What are the main parameters. How to choose a modern TV for home

Which company to choose an iron

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an iron is its manufacturer. That is, having received a certain amount of knowledge from this article, you will immediately limit your choice of iron according to this indicator, since the quality of the iron itself and its service life depend on the manufacturer. The more famous and popular the iron company is, the more likely your iron will work longer and better than the iron of some unknown and even hard-to-read company.

To date, the most popular manufacturers of irons are the following companies:

  • Bosch

  • Brown

  • Delonghi

  • Moulinex

  • Panasonic

  • Philips

  • Rowenta

  • scarlett

  • Tefal

In turn, we strongly recommend that you purchase an iron by choosing these brands.

sole material

The next thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an iron is its soleplate. A lot depends on the sole, since it is she who comes into contact with the clothes, and the quality of ironing and the safety of things depend on this. What does it mean? The better the sole material, the better the iron will smooth wrinkles, and also eliminate the formation of stains and burning through clothes. Also, based on the material of the soleplate of the iron, its sliding depends, and therefore, the better the iron glides over clothes, the easier it will be for you to iron it and you will be less tired at the same time, especially if you have to iron a lot of things. How to choose an iron soleplate? Soles for irons come in the following materials: stainless steel, aluminum, ceramics, cermets.

Stainless steel is a very strong and durable material, and also the most inexpensive. The soleplate of an aluminum iron will heat up very quickly in a short period of time, but over time, micro scratches will form on the aluminum surface, which can subsequently adversely affect when ironing delicate fabrics. The best, and in combination the most expensive, are ceramic and cermet coatings: these coatings glide perfectly, do not jam the fabric, and are also easy and simple to clean, but they are very fragile, and even with a slight impact of the surface on a solid object, the surface can simply crack or break off. The most optimal sole is the material of which has a Teflon, titanium or glass-ceramic coating. But most modern manufacturers often do not indicate the material of their soles, hiding it under their own brand name.

Iron power

Next, we turn to the power of the iron. The power of the iron is the third main parameter that is very important to consider when buying. The speed of heating to the required temperature depends on the power of the iron, that is, the higher the power of the iron, the faster it will reach the set temperature, and therefore time is also saved. Also, the power of the iron affects the rate and amount of steam generation. But when choosing the power of the iron, be sure to consider the power of your apartment wiring, as it may not withstand such a load.

What power to buy an iron? If you have a large family, or if you iron often and a lot, then it makes sense to purchase a powerful iron, the power of which will be over 2000 watts. For simpler tasks, we recommend an iron with a power of 1600-1900 watts.

Operating modes

As a rule, with the help of an iron, we iron various types of fabrics, which require their own temperature indicator. To do this, irons have special modes for various types of fabrics, which is very convenient for ironing. Switching modes in the iron can be carried out both with the help of a disk and with the help of a special button, where the selected mode will be displayed on the display of the iron. The more modes, the better.

Spray function

This function in the iron allows you to moisten the fabric that you are ironing with water. Humidification occurs through a special spray, which is located on the spout of the iron. The function is very useful for fabrics, the manufacturer of which prohibits steam ironing.

All modern irons include a constant steam function. The constant steam function helps to iron difficult types of fabrics and fabrics with wrinkled wrinkles. Steam perfectly softens the fibers and helps to smooth them. Steam is supplied with the help of water in a special tank. The resulting steam exits through special holes located on the soleplate of the iron. By the way, pay special attention to the placement of these holes, since the quality of smoothing depends on this: small holes should be located throughout the soleplate of the iron, but more holes should be concentrated at the spout and back, as for large holes, they should be placed on the sides. The number of holes also matters, the more, the better.

For the function of steam generation, the rate of constant steam supply is also important. Accordingly, the higher the steam rate, the more difficult areas and types of fabrics the iron will be able to handle. Optimal Speed vaporization 25-30 grams per minute. But at the same time, remember that the more steam is produced, the more water is wasted from the tank, so in order not to add water to it too often, choose an iron with a large water tank. These models of irons usually include a sensor for adjusting the steam rate, which will be very convenient.

If you are ironing very difficult types of fabrics, where even the maximum steam speed cannot cope with wrinkling, some models of irons have a “steam boost” function. The function is that the iron delivers a one-time powerful steam supply under very high pressure, which helps to get rid of very deep wrinkles in the fabric. The steam rate during a burst of steam should be within 90 grams per minute, which is a sufficient indicator.

