

(gives an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, education and development of students using the means of a given academic subject).

Organizational planning function

(highlights the stages of training, structuring educational material, determining its quantitative and quality characteristics at each stage, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students)

a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and the Model Program and having the author’s concept for constructing the content of a training course, subject, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one or a group of authors

Work program of the subject

This is a set of educational and methodological documentation that is independently developed by the teacher (teachers) of the educational institution on the basis working curriculum And sample programs training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, original programs With taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program at the school level and which reflects ways to implement content of an academic subject in a specific educational institution.

Difference between sample and working program

Sample program defines basic knowledge, abilities, skills and reflects the system of leading worldview ideas, general recommendations of a methodological nature.

Working programm specifies the appropriate educational standard, taking into account the necessary requirements for its construction, and also describes the national-regional level, takes into account the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of training of students, and reflects the specifics of training in a given educational institution

The compiler of the working curriculum can independently

  • expand the list of didactic units within the limits regulated by the maximum classroom load of students, and subject to continuity with the mandatory minimums of adjacent levels of education;
  • disclose the content of sections and topics outlined in the state educational standard, relying on teaching aids (from the federal list) that he considers appropriate;
  • specify and detail didactic units;
  • establish a sequence for studying educational material;
  • distribute the time allocated for studying the course between sections and topics according to their importance;
  • supplement the list of practical classes;
  • specify the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students;
  • include material of the regional component in the amount of teaching hours allocated for this subject;
  • choose based on the tasks facing the subject, teaching technology and monitoring the preparedness of students in the subject.

Aspects reflected and taken into account in the work program

  • requirements of the federal components of state educational standards;
  • mandatory minimum content of educational programs;
  • the maximum amount of educational material for students;
  • requirements for the level of training of graduates;
  • the volume of teaching hours determined by the curriculum of the educational institution for the implementation of educational subjects, modules, special courses, workshops, research and project activities in each class;
  • cognitive interests of students;
  • goals and objectives of the school’s educational program;
  • teacher's choice required kit educational and methodological support.

Structure of the teacher's educational work program

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • content of the training course program;
  • educational and thematic plan  thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students);
  • requirements for the level of training of students (personal, meta-subject (competency) and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject, course);
  • educational and methodological teaching aids (description of material, technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process

Title page programs

  • full name of the founder and educational institution in accordance with the charter;
  • where, when and by whom the working curriculum was approved;
  • name of the academic subject (course);
  • indications of whether the work curriculum belongs to the stage or level of general education;
  • implementation period of this program;
  • an indication of the sample program and its authors, on the basis of which this working curriculum was developed;
  • Full name. the teacher who compiled this working curriculum
  • title, author and year of publication of a specific program(approximate, author's) on the basis of which the Work Program was developed;
  • goals and objectives of this program training in the field of formation of a system of knowledge and skills (tasks are formulated in accordance with the standard and taking into account the given educational institution);
  • logical connections this subject with other subjects of the curriculum;
  • rationale for content selection and the general logic of the sequence of its study, the distinctive features of the work program in comparison with the example program (change in the number of hours for studying individual topics, structural rearrangement of the order of study of topics, expansion of the content of educational material, disclosure of connections between basic and additional education, etc.) and justification the feasibility of making these changes;
  • general characteristics of the educational process: forms, methods and means of teaching, technologies

Contents of the training course topics

  • An abstract description of each section according to the numbering in the curriculum. The presentation of educational material in a given sequence provides for the specification of all didactic content units.
  • Contents of the training topic:
  • main issues being studied,
  • practical and laboratory works, creative
    and practical assignments, excursions and other forms of exercise used in training,
  • requirements for knowledge and skills of students,
  • forms and issues of control,
  • possible types of independent work for students.
  • Topic title.
  • The required number of hours to study it.

