Tractor what category of vehicle. Categories of rights to a tractor and categories of tractors

By appearance There are no fundamental differences between the old and new 2019 models; the tractor driver’s license is also a plastic card with information about its owner on both sides.

The driver's personal information and photograph are indicated on the front side. And on the back of the certificate the purchased category and additional data about the driver, such as blood type, driving experience and medical restrictions, are indicated. You can also see a barcode on your license, which contains information about fines, vehicle registration, etc. This is done to speed up the process of document verification by authorized persons.

The form of the certificate will be the same everywhere, because it is regulated by Gostekhnadzor. He supervises the technical serviceability of tractors.

Categories of tractor driver rights

A tractor driver's license does not allow you to drive all known tractors; categories and subcategories of rights have been introduced to classify the types of permitted equipment. This certificate specifies 6 main categories and 4 subcategories:

  1. Category “A” allows you to drive motor vehicles that are not used and are not intended for driving on regular roads:
  • subcategory I is used for driving off-road motor vehicles;
  • subcategory II for off-road vehicles, with a mass of not more than 3500 kg with no more than eight seats excluding the driver's seat;
  • subcategory III for off-road vehicles weighing more than 3500 kg, but this group does not include vehicles of subcategory IV;
  • subcategory IV for off-road motor vehicles that are designed to transport people with more than eight seats, excluding the driver's seat.
  1. Category “B” is intended for tractors on wheels and tracks, whose power reaches and does not exceed 25.7 kW.
  2. Category “C” is used for tractors on wheels with a power from 25.7 kW to 110.3 kW.
  3. Category "D" is intended for wheeled tractors with a power of more than 110.3 kW.
  4. Category "E" is used for tractors on tracks with a power of more than 25.7 kW.
  5. Category “F” is intended for self-propelled rural vehicles, as well as combine harvesters.

What vehicles can you drive?

Having received a license for a tractor, you can drive not only certain types of tractors in accordance with the open category, but also other self-propelled vehicles that are permitted under the open category.

For example:

  1. Subcategory I gives the right to drive motor sleighs whose speed does not exceed 50 kilometers per hour.
  2. Subcategory II gives you the legal ability to drive various all-terrain vehicles with low-pressure tires.
  3. Subcategory III opens up the possibility of driving all-terrain vehicles on pneumatic tires.
  4. Subcategory IV allows the operation of airport buses, which are designed to transport passengers between the airport building and flight transport.
  5. Category “B” allows driving a mini-excavator (up to 35 Horse power).
  6. Category “C” gives the right to drive tractors, loaders and excavators (from 35 to 150 horsepower).
  7. Category “D” gives the right to drive a tractor equipped with pneumatic tires. Such tires are installed on construction cranes if construction is taking place in hard-to-reach places (for example, snowy areas, deserts, etc.), (from 150 horsepower or more).
  8. Category “E” allows driving excavators and bulldozers with a power of 35 horsepower or more.
  9. Category “F” gives the right to drive self-propelled machines in the agricultural sector, for example, a combine harvester.

There is also a system that indicates the tractor driver’s skill level - this is his acquired rank.

  1. The second category - operating equipment is possible, but only under the supervision of an experienced colleague. It is also possible to be allowed to perform certain types of repairs of working equipment.
  2. Third category - driving is possible without accompaniment; it is also allowed to drive forklifts and other equipment designed to grab cargo. In addition, repairs are possible technical mechanisms technology.
  3. The fourth category is control of equipment with a power of more than 100 horsepower. This level is characterized by the ability self-repair and maintenance of your equipment.
  4. The fifth category gives the right to operate bulldozers, excavators and other equipment with a power exceeding 100 horsepower.
  5. The sixth category – the power of permitted equipment is more than 200 horsepower.

To become a holder of a tractor driver’s license, you need to take the appropriate courses and subsequently pass an exam. The learning process is similar to educational process in a driving school: you will learn driving theory and hone your skills in practical classes.

