Structure, logic and design of student research work. Scientific research work (R&D) - how to write correctly The topic, task and material of the scientific research work

There is an accepted pattern for writing a research paper. It is the same for coursework, diploma, bachelor's, master's and dissertation papers. This scheme assumes the presence of the following parts in the work: content, introduction, a number of chapters (with at least two paragraphs per chapter), conclusion, bibliography, appendices.

The most formalized part of the work is INTRODUCTION. The introduction outlines research program– the researcher’s ideal plan of action, which is necessary both for understanding what, why, how And With using what to explore and to understand how to implement this research(plan of sequential actions). The introduction has a well-established structure:

Relevance of the research topic. This part of the introduction provides a rationale for why this particular topic or problem is being studied. It is important to formulate the relevance as specifically as possible, within the framework of the chosen research topic. Abstract general statements about the state of humanity and human knowledge, as well as discussions about the high significance of the direction chosen by the student and the importance of this work are undesirable. Revealing the relevance of the study, it is necessary to show what tasks face theory and practice, psychological and pedagogical science in terms of the chosen direction in specific socio-economic conditions, reflect what has already been done by previous scientists and researchers and what has not yet been fully studied, what new the perspective of the problem is revealed in the work.

Coverage of relevance should be laconic. There is no particular need to start describing it from afar. Enough within one (maximum two) for coursework and two to three pages of typewritten text for thesis show the main thing - the essence of the problem situation.

It is enough to express the relevance of the topic of the course work in understanding the context of the research, the argumentation of interest in the chosen topic, and the problematization of the research topic.

The relevance of the topic of the diploma research, master's thesis can be revealed in three directions:

Social. A paragraph about the current social context in relation to the research problem. For example: “With a growing gap in value orientations different generations becomes relevant... such and such a problem, the disclosure of which will allow...".

Theoretical. A paragraph about the scale of the theory of the issue. For example: “This problem was considered in the human sciences (or psychological and pedagogical sciences) from such and such a perspective (or aspect). However, the main attention was paid to this and not the question...”

Practical. A paragraph about the state of affairs in the practice of the problem under discussion. For example: “Analysis of practice shows that psychologists (children) are not familiar enough (do not have sufficient skills, do not always pay professional attention), and are increasingly faced with...” Or: “Disclosure of this problem will contribute to the development... in practice...”.

After the relevance of the study is briefly and at the same time described in detail, it is formulated research controversy. Contradiction is understood as a certain relationship between mutually exclusive, but at the same time interdependent and interpenetrating opposites within a single object and its states. In pedagogy and psychology, contradiction is understood as inconsistency, discrepancy between any aspects of a single object. For example: “In the current state of the issue, unresolved contradictions have arisen between such and such in theory... and such and such in practice...”.

The research begins with the formulation of a scientific Problems , which follows from the chosen Topics research. In a broad sense, a problem is a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires study and resolution. In science, a contradictory situation appears in the form of opposing positions in the explanation of any phenomena, objects, processes and requires an adequate theory to resolve it. A research problem is a question that we plan to answer during the research process; it is what we are studying. It is easier to formulate the problem as an interrogative form of the topic. For example: the topic sounds like “ Psychological characteristics role behavior of a woman in a single-parent family,” then the problem can be formulated as “What are the features of the role behavior of women in a single-parent family compared to the role behavior of women in two-parent families?” Or the topic “Formation of a teacher’s professional identity in the process of university preparation” may involve a problem such as: “What are the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a teacher’s professional identity in the process of university preparation?”

It is important to understand that the problem is not only about clarifying the topic, but about finding and concisely formulating a certain contradiction or unknown that needs to be resolved or clarified during the research.

Once the problem has been formulated, it is necessary to define purpose of the study. A goal is a imagined and desired future event or state, an ideal representation of the result of our action. The means necessary to achieve it are consistent with the goal. The goal is what the researcher intends to achieve in the process of work; what we want to clarify in the study. For example, “The purpose of the study is to identify, justify and experimentally test the conditions...”. The more specific the goal, the clearer what, how and by what means is planned to be achieved in the work. The phrase “The solution to this problem was the goal of the study” is also possible, which will avoid repeating the “reversal” of the problem.

