Dream interpretation of falling off a cliff. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a cliff, an abyss, to see a cliff, an abyss in a dream, what does it mean

Dreams can be both positive and promising troubles and losses.

Why do you dream about falling? How to correctly interpret this dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of falling - basic interpretation

A fall in reality brings a lot of trouble to the fallen person. But a dream in which you fell also promises troubles and losses. To fully interpret a dream, it is important to remember all its details:

Whether you fell in a dream, or someone else;

Where did you fall from?

You fell voluntarily or with someone’s help;

How long did you fly down;

What emotions overcame you during sleep.

If you see that you have fallen from a great height and are injured, you should expect troubles in all areas of life. The dream book foreshadows you losing your balance in reality. You will not only fail, but then it will take a long time to restore your lost reputation. A dream in which you see yourself flying down for a long time and rapidly from a great height promises you a loss of balance and balance.

It is worth taking a closer look at the events and activities planned for the near future. If you were planning something grandiose, you should abandon this idea. What you have planned is not destined to happen.

To see in a dream how, while falling, you are trying to cling to something, what, trying to prevent yourself from falling completely - such a dream promises you a loss of faith in yourself and a loss of the vector of movement into the future. This means that you will not only be flying down the career ladder at a crazy speed, but you may also never regain your professional activity.

The objective reason for these events will be your negligent attitude towards your own interests. If you have been dreaming about something for a long time, you should seriously think about making your plans come true. Otherwise, you will lose the meaning of life and begin to decline morally and spiritually.

To see a dream in which you are standing on the edge of a cliff, and without thinking twice, take a step forward - soon you will make a cardinal and wrong decision. We can talk about a decision to change work, place of residence, circle of friends. So it is about the decision to change internally. The dream book warns you against hasty conclusions and decisions.

If in a dream you fall and immediately get up, such a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble with honor. Difficulties will be good for you. You will be able to strengthen your authority in front of your colleagues. And you don’t have to make a huge effort, everything will happen by itself.

A dream in which you see crowds of people being thrown into a cliff foretells you panic and fear. You will be so frightened by something that it will affect the course of your life as a whole. A dream in which you happily watch others jump off a cliff, and at the same time you do not want to repeat their action, promises you a solution to many problems in one fell swoop.

You will independently solve the difficult life situations that have washed over you. You will be able to achieve success in the professional field on your own and very quickly. The dream book advises you not to be afraid of changes, but to gratefully accept everything that fate has in store for you.

A dream in which you fall out of the blue means that you will soon be faced with a series of accidents that will unsettle you. These can be either simple coincidences or deliberate actions of other people. The dream book advises you to interpret the dream in its entirety. Then you can prepare in time for the upcoming difficulties.

A dream in which you break your arm when you fall means that agreements and contracts will not be signed. You should not count on concluding deals and executing contracts. It’s better to be on the safe side and wait out an unfavorable period in life. A dream in which you break your leg in a fall promises you the closure of roads, the postponement of negotiations and important trips.

If you were planning a vacation, after such a dream you should not count on a relaxing trip. They will constantly pester you and will not allow you to rest properly. The dream book advises rescheduling your vacation if possible.

A dream in which you fall into a puddle indicates that something will harm your reputation. If you fall into it yourself, you will compromise yourself. A dream in which you are pushed into a puddle promises you betrayal from the outside. It’s worth taking a closer look at who did it in the dream. This person can trip you up in reality. The dream book advises after such a dream to limit communication with him and no longer trust this person.

A dream in which you fall from a great height and soar for a long time and never see the impact on the ground means that you will get stuck in your dreams and beliefs. You will try for a long time to return to reality, but in the end you will not be able to do this. The reason for this will be accumulated fatigue from work and routine. The dream book does not advise panicking ahead of time. You will get into the rhythm of life and be able to re-evaluate the situation. You will understand that new horizons and prospects are opening up before you.

