Does alcohol pass into breast milk and what danger does this pose to the baby? How much alcohol is excreted from breast milk - features and recommendations Table of alcohol excretion from breast milk.

Pregnant women should avoid drinking alcohol. After all, alcohol negatively affects the development of the fetus. It can cause serious illnesses and retardation of children physically and mentally. Young mothers who are breastfeeding should also avoid strong drinks. After all, the components that are included in alcohol are toxic to babies. If a festive event leaves no other options except to drink a little, then you need to know How long does it take for alcohol to be eliminated from breast milk?.

In the life of a woman who has become a mother, there are many episodes related to meetings with relatives, friends, and loved ones. Rarely do such events take place without alcohol on the table. Doctors recommend refraining from drinking strong drinks, even in small quantities, but situations vary. If you drink alcohol, you should refrain from breastfeeding for a while. After all, a baby whose body receives components along with mother’s milk ethyl alcohol, it is more difficult to cope with the toxic effects. Experts have calculated that the period of alcohol elimination is approximately 5 times longer than that of an adult. Worth thinking about!

general information

The unprotected body of a small child needs care, support and protection. A mother who feeds her baby with breast milk gives him everything he needs for growth and development. Therefore, it is so important at this time to properly organize a woman’s nutrition; it is necessary to eat food rich in vitamins and nutrients. Many factors influence lactation, negative impact alcohol consumed by a nursing mother has an effect.

Note! Numerous studies have proven that ethanol components of even the most natural and low-alcohol drinks penetrate into breast milk!

Basic rules for drinking alcoholic beverages

It is very difficult for an adult to completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Many holiday events push people toward a bottle of their favorite alcoholic beverage. A glass of white or red dry wine, champagne, a glass of beer, a glass of vodka, cognac or whiskey - it seems that the dose is insignificant, but it can also have an effect on the body of a nursing woman.

Therefore, you should adhere to a few simple but important rules:

  • Mothers whose babies have not reached 3 months of age should completely abstain from alcohol;
  • if alcohol cannot be avoided, then its “safe” volume should be calculated based on your weight;
  • Under no circumstances should you mix different strong drinks (the result will be disastrous - alcohol poisoning, hangover);
  • After drinking 2 glasses of champagne, you can breastfeed your baby after 4 hours (after 2-3 hours you can express milk).

How much alcohol is excreted from breast milk depends on the strength of the drink and the volume drunk. Doctors strongly recommend completely abstaining from alcohol while breastfeeding. It just seems like a year or a slightly longer period. Days fly by unnoticed in troubles and worries, so you can and should abstain from alcohol.

Volume of alcohol entering milk

Experts have proven that alcohol that enters the female body is absorbed faster than in men. Alcohol-containing products enter breast milk in a concentration of 10%. Therefore, even non-alcoholic beer is not a safe product for a baby whose mother is breastfeeding.

The percentage that the baby “gets” is influenced by the following factors:

  • general condition of the woman’s body;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • volume of alcohol consumed;
  • physical form of a young mother.

Note! If a woman has metabolic system disorders, the alcohol concentration reaching the baby increases to 20%.

Another important point is that an infant whose mother drank alcohol in large quantities seems to feel calmer and fall asleep faster. This is mistake! In such situations, the baby’s body is exposed to intoxication. Physical and emotional stress requires time to recover.

Expressing milk and acceptable standards

When you can breastfeed if you drank alcohol the day before depends on the alcohol-containing products and the characteristics of the female body. Some nursing mothers prefer to express after drinking an alcoholic drink. This method has not proven to be effective. Therefore, expressing while drinking alcohol is a useless exercise. After all, alcohol is still present in the blood, which means it can enter the child’s body with milk.

Let's consider which drinks should not be consumed during breastfeeding:

  • wine is contraindicated for women if they are feeding a baby less than 4 months old;
  • modern beer contains harmful impurities and substances;
  • After drinking champagne, it is better to use the mixture or wait a couple of hours until the drink has completely disappeared from the body.