Subcategory “I” can be obtained from the age of 16, categories “B”, “C”, “E” and “F” can be acquired from the age of 17, and category “D” from the age of 18. Subcategories “II” and “III” from the age of 19 years, and the last subcategory “IV” only from 22 years old. But it is possible to purchase subcategories “II”, “III” and “IV” if categories “B” and “C” are opened.

Theoretical part

Before putting a novice tractor driver behind the wheel, they go over the theoretical part, which includes knowledge of the rules traffic, as well as the safe operation of the transport for which a person is learning. At the end of this part, you will have an exam in the form of tests and tickets with theoretical questions.

if you have driver's license motorist, then you do not need to take the theory; your course of study will consist only of the practical part. If you fail this block, you will be sent to retake.

Practical part

Training to become a tractor driver includes learning practical driving skills. This part is in turn divided into two stages:

  • at a special training site;
  • in real driving conditions.

This block, in case of failure, can be retaken calmly the first two times, the third time it will be possible after undergoing additional training and if you have the appropriate document.

In addition to driving equipment, the trainee must learn and subsequently demonstrate first aid skills.

List of required documents

You cannot come to driving school and sit at a desk. Before doing this, you are required to submit some documents:

  1. Application from a person who has expressed a desire to study.
  2. Russian Federation passport.
  3. Driver's license if you came to school to open a new category.

Simultaneously with writing the application, the person fills out an individual card in which he indicates personal data and the category of rights he requires.

Do I need a medical certificate?

Before you begin learning to drive a tractor or any other self-propelled equipment, you must pass medical checkup. Based on its results, you will be given a medical report, which will say that you are completely healthy or, on the contrary, they will indicate some restrictions while driving. This could be an indication of glasses or controls in a hearing aid, etc.

You need to pay a lot of attention to choosing an educational institution, since your future driving level depends on the organization. If you treat him loyally, then in the future you may encounter many troubles, including failure to obtain a driving license.

First of all, find out whether the organization you choose has the authority to train future tractor drivers and accredit these authorities. When you arrive at the school, ask to see a license that will confirm your right to learn to drive. If you are refused or referred to as “later,” then leave without hesitation. Most likely, this organization operates illegally.

If you have been presented with a license, do not rush to sign up for classes right away. Read reviews about this organization. If they are negative, then it is better to choose another option for an educational institution. After all, it may be that the quality of training here is very low and will not bring you the desired results.

All other parameters, such as the price of training, intra-organizational relations and the like should already influence the subjective opinion of everyone. While the first two should be reflected in an objective attitude.

Cost and duration of training

Before entering educational institution Everyone is concerned about the price of training. In principle, the price of training for a tractor driver is not far from the price of training for a category “B” driver. To obtain the right to drive a self-propelled vehicle, you need to have finances in the amount of 6 to 12 thousand. The specific price depends on the category for which you will study. The pricing policy can be found on the websites or in person at the training organization.

In addition to the fee for the course itself, you need a medical certificate, its cost will be 2,000 rubles. These expenses can be avoided if you undergo medical examination. examination in public medical institutions.

Before receiving a certificate, you need to pay a state fee. Its size will depend on the material you choose for your license (plastic card - 2,000 rubles, paper version - 500 rubles).

The training period is not long, only 2 – 3 months. During this time, you will have to go through and learn all the theory, acquire driving skills and show all this in the final exams.

Procedure for replacing a tractor driver's driver's license

A driver's license is a document that will sooner or later need to be replaced. Replacement of an ID can take place for various reasons, but the most main question“how to obtain a tractor driver’s license in case of expiration, theft, damage or loss?” In addition to these reasons, replacing the tractor driver's license may be necessary if amendments need to be made to it.

In the new edition of the traffic rules, tractor equipment is classified as one of the types of self-propelled vehicles. This group of vehicles, in addition to the classic tractor, also includes other types of equipment, namely: various types of loaders, excavators, snowblowers and other similar special equipment. They are united by one main feature - the ability to control if there is a category for driving a tractor.

What are tractor and self-propelled equipment?

  • agricultural (main purpose);
  • road construction;
  • industrial;
  • transport;
  • earth movers, etc.

Distinctive features of tractors are low speed and high traction force. The main elements of such equipment: engine, chassis, transmission, control mechanisms, main and auxiliary equipment.