Modern models of irons include a very useful feature - "vertical steaming". Thanks to this function, you can iron such things as a jacket, coat, raincoat, etc. without removing it from the hanger. Ironing takes place in contactless mode, using the steam boost function, which allows you to smooth such things without contact with the hot surface of the iron.

The last thing worth mentioning here is the volume of the water tank. If you often use the spray and steam functions when ironing things, we recommend purchasing an iron with a large water tank. The larger the volume of this tank, the less often you will need to add water to the iron, but there is one caveat - the larger the volume of this tank, the larger the iron itself will be, and this in turn will affect the weight and ease of ironing.

Power cord length

The list of main parameters for choosing an iron can also include the length of the power cord. What you should know about this is that the length of the cord should not be short so as not to restrict your movements when ironing, but not too long so as not to step on the cord with your feet. The optimal length of the cord is 2 meters, that is, the cord should allow the iron to move freely from one end to the other of the ironing board.

Additional iron options

Above, we have listed the main parameters on which you should focus all your attention when choosing an iron. Now let's tell you about the additional parameters of irons, the presence of which will be very useful for performing certain functions.

Button groove

The groove for buttons is such a recess between the soleplate and the iron itself so that you can iron things in the area of ​​​​buttons, zippers, fasteners and other overlays on clothes without hindrance. The thinner this groove is, the thinner buttons you can handle without problems.

Nozzle for delicate fabrics

Some models of irons are equipped with a special nozzle, which has a smooth surface and does not heat up above a certain temperature, which allows you to iron delicate and thin fabrics. Thanks to this nozzle, you can not be afraid that a thin thing can be damaged or be burned. But if you have chosen an iron, the soleplate of which eliminates the possibility of spoiling the thing, and the modes of the iron do not allow the soleplate to exceed the maximum ironing temperature of this material, then there is, in fact, no need for such a nozzle.

Dry ironing option

Pay attention to such a function as the possibility of dry ironing. This function allows you to iron things without steam, since not all fabrics can be ironed using steam.

Anti-calc system

Probably you have often encountered the problem of scale formation in the past models of your irons. Scale built up on the walls of the water tank and appeared in the steam holes, which in turn forced you to constantly clean the iron. To avoid such problems, irons are equipped with special anti-limestone rods and cartridges that need to be changed approximately once a month, but there are also cassettes that do not require replacement, they occasionally need to be cleaned of settled scale. These devices help protect the iron when pouring water from the tap, acting as a filter. But nevertheless, even with this protection system, try to pour settled or distilled water into the iron, since tap water is very “heavy” and has various impurities.

Self cleaning system

It is worth noting the possibility of self-cleaning iron. Self-cleaning is necessary in order to descale the steam chambers by means of a steam boost. By the way, very useful feature, which will extend the life of the iron and will contribute to the full supply of steam, without clogging small channels and holes.

Anti-drip system

Perhaps you have encountered such a problem in the old model of the iron, when the steam in the iron simply did not have time to form and water flowed out of the steam holes. This situation can negatively affect thin and white fabrics, leaving stains on them, and even worse, stains. In order to eliminate such unpleasant moments, the function of the anti-drip system is implemented in the irons, which eliminates the leakage of water.

Automatic shutdown

If you often find yourself thinking about whether you turned off the iron or not, then with the automatic shutdown function, you no longer have to worry about this. If you often forget to turn off the iron, then with the possibility of automatic shutdown, it will turn off the power when idle in a horizontal position after 30 seconds, and in a vertical position after 15 minutes.

How to choose an iron with a steam generator

We want to touch upon the choice of steam stations as a separate block. Steam stations are the same irons, the main function of which is non-contact ironing of things with an iron in a vertical position. Such an iron consists of a water tank and an iron, which are connected to each other with a steam hose.

Specifically speaking about the characteristics, the length of the steam hose must be at least 1.7 meters. The water tank should be about 1.5 liters. The optimal steam rate in the iron is 120 grams per minute.

Which iron to choose

We have already told how to choose the right iron, but remains undisclosed main question: which model of iron to choose, because there are a huge number of them!? Let's look at specific iron models that have positive customer reviews.

What cheap iron to buy

Bosch TDA 2630

Of the budget models of irons, according to reviews, the Bosch TDA 2630 iron has proven itself well. The power of this iron is 2000 watts. There is a function of constant steam supply with the ability to regulate its speed, as well as a steam boost of 80 g / min, with vertical steaming. It is worth mentioning the possibility of dry ironing and the automatic shutdown function. It also has an anti-scale system, a self-cleaning system and an anti-drip system.

