Signs of alcohol consumption on the face. Signs of alcoholism in women on the face from photos

A group of people prone to alcohol abuse have a clear similarity in appearance, which unites them and sets them apart from the rest of society. There are certain external signs alcoholism, allowing you to accurately distinguish an alcoholic from a person leading a sober lifestyle. Knowing these characteristic signs allows you to promptly notice a problem that has arisen in a loved one and help him cope with an uncontrollable craving for alcohol.

Why does alcohol change your appearance?

The reasons for changes in the appearance of an alcoholic lie in the direct effect of ethyl alcohol on his body. Ethanol is a universal solvent. It overcomes any biological barriers well and quickly penetrates absolutely all tissues and organs. As a result, external signs of an alcoholic appear - they are noticeable on the skin and indicate pathologies of internal organs. A person suffering from binge alcoholism may change beyond recognition due to the influence of the following reasons:

  • Improper flow of bile leads to yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes;
  • A sharp increase in blood pressure after drinking provokes severe redness of the face.
  • Toxins and wastes accumulated in the body during binge drinking are “thrown out” through the pores of the skin, as a result of which it becomes covered with acne and rashes.
  • Severe swelling and bags under the eyes, which reduce the size of the eyes, appear due to the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the intercellular space.
  • Dehydration of the body, which occurs due to excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol, leads to increased dryness of the skin, rapid formation of wrinkles and aging of the skin.
  • The nose becomes burgundy-red, and a vascular network appears on the face due to the destructive effect of the toxic half-life products of ethanol on the capillaries - their walls become thinner and burst.

An alcoholic can also be recognized by the transformation of facial expressions that occurs due to the development of neurological changes. Drunken people quickly develop the so-called “alcoholic mask” - relaxed mouth muscles, deeply cut nasolabial folds, and a constantly tense forehead. This combination of external manifestations makes the face stiff and slightly elongated.

Alcohol poisons have the same mechanism of action on appearance, regardless of the drink consumed. However, low-quality alcohol and surrogates quickly affect health and leave pronounced external traces of abuse.

External signs of alcoholism depending on the stage

It is very easy to distinguish an alcoholic from a non-drinker. But external signs indicating alcohol dependence do not appear immediately. Their development occurs gradually, leaving with each subsequent stage of the disease more and more pronounced marks on the face of an alcoholic.

Many people who drink are sure that they are not sick with alcoholism, since in their minds an alcoholic is a shaking subject with a blue nose, unshaven, unwashed and uncut, who has lost his human appearance and dignity, a regular “client” of a sobering-up center who drank everything he could.”

Famous narcologist D. D. Enikeeva

The longer a person suffers from binge alcoholism, the easier it is to single him out from the general mass of people. In order to notice the appearance of dangerous signs in time and take measures to save a person who is drinking, you need to know what symptoms correspond to each stage of alcoholism.

Stage I

At this stage of the development of alcohol dependence, the patient’s appearance remains virtually unchanged. The only signs that can identify an alcohol dependent person may be:

  • mild swelling, most often taken as signs of the onset of a cold
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes, reminiscent of severe overwork and lack of sleep

A person who begins to turn into an alcoholic tries to carefully hide these manifestations of the early stage of binge alcoholism. But this is not entirely simple, and during long periods of sobriety, his face looks sad and wrinkled, and signs of allergic reactions and skin diseases begin to appear on the skin for no reason.

Timely detection of the initial signs of alcohol dependence will allow you to quickly and without consequences for a person’s health to solve his problem with alcohol. The sooner you start fighting alcoholism, the greater the chances of coping with it, even without persuading the patient to go to a drug treatment hospital for this. In the final stages of the disease, it will be impossible to do without the help of a professional narcologist.

Stage II

Appearance a person who has an irresistible craving for alcohol continues to deteriorate. All manifestations of alcoholism that were present at the initial stage of development of addiction intensify, and new signs of the disease appear:

  • During heavy drinking, metabolic processes are actively disrupted, as a result of which he can become overweight or lose a lot of weight.
  • Significant damage to the liver parenchyma by toxic half-life products of ethanol leads to the fact that the face of an alcoholic becomes yellowish-gray, with obvious signs of premature aging.
  • The patient's entire body is covered with edema, which occurs due to the inability of the kidneys to remove excess fluid from the intercellular space, although the skin is at the same time dehydrated, severely flaky and loses its natural color.

At this stage, considered chronic, indirect signs of the disease also appear. Heavy alcoholics stop taking care of themselves, maintaining hygiene, and become outwardly unkempt and sloppy.

Stage III

At this final stage, mental (degradation of brain activity and wear and tear of the nervous system) and physiological (extensive damage to all internal organs) problems appear. They have a direct connection with uncontrolled alcohol consumption and cause obvious changes in the appearance of the alcoholic. External signs of the final stage of alcohol dependence include:

  • severe facial hyperemia, manifested by red streaks or spots
  • dry, flaky skin, split ends, dull hair and brittle nails
  • tremor that does not stop even during rare periods of lucidity
  • severely swollen and puffy face
  • puffy bags under the eyes
  • shifting glance

An alcoholic who has drunk to this stage looks detached from the world around him; he is betrayed by a staggering gait, poor coordination of movements, and the appearance of involuntary, meaningless grimaces on his face. Most often, saving an alcohol addict at the final stage is not possible.

Features of changes in women and men

Uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages changes the appearance of both men and women. The main signs of female and male alcoholism are similar. The difference lies only in the speed of their development. Women quickly become alcoholics because they:

  • more susceptible to stress, and alcohol in this case acts as a mood improver
  • have a sensitive mental organization and often seek to drown out mental discomfort with alcohol

Another reason for the early appearance of external signs of alcoholism in women lies in the fact that their bodies contain significantly less fluid than men’s, so alcohol is not diluted, but affects the brain and internal organs in its pure form.