Main categories of self-propelled tractors by type of engines used:

  1. Wheeled. The main feature of these machines is the possibility of their use on asphalt roads. However, on the ground the traction force decreases, and on loose soil the vehicle may even slip. This problem is solved by all-wheel drive. But such machines compact the soil too much when moving across the field.
  2. Tracked. They are characterized by greater traction force than wheeled ones, low speed (5-40 km/h), reduced pressure on the ground, and the impossibility of driving on asphalt roads (with the exception of models with rubber cord tracks). All these properties make tracked vehicles indispensable for work in agriculture.

Decoding categories and subcategories

As of 2017, tractor main categories of rights are represented by six groups - A, B, C, D, E, F and four subcategories - I, II, III, IV.

"A". Motor vehicles that are restricted in the right to travel on public roads, or have a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h. In this category of different tractors there are 4 types:

  • I – motorized off-road vehicles;
  • II - motor transport SUVs with a maximum number of seats including the driver's seat - 9, and with a maximum weight of 3.5 tons;
  • III – motor transport SUVs with a mass of over 3.5 tons and with a number of seats not exceeding 9;
  • IV – motor transport SUVs, the main purpose of which is to transport people, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, over 8 seats.

"IN". Tractors of both types (tracked and wheeled), which are equipped with an engine power of up to 25.7 kW.

"WITH". Wheeled vehicles equipped with engines with a power of 25.7-110.3 kW.

"D". Wheeled tractors with engines with power over 110.3 kW.

"E". Tracked equipment with engine power exceeding 25.7 kW.

"F". Self-propelled agricultural machinery.

That's all the categories for a self-propelled tractor.

The driver’s tractor license often contains notes related to special conditions for issuing licenses. They relate to restrictions on a certain category, the requirement to drive with glasses, total driving experience, etc.

At what age can tractor categories be opened?

Two years ago, significant changes were made to the rules for issuing driver’s licenses for driving tractors and self-propelled vehicles. Now to receive them you need to successfully ( self-study not allowed). Teaching is conducted at Gostekhnadzor in accordance with government programs specialized education. The exam is also taken there.

  • “A” I subcategory – from 16 years old.
  • “B”, “C”, “E”, “F” - from 17 years old.
  • “D” – from 18 years of age.
  • “A” subcategories II and III – from 19 years of age.
  • “A” subcategory IV – from 22 years of age.

Tractor licenses are issued strictly at the driver’s place of residence or at the place of study. This is their main difference from a standard driver’s license to drive a car, which can be obtained in absolutely any Russian region.

If for some reason the tractor driver’s license is confiscated (after a court decision is made, they must be submitted to Gostekhnadzor), they can be returned only after passing the exam again (for the theoretical part). But this can only be done after at least half of the period of deprivation of the certificate has expired. When withdrawing your license for driving while intoxicated, you must provide a medical certificate. It is needed for Gostekhnadzor to allow the offender to re-train.

Operating a tractor, as a representative of a group of self-propelled machines, requires special skills and obtaining the appropriate certificate. It should be understood that tractor rights have several categories. Depending on these, both the age of admission to driving and specific type vehicle, to which the citizen gains access to driving.

Types of tractors and their purpose

The tractor belongs to the group of self-propelled vehicles, including machines intended for the following activities:

  • agricultural work is the main purpose of this group;
  • industrial;
  • earthmoving;
  • road construction and others.

In other words, the group includes various types of excavators, loaders, snowplows, bulldozers, snowmobiles and other special equipment.

In turn, tractors are divided into the following types:

  • tracked vehicles used for agricultural activities;
  • wheeled, used for work within the city, in particular on asphalt roads.

These types of self-propelled machines are united by one feature - the ability to drive only with a valid tractor driver's license.

Categories of tractor licenses

The list of types of tractor licenses primarily includes category “A”. This includes motor vehicles that are not intended for travel on public roads or have maximum speed movement no more than 50 km/h.

