Which sports section to send the child to: choose sports sections for children. What ages are submissive to sports Sports for large children

How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think about where to send their children to play sports often decide on the basis of their own taste and their unfulfilled desires. However, parents should be aware that they choose a section for a child, which means, first of all, they should be guided by his abilities and capabilities.

The most important thing is not to rush. Firstly, it is still almost impossible to identify a predisposition to a particular sport in children. Secondly, trainers capable of working with children can be easily counted. Of the other sports at this age, only wushu, aikido and alpine skiing are available. But it should be borne in mind that all such sections are commercial, there are also few of them, and they will most likely be located far from your home.

First of all, you should think about the territorial location of the sports school. Long distances are tiring. And practice shows that the first to get tired of long-distance trips to training are by no means children, but adults. It is on the part of adults that absenteeism is provoked, and in the future, refusal to study. The very fact of stopping training is not the worst thing. Another thing is that in order to justify this fact, parents and grandmothers often put forward such arguments that the child’s subconscious mind is delayed that sport is not the most important thing and you can live without it. Of course you can live. However, it is after the mentioned cases that the desire to do anything at all usually disappears, and then the young man chooses the path “school - computer - street” that is familiar to him.

Therefore, it should be remembered that you should spend no more than 40-50 minutes on a trip to the sports section. If it turns out more - you need to find another place, closer. Otherwise, a good desire for physical education will bring harm. Indeed, along with sports, school homework remains in life, and their fulfillment, looking at night, is not the most rosy prospect.

There is an uncomplicated but effective method selection of the territory on which the sports section should be located. This is the so-called circular method. You need to take a map of the city, find your house and put a compass needle in this place, then draw a circle of a small radius - so that the distance traveled within an hour fits inside it, taking into account traffic jams, bus waiting and transfers to the subway. In this circle, you need to look for a place to play sports. By the way, it happens that a young man learns the basics of sportsmanship far away - despite the fact that an excellent sports palace, where the same sport is developed, is located two streets away.

Individual characteristics

If a child is in poor health, then sports are not for him. Sport in this case is perceived as a source of stress that endangers an already vulnerable organism. The grounds for such a position are a bad cardiogram, for example, respiratory diseases, frequent injuries. But not everything is so clear. The only serious reason to exclude sports from everyday life is disability. Everything else is a signal to look for a sport that suits a particular child. For example, problems with pressure and blood vessels are a reason to stay away from martial arts, but a chance to do volleyball or skiing. Bronchial asthma implies the rejection of running loads, but it completely allows water sports, various types of wrestling and motorsport. It is important to understand here that adults should know the measure in their caution. All the famous champion champions are by no means heroes from birth, but, on the contrary, for the most part people who have overcome childhood ailments and in some way violated the recommendations of doctors. First of all, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the children themselves. It is necessary to assess the child as objectively as possible. Best of all, a child's predisposition to a particular sport is visible in the range from 5 to 7 years. Of course, you can give the baby to the section earlier, but this is not a more reliable choice. The global task is to maximize the use of children's natural data.

Here, for example, a child is overweight, and he is dragged to the football section, based on the fact that he will lose weight at the same time. It is not right. In football, mobility and coordination are important, and the constitution of this child is a guarantee that the training process will turn into a complete humiliation for him. Of course, all this can lead to rejection of the sport in general. Full children are much more suitable for swimming, judo, some types of athletics or hockey - this, by the way, is the same game sport in which a fair amount of weight is even welcomed.

Next is growth. It's no secret that tall people especially valued in games such as basketball and volleyball. Body length in centimeters is such an important factor for these games that coaches are ready to forgive potential pupils for some slowness and mediocre coordination of movements. So if the child is growing well, you need to pay attention first of all to the "parquet" sports. In addition, based on the growth of the parents, it is possible to predict the future dimensions of the child - in tall adults, the child, as a rule, reaches decent figures. By the way, there are times when high growth becomes a hindrance to classes. In gymnastics, for example, lanky people are not liked, considering them clumsy and unpromising.

As for football and hockey, there are quite strict criteria here: speed, agility, sharpness. Speed ​​is the only quality that cannot be “inculcated” - it is given by nature, and it can only be increased by 10% during training - scientifically proven. Therefore, no matter how much you want to satisfy your parental ambitions by taking the child with the most popular game in the world, it is hardly worth tormenting a phlegmatic guy with a deliberately useless process. It is necessary to check: perhaps he is the future bowling world champion - there are such sections.