Also, the rapid appearance of signs of alcoholism in women is directly influenced by the structure of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and muscle layer. They are looser than in men, so in an alcoholic, all pathological changes in appearance appear 2-3 years after the onset of addiction to alcohol.

What does an alcoholic woman look like?

An alcohol dependent woman is very easy to recognize both by her behavior and appearance. The addiction to drinking alcohol is written on the woman’s face in large letters. Main external features The following are considered to distinguish experienced alcoholics from women who drink moderately or who do not drink at all:

  • Yellowness and pigmentation of the skin
  • Puffy face and narrowed eye shape due to large under-eye bags
  • Pronounced signs of premature aging - sagging skin with pigment spots, numerous wrinkles
  • Dull sparse hair without a hairstyle, broken nails and pale facial skin covered with capillary networks

External signs of a male alcoholic

Clear signs of binge drinking in the appearance of men appear much later than in women, in the very last stages. You can distinguish an alcoholic from a healthy man by the following changes in their appearance:

  • constantly shaking hands
  • unpleasant odors from the mouth and body
  • red spots and various rashes on the face
  • multiple edema, especially in case of beer alcoholism
  • swollen burgundy nose with pronounced capillary networks

The longer a man continues to drink immoderately, the more clearly the negative signs appear and the easier it is to understand that he has become an alcoholic.

Is it possible to improve the situation?

To eliminate negative changes in appearance caused by prolonged and uncontrolled drinking, you need to give up regular alcohol consumption and start leading a sober lifestyle. However, even if you completely give up alcohol, recovery will not happen instantly. It is very difficult to regain lost youth and beauty, especially if the disease has reached stage 2 or 3 and provoked irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs. Obvious improvements in appearance will appear only after 2-3 years, although with the help of certain medical procedures this period can be accelerated. The following activities help well in restoring your appearance:

  • lymphatic drainage and massage accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space and the elimination of swelling
  • biomicrocurrent therapy stabilizes muscle tone
  • laser procedures remove spider veins

In addition to physical therapy, to speed up regeneration processes, former alcoholics are recommended to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, adjust their diet and take minerals and vitamin complexes necessary for the body’s functioning. The main condition is a complete abstinence from alcohol - drinking alcohol is unacceptable even in minimal doses.


External signs indicating alcohol abuse may appear all at the same time or be partially present. The degree to which changes appear is directly dependent on the type of alcohol consumed, its quality and quantity. To restore your appearance, damaged by the influence of ethanol half-life products, you will need a long time and a complete abstinence from alcohol.

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Experts say that alcohol dependence can be recognized even at the earliest stage of the disease. Alcoholism is a complex disease, the insidiousness of which lies in the fact that even the closest people are often unable to notice exactly when a member of their family became chronically dependent. A person can always find a reason to drink:

  • relieving stress and nervous tension after a hard day;
  • birthday of a friend or colleague;
  • corporate event, etc.

How to identify an alcoholic at the first stage of the disease? Reveal developing alcoholism difficult, but quite possible. Constantly looking for a reason to drink is the very first symptom of addiction. A person definitely needs to “relax” on the weekend, and the occasion is simply masterfully found.

Many publications and glossy publications call constant lies and ease of making promises one of the main signs by which a drinker can be identified, arguing that a person with a sober outlook on life is more balanced in his own words. However, such statements cannot be considered a serious basis for determining addiction, because an ordinary frivolous dreamer and talker can be a convinced teetotaler.

Among the main signs of an alcoholic are:

  • strong craving for drink;
  • increasing tolerance to alcoholic beverages;
  • loss of gag reflex in case of overdose;
  • presence of a hangover.

As the disease progresses, small doses of alcohol no longer have any effect on the body, and in order to achieve the necessary state of euphoria, the amount of drinking increases significantly. It is at this stage that a stable physical dependence begins to form, and the sense of proportion gradually disappears. Even when drunk, a person continues to drink alcohol and strives to prolong the state of intoxication for as long as possible.

The body stops perceiving alcohol as a toxin, and the rate of alcohol absorption increases significantly. The onset of a hangover is accompanied by severe headaches, a feeling of complete exhaustion and loss of vitality. The only and strongest desire is to receive a new dose. A binge begins to form, which is almost impossible to interrupt on your own.

Signs of an alcoholic include dysfunction of various organs and systems of the body due to alcohol abuse. The speed of transition from the second to the third stage depends on many factors:

  • character;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • gender;
  • general health.

Some people become completely drunk in just a couple of months, drinking only beer immoderately, while others will need several years of continuous drunkenness until their personality completely degrades.

The effect of alcohol on appearance

Everyone knows what experienced alcoholics look like. Puffy faces, bags under the eyes, sallow shade of prematurely aged skin, lack of even a glimmer of intelligence, painful thinness, puffiness and a whole network of purple spider veins. The spectacle is certainly not aesthetically pleasing. But character traits appear already at a deep stage of addiction.

At the stage of formation of alcoholism, there are no such external manifestations yet, so it is necessary to pay attention to other signs:

  • indifference to what is happening around;
  • passive, inert behavior;
  • lethargy and lack of interest even in what you love;
  • the appearance of attacks of causeless rage;
  • constantly changing mood;
  • an irresistible urge to drink.

Binge alcoholics are almost never sober. They are easy to distinguish by their appearance. It is during this period that features of a characteristic “face” first appear, a lack of coordination of movements, and a specific smell appear. Chronic pain occurs in the heart and right hypochondrium, the sclera of the eyes turn yellow, which indicates problems with the liver. The skin especially suffers - flabby, porous and overdried, a clear indication that it is necessary to quit drinking.