  1. A1 (I) – motorized off-road vehicles. For example, swamp vehicles, snow and swamp vehicles and others.
  2. A2 (II) – off-road vehicles with a permissible cargo weight of less than 3.5 tons and a total of no more than 8 seats, not counting the driver’s seat. All-terrain vehicles fall under this category.
  3. A3 (III) - SUVs with a maximum permitted cargo weight of more than 3.5 tons. For example, mining dump trucks and other special purpose all-terrain vehicles.
  4. A4 (IV) – SUVs designed for the transportation of citizens and with more than 8 seats for passengers, not including the driver’s seat. This includes shift or platform buses.
  • “B” - specialized wheeled units and tracked special vehicles, where the engine power does not exceed 25.7 kW;
  • “C” - wheeled special vehicles, the engine power of which varies from 27.5 to 110.3 kW;
  • “D” - wheeled self-propelled special transport with a power above 110.3 kW;
  • “E” - tracked special equipment, where the engine has a power above 25.7 kW;
  • "F" - special vehicles for agricultural activities.

It is important to clarify that possessing a driver’s license of one type does not give a person the opportunity to drive a self-propelled vehicle of another category of this group and vice versa.

Age for obtaining a tractor license

It is possible to obtain a license to drive a self-propelled vehicle based on the following factors:

  • from 16 years old – A1;
  • from 17 years old – B, C, E, F;
  • from 18 years old – D;
  • from 19 years old – A2, A3;
  • from 22 years old – A4.

Since 2015, independent training in driving self-propelled vehicles has been cancelled. Now it is possible to undergo training and pass testing only at the GosTechNadzor department.

Video about passing the tractor license exam

Categories of tractor rights imply differentiation of opportunities for driving self-propelled machines. In other words, a driver who has a license of one category does not have access to control other types of equipment. In addition, the age of training and passing the license exam also depends on the type of vehicle.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Today I bring to your attention the first article in the series “Changes in the rules for obtaining tractor driver’s licenses from November 13, 2011.” As you may have already guessed, this article will discuss the changes that will soon be made to the next regulatory legal document, which also applies to car drivers.

In this series we will talk about the changes that have undergone. The innovations were published in, which comes into force November 13, 2011.

Today we will review only a small part of the changes. First of all, we'll talk about tractor driver licenses and new categories, which will be present on this certificate starting November 13th.

Self-propelled vehicles

The first rule change to note is the change in the concept of " self-propelled vehicle"Let me remind you that tractor driver's license allows you to control self-propelled vehicles of the corresponding category.

2. Self-propelled machines in these Rules mean motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads, tractors (except walk-behind tractors), self-propelled road construction and other machines with an engine displacement internal combustion more than 50 cubic meters centimeters, not related to motor vehicles.

2. Self-propelled machines in these Rules mean tractors, self-propelled road-building machines and other ground-based trackless mechanical vehicles with independent drive and having an internal combustion engine with a volume of over 50 cubic meters. centimeters or an electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kW (except for those intended for driving on highways general use of motor vehicles with a maximum design speed of more than 50 km/h, and self-propelled combat equipment of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies performing tasks in the field of defense and state security).

As you can see, the concept of “self-propelled vehicle” has been slightly changed. Now it more clearly and in detail describes the classes of equipment that can be driven with a tractor driver’s license.

The right to drive a self-propelled vehicle

Paragraph 3 of the rules for issuing tractor driver licenses has also undergone significant changes:

3. Samples of tractor driver (tractor operator) certificates are approved by the Ministry Agriculture and food of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

3. The right to drive self-propelled vehicles is confirmed by one of the following documents:

  • tractor driver (tractor operator) certificate;
  • temporary certificate for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the temporary certificate);
  • temporary permit for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as temporary permit).

Driving a self-propelled vehicle by a person who does not have a document confirming that he has the right to drive self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

In paragraph 3 of the regulatory document under consideration, a list of all documents that allow you to operate self-propelled vehicles is finally introduced. As you can see, there is a clear line between a temporary tractor driver license and a temporary permit.

I would like to note that if a similar distinction had been introduced for temporary automobile documents, then drivers would never have had the question ““.

