Scorpio renewal of relationships. Finances in the Year of the Rooster Scorpio

In 2017, many Scorpios will stand on the threshold of big changes, through which they will divide their lives into “before” and “after”. The turning point in their life will be the meeting of a new person who will pull them along.

Scorpio will be overcome by the wind of change; he will want to leave old colleagues and tedious work behind him and let a wave of transformation into his life. Following the object of their adoration, they are ready to go to the ends of the world, leaving family and friends. Someone will change jobs.

Changes in life will change the worldview of the representatives of the sign. The brave ones will be pleased with the result, but the more timid ones, on the contrary, will be frightened by such a turn in life.

What happens next depends entirely on the Scorpios themselves. The stars advise you to take a risk and take a step towards the unknown, the unknown, to discover another world. Of course, your relatives will not like such somersaults. But time will pass, and they will accept you for who you have become.

Scorpio love horoscope for 2017

The coming year is filled with pleasant impressions. The Rooster will give Scorpios many new acquaintances and romantic encounters. People will be attracted by the positive energy of representatives of this sign.

Scorpios themselves will happily plunge into blissful languor, and soon the passion will develop into serious feelings. As soon as they realize that they have fallen in love, they will have to fight for the attention of their chosen one, because this is not an ordinary person, but an extraordinary, strong-willed, grandiose personality in every sense. Only such a person can captivate Scorpio.

The stars say that everything will end well. Lonely Scorpios will meet the life partner they have been waiting for for many years. Married people have to go through the dissolution of a relationship. This is necessary for their future personal happiness. You shouldn’t waste your time on random intrigues; true love awaits you ahead.

Business horoscope

Those born under the sign of Scorpio will feel a surge of strength. If you consider that they already have powerful energy, you can imagine what success they can achieve. Many will want to climb to the very top of the career ladder and strengthen their business status.

Well, the cards are in your hands. But don’t forget to assemble a team of equally energetic people and acquire reliable patrons. There are such people, and, most likely, your extraordinary energy is already attracting them. The stars advise choosing creative people as partners, capable of coming up with new ideas one after another. Consolidate your efforts and use your connections, then success is guaranteed.

The overwhelming energy of Scorpios will not allow them to remain silent when they are insulted; they will defend themselves and their views. Perhaps this will even become a reason to free yourself from the oppression of your superiors. After leaving their boring service, they will open their own business and develop it successfully. Initially, they will be tormented by financial issues; every penny will be invested in the enterprise. The stars say that all costs will be more than paid off. Of course, not immediately, but in the second half of the year the income will become stable. In addition, in the first half of the year the horoscope recommends purchasing a car, no matter how financially difficult it may be. Then there will not be enough money for this.

Health horoscope for Scorpios

From the very beginning of the year, Scorpios should start strengthening their immunity. And not on your own, but under the supervision of an experienced doctor. If preventive measures are not taken in time, the body will fail at the most inopportune moment.

The stars warn against uncontrolled use of antibiotics. This can seriously harm the intestinal microflora, the normal functioning of which will be disrupted. In addition, the body will begin to be undermined by constant colds. As a result, you may even end up in the hospital and be stuck there for a long time. To avoid this, Scorpios should listen to the alarm signals that their body sends them, and at the first signs of illness, consult a specialist. Representatives of the sign are shown a healthy lifestyle; they should spend more time in the fresh air and engage in physical exercise.

Horoscope of Scorpio men in 2017

Adrenaline in the blood of men will go through the roof. A hectic business and personal life is their element, what keeps them in good shape, allowing them to feel the rhythm of life. Scorpios will set ambitious goals for themselves and will move towards them with leaps and bounds. Emerging problems will only irritate them, forcing their brain to work with redoubled force. It is quite possible that their efforts will lead them to the leadership chair.

Scorpio bosses will occupy higher positions. They will have to manage a large number of subordinates. Social activists will show themselves on a larger scale. Fate will give them the opportunity to take part in solving world issues. Here success will depend on themselves. In the personal life of Scorpio men, everything is somewhat chaotic. Workaholics will start office romances, starting to combine their personal lives with work. Single people will be attracted to married ladies. The stars advise you to curb yourself a little and live more calmly.