Following the problem, it is determined object of study, and then subject of study.

Object of study- this is, as a rule, an area or sphere of phenomena, real psychological and pedagogical processes that contain contradictions and give rise to a problematic situation. By defining the object of research, the author designates the field of research.

Subject of study- these are individual aspects, properties, characteristics of an object; that side, that aspect, that point of view from which the researcher cognizes the whole object, while highlighting the main, most essential features of the object for research. By formulating the subject of the study, the author clarifies the question: what is being studied?

Subject is a narrower concept compared to the object of research. Reflecting on the subject of research, the student determines what relationships, properties, aspects, functions of the object are revealed by this research. The subject of the study must be consonant with the topic of the study.

Closely related to the object and subject, problem and purpose of the study research objectives. Objectives are the goal of an activity set in certain specific conditions. In research, tasks are specific questions or actions, the resolution or implementation of which brings one closer to solving the research problem and achieving the goal of the work. Understanding tasks is facilitated by searching for answers to the question: what needs to be done to achieve the goal, to solve the research problem? When formulating problems, it should be remembered that by solving them, a research program is actually set: give a description, determine theoretical basis research, identify, characterize, reveal the specifics of a phenomenon (make an assumption, select methods, develop a program, collect information, obtain data, compare data with each other according to such and such parameters, etc. - these are internal research tasks that are not carried out in the general category).

Thus, each subsequent problem can be solved only on the basis of the result of solving the previous one. In total, it is recommended to set and solve at least three, but no more than five problems. After formulating the tasks, it is logical to move on to formulating research hypotheses.

Research hypothesis- a scientific assumption, an assumption that requires experimental verification and theoretical justification in order to become a reliable scientific theory. Formulating a hypothesis is the most difficult and important stage research design. The hypothesis largely builds the “author’s” logic for conducting the research.

The hypothesis contains a tentative answer to the question, which is presented in the form of a statement of the purpose of the study.

A hypothesis is a scientifically based assumption about the structure of the subject of research, the nature of its elements and their connections, the mechanism of functioning and development. A hypothesis contains factors that determine a particular phenomenon. Hypotheses must be tested during the study, but they can be either confirmed or refuted.

The hypothesis should not contain unspecified concepts; should not allow value judgments; should not include many restrictions and assumptions; must be verifiable using available equipment or methods.

There are different types of hypotheses:

1. descriptive:

· structural – an assumption about a characteristic set of elements in the object being studied;

· functional – an assumption about the form of connections between the elements of the object being studied;

2. explanatory - an assumption about cause-and-effect relationships in the object under study, requiring experimental verification.

Hypotheses can also be divided into:

· general – to explain the entire class of phenomena, deduce a regular nature from relationships at any time and in any place;

· private – to find out the reasons for the emergence of patterns in a certain subset of elements of a given set;

· single – to identify patterns of individual facts, specific events or phenomena;

· workers – an assumption put forward at the beginning of the study and not setting the task of final clarification of the causes and patterns. It allows the researcher to construct a certain system (grouping) of observation results and give a preliminary description of the phenomenon being studied that is consistent with it.

Besides , hypotheses can be divided into: basic (which constitute the basis of the study) and inferential (derived from the study and are a prerequisite for the following).

In exceptional cases, research (search work, historiographical, etc.) may not initially have a hypothesis, but this must be justified.

The next step is to understand theoretical and methodological basis of the study. Theoretical and methodological basis is one or more interrelated conceptual ideas, in line with which one’s own research is built. The methodological basis cannot be a simple list of names of scientists or theories that are discussed in the work. You should not put forward ideas from contradictory scientific paradigms or concepts as a methodological basis. The methodological basis of the study is the stated position on the basis of which particular research questions will be understood and interpreted.