In addition, the updated paragraph 3 clearly warns that it is prohibited to get behind the wheel of a self-propelled vehicle without documents for the right to drive.

Differences between a temporary tractor driver license and a temporary permit

The differences between a temporary tractor driver license and a temporary permit are given in the text of the updated paragraph 9 and subparagraph 9 1:

9. The basis for admission to driving self-propelled machines for persons sent by educational institutions to undergo practical training for a period of up to 2 months is the corresponding certificate of a tractor driver (tractor driver) or a temporary permit for the right to drive self-propelled machines (hereinafter referred to as a temporary permit).

In the event of inspections when presenting documents that cast doubt on their authenticity, if there are grounds to believe that the person is deprived of the right to drive self-propelled machines or other vehicles, and in other cases, a temporary permit may be issued for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles of the corresponding category for a period of up to 2 months.

A temporary permit is issued on the basis of an extract from the examination sheet certified by the educational institution. The temporary permit is replaced with a corresponding tractor driver (tractor driver) certificate upon presentation of a document confirming completion of training without passing exams.

9. The basis for admission to driving self-propelled vehicles for persons sent by educational institutions to undergo practical training for a period of up to 2 months is a temporary certificate issued by the state technical supervision authorities. A temporary certificate is issued at the State Technical Supervision Inspectorate after passing, in accordance with the requirements of subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 11 and paragraphs 12 - 30 of these Rules, exams for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles and on the basis of an extract from the examination sheet certified by the educational institution. A temporary license is replaced without passing exams with a tractor driver (tractor operator) license upon presentation of a document confirming completion of training.

9 1 . When committing administrative offense, entailing deprivation of the right to drive self-propelled machines, a protocol on the commission of which is authorized to be drawn up by a state engineer-inspector of state technical supervision, the tractor driver's (tractor operator) certificate is confiscated and a temporary permit is issued for the period until the resolution in the case of an administrative offense enters into legal force, but no more than for 2 months. The validity period of a temporary permit may be extended in cases and in the manner provided for by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

So, it is very easy to get confused in the version of the regulatory document that existed before November 13, 2011, because There are no clear distinctions between temporary certificates and permits.

After November 13, everything will be much clearer. A temporary certificate is issued to a candidate tractor driver after passing exams at the State Technical Supervision Authority. As for the temporary permit, it is issued only in case of deprivation of the right to drive self-propelled vehicles and can be used by the driver until the court ruling comes into force.

New categories of tractor driver's license

Until November 13, 2011, there were 6 categories of tractor driver licenses. After the innovations come into force, 3 new subcategories will be added to them:


  • category "A" - motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads (off-road motor vehicles);
  • category "C" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power from 25.7 to 77.2 kW;
  • category "D" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power exceeding 77.2 kW;

4. A tractor operator's (tractor operator) certificate confirms the right to drive self-propelled machines of the following categories:

  • category "A" - motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads or having a maximum design speed of 50 km/h or less:
  • I - off-road motor vehicles;
  • II - off-road vehicles, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and the number of seats, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed 8;
  • III - off-road vehicles, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3500 kilograms (except for those belonging to category "A IV");
  • IV - off-road vehicles intended for the transport of passengers and having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats;
  • category "B" - tracked and wheeled vehicles with an engine power of up to 25.7 kW;
  • category "C" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power from 25.7 to 110.3 kW;
  • category "D" - wheeled vehicles with an engine power exceeding 110.3 kW;
  • category "E" - tracked vehicles with an engine power of over 25.7 kW;
  • category "F" - self-propelled agricultural machines.

The first change that is worth paying attention to is the change in the limits for categories C and D. Now category C of the tractor driver's license allows you to drive a wider range of vehicles.

Well, the second, no less significant change is the introduction of subcategories of category A.

As you can see, the age required to obtain a tractor driver’s license in the previously existing categories has not changed. As for the new categories A II, A III and A IV, you must be 19 years old to obtain categories A II and A III, and 22 years old to obtain category A IV.

However, these are not the only requirements for the new categories. To obtain them, you must have the appropriate category, as well as driving experience in a vehicle of this category for at least 12 months.

