Description of the cure with Sytin’s moods. Georgy Sytinhealing moods

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Time is no longer a risk factor

I am often asked to create short mindsets due to time constraints on absorption. The timing of the mood does not depend on me. It is determined by the complexity of the task. I was asked to do a very short treatment for hypotension, for low blood pressure. I did a short express tune for 5 minutes. Then its effect was tested using special equipment. Result: mood cannot have any effect on increasing blood pressure.

I expanded the mood to include new physiological fragments. The result was a 13 minute setting. We checked its effect on the equipment again - the result was similar to the first. Then I included some more physiological fragments, making the mood last 18 minutes. As a result, the effect is very low.

When I included in the tune all the physiological mechanisms that are needed for blood pressure to become normal - 120 to 80, the tune turned out to be 23 minutes of sound. And when its effect was tested using equipment, it turned out that it works, that is, it increases blood pressure to a normal level, improves both the mood and the general well-being of a person.

Thus, the time the tune sounds is determined by the complexity of the task . Here you also need to keep in mind one very important point. It is necessary to repeat the most important semantic blocks, to repeat them so that there is always a powerful impulse from the brain to the internal environment of the body or to the underlying parts of the nervous system itself.

Pronouncing a mood must necessarily include an active thought, image, feelings, and volitional efforts. Self-conviction is therefore called mental, emotional-volitional. Only such self-conviction gives that incredible effect that is still unknown to medicine.

The attitude only works if it is internalized. If it lies in the closet, it is of no use.

It was experimentally established:

After careful assimilation of creative thoughts, the effect intensifies within 7 hours;

Within a day, the effect decreases by 1/3, and then continues to work for a month;

Only after a month does its influence disappear, but the effect that was achieved through its assimilation remains;

If you repeat the assimilation of the mood for 7 hours, then its effect is equal to the square of the effect of the first assimilation.

I am often asked: “How long does it take to develop a mindset?” I answer: creative thoughts must be assimilated until a person brings himself into full compliance with their content.

Recently, in the area of ​​the Belorussky railway station, I met a woman. I’m walking, busy with my thoughts, and I see a woman sitting on a bench in front of the entrance. Something—some feeling—stopped me near her. And she felt it, raised her head and said in such surprise: “Georgy Nikolaevich?” I answered her: “Yes.” She asks me: “Don’t you remember me?” I answer: “Yes, something stopped me right next to you, but I can’t remember you specifically.”

The woman said that she underwent a course of treatment with me when she was 60 years old. She is now 106 years old and still walks without a cane. My great-great-grandson gave her a new tape recorder, and she keeps my moods in a box, and when something unpleasant happens or there is a quarrel in the family, she turns on the mood for blissful calm and, listening to him, sits calmly and enjoys life. And now she is already 106 years old, and she walks without a cane and feels great. And he continues to assimilate the sentiments.

In my memory, there has never been a case where a person lost his attitude: he will always help in difficult times.

After meeting this woman, I simply don’t know what to answer when they ask how long it takes to develop a mindset. Not a single patient of mine threw away the moods prescribed to him. People protect their moods, and if something happens in life, they always have the most powerful psychological support that improves their health.

Creative thoughts have no expiration date, unlike all medicines. Once mastered by a person, they will work forever. And therefore, using moods for treatment is much more profitable, more promising, and more interesting than being treated with drugs and a surgical scalpel.

I do not deny drugs and surgeries at all. They are necessary in certain acute cases. But where there is no sharpness, it is always more profitable to use the mood rather than a pill.

Methodology for successfully mastering attitudes

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be firm, businesslike, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

To internalize attitudes, use wasted time, for example, on the way to work and home.

Set yourself up for deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. The “Strengthening volitional attention” mindset will help you with this.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to be as active as possible (walk better), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases absorption activity.

To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember).

It is useful to listen, read or recite from memory a large number of times those fragments of text that you like best and have a special meaning. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud, be sure to stop the tape recorder by pressing the “Pause” button.

To eliminate any neoplasms, it is necessary to copy the mood from a tape recorder onto paper. After listening to one phrase, press the “Pause” button and try to write down this phrase completely, observing spelling. During this time, a powerful impulse goes from the brain to the internal environment of the body, destroying the tumor. When using a book, you must memorize the entire phrase, be sure to close the book and then write down the entire phrase. Rewriting the mood in separate words is useless.

When mastering the mindset, you need to set yourself the task of completely restoring your health, and not just getting treatment.

Creative thoughts heal stress and depression

Therapeutic pedagogy turned out to be a priority science in the problems of promoting health and prolonging life thanks to the method of G. N. Sytin. Healing attitudes must be made available to the entire population of Russia.

Nikandrov N. D., President of the Russian Academy of Education, academician

Borisenko V. P., vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, academician

Chapter 1
New moods
1. Energy and force of life

“I created you three days ago as a 16-year-old beautiful young man. I filled you with great Divine young life force. I filled you with great Divine energy of life.”

I do God's will. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into myself the great Divine young power of life. I pour into myself the great Divine inexhaustible energy of life.

I become more energetic, stronger. Every moment I become more energetic, stronger, more energetic, stronger. Throughout the physical body, gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing. In all structures of the physical body, the huge, gigantic, great Divine young force of life is in full swing.

Every moment I become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic. All muscles develop and increase in volume. The whole body becomes more and more muscular, more and more strong.

My gait is energetic, cheerful, fast. The step is light and wide. The step is light and wide. I’m walking, I’m not walking, I’m flying like a bird on wings. I clearly feel my brave prowess. I clearly feel my heroic strength. I clearly feel the enormous inexhaustible energy of life within me.

God told me: “I filled your entire soul with enormous, gigantic energy of life. Filled with the great Divine young power of life.

Your soul is developing comprehensively. Strengthens spiritually and physically. Your entire physical body is developing and improving in every possible way. Becoming more and more energetic, more and more strong.”

And I do the will of God. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord the great Divine young force of life, the gigantic inexhaustible energy of life.

I fill all billions of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord with the great Divine young force of life. I fill you with great, gigantic inexhaustible energy of life. The brain-spinal cord is filled with gigantic inexhaustible energy of life. Filled with great Divine young power of life.

God told me: “I created all the nerves of your soul strong, steel, gigantically energetic, physiologically gigantically strong.”

God told me: “I filled all the billions of nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord with the great Divine young force of life. Filled with gigantic inexhaustible energy of life.

Your entire nervous system is gigantically energetic, physiologically strong. The nerves are strong, steel, titanically healthy.”

I firmly began to know the Divine truth, from God himself: every moment I become more energetic, stronger, more energetic, stronger. The gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing within me. The great Divine young power of life is in full swing within me.

Every moment I become more energetic, stronger, more energetic, stronger. Throughout the body, gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing. Huge heroic strength is in full swing throughout the body.

Fulfilling the will of God, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into my soul, into my physical body the great Divine young force of life.

Fulfilling the will of God, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour gigantic Divine energy of life into my soul, into my physical body.

The whole soul, the whole physical body is filled with the great Divine young force of life, the gigantic inexhaustible energy of life. Every moment I become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic.

Throughout the body, gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing. Throughout the body, the gigantic, great Divine young life force is in full swing. I walk at an extremely fast pace, my heart clearly feels my brave prowess, my heroic strength.

I run fast, only the wind whistles in my ears. I clearly feel my brave prowess, my heroic strength. I run fast, only the wind whistles in my ears. I clearly feel my brave prowess, I clearly feel my heroic strength.

With the brightness of lightning I feel: throughout my whole body the great Divine young force of life is in full swing, the gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing.

Every moment I become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic. The whole soul, the whole body is filled with the great Divine young power of life. Filled with gigantic inexhaustible Divine energy of life.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel with every moment more and more energetic, more and more powerful, more and more energetic, more and more powerful.

Every moment I become more and more strong, more and more energetic, more and more strong, more and more energetic, a comprehensively developing, improving beautiful young man.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel like a growing, developing, divinely beautiful, indestructibly healthy young man.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel: I am completely filled with the great Divine young power of life. I am completely filled with the gigantic inexhaustible energy of life.

