Create a remote desktop Windows 7. Free programs for remote control of computers

RDP (Remote Desktop) is a remote desktop that has been built into Windows operating systems since version XP. This is a protocol that allows connect to the target computer from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet. Currently, RDP can also be used on MacOS and almost all mobile devices

What you need to know before use

Initially it was assumed that RDP would be used in local network. Those. in enterprises, or at home on computers connected to one router.

But now for such a connection you can use Internet, which we’ll talk about below.

To connect you need to know Device IP address, to which you need to connect. You also need to know what address is used on the computer static or dynamic.

We are interested precisely static address. Let's look at how to set it.

There is another way - to change the address distribution settings to router. Here we need tie specific ip to the MAC address of the device. We won’t go deeper, because... if the user knows how to configure the router, then there will be no problems, but if not, then quite long setup instructions will be required.

How to set up the system

The next thing to do is allow access via RDP to the target computer. It's easy to do - let's go to Control Panel and click on the icon System.

On the left we are looking for an item Remote Access Settings

In the window that opens, you must activate elements that are shown in the screenshot below. You can also set permissions to allow certain users to use this feature.

How to connect to desktop

Often using the standard remote desktop feature does not require installation of additional components. However, Home versions of the operating system do not have such a function.

To launch the connection window in versions of Windows 8 and 10, just start typing “ remote Desktop».

On older versions you will need launch from start menu. To do this, go to point Standard and launch the connection shortcut.

If this shortcut is not in Start, you can try to find it in system folders. Open the disk C\Windows\System32 and look for the file mstsc.exe.

When the window starts, it will be enough set ip address The PC you want to connect to, then specify login And password. After a few seconds, the desktop of the remote computer will open.

By going through the bookmarks you can specify many settings such as screen resolution, launched programs, device redirection, etc.

Using RDP on MacOS

In the event that you need to connect to Windows computer with MAC, it will be necessary from App Store download the application Microsoft Remote Desktop.

After installation launch program, looking for an icon plus and click on it. In the window that opens you need create a new connection, where you will need to set ip, login, password and specify any name.

As in Windows, here you can install options screen and other settings. After all the manipulations, close the window, look for the specified name in the list and launch. If everything is configured correctly, the computer desktop will open.

Use on Android and iOS

You can also use this technology on mobile OS. Connection on Android phones and tablets, as well as iPhones and iPods, is practically no different from Windows.

We are looking for an application in google play or app store Microsoft Remote Desktop And install his.

After launch, regardless of the operating system, a window will open in which you need to enter the same data that was indicated in the previous sections. If the settings are correct, the device will connect to the PC.

Using RPD via the Internet

The principle of operation of Remote Desktop via the Internet is no different from those described above, but there are some peculiarities.

First of all, here you will no longer need interior(local), and external static ip address. In addition, you need to do port forwarding to the target computer.

Also, in the case of an external connection, specifying the ip is not enough; you will need to put it after a colon port.

It is worth noting that this method is often used in enterprises or firms, because At home, you will need to contact your provider to forward the port. Best used at home specialized programs for working with remote desktop.

Surely many people have encountered a situation where they need to fix their parents’ computer. And the reasons for repairs can be very funny, for example, the computer is full of programs in startup. And it’s very inconvenient to run to your grandmother every day for such trifles in order to eliminate the little things on her computer. It’s good if your loved ones and acquaintances are nearby, but what if you are asked by a person who is out of reach from you? And here we will look at how to connect a remote desktop in Windows 10 and Windows 7 via the Internet, in our own way and through the Team Viewer program, so that there is less useless running around.

Windows 10 Remote Desktop Connection

With the release of the anniversary update, Microsoft added a native feature to Windows 10 for connecting to another remote computer on the desktop. You can connect via the Internet to another computer without third party programs. You can open it using the search function for quick help in the Start menu.

If you want to help another person via a remote connection, you need to click Help and pass the resulting code to someone else. The other person must press Get help and enter the code received from the first person.

How to connect to another computer via local network

In the Microsoft operating system itself, there is a function called Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or Remote Desktop, which was designed precisely to offer users the ability to connect to another computer from their computer, and have access to programs and functions of the system. Here we will connect and configure this function.

Note:I want to clarify that the standard method in Windows for remote access to the desktop is connected only if the computers are on the same local network (over a grid).

To be more precise, there is a way to connect RDP via the Internet. To do this, you need to forward the router port to the IP address of your computer, but this dance with a tambourine is useless. It turns out that the settings will be reset all the time depending on the static or dynamic IP address, and it will be very expensive to reconfigure each time. Maybe in Windows 10 someday they will add a normal remote desktop function, but for now we have what we have.