Scorpio woman and her horoscope for 2017

Scorpio women will also experience success at work. Their amazing gift of persuasion will greatly contribute to this. Previously closed doors will open before them, interesting prospects will loom on the business horizon that they had not had the courage to think about before.

The role of a public leader solving the problems of humanity is quite suitable for them. Ladies will enjoy success with the opposite sex. Many memorable moments await them, many of them pleasant.

The horoscope recommends that women leave their affairs aside and devote more time to their personal lives. Don't skimp on your appearance and take care of your health, if necessary, go on a diet. If you have met your betrothed and have already received a marriage proposal, it is better to organize the wedding after the birthday.

2017 does not promise to be an easy year for your sign, but it will not be without success. You will be able to solve problems that may have upset you for a long time. It will also be possible to successfully complete projects started in the previous year. In 2017, you should be very careful in communication: any careless word can lead to an acute conflict, especially with those with whom the relationship is not going well anyway.

Know how to take on the role of a loner in certain situations and rely only on your own strengths. Listen to your intuition: it will rarely be wrong and will magically show you a way out of the most difficult situation.

In January, do not be too trusting: sweet promises and the possibility of easy profit will bring failure. Major troubles and upheavals are possible in February; be prepared to go through them with optimism. At the end of February, you will already return to life and, perhaps, even climb the career ladder.

In June, try to improve relationships with colleagues; this will serve you well in the future. In August, your business abilities will be maximally activated, you will be dynamic and successful. The pace will still be frantic in September, but be careful and think carefully about any decision to avoid mistakes. November is one of the most fruitful months of the year; it will bring a lot of new impressions, interesting acquaintances and events.

In December, pay attention to your spiritual development, rethink your plans and slow down the pace of life a little before the onset of the new year.

Love horoscope 2017 Scorpio

For most representatives of this sign, 2017 will not be very smooth. Particularly affected will be those couples where problems have been going on for several years. In this situation, it can be assumed that conflicts will continue to develop and, as a result, the likelihood of separation will increase. The second part of the year is especially difficult in this regard, since neither Scorpio nor his passion will make concessions.

Many Scorpios will have to go through serious disagreements with relatives. Conflicts may take a particularly severe form in January, March or April 2017.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio warns that the disclosure of many secrets will cause irreparable harm to his reputation. In this case, the representative of the sign may lose the sympathy of not only the people around him, but also a loved one. Therefore, you should be especially careful, patient and wise in relationships.

Friendly families can begin to improve their lives. During this period, real estate transactions, including the purchase of a new apartment or house, are not excluded. Or a major renovation of your home will begin.

Scorpio's personal life this year promises to be quite exciting and intriguing.

It is possible that in the cold winter time you will meet your soulmate. By spring, your romance will reach its climax. At the same time, it is worth refraining from making decisions in moments of highest passion. It’s better to wait until the summer, when you can adequately assess the current situation and make the truly right decision.

In October you should expect a marriage proposal. And at the end of the year, the gift you receive will change your whole life.

Pay attention to the people you meet on the 6th and 15th of each month. And if you meet in a restaurant (cafe, canteen), and during the conversation it turns out that your new acquaintance is a doctor or is going to become one, then, for sure, this is your long-awaited love.

Career horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

The beginning of 2017 is the most important milestone on the career path of Scorpios. During this period, you will be more successful than ever: money ideas will come to you one after another, and you will not encounter a single obstacle in the implementation of everything you have planned. Make the most of this time! Be active and active, feel how Fate favors you - and work sparing no effort, fortunately you will have plenty of it during this period.

In the spring, you will still work just as fruitfully, although not as eagerly as before. After several months of hard work, you will, of course, want to take a break; you will feel that there is very little strength left for work. However, in no case do not give in to the desire to indulge in laziness - this can ruin and cancel out all your previous efforts. A little effort on yourself - and you will literally get a second wind: a spring mood will help you cope with stress, and you can expect very valuable help from your colleagues.