With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel like a gigantically energetic, gigantically energetic, heroically strong, fast, heroically strong, fast, gigantically energetic, beautiful young man.

2. Achieving complete restoration of heart health

I love my heart with great Divine love. I am seeking a complete restoration of heart health. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my beloved heart the great Divine young power of life.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my beloved heart a newly born, new, newborn young, energetic, joyful life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my beloved heart, brighter than the sun, the silvery healing Divine light that fills my whole heart. All blood vessels of the heart dilate. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries expand indefinitely.

Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a wide, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. Blood brings excellent nutrition to the heart. The young heart regains its strength in complete contentment.

The blood washes all the blood vessels in a cheerful, joyful flow. From all the walls of the blood vessels of the heart, blood washes away with a rapid flow, washing away all deposited salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. The blood, in a rapid flow, washes, cleanses, washes, cleanses all the blood vessels of the heart.

All blood vessels of the newborn’s heart are clean and biologically pure. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. Blood brings excellent nutrition to the heart. In complete contentment, provided with everything, my beloved heart regains its strength. Restores strength to a young heart.

The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more strong, more and more resilient, more and more resilient. And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into all the structures of my beloved heart the newly born, life-giving Divine young joyful life.

Young joyful life fills the whole heart. The whole heart is reborn as a young, heroic, strong, mighty youth. A cheerful, heroic, all-powerful heart is born. Joy and fun flow into the heart. The happiness of a new birth filled my heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour gigantic Divine energy of rapid all-round development into my beloved heart. My heart is developing and improving in every way. All the muscles of the heart develop, reviving their youthful structure, possessing enormous heroic physical strength.

The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more strong. And I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour into my beloved heart the great Divine young power of life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my heart the great Divine young power of life.

I fill my beloved heart with the power of life. I from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, continue to pour into my beloved heart, brighter than the sun, the healing silvery Divine light that fills the whole heart. The whole heart is filled with Divine light. Brighter than the sun, the silvery healing Divine light fills the whole heart.

All the blood vessels of the heart expand and expand infinitely. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, through all arteries, through all arterioles, capillaries, veins, blood flows like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

The blood, in a rapid flow, washes, cleanses and cleanses the entire heart. It washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products from the heart. The blood, in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, washes and washes the mouth of the aorta.

From the mouth of the aorta it washes out all calcium salts, all waste products, all metabolic products. The blood in a rapid flow washes, washes, cleanses all the aortas. The aortic orifice is born clean and biologically clean at birth.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into the bone marrow in all the bones the great Divine young power of life. I pour in a gigantic Divine newborn charge of reproductive energy.

I infuse a gigantic Divine newborn charge of reproduction energy into all the stem cells in the bone marrow, in all the bones, and subcutaneous tissues of the abdomen. Stem cells are filled with gigantic reproductive energy. They quickly divide, multiply, divide, multiply.

There are more and more stem cells. The flow of blood spreads throughout the physical body more and more millions of gigantically energetic, newborn stem cells that are capable of instantly turning into myocardial cells. In the muscle cells of the heart.

The flow of blood brings into all the structures of the heart more and more millions of gigantically energetic newborn stem cells, which instantly turn into heart muscle cells that were destroyed in life. Stem cells restore the newborn integrity of the entire heart musculature.

And the flow of blood brings into all the structures of the heart more and more, more and more millions of gigantically energetic, newborn stem cells, which with gigantic Divine energy force, force all muscle cells to renew, regenerate, revive their young youthful, Divinely healthy structure, possessing enormous heroic physical strength .

All new forces are born in the heart. The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more resilient. With firmness I began to know the truth: the heart is born again as a Divinely correct, Divinely correct, Divinely healthy, heroic, mighty, cheerful heart.

And the flow of blood brings into all the structures of the heart more and more millions of gigantically energetic newborn stem cells, which are Divinely transformed into all the heart cells that were destroyed in life.

The stem cells instantly turn into mitral valve cells that were destroyed in life. Stem cells by themselves, by themselves Divinely revive, revive a newborn whole, Divinely functional mitral valve.

Stem cells Divinely revive the newborn integrity of all structures of my beloved body. The heart is born again Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy.

And I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, continue to pour the great Divine power of life into the conduction system of the heart. I fill the entire conduction system of the heart, fill it with a gigantically energetic, newborn youthful, joyful, happy life.

And the flow of blood brings into the conduction system of the heart more and more millions of gigantically energetic, newborn stem cells, which Divinely turn into cells of the conduction system of the heart, which were destroyed in life.

Stem cells divinely revive newborn wholeness. Newborn integrity, Divine health of the entire conduction system of the heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour the great Divine power of life into the conduction system of the heart. I strengthen the sinus node of the heart. I am strengthening the pacemaker. The sinus node of the heart is physiologically strengthened. The pacemaker is physiologically strengthened.

The entire conducting system is born newborn intact, physically gigantically strong. And stem cells instantly turn into Hiss bundle cells. Stem cells, by themselves, instantly revive the newborn integrity, the newborn integrity of the Hiss bundles.

The entire conduction system of the heart is born newborn intact, physiologically gigantically strong. A healthy, regular rhythmic, rhythmic pulse of 72, 72 beats per minute is born. A divinely correct healthy, rhythmic, rhythmic pulse of 72, 72 beats per minute is born. All time intervals between pulse beats are the same. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of the heroic mighty omnipotent heart.

The pulse is full, the pulse is full, strong filling. Throughout the physical body the pulse is full and strong. In the fingertips of both hands and both legs the pulse is strong and full. Throughout the body there is a young, youthful, cheerful, fast, cheerful blood circulation.

The entire physical body lives a full-blooded, full-blooded, energetic, cheerful, joyful life. And I continue from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, to pour the great Divine young power of life into my beloved heart. I continue to pour in gigantically energetic, newly born, life-giving young joyful life.

I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, and continue to pour into my beloved heart the enormous, gigantic energy of rapid all-round development, all-round improvement. My beloved heart comes to life and develops. The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more strong, more and more resilient, more and more resilient.

Normal young blood pressure of 120/80, 120/80 is becoming more and more persistent, more and more persistent. Young normal blood pressure 120/80, 120/80 becomes titanically resistant, titanically resistant.

With firmness I began to know as Divine truth: my heart is Divinely correct, Divinely healthy, a heroic mighty, a heroic mighty omnipotent heart. Bogatyrsky mighty omnipotent heart.

And I continue to pour from the Subtle World, from Cosmos into my beloved heart the silvery, brighter than the sun, healing Divine light that fills my entire heart. The whole heart is filled with Divine light. The healing Divine light infinitely expands and expands all the blood vessels of the heart.

The heart becomes spacious. The heart becomes even more spacious. My heart became infinitely spacious, like the Universe. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, blood flows in a wide, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

Blood brings excellent nutrition to the heart. My beloved heart lives in complete contentment, provided with everything, cheerfully and joyfully. In complete contentment, provided with everything, my beloved heart accumulates strength.

The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more powerful, more and more strong, more and more resilient. With titanic fortitude, with titanic fortitude, the heart maintains a healthy, regular, rhythmic pulse: 72, 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength, of a heroic, mighty, omnipotent heart.

With titanic stamina, the stamina keeps the young heart at normal blood pressure of 120/80, 120/80. I began to know with certainty how Divine truth: my heart is Divinely correct, Divinely correct. Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy, heroic mighty cheerful happy joyful, joyful, joyful heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour eternally new bright Divine joy into my beloved heart. I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour a constant stream of eternally new, bright, Divine joy of life into my beloved heart. The eternally new, bright Divine joy of life is strongest in the entire Universe. Nothing in the world can overshadow the eternally new, bright Divine joy.

With firmness I began to know the Divine truth: my beloved heart lives cheerfully, joyfully, happily. My beloved heart is a cheerful, cheerful, happy, joyful, joyful, joyful heart.

I began to know with certainty how Divine truth: my heart is young, eternally young, immortal, eternally Divinely correct, eternally Divinely healthy, eternally untouched cheerful heart.

God said to me: “I created you three days ago, by an act of special Divine creation, as a sixteen-year-old, newborn youth. You are just entering life. You are just starting to live. You have your whole life ahead of you."