Educational and thematic plan

  • reflects the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program shows distribution of training hours by sections and topics;
  • determines the conduct tests, tests, practical and other types of work at the expense of the time provided for by the maximum academic load;
  • compiled for the entire period of study (usually for the academic year);
  • formatted as a table

Requirements for the level of student preparation

  • Description of the goals and learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students (operational) and actually identified using any tool (diagnostic).
  • This list of learning outcomes includes specific subject-specific and general educational skills and methods of activity.
  • The basis for highlighting the requirements for the level of preparation of students is the state educational standard of general education and the curriculum (model or original), on the basis of which the Work Program is developed. Therefore, the requirements for the level of student training prescribed in the Work Program must be no lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component state standard general education and curriculum adopted as a basis.

Features of the formulation of requirements for the level of student preparation

They have to :

  • described through the actions of students;
  • indicate a certain level of achievement;
  • be achievable and measurable;
  • be described in language that students can understand.

Educational and methodological teaching aids


  • basic and additional educational literature (textbooks, study guides, collections of exercises and problems, tests, tests, practical work and laboratory workshops, reading books);
  • reference books (dictionaries, reference books);
  • visual material (albums, atlases, maps, tables);
  • equipment and devices...

Three groups:

  • “Literature (basic and additional)”;
  • "Didactic material";
  • "Equipment and devices."

Literature is formatted in accordance with GOST bibliographic description

Possible options for using and designing work programs by the teacher

  • Using a sample program, a sample program with modifications;
  • Using an existing author’s program (usually the textbook’s author’s program);
  • Using the author's program with modifications;
  • Teacher's own program.

Work program approval path

1. Considered at the methodological association, adopted by the scientific and methodological council. The decision of the ShMO and NMS is documented in a protocol. Preliminary external examination is possible (June)

2. The school director issues an order on the approval of each educational program. Each program must be marked acceptance of the program (MS), examination results (if any), note from the school director on approval of the program (date and order number). Approval of all programs until August 31.

3. One copy of the training programs is part of the PLO and are with the administration in accordance with a list of cases. Second copy from the teacher

  • Federal list of extremist materials (as of 04/02/2019) Open
  • Federal Law No. 114 “On Countering extremist activities» Open
  • Federal Law of July 5, 2002 No. 112-FZ “On Amendments and Additions to legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with the adoption Federal Law“On countering extremist activities”Open
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 23, 1995 No. 310 (as amended on November 3, 2004) “On measures to ensure coordinated actions of public authorities in the fight against manifestations of fascism and other forms of political extremism in the Russian Federation”

Belgorod Institute for Educational Development

Work programs

by academic subjects:

content, structure, requirements


Belyaeva Elena Anatolevna,

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Borisov Secondary

comprehensive school № 1

them. A.M. Rudogo"

Borisovka village, Belgorod region.

Belgorod 2013

In connection with the introduction of federal state educational standards of the new generation, the priority direction for the development of general education is to ensure the quality of education that meets the current needs of the individual, society, and state.
In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education” and the Federal State Educational Standard, approximate basic educational programs of primary and basic general education have been developed and published, which define the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process.

An approximate program for a subject guides teachers when drawing up work programs.

The working program of an academic subject is a set of educational and methodological documentation that is independently developed by the teacher (teachers) of the educational institution on the basis of the working curriculum and sample programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program education of the school and reflecting the ways of implementing the content of the academic subject. This is a teacher's program of action to achieve educational results.

Working programm - normative document, defining the volume, order, content of studying and teaching any academic discipline, based on an approximate program for the academic subject.

The purpose of the work program is planning, organizing and managing the educational process in a specific academic discipline.

The objectives of the educational work program are to specifically determine the content, volume, and order of studying an academic discipline, taking into account the characteristics of the educational process of a particular educational institution and the contingent of students.

Each subject teacher must have a work program for his subject. Work programs should reflect the features of the structure and content of the set of textbooks on the subject that is chosen by the teacher and in which teaching is carried out.