If in the spring you manage to implement all your projects and finish your current routine affairs, the summer period will bring very pleasant changes. The work will go like clockwork, and you won’t have to spend too many resources on it. The microclimate in your team will be favorable: mutual assistance and communication on a friendly note will turn daily work into a pleasant pastime. It is better to devote this quiet period to contemplation and thinking about your plans for the future. Many representatives of the sign can now dare to take unexpected steps in their careers. It may suddenly seem to you that the position you occupy does not correspond to your abilities and ambitions, or that your place of work is not at all the limit of your dreams. In general, it is quite possible that during the summer you will decide to make some changes in your professional life. These changes will be for the better: there will be employers interested in your services, reliable partners and even generous sponsors. A prerequisite for success is to feel confident and know the value of your capabilities.

By the beginning of winter, you will finally build a work model that will really suit you. Whether it's your old place of work or a new one, you will feel very comfortable. Your relationship with your team can only be envied: both colleagues and superiors will be crazy about your professional talents, as well as your personal qualities. You will evaluate the results of the past years with pleasure, noting that professionally this year has become one of the most successful in your memory.

Health horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

At the beginning of 2017, Scorpios, strong and healthy by nature, should still pay closer attention to the needs and needs of their body. After all, it is this year that seasonal colds and ailments will most likely overtake you. True, everything will depend only on you: timely preventive procedures will help you avoid troubles altogether. You should not abuse alcohol - the liver may react to it too violently, which will bring extra headaches. Follow a diet and take vitamins, be attentive to yourself - this will make it easy to endure the unpleasant winter period.

In spring, the trends of previous months, unfortunately, will continue. The stars promise your health more and more new threats: injuries, colds, exacerbations of chronic diseases. Don’t be discouraged and don’t give up, the action plan should still be the same: proper nutrition, daily routine and moderate exercise. In the right mood, you will very soon overcome any adversity. Only after this should you not imagine yourself as a hero and immediately put heavy stress on your body at work or in the gym - and you won’t be far from relapse.

In summer, avoid excessive physical exertion and long exposure to the sun; this may increase your blood pressure, which will already be prone to changes during this period. Instead of intense training on simulators, give preference to swimming, brisk walking or dancing, and try to sunbathe only under an umbrella. If you do everything correctly, health problems will be avoided.

The end of the year is perhaps the calmest and most favorable month for your health. Only representatives of the sign who are prone to allergic reactions should be attentive to their well-being: seasonal exacerbation is now possible. However, this does not threaten anything serious - you need to consult a doctor for recommendations or overcome the disease yourself, with the help of traditional medicine. Particularly impressionable representatives of the sign may suffer from insomnia and restlessness at the end of the year. There is nothing wrong with this either: a glass of warm milk with honey at night or, in extreme cases, a couple of valerian tablets will solve this issue very quickly.

Scorpio - annual horoscope

“A bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky” - this proverb can become the motto of the entire 2017 Scorpio horoscope. Set specific goals for yourself, and the results will follow.

Scorpio is a mysterious sign, frightening and attractive. Representatives of this zodiac sign have leadership charisma, people listen to them, but they are also afraid. Their magical appeal is explained by the halo of death spreading around him. Destruction and creation - this is the aura inherent in Scorpios. Many of them have psychic abilities; the secrets of life and death are revealed to them.

People born under the sign of Scorpio will have a bright and eventful year. Of course, not all of them will be pleasant, but you will remember this period for a long time. It is possible that this year representatives of this zodiac sign will spend an unforgettable vacation with friends or lovers at sea. A lot of energy will be devoted to creativity, emotional experiences and visits to psychologists. Representatives of this sign will be able to realize bold ideas that they have been nurturing for a long time. You will become the builders of your own life, and you will succeed in everything you set your mind to. The Fire Rooster, the owner of 2017, will support you in all your endeavors. But the most important interest, as the 2017 horoscope promises for Scorpio, will be related to love and relationships. Rely on your intuition, this year it is unusually strong. But don’t expect everything to happen by itself, make efforts to realize your own desires, be as active as possible and all your dreams will come true.