God told me: “Three days ago I created your heart, a new, immortal, Divinely correct, Divinely healthy, heroic, powerful, cheerful, happy, joyful, joyful, joyful, omnipotent heart.

You must firmly begin to know, as the Divine truth, that your heart is immortal, eternally young, youthful. An eternally serviceable, eternally Divinely healthy, cheerful, happy, joyful heart. A heroic, mighty, omnipotent heart.”

God told me: “You must firmly know, as the Divine truth, that you have no past life. Everything related to the past refers to your previous life. And it has nothing to do with your new, youthful life that was given to you.”

“You must try with all your might,” God told me, “to enter fully, totally, with all your soul into new life, youthful, cheerful, happy, joyful, absolutely carefree.”

God told me, “I created your soul as a new, youthful, cheerful, playful, humorous, absolutely carefree, absolutely carefree, sinless, cheerful, happy, joyful soul.”

God told me: “I filled your soul, your physical body with an eternally new, bright, Divine joy, which is stronger than anything in the entire Universe.”

God told me: “You must firmly begin to know, as the Divine truth, that you are completely filled through and through with eternally new, bright Divine joy. Everything is fine in your life. You live in a wonderful white world cheerfully, joyfully, happily. In complete contentment. You live divinely free. Everything is fine in your life.”

God told me: “You must try with all your might to gain a foothold as firmly as possible in your new, young, happy, joyful life. And in your thoughts never slip back into your previous old life. You must not allow dark forces to push you into a previous old life in your thoughts.

You must try with all your might to gain a foothold as firmly as possible in the new life given to you by God. Cheerful, joyful, happy, eternally youthful, immortal, divinely beautiful life.

You must firmly know that you have no past. I created you three days ago. You are just entering life. You are just starting to live. You have a cheerful, happy, immortal, young, youthful life ahead of you.”

Talk about health and not get acquainted with the possibility of educational medicine, which slows down the aging process and heals people without drugs, developed by the only four-time doctor of sciences on the planet (medical, psychological, pedagogical and philosophical) G.N. Sytin, impossible.

What will slow down the aging process

For 60 years now, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin has been promoting and successfully applying the method of instilling the restoration of health without drugs and. You will say this is fiction, this cannot be. Listen to what Georgy Nikolaevich says to this:

It is imperative to remember the basic law of life - a person exists as long as he develops. When an organism stops developing, degradation begins, leading to its death. Knowing this law, one cannot think about the inevitability of old age, decrepitude, and age-related diseases.You cannot set an age limit for yourself, even if it is 100 or 200 years.

As our experimental scientific work using diagnostic equipment has shown, the restructuring of the human program for constant development begins only when the body is given a setting for a 300-year life expectancy. At the same time, the brain perceives the thought of eternal life as a task to maintain the active activity of all cells. That is why in all my moods the formulation “I am included in a young healthy life until I am 300 years old and beyond” is repeated. And in order to maintain the development program as opposed to the degradation program, it is stated that “I will develop comprehensively until three hundred years and beyond.”

The origins of “Sytin’s sentiments”

Georgy Sytin, a 20-year-old soldier of the Soviet Army in 1944, was seriously wounded in battle in the stomach and spine. His condition was so serious that he, unconscious, was not even brought into the ward, realizing the hopelessness of the case. The mortally wounded soldier, having regained consciousness, began to cling to life, despite profuse stomach bleeding and shock pain. He understood that he had no one to rely on except himself. And from somewhere inside came the words: “George, hold on! Do not give up!" And suddenly at some point the bleeding stopped.

After being discharged from the hospital, Sytin did not stop thinking about the effectiveness of volitional effort. I entered medical school and began to meet different scientific directions. He graduated from university, defended dissertations, received academic degrees, but found the main principle of his method - self-persuasion - only in pedagogy.

G.N. Sytin developed the theory of educational medicine or the so-called MOOD, designed to mobilize the hidden reserves of a person.

If a person sets a specific goal for himself - to be young and healthy for many, many years, and clearly imagines himself in 20, 30, 50 or more years young and healthy, then his brain begins to control the physical body in such a way that it will actually be such as what program or mood is set for him!

Sytin’s system of preserving health and beauty includes specially designed “ mood", which allow us to solve the assigned tasks.

Basically, G. Sytin’s sentiments against various diseases, both male and female, sentiments for expectant mothers, as well as children’s sentiments are presented here. In the future, the collection of moods will be steadily replenished with new ones, so you can easily find the mood that best suits the situation.

How to use Sytin’s “moods” correctly

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of presentation should be businesslike, firm, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. This is what you like. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

Having memorized the mood that is most suitable for you, repeat it to yourself while working, walking down the street, while traveling in public transport. Listen to your body.

If you cannot remember the entire mood, say the part of it that most resonates with you.

You can write down the mood on paper to better remember it.

G. N. Sytin’s method of healing attitudes

The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS) - the “method of healing attitudes” - is based on methods of psychotherapy and some techniques traditional medicine. It consists of repeated systematic reading or listening to self-hypnosis formulas in order to control the human condition. G.N. Sytin’s method brings the greatest benefit to those who approach it with trust and hope.

But in Sytin’s practice there are also paradoxical cases when moods had a healing effect on people who not only did not recognize the method, but also actively opposed the treatment. These patients at first refused to use the moods, tore off their headphones while listening to them, and openly laughed at the treatment method, but after a while even the most obstinate patients discovered that the treatment had a beneficial effect on them. Then skepticism disappeared, trust in attitudes appeared and, moreover, the need for them. The significance of Sytin’s method also lies in the fact that it allows not only to treat, but also to prevent many diseases. The SOEVUS method is the prevention of diseases, powerful tool to maintain vitality. You can use it for everyone, without waiting until it gets bad. Use it everywhere and always - on the way to work you can recite the moods to yourself, in the evening while preparing dinner or washing dishes in the kitchen you can turn on the tape recorder, you can sit in a chair and read the helping moods.

Psycholinguistic studies of mood texts have shown that their construction differs from all hitherto known prayers, spells, and texts used in psychotherapy. The specific structure and semantic content of individual mood formulas ensure their high efficiency, so they cannot be edited (the effectiveness of their use is sharply reduced).

Attitudes are based on semantic elements that were first created and therefore still unknown.

Sytin's method has been tested more than once by the USSR Ministry of Health, the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after. V. P. Serbsky. The conclusions of authoritative commissions are unequivocal: the method is recognized as valid and effective.

In its external form, SOEVUS resembles the Kue method of self-hypnosis. Turning to self-hypnosis, Sytin focuses on Coue’s formula: “Every day in all respects I am getting better and better.” The words “in all respects” apply to everything, and therefore there is no need to make separate, private self-hypnosis. This self-hypnosis must be pronounced simply, mechanically and, therefore, without the slightest effort. Coue proceeded from his own position that “every time, without exception, the imagination prevails over the will.” He believed that volitional efforts could only reduce the effect of self-hypnosis. Sytin points out that, having refused to use the will of man, Coue refused to use such a powerful force as the regulating influence of consciousness. In addition, according to Sytin, the mechanical repetition of one phrase (“Every day in all respects I am getting better and better”) is not enough: these few words are too weak stimuli to cause changes in the entire huge system of temporary connections. in the human body.

Sytin’s moods are designed in such a way that in order to heal and improve the activity of any sick or weakened organ, they normalize the control of the organ by the nervous system, wash it with a rapid flow of blood and provide it with adequate nutrition and oxygen, pour energy and strength into it. In Sytin’s method, such attitudes are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past decades, physiologists have experimentally shown that impulses evoked by a word come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and for a long time rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs. This explains the greater stability of the healthy functioning of the body, caused by the assimilation of the attitudes of the Sytin method. As the author’s research has shown, the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more. For example, long-term sustained tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute in a 28-year-old woman was relieved for ten minutes after exposure to the main fragment of the mood for heart improvement: “A healthy newborn youth is pouring into my heart, my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born as a newborn.” “a young, untouched heart.” With the help of the same fragment, extrasystole, which had previously been untreatable, disappeared in a 68-year-old patient surgeon within 30 minutes.