“The face of an alcoholic” - characteristic features

There is another completely reliable way to recognize an alcoholic at an early stage of the disease. If you compare a healthy and an addicted person, you can find one rather interesting difference - after a stormy feast and excessive drinking, a healthy person will make every effort to put his body in order and for a long time will not even look in the direction of alcohol. Anyone suffering from alcohol addiction will definitely get a hangover and will look forward to the next binge.

What does the result of excessive and constant drinking look like? First of all, the skin suffers, since abuse damages normal work kidneys, the appearance of edema, bags under the eyes and swelling of the face and limbs is quite natural. The source of other manifestations of changes in appearance is neurological disorders, as a result of which various groups of facial muscles form a special facial pattern, which is designated by the term “alcoholic face.”

Characteristic appearance of a strong drink abuser:

  • tense forehead against the background of relaxed facial muscles (elongated face);
  • wide open and deeply sunken eyes;
  • deepening of the upper part and weakening of the lower part of the nasolabial fold;
  • dilated nostrils;
  • weakened eyelids;
  • weakly compressed, thick lips.

Poor circulation due to alcohol abuse leads to the appearance of a pronounced vascular network, especially noticeable in the area of ​​the nose and nasolabial triangle. Such changes can no longer be compensated by cosmetic procedures.

Ethanol compounds can penetrate the body and cause physical dependence. However, drunkenness has a psycho-emotional background.

Psychologists believe that there are types of people who are more prone to addiction:

  • emotionally unstable people with nervous hysterical reactions to what is happening and having difficulties with motivation;
  • people with infantile ways of responding to emerging difficulties, striving to avoid problems rather than resolve them;
  • people with low self-esteem, who do not understand how to express their own emotions, and experience difficulties with socialization.

Skin laxity

The epidermis on the face and body becomes rough and rough as the pores expand (therefore, impurities penetrate inside more easily). The complexion changes and becomes sallow and uneven. Redness often appears in specific areas (for example, on the cheeks or forehead). Next, deep wrinkles form, the vascular network becomes more visible, and pigment spots appear.

Stages of alcoholism: influence on appearance and behavior

Alcohol addiction has 3 stages of development. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, changes in appearance and behavior may differ slightly. It has been proven that in men of heavy build without health problems, alcoholism progresses more slowly. Women and adolescents are capable of reaching the third stage of alcohol dependence within 2 years.

Euphoria stage

This First stage the formation of dependence, which lasts from 1 to 5 years. A person regards alcohol as a pleasant addition to dinner or a means of relieving stress. Psychological dependence is formed. After a portion of drink, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body, and your thoughts seem to clear up. The person stops feeling tired and is in a state of mild euphoria.

At the initial stage of the disease, the appearance of the alcoholic practically does not change. Changes occur in the psyche. A feeling of guilt is formed, which the patient tries to drown out with new portions of alcohol. The person becomes irritable, especially if it is a woman, and regularly looks for an excuse to drink. It is at the first stage that it is easiest to convince her to begin treatment for female beer alcoholism.

This must be done very tactfully, since harsh statements can cause a novice alcoholic to become withdrawn. Medical practice shows that when a person withdraws from loved ones, alcoholism progresses faster. Psychologists who specifically develop a program of motivation for treatment will help to avoid misunderstandings.

The second stage of alcoholism is like running in a vicious circle that lasts up to 10 years. The person does not yet feel danger, but can no longer live without daily infusions. Physical dependence develops, which is similar to withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts. A distinctive feature of the second stage of alcoholism is withdrawal syndrome.

At the second stage of addiction, the patient’s appearance and behavior change dramatically. An alcoholic's face becomes puffy, and his gaze rarely focuses on one point. Trembling appears in the limbs, which goes away only after drinking. The psyche breaks down. Generally accepted norms of behavior become insignificant.

Apathy stage

The final stage of disease development. Changes in the Central nervous system are irreversible. A person is not able to solve basic problems. Often patients are unable to care for themselves. There is a persistent physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. The main symptom is rapid intoxication after taking a small dose of alcohol.

At the third stage of alcoholism, all the signs of a drinking person appear, which are often used by cartoonists. The figure becomes disproportionate. A person is losing weight, but the stomach sticks out due to atrophied abdominal muscles and an enlarged liver. Due to constant dehydration, the eyelids swell, so the eyes are practically invisible. So-called “wings” appear. The thin capillaries on the nose and cheeks burst, causing the alcoholic's face to appear red.

Without proper treatment, the patient's life expectancy is no more than 10-15 years. This is exactly how long it will take for the green serpent to completely destroy the vital organs. A person can still be saved if you resort to the help of narcologists and psychologists, encode, or use hypnosis for alcoholism in Moscow. Only comprehensive inpatient treatment can bring an alcoholic back to life in the third stage of addiction.

A person who abuses alcohol is visible from afar. When you are close to a drunkard, an unpleasant odor is felt and incoherent speech is heard.

But even if he is washed and dressed in expensive clothes, his posture, appearance, and especially his face will betray him as a real alcoholic. The negative effects of alcohol are especially pronounced in women.

From this article you will learn how the face of a drunk changes and what are the reasons for such metamorphoses.

IN modern world alcoholism remains a huge problem. Every third person addicted to drinking alcohol will die prematurely. According to statistics, 2.5 million alcoholics die annually in the world, and in Russia 75 thousand, this is five times more deaths than during the 10 years of war in Afghanistan. Addiction is especially scary for girls.

Although the vast majority of people have not tried alcohol, they have not become drunkards. However, reality shows that the problem is not going away. There can be many reasons:

  • stress;
  • imitating bad company;
  • nervous tension;
  • for relaxation.