Iron price: from 2500 rubles.

Which iron is better to choose

Philips GC4870

If you want to choose a good iron, then we advise you to opt for Philips GC 4870. The power of this iron is 2600 W. The iron includes a function of constant steam supply with the ability to adjust its speed. This model of iron has a steam boost function with a speed of 200 g / min and the possibility of vertical steaming. It should also be noted the possibility of dry ironing, autonomous shutdown and heating indicator, self-cleaning system, anti-scale system and anti-drip system.

Iron price: from 3500 rubles.

How to choose an iron with a steam generator

Philips GC7320

Having given preference to a steam generator iron, we recommend paying attention to the Philips GC 7320 iron, this model has the best value for money. The power of the iron is 2200 W, the maximum pressure of the steam generator is 4.5 bar, the length of the hose from the steam station to the iron is 1.7 meters. Also, this iron has a steam boost function, the possibility of dry ironing and an anti-calc system.

Iron price: from 9000 rubles.

| Informatics and information and communication technologies | Lesson planning and lesson materials | 9th grade | Lesson planning for the academic year (according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich) | Information society

Lessons 61 - 62
Information society

§ 4.1. Information society

Information society. The population employed in the information sphere

Information society
The population employed in the information sphere

The population employed in the information sphere. According to the UN, since the 1990s, the number of workers employed in the information sphere (for whom information processing is the main production function) has increased by about 50%.

Computers and information technologies are intensively penetrating into the sphere of material production. An engineer, a farmer, and specialists in other traditional professions increasingly have a computer at their workplace and use information and communication technologies in their professional activities.

With the development of communication technologies and mobile communications, more and more people carry out their production activities remotely, that is, working at home, and not in the office. Distance education and job search through Internet. The turnover of the world market of information and communication technologies is trillions of dollars. At the same time, less than half of the amount of money received is spent on the purchase of hardware, most of it is invested in software development, computer network design, etc.

The information society is a society in which most of the population is busy receiving, processing, transmitting and storing information.

The informatics course plays a special role in the era of transition from an industrial to an information society, as it prepares school graduates for life and work in the information society.

test questions

1. What role did matter, energy and information play at various stages of the development of society? Prepare a report.

2. What are the main parameters to judge the degree of development of the information society and why?

3. Describe the changes taking place in the life and activities of people in the process of transition from an industrial society to an information society.

Tasks for self-fulfillment

4.1. Search the Internet for data on the growth of its users and servers.

Perhaps no one in our time will argue with the fact that a laptop is the device that almost no one can do without now. And if at first they were used mainly for work purposes by people who often need a computer on the road, today most have already successfully replaced bulky stationary home computers with them.

If you are just thinking about purchasing a laptop and are not very good at them, then this short article will tell you what main characteristics and parameters of a laptop you should first of all pay attention to before purchasing it.

Indeed, as we said above, laptops have recently become more and more often not a working tool, but a full-fledged replacement for a desktop computer. And this is not surprising, because with similar characteristics, "laptops" take up much less space on the table, work quieter and have such important qualities as battery life and mobility - even if when buying a laptop you assumed only its home use, in which case you can always close the lid and take it with you on the road.

Key points when choosing a laptop

Of course, for most of us, one of the decisive factors determining the choice of a particular model is the price. Fortunately for us, there are now enough sites and services on the Internet where you can compare prices for the model of interest to us in several stores. For example, on the site nadavi.com.ua you can compare prices for any product you are interested in, for example, for lenovo laptops, and choose the most profitable option among many vendors.

Once you've decided on a budget for your new device, the second tricky task is getting to grips with the specs. Without a doubt, a laptop is a rather complicated thing, and the variety of devices that are currently on the market complicates the selection task even more. However, it is worth remembering that a huge variety of different laptops can often differ only in appearance and minor characteristics, and have almost identical “stuffing”.

Tell about everyone options and the parameters of a "laptop" in one article is simply not possible, so we will try to tell you the main points that you should not forget about and that you should first of all pay attention to when choosing a laptop.


For most users, one of the main factors, because storing large amounts of photos, music, videos or games has recently required more and more space. Hard drives with a capacity of less than 1 terabyte seem to us no longer very relevant.

If you are not too tight on funds, then pay attention to laptops with solid state drives - SSD drives. In terms of megabytes, they cost several times more, but they significantly speed up the work with the computer and the operating system.