Other features when choosing a section

Let's decide that physical education and sports are not the same thing. Studying for yourself or studying to get medals are completely different things. The common thing in these two concepts of "physical education" and "sport" is what means are used for this, mainly physical exercises and games.
They differ in setting goals: they do physical education to be healthy, and sports - for the sake of achievements, results, victories. Physical education is aimed at correcting physical defects, and sport is aimed at developing physical virtues.

A sports training process, even the most professionally delivered, still contributes to the wear and tear of the body. And often the development of physical qualities is carried out at the expense and to the detriment of others - intellectual and moral. Recently, they have officially begun to recognize that sports, especially professional and children's, have side effects. And, nevertheless, it is children who become the main object of sports coaches. By the way, in children's sports, the natural selection inherent in our world also operates, as a result of which weak children are weeded out as unpromising, and physically healthy people who can withstand heavy physical exertion suffer the most.

Make of a child Olympic champion not at all necessary. It is enough that he just be physically prepared and busy all the time. Thus, it is possible to protect it from the harmful effects of the street and have a beneficial effect on health.
Having thought everything over properly, you can send the child to the sports section. The most important thing remains: to decide which section to go to. In order to simplify the task of choosing, we note some positive and negative points in the most common sports available to the age of the older preschooler.

Wrestling, martial arts
- from 5-6 years old (aikido, judo, sambo, boxing, karate, etc.). These sports disciplines will contribute to the development of movement accuracy, reaction, and flexibility. It is extremely important for a boy to be able to stand up for himself and his friends. The main thing is that the martial art does not turn into just a banal waving of arms and legs. The teacher, as a senior mentor, should carry a certain philosophy to the children, and not just develop aggression in the souls of the children being taught.

- from 3-4 years old (sports or artistic). Gymnastics contributes to the development of flexibility and grace, beauty, accuracy of movements and creative perception of the world. Flexible and slender figures usually attract parents of girls. A beautiful sport, dexterous and calculated movements are pleasing to the eye, but bruises, stretched ligaments and muscles, dislocated joints are far from the whole list of injuries characteristic of this sport. But it is quite possible to offer your daughter to do, for example, dancing or rhythm, which also develop the same qualities, and there are much fewer negative consequences for the child.

Strength sports:
- from 14-16 years old. Weightlifting, bodybuilding and everything connected with them should be completely excluded. While your child's body is still growing, you should not abuse it by overloading it. Flexible and not fully formed children's bones and joints already experience a lot of stress during the growth period of the child, and therefore you should not load them even more. Power sports can be started at the age of fourteen to sixteen. Before, you still won’t achieve any results, but most likely harm the health of the child.

- from 3-4 years old. One of the most beneficial species sports. There is no need to even argue about its positive influence - only one benefit. The parents of girls may be a little wary of the broad shoulders of professional swimmers, but this is if you practice professionally in the hope of Olympic gold, and swimming a couple of times a week will only affect the child's figure for the better and the health benefits will be huge.

Team sports - from 5-6 years old (basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, etc.). Of course, injuries, as in all sports, are present here. But team sports have one advantage. Parents should consider how socially adapted their child is. If he did not go to kindergarten, but was brought up at home, then for him this is another chance to learn how to communicate with peers and develop a team spirit. Well, if your child already freely converges with people, for him these classes will be an additional pleasant event.

- from 5-6 years old (running, javelin throwing, walking, long jumps, high jumps, etc.). Of course, a child of five to seven years old accepted into the section will not be put immediately into pushing the shot or running a marathon. He will be taught proper breathing, foot placement when running and walking, which is very important in order not to get injured while playing catch-up on the playground.

- from 7-8 years old. Mankind, which has been striving for a comfortable life in large beautiful cities for so many years, has become an object of urbanization (an increase in the share of the urban population). Not every city has the opportunity to go skiing. Pedestrian roads of the streets are sprinkled with salt in winter, the snow melts as soon as it touches the ground. This, of course, is not bad, but not for skiers. You are very lucky if you live near a forest or at least a park. In this case, your area most likely has a ski section. If not, then for the weekend it is quite possible, having gathered with the whole family, to go skiing out of town. A walk in nature with people loved and close to the child will bring him, and you too, much more pleasure and benefit than even the most professional sports section.