Method 1.

  • Click Search next to the Start menu, or in other versions of Windows, Start and Search.
  • 1. Write Control Panel.
  • 2. Select from the suggested Control Panel.
  • 3. System and security.
  • 4. In the System window that opens.
  • 5. In the next window, click Remote access settings.

Method 2.

  • 1. Click Start and right click on the icon This computer or in the explorer on the white RMB and properties field.
  • 2. Select Additionally and in the pop-up menu Properties.
  • 3. In the window that opens Setting up remote access.

Go to the tab Remote access > put a tick Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer> select below Allow remote connections to this computer and put a tick Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with network level authentication. Ditto for additional security, you can Select users, which we want to allow access to remotely on the computer, and only they can do this.

Let's launch the utility itself. Click Search, and write connection...

Now you should know the IP address, Computer name, Password of the computer you want to connect to. I would like to note that if it does not connect, then you need to create a password on the remote computer. IP addresses, computer name and a lot of local information can be scanned by the program advanced ip scanner.

Connecting to another computer via the Internet ( Team Viewer)

Let's look at how to set up and connect to a remote Windows desktop of another computer using a popular program Team Viewer. Go to website to download the program itself. Install Team Viewer on your and the remote computer. Select settings for how you want to use the program.

  • 1. This is your ID and password. You may need it if you need to access your desktop from another computer.
  • 2. Partner ID. Must indicate the details of another (remote) computer. The data of the remote (second) computer will be written in the same place as you have in point 1.

Click the button Connect to a partner, after which it will display the following window where you will have to enter the password of the remote partner.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 3.8k. Published 02/20/2017

Hello everyone, we continue to consider the topic about . Today we will look at a built-in Windows tool that allows you to connect to a remote PC. This tool called RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) client, if translated into Russian - remote desktop protocol. Using this protocol, you can control a remote computer running the terminal connection service. The RDP client appeared in Windows XP and is still supported in new versions of the operating system. Most likely, many of you don’t even know what this is, but with the help of this tool you can easily connect to a remote computer and control it. In this article I will tell you in detail how to connect to a remote desktop on a local network. Therefore, read the text in full.

Preparation before using the RDP client.

In most cases, an RDP client is used when working on the same local network. For example, in order to connect from one computer to another at home, they must be connected to the same router. It is also possible to connect to a remote computer via the Internet, but this is a more complex way of setting it up; I think we will discuss this topic in a separate article.

The first thing you need to do to connect via Remote Desktop Protocol is to know the IP address of the remote computer. As a rule, if the network connection on your computers is configured automatically, then every time you restart the operating system, the IP addresses will change. Therefore, first of all, we set static addresses for all devices on your local network. But first, you need to see what addresses the computer receives automatically. For this . We enter the “ipconfig” command and see which: network mask, subnet mask and gateway the network card receives during automatic settings.

Note! As a rule, on all routers the default network mask is (192.168.0. or 192.168.1.), respectively, we write all the lines as shown in the screenshot and save the changes.

That's it, now we have set a static IP address for our computer, this will allow us to easily use the RDP client.

How to grant permission to connect to a remote desktop.

After we have dealt with computer addresses. Let's move on to enabling the Remote Desktop Protocol function. These steps must be performed on the computer to which you want to connect. To make everything work, follow the steps:

We have completed all the preparatory steps so that the RDP client can work with us. Let us now move directly to the consideration of the connection process.

We connect to a remote computer via RDP.

In the previous paragraphs, we figured out the settings that need to be made to work using the remote desktop protocol. Now let's look at how to connect.

Note! We will use the standard Windows tool. Accordingly, we will not have to download any third-party utilities; everything we need will be at our fingertips.

To launch the Remote Desktop Connection tool, open the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Windows. In the menu item that opens, we launch the RDP client and see a field called “Computer”. You must enter the address of the remote computer, i.e. the one on which we set a static IP address. After clicking the connect button, the program will ask you to enter your “Login and Password” to connect to the remote PC.

You can also open additional settings; to do this, open the “Show options” item. Here you can immediately specify the user of the remote computer, configure local resources, as well as screen settings. But I think it’s better to leave everything by default and start managing the remote PC.

RDP client - pros and cons.

To be honest, I don’t have to use the RDP client very often, but sometimes it’s simply necessary. For myself, I have identified the following advantages:

  • In order to connect to a remote PC, you do not need to search for or install any programs. Everything is provided by Microsoft developers and the tool is built into the operating system;
  • Using Remote Desktop, you can gain full access to your computer. Which allows you to perform any actions on it;
  • Unlimited access time to a remote PC.