Why do you dream of falling according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a fall is dreamed of as a symbol of a change in plans, the destruction of relationships. If a lonely woman dreams that she falls from a great height and is killed, such a dream promises her a new romance with a person who will break her heart. If a girl dreams that a man jumps from a great height and falls to his death, she will hurt him with her behavior.

The relationship may end after such a dream. A girl simply cannot atone for her guilt before a man. She must think in advance whether it is worth leading to conflict and a showdown, or whether it is worth preserving the relationship at all costs and remaining silent at the right moment.

If a man dreams that his beloved committed suicide by falling from a great height, such a dream means that a crisis will begin in their relationship. Both partners are to blame, but the girl suffers more. She worries more than a man and gives all of herself to this relationship. The dream book advises the partner to restore the relationship on his own.

If a pregnant girl dreams that she falls and twists her leg, she should not expect support from her lover. She must be prepared for a period of disagreement and quarrels. It will soon end, and the relationship will receive a new impetus.

If a pregnant girl dreams that she fell in the bathroom and hit herself hard, such a dream promises her blows of fate from loved ones. She will quarrel with her relatives and friends, and suffer greatly. But the dream book says that the girl herself is to blame for the conflicts. Due to emotional stress, she is too prejudiced towards others.

Why do you dream of falling according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that falling from a height can be a dream before the collapse of important plans. Such a dream foreshadows snags and difficulties. These situations will arise because of other people, if someone pushed you and you fell.

If you fell out of the blue, such a dream promises you problems created by yourself. You come up with difficulties and problems yourself and courageously solve them. It's time to give up this habit, otherwise you will be immersed in imaginary difficulties and problems.

To see a dream in which your mother falls means that she will have health difficulties. Before it's too late, try to help her, try to support her. If she has chronic diseases, take care of her health now.

Why do you dream of falling according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that a fall without consequences promises far-fetched problems and fears. Try not to exaggerate the scale of the disaster and your role in resolving the problems. Why dream of falling with a child in your arms - such a dream means that your actions can harm someone close to you. Try in the near future to make only those decisions that will concern you.

In Tsvetkov's dream book it is said that fear in a dream, if you dreamed of falling, means that in reality you live in tension and limit yourself to stereotypical thinking. You label people and are afraid that trouble will happen to you. The greater your fear, the greater the likelihood that trouble will happen.

The best advice in this situation would be to rethink everything that is happening and find the optimal way to solve the accumulated problems and matters. Even if the dream seems negative and does not bring hope, you are building your own life. The dream only gives clues on how best to do this, what is worth sacrificing to get the result.

In a dream, falling off a cliff is almost always bad. This is a sure sign of the collapse of hopes and plans. The dream urges you not to take risks in the immediate future and to give up risky activities. Why else do you dream about this plot, the dream book will tell you.

Take the chance!

Did you happen to fall off a cliff in a dream? The dream book believes that the financial situation will deteriorate sharply. You have to gather your strength and act more carefully.

Falling off a steep cliff symbolizes very low self-esteem and a frightening tendency towards depression. At the same time, the fall hints that you will get a chance that will help change everything.

If, after you dreamed of such a picture, you woke up in panic and cold sweat, then this means that you need to prepare to receive tragic news.


Why do you dream of falling into a cliff? The dream book advises you to prepare for a very difficult stage of life, during which troubles of various sizes will befall you.

Seeing others flying into a cliff in a dream is a sign of a situation in which you will need help from a friend or even a very close person.

If a woman has a vision, it warns that her spouse or companion needs psychological support.

Success or failure?

If you dreamed that someone pushed you into a cliff, then in real life you will have to fight your enemies alone and most likely the confrontation will end in defeat for you.

If in a dream you happened to fall off a cliff and suddenly soar like a bird, then the dream book guarantees that you will successfully complete the work you started and find peace of mind.

Specific actions

More specific information about what is happening, according to the dream book, will be provided by decoding other actions in the dream.