In 2017, Mars, which is one of the rulers of this sign, will conjunct the superior planet Neptune in Pisces. Therefore, many Scorpios this year will have an irresistible desire to change their appearance, engage in occult sciences, or, in a negative manifestation, encroach on other people’s property. Perhaps some representatives of this zodiac sign will join some religious society and become followers of unconventional teachings. But, at the same time, an opposition between Jupiter and Uranus will arise, which indicates that the process of acquiring new ideals will not be easy. Most likely, close and dear people will not accept Scorpio’s new spiritual hobbies. Moreover, on this basis, numerous conflicts, separations and even illnesses are possible. But, if Scorpio is convinced of something, it is almost impossible to stop him.

The Scorpio woman is able to seduce anyone. If Scorpio has no moral prohibitions, her sexual power takes on the proportions of a natural disaster. But in 2017, destructive energy may strike the source itself. Be more attentive to those around you, and direct your energy in a creative direction.

For Scorpio men, the coming year is full of unexpected twists of fate. How they will be - happy or not - depends on their internal composure and self-control. Your great capacity for survival will help you overcome career turmoil, but your love of self-reflection can lead to a temporary breakdown.

So, let's take a closer look at what will have a greater impact on the representatives of your zodiac sign this year. First of all, it should be noted that in 2017 Venus will be in a fairly powerful aspect relative to your sign, which, by the way, cannot be said about Jupiter. And although in many situations Jupiter is usually perceived as a harbinger of good luck, strong support from Jupiter in 2017 would be frankly unnecessary, precisely because the light has converged like a wedge on Scorpio. Scorpios will probably have to do something throughout 2017, go somewhere, strive for something. And this is only partly good, since Scorpios, although sometimes outright workaholics, are still accustomed to interspersing times of frantic activity with times of frank rest, or even better, complete idleness and relaxation, when free hours can be devoted to what you really, really want, and not what is objectively necessary (it’s not just work, it’s training, family, and many other things). In general, 2017 will be a clearly positive time for representatives of your zodiac sign, which will be literally filled to the brim with significant events, positive and (where would we be without them) conflict situations. And most importantly, Scorpios will always have a chance, and a significant one, not only to emerge victorious from the next battle, but also, once and for all, to outshine all their current opponents.

From the first days of 2017 to the end of August, Scorpios will experience a fairly long time period, which will turn out to be very significant in the sense that the main part of the dynamics that 2017 has prepared for you will occur precisely at this time. It is difficult to say how ready you will be for this, but even in winter you will have to cooperate and take the main blow in the work area. It is likely that some projects will not be as successful as your management thought, but the situation can be corrected in any case. Scorpios must act; now initiative will be your lucky ticket. Don’t be afraid to take on more responsibilities, you’ve been ready for this for a long time, don’t doubt yourself. Actually, there is a possibility that your opinion will not be required here, you will simply be given the appropriate tasks. For senior managers and those who work for themselves (freelancers, for example), it will be a little more difficult in this regard. Simply because you have to choose your own priorities. After all, you see, it’s much easier when someone does it for you. And the responsibility always lies with the one who makes the decisions. On the other hand, if you win, you won’t have to share your well-deserved laurels with anyone. In general, here everyone will have their own problems, which will only please Scorpios, because, firstly, they promise enviable prospects, and secondly, you won’t encounter any special difficulties along the way; in fact, everything will turn out to be many times simpler than it seems at first sight. Although, of course, you shouldn’t relax. At the beginning of 2017, it is vitally important for Scorpios to be in the thick of things all the time, this is the only way you will not miss that important moment that is bound to lead you to success. Separately, it is worth mentioning that in terms of personal relationships during this period you will have to solve many problems that will fall on you, although not all at once, but at a certain moment it may seem that there will be no end to this flow. Don’t worry, there is a limit to everything, but not your capabilities! Use the entire arsenal of your natural abilities, if necessary, manipulate people, after all, if they give you such an opportunity, then it is necessary. The main thing here is to be a winner, “the main thing is participation” is not a relevant slogan for Scorpios now, in fact, you have always understood this very well. This stage will be especially interesting for family representatives of your zodiac sign; they will be able to literally take their relationship to a fundamentally new level.