To prevent the onset of a fall, the characteristic appearance of an alcoholic will become visible in the shortest possible time, and, most likely, the changes will become irreversible.

Facial redness

One of the main external signs is the constantly red face of an alcoholic. In some places the skin takes on a bluish color; even in culture there is an established connection between a red nose and alcohol. This is due to the special effects of ethanol on the human body. When it gets inside, blood pressure in the vessels increases and the pulse quickens. The heart pumps blood to the arms, legs, and also to the head.

The constant load on the vessels and capillaries wears them out, causing some branches of the system to become clogged. As a result, this results in the appearance of bruises, red spots and bruises. And blood cannot deliver oxygen to some areas and then the face becomes purple or blue.

At times, alcoholism makes the skin have a yellowish tint. This symptom appears even if a small amount of alcohol was drunk. This occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile. Poor nutrition and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lead to jaundice. It is characteristic of almost half of drunkards.


In addition to changing skin color, alcoholic drinks also affect the shape of the face. Many have experienced the swelling that accompanies a hangover.

If at first everything returns to normal, then the more and more often a person drinks, the more time it takes for rehabilitation. One day there comes a time when nothing can be changed.

At the same time, a woman, as well as a man, will not be able to hide puffiness with cosmetics. You can’t correct your appearance even in a photo using various editors.

Because of this, the water-electrolytic balance of the body is disrupted, leading to dehydration.

This process occurs very quickly and in order to restore normal fluid levels, signals are sent that encourage the alcoholic to drink a lot.

However, regardless of the volume of water absorbed, thirst does not go away, and dry mouth remains for a long time. This happens because it is difficult for the body to absorb the incoming resource.

Is the way alcohol affects a woman’s appearance different from the metamorphosis of a man? Without a doubt. Metabolism female body differs from the male one, it also has smaller moisture reserves. As a result, dehydration and facial swelling occurs faster and lasts longer. So, a nice woman can turn into an unpleasant alcoholic in a short period of time.

In addition to such striking manifestations of alcohol addiction, other unpleasant effects appear.

Article reading time: 13 minutes

How to identify an alcoholic by appearance

With constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, appearance changes. The characteristic signs and pathological changes in the body are revealed, first of all, by the face of an alcoholic. Plunging into addiction, a person becomes disfigured almost beyond recognition.

The processes that occur inside the body necessarily affect the appearance. The skin ages and acquires a purple-red hue, the nose turns blue and becomes covered with spider veins, and unhealthy thinness appears.

Internal organs suffer, all systems, such as endocrine, cardiovascular, genitourinary and others, chronic diseases appear and develop.

Usually it all starts with mild swelling and allergies, and ends with irreversible processes and often death. Throughout the world, alcoholism is not only an addiction, but also a disease. And it is precisely this disease, gradually poisoning the body, that makes itself felt in the face.

What can a person's face tell?

Appearance of an alcoholic- this is a symptom that will betray the drinker, even if he carefully hides his problem with alcohol. Depending on the stage, the face may change almost beyond recognition. There is no external impact on the body. All processes take place from within.

The liver and kidneys, our natural filters, are seriously malfunctioning. The metabolism ceases to function normally, as it is constantly under attack from a dose of ethyl poisoning.

Appearance at various stages of the disease:

External signs of alcoholism make it easy to distinguish such people from the general mass. They are immediately visible by swelling of the body, complexion, cloudy eyes, red whites of the eyes and lack of coordination.

But this state does not come at once, but develops gradually:

  1. Appearance may remain almost unchanged. Only slight swelling will be visible. It seems as if the person is sick and feels unwell. But over time, alcohol becomes addictive and has a strong effect even on young people, not sparing their appearance. The face begins to swell, a rash appears, bags and dark circles under the eyes. The person gradually enters the second period of the disease, where even greater changes in appearance await him.
  2. This stage is already chronic. Not only does the face and body suffer, but social degradation also occurs. The heart, kidneys, liver, brain and the body as a whole wear out. It is no longer able to remove excess fluid and gradually gains it, while the skin is dehydrated and loses color. A person stops taking care of himself and his hygiene.
  3. Significant damage to the skin and internal organs. A person can expect necrosis, ulcers, the development of chronic or acquired diseases (cirrhosis and Hepatitis C) and, as a finale, quick death. It will be difficult to recover from this stage. Because it is accompanied by diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, central nervous system, hepatitis. The body is so poisoned and weakened that it cannot cope even with basic functions. It is at this stage that severe swelling appears, the nose becomes covered with red-blue capillaries, hair falls out, nails become brittle and suffer from fungus.

Characteristic facial features of binge alcoholics

An alcoholic can be recognized quite easily, precisely by external signs. The drinker is transformed beyond recognition. Such addicts are like twins. Severe swelling, due to bags, reduced eye shape.

The body is unable to remove ethanol, fluid accumulates, and internal organs cannot withstand the load. High blood pressure causes the face to turn red. And due to the fact that the frontal muscle is constantly tense, it has an oval appearance.

The nose not only turns red, but also swells.

Violation of capillaries makes lips pale. Neuralgic changes also add their own pattern to the face. Facial expressions are transformed and a special “alcoholic mask” appears.

The body is constantly fighting against toxins that it throws out through the skin. As a result, it becomes covered with a rash, pimples, and becomes very dry, as alcohol causes dehydration.

This leads to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and aging. If you compare a photo some time ago before the onset of the disease and during its development, the person will be almost impossible to recognize.

Causes of facial swelling in drinkers

The reason that the face swells and over time turns into complete edema is frequent alcohol consumption. After treatment with liver enzymes, it is transformed into acetaldehyde. This substance is the cause of swelling.