The introduction also mentions: research methods in the form of a simple listing according to the principle from general (analysis of scientific literature on the problem, terminological analysis, survey, observation, narrative (descriptive) methods, etc.) to specific (methods used in empirical research); experimental research base– organization, enterprise, division (for example, school, university, company, etc.) in which research or experimental work is carried out; sample – the total number of subjects and detailed by differences significant for the study (gender, age, social groups; experimental and control groups, etc.).

It is possible (but not necessary) to highlight an item provisions for defense, which are “answers” ​​to assigned tasks, formulated in the form of theoretical statements.

The introduction may note Theoretical and practical significance of the research– statements about what fundamentally new things have been revealed in this work, how and in what areas the research results can be used.

If the study was carried out in several stages, then a brief description of each stage of the study: when and what was done.

Actually the work is structured into chapters . Number of chapters in course work– usually two (maximum three); in the thesis – two or three (if particularly necessary – four). If the work is structured into three chapters, then the following logic is reasonable: the first chapter is theoretical; the second – justification and description of research methods; the third is the presentation of the research results and their discussion. In a more abbreviated version: the first chapter is theoretical; the second is empirical.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical part of the work. Review and analysis of the state of knowledge of this problem. This chapter provides an overview of the history of the study of the problem discussed in the work. This review can be structured according to scientific directions and scientific schools, on the historical stages of the development of science, on the development of ideas in foreign and domestic research, etc. In the first chapter, it is important to discuss the basic concepts, giving their essential characteristics, and theoretical positions in relation to the issues considered in the study. When analyzing the history of a problem, it is wise to emphasize unexplored aspects or controversial issues. As a result of the first chapter, a clear theoretical justification for the planned empirical research should be given, the conceptual apparatus should be formulated, and the logic of the research should be justified.

CHAPTER 2. Empirical part of the work. Contains justification and description of the research procedure and methods; characteristics of the sample, research space, collected materials; description of the progress of the experimental work, the main stages and logic of the research; description of the control and experimental groups; data processing tools. The chapter describes the results of an empirical study or experiment, their analysis and interpretation; conclusions are drawn.

It is important that the first and second chapters be meaningfully interconnected. The justification for the course of the research, the choice of methods, the logic of analysis and interpretation of data should follow from the theoretical justification of the empirical research.

Research work structure

Structure of the work: title page, content, introduction, theoretical and practical chapters, findings and conclusion, literature and resources, applications. General requirements:

  • printed version of the work, sheets A 4 format;
  • font size 12, line spacing 1.5;
  • numbering is indicated at the bottom, in the center;
  • The volume of work should preferably not exceed 10 pages, plus up to 10 pages at the end of the work “Appendices” (diagrams, tables, diagrams, questionnaire or interview questions, photos, illustrations, etc.) are placed.

Note! Each Regulation on a research conference or competition may have its own requirements for the formatting of student work.

Registration of research work

Registration of research results is a labor-intensive stage of work. There are several main forms of presenting the results of scientific work: the text of a scientific essay; article, abstract; report, message; report, etc.

Basic requirements for their design:

The article is an independent scientific text, where the researcher expresses his own thoughts on the problem. The structure of the article is similar to the structure of the research text, but presents it as if in miniature. At the beginning of the article, its main thesis is put forward, which is then subjected to reasoned evidence in the main part. At the end of the article there are conclusions confirming or refuting all of the above.

Both forms - both the article and the abstract - are created on the basis of the text of your own research, where the entire course of the research is discussed in detail and its results are described.

Registration begins research results from arranging prepared texts into chapters in accordance with the approximate structure of the work. After the chapters are formed, you should carefully read and edit them both in terms of spelling and syntax, and in content (check numbers and facts, footnotes, quotations, etc.).

Immediately after reading each chapter and making corrections, begin writing conclusions for the corresponding chapter. The conclusion to the chapter usually contains a statement of the essence of the issue discussed in it and a generalization of the results of the analysis performed.