Once again, it is worth recalling that breast milk is constantly renewed. Lactation is an absolutely normal process, which is arranged by nature itself. The baby's nutrition should be organized as comfortably as possible, both for him and for the mother. It is worth completely abstaining from alcohol during this period. The health of your son or daughter is more important! Dr. Komarovsky’s video once again proves the harm that alcohol causes to an infant.

Before deciding for yourself the question of whether alcohol is allowed while breastfeeding, you should understand that the liver perceives any alcohol as poison. Small doses of ethanol entering the body along with a moderate amount of high-quality alcohol or medicinal tinctures do not cause harm to health solely because the liver neutralizes dangerous substances that are formed after the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.

But a newborn’s liver is not able to cope with even microscopic portions of alcohol. Ethanol passing through mother's milk into the stomach of infants under the age of three months, enters the blood, permeates the child’s tissues and is excreted twice as slowly as in an adult. Alcohol intoxication occurs.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during lactation?

It is difficult for a person living in society to behave contrary to traditions. Sometimes it is difficult for nursing mothers to resist drinking alcohol during the holidays, and sometimes there is simply an urgent desire to drink a sip of beer or wine.

Especially for such cases, specialists international organization The La Leche League, which promotes breastfeeding, has developed a table of the relationship between a woman’s weight, the amount of alcohol consumed and the time required to remove alcohol from breast milk.

Time for alcohol removal from mother's blood and milk (hours: minutes)
Amount of pure alcohol (grams)

Body mass
mothers, kg

15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
40.8 2:50 5:40 8:30 11:20 14:10 17:00 19:51 22:41
43.1 2:46 5:32 8:19 11:05 13:52 16:38 19:25 22:11
45.4 2:42 5:25 8:08 10:51 13:34 16:17 19:00 21:43
47.6 2:39 5:19 7:58 10:38 13:18 15:57 18:37 21:16 23:56
49.9 2:36 5:12 7:49 10:25 13:01 15:38 18:14 20:50 23:27
52.2 2:33 5:06 7:39 10:12 12:46 15:19 17:52 20:25 22:59
54.4 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 12:31 15:01 17:31 20:01 22:32
56.7 2:27 4:54 7:22 9:49 12:16 14:44 17:11 19:38 22:06
59.0 2:24 4:49 7:13 9:38 12:03 14:27 16:52 19:16 21:41
61.2 2:21 4:43 7:05 9:27 11.49 14:11 16:33 18:55 21:17 23.39
63.5 2:19 4:38 6:58 9:17 11:37 13:56 16:15 18:35 20:54 23:14
65.8 2:16 4:33 6:50 9:07 11:24 13:41 15:58 18:15 20:32 22:49
68.0 2:14 4:29 6:43 8:58 11:12 13:27 15:41 17:56 20:10 22:25
70.3 2:12 4:24 6:36 8:48 11:01 13:13 15:25 17:37 19:49 22:02
72.6 2:10 4:20 6:30 8:40 10:50 13:00 15:10 17:20 19:30 21:40 23:50
74.8 2:07 4:15 6:23 8:31 10:39 12:47 14:54 17:02 19:10 21:18 23.50
77.1 2:05 4:11 6:17 8:23 10:28 12:34 14:40 16:46 18:51 20:57 23:03
79.3 2:03 4:07 6:11 8:14 10:18 12:22 14:26 16:29 18:33 20:37 22:40
81.6 2:01 4:03 6:05 8:07 10:08 12:10 14:12 16:14 18:15 20:17 22:19
83.9 1:59 3:59 5:59 7:59 9:59 11:59 13:59 15:59 17:58 19:58 21:58 23:58
86.2 1:58 3:56 5:54 7:52 9:50 11:48 13:46 15:44 17:42 19:40 21:38 23:36
88.5 1:56 3:52 5:48 7:44 9:41 11:37 13:33 15:29 17:26 19:22 21:18 23:14
90.7 1:54 3:49 5:43 7:38 9:32 11:27 13:21 15:16 17:10 19:05 20:59 22:54
93.0 1:52 3:45 5:38 7:31 9:24 11:17 13:09 15:02 16:55 18:48 20:41 22:34
95.3 1:51 3:42 5:33 7:24 9:16 11:07 12:58 14:49 16:41 18:32 20:23 22:14

The data given in the table are calculated for pure ethanol.