  • Falling off a cliff quickly is a bad decision.
  • Slowly - illusions prevent you from seeing reality.
  • Clinging to the edge is an unstable position.
  • Volunteering to jump is a new position.
  • Successfully land below - harmony, balance, problem solving.
  • Never reaching the bottom means complete hopelessness and depression.
  • Getting to the top means a new life, overcoming challenges.

Get ready!

Why do you dream that you had to fall off a cliff with your car? The dream book reminds that a vehicle is a symbol of a certain business or relationship.

Knowing this, we can conclude that flying with a car in a dream promises serious difficulties in realizing your plans and great disappointment.

Seeing how other characters collapsed with a car means that there is a possibility that one of your loved ones will get into a disaster in its literal or figurative sense (troubles, financial problems, etc.).

Miller's interpretation

Why do you dream that you fell off a cliff into the water? The fall itself, according to Miller’s dream book, symbolizes a loss of control over current circumstances. While the water element promises hope.

In a dream, did you happen to see yourself near an abyss or cliff? There is absolutely no need to be afraid of such dreams.

Such extreme stories simply reflect your fears that you experience in reality. This is very simply explained - your subconscious reacts to what is happening in this way and puts emotions into visual images. Almost every dream book interprets a cliff as the end of the previous stage and the beginning of a new one. Which, of course, like everything new, scares and worries you.


It is better to interpret all dreams as a whole, collecting fragments of images into one complete picture. Even in the Slavic tradition, solving dreams where one had to see oneself standing on the edge of an abyss or falling from a cliff, this was interpreted as a sure sign of anxiety for one’s future grandiose plans.

Our ancestors, explaining why they dream of a cliff, said that the time has come to part with something very important in your life and curb your fears of a new thing that frightens you.

  1. Why do you dream about a cliff? The end of the last stage. You will reach the edge in some matter. Most likely, this will happen very unexpectedly for you.
  2. You are afraid of falling into the abyss - this is a natural fear of starting something new and unknown. Subconsciously the desire to maintain balance.
  3. An abyss with no bottom - self-doubt. You have not yet mentally understood your goals. You are searching. You need support. Think carefully about your plans.
  4. If you dreamed of a cliff on the edge of a raging river, you will plunge into an area where there will be a lot of people. You will be in a new, large team. Or what you have in mind is connected with some social cause.
  5. Standing on the edge of an abyss, seeing the dawn in a dream is a wonderful sign. Dawn is a symbol of good luck and success in all endeavors.
  6. Falling into the abyss means an unexpected romantic situation awaits you. Most likely, you will meet a person who will give you new, strong feelings. You will be very excited.
  7. Seeing a straight river with clear water from a cliff means you are confident in your plans.
  8. If the river is winding, then perhaps you decided to cheat somewhere, and now you are afraid that you will be discovered.
  9. Taking off from a cliff is success in any endeavor. You have a chance to successfully start any, even the most risky, business.

Famous dream books

An interesting interpretation of why a cliff is dreamed of is put forward by Freud. Your phobias and fears take over your mind in a dream and make you worry, coming in dizzying scenes. According to him, standing at the cliff means uncertainty, nervousness and the need for outside support.

Miller, in his dream book, says that coming dreams in which you come to the edge of a cliff or even fall into an abyss mean a successful and unexpected chance. A chance that you will definitely take advantage of. Risking everything, throw yourself into the abyss of new events.

If, falling from a cliff, you were able to grab onto the stone edge, then you will definitely get the maximum benefit from the events that lie ahead of you.

Unanimously, all dream interpreters say that for women, falling into an abyss is an opportunity for unexpected and very strong love. The upcoming meeting will definitely change your whole life, a complete change of environment and a new stage, probably marriage.

For married people, this means a new stage in their relationship with their spouse, the return of romance and passion. Perhaps it's time for a second honeymoon?

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Freud's Dream Book

Being on the edge of a cliff symbolizes various fears and phobias that haunt you in life around you.