- from 5 years old. A sport that has become very fashionable lately, and therefore very expensive. If prosperity allows, then why not: dexterity, quick reaction, the ability to win and, importantly, to lose have not hurt anyone yet. If the family budget is very limited - do not be upset, athletics, football, and many other sports will help develop the same qualities.

As a rule, at each kindergarten and every school now has free (or with a nominal fee) sections where your child will be given the necessary attention. If for some reason there are no such sections, you can run with the whole family in the morning, douse yourself with cold water, follow the correct diet, etc. The main thing is that the loads must be systematized and regular. If, on vacation, you run every morning, on weekdays twice a week (and then under the pressure of the urgent requests of the baby), and during the blockage at work you get so tired that you forget to think about a healthy lifestyle, it’s better not to start at all.

What if the child does not like the section

What to do if the child, after the first lesson, returned disappointed and flatly refuses further education? To begin with, you should consider whether the choice of the sports section was not due to any unfulfilled ambitions. Maybe parents always wanted to do gymnastics, but something else is closer to the child? It's hard enough to admit this to yourself. Practice shows that parents often try to realize themselves in the child. Dad, who dreamed of being a hockey player, but due to circumstances did not become one, sends the child to the hockey section, and the baby's soul lies, say, in music, drawing or something else.

If the parents are not ambitious, then it is worth talking with the child. Maybe his refusal to attend classes is simply due to poor reception. Perhaps he feels uncomfortable among the students or the coach is unsympathetic to him. Or maybe he likes to do exercises in the morning much more, and in the evening ride a bike in the yard, play badminton or a ball, go to the skating rink with the whole family or go skiing out of town in winter? When choosing activities that are useful for a child, it is necessary to focus on his personal desires. Often, only by joint efforts can we achieve right choice, and then the child will grow up a healthy, intelligent and morally stable person.

About individual character traits

When choosing a sports section, it is extremely important to take into account the temperament of the child. Quite often, children tend to be given to go in for sports, including in order to direct the child's energy into an organized channel. The desire is quite justified, however, one should not forget this: impulsive, emotional children are extremely difficult to adapt to individual sports - those that require patience, thoughtfulness, diligence in repeating numerous monotonous exercises. These include tennis, gymnastics, and figure skating. Of course, a qualified coach is able to partially correct the situation and help his student realize his aspirations in maintaining and strengthening the figure. But in general, the prospects for small extroverts can be very vague.

Another thing is team games. Therefore, mentality is a factor that cannot be ignored. Well, since the child's psyche is of such crucial importance, one should not forget that the parent's task is to find a mentor for the little athlete who will be tactful in his work.

Let's summarize. Choosing sports school or section for your child, you must remember that the most important task is to give him pleasure with future activities, stimulate his desire to go hand in hand with sports all his life, and not just load him with some kind of duty. When choosing a section, two factors should also be taken into account - the personal qualities of the baby and the remoteness of the potential place of training from home. There is no need to dramatize the situation over trifles and inspire the child from an early age that he is too weak and painful for sports. Well, when the choice is made, it is necessary to start looking for a more qualified coach who will be attentive to each individual trainee.

The benefits of playing sports seem obvious, but from a psychological point of view, this issue is much more complicated. Physical activity at a young age affects the rest of life. Playing sports in childhood develops flexibility, maintains muscle tone and has a positive effect on the overall psychological and physical development of the baby. It is necessary to choose a sport based on factors such as age, characteristics of the character and development of the child.

Benefits of playing sports

All over the world, the problem of overweight in children is becoming more and more urgent, so teaching a child to exercise and a healthy lifestyle is an extremely important task. The child must learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle for many years. Sports activities develop fine motor skills (skills that help us write, work with scissors) and gross motor skills (skills that help us catch balls, etc.).