This is where the pros end, let’s move on to the cons of using this utility:

  • The program works correctly only on a local network; to set up a connection via the Internet, you need to go into the router settings to forward the port, which is a problem for many users;
  • If you are using a VPN, then in order to connect to a remote computer using an RDP client, you need good Internet speed, otherwise you will watch a slide show;
  • The program has a minimal set of functions, and also does not have a built-in file manager, so there is no way to transfer files;

Let's summarize.

Today we looked at the RDP client for Windows. This tool for remotely connecting to a computer can be considered as an alternative to third-party programs such as, but it is unlikely that RDP will be able to replace them completely. Since the built-in tool does not even have all the necessary set of functions that are typical for remote access programs. The speed of operation leaves much to be desired, but it is perfect in cases where there is no opportunity or time to search for and install other programs and you urgently need to gain access to a remote PC.

Remote computer access via the Internet will allow you to control your PC, even if it is located thousands of kilometers from your location.

The technology works on the principle of assigning a unique identifier to the user on the global network. Using this data, a connection to remote control is made.

The function can be configured both using system functions of the Windows operating system and using additional programs(their use is usually free).

Notice! In order to access a remote computer through another PC, the remote PC must be turned on and have an Internet connection. Also, the function or program that allows for remote connection must be enabled on both devices.

Using the Internet ID feature in Windows

Assigning a unique identification number on the network can significantly simplify the connection process.

Using this feature, computers no longer need to configure the reverse connection process each time.

Also, the Internet ID function is quite easy to use and even an ordinary user can configure its operation.

How does Internet ID work? The connection of two computers occurs through a connection to a single Host.

The interface is displayed using the NAT protocol or a standard firewall.

Follow the instructions below to set up remote access to your PC yourself using the Internet ID option:

  • First, you need to obtain an identifier with which two computers can establish a connection. The procedure for issuing an identifier is carried out by the host free of charge;
  • Some builds of Windows may not have a previously installed utility. You can download it from the link
  • Install the tool on both computers and get started;
  • After installation, a host icon will appear on the desktop toolbar. Right-click on it and select connection settings;

  • Then in the new window, click on the appropriate button to obtain an Internet ID. This procedure must be done on the computer from which another PC will be controlled;

  • After a few seconds, a window will appear with a text field in which an identifier will be indicated that allows remote connection of two PCs. Remember it, because without specifying the identifier on another PC, you will not be able to set up a connection;

  • Now you need to perform several actions on the client personal computer (to which you will connect). Run the installed utility, select the operating mode as “Client”;
  • Click on the button to create a new connection and in the window that opens, specify the name of the connection and the identifier itself. You can choose any name, and the Internet ID must match the one issued on the first PC. Click on the OK key;

  • Next, the connection properties will open. Select the connection mode via ID as shown in the figure below and enter it again in the corresponding text field;

Now wait a few seconds and wait for the connection to complete.

In subsequent attempts to gain remote access to another PC, you will need to enter only the identifier on the administrator’s side, and on the client’s side, select the previously created connection template.

In addition to the proposed method for setting up remote access, you can use special programs that are even easier to set up.

TeamViewer program

The main feature of the utility: the user does not need to deal with the client and server parts of the program separately.

You just need to install the program on both computers and set up the connection in a few mouse clicks.

After the first startup, the application window displays your personal computer ID and access password.

To connect to another computer, just enter its ID in the Partner ID field and click the Connect button.

TeamViewer benefits:

  1. Availability of several modes of operation of two computers at once: remote access, file and folder transfer mode, VPN;
  2. During the connection, you can open a chat window, this will allow two users to communicate in real time, without being distracted by other instant messengers;
  3. To ensure full-scale system administration of another PC, you can enable the option of 24/7 remote access. In inactive mode, the function consumes few resources and does not load personal computers;
  4. Speed ​​and stable connection. Thanks to the availability of quality hosts, users do not face the problem of access failure (this only happens in case of poor connection to global network Internet);
  5. Please note that TeamViewer cannot be used for commercial purposes. The developer has built into the program a utility for determining a commercial connection. If it is detected, access to the PC will be immediately blocked.

If you want to use modules for corporate connections, you will need to purchase a paid version of the application.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to the program. Using this utility, you can connect to any computer from a distance, gaining access to videos, photos, documents and other files. And, although the program has many analogues, it has a simple and intuitive interface,

Ammyy admin

Available operating modes include the ability to view and remotely control other personal computer or the user's laptop.

The program can be used without installing it on two devices. All you need to do is open the portable version on your computer.