Teachers often ask whether they can use ready-made, published work programs or should they develop them themselves? If the published work programs meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, there is no need to duplicate them, and ready-made work programs can be used.

Of course, a teacher can independently develop a work program for the set on which he works, observing all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, taking into account the characteristics of the class in which he works, and present the work program as an individual creative document.

When starting to draw up a work program for a subject, the teacher needs to know well:

the main content of the course, that is, the corresponding section of the fundamental core of the content of general education, which is preserved regardless of which textbook the teacher works from;

requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of the appropriate level of education in the field of one’s academic subject;

planned results of studying the academic subject;

program for the formation of universal educational activities;

program of education and socialization of students.

The teacher can familiarize himself with all these materials by reading the sample program for his academic subject and the sample basic educational program for the corresponding level of education.

It is necessary to recall that the work program is not compiled for the academic subject in general, but for the specific line of textbooks on which the teacher works.

Program requirements:

1. Presence of signs of a normative document.

2. Taking into account the main provisions of the school’s educational program.

3. Complete disclosure of values ​​and learning goals.

4. Systematicity and integrity of the content of education.

5. Sequence of arrangement and relationship of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of teaching, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.

6. Taking into account logical relationships with other subjects of the educational plan of the educational institution.

7. Specificity and unambiguous presentation of elements of educational content.

Work programs are created taking into account:

. requirements of components of federal state educational standards;

. mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs;

. volume of educational material for students;

. requirements for the level of training of graduates;

. the volume of teaching hours determined by the school curriculum for the implementation of academic subjects in each class (parallels);

. cognitive characteristics and cognitive interests of students;

. goals and objectives of the educational program of the institution;

. the set of educational and methodological support used;

. information and technical equipment of the classroom (educational process)


The work program for any academic subject should follow the same structure as the sample program. This structure is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

The work program should include:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. General characteristics of the educational subject.

4. Description of the place of the subject in the school curriculum.

5. Personal, meta-subject, subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject.

6. Content of the subject.

7. Thematic planning of the training course.

8. Planned results achieved by students.

9. Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process.

I will give specific guidelines on drawing up work programs for academic subjects in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and their mandatory structural components.

1. Title page the work program must contain:

Name of the educational institution;

The name of the course for which the program is written;

Program level (basic, specialized level, in-depth or advanced study of the subject);

Indication of the parallel, class in which the course is being studied;

Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher who compiled the work program;

Program approval stamp;

Year of the program.

2. Explanatory note The work program for the subject must contain:

regulatory framework of the program (federal component of the state educational standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard), a sample program for a general education subject, an original educational program in accordance with the educational and methodological set, an educational program of an educational institution, an educational program in a subject, a curriculum of an educational institution;

goals and objectives of teaching in the subject in this class;

distinctive features in comparison with the sample program (change in the number of hours for studying individual topics, rearranging the order of studying topics, expanding the content of educational material, etc.), justification for the additions and changes made;

the number of teaching hours for which the work program is designed, including the number of hours for tests (indicating the type), laboratory, practical work, excursions, projects, research, speech development lessons;

interdisciplinary (metasubject) connections of the academic subject;

taking into account the characteristics of students in the class;

features of the organization of the educational process in the subject: forms, methods, teaching aids used by the teacher;

types of control (introductory, current, thematic, milestone, final, comprehensive); -- forms of control used by the teacher;

educational and methodological kit used (full list).

3. General characteristics of the subject (this section describes the features of the content and methodological apparatus of textbooks, including how the fundamental core of the content of general education is reflected in the selected educational and methodological set);

4. Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum An educational institution must reflect information about which part of the curriculum (compulsory or optional) and why this academic subject belongs to this or that part, how it should be implemented by the number of hours per week by class and the total number of hours. The description of the place of the academic subject in the program should reflect information from the curriculum of a specific educational institution, and not the basic one.

