Words of gratitude to the class teacher from parents 11. Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

Thank you for your honest work
Who were there all the years
What did you love, understand,
That have always saved us!

You understood us, taught
Had an approach to everyone
And they told us everything...
And here is the last school year.

Our prom... We're all dressed up.
Let's leave school forever.
You are worthy of the highest award,
We will always remember you.

How did you lead the class?
You have gone a long way
We love you with all our hearts
Would like school years to return!

Perhaps we would study better
And we were able to achieve more.
But we would definitely listen to you.
For everything we ask for forgiveness.

We sincerely wish you
Success, happiness and kindness.
You are the best, don't forget
Your class is hilarious ever!

On behalf of the graduates, we want to congratulate our class teacher. All the words of gratitude are not enough to convey the contribution that you made to us. Thank you for your faith and care, for your support and perseverance, for your wise advice and timely extended helping hand. We wish you a cloudless future with new wards. Happiness to you, both personal and in the labor field. Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Dear and beloved our class teacher! Today is the day we need to say goodbye and when you need to let us go. Let me thank you for all the kindness, for all the knowledge that you put into our heads. We will certainly need them and we will always be grateful to you. You are our second mother, and we love mothers the most, so let everything be fine and calm with you. Continue to teach and educate children, and they, believe our words, will never forget it!

Our class leader
Graduation this holiday
You will open doors for us
In a new, adult world is big.

On the day of farewell, thank you
From the bottom of our hearts we say
For love and science
Thank you class to all.

We wish you happiness in life
And good luck for the year
You stay with the school
In our heart forever.

Together with you we have passed
The path of knowledge and discovery,
You brought us the light of knowledge,
Our awesome leader!

For mistakes, pranks,
You did not scold us strictly,
And for each of us
You were very worried!

The hour of parting has struck,
Goodbye teacher
You are the best with us
Our awesome leader!

You lived with us
Which is called childhood
But graduation is here.
And we will have to part.

We are grateful to you for everything
For rigor, love and care,
For teaching us how to live
Dream, make friends and work.

Dear cool mom,
We wish you patience and strength,
And so that every day is coming
He brought you joy.

At the graduation words of recognition
We want to say from the bottom of our hearts:
You are our great leader.
And you can not be disrespected
You are our mentor and adviser,
You stood up for us
The time has come for us to part
Don't forget you are our class
And we will remember you too
We will come to you more than once,
We wish you great happiness
We thank you for everything!

On our long-awaited graduation, we want to say "many thanks" to our best and most magnificent class teacher. We are immensely grateful to you for your invaluable work and significant contribution to our education, for the constant support of faith in each of us. We wish you bright rays of happiness and success, incredible strength, health and good miracles of life.

Happy graduation, our dear teacher,
Now it's time to say goodbye
You keep us in your heart
Let everything be fine.

Let health not let you down
After all, your work is difficult,
Let the smile never leave your face
After all, it is for children.

Be happy and loved
Let goodness live nearby
We will never pass by
When our shoulder becomes necessary.

We wish you smiles and warmth,
Today is a festive and important day.
You are full of love and full of goodness,
You are the second mother, our teacher is cool!

We sincerely thank you for everything,
For the days of school that you dedicated to us.
For your severity, for your kindness,
For the fact that we were all loved like relatives!

It's February and it's time for the alumni reunion. Many meet every year, and some only meet on round dates such as 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. And students try to invite their teachers to such meetings, and especially their class teacher. We bring to your attention exemplary words of gratitude to the class teacher, which you can say on the fan of the meeting of graduates. Beautiful texts in prose, that is, in your own words, this is the best gift from graduates!

Many years have passed since we graduated from high school. But we still remember the school and, of course, you, our beloved and only class teacher. You are not just a teacher - you are the dearest person in the school. You could come to you with any problem, and you dropped all your business and helped us.
You have always stood by our side. You have always been on our side, even if we were not quite right. You did everything to make it easier for us to learn.
Today we want to thank you for your efforts. We want to wish you that your new class is as familiar to you as ours. We want you to continue to teach children at school. After all, you are a professional - and your knowledge will be useful in life to everyone, as it was useful to us once!