15 ml of ethyl alcohol is equivalent to:

  • 35 ml of vodka, cognac, tequila or other alcoholic drink with a strength of 40 degrees;
  • 100–130 ml of natural dry wine or 90–100 ml of Cahors;
  • 300 ml beer with 5% strength.

It is recommended that a breastfeeding mother who is about to drink alcohol:

  • pre-feed the baby or express milk intended for the next feeding and put it in the refrigerator (where it will not lose its properties for at least a day);
  • the amount of alcohol consumed should be equivalent to no more than 15 ml, in extreme cases - 30 ml of ethanol. This means that you should drink a glass of beer or wine in small sips and try to stretch it out throughout the evening;
  • Using the table, determine the time required to remove ethanol from the body, and add another one to two hours to it for insurance. During this time, you can feed the baby either milk expressed in advance or formula;
  • Alcohol does not accumulate in breast milk, so milk should be expressed and discarded only if the woman experiences discomfort. Upon expiration of the period,
  • indicated in the table, the milk will be cleared and will again be safe for the baby.

The influence of various alcoholic beverages on the health of a nursing mother and child

There is an opinion that nursing mothers should not drink vodka, but wine and beer are even beneficial. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

In addition to the fact that alcohol disrupts metabolic processes in the body, a dose of 30 ml of ethanol suppresses the ability of breast tissue to respond to the hormone oxytocin (oxytocin reflex). As a result, the outflow of milk becomes significantly more difficult. Feeding after alcohol becomes much more difficult: the baby does not have enough strength to suck out milk, and he receives 20–23% less food than under normal conditions.

We must not forget that beer and wine are the same fermentation products as hard cheeses or pickled vegetables. Eating these products can cause rashes and other allergic reactions in your baby.

Wine while breastfeeding

There is a myth that the baby will sleep better if the mother drinks a glass of wine before breastfeeding. In fact, a child who receives alcohol through breast milk will become intoxicated, and the symptoms will be the same as in an adult.

First, the baby will experience a surge of strength and euphoria, then he will really quickly fall asleep, but not in a deep, healthy sleep, but in a restless one. The baby will often wake up, be nervous, and cry.

Beer while breastfeeding

Another misconception: beer supposedly makes you more milk. However, it has been proven that beer, like other types of alcohol, can only suppress the oxytocin reflex. Therefore, it is allowed to drink it with the same precautions as wine: occasionally and long before feeding.

But even if these conditions are met, it is better to drink some live beer than pasteurized one. Bottled and canned beer contains a whole “bouquet” of dyes and preservatives, which are removed from the blood and milk much more slowly than ethanol.

Giving a child a “cocktail” of carcinogens is not best idea. For the same reasons, nursing mothers are prohibited from taking energy drinks.

Frequency of drinking alcohol during lactation

American pediatrician Jack Newman, a prominent figure in the La Leche League, promotes the idea that a woman during lactation should not strictly limit her intake of alcohol. Allegedly, a small amount of alcohol drunk by the mother (one or two glasses of wine or beer several times a week) will not harm the baby, since the ethanol content in breast milk is calculated in hundredths of a percent.

Even a non-specialist can see the error in the logical constructions of the American professor. The baby’s body weight is too small, and the body is not yet adapted to combat the effects of ethanol breakdown products. In addition, the scientist only monitored the physical condition of babies whose mothers drank alcohol little by little during breastfeeding. But the scientist did not trace the fate of the participants in the experiment after its completion.