This concludes the first part of the series of articles “Changes in the rules for obtaining tractor driver’s licenses from November 13, 2011.” The next article will discuss the latest innovations related to obtaining tractor driver's license.

Good luck on the roads!

36.1. Replacement of a tractor driver's (tractor operator) certificate in connection with the assignment of qualifications within the existing categories, except for the case provided for in paragraph 36 of these Rules, is carried out without passing exams in the manner provided for in paragraphs 32 - 35, 37, 38 and 45 of these Rules, after submission of a document confirming the assignment of qualifications.

Those. You will have to go through training, but you don’t need to take exams.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello Maxim, I changed my tractor driver’s license, categories A&G were opened as before, why didn’t they open category A1

Good luck on the roads!


Hello. I have a tractor driver's license and a fourth category loader driver's license. "C" I was told by the state technical supervision inspector that I cannot work on a loader with an engine power of 92 kW. the category allows but the category does not allow. Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy, Hello.

The word category is not used at all. Those. the discharge must not affect the power of vehicles that can be driven by the driver.

Good luck on the roads!


Dmitry, hello)

When driving a tractor with category A4, am I required to have a second document with me (driving license category D)?

Does the law allow you to get cat. A4 without water. beat cat. D?

Thank you)!

Sergey, Hello.

The right to drive a self-propelled machine is confirmed by a tractor driver’s license.

Good luck on the roads!


Previously, the snow and swamp-going vehicle belonged to category B; category B was written on the registration certificate. According to the new categories - to AI. The tractor driver's license obtained in 2009 (valid until 2019) contains the same categories as before: A, B, etc. Do I need to change my license (re-learn again, retake exams, undergo a medical examination) before its expiration date? And is it necessary to change the certificate of registration with technical supervision?

Tatiana, in this case, no one obliges you to change your documents ahead of schedule.

Good luck on the roads!

Good evening.

I have a similar situation, like most of those who wrote earlier, with a category “A” tractor license. I received them in 2008, they run out in three days. The GTN, of course, wanted to change them to A1. I have refused such an exchange for now (I took a break to assess the judicial prospects). I don’t want to just give up 10 years of experience in A2, A3 and A4. I studied almost everything regulations on this issue which Gostekhnadzor refers to: and 796, and 351, and Adm. regulations, and letters from the Ministry of Agriculture and judicial practice in similar cases, etc. + consultations with current employees of Gostekhnadzor.

BRIEF SUMMARY (the prospect of a positive decision by the court is close to 90%), namely:

1. There is no mention in any document of replacing those already with category A, only with category A1 (an unsubstantiated position of Gostekhnadzor, not supported by any document: “motorized vehicles” means A1; arbitrage practice, including explanations Supreme Court Russian Federation: motorized vehicles - motorized vehicles (including movement, transport), i.e. means that are structurally mechanical motor (engine, propulsion - on gasoline, electricity, nuclear, solar energy, etc.), i.e. This point has nothing to do with motorcycle seating. The key word here is "off-road".

Those who have a valid category A until its end have the right to drive vehicles of categories A2, A3 (personally, I have been driving A2 and A3 for 3 years with an existing category A (and VU - ABC with 23 years of experience), stopped and checked both the GTN and the traffic police - claims no; you wrote this to Tatyana-128 and others; the official position of the GTN is the same);

Accordingly, if you have the right to drive (see clause 2) and have practical driving experience (according to the UTM - up to 10 years), then only a court can deprive you of your right to drive these vehicles (A2, A3, A4) , but not Gostekhnadzor.

In this matter, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate screwed up a bit (unlike the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate): instead of introducing categories A, A1, A2, A3 and A4 (the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate did this with categories A, B, C etc.), broke the cat. And in the subcategories: A1, A2, A3, A4, thereby providing the former owners with cat. "A" loophole in the law and prospects in court.

In my opinion, the main thing is not to be lazy and to bring the matter to its logical conclusion (in our case, to a court decision that has entered into legal force).

In any case, it’s a win-win for me - either I’ll stay with only cat. A1 or with the full set of Ashek.

Unfortunately, the majority of citizens who have Rights and Rights do not use it and do not even try to do so.