Title page is the first page of a scientific work and is filled out according to certain rules. The title page indicates:

  • full name of the educational institution at the top of the sheet in the center;
  • the name of the research topic in a larger font in the center of the sheet (without the word “topic”);
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the author of the study, an indication of which class he is a student of - in the lower part title page on the right (without the word “author”, no need to indicate here educational institution);
  • last name, first name, patronymic, position, scientific degree and title of the scientific supervisor - below the previous entry (without the word “scientific supervisor”, it is not necessary to indicate the educational institution here);
  • The year and city are at the bottom of the page, in the center.

Table of Contents Option: a list of sections of the work, indicating the page numbers on which each section begins:


Chapter I (chapter title)……………………………………………………….4

Chapter II (chapter title)……………………………………………………….7



Applications (questionnaire questions, tables, diagrams, diagrams, etc………….…….13

The headings should show the logic of the research. The artistic title does not fit the headings of chapters and paragraphs. There should be no interrogative form of sentences in headings. Review the following version of the table of contents. Without a research topic, it is impossible to determine the subject of research here. The research topic is listed below the table of contents (font size 6).

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………pp. 3

2. Good-natured giants …………………………………………. page 4

2.1. Formidable appearance and good disposition……………………………….p. 4

2.2. Habitat……………………………………………………….p. 6

2.3. Family………………………………………………………pp. 7

3. On the verge of extinction…………………………………….p. 8

3.1. Destruction of natural habitat…………….p. 8

3.2. Killing for food………………………………………….page 9

3.3. Unhealthy souvenirs……………………………………p. 10

3.4. Diseases………………………………………………………pp. eleven

4. Help from people………………………………………………………. page 12

4.1. The fight against poaching………………………………….p. 12

4.2. Nurseries…………………………………………………………….p. 13

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………..p. 14

6. List of references…………………………………………………………..p. 15

7. Appendix………………………………………………………. p.16

Saving rare species of animals. Gorillas

Introduction represents the most important part of scientific work, since it contains in a condensed form all the main, fundamental provisions, the justification and verification of which the study is devoted to. The introduction should include: the relevance of the study; research problem; topic formulation; object, subject; goal, hypothesis; tasks; research methods; research structure; its practical significance and scientific novelty of the research; brief analysis literature. The introduction is usually 2-3 pages long.

Main (content) part The work may contain 2-3 chapters. Chapter 1 usually contains the results of an analysis of specialized literature, a theoretical justification of the research topic; 2-3 chapters describe the practical stages of work, interpretation of data, identification of certain patterns in the phenomena being studied during the experiment. Each chapter ends with conclusions.

Conclusion usually no more than 1-2 pages. The main requirement for the conclusion: it should not repeat the conclusions from the chapters verbatim. In conclusion, the most general conclusions based on the research results are formulated and recommendations are offered. It is necessary to note the degree of achievement of the goal, the results of testing the conditions of the hypothesis, and outline the prospects for further research.

conclusions must contain something new and significant that constitutes the scientific and practical results of the research.

Compilation bibliography requires special precision.

Rules for the presentation of various editions in the bibliography. Options for constructing reference lists:

  • alphabetical;
  • systematic;
  • in the order of first mention of works in the text;
  • by chapter of scientific work.

Alphabetical arrangement. Example:

1. Avanesov, G.A. Criminology / G.A. Avanesov. - M., 1984.- ... p.;

2. Barsukov, V.S. Providing information security / V.S. Barsukov. - M., 1996. - ... p.;

3. Contract law. World practice. - M., 1992. - ... p.;

4. Shavaev, A.G. Security of banking structures / A.G. Shavaev // Economics and life. - 1994.- N16.- p.;

5. Gippius, Z. N. Works: in 2 volumes / Zinaida Gippius. - M.: Lakom-book: Gabestro, 2001.- (Golden prose of the Silver Age) T. 1: Novels. - 367 pp.;

6. Kalenchuk, M. L. On the expansion of the concept of position / M. L. Kalenchuk // Fortunatov collection: scientific materials. conf., dedicated 100th anniversary of Moscow. linguist. schools, 1897 - 1997 / Ross. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. language - M., 2000. - P. 26-32

Magazine article

Andreeva, O. Middle Ages: the cult of the Beautiful Lady / O. Andreeva // Science and life. - 2005. - N 1. - P. 118 - 125.