Our beloved class teacher!
You are the only person in the school who can be called family! We spent with you cool watch. With you, we arranged holidays and with you we laughed together, sorted out problems. Our home class has become for us something more than just a school class. We went into it, and we immediately felt comfortable and good, like at home.
You have done so much for us that now you can’t remember everything. You blushed for us when we were wrong. You were proud of us when others praised us. You helped us in difficult times. You simply loved us as a mother loves her own child!
Thank you for everything you have done. Thank you for not giving up our class, abandoning us, and getting us through to graduation.
Now we have become adults and can be proud of our current life. The life you gave us a ticket to!

Here we meet again. Only not as a teacher and class teacher with his students, but as adults and independent people. The fact that we have become adults and independent is your merit! After all, it was you who helped us day after day, week after week to overcome difficulties, learn and become more mature and educated. It was you who became our guide to adulthood. It is thanks to your work and your professionalism that we were able to achieve what we have achieved. And as you taught, we will not stop there. We will achieve even more and after a few years we will meet again and tell you about our victories again!

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Words of gratitude to the class teacher from graduates

School life is rich in various holidays. But such events as the end of the school year or school are never complete without words of gratitude to parents, teachers, schoolchildren and graduates. How to congratulate the class teacher to graduates?

Gratitude can be created verbally and in writing, but it is best if kind words are written on a beautiful postcard or letter, which can be viewed long after graduation. Here are the main examples of gratitude to the class teacher from graduates that you can write on a postcard donated on behalf of the whole class.

What is best to write in a postcard and how to choose it

A colorful large postcard or a letter is half the battle. A small postcard, even with the most beautiful words, will not be perceived, especially if you choose it for a prom.

Words of gratitude can begin with a colorful and large inscription, appeal:

“With gratitude to Kravtsova Marina Fedorovna!”

They may be in large print. Next comes the text of gratitude, written in verse or prose. At the end must be the date, class and year of issue. A letter of gratitude can be written from parents, graduates, or both. Usually, at the end of the congratulations in the text, they write like this: “Respectfully, 11 “A” graduates and their parents,” if one letter of thanks is expected. If two letters of thanks are supposed, separately from graduates and their parents, then you can write the following words: “Respectfully, graduates of 9 “A” class” and “Respectfully, parents of graduates of 9 “A” class.

The last phrase can begin with the following words: "Best wishes from parents and graduates of 11 "A" class."

Below is the graduation date.

What Not to Write in a Thank You Letter

It is not necessary to express personal gratitude from one of the parents and graduates. Thank You Letter should be neutral. If you want to personally express gratitude to the class teacher, it is best to do it behind the scenes, and not publicly at the prom. This can be done both orally and in writing.

When writing thanks, try to avoid personal moments that concern only you. Even if the class teacher helped you solve some difficult or non-standard problem. It is not always worth using such too standard and somewhat familiar phrases:

"Always your 11" A "class";

“With love from the parents of the 11th “A” class”;

"With tenderness from graduates and parents of 11 "A" class."

During the transition from primary to secondary school

Thanks to the class teacher from the students elementary school can be written on a bright postcard or letter. Usually a small wish from parents and students of the class is also placed on it. The card can contain two wishes from parents and students, written on different pages of the spread. Most often, parents write wishes in prose, and words of gratitude from children are framed in the form of a beautiful and short poem (no more than 8 lines).

Sample greetings from parents

“Dear Svetlana Petrovna!

We sincerely thank you for the excellent upbringing of children, knowledge, skills, creative approach to students, competent, professional and responsible attitude to your work. We wish you good health, good mood, talented students, whom you could be proud of!

Poem from children

“Let the first ray of sun outside the window,

Will give you good luck and luck,

Thank you for the love, warmth,

And your endless patience

May all dreams come true soon

And a good day will always come for you,

And all the students make you happy,

How sorry we are to leave - we love you!

sample words of gratitude in prose

“Dear Margarita Markovna!

Graduates and parents of class 11 "A" heartily thank you for your creative work and sleepless nights, the knowledge and skills that you instilled in your students. We will never forget your lessons, sensitive, responsible attitude towards your wards, kindness, dedication and dedication to your work, energy and enthusiasm, without which we would hardly be able to cope not only with school, but also with life's problems and difficulties. Thank you for your contribution to the development of our abilities, the acquisition of personal qualities necessary for life and creative growth. We wish you good health, talented students, bright sun and peaceful sky.