Most modern processors have sufficient performance, and most likely in the coming years after purchasing a laptop, you will not run into insufficient resources on this side. good choice there will be a processor from the i3 or i5 series from Intel.

video card

All modern processors used in laptops have an integrated graphics card, which is more than enough for most tasks facing a mobile computer. In the same case, if you are going to play on your laptop in modern games, the capacity of the built-in video card will most likely not be enough for you and it is better to pay attention to models with a separate video card.


Computer RAM is something that never happens a lot. At the moment, it is worth considering options for laptops with RAM from 4 gigabytes and above (preferably 8 gigabytes).

If you are buying a laptop "for a long time", then it will not be out of place to ask about the possibility of increasing random access memory in the future - not all computer models have free slots for this.

Screen diagonal

The screen diagonal is an important factor when choosing a laptop, but it can be attributed to the characteristics that depend on the preferences of the future owner (like the color and design of the case) - each of us has our own requirements: someone needs a 10-inch netbook for school and study, another 19 inch monster for home and play.

Other Options

In addition to the main specifications, it would not be superfluous to pay attention to the secondary, but for many no less important functions of laptops, which include the following.

  • Number of USB ports and their speed- most modern laptops already have a faster USB 3.0 connector;
  • CD/DVD-ROM- of course, in our time, CDs and DVDs have almost completely lost their former popularity, but in some "lagging behind progress" areas (usually government, yes) they are still the main means of transferring information from one computer to another.
  • Preinstalled operating system - Windows of one of the latest versions will be installed on your new laptop in 90% of cases, but if you prefer Linux or want to install your own system, a computer without it will cost a little less (by the cost of a retail version of a Windows license).
  • The weight- if you are going to carry your laptop with you, then when comparing different models in the selection process, pay attention to its weight.

Perhaps these are all the main points that you should definitely know about. We hope that taking into account all the above tips and recommendations, choosing a laptop for you will become a little easier task, and your new gadget will delight you for many years.

Modern trends in life dictate new rules, and now the best assistant for most of us is a laptop. Therefore, it is very important to choose for yourself a really high-quality and suitable device for all requirements.

In this article, we will try to give practical recommendations on how to choose a worthy portable friend. The main characteristics of laptops will not be ignored, since it is almost impossible to choose the right laptop without taking into account the parameters.

For convenience and quick transition, a summary is given:

Notebook manufacturer

Such a characteristic as a laptop manufacturer is not prevailing when choosing. This follows from the fact that almost all laptop manufacturers do not have any distinctive characteristics regarding the hardware, as they use identical products from well-known manufacturers of video cards, processors, hard drives and other accessories. The only thing left for the manufacturer is the organization of a good cooling system, high-quality assembly, proper appearance devices and a very small list of other little things. Therefore, you can safely choose from all well-known manufacturers: Apple, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, HP, Acer, Samsung, DELL, etc. Regarding Apple and Sony, this is a rather controversial issue, since they like to increase the cost “for the brand”, but the quality is also appropriate. famous and reliable grant, is Asus, and with very affordable prices for products for the mass consumer.

I recommend that before choosing a particular model, read the reviews and user reviews, so as not to run into an unsuccessful model in terms of cooling or build quality. Unsuccessful models and even lines slip through all manufacturers without exception.

Choosing a laptop in 2013. Hardware specifications

When choosing a laptop, hardware specifications are the most significant and difficult factor. First of all, it is necessary to discard all aesthetic tastes and focus on the insides of the device in order to weed out all non-suitable models.

Before evaluating the hardware characteristics of a device, you need to give a clear answer to the question: what do you need a laptop for. That is, give it an assessment in terms of positioning. You can arrange a gradation of laptops according to many parameters, but conditionally it is better to single out a few basic ones in terms of performance:

  • entry level performance. They are positioned for working with text, watching videos, simple games and other similar types of tasks. Their main advantage is their low price;
  • Average level of performance. Such laptops can already perform more resource-intensive tasks, in addition to the tasks described above, you can add the ability to play most games at medium settings, the ability to work comfortably in some graphics packages, which, as a result, makes it more suitable for replacing a home PC. Their price is slightly higher than entry-level laptops, but there are many more features;
  • High level of performance. This includes expensive laptops that can show fairly high performance in demanding games and programs. Such laptops can become an almost complete replacement for a home PC, but of course with a number of drawbacks.