With the dawn of the first ten days of September 2017 and until February 15, 2018 (the end of the period patronized by the Rooster), the next stage of the current annual cycle will begin in relation to the Zodiac sign Scorpio. This phase may seem a little more difficult to you, although the intensity and workload of events will drop significantly. Scorpios will have to think more often and delve deeper into the essence of what is happening. The main problems (rather difficult situations) will be related to children (of course, this only applies to those Scorpios who have children). In most cases, Scorpios should not show their offspring how to behave by personal example; the time for this is most likely lost. It is better to show an active life position, but at the same time be flexible in making decisions, especially when it comes to the first love experience of your rapidly maturing child. For single Scorpios, towards the end of autumn, there will be many opportunities to change the current status quo. Don’t be shy, you have something to surprise and amaze, the main thing is to do it more often. At work, everything will get better, level out and move along a uniquely upward vector. But Scorpios are unlikely to be able to rest in the second half of 2017. For one reason or another, surrounding events will continue to drag you into endless worries that require regular and constant attention. You, dear Scorpios, will, of course, rest (possibly), but only when the Year of the Rooster finally goes into sunset. And in 2017, you need to strike while the iron is hot, in every sense. True, there is one small but extremely important point regarding your sign: under no circumstances try to use your new capabilities for purely materialistic interests, at least until the end of the current stage. Of course, there are also some nuances here that will not come as a surprise to you, but this is an individual point that requires separate consideration and the drawing up of a personal horoscope for 2017. The important thing is that 2017 will bring Scorpios a lot of opportunities and prospects, which you will be able to realize very soon. And yet, Scorpios will be completely successful only if they are ready to use their strengths, not only for their own sake.

Be happy in 2017! May 2017, the Year of the Rooster, bring you, dear Scorpios, the success and joy that you truly deserve! If Scorpios are happy and satisfied in 2017, all the people around you will be happy and satisfied!

2017 is the year of the Rooster. It is this year that those born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio should be prepared for a wide variety of events, sometimes unpredictable and full of amazing adventures.

The year promises Scorpios parting with much of the past. When faced with the unknown, one should not rush or draw hasty conclusions. It is better to analyze the situation to decide how to act. Try to share your plans less with others. The stars instruct Scorpios, having made a decision, to go only forward, without stopping, without doubt, without giving in to advice and premonitions. This is the key to Scorpio’s success in all areas of activity in 2017.

Fundamentals - Finance

Any business or undertaking requires solid financial support. The Year of the Rooster is special for Scorpios in this regard. Astrologers note that in order to maintain a stable financial situation, people of this sign should be careful in their affairs and moderate in their appetites.
This especially applies to those Scorpios who count on strengthening their financial position through professional activities, hoping to receive significant profits.

This is impossible without significant investment, and this is almost always a risk. You need to be prepared for unpredictable consequences, take risks wisely, exercise business caution and count on the protection of the Rooster. Attentiveness and caution in business, combined with this patronage, will contribute to success.

This year, it is better for Scorpios not to lend large sums, or, in order to avoid troubles, even with their closest relatives and friends, they should comply with all formalities and draw up the proper documents.

Scorpio in business according to the 2017 horoscope

People of the Scorpio sign are ambitious. It may happen that an equally ambitious person will become a partner or competitor in business for Scorpio in 2017. This will bring good luck to all endeavors. In tandem with a person like yourself, it will be easier to implement your plans and implement the most daring investment projects. Joint activities will bring success in the professional field.

Don't be careful, even if this person turns out to be more decisive than you, he is ready to take reasonable risks. It can become a catalyst for ideas and a driver of activity for you, which will have a positive impact on the outcome of your affairs.

But do not forget to be careful when choosing a partner. Beware of a person who is ready to manipulate you and those around you for his own personal gain and career growth. The success of joint ventures with such a person is impossible. The stars tell Scorpios about the need to make morally correct and legally verified decisions.