It would seem that the body is dehydrated, but at a certain moment the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed and swelling is a clear sign of this. The body is constantly in a stress response and constantly accumulates moisture. Lymphatic drainage slows down and the amount of water is retained “in reserve.”

Also, obvious reasons for the swelling of an alcoholic are as follows:

  1. alcoholic cardiomyopathy, ascites and other diseases;
  2. renal failure;
  3. heart failure.

The mechanism of action of alcoholic poisons, regardless of the type of drink, is the same in its effect on appearance. Surrogates and low-quality alcohol have a faster impact on health. You can get rid of the puffiness effect only by undergoing detoxification for several months.

Why do alcoholics' faces turn red?

Redness– this is a clear manifestation of the disease at a protracted stage and by this sign you can immediately recognize the problem. When the nose turns red.

After taking a dose of alcohol, the face turns red after two to three hours, since the ethanol in its composition increases blood pressure, blood rushes to the head, and blood vessels dilate.

Over time, their elasticity deteriorates, the capillaries become clogged and burst, and a blood network forms mainly on the nose. Over time, micro-strokes occur and the skin becomes covered with spider veins. No cosmetics can hide this manifestation. It needs to be removed using special procedures.

Features of changes in men and women

Men. Representatives of the stronger sex do not consider beer to be alcoholic. Although dependence on this drink causes the most invisible and dangerous alcoholism.

When the drinking becomes stronger and more frequent, the man changes before his eyes. The young drunkard turns into an old man in appearance. The face turns red, especially the nose, and withdrawal symptoms (puffiness of the body) appear. Then the man loses weight. The skin becomes flabby, muscle and bone tissues are destroyed.

This is a feature of the development of the disease at a serious stage.

Women. Outwardly, you can almost immediately determine that this is an alcoholic. And it's quite easy to recognize. She is starting to look much older than her age by about 15-20 years. She becomes more aggressive because she receives an excess of the male hormone testosterone.

As a result, the pores suffer greatly, and the condition of the skin worsens. Its cover becomes coarser and loses moisture. If a woman continues to use, she will quickly age.

Horrifyingly, the damage alcohol causes to the body is irreversible. The withdrawal syndrome (swelling) partially remains with her for the rest of her life.

How to restore your face?

It is possible to restore your face after long-term alcoholism and return to normal life.

Of course, correcting the consequences is much more difficult than preventing them. Complete cessation of drinking alcohol will be the first stage of adaptation to social life. Then you can undergo a procedure to detoxify the body. This service is available in clinics and even in beauty salons and spas.

The person begins to gradually return to normal appearance, improving health. But recovery may take a month or even a year.

The body is weakened and will never be the same again, so it is necessary to take a break from exercise and lead a more gentle lifestyle, in which there is no place for alcohol. After all, drunkenness is a direct path to destroying your life. You can treat the consequences of its use, but it is better to prevent tragedy.

How to identify the first signs of alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a disease accompanied by a painful desire to drink ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks.

Alcoholism is characterized by several stages, each of which has its own symptoms. The first signs of alcoholism are most often missed by the patient himself and those around him; the disease is usually diagnosed in a fairly advanced stage.

As the disease progresses, mental and physical dependence on alcohol gradually increases, tolerance to alcohol increases, withdrawal symptoms (hangover symptoms) and palimpsests (gaps in memory of events during which the patient retains the appearance of adequate behavior) appear. The last stage of alcohol dependence is characterized by multiple organ failure and complete disintegration of the patient’s personality, with the loss of personal and social connections.

How to determine alcohol dependence? Medical help will help you find out if your loved one has alcoholism. reference Information and consultation with a narcologist.

The sooner alcohol dependence is identified and the necessary measures are taken, the greater the likelihood of stable remission of the disease.

Causes of alcoholism

It is believed that the external environment contributes to the development of the diagnosis of alcoholism, but in reality everything is much deeper. Most people drink alcohol in varying quantities in their lives, but not everyone develops a morbid addiction to alcohol. Ethanol has a toxic effect on human nerve cells, gradually changing metabolism as a whole. Women, adolescents and people with a family history of alcoholism are considered to be the most sensitive to this influence.

Medicine divides the causes of alcoholism into physiological, psychological and social:

  1. Physiological. These reasons include hereditary addiction to alcohol. Medical statistics have confirmed that in those families where parents have been diagnosed with alcoholism, the likelihood of alcohol dependence in children is many times greater than in families of abstainers.
  2. Psychological. The initial intake of alcohol causes euphoria, so often people who find themselves in a stressful situation smooth out the psychological consequences by drinking alcohol. Despite the fact that this effect of alcohol is very short-lived, people with low stress tolerance and inability to adapt to various life situations begin to relax with the help of alcohol and become dependent on alcohol.
  3. Social. Drunkenness of parents, an environment in which drinking alcohol is considered commonplace, bad company among teenagers - all these are social causes of alcoholism.

How to determine the stage of alcoholism?

Pre-alcoholism stage

At this stage, the addiction to alcohol is not yet very pronounced. But a person already has positive emotions associated with drinking alcohol. Friendly gatherings with alcohol are becoming regular. After drinking alcohol, a person begins to feel cheerful, cheerful, relaxed and happy. Gradually, alcohol becomes mandatory at all parties, and a feast without it is no longer acceptable.

Prodromal stage

This period is also called the zero stage of alcoholism. At this stage, gatherings with friends become regular (for example, on weekends). And accompanied by a lot of alcohol. The attitude “buy alcohol in advance so that there is enough” appears. During this period, the first palimpsests appear in humans. Narcologists associate them with oxygen starvation of brain cells.