With best wishes, parents and graduates of class 11 "A" of the MSSH No. 5 in Novoshakhtinsk. June 29, 2017

sample words of gratitude in verse

The text of the verses with thanksgiving words at the graduation party:

Let it be generous every day

Worries and sorrows will go away

And again outside the window lilac

Gives dawns, as if in May,

Thanks for the kindness

Love, responsibility, patience,

For believing in a good dream,

For work, love and inspiration,

When we leave for a new path,

Leaving school forever

We will not forget all your work

And after many years!

Sincere and original words of gratitude to the teacher, class teacher, a beautiful text in prose, thanks and best wishes in your own words from students, graduates of the school, gymnasium.

Our dear, (full name)!

We have been waiting for this evening for many years, and today, it has finally come! Someone was looking forward to it, someone was afraid, no matter how it was, today we are all standing side by side. Tonight is the evening of debriefing. All these eleven years, each of us periodically experienced both ups and downs.

This evening, notes of a solemn and joyful finale are felt in the atmosphere, but in our hearts there is a quiet sadness of farewell to the school.

This ending, as it seemed to us, would never come, we were all immersed in the cycle of school life, and did not notice how we found ourselves on the threshold of a new independent life. All graduates of the school give you sincere gratitude for your wisdom, sensitivity and kindness. We wish you health, prosperity, and of course, further success in your work!

Dear, (Name, patronymic)!

We remember joyful moments, and bouts of uncontrollable collective fun, and school humor. But all this time, both in joy and in sadness, there was one person next to us who helped each of us, shared invaluable advice.

This person is you, (full name), our favorite class teacher! And today, on this festive evening, we all together and sincerely ask for forgiveness and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unique lessons, kindness and understanding!

Our dear and beloved (name of the class teacher)!

The school was a second home for us, we received knowledge from the lips of our teachers, but at the same time they invested in us what is called life experience. This experience is not yet quite mature, but the basic rules of life laid down in it are based on justice and kindness.

Over these 11 years, our class team has experienced various difficulties, we had both quarrels and disagreements, but we successfully resolved them, and in difficult moments, each of us was ready to help. Thank you for the light of teaching!

Please accept our thanks from all students. We love you and will keep the brightest memories of school and your lessons for life.

Our dear, (Name, patronymic)!

You are our class teacher, and a wise man who skillfully guided us, blind and inexperienced chicks, to the right path of life. Now, thanks to you, our eyes have been opened and we are ready to take our first flight into adulthood.

Now we all understand this. Forgive us, (full name), for the fact that we did not always listen to your advice, and, making mistakes, acted in our own way. Indeed, by doing so, we made your kind heart worry and worry.

We will always remember the life lessons you taught us. And your advice will help us in difficult moments of our life path.

Thank you, (name)! We will always remember you!

Each of us says words of gratitude to the teacher at least once in a lifetime. And excellent students, and even those who cannot be attributed to exemplary quiet ones. 🙂 After all, school is a golden time for every student .

And it is no coincidence that we often remember the years spent at the school desk, fun changes and the first real friends. . BUT because it’s funny to think, but a few years ago we were afraid to answer the lessons, counted the days in anticipation of the holidays and dreamed about how we would spend our graduation party. 🙂

Well, here it is already just around the corner - the last school holiday. The event is responsible, it's like a report new era, the beginning of an adult, so desired life.

And, of course, a special place among the festive events is occupied by a word of thanks to teachers . Such words, by the way, have to be said on Teacher's Day too!

This moment is exciting for everyone: students, teachers and parents. What words of gratitude to the teacher to say, and how to choose the right words that can express the whole overflowing gamut of tender feelings?

Here are some examples of a possible response, solemn speech on behalf of parents or students. Of course, they are not a guide to action, but they may well serve as the basis for creating your own, unique text. The first option of the response word would be more appropriate to use by the parents of the students.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the parents

  • Dear our teachers! Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart for the great and responsible work that you do every day. For ten years, you helped our children grow, learn and become real people. You not only brought a lot of new and important knowledge to them, you sowed respect, friendship and love in their souls. You, as second parents, took care of our children, day after day, in frost, rain and sunny days, in spite of hardships and illnesses. You worried about their failures and rejoiced at their victories. Thanks to you, they learned Ohm's law, the Pythagorean theorem, the multiplication table, read hundreds of books and learned a huge number of poems. Our children learned what politeness, friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility are ... Thank you for being ready to give knowledge and friendly support to every child, because everyone has and had once a teacher, the president of the country, the minister, the simple worker, scientist or doctor. Thank you for your hard work.