Star predictions about Scorpio's health in 2017

Astrologers urge Scorpios to be extremely attentive to their health in 2017. Threats should be expected from several sides at once. The first is weakening of the immune system and troubles from seasonal viral diseases. Here you should immediately abandon any type of self-medication.

Only visiting a doctor and strictly following his recommendations will help prevent the possibility of complications. The second is the destruction of the intestinal microflora as a result of the ill-considered use of various medications and especially antibiotics. Throughout the year, Scorpio’s gastrointestinal tract should be under special control.

Proper nutrition and prevention with effective means will ensure the stability of its activities and an overall positive background of health. Do not neglect all types of prevention, even if, at first glance, your health does not cause concern. To strengthen your body, carefully plan your vacation. Relaxing by the sea, summer sun, introducing fruits and vegetables into your diet guarantees improved health and well-being throughout 2017.

The stars promise love worries for Scorpio

If Scorpio met 2017 alone, the reason should be sought within oneself. The astrological forecast directly indicates the presence of problems that only Scorpio himself can solve. The main one is the lack of proper attention to personal life. There is definitely a person next to you waiting for your attention and even love.

It’s worth looking around and finding time in your busy schedule to build a relationship with a nice person. In order not to predict loneliness for many years, you should break the circle of usual activities, worries, worries and go to friends. It will be useful to visit society and public places, communicate with people in companies; you should not avoid casual but pleasant acquaintances. They can be decisive in your destiny.

For Scorpios who have a loved one or even a spouse, the stars predict an affair or even a serious romance. It is especially likely that sympathy will appear on the side in the second half of the year. Astrologers do not advise throwing yourself “into the pool headlong.”

Step back from vivid impressions and emotions, stop and think! Don't make hasty decisions. Understand your feelings. Try not to injure your loved ones. After thinking everything over, make a responsible decision. Don't live on two fronts. This will not bring happiness to you or your partners.

Scorpios are not expected to have problems with children in the year of the Rooster. They will delight you with good behavior and decent academic results.

From the date of birth of Scorpio to the horoscope of 2017

The horoscope of Scorpios depends significantly on their date of birth. Those of them born between October 29 and November 1 are aesthetes by nature. They are gourmets and have deep knowledge of music and painting. In their free time they prefer to attend theatrical performances, exhibitions, and fashion shows.

They are erudite, ready for meaningful discussion and can even master secret knowledge. People of this sign, born from November 6 to 8, are prone to periodically make drastic changes in their lives.
It is noteworthy that their passion for change in 2017 will bring them good luck and will have a beneficial effect on their entire future destiny. Their life will be filled with new emotions, impressions, they will be able to generate new ideas and actively implement them.

The life of Scorpios born from November 9 to November 14 is stable and measured. Strong, stable partnerships will bring them success in all areas of activity. In their personal lives, in 2017 they are actively searching for a loved one. And this search may well end in marriage.

And those who have long been bound by the bonds of Hymen will renew their relationships and bring more romance into them. All other Scorpios can achieve a lot in the year of the Rooster, without refusing to participate in endeavors, projects, accepting proposals from partners for active work! Your success is in your hands!

And some more forecasts for Scorpios for 2017 in the next video.

2017 prepared huge opportunities in all areas of life for Scorpio. But in order not to miss them, you will need attentiveness, perseverance and hard work.

To begin with, routine can lead to boredom, a desire for change, and risky projects imposed by untested colleagues or business partners. Take some time, a little patience and you will easily finish old things and not in vain. After this, there will be plenty of reliable prospects. Discoveries and surprises will never cease to amaze.

The spirit of competition and contradiction will have a powerful influence on Scorpio's actions. Do not overdo it. Be guided by your own interests. You no longer need to assert yourself and strive for victory for the sake of its very fact. The reputation is already excellent. And you know yourself well and don’t forget about self-esteem. Save your energy for pragmatic endeavors.

There will be too many promising options. Assess your capabilities and set priorities. Focus your energy on what’s important, don’t get scattered. Innate intuition will help you decide. She will tell you when to take a decisive step. Approach tasks thoroughly, remember that a solid foundation is the key to excellent results in every task.