For people of mature age, Sytin uses the following fragment of the mood for a young life to rejuvenate the face: “Newborn youth pours into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, pristinely fresh, newborn youth is born in my face.” Using Sytin’s method, you can achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: “Life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, my hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair.”

It is useful to assimilate detailed fragments against the background of the impact of a general attitude on young life, which helps to restore and strengthen all physiological functions of the body and, thus, eliminate their various disorders both in young and old age.

Sytin's sentiments are composed of positive statements, for example: “I have a healthy, strong heart.” Negative expressions such as: “I don’t have a sick heart, my heart doesn’t hurt” are not allowed in attitudes, as they do harm and only intensify the disease with the words “sick”, “hurts”.

The mood uses the so-called inverse form: “I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy, strong heart.” Suppressing doubt helps to internalize the attitude.

The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the condition.

In its essence, the Sytin method is a method of psychocorrection of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the restoration of the mucous membrane does not occur by scarring, as usual, but by epithelization, and after healing there are no traces left on the mucous membrane; upon the onset of menopause, menstruation is restored in women, for example, three years after their cessation, and in men, sexual function is restored even twelve years after its extinction, and appearance the face and entire body changes, gray hair restores its natural color. The degree of influence of self-hypnosis depends, according to Sytin, on the physical strength of a person and the intensity of the volitional efforts with which he carries out self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis has the weakest effect if a person thinks through or pronounces words to himself. In this case, the process of excitation in a certain area of ​​the cerebral hemispheres is caused by volitional efforts and kinesthetic stimuli coming from the speech organs, which as a result will be very weak.

Self-hypnosis is more effective if a person reads the text of self-hypnosis loudly enough (and does not recite it from memory). The process of excitation in a certain area of ​​the cerebral hemispheres is caused simultaneously by volitional efforts and three types of strong irritations: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, coming from the speech organs.

Self-hypnosis is carried out in the usual forms: reading to oneself or reciting written self-hypnosis formulas aloud, reciting them from memory or listening to a tape recording. This does not require much willpower and is not particularly difficult. Sytin gives the example of Indian yogis who teach their children to work on themselves as soon as the child begins to speak, that is, from about one year of age. As soon as the child utters the first phrases of two or three words, the father immediately invites him to pronounce some simple formula of self-hypnosis, for example: “I am brave.”

You should start practicing self-hypnosis with simple forms, by reading ready-made self-hypnosis formulas, or, even easier, by listening to a sound recording with self-hypnosis formulas. Gradually, a person will learn to carry out self-hypnosis and will feel that he is receiving great benefit from it. He will carry out subsequent self-hypnosis classes with great willingness. Then you can move on to the most complex form of self-hypnosis: working out self-hypnosis formulas with ideas, which already requires more activity and significant volitional efforts.

The elaboration of self-hypnosis formulas with ideas consists in the fact that a person tries to firmly and vividly imagine specific life situations and his actions that correspond to the content of the self-hypnosis formula. This form of self-hypnosis is the most effective, since in this case the power of the regulatory influence of the second signaling system is used to the maximum.

In the process of practicing self-government, some ideas, thoughts and actions must be suppressed, while others must be strengthened. What needs to be suppressed must be hated. Hatred, Sytin emphasizes, suppresses any state. This feature of hatred is extremely important. For example, to suppress temper, it is recommended to use the formula: “I hate my temper with the strongest, fiercest, vicious hatred.” To strengthen any condition, you need to strengthen your positive attitude. For example, to strengthen self-control, it is recommended to use the formula: “I really like my restraint, I like to show my restraint and great self-control, it gives me great pleasure. To hold back is to lift yourself up.” To overcome hot temper and strengthen self-control, both of these formulas should be spoken together, one after the other. In the very first days of using such self-hypnosis, it becomes much easier for the student to behave normally and maintain the necessary relationships with the people around him. Such formulas are also useful for overcoming rudeness and developing politeness and tact.

Sytin developed tens of thousands of “healing moods.” He wrote “A Psychological Guide to Self-Recovery of Health in Illness and Aging” in 10 volumes that cover all areas of medicine.

Formulas of self-hypnosis according to Sytin

To reduce voltage during operation

“Throughout the entire day I maintain absolute self-government, absolute subordination of all actions to achieving the greatest result of my work. Under no circumstances do I get nervous or irritated. In any situation I maintain restraint and composure. I do not put myself on the same footing with my subordinates and do not allow myself to be irritated by their rudeness or violation of discipline. I'm above this. I hold myself back where no one else can. And everyone feels this power when communicating with me. I am able to exert great effort and control myself in the most exciting circumstances. I can do everything. And I will always show by my behavior an example of great spiritual strength and endurance. With the strongest, fiercest, vicious hatred I hate hot temper and irritability, they turn me into a laughing stock, they humiliate me and undermine my authority. I feel able to prevent irritation from occurring even when it is very difficult to do so. I can do everything. I am capable of enormous volitional efforts. I never lose my good spirits and good mood. I always come to work in a cheerful, cheerful mood. I always remain cheerful, self-confident and cheerful. I love my job very much, and it gives me great pleasure and fills my life with the joy of constant victories and great meaning. And my endurance and self-control make my work easier and make it more effective.”

To strengthen brain activity

Prolonged and severe nervous tension, which is sometimes associated with work, negatively affects the activity of the brain and cardiovascular system, and worsens health. Therefore, to maintain efficiency and health, it is useful to engage in self-hypnosis, the influence of which would counteract this process. Here is an approximate formula for strengthening the stability of brain activity:

“I have a healthy brain. The brain works steadily, smoothly, uniformly, equally. The brain correctly regulates the activity of the entire body, all organs and fills them with health and vitality. The stability of brain activity protects all organs from harmful influences of the external environment. The brain does not allow harmful environmental influences into the body. All internal organs, the whole body live under the protection of the brain from the harmful influences of the external environment. And therefore the whole body lives and breathes freely, serenely and happily. The brain works with a huge reserve of stability. I have a young, healthy brain. All senses will continue to improve and develop for a long time. I have a strong memory, very energetic thinking. My brain is young, young, of pristine, indestructible health. The brain works very smoothly, with a huge margin of stability. And that’s why I have a very stable, cheerful mood. I have a very stable state of serene happiness. Serene happiness. I see myself as a person with a very healthy brain.”

To enhance memory

“All brain memory mechanisms are activated and strengthened. God fills all brain mechanisms of memory with gigantic energy of development from the subtle world. All the memory mechanisms in my soul are divinely developing at a gigantic speed, intensifying millions of times. The memory becomes more and more vivid, more and more powerful. Memorization speeds up. Memory capacity increases. Memory of all kinds is becoming increasingly powerful. With the brightness of lightning I feel: visual memory is enhanced. Mechanical memory increases and becomes more active. I feel with the brightness of lightning: I can vividly and firmly remember the words that I read from a foreign dictionary.

Musical memory is enhanced. Just listen once musical composition how I remember it vividly and firmly. Memory of all types is enhanced. Verbal-logical memory increases and strengthens. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. My knowledge is becoming more and more energetic, more and more active. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. Everything that needs to be remembered in life, I remember immediately, instantly, as if everything that needs to be remembered is already lying before my eyes, ready-made, in the palm of my hand.

Memorization processes are accelerated. Memory capacity increases. Mechanisms of recall are strengthened. Blossoms, memory strengthens. The memory becomes more and more vivid, more and more powerful. Everything that needs to be remembered in life, I remember immediately, quickly, for a long time.”

To strengthen cardiovascular resilience

“I have a healthy, strong heart. The heart is beating reliable protection brain: the brain works with a huge reserve of stability and does not allow harmful influences of the external environment into the heart. The heart works very steadily. The heart works with a huge reserve of stability. I have a healthy, strong heart. All blood vessels are elastic, smooth, elastic. I have all the cardiovascular system of a healthy young man. Heart sounds are clear-clean, normal height, normal volume, normal-rhythmic pulse, good filling, 72 beats per minute, blood pressure is very constant, stable 120/80. I have a very stable good health, I am full of strength and energy. The energy is in full swing. I have a strong healthy heart. The heart works with a large margin of safety. I can run for a very long time without signs of fatigue, easily, maintaining even, intense breathing. I can quickly climb many floors of stairs with ease and still maintain even breathing. I can easily steam for two or three hours in a sauna, where many people cannot stand even ten minutes. My heart has a huge reserve of strength and resilience. I have a healthy, tireless heart. All people know me as a person with a very healthy heart. When doctors check the activity of my heart, they usually say that with such a heart you can live for a hundred years, that by the activity of my heart you can check chronometers. I see myself as a person with a strong, tireless healthy heart. I clearly and clearly feel like a person with a healthy, strong heart.”