Every day, children receive a large amount of sensory information coming from the senses. Sports help children cope with this in several ways:

  • Sport perfectly disciplines the child and teaches him to work hard to achieve success. In addition to sports results, this affects other areas of a child's life. It has been proven that children who play sports do better in school.
  • Sports strengthen children's self-esteem. Going in for sports, the kid receives support and praise from parents, the trainer and other children. Sport teaches to lose with dignity. Many parents fear that their child will lose confidence when they lose. In fact, the experience of defeat is necessary for all children, as it teaches them to accept reality and appreciate their own victories.
  • Sports develop social skills. Usually the child is socialized only in the circle of his classmates and family. Thanks to sports, the child meets new people of different ages and outlooks on life. This develops the child's social skills and helps him fight shyness.

What sport is best for a child?

In sports, it is important to give children the opportunity to take their first steps and watch how their abilities develop and life priorities change. There are many sports suitable for preschoolers. They develop motor skills well and learn to compete. Some sports the baby may want to do in the future.

Before making a choice, you need to understand what you will have to sacrifice for the sake of sport. Can you afford to buy the necessary equipment, uniforms, pay for trips to competitions. Remember: do not choose a particular sport just because it is popular.

Consider some of the most common and accessible sports, as well as their impact on the psychological and physical development of the child.


When to start. Judo training should begin at the age of 4-6 years. At the beginning of classes, it is important to work out the basic movements, develop flexibility and basic athletic skills: agility, balance and coordination. This can be achieved by doing general exercises and playing games related to judo technique. At this age, children work out general movements, and only then move on to specific techniques that are used in this sport. Classes should be held in a fun positive atmosphere and based on various games through which children learn the basic movements of judo and develop the necessary skills.

sport benefits. Through games based on interaction and competition, judo develops self-confidence, concentration and the ability to resist pressure. In the future, self-confidence and self-control are necessary for the child for sports competitions and self-defense.

Price. Each section is different. It can be higher in large cities and well-known sections than in smaller towns.


When to start. Swimming is a life skill. IN early age Swimming should not be viewed as a sport, but rather as a child getting used to the water. The less the child has the opportunity to swim, the more he has a fear of water. Moreover, parents themselves develop such a fear in a child when they demand that he does not walk near water bodies, arguing that he may fall into the water and drown.

sport benefits. Swimming involves many muscle groups that are not used during physical activity on land. Swimming allows children to keep their muscles in good shape, and also develops coordination and balance.

Price. Before enrolling a child in a swimming section, parents should ask if the coach has the necessary special training. The standard training program for children includes 2-3 classes per week. The cost in different sports schools can vary greatly.


When to start. Football can be played from 5-6 years old.

sport benefits. Football improves health, fitness and mental stability. Football develops concentration and self-confidence, teaches interaction with other people. Football teaches the child discipline, develops self-confidence and at the same time brings a lot of fun. Since it is the most popular sport in our country and all over the world, there are many opportunities for a child to play football.

Price. The child needs to buy a football uniform and boots. If a child trains as part of a football team, he usually pays for training, in return for receiving the necessary conditions, equipment and coaching services.


When to start. Gymnastics can be practiced from 3-4 years. There are special training programs for preschoolers. From 7-8 years old a child can take part in competitions.

sport benefits. In gymnastics, all the movements necessary for other sports are practiced. In addition to improving general physical fitness, gymnastics also gives children an understanding of the capabilities of their body and how it orients itself in space. Gymnastics is especially beneficial for children with weak muscle tone, coordination problems, or excess energy.

Gymnastics also improves concentration and self-confidence. By learning to set goals and deal with defeat, children develop time management skills, self-discipline, and determination.

Gymnastics is a beautiful sport that includes many disciplines. It contributes to the physical development of the child, which is a key element in many sports. This will be an advantage if the child decides to move to another section.

Price. During the first few years of training, the child will need only tights. The cost of classes will depend on the duration and number of training sessions per week.

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Physical activity is essential for normal growth and development. Its value cannot be overestimated: it restores working capacity, improves physical qualities, improves metabolism and functionality different systems of the body, helps to master useful and beautiful movements, expands communication, gives new knowledge about yourself and your body, and much more. This does not mean that you do not need to make music, play computer games, go to the theater, cinema, concerts or discos, watch TV. All this is necessary for rest and spiritual enrichment; Yes, simply because it is interesting and pleasant. But isn't there a lot of entertainment?