It has been proven that if a child periodically receives ethanol with mother’s milk, then:

  • the baby experiences sudden mood swings: from euphoria to complete apathy;
  • there is a delay in the development of psychomotor skills;
  • in especially severe cases, alcohol intoxication in infants is accompanied by vomiting and stomach cramps, and metabolic disorders are possible;
  • the heartbeat increases, which provokes weakness and suffocation;
  • As they grow older, such people often develop an irresistible craving for alcohol.

Therefore, nursing mothers can drink alcohol only in extreme cases, a maximum of 2-3 times during the entire lactation period. It is allowed to put the baby on the breast only after the breakdown products of ethanol have been completely removed from the blood and milk. It is not advisable to drink alcohol before the child is 3 months old. And the most sensible thing for a nursing mother is not to risk the health of her baby and completely give up alcohol.

Hello, today we’ll talk about alcohol and breastfeeding: is it possible to drink alcohol-containing drinks during lactation, how does this affect the baby and How long does it take for alcohol to leave breast milk?

Let's start with the fact that there is no need to take wine and vodka products during this period. I want to? Certainly! But you're not an alcoholic, right? This means you don’t have to drink, even on holidays. You will say that your friend drank, even before the baby was 3 months old (they say that before this age, alcohol is taboo!), and the child is fine - healthy.

The fact is that it is impossible to check whether poor performance in school is due to bad behavior, liver disease that developed after 30 years, or your child’s alcohol addiction with a glass drunk by mom beer or wine . It is impossible to live an alternative life and check whether lactation has decreased due to stress or due to drinking alcoholic beverages.

Monsters from a glass

For a newborn or infant, ethanol in the blood is a serious blow to the developing nervous and digestive immune system. Wine and vodka products cause:

  • neurological disorders;
  • allergies;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary (liver + bile) system;
  • heart pathologies.

It’s not for nothing that they say that when drinking alcohol, a person throws his brain into the toilet, along with his urine. But...

There are monsters, but they are small

But 100 ml of alcohol will not cause global and noticeable destruction to a child’s body if he is already a year old and you have sipped a glass guilt . Today no one can determine how much alcohol in small doses at this age will affect the development of the baby. It’s better not to drink, but if you do drink, express, take a break from feeding until the milk updated , and don't be nervous.

How long does it take for alcohol to enter mother's milk?

The maximum concentration of ethanol in the blood and milk of the mother occurs in the time period of 30-90 minutes after drinking the drink. Champagne and sparkling wines are detected in milk earlier - 10 minutes after consumption.

When is ethanol inactivated and removed from the female body?

It should be said that ethanol is absorbed female body faster than in men, it causes greater destruction and is eliminated more slowly. About 10% alcohol gets into the milk.

Ethanol decomposes and is excreted depending on 7 factors:

  1. From the woman's body weight.
  2. Detoxification capacity of the liver.
  3. Ratios muscle mass and fat (volume of body fat).
  4. Emotional state (under stress, alcohol is deactivated faster).
  5. Health conditions.
  6. Alcohol content of the drink.
  7. The volume of drinks.

There are other factors that influence the intake, breakdown and removal of alcohol. Typically at a nursing mother there is a need to drink beer , wine or glass champagne.


After 200 ml beer the body of a nursing mother will recover in about an hour, after a bottle up to 5 hours, if the weight is small, about 60 kg. Large women will get rid of the ethanol contained in a bottle of beer in 2-2.5 hours.


Wine It is excreted in slim women in 2.5 hours (100 ml) and in 8 hours (300 ml). Donuts get rid of ethanol 2 times faster.


Champagne easily and quickly penetrates into tissues and does not leave them for a long time. In nursing For mothers weighing 60 kg, 300 ml of champagne stays in the body for up to 4 hours. Fat ladies have an hour less.

Table for the removal of alcohol from a woman’s body

In the table Below is information about the rate at which ethanol is eliminated from the body.

Please note that we are talking about the breakdown of alcohols; breakdown products are removed with biological fluids. If you drank a glass of beer and did not express after 3-4 hours, toxins remain in the milk.

