Why do people look older than their age? Why do I look older than my age? Thick natural eyebrows

Both boys and girls ask this question. FoxTime has made a selection of reasons why you can evaluate yourself and, who knows, maybe the conclusions will push you to take decisive action in favor of your health and appearance.


Nutrition is a basic life process. To prolong youth and energize your body, you need to monitor the supply of important building components, vitamins and microelements. Processed foods, fast food, processed foods, and everyone's favorite snacks and snacks contain large amounts of salt and sugar to improve taste. If you constantly “sit” on such food, you unconsciously consume more salt than the body requires.

When consuming a large amount of salt in the body, the water balance is disrupted, there is additional stress on the heart, liver and kidneys, which inevitably leads to weight gain, slower metabolism and edema.

Sugar is considered a fast carbohydrate, that is, it is the easiest and fastest way to replenish energy. But, alas, you have to pay for this with the condition of your teeth, a constant feeling of hunger and fatigue.


Many people not only do not protect their skin from the sun, but also regularly use self-tanning or go to a solarium. With such merciless exploitation, the skin acquires an earthy tint, the deep layers of the dermis dry out, and the aging of the skin occurs faster. The skin of the face and body becomes like a stretched drum, which undoubtedly visually adds a dozen years.


We never tire of repeating again and again that movement is life. A light walk, Nordic walking, swimming, dancing or fitness brings great benefits to muscles and joints. The body begins to look toned, the metabolic process accelerates, the heart becomes more resilient and the mood improves.


Constant lack of sleep leads to memory impairment, aggression and, among other things, it affects the face: circles under the eyes, a haggard and tired appearance. Problems with rest lead to burnout and depression. Stress supports high level cortisol, which does not help restore strength at all. All these factors also lead to problems with nutrition and digestion, skin, hair and nails.


Smoking and alcohol are known to lead to health problems - this is not even worth mentioning once again. Due to smoking and drinking alcohol, a process of dehydration occurs in the body, tissues lose elasticity, and their regeneration takes longer. Bad habits lead to edema, puffiness, and the skin becomes covered with 50 shades of scarlet - all this does not add freshness and beauty to you.


If you do not consume enough clean water, it is more difficult for the body to perform its basic functions. Fruits and vegetables also help you get enough fiber. With a balanced diet, the risk of disease is reduced, which will help you feel better and be more active.


Regular sex has a relaxing and calming effect. Under the influence of the hormones oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, the level of depression and insomnia decreases. Blood circulation in the body saturates tissues with oxygen and hormones, which leads to improved skin elasticity, prolonging its youth.

The fact that each of us looks older than we would like is obvious. This is not because we look bad, but because we always want more than we have. It has long been known that much depends on our desires and we can change reality with some effort. But sometimes our desires and reality do not coincide. Without telling others about it, a person admits to himself that he looks older than his actual age.

To combat this, it is necessary to determine who serves as the standard? Sometimes an image from the cover of a glossy magazine, a TV star, a fashion model. These are the people we meet with complex makeup in the picture after professional Photoshop. The face is their tool of labor; they spend time and money on improving their appearance more often than we remember. And sometimes, on the contrary, we are glad that some friend looks 50 at 35. Sighing with relief, we feel that we look younger than “others.” This bright image of a sad-looking acquaintance becomes a lifeline.

So, we are all not very objective in relation to ourselves, but if, after reading the previous paragraphs, you realized that you look older than your age, then this article is for you.

Reasons that cause aging include:

- Genetic predisposition to premature aging. Remember what your ancestors looked like compared to their peers? Do not compare with our contemporaries, because we are far from humble natural aging.

- Hormonal disorders- a decrease in the formation of estrogen in women, testosterone in both sexes, and thyroid hormones leads to early aging.

- Metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes lead to rapid and untimely aging.

- Negative emotions, fatigue, lack of sleep worsen well-being, quality of life and accelerate aging.

- Decreased sexual activity affects the overall tone and appearance.

- Lack of physical activity promotes aging, sports and active recreation on the contrary.

- Constant communication with the old, sad, angry and unhappy leaves its mark. Sympathize with those who feel bad and reach out to those who feel good.

- Staying in the sun. Unless you make a living in the sun and tanning is not your uniform, fear the sun. No enemy of yours can age your skin like the sun.

- Toxins. Alcohol, nicotine, drugs and other pleasant things require you to pay with the youth of your skin. If you can’t refuse, compensate with rejuvenating programs.

- Image. Hairstyle, clothes, accessories necessarily influence how others perceive our age. Break stereotypes. Wear a bright jacket instead of an expensive fur coat.

- Makeup. The more decorative cosmetics we use to disguise imperfections, the older our face appears. Obvious “arrows” around the eyes, a bright contour around the lips, foundation, clearly drawn eyebrows create the impression that if you wash it off...

- Nutrition. The role of poor nutrition in aging has been proven by those who needed it. Without going to extremes, look at your plate.

The list could be continued, but to summarize, it all depends on us. Love yourself and others and be loved, be friends with good people, relax and pamper yourself. Allow yourself all this. And remember... Today we know how to eliminate any signs of aging. We can slow down its arrival and drive it away if you missed it. The only thing needed is the desire to be young. We know how to remove wrinkles around the eyes if they are shiny. We will make your lips smooth and youthful to make them smile. Your face will become younger if in your soul there lives that boy or girl who still has many plans ahead!

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Many teenage girls and girls aged 20-25 want to look older. This desire is characterized by a cute appearance, behavior or even clothing style. In most cases, this problem is faced by office workers, whose decisions require a certain tact. They are not taken seriously because their appearance does not inspire confidence. To correct the situation, you need to resort to some tricks, which we will talk about today. So let's get started.