5. Personal, meta-subject, subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject , which must be taken from the Federal State Educational Standard and can be replenished in accordance with the features of the selected textbooks;

6. Description of the value guidelines of the content of the academic subject must contain value guidelines for a specific academic subject, taken from the model program and the program for the spiritual and moral development and education of junior schoolchildren in the main educational program of an educational institution, and correlated with the content of a specific academic subject.

7. Calendar and thematic planning is one of the most important components of the work program, because allows you to distribute all educational material in accordance with the curriculum and the annual work schedule of the educational institution.

Calendar and thematic planning is developed for the academic year. The calendar-thematic plan must contain information about the sections and topics of the program, indicating the volume of teaching hours allocated for their implementation; topics of lessons within the framework of the topics and sections of the program, topics of workshops and laboratory lessons; topics of lessons for monitoring the results of students’ assimilation of program material. The lesson-by-class distribution of educational material is carried out sequentially. Approximate dates for completing training topics are indicated according to the current year’s calendar.

In every reporting period(quarter, semester, half-year) the calendar-thematic plan of the work program must be correlated with the class journal and the teacher’s report on the completion of the program material. If there is a discrepancy, the teacher justifies and makes changes to the calendar-thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Approximate form of a calendar-thematic plan.

Lesson numbers

Titles of sections and topics

Planned completion dates

Adjusted completion dates

Name of the topic being studied No. 1 (total hours for studying it; number of hours per week according to the curriculum)

Lesson topic

Lesson topic

Control lesson topic


** hours

8. The planned results of students achieving the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program (the teacher can take this section from the approximate main educational program of the educational institution).

Requirements for the level of training students are a description of the learning goals-results expressed in the actions of students and actually identified using any tool (diagnostic). This list of learning outcomes includes specific subject-specific and general educational skills and methods of activity. The basis for highlighting the requirements for the level of preparation of students is the state educational standard of general education and the curriculum (model or original), on the basis of which the Work Program is developed. Therefore, the requirements for the level of student preparation specified in the Work Program must be no lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component of the state standard of general education and the curriculum adopted as the basis.

When developing requirements for the level of training of students, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their formulation. Namely, they must: be described through the actions of students; indicate a certain level of achievement; be achievable and measurable; be described in language that students can understand.

This section should contain:

a package of test materials indicating the lesson number, date of conduct (tests, tests by grade and topic, input and final work).

criteria and norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students (oral answers, test and independent work, test tasks, etc.).

9. Description of logistics educational process should also be presented in the table. When describing it, it is necessary to take into account the real conditions of the educational process of a particular educational institution. For example, if an educational institution has computer classes, then their use is planned in the work program of the subject; if in “Physical Education” it is planned to teach students swimming, then the presence of a swimming pool must be indicated, etc. Electronic resources must be specifically listed, and not just indicate their availability on a specific Internet site. In the “quantity” column it is necessary to indicate the actual number of objects used educational process specific educational institution. Tables and chairs do not belong to the material and technical support of the educational process according to the work program of the subject.

List of educational and methodological support , which is a component of the work program, contains background information about the output data of sample and author's programs, the author's educational and methodological kit and additional literature, and also includes data on the educational and laboratory equipment used.

It should be noted that the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” does not define the requirements for the work program. Each teacher chooses an independent form of notes, a text version of the work program. One of the options for the work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a standard curriculum. A teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of his educational institution and the characteristics of students in a particular class. For example, determine new order studying the material, changing the number of hours, making changes to the content of the topic being studied, supplementing the requirements for the level of preparation of students. This will allow you to see the features of the content implemented by the teacher, but does not contain information about the features of the organization of the educational process. However, in order to avoid discrepancies at the level of an educational institution, it is necessary to develop unified approaches to the development and execution of teachers’ work programs, enshrined in the Regulations on the teacher’s work program.

The procedure for developing and approving the work program

The work program is subject to examination .