The period of complete elimination of alcohol from the body
Alcohol strength ml. Person weight 60 kg Person weight 70 kg Person weight 80 kg
4 % 100
35 min.
1 hour 44 minutes
2 hours 54 minutes
30 min.
1 hour 29 minutes
2 hours 29 minutes
25 min.
1 hour 18 minutes
2 hours 11 minutes
6 % 100
52 min.
2 hours 37 minutes
4 hours 21 minutes
45 min.
2 hours 14 minutes
3 hours 44 minutes
39 min.
1 hour 57 minutes
3 hours 16 minutes
9 % 100
1 hour 18 minutes
3 hours 55 minutes
6 hours 32 minutes
1 hour 07 minutes
3 hours 21 minutes
5 hours 36 minutes
59 min.
2 hours 56 minutes
4 hours 54 minutes
11 % 100
1 hour 36 minutes
4 hours 47 minutes
7 hours 59 minutes
1 hour 22 minutes
4 hours 06 minutes
6 hours 50 minutes
1 hour 12 minutes
3 hours 35 minutes
5 hours 59 minutes
18 % 100
2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
2 hours 14 minutes
6 hours 43 minutes
11 hours 11 minutes
1 hour 57 minutes
5 hours 52 minutes
9 hours 47 minutes
24 % 100
3 hours 29 minutes
10 hours 26 minutes
17 hours 24 minutes
2 hours 59 minutes
8 hours 57 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes
2 hours 37 minutes
7 hours 50 minutes
13 hours 03 minutes

To be fair, it is worth saying that 10% ethanol from a drink containing 4-6% alcohol ( beer) or 11% (champagne ) - That's not a lot. But remember, the child’s liver is not mature enough to deal with poisons. But the baby is already struggling with toxins, faced with microbial intoxication or pesticides received by the mother’s body with food.

How can a nursing mother get rid of alcohol faster?

If you're reading this article after you've had a drink, you probably want to know: how to remove alcohol? There are no special medications for nursing mothers. Detoxification therapy can be used:

  • enterosorbents: carbon (white and activated), enterosgel;
  • increased fluid intake.

The instructions do not recommend the use of traditional hangover remedies (for example, Zorex). There is no information on the effects on the body of the mother and baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How long after drinking can you feed your baby?

On average, ethanol in small doses is eliminated in 3-7 hours. During this period, you should refrain from feeding. Use it more efficiently table above and analyze the dose of alcohol taken, the mother’s weight, and determine the period of abstinence from feeding.

Do you doubt whether to feed your baby or not? Use milk alcohol test strips and then decide.

This concludes the review of the topic. And we invite you and your friends to our website. Share information about the material via social networks.

How much alcohol is excreted from breast milk? Is it even possible for a woman to drink alcohol during such a period? More on this later in the article. For a nursing mother, many things are prohibited. Not all medications are allowed for treatment, and the menu is limited. But there is a widespread opinion about strong drinks that they increase the amount of milk. In this article we will look at how true this is.

Alcohol and hangover

Any alcoholic drink contains alcohol. It, in turn, negatively affects the nervous system and digestive organs. The initial feeling of happiness and freedom after drinking alcohol turns into a hangover. It occurs due to intoxication of the body. This is expressed by headache (due to vasoconstriction), bad mood, possible tremors, nausea and vomiting. And these are not all signs of a hangover. If you do not know the limits in drinking strong drinks, you can damage your liver. If this is how alcohol affects an adult, then what will be the reaction of a child’s body? Therefore, nursing mothers are interested in: what are the features of ridding the body of ethanol.

Alcohol in breast milk

Alcohol, once in the body, begins to be absorbed immediately. The process starts at oral cavity and ends in the rectum (most of it is absorbed here). Further, through the blood, alcohol begins to “walk” throughout the body. Then it affects the functioning of organs. It also passes into breast milk. Approximately 25-40 minutes after drinking the drink, alcohol will be present in it. On average, its concentration is 10% of the amount drunk. This has already been proven by research. It has also been confirmed that alcohol affects the taste, color and quality of milk. Every mother loves her baby and does not want to harm the baby. But it happens that the body simply requires a strong drink (hormonal imbalances often occur after childbirth) or the long-awaited New Year holiday has arrived, so you really want a sip of champagne.