So, we have completed the conditional gradation. Here it is important to understand the fact that entry-level performance laptops will be a very acceptable option for some, and even mid-range laptops will not be enough for some. Therefore, we go directly to the hardware characteristics so that everyone can model the necessary device for themselves.

Choosing a processor for a laptop

Choosing the right processor is the key to success. We will not go too much into the wilds of specific models, but will briefly talk about the main series.

It is worth noting that the processor in any system is responsible for computing performance, that is, to a greater extent for the work of programs aimed at this. For example, with a more powerful processor, unpacking files, converting videos, any types of encoding will be much faster, the operation of almost all types of programs (data processing time in them) depends on the processor. Now regarding specific lines from leading manufacturers AMD and Intel:

  • If you need a laptop for undemanding tasks, then you should choose among the Intel lines - Celeron, Pentium or, at worst, Atom processors. In some cases, you can pay attention to the Intel Core i3 of those that are less productive and cheaper in price. If the processor is from AMD, then here we are looking at the Trinity A4, AMD E, AMD C series. Both Intel and AMD products look good in this class.
  • When it comes to the middle class of laptops, here we see Intel processors: again, Intel Core i3 and some of the not very productive Intel Core i5, which are affordable. From AMD: Trinty A6, A8 and in some cases A10. Phenom is not recommended.
    In this class, it is recommended to take a closer look at AMD Trinity processors, especially in conjunction with an AMD video card. These laptops at an affordable price will give the best performance in this class. So if you want a cheap gaming laptop, AMD Trinity is for you. But do not build illusions about these processors: they will show the best gaming performance for their price, but not sky-high and are only suitable for medium games.
  • Gradually, we got to the class of high-performance laptops, here we will demand the best from Intel and AMD. Unfortunately, AMD has almost nothing to oppose to its competitor in this class (the maximum is A10, and even then it will not be entirely correct here). From the Intel series, these are the top-end Intel Core i5 and i7. A powerful gaming laptop on these processors is a rather ambiguous thing. Often, it is better to complete the desktop and buy a mediocre laptop. It won't cost much more, but you'll get both crazy desktop gaming performance and good laptop portability.

But if you are serious about buying gaming laptop and expect decent performance from it, then look at models from $1200. At the same time, everything must be balanced, and most importantly here– powerful discrete graphics card.

Video card for laptop - integrated or discrete?

To choose a video card for a laptop, you again need to build on the positioning classes. If the tasks set for a laptop are not high in relation to gaming performance: simple games, watching movies and listening to music, as well as working in simple programs (text editors, etc.), then an integrated (built into the processor) video card will be enough for you . Therefore, for the budget and middle class, laptops based on AMD Trinity are very good. AMD Trinity processors have the most powerful integrated graphics, it is in terms of integrated graphics that they have no equal. As a result, in the price range up to $600-700, it is better to give preference to the integrated graphics of these processors, but, again, if the tasks are mostly computing rather than gaming, then integrated graphics from Intel will be acceptable in some variations.

Rising to a slightly more expensive middle segment of $700-1200, we can already talk about discrete video cards. Here, in terms of graphics, a bunch of AMD A10 + Radeon HD 7670 video card will look good and affordable. In this case, the work of both the integrated video card and the discrete one will be implemented in a joint mode using Dual Graphics. This bundle will be good for graphic loads (games, movies in high quality etc.). If you need more computing performance, then some discrete Nvidia video card with CUDA, paired with an Intel processor, will look better here.

Moving into the segment of high-performance laptops from $ 1200 and far up, we completely forget about integrated graphics - it does not belong here. Of the high-performance laptops, Dell Alienware can be noted, but there is too much pathos, for which they want to tear off a very large sum. But the performance is impressive: two HD7990M video cards in Cross Fire mode.

There are also less pretentious, cheaper models. It is desirable that they have a video card installed somewhere GTX650M and higher in performance, otherwise it will not even be possible to parody a comfortable game and work in graphics-demanding applications.

Other hardware specifications

The rest of the hardware characteristics of the laptop include the amount of RAM and the amount of hard drive.« There is no such thing as too much RAM» - it follows from this that it is worth choosing models with a large amount of RAM on board. But if you arrange the gradation by class, then the following dependence can be distinguished:

  • For entry-level laptops, 2-4 GB will suffice;
  • For mid-range laptops, 6 GB of RAM will be quite optimal (if there are no specific tasks present);
  • For laptops high level performance, 6-8 GB or more is required.