Already at the zero stage, a person loses control over the amount of drinking, and the feeling of awkwardness from his behavior decreases. It is allowed to get drunk to the point of “face in the salad”. There is a desire to catch up with the company in intoxication if a person joined the feast later, for which large doses of alcohol are drunk in one gulp. In case of an overdose of alcohol, the gag reflex remains. No withdrawal syndrome is observed.
Most often, the zero stage of alcohol addiction lasts about 6-12 months. If after this alcohol intake remains on the same scale, stage 1 of alcoholism begins.

First stage of alcoholism

In stage 1, drinking alcohol already becomes an end in itself. An obsessive desire to “drink” or “get drunk” appears in any situation that is accompanied by emotional stress. Over time, the sick person begins to look for such situations in life and justify drinking alcohol with problems in the family and at work. Control over the alcohol consumed is lost, and the person often drinks much more than he originally intended, ending his drinking with an alcoholic sleep.

The number of palimpsests increases, and after drinking alcohol the patient becomes aggressive and irritable. The first problems appear in the social sphere. Sensitivity to alcohol decreases; increasing amounts of alcohol begin to be required to achieve the effect of intoxication. Gradually, a person begins to feel his dependence on alcohol and give up alcohol for a while in order to convince himself that he is in control of the situation. Periods of abstinence usually end in aggression and alcohol relapse. The initial stage of alcoholism progresses to stage 2.

Second stage of alcoholism

Stage 2 is characterized by increased tolerance to alcohol. Now, to achieve the usual effect of intoxication, many times more alcohol is required. This leads to a transition to cheaper varieties and the use of surrogates.
Control over the situation in a state of intoxication is completely lost, and palimpsests increase. It is at this stage that a withdrawal symptom appears - a hangover, which is accompanied by a whole series of ailments from the nervous, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

The hangover is relieved by drinking alcohol again, and the person begins to “hangover.” This, in turn, can lead to binge drinking, when the morning “hangover dose” smoothly turns into another binge, thereby forming a multi-day cycle of drinking alcohol. Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol during the binge stage can cause acute alcoholic delirium (“delirium tremens”).

At stage 2 of alcohol dependence, changes occur in the social and personal environment of the alcoholic. Financial problems and conflicts associated with the aggressiveness of the drinker begin in the family. The same period is characterized by the appearance of “stashes”, created out of fear that at the right time it will not be possible to take a dose of alcohol.

Ties are severed with friends who do not support the alcoholic’s lifestyle. There is a change in the social circle to “drinking buddies” and a sharp limitation of interests. Alcoholics in stage 2 often change jobs due to absenteeism and showing up at work drunk. A critical attitude to the situation is lost, life seems normal, and frequent dismissals from work are explained by “the pickiness of the employer.”

Drinking alcohol becomes dominant in everything, and all activities are perceived only from the point of view that they “do not interfere with drinking alcohol.”
In stage 2 alcohol dependence worsens physical health, impotence appears, and the first signs of multiple organ failure. The appearance changes dramatically, acquiring the characteristic features of an alcoholic.

In stage 2, a person may, under the influence of external factors (family, work), briefly stop drinking alcohol (“quit”). But any unusual situation again leads to a sharp alcoholic breakdown and binge drinking.

Third stage of alcoholism

Stage 3 alcohol dependence occurs after 10-20 years of alcohol abuse. The so-called chronic phase of the disease begins. During this period, all the signs of stages 1 and 2 of alcoholism worsen, but tolerance to alcohol sharply decreases. Now, in order to reach the stage of intoxication, small doses of alcohol are required, about 200 ml (a glass). Drinking alcohol begins in the morning and is taken in small portions throughout the day, including at night. Intoxication is accompanied by lethargy, lethargy, clouding of consciousness and falling asleep. Memory lapses are common. After waking up, withdrawal syndrome occurs, which requires urgent taking of the next dose. Periodically, the amount of alcohol consumed per day begins to gradually decrease until the body completely rejects alcohol and a period of sobriety occurs (“the gap between binges”), which usually lasts several days and ends with another binge.

In stage 3, personal and social connections are completely destroyed. Most often, such patients cannot work regularly and communicate with their family. Their social circle is narrowed to a few “drinking buddies.” A person completely degrades, stops taking care of his appearance and forgets about basic hygiene procedures. Possible manifestations alcoholic delirium(“delirium tremens”). Multiple organ failure develops. The life expectancy of patients in stage 3 does not exceed 5-10 years.

Treatment of alcoholism

Diagnosis and treatment of alcohol addiction is carried out by a narcologist. Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment can be carried out in a hospital, a medical rehabilitation center or on an outpatient basis. First of all, you need to understand that alcoholism is a serious disease that is almost impossible to cope with on your own. Treatment should be comprehensive and include physical and psychological assistance.

The traditional course of treatment for alcohol includes:

  1. Detoxification. Medicinal removal of alcohol and its toxins from the body with restoration of electrolyte balance, intravenous administration of vitamins (“removal from binge drinking”).
  2. Physical recovery. Treatment of diseases associated with alcoholism (pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis), relief of the consequences of heavy drinking (exhaustion, etc.).
  3. Psychological help. Alcoholism is not only physical, but also mental illness, therefore, a patient with such a diagnosis requires mandatory work with a psychologist to improve his psycho-emotional state and adopt a sober lifestyle.
  4. Long-term rehabilitation

It is impossible to cure alcohol addiction, but it is possible to enter a lifelong remission; to do this, you should completely abstain from drinking alcohol throughout your life. This requires long-term rehabilitation of such patients either at home under the supervision of a narcologist or in specialized institutions. During the rehabilitation period, 24-hour counseling and medication assistance should be provided at the request of the patient.