The utility is not intended for use in commercial organizations or enterprises.

To get started, launch Ammy admin on both computers. Then enter the server computer ID on the client computer. Click on the “Connect” button.

The connection diagram is also shown in Figure 8.

This application is more suitable for organizing a one-time connection than for long-term and regular work.

Among the advantages over other similar software are a simplified connection process, an intuitive interface and high speed.

Among the disadvantages of the application, it can be noted that it is not available on mobile devices and tablets. There is also no mode for transferring folders and files.

Use of the program is limited to fifteen hours per month. This feature is designed to eliminate the possibility of commercial use.

Server and client parts of the program

Also, unlike TeamViewer and Ammy admin, a unique identifier for the server PC is assigned only once (at first launch).

It will not change in the future.

This will allow you to quickly remember it and not have problems entering it on the client side in the future.

Users also have the opportunity to independently set their online ID.

The program itself is paid, however, if you do not need to use it for commercial purposes, you can download the LiteManager Free version.

It is free and its operation is limited only by a filter that determines a possible commercial connection.

The application provides a large number of modes for connecting two PCs, namely:

  1. Remote access;
  2. Data transfer;
  3. Chat mode;
  4. Ability to access the registers of two PCs;
  5. Task Manager.
  6. Appearance of the program

    The application also has very good speed. The first connection occurs in a matter of seconds.

    You also have the opportunity to access the BIOS of a remote computer.

    The utility cannot configure a connection without specifying the IP address of the server PC, that is, connecting by ID is impossible.

    All modern applications for working with remote access are characterized by fast operation and a convenient user interface.

    Choose the appropriate connection method based on whether it will be regular or one-time.

    Thematic videos:

In Windows OS, there is a useful opportunity to gain access to control another computer via a local network or the Internet. For example, while at home, you can not only log into your work computer, but also, for example, print a document on a company printer. To make this possible, you need to create and configure a remote desktop on the machine you want to connect to.

To do this, both devices need to be on the same local network or have an Internet connection, and it is not necessary that they have the same versions installed operating systems. You can configure sound playback, program launch, and data access at another workstation. Remember that this will reduce security, since theoretically the computer will be open to all network users, and only the password will be a barrier for attackers. Make it as complex as possible, do not use standard words and combinations.

Using standard Windows OS tools

Setting up remote desktop access can be started using a standard Windows service. First of all, password protect the account at the location you want to connect to:

  1. Open the Control Panel window.
  2. Find the "User Accounts" icon.
  3. Open Change Windows Password.
  4. Click “Create a password for your account.”
  5. Create and write down a password that is as complex as possible.

To access the remote desktop:

If you are unable to connect after this, your firewall may be blocking access to your desktop. Go to the Firewall section in Control Panel, then “Allow a program or component to run through a firewall.”

Perhaps, if you access the Internet, you will have to open port 3389 in your router. Go to the router interface, this option is usually located on the “Advanced Settings” tab.

And one more condition: you need to disable sleep mode on remote computer, since it will not be available at this time.

IMPORTANT. On the operating systems Windows Vista Starter, Home Premium, Home Basic, Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Home Basic, Windows XP Home Edition, the ability to configure a remote desktop is not available. These are the limitations of these versions that users do not immediately pay attention to.

But owners of these versions should not be upset. And also to those users who found the above instructions too complicated. There is software that can easily solve this problem.

Using special applications

There are easy-to-use and feature-rich remote desktop programs, such as TSplus (free trial version only), TeamViewer (free for home use), Chrome Remote Desktop (free).

Probably the most convenient of them is TeamViewer, which has the following characteristics:

  • Supports different operating systems, including Android and iOS platforms.
  • Compatible with older OS versions.
  • Does not require additional settings; it determines the firewall and network parameters itself.
  • Clear interface in Russian.
  • Fast data transfer.
  • High degree of connection security.
  • Working with multiple computers.
  • Automatic detection of users on the network.
  • Advanced settings for managing user rights, the ability to group them.
  • Possibilities for chat, conferences, file sharing, storing them in the cloud.
  • Remote playback of video and audio in high quality.
  • Ability to use directly from the browser.
  • Access via local and Internet networks.
  • Print documents from another computer to a local printer.
  • Clipboard synchronization.
  • Ability to dim the screen of a remote device.

To set up remote desktop access via TeamViewer, do the following:

Thus, you can create and configure a remote desktop in some versions of Windows using a standard service. If this is not possible, download one of the special applications. This will allow you to use this function even from mobile devices, plus it does not require special knowledge, and there is no need to understand the settings.

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