Newspaper article

Karelian hut: [about the project to create a tourist. center in the village Shuya] // Prionezhye. - 2006. - September 1 (No. 32).

Legislative materials.Entry titled:

Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution Russian Federation: official text. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 39 p.

Electronic resources

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]: [interactive. textbook]. - Electron. Dan. and prog. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + adj. (127 pp.). - System. requirements: PC from 486 DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 Mb.; Windows 95; sound pay. - Cap. from the screen;

Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Information Center. RSL technologies; ed. T.V. Vlasenko; Web - master N.V. Kozlova. - Electron. Dan. - M.: RSL, 1997. - Access mode: http//, free. - Cap. from the screen;

The Russian Internet audience has crossed the threshold of 5 million people [Electronic resource] // Guild of Periodical Press Publishers: . - Access mode: http:///print.php?id=511. - Description based on version dated: Feb. 10, 2005.

  • according to the composition of the elements, the link can be complete or short;
  • By location, intratextual, interlinear, and extratextual links are distinguished;
  • when repeating references to the same object, primary and secondary references are distinguished;
  • if there are several link objects, they are combined into one complex link.

Applications. The basic requirements for application design can be formulated as follows:

  • placed after the bibliographic list;
  • in the table of contents, the application is presented in the form of an independent section, with continuous page numbering of the entire text;
  • Each application is drawn up on a separate sheet and must have a title in the upper right corner.

Illustrations for research work are placed in order to give the presented material clarity, specificity, and imagery. Drawings It is better to place them immediately after the first mention of them in the context of work. If, after mentioning a drawing, the remaining space on the page does not allow it to be placed, then the drawing can be placed on the next page. Tables, like the drawings, are located after the first mention of them in the text of the work. If tables are not directly related to the text, then they can be located in the application. All tables must have headings that briefly describe the content of the tabular data. Quotes Works are enclosed in quotation marks in the text. Each quotation should be accompanied by an indication of the source. After combining the parts of the work into a single whole, it is recommended to continuous numbering of footnotes. When presenting the concept of any author, you can do without quotations. In this case, the author’s main thoughts are described in strict accordance with the original in meaning. But even in this case, it is necessary to make a footnote to the source. Quotes can also be used to illustrate your own opinions. However, the researcher must be extremely careful in citing and carefully monitor its correctness. A quotation that is incomplete, deliberately distorted, and adjusted to suit the researcher’s purpose does not at all decorate his work and does not add significance to it.