To enhance vision

“The entire neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological apparatus of vision is now being strengthened. From the subtle world, God pours gigantic Divine power into the neuro-cerebral mechanisms of vision in the occipital lobes of the brain. The neuro-cerebral mechanisms of vision are divinely intensified, intensified tens, hundreds of times. Holy Divine steel flows into the optic nerves. They become healthier, stronger, and strengthen their nerves. And God pours 18 years of energetic young life into my eyes. Young life filled my eyes. Young life filled all the neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological mechanisms of vision.

All eye structures were Divinely born now exactly the same young, 18-year-old. My eyes are now bright, bright, huge, gigantically strong. The entire neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological apparatus of vision is now strengthening at a gigantic speed. The gaze becomes stronger, the vision becomes stronger. A young, 18-year-old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like vision is born. With the brightness of lightning I feel, I clearly see the smallest newspaper font. My vision is constantly getting stronger. The eyes become more and more brightly shining, more and more brightly glowing with Divine light. My eyes are bright, bright, young, huge. Expressive, strong-willed, intelligent, divinely beautiful eyes. I feel with the brightness of lightning: my vision is intensifying. A young, 18-year-old, gigantically strong, sharp vision is born.”

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Sleep Deprivation as a Soft Drug by Deathwisher

METHOD. What is “sleep deprivation”? Actually, refusal of sleep as such. But, we must remember, this is not a complete failure, but a partial one. As mentioned above, the method only works with people who are accustomed to sleeping more than 4 hours a day. The very essence of the method is to “knock down” the biological clock

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8. Questionnaire method. Testing method. Methods for assessing employee performance The survey method is the cheapest method that can cover large group people and a large area. The main advantage is the time reserve provided


Coue's method The method was developed by the French pharmacist Emile Coue. Every day, communicating with drug buyers, Coue made an important conclusion: healing effect medication is often determined not so much by its pharmacological action as by the patient’s faith in healing. Coue

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Sytin's moods With the book by Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin “Life-giving force. Help yourself” I first met almost 20 years ago. I was struck by a completely new approach to the construction of therapeutic texts, the special life-affirming atmosphere of the proposed attitudes, positive

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9.2 Method of Healing Symbols - Shaping Your Health The Method of Healing Symbols is a tool for independent work person to improve their body health. Its core ideas are the practical application of Event Shaping Technique to important

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Method The Method section describes what was done in the study. This part is usually divided into several subsections, at least into Subjects and Procedure subsections. Depending on the nature of the study, separate sections may also be included

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Method In the process of clinical work, Schultz gradually developed a series of commonly used verbal formulas, which, in accordance with whether they were more oriented towards the body or the mind, formed two basic series of mental exercises: standard and

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METHOD Having established a goal or sequence of goals, the therapist must select the method most suitable for achieving these goals. The beginner usually borrows methods that he became familiar with during training in individual therapy, such as psychoanalytic

author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

Chapter 1 SOEVUS method - method of psychocorrection

From the book Life-Giving Power. help yourself author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

1.2. Theoretical principles for constructing attitudes The content of the attitude, when assimilated, should be pleasant to the person. He himself must exclude words and entire phrases that he does not like from the mood. All verbal formulations must be clear, figurative, forming a vivid

From the book Life-Giving Power. help yourself author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

1.3. Recommendations for assimilating moods In the typical moods of the SOEVUS method, the initial degree of volitional tension and the initial strength of expression of thought are used in order to tire a person less when mastering the mood. It is easiest to assimilate a mood if you listen to it in

From the book Life-Giving Power author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

From the book “Everyone Lies” Method [Manipulating Reality – Dr. House Techniques] author Kuzina Svetlana Valerievna

Quotes from the mood “Revival of a Woman’s Youth” “I am completely filled with the enormous inexhaustible energy of youth. A newborn, young, newborn, young, cheerful, cheerful, playful soul is born within me. A newborn, young, beautiful girl’s body is born again. IN

From the book Seduction author Ogurtsov Sergey

author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

From the book The Happiness of Full Health author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

A great person is one who, even in the midst of an ocean of shortcomings in others, will find a grain of goodness and focus only on that. This is a great man.

Swami Bhaktivedanta

I enjoy life. Healthy peace of mind. Moods of Sytin G.N.

How to correctly apply the healing moods of Candidate of Psychological Sciences Sytina G.N.: It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can record the mood on audio media for yourself. The tone of presentation should be businesslike, firm, and convincing. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to be as active as possible (it’s better to walk), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases the efficiency of absorption. To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember). It is useful to listen, read or recite from memory more times those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning. It is especially useful when listening to a mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.

I enjoy life.

New-healthy-cheerful-cheerful newborn life is pouring into my head - into my whole body. I am completely filled with a joyful, cheerful, joyful, cheerful life. Every second I live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully. All billions of nerve cells in the brain are simultaneously infused with quick, quick, cheerful forces. The cheerful, cheerful newborn life is now pouring into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain at once, at once, at the same time.

The joyfully, joyfully developing newborn life flows into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain at once and simultaneously.

Fast, fast, fun, fun development fills your head. Cheerful, cheerful rapid development flows into all brain mechanisms.

Joy, fun flow into the head, cheerful forces flow into the head, cheerful, cheerful, joyful forces flow into the head.

Every second I live more cheerfully, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully, my whole body lives more energetically and joyfully. Joyful forces, quick, quick, cheerful forces, flow into all brain mechanisms. Joy and fun flow into your head. Every second I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically, more energetically, more joyfully. The rapidly, rapidly developing, cheerful, cheerful newborn life immediately flows into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain. All my mental abilities are developing faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic.

All my mental abilities are developing faster, more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain are simultaneously infused with fast, fast, cheerful forces, and fast, fast, cheerful development is poured in. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain are simultaneously infused with rapid, rapid, cheerful development.

Each nerve cell in the brain has a whole network of processes.

Each nerve cell with its processes represents the most complex brain mechanisms. Fast, fast, cheerful life immediately flows into everything - into all brain mechanisms.

The rapidly and merrily developing, merrily and merrily developing newborn life flows into all brain mechanisms at once. All brain mechanisms work more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically.

With every second, all brain mechanisms live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully. All brain mechanisms become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic. The joy of life fills - completely fills my head. The joy of life - the joy of life fills my head. Joy and joy flow into the soul, joy and joy flow into the soul. Every second I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. Quick, quick, cheerful forces flow into my head - into my whole body.

Cheerful, cheerful development flows into my entire young healthy body.

I am completely filled with fast, fast, cheerful development. All brain mechanisms are infused with rapid, rapid, cheerful development.

All my mental abilities are developing faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. A cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, a cheerful light flares up in my eyes. Joy and joy flow into the soul, joy and joy flow into the soul.

Joy and fun flow into the heart. Cheerful, cheerful forces flow into the heart.

A new-healthy-cheerful-cheerful newborn life is pouring into my heart. Cheerful, cheerful newborn life flows into my heart.

Joy and joy flows into the heart. With every second, a more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more joyful heart is born.

An ever more joyful heart is born - an ever more joyful heart.

New-healthy-cheerful-cheerful-newborn life is pouring into all my internal organs. Cheerful forces - quick forces flow into all my internal organs. Joy-fun, joy-fun flows into all my internal organs. All internal organs live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully. All internal organs live more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. The whole body lives more energetically and joyfully.

Cheerful, cheerful, joyful forces, cheerful, cheerful, joyful forces flow into my entire young body. The whole body lives more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. Throughout the body, a huge, colossal force of life is in full swing. I have a huge, colossal energy of life in full swing.