Then the mother needs to know how much alcohol is excreted from breast milk. There is no single answer to this question. Since it affects what the woman drank and how much. Also important are indicators such as the mother’s age, weight, and health status (especially the liver). The result is also influenced by whether she drank the drink on an empty stomach or after eating. It is also important to know when the drink was consumed: in the morning or in the evening. Since in the evening the metabolism in the body slows down. Then the alcohol will take longer to dissipate than in the morning. But there are average data on how much alcohol is excreted from breast milk, depending on weight, the amount of alcohol consumed and the type of alcoholic beverage.

Approximate calculations and table

For example, we take a glass of drink and a woman’s weight is 60 kilograms:

  • light beer is eliminated after 40 minutes;
  • cocktail after 1.5 hours;
  • champagne after 2 hours;
  • port after 3 hours;
  • liqueur after 5 hours;
  • vodka after 7 hours.

The stronger the drink, the longer it stays in the body. And if a woman decides to relax a little and drink alcohol, then she needs to take time into account. The baby should be fed before drinking alcohol, so there will be time left to cleanse the body. If you plan to drink stronger drinks, it is better to express breast milk in advance. It is advisable to use the table for the removal of alcohol from breast milk (it will be presented below). But these data are approximate. This means that they do not provide completely accurate information on how much alcohol is completely excreted from breast milk.

Therefore, it is better to add 30-45 minutes to the specified time. If you drank a strong drink, you can add two hours. And it is important to know one more factor. Expressing milk will not help as long as there is alcohol in the mother's blood. This procedure is useful only when the breasts are full and it is necessary to express so that there is no stagnation.

1 drink = 141.75 g of 11% wine or 340 grams of 5% beer, or 42.53 g of 40% strong alcohol.

What consequences can be expected if a child drinks “drunk” milk?

The consequences may be the following:

  1. The child may experience a temporary feeling of euphoria, which will soon be replaced by anxiety. Children often experience sudden changes in mood. After drinking milk containing alcohol, the child will quickly fall asleep. But the sleep will be sensitive and superficial. As a result of such sleep, the child’s body will not be able to restore its strength normally.
  2. Milk production will decrease. Typically the reduction reaches 25%. Therefore, the child asks for food more often, as he will not be full. And it will be harder to breastfeed, and the baby will get tired quickly. If the mother often drinks alcohol, the baby does not gain weight well and lags behind his peers in development. Alcohol also affects the milk ducts. Under the influence of alcohol they narrow. And when feeding, chest pain occurs. Not every mother likes this feeling.
  3. If a child is not yet three months old, then his body is practically defenseless. He simply will not be able to fight back alcohol normally. And ethanol, in turn, can damage digestion (especially the liver). The child will be bothered by colic and may regurgitate. Milk will not be able to be completely absorbed. Alcohol will harm the psyche and the development of brain activity. Again, a developmental lag will be visible.
  4. Alcohol also affects the functioning of a child’s heart. The heartbeat becomes faster, and shortness of breath may often occur. But at such a young age, the heart is not yet fully formed. And frequent drinking of alcohol can damage this organ for a child, and there will be problems in the future.
  5. Milk changes its taste and smell. Because of this, the child may simply refuse to breastfeed.
  6. If the mother drinks a glass of beer every evening, and the baby enjoys drinking such milk, then the development of alcohol addiction already at that age. And this means the likelihood that the child will abuse alcohol when he grows up.

Features of the effect of beer on milk

If you have to choose from all alcoholic drinks, then natural light beer is allowed. But it’s natural, from glass bottles (it’s better to avoid tin cans) and with a low alcohol content. This product contains yeast. And they are useful for both mother and child. Although it is better to choose non-alcoholic beer. This drink is the safest.