Falling off a cliff symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A cliff in a dream symbolizes a sudden stop in business or even collapse. Usually such dreams suggest that attempts to continue something are doomed to failure and will only harm you. At the same time, this dream seems to suggest that you look for some kind of workaround to solve your problems. The accompanying dream imagery may suggest which workaround is most beneficial for you.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Spring dream book

Falling off a cliff means committing a bad act.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Summer dream book

Seeing a cliff in a dream means death.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Autumn dream book

To dream that you are standing at the top of a cliff and looking down means being in a hopeless situation.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are standing on the edge of a cliff and looking into a bottomless abyss below is a harbinger of misfortune from which there is no escape. If you are pushed down from a cliff by an unknown force, in reality you will not be able to resist the machinations of your enemies alone, and your friends will always be ready to come to your rescue.

If, falling from a cliff, you soar above the ground like a bird and fly further and further from a dangerous place, in reality you will gain elation and successfully complete the work you started. A break in a film or tape predicts discord in a love relationship.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Esoteric dream book

Cliff - seeing difficult achievements that you have to go to, overcoming yourself.

Climbing a cliff is a task fraught with danger and requiring extreme concentration of attention and strength.

Falling off a cliff is better not to risk it, the danger of “falling off” is too great.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Modern dream book

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means that in reality you will have to take risks, although this is not typical of your character.

Falling off a cliff into an abyss means your financial situation will be seriously shaken. You will have to show restraint and business acumen to improve things.

Watching stones fly down from a cliff is a sign that your friend will soon need help. For a woman, such a dream means that her husband needs psychological support.

If you dreamed that you were looking down from a cliff, you felt dizzy and wanted to throw yourself down, you would have to go through a difficult period of depression or nervous breakdown.

Going around the cliff means getting rid of danger.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Eastern dream book

Standing on the edge of a cliff is a sign that you are in danger of troubles and misfortunes.

Falling into the abyss is bad. Be extremely careful in everything or try to avert such a dream.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cliff - It’s as if you are standing on the edge of a cliff - trouble is rushing towards you; watch your every step if you want to avoid it; you will decide on some risky undertaking. You fell off a cliff in a dream - complete collapse awaits you; Only by showing miracles of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and using a strong business acumen, will you be able to improve your situation. It’s as if you are looking down from a cliff - everything in your life is so bad that the main state of your soul for the near future is depression. You throw stones off a cliff - a friend will turn to you for help, and you will provide it.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Jewish dream book

What does a cliff mean in a dream - Standing at a cliff - feeling the desire to change your life and forget about the past.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a cliff mean in a dream - readiness for change; fear of failure. Being at the bottom of a cliff is an insurmountable obstacle.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Dream book of catchphrases

PRIVACY (abyss) – “on the edge of the abyss” (danger); “right off the bat” - a sharp change in events; “break in the line”, “breakdown of relationships”, “life tragically ended”.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Men's dream book

Find yourself in a dead end situation. Standing on the edge of a cliff and knowing that it is not an obstacle for you means avoiding trouble.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Idiomatic dream book

“On the edge of the abyss” - danger; “right off the bat” - a sharp change in events; “break in the line” - a break in relations; “life was tragically cut short” - misfortune.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Online dream book

A dream in which you came close to the edge of a cliff - you will have to take a rather risky action that no one expected from you.

You lost it - be prepared for financial problems.

You have successfully avoided it - you will cope with any problems and threats.

According to the dream book, falling off a cliff is a warning that you should not get involved in any adventures; any mistake can lead you to inevitable collapse.

A dream in which you are about to jump off a cliff means that you are not following your own path, spending vital energy and time on things you shouldn’t do.

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Universal dream book

Nothing in a dream causes such heart palpitations as the moment when you are standing on a cliff and the stones collapse under your feet - in a dream are you being brave or do you sense danger? Do you feel like you're losing ground?

In a dream, everything is possible, so perhaps in your dream you fearlessly approach a cliff and fly up like an eagle? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are so terrified that your feet literally “stick” to the ground? - such a dream may indicate that you are hesitant to take some important step in life.