Step #1. Avoid fancy clothes

It's no secret that a person is characterized by clothes, so it makes sense to start the transformation with the wardrobe.

  1. Skip the teenage clothes and shop for more “mature” items. In the usual boutiques for children, you will buy a low-quality blouse, top or trousers, while in the department for adults you can find linen or silk shirts, natural jeans, and beautiful underwear.
  2. Get rid of your girlish ways, stop wearing funny bags, clothes with cartoon characters or too colorful pants. Avoid clothes that look cute. Such a wardrobe includes blouses made of corrugated fabric, knee socks, miniskirts, jeans with Mickey Mouse, etc.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to sports style; avoid it completely. Avoid baggy pants and T-shirts and opt for leggings and a T-shirt that supports your chest. Don't wear sneakers all the time, choose more mature moccasins.
  4. You should not wear a T-shirt or sweater with logos all over the surface; give preference to plain polo shirts, sweaters in subdued colors, blouses with a brooch or rhinestones.
  5. If until now you have been wearing wide clothes that completely hid your figure, it’s time to change your habits. Buy tight black trousers, they will visually make your legs longer. Choose tops (blouses, jackets, sweaters, etc.) that will suit your body type.

Step #2. Pay attention to the shoes

You can tell a lot about a person by his shoes, keep this fact in mind.

  1. Buy shoes, sandals, boots only from quality stores. Give preference to products made from genuine leather, firstly, they are durable, and secondly, they look chic.
  2. Avoid fabric sneakers, bright sneakers, and cheap flip-flops. When meeting and meeting, the opponent will first of all pay attention to the shoes; if they are “screaming”, this is wrong. For this reason, color plays an important role; it can be black, beige, brown or red.
  3. If you have never worn high heels before, you should change your habits. Visit an Italian shoe boutique, choose the most chic pair with thick heels about 8-10 cm high. Practice walking at home, then go out into the world. In the summer, wear nice sandals or ballet shoes.

Step #3. Change your hairstyle

A childish look is given by intricate haircuts or hairstyles like cute braids gathered at the back of the head, ponytails and even dreadlocks. There is no single option for an adult haircut; it all depends on the features of the face (eye position, face shape, jaw line and cheekbones).

  1. To look older, dye your hair brown, chocolate or another dark shade. You should not carry out the procedure using bright colors, they look ridiculous.
  2. Maintain a conservative hairstyle; no need to shave the temples or braid the entire surface of the head. Visit the hairdresser with the words “Please choose a hairstyle taking into account the structure of my face. I want to look more mature." The master will take into account your wishes and provide practical recommendations.
  3. If you have medium-length hair, wear it in a bun or a low-key ponytail. You can also create an elegant short haircut that adds 2-3 years to your age.
  4. Give up the habit of wearing cute headbands, inserting decorative flowers into your hair, or pinning your strands with cartoon clips.

Step #4. Apply makeup

Very often you can meet young girls who look much older than their years due to the right makeup.

  1. Find make-up video courses on the Internet, pay attention to lessons on applying cosmetics specifically to your face type.
  2. Use smokey eye makeup, highlight your eyes with dark eyeliner, and draw arrows. Avoid bright and pearlescent shadows, which look vulgar.
  3. Use a concealer to disguise acne and possible inflammation. Apply foundation to your face, then powder and cover your cheekbones with blush.
  4. Don't paint your nails with girly colors (shades of pink), make it a habit to visit a nail technician every month. Tidy up your eyebrows: remove excess hairs, choose the optimal curve, taking into account the features of your face and the setting of your eyes.
  5. Paint your lips with lipstick, not gloss, highlight the contour with a pencil and shade it. When applying makeup, focus on only one detail: eyes or lips. If you choose the first option, paint your lips with colorless hygienic lipstick in addition. In the case of the second option, line your eyes with a pencil and apply mascara to your eyelashes, nothing more.

Step #5. Develop confidence and tact

Maturity is characterized by a person's confidence. Even if you're dressed the part, a hunched gait or slurred speech will speak for itself.

  1. It is important to understand that there is a certain difference between condescending behavior and confident behavior. Don't try to make yourself look superior to others, stop boasting about your purchases or achievements, and behave in a mature and controlled manner.
  2. Do not raise your tone at your interlocutor, speak clearly, loudly enough, but not squeaky. Don’t forget to use words of gratitude; when asking for help, say “please,” and when you receive what you want, say “thank you.”
  3. Learn to listen and hear your opponent, do not interrupt. Ask relevant questions, do not try to turn the conversation on yourself. Have non-binding conversations about the weather, animals, relatives. Don't gossip, remain neutral in controversial situations.

Step #6. Know how to stand up for yourself

  1. In cases where your opponent shows disrespect for your person, politely ask him to stop. Try to force others to respect you, be open to dialogue (even conflict), do not hide behind your back and do not agree. Do not insult your interlocutor, do not hide behind irony or sarcasm, this is a sign of weakness.
  2. For example, if you were interrupted during a conversation, politely make it clear that you have not finished speaking yet, and then continue. Know how to correctly justify your own decisions, accept criticism only from close people.
  3. Try not to notice the mistakes of others, learn from your own mistakes. If a person has offended you, let him know about it. Don't swear, don't return evil for evil.

It's easy to look mature with a few tricks. Choose clothes that will highlight your figure, pay attention to the shoes, they should be of high quality. Do beautiful makeup using foundation, blush and powder. Develop lexicon, be confident, maintain simple conversations.

Video: how to look older than your age

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