Features of the influence of wine

Many people praise wine products. There is an opinion that a glass before a meal will not harm even a child. It's a lie. Wine should not be drunk by pregnant, nursing mothers (at least until the baby is four months old) and children. If you really want to, you can skip a glass. Although the same pomegranate juice will be much healthier and can dull the desire.

Champagne influence

As for this drink, there are no such special prejudices. And it is believed that it can be consumed by a nursing mother. Champagne is absorbed into the blood in small doses, but this, of course, takes into account the amount drunk. The best option is one glass. But you shouldn't abuse it. And it is better to drink it on a full stomach, then the harm will be minimal.

It is clear from the examples how long it takes for alcohol to be removed from breast milk; it all depends on the type of drink and how much was drunk. It is better to try to avoid alcohol-containing cocktails during breastfeeding. Then there will be no questions: how long does it take for alcohol to be removed from breast milk? If there is no strong need, then better wine replace with juices, drink non-alcoholic beer. And champagne is no more than one glass per reception and not often. If you really want to, then feed the baby breast milk before drinking alcohol, and before breastfeeding, again check from the table how much alcohol is excreted from breast milk. You need to add at least an hour to the specified time.

And then calmly breastfeed the baby. Do not forget that the child’s liver is still very weak and cannot cope with the breakdown of alcohol; he may be severely intoxicated. Also, children are often allergic, and drinking a glass of wine can cause not only alcohol poisoning, but also severe allergies.


If the mother nevertheless decides to drink, then it is necessary to decide on the drink in advance, calculate the safest dose (it is advisable not to exceed it), and calculate how much alcohol of the selected type is excreted from breast milk. There must be a drink good quality and you need to pay attention to the composition and date of manufacture. Cases of alcohol poisoning are common. And the consequences will be severe for both the mother and the baby, who may drink harmful milk. If a woman is not confident in her capabilities and is afraid of overdoing the amount she drinks, then she needs to prepare in advance. Mom will have to express more milk. It is stored in the refrigerator, and then you just need to warm it up before feeding.


Holidays are rarely complete without alcoholic beverages. They help you relax, relieve tension, and create a certain mood. But any alcohol during breastfeeding, including wine, is contraindicated for the mother, because during feeding it is passed on to the baby. The period of alcohol elimination from the developing body is 3-4 times longer than in adults. During this time, ethanol molecules can harm the developing central nervous system, gastrointestinal organs, and cause hypoglycemia.

Alcohol and breastfeeding

Research by Serge Rend has confirmed that drinking grape-based ethanol drinks improves immunity, improves mood and generally has a good effect on organ function. But alcohol has the opposite effect. It penetrates into all organic fluids, lymph, and interferes with normal lactation. Therefore, when asked whether a nursing mother can drink, 99% of doctors will answer that it is not possible. If you have had a couple of glasses of any alcoholic drink, then wait until the organs process it.

Does alcohol pass into breast milk?

Alcohol penetrates all organs immediately through the bloodstream. Before young mothers drink a glass of wine, they should not only think about whether alcohol passes into breast milk, but also about the condition of their liver. Hormone surges lead to changes in the functions of this organ and metabolism. With such disorders, ethanol will quickly spread throughout the body and leave it very slowly. Alcohol penetrates into milk after 30 minutes. The decomposition time of the substance depends on the weight and condition of the mother. If you want to drink alcohol, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep in mind the baby's age. Up to 3 months, the little body is too sensitive to alcohol, which can cause poisoning.
  • You should not drink wine, vodka, champagne or cognac an hour before feeding, because the liver and pancreas will not have time to process them.
  • Consider your own weight when taking products containing alcohol. The lower it is, the longer you will have to wait for ethanol to leave the body.
  • You can drink one glass of wine, 250 ml of beer or 30 ml of cognac per day. They cannot be taken together.

What percentage passes into breast milk?