I am completely filled with great cheerful, cheerful energy of life. I am completely filled with the enormous cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful energy of life. I live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully. Every second I live more fun, more fun, more fun, more joyful.

Fast, fast, cheerful forces flow into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms are infused with fast-fast-fun development.

All brain mechanisms are infused with ever more rapid - ever more cheerful - ever more cheerful development. Joy-fun, joy-fun flows into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms work more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. All mental abilities develop faster, more fun, faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic.

Fast, fast, cheerful forces are poured into all brain mechanisms of will. All brain mechanisms of will are born more and more strong - more and more energetic. I overcome all difficulties cheerfully and joyfully, cheerfully and joyfully with brave prowess. I overcome all the difficulties and adversities of life cheerfully and joyfully, cheerfully and joyfully with brave prowess. Every day I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically. Every day I overcome all the adversities - all the difficulties more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully and joyfully.

The joy of life becomes more and more vibrant - more and more powerful.

The joy of life overcomes all the difficulties - all the adversities of life.

In spite of all the adversities - all the difficulties of life, I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. Despite all the adversities of life, I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. I overcome all difficulties more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully and joyfully. I live more energetically and joyfully every second.

The joy of life becomes more and more vibrant - more and more vibrant - more and more powerful.

The joy of life fills my whole life from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening. Feeling great, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful mood - the joy of life fills my whole life from waking up in the morning until going to bed in the evening. The joy of life completely covers all the difficulties - all the adversities of life.

Through all the difficulties and adversities of life, I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. Through all the difficulties - all the hardships of life, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes. In spite of all the hardships of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

All internal organs live more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. The whole body lives more energetically and joyfully. Through all the difficulties, I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. Through all the difficulties - all the hardships of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness from the joy of life.

The cheerful, cheerful, cheerful mood becomes more and more durable - more and more stable. Through all the difficulties, a cheerful mood remains unshakably - a cheerful, cheerful, cheerful mood.

From waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, feeling great - feeling great. The whole body lives a free-free-joyful-happy life. In spite of all the difficulties of life, the whole body lives a more cheerful, joyful life, the whole body lives a cheerful, cheerful, joyful, happy life. Despite all the difficulties of life, I live more cheerfully, I myself, through and through, live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully.

I live freely - absolutely freely - infinitely freely. The whole body lives and breathes easily and freely, easily and freely. The colossal force of life is in full swing throughout the body. I am completely filled with joy and joy, my whole body is filled with joy and joy, all my internal organs are filled with joy and joy.

Joy and joy flow into the heart, joy and joy flow into the heart. With every second, a more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more joyful heart is born. With every second, a more and more cheerful heart is born - an ever more cheerful laughing heart. With every second, a more and more joyful heart is born - an ever more joyful heart. With every second, a more and more cheerful heart is born - an ever more cheerful, laughing heart. With every second, a more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful, laughing heart is born.

Joy - fun flows into the soul, joy - fun flows into the soul. Every second I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully.

A bright, bright white light is pouring into my soul, a bright, bright white light is pouring into my soul. My whole soul is bright, bright, bright, my whole soul is bright, bright, bright. There is bright, bright light in my eyes, like on a sunny beautiful spring day there is light in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

A cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes. I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully, my whole body lives more energetically, joyfully, more energetically, joyfully, more energetically, joyfully. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. Every second I live more fun, more fun, more fun.

I live absolutely freely - infinitely free. The whole body lives a free, free, joyful, happy life. I am completely filled with the rapidly, rapidly developing, cheerful, cheerful newborn life. I am filled through and through more and more quickly - with an ever more rapidly developing newborn life. I am completely filled with the energy of ever faster, ever faster development.

Cheerful, cheerful fast forces flow into the heart - into the entire cardiovascular system - into all the blood vessels. The fast-paced, cheerful, cheerful newborn life is pouring into my entire cardiovascular system. The entire cardiovascular system lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. There is fast, cheerful, fast, cheerful blood circulation throughout the whole body. The whole body lives a cheerful, cheerful, full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, healthy life. Throughout the body, a huge, colossal force of life is in full swing.

And the blood, in a cheerful, joyful, swift flow, carries an abundance of excellent, nutritious nutrition to the entire body. I live a full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, happy life through and through. A quick, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, joyful, joyful blood circulation is born throughout the body. A quick, cheerful, joyful, joyful, joyful blood circulation is born throughout the body. The whole body lives a full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, healthy life.

The whole body lives more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically, all internal organs live more cheerfully, more energetically. All internal organs live a full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, happy life. An increasingly faster and more cheerful blood circulation is born throughout the body. An increasingly faster and more cheerful blood circulation is born in the arms and legs. The whole body lives an increasingly cheerful - increasingly joyful healthy life. I myself, through and through, live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more joyfully, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. A cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

A merry-cheerful-light-quick gait is born. Light, light, cheerful, fast movements are born. A merry-cheerful-light-quick gait is born. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. I walk - I fly like a bird on wings, I run - I fly like a bird on wings, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

Cheerful, cheerful healthy forces are pouring into my brain - spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system. Cheerful, cheerful, healthy forces are pouring into my entire nervous system. Cheerful, cheerful, joyful forces are pouring into my entire nervous system. Cheerful, cheerful newborn life flows into my brain - spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system. A cheerful, cheerful, increasingly rapidly developing newborn life is pouring into my brain - spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system.

With every second, the entire nervous system is born more and more strong - more and more strong - more and more strong. With every second, the entire nervous system is born more and more strong - more and more strong - more and more strong. An untouched newborn strength flows into all my nerves.

From the crown of my head to the tips of the fingers of both hands and both legs, all my nerves are cheerfully and joyfully getting healthier and stronger, healthier and stronger. From the crown of my head to the tips of the fingers of both hands and both legs, cheerfully, joyfully, cheerfully, joyfully, all my nerves are getting healthier and stronger, healthier and stronger.

I am born a person with ever stronger nerves. Every second I am born as a person with stronger and stronger nerves. I am born a man of steel nerves. I am born a man of steel nerves. With every second an ever stronger - ever stronger - ever stronger nervous system is born. The brain and spinal cord lives more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, and the blood, in a cheerful, joyful, swift flow, brings an abundance of excellent, nutritious nutrition to all billions of nerve cells in the brain. The brain lives more cheerfully, more joyfully, in complete contentment - in complete contentment, the brain - spinal cord lives more cheerfully, joyfully, energetically, joyfully.

In complete contentment - in complete contentment, all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord live more joyfully, more joyfully, more energetically. And the blood, in a cheerful, joyful, cheerful, joyful, swift flow, brings an abundance of excellent, nutritious nutrition to all billions of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. In complete contentment, all the billions of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully.

The brain and spinal cord lives more cheerfully, more joyfully, more cheerfully and joyfully every second. The entire nervous system is born with every second more and more strong - more and more strong - more and more strong. I live through and through more cheerfully - more joyfully - I am completely filled with quick, quick, cheerful forces. I am completely filled with an ever more rapidly developing, cheerful life. I am completely filled with ever faster, ever faster cheerful development. I am completely filled with ever faster - ever faster - ever more cheerful - ever more cheerful - ever more joyful development.

My entire nervous system is filled with ever more cheerful, ever more joyful development. The entire brain and spinal cord is filled with cheerful, cheerful, joyful development. All the nerves become more cheerful and joyful, healthier and stronger, healthier and stronger.

In the area of ​​the heart, all the nerves become healthier and stronger, more cheerful and joyful, more cheerful and joyful, healthy and stronger, and nerves become healthier and stronger. Throughout the vast region of the heart, ever stronger, ever stronger, ever healthier nerves are born. With every second, ever stronger - ever stronger - ever healthier - ever healthier nerves are born in the entire region of the heart. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, strong, strong, healthy, steel nerves are born.

A steel fortress is poured into all the nerves of the chest - a steel fortress is poured into all the nerves of the chest. The whole chest becomes healthier and stronger, the nerves become healthier and stronger. Strong, healthy, nerves of steel are born through and through the entire chest. Strong, strong, healthy, steel nerves are born right through the entire chest.