How to recognize an alcoholic

The insidiousness of alcohol addiction is that it takes years to form, but it comes on unnoticed. The fine line between periodic use and the first stages of alcoholism is erased in the usual friendly gatherings, corporate events and birthdays that are an integral part of our lives. Is it possible to recognize an alcoholic when the situation has not yet become critical and provide timely help to the person?

What personality traits are typical of alcoholics?

Ethanol compounds can penetrate the biochemical processes of the body and cause physiological dependence. However, alcoholism has a psycho-emotional basis.

Types of alcoholism and risk groups can be found in detail at the link.

Psychologists believe that there are personality types that are more susceptible to addictions:

  • emotionally unstable people with impulsive-hysterical reactions to what is happening and problems with motivation;
  • people with infantile ways of reacting to emerging troubles, trying to escape from problems rather than solve them;
  • people with low self-esteem who do not know how to express their feelings and have problems with socialization.

In the minds of most people, an alcoholic is a dejected person with shaking hands who is ready to do anything for a new dose. However, this is not always true. There are several types of alcohol addicts, who at first glance are not much different from ordinary people:

  1. Household alcoholics. In a company, these are the people who are most worried about whether they will have enough alcohol. They love to convince others to drink and are extremely persistent.
  2. Secret alcoholics. For the most part, these are quite lonely people who are prone to depression. They carefully hide their addiction, preferring to drink only at home.
  3. Beer alcoholics. These are the people who cannot imagine their life without an evening bottle of beer. Gradually, the dose of the foamy drink increases, but the person categorically refuses to admit the existence of a bad habit.
  4. Binge Alcoholics. They are difficult to recognize unless you communicate with them constantly. for a long time. They are capable of not drinking alcohol at all for several months, and then go on a long binge for a couple of weeks.

How does alcohol addiction manifest itself in appearance?

Ethanol in the body affects all internal organs, the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, which leads to certain characteristic changes in appearance.

Alcoholics are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Earthy, loose skin. The reason for such metamorphoses is the lifestyle of a drinking person: he eats poorly, and there is a lack of necessary microelements. In addition, alcoholic drinks lead to thyroid dysfunction, which also changes complexion.
  2. Swelling of the eyelids. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys, due to which fluid removal worsens and swelling occurs on the face.
  3. Red-blue spots on the face. Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate. With frequent libations, small vessels burst and move closer to the upper layer of the dermis. This is called “vitriol”, and it occurs most often in alcoholics.
  4. Cloudy eyes. In people who regularly drink alcohol, their vision deteriorates and their eyes begin to water. Cloudiness can also be caused by liver problems.
  5. Widened nostrils. Chronic edema from alcohol leads to swelling of those parts of the body that cannot deposit fluid. This occurs with the nose, which gradually swells and takes on a characteristic shape.

People who abuse alcoholic beverages develop the so-called “alcoholic face” with deep nasolabial folds, weakened oral muscles and brow ridges that are in constant tension.

Signs of alcohol abuse do not appear on the face immediately. It takes several years for ethanol to do its job.

The photo shows typical external signs of heavy libations:

Under the influence of alcohol, the gait changes, it becomes “shuffling”, the patient’s hands tremble, the voice becomes rougher and more hoarse.

How to stop drinking on your own, expert advice at the link.

Changes in behavior

Alcohol completely changes a person's lifestyle.

Depending on the stage of development of the addiction, distinctive features in a person’s behavior are identified that indicate the presence of alcohol addiction:

  1. Pre-alcoholic stage. A person is more often in euphoria after drinking a dose of alcohol, libations take place in cheerful companies of friends, and the idea that alcoholic drinks are a reliable source of a good mood is firmly established in the person’s mind. At this stage of addiction, the main sign that should cause concern is an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed.
  2. Prodromal period. At this stage, a person experiences attacks of partial amnesia after drinking libations. The alcoholic begins to hide his increasing dependence from his family, and remorse becomes especially acute during a hangover.
  3. Binge phase. The patient begins to blame others for his problem, shows aggressiveness, which is sometimes replaced by apathy and a feeling of guilt. Scandals begin in the family, problems at work. An alcoholic begins to make “stashes” because he develops a fear of being in a situation in which he cannot drink alcohol. Drinking becomes the main priority in life.
  4. Chronic stage. The patient ceases to resist addiction, binge drinking becomes constant and prolonged. Alcoholic psychoses, delirium and panic attacks appear. Very small doses of alcohol are needed to become intoxicated. Without alcohol, a person cannot act and make decisions. The patient is ready to drink any drink containing ethanol (cologne, medications).

The longer a person drinks alcohol, the more serious health problems become. Chronic diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system appear.

Getting rid of alcohol addiction is not easy. Early detection of the problem allows you to count on good results in treatment. In the chronic phase, the consequences for the body can be irreversible, and it is almost impossible to completely eliminate physiological and psychological dependence.

An experienced narcologist will tell you about the main causes of alcoholism and the distinctive signs by which you can recognize an addicted person:


The ability to recognize in a loved one an addiction to alcoholic drinks can help save his future, protect him from the serious consequences of regular libations.

Monastic tea for alcoholism: methods of use, recipes and effectiveness. Read here.

After all, alcoholics, at first glance, may seem like ordinary people who do not show themselves off in any way.

You cannot remain indifferent, you need to be attentive to your loved ones and not leave them in trouble.

An alcoholic has his own, very special “aroma” that cannot be confused with any other. But in addition to olfactory identification features, a drinking person has external characteristics that clearly distinguish him from the crowd

Alcoholic face

You can recognize a drinking character even in cartoons by their reddened and swollen face. The cause of redness is increased blood pressure and rapid pulse, caused by the body's fight against toxins. Blood rushes not only to the limbs, but also to the head. Therefore, there is a blush on the face of a drunk person. But for those who abuse alcohol on a regular basis, the vessels cannot withstand it and are damaged, which subsequently becomes the cause of persistent bluish and burgundy bruises. In addition, due to the large amount of toxic substances, oxygen completely stops flowing to some parts of the body.