The work program is developed by each teacher independently for one academic year on the basis of an approximate or original program for the subject in accordance with the educational program of the institution. The number of teaching hours per subject in the work program must correspond to the annual number of teaching hours according to the school curriculum for the current academic year. In case of discrepancy in the number of hours, it is necessary to justify the changes in the explanatory note. When making changes to the topic, the sequence of studying the material, the number, duration of tests, etc. it is necessary to provide justification for the changes in an explanatory note.

The teacher submits a work program to a meeting of the methodological association of subject teachers for examination of compliance with established requirements. The minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of subject teachers indicate the fact that the work program meets the established requirements.

Then the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for compliance of the program with the curriculum of the general education institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the availability of the textbook intended for use is checked in the federal list.

After approval, the work program is approved by the director of the general education institution, and puts the stamp of approval on the title page (top right): APPROVED by the Director (signature) Explanation of the signature. Date of.

General requirements to the preparation of the work program

The text is typed in the Word for Windows editor in Times New Roman font, font size 12-14, single line spacing, no hyphens in the text, alignment width, paragraph 1.25 cm, margins on all sides 2 cm; Centering of headings and paragraphs in the text is carried out using Word tools, A4 sheets. Tables are inserted directly into the text. The curriculum is bound, the pages are numbered, sealed with the seal of the educational institution and the signature of the head of the educational institution.

The title page is considered the first, but is not numbered, just like the application sheets.

Calendar and thematic planning is presented in the form of a table.

The bibliography is constructed in alphabetical order, indicating the city and name of the publishing house, year of publication, number of pages of the document (book), if it has been fully studied. It is allowed to create a list of references for the main sections of the subject being studied.

Interview with M. R. Leontyeva

A mathematician by training, she worked for more than 20 years in the USSR Ministry of Education, and worked for 10 years as editor-in-chief of Prosveshcheniye.

The word “program” is heard everywhere now, it is given different definitions... What kind of programs can there even be?

Program is a capacious, multifaceted Russian word. In the education system, in the Law “On Education,” the word program is also used to characterize various documents. In the education system, there are two programs that determine the levels of education: general education and vocational.

General education programs include: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

At the same time, in accordance with the Law, each level has a Basic educational program: primary educational program, basic educational program and secondary (complete) general education program. What is OOP? It is the standard that determines the structure of the main educational program.

For example, the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education defines the structure of the educational program as follows: an explanatory note, the planned results of students mastering the general education program, a primary education curriculum, a program for the formation of educational programs, programs for individual academic subjects, a program for spiritual and moral development, education of students, a program for creating a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle , correctional work program, system for assessing the achievement of planned results.

In other words, the main educational program of an educational institution is all areas of the school’s activities.

We will talk about programs in academic subjects.

The law stipulates that an educational institution has work programs in academic subjects. Often in this case a beautiful name is used - the author's program.

The law does not provide for or have any interpretation of copyrighted programs. The Law has a work program, which means that a teacher in a school must have his own work program. Love? No! With the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, the standard strictly defined the structure of programs in academic subjects.

What is a work program and why is it needed?

Why is it needed? The teacher has always worked and works according to the program. Previously, programs for academic subjects were approved by the Ministry, but in recent years they have not been approved or reviewed. And teachers today work according to these same proprietary programs, which have different structures and, as a rule, are more like concepts rather than programs.

The program must contain an explanatory note with the objectives of teaching the subject; general characteristics of the academic subject; personal, meta-subject and subject results, the achievement of which is ensured by the program, the content of the academic subject, course, as well as thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities and a description of material and technical support.

In fact, the state has put in order a very important document for education - the curriculum for the academic subject. It is already known that many work programs have appeared on the educational literature market, invented and compiled arbitrarily. However, they are of little use to the teacher. The school has the right to choose its own textbooks. But in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a work program must be drawn up, it must be included in the main educational program of the school, and the program for the academic subject must have a strictly established structure.