A steel fortress flows into the nerves of the arms and legs - a steel fortress. The arms and legs become healthier and stronger, the nerves become healthier and stronger. In the shoulders-arms, in the shoulders-arms the nerves become healthier and stronger.

Heroic mighty strength is born throughout my young healthy body.

Healthy peace of mind.

A new, healthy newborn life is pouring into my head - into my whole body. A new, healthy newborn life is pouring into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system. A huge, colossal healthy force - a healthy force pours into my head. Healthy strength flows into my head, healthy strength flows into my nerves. Healthy newborn strength flows into my nerves. A healthy newborn strength is poured into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles. Healthy nerves are firmly calm. I am completely filled with pleasant feelings, a pleasant, pleasant, healthy calm.

Pleasant calm flows into the muscles. A pleasant, pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. A pleasant, pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. Calm nerves are firmly healthy in all muscles; calm nerves are firmly healthy in all muscles. The calm nerves in the muscles of the shoulders and arms are firmly healthy. Pleasant, healthy calm flows into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles. Strongly calm, healthy nerves are born in all muscles. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant, healthy calm.

A healthy calm flows into your head. I am absolutely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm - absolutely calm - absolutely calm - completely calm - serenely calm. A healthy calm flows into my head. A pleasant healthy calm fills my head, a pleasant healthy calm fills my head, a pleasant healthy calm fills my head. A pleasant, healthy calm fills my head.

A pleasant, healthy calm flows into my head - into all my muscles. A pleasant, healthy calm flows into the head - into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. A pleasant, very pleasant, healthy calm flows into the head - into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. A pleasant, healthy calm flows into your head - into your shoulders - into your hands.

A pleasant newborn lasting calm flows into your head and into your hands. A pleasant, very pleasant, newborn, lasting peace flows into your head and into your hands. A pleasant, very pleasant, newborn lasting calm flows into my head - into my whole body. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant, newborn, lasting calm.

I am completely calm through and through - completely calm. Like the mirror surface of a lake, I am absolutely calm through and through. Like the mirror surface of a lake, I am absolutely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm. My soul is so calm and easy, my soul is so calm and calm.

A pleasant newborn lasting calm flows into my head. A pleasant, pleasant newborn lasting calm flows into my head. A pleasant, healthy calm flows into all my muscles. A newborn, pleasant calmness flows into my head - into all my nerves. A newborn, lasting, healthy calm flows into my head - into all my nerves. Into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles a newborn strong healthy calm flows. A newborn, lasting, healthy calm flows into all my muscles.

Nerves become healthier and stronger in all muscles; firmly, calmly healthy nerves are born in all muscles. In the muscles of the shoulders and arms, healthy nerves are firmly calm. In the muscles of the shoulders and arms, healthy nerves are firmly calm. A pleasant newborn lasting calm flows into my head - into all my nerves. I have calmed down completely, I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm - completely calm.

Like the mirror surface of a lake, I am absolutely calm through and through. Like the mirror surface of a lake, I am absolutely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm. My soul feels pleasantly calm, pleasantly calm. A newborn healthy, lasting calm flows into my head - into all my nerves. A newborn, newborn, lasting calm flows into my head - into all my nerves. A newborn, lasting, healthy calm flows into my head - into all my nerves. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant - very pleasant, healthy calmness.

I am completely filled with a healthy newborn and lasting calm. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant newborn healthy calm. I have calmed down completely, I have completely calmed down - completely calm - absolutely calm. I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm.

A newborn, lasting calm flows into the nerves of the head. A newborn healthy, lasting calm flows into my head - into all the nerves of my head. A newborn, strong, healthy calm flows into my head - into all the nerves of my head. The newborn's entire head is filled with lasting, healthy calm. My soul is so calm and easy. My soul is so calm and light, so light, so light and good.

I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant, very pleasant newborn healthy, lasting calm. I am absolutely calm through and through - completely calm - absolutely calm - serenely calm. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant, very pleasant, newborn, lasting, healthy calm.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin was born on August 30, 1921 in the small Kyrgyz town of Osh. After graduating from school, the promising young man entered three universities at once and soon became a Moscow legend. In the city, they retold with surprise the legends about the tireless student who passed all exams at any institute in the city with excellent marks.

But the Great Patriotic War interrupted educational process. As a volunteer, he immediately found himself in the thick of the fighting, where he received his first wound. He was daring in battles, which is why there was a series of hospitals, advanced hospitals, and more hospitals.

The last, eighth wound became critical. A shell fragment hit the stomach and got stuck in the spine. At first they didn’t even operate on him; they left him in a cold corridor to die in an unconscious state. But when, during the morning rounds, the doctors saw that life was still firmly held in his body, they immediately transported him to the operating room.

After three months in hospitals, Georgy was discharged from the Army, assigning him the first group of disability due to injury. They “reassured” that the pain would not last long; people with such wounds would not live long. They gave me 150 ampoules of painkillers, a syringe, a needle, and a sterilizer. They advised me to learn how to give injections myself. In those years, this was the complete arsenal of help with which medicine could alleviate the suffering of a disabled person. From now on, day and night were devoted to surviving, to eliminating endless pain.

“I am a strong, strong-willed and healthy person capable of completely controlling my body and my feelings. The pain leaves my body forever. Every cell of my body is healthy and strong” - these are the words of his first attitude. Thanks to these and similar words, he managed to defeat the disease. It’s not easy to overcome and get out of the doomed circle outlined by doctors, but also in a few years to be recognized by a medical commission as fit for combat service.

In the summer of 1948, at a reception with the Minister of Health Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, Georgy Nikolaevich told the story of his healing. He complained that there is no necessary knowledge to spread this method and the ability to help everyone in need. On the same day, Sytin became a student at the medical faculty of the medical institute.

On August 30, 2013, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin turned 92 years old! He is cheerful, full of creative ideas and does not slow down. What remained from the previous injury was an inexhaustible faith in the higher possibilities of the human soul, a wealth of experience in helping the sick and the gratitude of people who had lost faith in their own healing.

Research conducted by scientists Russian Academy Medical Sciences have changed all ideas. Georgy Nikolaevich’s biological age at 70 years old was 2 times less than his passport age. And this is not the only amazing fact of his rich biography.

Having become a professor and defended 4 doctoral dissertations in medicine, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy, he continues his amazing life experiment - research into the capabilities of the human body. At 68, he became the father of a daughter, and at 70, the father of a son. 78-year-old Georgy Nikolaevich passed the exam at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education at the Moscow Medical Academy to become a psychotherapist with excellent results.

These are a few facts from the life of G.N. Sytin are convincing confirmation of the high effectiveness of the educational medicine he created and the method of self-persuasion (attitudes).

Since childhood, Georgy Nikolaevich has been interested in nature, and in adolescence he became interested in the development of human capabilities. And when he was discharged after a serious injury, and the doctors could not help him, all the efforts of Georgy Sytin were devoted to the fight against pain. Thanks to his attitude and self-confidence, Sytin was able to overcome the disease. He told the USSR Ministry of Health about the story of his healing. And since then I have protected more than one scientific work and began to actively implement his method in science. Sytin's sentiments are used in the practice of pedagogy, sports, astronautics, medicine, industry and production.

The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional self-persuasion (SOEVS) for the improvement and rejuvenation of a person includes attitudes towards managing all body systems and internal organs. Attitudes are a tool of self-conviction, and a reliable and omnipotent tool. These are not medicines, they are universal and publicly available. Moods reflect the idea of ​​healing and rejuvenation in verbal formulation, image, feelings and volitional effort, which in their unity create a powerful impulse from the brain to the internal environment of the body. The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, for example, joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the condition. The method brings the greatest benefit to those who approach it with trust and hope.

Professor Sytin continues to write books, work on new attitudes, and travel to various parts of the country. In Moscow there is a free medical salon of the Sytin Center, where at least once a month the moods are performed by the author.

I enjoy life. Healthy peace of mind. Healing, psychological attitudes of G. N. Sytin.

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The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of physical condition was invented by a scientist from Russia Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. The method is intended not only for healing diseases, but also for improving the health of the entire human body. Its basis is the influence of speech on the somatic and psycho-emotional state while listening to special statements. We will consider reviews of Sytin’s mood in this article.