On my own behalf: today I sent official emails to the State Tax Service (through three official channels: State Tax Service, the Moscow City Hall and the Administration of the Russian Federation) with a request to receive a written reasoned refusal to exchange a certificate of category A for a certificate with open categories. A1, A2, A3, A4.

I’ll definitely write about the results.

A reasoned refusal (or unsubscribe) from the GTN must be sent to me no later than April 8, 2018 (by law - 30 days for a response).

One week for Russian postal work. 2-3 weeks for the court to accept my complaint, a month for the preliminary hearing, a month for the first hearing (to which representatives of the State Tax Committee with a 99% probability will not come, and the trial will be postponed for another 1 month). At the second meeting, a procedural decision will be made, regardless of the presence of the State Tax Committee at the trial.

In another month it will come into force unless the State Tax Service or I (which is possible) do not file an appeal. In a favorable scenario (without an appeal), the TOTAL will be no earlier than autumn 2018.

Something like this.

But this topic will be relevant for many citizens until November 2021.


Hello. Am I allowed to drive the Belarus 320 tractor (power 36 kW), having open categories “B” and “C” in the tractor driver’s license, but with a special mark “loader driver”? Thank you.

Tell me, should there be any entry in the special marks for driving a tractor with a log grabber?

Alexander, Hello.

And how exactly is the specified tractor designated in the documents (in the registration certificate)?

Comment is being added

To operate self-propelled equipment, you must obtain a tractor driver’s license, which, depending on the type of machine, has nine categories:

  • AI - for driving all-terrain vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles (motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads or having a maximum design speed of 50 kilometers per hour or less);
  • AII - for controlling all-terrain vehicles (off-road motor vehicles, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons and the number of seats in which, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed 8);
  • AIII - for driving special-purpose all-terrain vehicles, mining dump trucks (off-road vehicles whose permissible maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tons, with the exception of those belonging to category AIV);
  • AIV - for driving shift and platform buses (off-road vehicles intended for transporting passengers and having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats);
  • B - for controlling mini-excavators, tractors, municipal cleaning vehicles (tracked and wheeled vehicles with engines up to 25.7 kilowatts).
  • C - for controlling tractors, backhoe loaders (wheeled vehicles with engines with power from 25.7 to 110.3 kilowatts);
  • D - for controlling tractors, pneumatic wheeled tractors (wheeled vehicles with engines with a power of over 110.3 kilowatts);
  • E - for controlling bulldozers and excavators ( tracked vehicles with engines with power over 25.7 kilowatts);
  • F - for controlling agricultural machinery (self-propelled agricultural machines).

The right to drive equipment of one category does not allow you to drive self-propelled equipment of another category. Having a regular driver's license also cannot drive self-propelled equipment, but without it you will not receive some categories of tractor driver licenses. The certificate may also include In the certificate for the right to drive self-propelled equipment in the column for special marks a restrictive or permissive entry is made about the availability of qualifications based on documents on education and qualifications.

Additional entries may be made.

If the certificate contains permitting marks in columns B, C, D and E for performing work that corresponds to the qualifications of the tractor driver (for example, plowing, harrowing the soil, sowing crops), no additional entries are required.

For work on a category C backhoe loader, even if there is a permit mark in columns B, C, D, E in the tractor driver’s (tractor driver’s) license additional entry about the qualifications “excavator operator C” and “loader driver C”.

">additional notes on qualifications. There are restrictions in obtaining a license depending on the category: you can only get a license to drive a self-propelled vehicle of category AI from 16 years of age, categories B, C, E, F - from 17 years of age, category D - from 18 years of age , categories AII and AIII - from 19 years old, category AIV - from 22 years old.

2. What do you need to get a tractor driver's license?

To obtain a certificate you need:

1. Be registered at the place of residence or stay in Moscow or undergo professional training in programs related to the management of self-propelled vehicles of established categories in Moscow.

2. Undergo training or retraining.

3. Get What should a medical certificate be like?

The document granting permission to drive self-propelled vehicles is a medical certificate issued by a medical organization. This conclusion must contain a description of the examination performed, the results and reasonable conclusions about the presence of medical indications or contraindications.