Traditionally, a certain compositional structure of research work has developed, the main elements of which, in the order of their arrangement, are the following: 1. Title page 2. Table of contents 3. Introduction 4. Chapters of the main part 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography 7. Appendices Title page is the first page of the research work and is filled out according to strictly defined rules. After the title page is placed table of contents, which lists all the titles of the research work and indicates the pages from which they begin. The headings in the table of contents should exactly match the headings in the text. Introduction. Here, the scientific novelty and relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks are usually justified, the object and subject of the research are formulated, the chosen research method (or methods) is indicated, and the theoretical significance and applied value of the results obtained are reported. The scientific novelty of the research gives the author the right to use the concept “For the first time” when characterizing the results obtained, this means the absence of similar results before their publication. Scientific novelty is manifested in the presence of theoretical provisions that are formulated for the first time and are substantiated in content, guidelines, which have been introduced into practice and have a significant impact on the development of science as a whole and its individual areas. The relevance of the topic is assessed from the point of view of modernity and social significance, a problematic situation is created, the way out of which you propose. In order to inform the reader of the research work about the state of development of the selected topic, a short review literature, which ultimately should lead to the conclusion that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed (or has been disclosed only partially or in the wrong aspect and therefore needs further development). A review of the literature on the topic should show a thorough familiarity with the specialized literature, the ability to systematize sources, critically examine them, highlight the essential, evaluate what has previously been done by other researchers, and determine the main thing in the current state of knowledge of the topic. All publications of any value that are directly and directly related to the research topic should be named and critically evaluated. From the formulation of a scientific problem and the proof that that part of this problem, which is the topic of research work, has not yet received its development and coverage in the specialized literature, it is logical to move on to the formulation the goals of the research being undertaken, and also indicate specific tasks to be solved in accordance with this goal. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (study..., describe..., establish..., identify..., derive a formula, etc.). The formulation of these problems must be done as carefully as possible, since the description of their solution should form the content of the chapters of the research work. This is also important because the titles of such chapters are “born” precisely from the formulation of the objectives of the research being undertaken. A mandatory element of the introduction is the wording object and subject of research. An object is a process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study. An object is something that is within the boundaries of an object. The object and subject of research as categories of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular. The part of an object that serves as the subject of research is identified. It is on this that the main attention is directed; it is the subject of the research that determines the topic of the research work, which is indicated on the title page as its title. A mandatory element of the introduction is also an indication of research methods, which serve as a tool in obtaining factual material, being a necessary condition for achieving the goal set in such work. The introduction describes other elements of the scientific process. These include, in particular, an indication of what specific material the work itself was performed on. It also provides a description of the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic), and also indicates the methodological basis of the study. In chapters the main part of the research The research methodology and technique are discussed in detail and the results are summarized. All materials that are not vital for understanding the solution to a scientific problem are included in appendices. The content of the chapters of the main part must correspond exactly to the topic of the research work and fully disclose it. These chapters should demonstrate the ability to present the material concisely, logically and reasonedly. Research ends the final part, which That's what's called a "conclusion". Like any conclusion, this part of the research work serves as an ending, determined by the logic of the research, which takes the form of a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part. This synthesis is a consistent, logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction. It is here that the so-called “inferential” knowledge is contained, which is new in relation to the original knowledge. This inferential knowledge should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions at the end of chapters presenting a short summary, but should contain that new, essential that constitutes the final results of the study, which are often presented in the form of a number of numbered paragraphs. Their sequence is determined by the logic of the research design. At the same time, not only its scientific novelty and theoretical significance, but also its practical value, resulting from the final results, is indicated. After the conclusion it is customary to place bibliographic list of used literature. This list is one of the essential parts of the research work and reflects the independent creative work. Each literary source included in such a list must be reflected in the text. If the author makes a reference to any borrowed facts or quotes the works of other authors, then he must indicate in the sublinear reference where the cited materials were taken from. You should not include in the bibliography those works that are not referenced in the text and that have not actually been used. It is not recommended to include encyclopedias, reference books, popular science books, and newspapers in this list. If there is a need to use such publications, they should be cited in footnotes. Auxiliary or Additional materials, which clutter the text of the main part, are placed in application. The content of the applications is very diverse. This, for example, may be copies of original documents, excerpts from reporting materials, production plans and protocols, individual provisions from instructions and rules, previously unpublished texts, correspondence, etc. In form they can be text, tables, graphs, maps. Appendices cannot include a bibliographic list of used literature, auxiliary indexes of all types, reference comments and notes, which are not appendices to the main text, but elements of a reference and accompanying apparatus that help to use its main text. Each appendix must begin on a new sheet (page) with indicating in the upper right corner the word “Application” and having a thematic heading. If there is more than one annex, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the No. sign), for example: “Annex I”, “Annex 2”, etc. The numbering of the pages on which appendices are given must be continuous and continue the general numbering of the pages of the main text. The connection between the main text and appendices is carried out through links that are used with the word “look”; it is usually abbreviated and enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses in the form: (see Appendix 5).

The main problem in presenting the results of research in the form of an explanatory note is the development of its structure. In this case, the structure should be understood as the structure of the research report, the number of sections (chapters), subsections, paragraphs, and their sequence. It is not enough to know what is said above. It is also necessary to have a preliminary understanding of the contents of these chapters, subsections and paragraphs, as well as to have a good knowledge of the ways and methods of consistent, logical presentation of the material. This subsection of the guidelines discusses the general methodological approach and the general structure of presenting the results of research work.