Development of the methodology

The SOEVUS method is based on the teachings of Pavlov, who called human speech the most powerful irritant of consciousness. Sytin experimented with moods on himself after he was seriously wounded during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Georgy Nikolaevich proved by his example that any diagnosis can be changed and you can regain a full, healthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of the method he developed was recognized by the Ministry of Health, after which it began to gain popularity in psychiatry.

What it is?

“Sytin’s Moods,” according to people’s reviews, is a text of a certain content and structure with figurative, accessible formulations that allow the formation of vivid images. These settings can not only be listened to, but also read, but the first method is considered more effective.

According to reviews, it is necessary to listen to Sytin’s moods until a correspondence is established between the content of the audio file and the human condition. While listening, you need to be active; you can walk and memorize the text at the same time.

Tests carried out

For the first time, the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional state control was tested at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after Academician Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences Soviet Union. The subject turned out to be an employee of the academy. She suffered from tachycardia of unknown etymology for several years. After listening to the audio recording, the subject's pulse returned to normal, and tachycardia no longer appeared. Another employee of the USSR Academy of Sciences, after listening, was able to get rid of extrasystole that could not be controlled conservative methods treatment.


You can find a lot of positive reviews about Sytin’s attitude. After listening to audio recordings, patients note the following improvements in their health:

  1. Increased oxygen circulation in tissues.
  2. Normalization of blood supply to internal organs.
  3. The technique has helped many people get rid of nicotine addiction, stuttering, nervous tics and excess weight.
  4. A restructuring of the way of life that lasts for a long period of time.
  5. Patients with gastric ulcers noted regeneration of the mucous membrane without scarring.

Is preparation necessary?

No preparation is required to start using the technique. The age limit applies to patients under 16 years of age. Who did Sytin help? According to reviews, moods come in two versions, and you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. Listening to audio is necessary up to three times a day, the duration of the course varies from a week to a year.

Many people are interested in who was helped by Sytin’s attitude. According to reviews, there are a large number of such people.

Where to find and how to listen?

Regardless of the nature of the illness, you can listen to the moods at any time of the day, as they have an impact on the body’s important systems for life, healing it and improving the general condition. Normalizing the functioning of the body makes local problems disappear. While using the technique, take medicines is not excluded, since a comprehensive impact on the problem is necessary. However, the dosage of the drugs is reduced.

Adverse reactions

During a session of listening to Sytin’s healing moods, according to reviews, slight dizziness and sometimes even an increase in body temperature may occur. However, these side effects go away on their own within three days. At such moments, the number of listening to moods needs to be increased. Positive dynamics may appear after the first session, but a week of mood therapy will allow you to consolidate the effect. You can listen to audio online by finding them on the Internet or downloading them to your computer for further use.

The essence of the method and the power of words

If you remember A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya,” when the main character stopped the bleeding from a wound with a word, you can understand that this is a vivid example of word treatment without witchcraft and quackery. Sytin also believed in the healing power of words and built his methodology on this basis. He was not at all embarrassed by the possibility of the coexistence of ancient conspiracies and scientific methods. However, in modern world Few people dare to admit that the word can become a real panacea in the fight against serious diseases. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Sytin is an exception to this rule.

What does it cure?

For 40 years, he has been conducting word therapy and successfully treating insomnia and neuroses, hypertension and ischemia, radiculitis and peptic ulcer, as well as respiratory diseases. Many, of course, are skeptical about Sytin’s method, considering it quackery. However, Georgy Nikolaevich claims that the technique is based solely on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, the essence of which is the recognition of speech as a second signal system and its connection with the subconscious. This connection allows you to influence the psyche purposefully, thus restoring the functioning of internal organs and self-regulation of the body.

Many people mistakenly believe that Sytin conducts therapy with ancient conspiracies, but this is not so. He knows them well and understands them, since he has been collecting and studying this layer of folk wisdom for many years, but this was necessary in order to be able to master the principles of the creation and operation of conspiracy texts. Based on them, Sytin created original texts specifically for the technique, which were aimed at influencing a specific area of ​​the body.

How it all began?

This method is relatively old and is closely connected with the fate of its author. This story began in 1943, when Sytin went on the attack with his platoon. As a result of the shrapnel wound, he was limited in mobility, lost his memory and became disabled. It was during this period of his life that he began to become interested in psychology. Since 1944, Sytin began developing his own method of influencing consciousness with words. The first test subject was himself. By 1957, he passed a medical examination and was declared fit for military service.

According to reviews, developing Georgy Sytin’s attitude was not easy. It was necessary to understand the principles of the influence of words, and for this purpose thousands of attitudes were created. Each of them had an effect aimed at the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. At first, Georgy Nikolaevich walked blindly.

Later, Sytin began collaborating with the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, which developed special devices that speed up the selection of healing words. The sensors took readings of the reactions of different systems of the human body to certain words, recording their intensity. After gaining sufficient experience in the selection the right words a professional instinct appeared, unerringly suggesting the right combinations.

Today, the card index of moods consists of more than 20 thousand examples, and new therapeutic texts continue to be created.

What about today?

Currently, the author of the technique is looking for ways to treat schizophrenia. The results obtained so far inspire hope. The high degree of effectiveness of the technique in the treatment of neurosomatic diseases has been proven for a long time.

Sytin’s sentiments, according to reviews, were even used in the treatment of radiation sickness in patients who were eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The mood helped increase the body's immunity and defenses. In addition, the technique allows you to suppress radiophobia and enhance self-control and strong-willed qualities person. If we talk specifically about nuclear energy, then SOEVUS helps to increase concentration and efficiency, as well as stress resistance, which will allow you to adequately perceive a critical situation and make sober decisions.

In medicine, Sytin’s sentiments help in cases where carrying out drug treatment impossible. This method eliminates side effects. This is the most gentle treatment regimen for complex patients.

About words

It is equally important to take into account the high degree of humanity of Sytin’s method. You can verify this by listening or reading the tunes, paying attention to the vocabulary of the texts. Words clearly reflect the inner state of a person and his attitude. If you use uncertain and dull words in your vocabulary, then you will create the impression of a person who is joyless and without a core. Living and bright words fill life with joy and prosperity. According to reviews, Sytin’s mood for losing weight is filled with precisely this vocabulary - encouraging, cheerful, happy, awakening strength for self-regulation and regeneration of the body. They relieve complexes and stress, fatigue and self-doubt.

The words that fill Sytin’s mood are maximalist. With unimaginable persistence, they displace everything that is unnecessary and interferes with the disclosure of personality and consciousness, fill it with brightness, and make it more contrasting. There should be no halftones, according to Sytin. Only indestructible health, unquenchable fire, unshakable confidence and cloudless joy.

The repetition of words, which seems deliberate to many, is part of the developed method. In this way, the mood from the text and the level of impact on the person are intensified and intensified. Sytin’s sentiments for women, according to reviews, can become a real panacea.

The main thing is to believe

Thousands of people were healed thanks to the method of Georgy Nikolaevich. The greatest effect in therapy is achieved by those who trust the method and are ready for the changes it brings. However, in Sytin’s memory there were also cases when the method was effective in relation to those who were skeptical; there was mental opposition to the treatment. Such patients refused to listen to the tunes, laughed at the method and tore off their headphones. However, even the most obstinate skeptics discovered a positive effect after a while.

The significance of the method lies in the fact that it not only treats, but also prevents diseases, as it keeps the body in good shape. You can listen to the moods without waiting for the condition to worsen. You can repeat the therapy everywhere - on the way to work, while preparing food, washing dishes. This is confirmed by reviews of doctors about Sytin’s mood.

Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Health of the USSR, Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after. V.P. Serbsky more than once tested the method developed by G.N. Sytin. All these authorities recognized the sentiments as effective and valid. However, the conservatism of our medicine does not allow the method to develop properly. So far, only some medical institutions use it. A few publishing houses publish Sytin’s books, which describe the essence of the methodology and contain the actual moods themselves. Whether or not to believe in the power of words is everyone’s business, but trying out the technique is not at all difficult, and besides, unlike taking medications, it is absolutely safe.

We reviewed reviews of the healing attitudes of Georgy Sytin.

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