Friends and family will be able to provide serious support to this representative of the water element. But first, show them that they are valuable. The main thing is to find a balance of time devoted to family and friends.

The 2017 horoscope promises Scorpio a period of increased emotionality, both for themselves and those around them. Tests and changes are expected on the love front. Keep your categorical and straightforward attitude. And soon your loved ones will appreciate your patience.

It is quite possible that old friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time will ask for help - do not refuse. Circumstances sometimes separate people. If you were not valued, you would ask someone else for help. Live up to your expectations. Your immediate circle will turn to you for creditor assistance. Don’t worry, debts will be returned quickly and with gratitude. And in turn, when you need support, they will be there.

By the middle of the year you will reap the benefits, the excitement will decrease, and fatigue will accumulate. The temptation will be great to let everything take its course. Don’t relax, use your will to maintain control over the situation so as not to overlook something wrong. And by November you will be rewarded with a new surge of optimism, vigor and work enthusiasm.

Strengths in the year of the Rooster for Scorpios will be communication skills, determination, hard work and foresight. Use them wisely for maximum effectiveness of any efforts.

Not for fun, but for health

Many Scorpios will give up on health and well-being in 2017. you are used to not feeling sorry for yourself, working with full dedication and taking on too much in everyday life. Almost every day, Scorpios are filled only with junk food in a hurry, emotional and physical overload. This lifestyle undermines the immune system and provokes exacerbations of chronic diseases; this year the body may not forgive negligence. The spring period is especially dangerous. There is also a high risk of depression.

It is necessary to restore expended resources. Give yourself a break, go for a walk, enjoy fruits and vegetables. You don't have to resort to a strict diet. Fresh, complete and balanced food can be very tasty.

Let your loved ones take care of you. Don't take it all on yourself. Do not consider compliments and discussions of your achievements a waste of time. It's well deserved. If possible, take a short vacation at the beginning of the year. get out into nature.

Patience and work...

In the business sphere, Scorpios should devote time to maintaining connections; even seemingly useless acquaintances will come in handy in 2017. Perseverance and patience will pay dividends. The authorities will be favorable to this zodiac sign and will think about a promotion. Colleagues, on the contrary, will try to harm you in every possible way. Do not give in to provocations, try to avoid any conflict situations.

Do not get involved in global projects at the beginning of the year and avoid unnecessary initiative. Let your current responsibilities seem like a routine, but you are full of strength and eager for achievements. Wait for the right moment, and in the meantime, take care of paperwork; you don’t care about bureaucracy during this period. Until the middle of the year, work measuredly, accumulate energy and enthusiasm. Settle your backlog of affairs and, in the summer months, relax with a clear conscience and make good use of the quiet period.

Leave all your endeavors until the end of the year. This is when there is a great chance for success and professional growth. Offers and partners will find you themselves. Be picky, demand a clear business plan and specific arguments. Do not be guided by emotional affection, think soberly. Choose the most thoughtful, large and promising option. Use various resources and don’t be afraid of large-scale investments, they will pay off handsomely.

Love horoscope

Stability in close relationships can be hampered by excessive emotionality, criticality and jealousy of representatives of this sign. In 2017, the attention of the opposite sex to them will be increased.

In the summer, passionate and romantic feelings that arise can develop into serious affection and develop into a long-term relationship. And on the contrary, seemingly strong and long-lasting alliances will be under the threat of collapse. Weigh the pros and cons well, evaluate your feelings and prospects. Don't make hasty decisions.

For family Scorpios, 2017 is preparing many surprises. Expect a sharp increase in conflicts or, on the contrary, an unusually intrusive manifestation of love from relatives. Keep in mind that at this time there is a high probability of offending one of them. Be patient, attentive and forgiving.

Involve your loved ones in active activities, repairs, remodeling and other household chores. Distribute responsibilities, your leadership will be accepted with enthusiasm. Don't forget to encourage work and initiative. Get your family out into nature and public places more often.