In economic systems, conducting the experimental stage of research is physically difficult; at best, the experiment is an inertial process that takes a long time. Therefore, research work often ends with the construction of only a theoretical model (development of a concept, methodology, model, etc.), followed by testing on conditional (possibly real) examples.

In the most general case, the structure of research work should contain 3–4 chapters (sections). Perhaps, of course, a larger number, but this will correspond to the structure of research work at the level of a doctoral dissertation. In our case, this is not necessary. The experience of writing student research projects and candidate's dissertations demonstrates the presence of three to four sections. In addition, it is necessary introduction, conclusions for each section (chapter), general conclusion, list of sources used, list symbols, symbols, units and terms, applications(the last two points are entered as necessary). Below is the sequence of arrangement of structural sections of research work:

1. Title page

2. Abstract

4. List of symbols, symbols, units and terms

5. Introduction

6. Main part

7. Conclusion

8. List of sources used

9. Applications

View title page The research report is presented in Appendix 1 of these guidelines.

annotation should contain: information about the volume, number of illustrations, tables, number of sources used, a list of keywords and text.

The list of keywords should characterize the content of the reviewed report. The list should include from 5 to 15 keywords in the nominative case, printed on a line, separated by commas.

The text of the abstract should reflect the object of study; Objective; research method; results; efficiency and scope.

The optimal length of an abstract is 1200 characters (but not more than a page); optimal structure – 3 paragraphs.

List of symbols, symbols, units and terms. If the work adopts specific terminology, and also uses (more than three times) less common abbreviations, new symbols, designations, etc., then their list should be presented in the report as a separate list, otherwise the transcript is given in the text at the first mention . The list should be arranged in a column in which, for example, an abbreviation or term is given on the left (in alphabetical order), and on the right - its detailed explanation or definition, respectively.

Introduction research work must contain purpose of the study; tasks to achieve the goal in general view , as well as a general assessment of the current state of the problem being solved (total volume 1-2 pages).

Main part Research work should consist of 3-4 sections (chapters), as mentioned above. Each section (chapter) can contain at least 2 subsections. For student and candidate research work, it is advisable to take 5-6 subsections within a chapter as the upper limit.

The general methodology for performing research is as follows. First chapter is formation of the research goal and its objectives, which includes performing the following actions:

1. Stratification and composition of research objectives(dividing into sub-questions and ordering them according to meaning and logic). That is, setting a goal and its objectives.

2. Target localization(limitation of the research field in accordance with capabilities).

3. Finitization of the goal(presumptive description of the expected result).

4. Partial assessment of the purpose of the study, which is as follows:

· condensation (identification of all methods, methods, techniques, research techniques);

· inventory (identification of opportunities and prerequisites for achieving the goal);

· compromising the purpose of the research and establishing its relevance (searching for arguments, objections to the goal; confirming the need for a solution).

Chapter two is determining the state of solution of the problem posed. This is carried out subsequent assessment of the purpose of the study, namely:

· cognition of the problem (identification of the degree of problematic nature of the research goal as a result of information search (literature review)). The second chapter should also include an analysis of existing methods for solving the problem posed and the conclusions drawn from them (advantages and disadvantages).

· variation of the research goal (development of alternatives to the formulated tasks);

· description of the research methodology (methods, methods, research techniques). This subsection of the research report, depending on the volume, can be allocated as a separate chapter (section).

Chapter Three includes entirely theoretical research. It should contain the following steps:

· definition of basic concepts, introduction of terms and symbols associated with the study;

· building hypotheses regarding the object (subject) of research and compromising hypotheses;

· final formation of a theoretical model (development of a model, methodology, concept, etc.).

It should be noted that after each chapter it is necessary to draw conclusions, specifically formulated and clearly stated point by point.