That is why a burgundy-bluish face (more often the nose takes on a blue tint) is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind if we are asked to describe a classic alcoholic. Over time, the color changes to a yellowish-earthy color, which may indicate serious problems with liver function.

In addition to the specific color, alcohol gives the face some swelling. Large amounts of water are required to remove alcohol from the body. It is necessary for implementation chemical reactions, promoting the breakdown of ethanol. The water balance in the body is quite precarious, and as a result of the loss of even a small amount of fluid, dehydration occurs, and the body strives to compensate for this deficiency as quickly as possible.

A drinking person is tormented by a strong thirst, which he tries to quench with a huge amount of water, which, in turn, takes a long time to be absorbed in the poisoned body. And when too much fluid accumulates in the body, it begins to store all the available water, which leads to swelling of the face, arms and legs.

Another characteristic sign of the “alcoholic’s face” is constant tension in the frontal muscle, while all other facial muscles are relaxed. As a result, the face droops and takes on an oblong appearance. The nasolabial fold deepens in the upper part, while its lower part smoothes out and becomes less deep. Noticeable creases form at the inner corner of the eye, causing the eyes to appear more sunken. The nostrils widen, the lips become thicker and are constantly closed due to the fact that the round muscle of the mouth relaxes. Because of this, alcoholics tend to have a puffy and stupid expression on their faces.

We recognize you by your gait

Because of negative impact Alcohol affects the brain cells and the vestibular apparatus of the drinker also suffers, which is why the gait is disturbed. Problems with coordination remain even after a person stops drinking.

According to a study by a group of scientists from the Neurobehavioral Research Center in Honolulu led by George Fein, even after a person stopped drinking alcohol several years ago, his physical condition will not be the best. The researchers made these conclusions after observing 200 volunteers. 70 people gave up their addiction during the 15 weeks before the start of the study, and their tests were the most unsuccessful.

And even years after giving up alcohol abuse could not completely return the person to normal. Thus, participants in the control group, who had never been alcoholics, performed better in tests of “upright posture” than those who suffered from alcoholism several years ago. Dr. George Fein says that in former alcoholics, balance is never fully restored. According to him, in the best case, we can expect 80-90% recovery, but no more.

Watch your hands

Hand tremors can occur not only in an alcoholic, but also in an average person who has allowed himself a little too much. Therefore, it is worth highlighting tremor as a sign of poisoning, and tremor as a sign of alcoholism.

In the first case alcohol poisoning the body simply goes hand in hand with a hangover. But more often the hands of alcoholics shake for another reason. Ethanol is already habituated to the body; it is no longer possible to stop drinking. Alcohol suppresses nervous processes in the brain, which causes intoxication. When alcohol is consumed constantly, internal organs begin to work differently. Therefore, when an alcoholic stops drinking, it results in shaking. The nervous system is extremely overexcited. This can lead to very serious consequences - even death.

No matter how funny and absurd people with alcohol addiction, alcoholism has been and remains a serious chronic disease that affects the entire body as a whole, which cannot but affect a person’s appearance.

How to understand that you are an alcoholic

A person does not become an alcoholic in the most severe stage overnight. This is a gradual process that has several steps. And if you work in the alcohol industry, the risks increase. And the sooner you realize that you have problems, the easier it will be to get rid of addiction and not lead the situation to irreversible consequences.
An addicted person harms not only himself, but also the people around him. As a rule, people living next to a sick person need professional psychological help no less than the patient himself, even if they feel quite happy.
Alcohol intoxication is poisoning. The severity of the consequences depends on how severely the person was poisoned. Getting alcohol into the body is harmful in itself. Kirill Afanasenko, head of the narcology department of the Petersburg Narcologist clinic, tells us what exactly happens in the human body when alcohol enters it:

Alcohol, that is, alcohol, has a lot useful properties, about which they sing songs familiar to all drinkers. Tasty, healthy, analgesic, vasodilator, but in its own way chemical properties Alcohol breaks down into aldehydes in the body. Aldehydes are poison. Much or little - this already characterizes the degree of poisoning. There is no such thing as healthy alcohol. By definition, alcohol is a neurotropic poison.
Alcoholism is scary because its consequences extend not only to the sick person, but also to his immediate environment. Most often, his family suffers, whose members, due to the aggressive behavior of the patient, can suffer not only psychologically, but also physically.
Neither quantity, nor quality, nor frequency of use are decisive in the concepts of “drunkenness” and “alcoholism.” These indicators can only add color to the picture and reveal details. The main difference between an alcoholic is obsession, that is, an obsessive desire to drink alcohol, despite awareness of the harmful consequences for family, health, work, etc. The main thing that helps determine addiction is the internal feeling of being wrong.

The simplest test for addiction is the question: “Have you promised someone that you won’t drink?” AND? The addict makes promises, but cannot keep the promise. No way. He puts forward a bunch of the most ridiculous explanations, promises again, and so on in a circle. Until the thought creeps into your head: “Or maybe there’s something wrong with me?”
It is very difficult for the patient himself to understand that he has become an alcoholic, since in most cases he no longer sees the measure and does not consider himself dependent. However, you should seriously think about it if you have the following symptoms:

An obsessive desire to drink alcohol, despite awareness of the harmful social consequences.
- The desire to have a hangover not so that it would be good, but so that it would not be bad, i.e. formation of hangover syndrome.
- Increased frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption, i.e. ability to drink more with the same effect.
- Notable health effects include nausea, liver and heart pain.
- And finally, if you understand that alcohol bothers you and harms you in life, but you cannot give it up.

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