The difference between author's and work's is already clear. The copyright is not legalized, it is written arbitrarily by the author, and may not be in any way connected with the Standard. The work program has an established structure and is strictly connected with the sections of the Standard, especially with the requirements for the results of mastering OOP.

Sample programs for academic subjects are prepared by order of the Ministry of Education and are an integral part of the sample basic educational program and are published on the Ministry’s website. They can be used as the basis for work programs.

That is, the school director or teacher cannot add their own sections?

The program for an academic subject or course must contain certain sections, but this does not mean that you cannot add something of your own. I may have a work program for a subject, in which, along with the rest, I will also include tests or planned results that need to be achieved. It is necessary to show (and the teacher himself knows!) what personal, meta-subject and subject results need to be achieved, what content is included here and what types of educational activities will be used. That is why now the publishing house, to the best of its understanding, is beginning to create work programs to help teachers, the structure of which exactly corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

If he is presenting this program, is external review necessary?

The law does not provide for this. A teacher should be careful when purchasing a work program prepared by a publisher. He must remember that the order of the minister determines what should be in this work program. And if he bought some kind of work program in which there are only three columns of thematic planning, then this cannot be passed off as a work program. That is, it is necessary to see whether the structure and content of the program corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard or not. And if not, he will have to create his own program and add to it everything that the standard requires. Therefore, the Prosveshcheniye publishing house, with great difficulty, produces work programs that clearly meet the federal standard. It must be said that the authors are resisting, because they are already accustomed to the fact that “in my program I will tell you what a new, interesting course I have, how I acted, how I thought when I created this program...” But this is not for the teacher necessary! In fact, from the explanatory note to thematic planning, this is a state document, and then the features of the course begin, which are revealed in thematic planning.

If a teacher writes a work program, is it part of the main educational program of the institution, and the institution's program receives the corresponding review, and not a separate work program?

As a rule, the main educational program of the school is agreed upon with the founder, and subject programs are reviewed by subject methodologists.

What can be reviewed in a subject syllabus? The structure is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard, personal, meta-subject and subject results - in this program there must be those that the standard dictates. And if the content is reviewed, then this is strange, since the content is a reflection of the fundamental core and in fact should be taken from sample programs in academic subjects. In general, no one can dictate the structure of the course that I have chosen. I must describe this structure in my work program, that is, it is not the program that needs to be reviewed, but the textbook. And it has already been reviewed by the Ministry, because the textbook is selected from the federal list, which is approved by the Ministry. Nobody should review thematic planning at all, because it’s my business how I create it. In general, methods, teaching techniques, distribution of material, speed of study - this is all my methodology, and no one reviews it.

You should always look at the source. First, teachers must read the Federal State Educational Standard, find out what it contains specifically for the teacher.

Absolutely right.

If I, as a teacher, am responsible for the textbook, then the choice can only be from the federal list.

This is determined by the Law.

Previously, there were results at the end of classes, but now there are stages of training!

The standard says that there are planned results in all subjects. In the approximate basic educational program, which will be legalized by the Ministry, there are planned results in all subjects, and the teacher must focus on them.

Is it right for school management to require reference to programs in printed form?

None of your business, dear administration! You can only check the program and standard items. And where do I get it - whether I create it myself or buy it - there are no limits.

Should there be forms of control in the curriculum for the subject?

The standard does not provide for this. However, the school itself, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as we have already said, must create a school curriculum based on the assessment system. Methodological associations should discuss what kind of assessment and control system the school should have. Parents and evaluators should be aware that the school has self-assessment, bi-weekly testing, or something else.

We receive questions from teachers: do programs need to be graded?

I would reassure people that, unfortunately, they are not alone! Apparently, neither the head teacher nor the director knows that for more than five years the Ministry of Education has not certified programs; the Ministry of Education only examines textbooks. And the Law “On Education” only provides for the examination of textbooks. Therefore, a program with a stamp can only be found up to 1995.

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