Children will pleasantly surprise Scorpio parents with academic achievements and complaisance. Let them know that you appreciate their efforts and are proud of them. Praise them in private and in public. This will keep children's aspirations alive in the future.

For beautiful ladies. What the stars promise to Scorpio women

The popularity and wealth of choice for women born under this constellation will be ubiquitous. The year promises to be memorable and will change a lot for the better. You will never be bored.

Bright romantic days and varied experiences will ensure the courtship of several serious admirers at once. Generous gifts and serious intentions will not keep you waiting.

And in the career field there will be an opportunity to gain complete independence and start your own business.

For passionate men. What astrologers foretell for Scorpio men

According to the horoscope for 2017, the Scorpio man will be tormented by a thirst for change and freedom. It’s worth thinking about and weighing the pros and cons of your significant other and your union. If you want to save the relationship, you should try. Save criticism and categoricalness for the professional field.

The realization that the union does not bring happiness will push you to take decisive action: divorce and separation from your long-time partner in the middle of the year is very likely. But there will still be no place for loneliness in life; new acquaintances and whirlwind romances will fill your days.

Don’t risk being careless and making unprotected contacts. The stars warn that there is a high risk of contracting dangerous infections. Be careful. The desire to find the best is the true motivation of Scorpio.

And in every detail. Eastern horoscope

A horoscope is compiled for each zodiac sign and the role of the patron of the year of your birth is important in it. Each combination with the sign of Scorpio will give priority:

  • Rat-Scorpio(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Life will seethe, unfortunately, with an oncoming flow. But Rats are excellent swimmers; their innate determination and activity will help them overcome the current, achieving their goals. Follow the realization of your energy, otherwise missed opportunities will torment you for a long time.

  • Scorpio Ox(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Strives to get everything right now. Do not overdo it. Give yourself a break and time to look around. Choose the main ones from your tasks; excessive workload will have a bad effect on your health. In the spring of 2017, be especially careful, as chronic diseases may worsen.

  • Tiger-Scorpio(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

A serious dilemma on the personal front can overtake a representative of this combination of signs. A bright, passionate office romance and a quiet, proven family haven? You won’t be able to combine them, choose so as not to be left with nothing.

  • Rabbit-Scorpio(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Cunning and prudence will be the key to success. At the same time, do not reach the point of unscrupulousness; other people's troubles will never be a solid foundation for achievements. Even if the temptation to make money at someone else’s expense is great, remember that the likelihood of publicity is significant.

  • Dragon-Scorpio(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

You need to pay close attention to your business connections. Unreliable partners will definitely let you down in 2017, destroying your financial stability. And dishonest colleagues can set you up for the sake of their interests and ruin your reputation.

  • Snake-Scorpio(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Tempters should not indulge in revelry and be dishonest with their partners. If you do not find a stable union now, in the future your brilliant attractiveness will fade and loneliness will overtake you.

  • Scorpio Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horses have accumulated skeletons in the closet. Carry your burden of secrecy. Don't reveal yourself even to your most trusted people. The shame of publicity will completely overshadow the desire to pour out your soul.

  • Goat-Scorpio(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Goats are required to undergo a medical examination by mid-spring 2017. The loss of strength has a physiological basis, you need to restore your health, and the solution to matters will rush at a gallop.

  • Monkey-Scorpio(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

For Monkeys, 2017 would be a good year for a career breakthrough. But playful and enthusiastic, they will indulge in entertainment. A vibrant personal life and a lot of new experiences will be a priority.

  • Rooster Scorpio(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

The rooster needs to be on guard. The home and mutual understanding with relatives will be under threat. And the reason for this will be the absence of loved ones in difficult moments. Too much time spent traveling and away from home is expected.

  • Scorpio Dog(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

For representatives of this zodiac duo, 2017 is an excellent time for major financial transactions, purchases, and real estate transactions. But don’t make decisions spontaneously; move more in the right circles, stocking up on up-to-date information.

  • Scorpio Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

You put in a lot of effort and benefited from the resources available. You need to distract yourself a little and choose a different tactic or field of activity. A good option is to improve your qualifications or change your profile, get additional education.

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