Ethanol is absorbed by the female body faster and released more slowly. When asked what percentage of alcohol passes into breast milk, doctors answer that only 10%. The percentage may vary. It is affected by the mother's weight and the amount of alcoholic beverages she has taken. If you have problems with metabolism, then the percentage increases to 20. Ethanol leaves the mammary glands easily, but stays in the brain for a very long time, so even 3 hours after drinking wine or beer, women are not recommended to drive.

How long does it take for it to pass into milk?

The absorption time of any substance is determined by a person’s complexion and the rate of metabolic reactions. For this reason, it is impossible to accurately answer how long it takes for alcohol to enter breast milk. Approximate time is 25-40 minutes. Alcohol will be passed on to the baby even 2 hours after consumption. Many women find that under the influence of Cahors or beer, the child begins to fall asleep faster. This condition cannot be attributed to full sleep. It is caused by intoxication and intoxication when feeding with alcoholized milk.

How long does it take for alcohol to be eliminated?

The average time for the breakdown of alcohol by all organic systems is 2-3 hours. This figure is also relevant as an answer to the question of how long it takes for alcohol to be excreted from breast milk. The amount of liquor taken and the person’s metabolic rate make their own adjustments. People with a fast metabolism will break down ethanol in less time than those who have digestive problems.

Alcohol elimination table

Before drinking wine or champagne, many nursing mothers think about how long the drinks will take to be excreted. Ideally, it is believed that a healthy body can remove up to 120 mg of the product in an hour. The following is a table for the removal of alcohol from breast milk. From it you will learn how long it takes to remove 130 ml of various drinks containing ethanol from the body.

Woman's weight in kg/Name of drink

Gin and tonic 9%

Champagne 11%

Port 18%

Do I need to express milk?

Alcohol, once in the stomach, penetrates everywhere. The main difference is the concentration of the substance. Only 10% of the ethanol molecules contained in the blood penetrate into milk. The substance is removed simultaneously from all organic systems. Therefore, when asked whether it is necessary to express milk after drinking alcohol, doctors answer that this is not necessary. But if you have a child under 3 years of age at home who needs feeding every 120-150 minutes, then you should leave a bottle with nutritional liquid.

Expressing to minimize the concentration of alcohol in the blood is useless, since all organs are renewed in a certain mode. It will not be possible to influence him from the outside. After the time indicated in the table has passed, you can continue feeding without fear that the baby will be poisoned by ethanol molecules. To be safe, you can add 1-2 hours to the alcohol withdrawal time, and then feed the baby.

Wine while breastfeeding

During pregnancy and after it, you can safely use only soft drinks. A glass of wine while breastfeeding will harm lactation and the baby. It would be more useful to replace it with a glass of pomegranate juice, which improves the process of blood production. If you really like this drink, then wait until your baby is 4 months old. Then white and red wine will not cause much harm, even if they remain in the mammary glands and blood for longer than the prescribed 2 hours.

Beer while breastfeeding

This drink does not affect milk volumes. Beer is contraindicated during breastfeeding, as are other alcohol-containing products. It has long been rumored that a certain amount of a mixture of hops and malt has a good effect on lactation and can help new mothers restore the process of milk production. Research has refuted this information. Slight breast swelling after beer is observed for the following reasons:

  • Ethanol retains fluid in the vessels, which leads to swelling of the lymph nodes and veins.
  • High levels of alcohol inside the body suppress the production of oxytocin. This hormone is produced in mothers when the baby begins to breastfeed. It promotes the release of fluid from the breast. Without it, it remains in the glands, and the baby receives less food.

Champagne while breastfeeding

Sparkling wine is considered safe for maternal health. This alcohol-containing product will not cause severe intoxication; its effect on lactation is minimal. Champagne can be consumed during breastfeeding, but the dose should not exceed 200 ml. You should not drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach. The average time for the body to break down champagne is 180-200 minutes. Measure this interval after drinking a glass of sparkling wine.


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Alcohol while breastfeeding - how long after you can feed your baby if the mother drinks alcohol

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