If we talk about the size of the hard drive, then everything is purely individual. For one, 250 GB will be enough, and for the other, 750 GB will not be enough. But, as the golden mean, you can call the volume of 500 GB.

Display selection

When choosing a display, you should, again, start from the positioning of the laptop. When it comes to the diagonal, the golden mean is exactly 15.6 inches, such laptops can boast both the convenience of working in stationary conditions and good portability. If the bias goes to portability, then you should look at models 10-13 inches. If you plan to buy a desktop laptop (desktop laptop for home), then you can raise the bar to 17 or 19 inches.

Resolution is important here. It would seem that the higher the resolution, the better. But not everything is clear here, especially in the case of laptops with weak hardware. If an entry-level laptop (in terms of hardware specifications) runs with a display resolution of 1920x1080, then its graphics subsystem (which is most likely integrated graphics) will simply die, even when watching movies in high quality. So balance is very important here. If this is an entry-level laptop, then with a diagonal of 15.6 inches, a resolution of 1366x768 pixels would be the best option.

For mid-range laptops, you can aim at 1600x900, but 1366x768 is also a good option, in this case the hardware will reveal itself even more effectively.

For a class of high-performance gaming and home laptops, it is reasonable to select a resolution of 1600x900 and higher, that is, you can aim at Full HD - 1920x1080, since the hardware allows you to "pull" it.

Displays with IPS matrices have the best image quality, so it is preferable to select laptops with such displays. But if in budget options you come across other types of matrices, you should not “twist your nose”. Now any of the matrices have enough good quality Images.

Extra options

Additional factors include the weight and dimensions of the device. This is worth paying close attention to when choosing a laptop. For some, the battery life of the device will be the most important parameter. This characteristic is best evaluated by reviews and reviews of various laptop models, since developers do not always provide objective information regarding this parameter.

There should also be a standard set of interfaces for communicating with the outside world - Wi-Fi, USB, 3G, a sufficient number of USB ports, for some quite specific interfaces will come in handy, such as Thunderbolt, used mainly in Apple laptops. Here, too, everything is purely individual, and you need to determine, according to the characteristics, what you need and what you don’t.


It remains to summarize all of the above. Of course, all the parameters and nuances of choosing a laptop could not be described. The most important thing is to clearly define the tasks of the future laptop for yourself, soberly assess your budget for the purchase and the capabilities of laptops in this price range. These factors are the key to a successful purchase.

Good luck with your laptop choice! If you have any questions about your choice, you can leave them in the comments.

Life in a modern metropolis, routine work, home, family. What lady does not dream of her own iron horse? Not every home has a man who can be trusted to buy a car. Choosing the right car.

1. Used or new? For a girl who is not versed in technology, it is best to buy new car, since buying a used one can hide “surprises” that are not noticeable at first glance. If you are still going to buy a used car, it is best to take with you a person who is well versed in technology, so as not to be fooled.

2. Machine prices. The more expensive the car, the higher the price for its maintenance and spare parts. It is worth deciding how much you can expect when buying a car. For shopping trips and work, models worth up to $ 9,000 are suitable.

3. Body type. Most car ladies prefer the hatchback as it gives the car a sportier and sleeker look. The sedan body is most often chosen by those who have a dacha, because the sedan has a significantly larger luggage capacity than a hatchback. Just as winter frosts are relevant for Russia, warming up a sedan is much easier due to the shorter body length. The advantages of the sedan are the capacity of the trunk, which is also isolated from the passenger compartment. The advantages of a hatchback are smaller sizes (important for densely populated cities), a hatchback is relatively cheaper than this model but in a sedan body.

4. The choice of gearbox. For ladies who have recently been driving, it is best to choose automatic box transmission (automatic transmission), which automatically adjusts to any driving style and avoids a lot of trouble associated with a manual transmission. But everything in the world has a minus, in this case they are that such a model will consume more gasoline, which increases the cost of the car. But there are those who are more accustomed to riding mechanical box gears (manual transmission) - firstly, the cost of the car will be significantly less than the same model with a gun, and also consumes less fuel. The main disadvantage is that it greatly increases the complexity of driving.

5. For large cities, where traffic jams and narrow streets reign, it is best to choose compact sizes.

6. The color of the car, of course, everyone chooses for himself. According to statistics, most of the cars belonging to the beautiful are semi-red, which gives style and expresses the impulsiveness of the female character. But everyone is their own boss.

Well, perhaps these are the most basic parameters for choosing a car for a girl. Then it remains only to look under the soot, but this will require special knowledge.

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