Conclusion should contain the conclusions of the entire work as a whole, proposals for their use; assessment of the feasibility of implementation, social and scientific value of the results (1-3 pages).

IN applications a report on patent research should be included if it was carried out during research work; a complete list of copyright certificates or patents obtained as a result of research; auxiliary material:

· intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas and calculations;

· calculations based on specific numerical data (real or conditional), confirming the conclusions made in the main part of the note.

· tables of auxiliary digital data;

· supporting illustrations;

· tables and illustrations presented on sheets larger than A4.

General requirements:

The work must be completed carefully in compliance with the following requirements:

– paper sheet size A4;

- font: Times New Roman, size 14 (in large tables you can use size 12);

– text must be aligned in width pages;

– page margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm;

– line spacing: one and a half ;

Pages must be numbered (the number is placed in the bottom center field).

Volume work is determined by the Regulations on the competition:

All-Russian competition for the best scientific work of students in the natural, technical and human sciences - 35-45 pages;

- Regional competition for the best scientific and creative work of students - up to 35 pages;

Regional competition for the best scientific and creative work of graduate students and applicants - up to 50 pages.

At the same time, applications are not included in the scope of work, which allows the researcher to stay within the established framework.

Structure and content of research work

Any research work must contain the following sections in the specified sequence:

    title page;


    main part;


    list of used literature;

    applications (if necessary).

Title page

Page numbering begins with it, but the number is not placed on the title page.

A sample design of the title page of a work submitted to the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the natural, technical and human sciences is given in Appendix 1, for a regional competition - in Appendix 2. No abbreviations or transfers in the title of the work are allowed. There is no period at the end of the title of the work.

Chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals. As a rule, there is no dot after the number. The first chapter is numbered 1. Paragraphs are numbered within the chapter; The paragraph number consists of the chapter number and paragraph number, separated by a dot (for example: 1.2). The subparagraph number consists of the chapter, paragraph and subparagraph numbers separated by dots (for example: 2.3.1).


Chapter 1. Chapter title….(Theoretical part of the work)

1.1 Title of the first paragraph….

1.2 Title of the second paragraph….

Chapter 2. Chapter title .... (practical part of the work)

2.1 Title of the first paragraph….



List of used literature



The introduction should contain an assessment of the current state of the scientific and practical problem being solved, the basis and initial data for developing the topic. The introduction involves a description of the situation that prompted the student to begin researching this topic. It contains a clear and concise justification of the research topic, its relevance and novelty, the degree of development of the research problem at the present stage, the object and subject of the research, goals and objectives are formulated, hypotheses are constructed (main and specific, working).

Introduction begins with rationale relevance research. Relevance research shows the importance of the topic of work for the development of any theoretical problem or solution of practical problems. Relevance can also be determined by the high prevalence of the phenomenon being studied. Here is a brief description of the state of the area of ​​research of interest (what has already been done in science in this direction and what remains undisclosed), followed by the formulation of the problem in the form of an explicit contradictions between the needs of science and practice and the lack of available knowledge.

Following this, it is determined an object And item research . An object - this is that part of practical activity or scientific knowledge with which the researcher deals. Definition object research allows us to answer the question: what is being considered? Item shows any aspect of consideration, gives an idea of ​​how an object is viewed , what new relationships, properties, aspects and functions of the object reviews this study.

Based on the formulated problem, definition of the object and subject of research, it is established target . Target – this is an idea of ​​the result, of what should be achieved in the course of work.

What is important is the definition novelty research, which is determined by the lack of similar studies, the novelty of the topic, methodological solution, the originality of the problem statement, goal, hypothesis

One of the most important points in the study is the construction hypotheses . Hypothesis is a scientific assumption, a preliminary explanation of a fact or phenomenon. Hypothesis requires proof and therefore cannot be trivial. Hypothesis is justified in the course of theoretical analysis and formulates in a concise form the expected results of the study.

The formulated purpose and hypothesis of the study determine it tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal goals . In scientific research, tasks are usually formulated as relatively independent and complete stages of research.

The introduction usually does not exceed 2 pages.

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