The second option of possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students.

  • Teacher! How much meaning this word has for each student! Friend, mentor, comrade - these are the synonyms I want to pick up for this great word! You keep the knowledge and life values ​​that you pass on from generation to generation to our children. Thank you so much for this hard, and sometimes very hard work. At this solemn moment, when yesterday's kids are on the threshold of a new life, we want to thank you for your patience and attention to your students.

Well, this option in the response speech can already be used by the students themselves.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the students

  • Our dear teachers! On this festive but sad day, we want to thank you very much! Thank you for being our mentors during these long years! Thank you for the support, advice, and the knowledge that you have given us. Leaving our native school, we will never forget the happy hours spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way. . You opened up new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything you have done for us is uncountable. Thank you for that!

The response speech can be issued not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such congratulations come from schoolchildren, and not parents.

This remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of responding speech. There are a lot of options for the finished text, examples of response speech are posted in large numbers on the Internet, and are also found in specialized literature.

General rules for thanking teachers

When preparing a response, it is necessary to take into account several general, universal postulates.

  1. On average, the response word should take 2 - 3 minutes, in extreme cases, about 5 minutes.
  2. You should not use a large number of complex and incomprehensible terms, for this event this is completely useless.
  3. Speech should be succinct not recommended allocate one particular teacher, with the exception of the class teacher. If necessary, personal congratulations can be expressed after the end of the solemn event.

If we schematically depict the structure of the response word at the prom, we get the following, rather classic scheme:

  • Greetings;
  • The main part is words of gratitude;
  • Conclusion.

The first part implies a general appeal to teachers, the second part is a direct and main text of gratitude. At this stage, it is important to emphasize how much and why you thank the teachers. You can end the text with a little repetition about mutual love and respect.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher or director

It is recommended to express a separate word to the class teacher or school principal. In the first case, it is possible to emphasize the similarity of the teacher with the second mother, to single out the aspect not so much of teaching the subject, but of guardianship and care. Here is one example of such a speech:

  • Our dear (interim teacher), on this memorable day, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For your help, for your friendly support and participation . You not only taught us subjects and life, you protected and guarded us, gave advice and wise parting words. It was to you that we went with our hardships and difficulties, only you could wholeheartedly share our victories and new achievements. Today, like many years ago, we want to confess our love and respect to you. You are not just a teacher, you are a friend and a reliable comrade! Thank you for your hard work, believe me, it did not go unappreciated. Today, tomorrow and always, we will open the doors of our school to come to visit you as if it were our own home, to the warm and kind world of childhood that you created for us.

Speech to the school principal is also often mandatory. Since the director most often does not teach lessons, but is engaged in organizational activities, it is much more difficult to prepare a response.

It would be best if you thank the teacher for his excellent administrative work, the well-coordinated and professional school team he created, caring for children and creating a sincere atmosphere.

General rules for speaking with words of gratitude to the teacher

As for the performance itself, the following aspects of it are worth noting.

Speech should be spoken clearly, moderately quickly, as emotionally as possible.

Try not to look sad, even if you have to say sentimental, soul-stirring things .

The response word can also be successfully supplemented with a true story that reflects the concern of the teacher for his students. This will give the response speech a certain personal touch, make it more sincere.

During the performance, you should not gesticulate too actively, but you just need to smile.

At the end of the response speech, it is appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers to the teacher or give a slight bow .

It is best to tell a speech learned in advance, and not read it from a piece of paper, it looks more responsible and serious.

If desired, the speech can be told both solo and united with one of the parents or students, a duet. In this case, the duration of the text in time can be slightly increased.

This is how, approximately, you can express your feelings and say words of gratitude to the teacher. However, do not forget the main thing. It doesn't matter what you say - or to the teachers.

The main thing is always your sincerity!

Only sincere words coming from the depths of the soul will be perceived and appreciated by the addressees. This I learned from my own experience. When . Be yourself - it's always beneficial! 🙂

By the way, what do you think is better: recycle some of the prepared standard options for thanking the teacher, or come up with your own version? Feel free to comment on the article!

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