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of a cliff, but do not fall, it means that some undertaking or business in your life is quite risky, but you feel safe and confident that you can cope.

What is at the foot of the cliff: sharp rocks or a beautiful ocean? - this will determine whether there is danger ahead or whether you are safe: you know you must take a step, but the ocean will soften your fall.

If you're at the bottom of a cliff, do you have a difficult climb to the top? Or do you see a scenic and smooth road that will take you straight to your destination? - such states in a dream reflect your perception of life at the moment. Are you weighed down by a heavy backpack filled with things, or are you walking light and can easily run up a mountain?

Why do you dream about a cliff?

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of an abyss, in real life you are threatened with quarrels that your loved one will provoke due to jealousy.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

21 lunar days

The dream is filled with empty images. It is quickly forgotten and does not carry an emotional burden on the dreamer.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

July 23

The picture you see usually tells about future problems in communication, business and financial spheres, or personal life. Such dreams come true in the same way as in a dream.

Finding yourself on the edge of a cliff- symbolizes various fears and phobias that haunt you in life around you.

Falling off a cliff- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cliff in a dream- symbolizes a sudden stop in business or even collapse. Usually such dreams suggest that attempts to continue something are doomed to failure and will only harm you. At the same time, this dream seems to suggest that you look for some kind of workaround to solve your problems. The accompanying dream imagery may suggest which workaround is most beneficial for you.

Modern combined dream book

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream- this means that in reality you will have to take risks, although this is not typical of your character.

Fall off a cliff into an abyss- Your financial situation will be seriously shaken. You will have to show restraint and business acumen to improve things.

Watch the stones fly down from the cliff- a sign that your friend will soon need help. A woman has such a dream- says that her husband needs psychological support.

If you dreamed that you were looking down from a cliff, you feel dizzy and want to throw yourself down- You are about to go through a difficult period of depression or nervous disorder.

Go around the cliff- getting rid of danger.

Eastern women's dream book

Standing on the edge of a cliff- a sign that you are facing troubles and misfortunes.

Fall into the abyss- Badly. Be extremely careful in everything or try to avert such a dream.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a cliff in a dream- to death.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

To dream that you are standing at the top of a cliff and looking down- be in a hopeless situation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fall off a cliff- to commit a bad act.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are standing on the edge of a cliff and looking into a bottomless abyss below it- a harbinger of misfortune from which there is no escape. If you are pushed down from a cliff by an unknown force- in reality you will not be able to resist the machinations of your enemies alone, and your friends will always be ready to come to your rescue.

If, falling from a cliff, you soar above the ground like a bird and fly further and further from a dangerous place- in reality, you will gain elation and successfully complete the work you started. Break of film or tape tape- predicts discord in love relationships.

Modern universal dream book

Nothing in a dream causes such heart palpitations as the moment when you are standing on a cliff and the stones collapse under your feet - in a dream are you being brave or do you sense danger? Do you feel like you're losing ground?

In a dream, everything is possible, so perhaps in your dream you fearlessly approach a cliff and fly up like an eagle? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are so terrified that your feet literally “stick” to the ground? - such a dream may indicate that you are hesitant to take some important step in life.

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of a cliff, but do not fall- this means that some undertaking or business in your life is quite risky, but you feel safe and confident that you can cope.

What is at the foot of the cliff: sharp rocks or a beautiful ocean?- this will determine whether there is danger ahead or whether you are safe: you know you must take a step, but the ocean will soften your fall.

If you're at the bottom of a cliff, do you have a difficult climb to the top? Or do you see a scenic and smooth road that will take you straight to your destination? - such states in a dream reflect your perception of life at the moment. Are you weighed down by a heavy backpack filled with things, or are you walking light and can easily run up a mountain?

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of an abyss- in real life, you are threatened with quarrels that will be provoked by your loved one due to jealousy.

Esoteric dream book

Break- to see difficult achievements that you have to achieve, overcoming yourself.

Climb the cliff- a task fraught with danger and requiring extreme concentration of attention and strength.

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