The list of doctors conducting medical examinations of drivers of self-propelled vehicles (candidate drivers of self-propelled vehicles) should include the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • neurologist (if necessary);
  • surgeon (if necessary).

To submit your application you will need scanned copies of:

  • identification document (foreign citizens must also provide a notarized translation);
  • a document confirming registration at the place of stay in Moscow (for foreign citizens);
  • medical certificate on admission to drive self-propelled vehicles. If you have undergone a medical examination within the last year, you do not have to do it again; if not, get examined by doctors. The certificate is valid for 12 months;
  • a tractor driver's (tractor operator) certificate or another type of certificate for the right to drive self-propelled machines (foreign citizens must also submit a notarized translation);
  • an individual tractor driver card or other document confirming the issuance of a license for the right to drive self-propelled machines;
  • document on education and (or) qualifications if the document was not submitted to the State Technical Supervision Authority of Moscow when issuing a replacement certificate;
  • driver's license (for categories AII, AIII, AIV), foreign citizens also need to provide a notarized translation of it;

After submitting your application, come to the Gostekhnadzor department with the original documents and a 3x4 centimeter photograph on matte paper.

The period during which the ID must be replaced when changing the full name is not regulated, but corrections must be made.

Please note: if you

">You have been deprived of your right to drive vehicles; you will not be given a license to drive self-propelled vehicles.

8. How to recover a stolen or lost ID?

Step 1. Contact the police. There they will register a report of the incident, and in return they will issue a notification coupon necessary to restore the ID.

Step 2. Prepare a medical report on admission. If you have passed a medical examination within the last year, you don’t have to do it again; if not, get examined by doctors and get a medical certificate about your permission to drive self-propelled vehicles. The certificate is valid for 12 months.

Step 3. Prepare the following documents:

  • identification document (foreign citizens must also provide a notarized translation);
  • a document confirming registration at the place of stay in Moscow (for foreign citizens);
  • one photo 3x4 centimeters on matte paper;
  • coupon notification of registration of a message about the loss of a tractor driver’s license;
  • an individual tractor driver card or other document confirming the issuance of a certificate for the right to operate self-propelled equipment;
  • driver's license (for categories AII, AIII, AIV), foreign citizens also need to provide a notarized translation of it;
  • about payment (the fee must be paid, information is provided upon request).

Step 4. Contact in person. You won't have to take any exams. If everything is in order with the documents, a new certificate will be issued on the day of application.

Please note: if you The right to drive a self-propelled vehicle can be revoked on the same grounds as the right to drive a car or motorcycle. If you are deprived of the right to drive a car, you will also lose the right to drive self-propelled equipment.

The certificate for the right to drive self-propelled equipment at the time of committing an administrative offense is not confiscated.

If the court makes a decision to deprive the right to drive vehicles, it is necessary to submit the certificate to Gostekhnadzor within 3 working days from the date the decision on imposing an administrative penalty comes into force.

After the expiration of the period of deprivation of the right to operate self-propelled equipment, you must contact Gostekhnadzor with the same package of documents that is necessary to replace the certificate due to the expiration date (with the exception of the certificate itself).

">deprived of the right
  • medical certificate confirming permission to drive self-propelled vehicles;
  • two photographs 3x4 centimeters on matte paper;
  • driver's license and its notarized translation (for categories AII, AIII, AIV);
  • tractor driver's license or another type of certificate for the right to drive self-propelled machines and its notarized translation;
  • about payment (the fee must be paid, information is provided upon request).
  • Step 2. Contact in person. If everything is in order with the documents, you will be given a date for taking the theoretical exam. There is no need to take the practical exam.

    Step 3. Pass the exam. If you do not pass the exam the first time, you can retake it no earlier than after 7 days. After 4 unsuccessful attempts, the application will have to be resubmitted.

    Step 4. Receive the document. If the exam is passed, you will be informed when to come for your certificate, which must be issued no later than 5 days after the exam.

    Please note: after the Russian ID is issued, the foreign one will remain with you.

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