Kind with healthy

B - reserves of creative performance and a guarantee against breakdowns and diseases. Knowing the child's motor preferences, it is better to offer him more pleasant ones (to go "towards nature"). He will study with pleasure, notice his successes faster and will try to develop them. AND for good health the choice of movements is not so important, much more important is herself physical activity as a means of developing its physiological systems. If you are not a professional in physical education, then it is hardly worth exercising with a child. sports movement technique. It is difficult to correct an incorrectly formed motor skill, it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist - physical education teacher.

Experts are unanimous that a growing body needs at least 8 hours of physical activity per week, and optimally 1.5–2 hours of physical activity per day. Of these, within the school schedule, they give only 1.5 hours (two lessons) per week. The rest of the hours you need to get on your own due to classes in circles, sections, on walks, at home. If you spend at least part of this time with your son or daughter, it will be both useful family communication and a common contribution to maintaining the health of not only the child, but also the parents. How this actually happens can be seen from the diagram. The data for its construction were obtained recently during the monitoring of the state of schoolchildren in the country. It turns out that only a quarter of children show optimal sports and physical activity, and two-thirds do nothing. Unfortunately, we have to add to this that in many schools, even in Moscow, physical education lessons are not held due to the lack of teachers and conditions for classes. What is there to be surprised, complaining about poor health!


The level of physical activity of modern Russian schoolchildren

There is a widespread opinion: there is no time for rest at the stadium or in the gym, you have to “plow” there. In fact, rest is a switch from the predominant type of activity to some other one. Leisure much more useful than passive “doing nothing”! The greater the “immobile” component of the load of a person in general, and the more growing, the more important leisure, rest from a fixed posture. It is not necessary to oppose health-improving physical exercises to rest and entertainment. Remaining a serious matter, it should at the same time bring joy to the practitioner, and not be a heavy burden for him. By the way, when muscles work in the body, so-called “endogenous opioids” are produced - substances that, when they enter the brain, cause a feeling of pleasure - a feeling of “muscle joy”.

It is important that the type of activity is to your liking: volleyball or football, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, skiing, tennis ... And if you like and enjoy the activity, then this is not only a benefit, but also a great pleasure. And it doesn't matter if looking for your favorite sport the child will change a couple of sports sections. Let him master at least the basics of the correct technique of movements in each of them - motor skills are preserved and may be useful in the future. And the time spent on, in any case, will benefit health.

Optimal range of motion

It is estimated that a healthy student needs to take at least 10 thousand steps per day and many other movements, including morning hygienic exercises, gymnastics before classes, physical education in class, and exercises for tired eyes. Very helpful. And as much as possible to be in the fresh air! It turns out that a first grader should move daily (mainly in the air) for 3.5 hours, at 8–9 years old - about 3, and at 10 years old - 2.5 hours. What kind of physical activity is best for children of this age? Early school age is often referred to as the period of "second childhood", because at this time the properties that allow interacting with other children and adults are intensively developed. It is also called "play" because the game, mostly collective, is central to the development of higher mental functions. The structural features of many organs and tissues, in particular the heart and muscles, and the aerobic nature of energy supply are adapted to the same game activity. The game is recommended not too intense, but long.

The most important health boosterregular exercise which teach all body systems to work harmoniously and respond correctly to changes in the external environment. You have to start in the morning morning hygienic gymnastics contributes to a more rapid bringing of the body to a working state after sleep, maintaining high performance during the day, improving the coordination of the neuromuscular apparatus, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. During gymnastics and subsequent water procedures, the activity of skin and muscle receptors, the vestibular apparatus is activated, the excitability of the central nervous system increases, which improves the functions of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, as well as mental performance. It is very good if, in addition to school lessons, the child will be engaged in the sports section.

What motor skills should every child learn?

First of all, learn to walk and run at different paces, jump in length and up. But it is also very important to swim, ride a bike, ski and skate. This will help develop strength, endurance, coordination of movements. Not less good for the possession of their body will bring and different types gymnastic exercises that make a person flexible, dexterous, mobile. Girls involved in rhythmic gymnastics are distinguished by correct posture, grace and plasticity, as well as musicality.

So, what kind of sports section should a child choose and when should classes begin? Children come to sports schools and sections in different ways. Sometimes on their own, together with classmates, on the recommendation of a physical education teacher. But it is best that this decision, like any other, be made at the family council after discussing all the pros and cons and, of course, taking into account the desire and inclinations of the child himself. The pros will depend on the views and capabilities of the family. But among the "against" it may turn out, so you need to consult with the doctors, and it is best to contact the office of physiotherapy exercises or a medical and sports dispensary. The main thing is to choose the sport that will not aggravate the disease, but will help strengthen the body and get rid of the disease.

Choose your sports section wisely

If child's health allows him to engage in any sports section, you should try to take into account the type of his physique, i.e. features of the constitution. And, of course, age, because the development of muscles and their energy supply systems is not the same in different periods of development. And at different types constitutions at the same age - too.

In order not to seem boring and unpleasant work, at any age it is better to offer and choose those types of physical activity which are better obtained, easier to work out and give pleasure. This is very important for pronounced digestive and asthenics with their characteristics and problems associated with them. After all, when they can show themselves and others (it is not known what is more important) that in these exercises they are, if not ahead of everyone, then certainly no worse than others, they will increasingly look into the gym and worry less about their “clumsiness” . And this guarantee of health not only physical, but also mental.

Children of the muscular type are equally easy to give almost all types of physical exercises, any kind of sport is available to them. Possessing excellent explosive strength, these children are especially good at mastering natural movements of a speed-strength nature. In athletics, these are sprinters, jumpers and throwers, these are gymnasts, tennis players, football players and other "players", speed skaters - in a word, athletes of almost any specialization.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the body and muscles, exercises for the development of endurance are highly recommended for children with an astheno-thoracic physique, in which other motor qualities also progress. If we compare the effect of different exercises on the frequency of colds, then for thin younger students it is better to focus on speed-strength exercises - jumping, throwing, ball exercises, outdoor games. At the same time, their favorite sports are cross-country skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing, and long-distance running.

Research has shown that to promote health children with a digestive physique are more suitable for exercises aimed at the predominant development of speed-strength capabilities. Complex exercises also give a very good effect. The probability of sports success in children with a digestive physique is highest in martial arts (wushu, sambo, judo and other types of wrestling that are popular today), “heavy” types of athletics (shot and discus throws), some sports games (hockey, water polo, etc.) , and at an older age - in weightlifting, athletic gymnastics. For girls, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics classes are attractive - with fitballs, rubber shock absorber bands, step aerobics. Both girls and boys of digestive physique enjoy working out in gyms, where they can be equally interested in a weight machine and a Horizon Adventure 2PLUS treadmill or something like that. But more often such classes are attended not to achieve sports results, but for healing, the formation of a beautiful figure.

All girls, regardless of physique, show interest in rhythmic gymnastics and its varieties - aerobics, shaping, where classes are held in groups. Feature of rhythmic gymnastics consists in the fact that the pace of movements and the intensity of the exercises are set by the rhythm of a piece of music, and a complex of various means has a versatile effect on the body. Depending on the choice of means, rhythmic gymnastics classes can be predominantly athletic, dance, psychoregulatory or mixed.

And, finally, swimming - one of the vital skills - is useful for everyone, and if you do not chase records, then everyone succeeds too. It is noteworthy that in ancient Greece a very unflattering description of a person was the phrase: "He can neither read nor swim." Swimming has a powerful healing effect: it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles, relieves stress and gives rest to the nervous system. And all this happens when unloading the joints, ligaments, spine. By the way, teaching kids to swim is easier than schoolchildren, and you can start this useful business earlier than classes in other sports sections.

What ages are submissive to sports

Before others, you can start practicing those sports in which perfect coordination and technique of movements are of paramount importance. These include figure skating, gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming, table and tennis, diving, trampolining. Sports that require strength and endurance, as well as tactical thinking (various martial arts), should be started later. These are skiing, skating, athletics, wrestling, volleyball and other sports games. Even later, you should begin to engage in those sports that require physical maturity, great strength and endurance to achieve success. Among them are weightlifting, cycling, rowing, boxing, shooting.

The timing of the start of sports activities is given in the table, and they are largely related to the age that is most favorable for the development of motor abilities. For example, flexibility can be most successfully developed in children of 6–7 years old, because already at 8–9 years old, mobility in the joints and range of motion during training increase by a quarter less, and at an older age it is even more difficult to develop them.

The best period for the development of speed is 8-11 years, endurance - after 11, strength - only after 12-13. It is also better to develop various coordination abilities at different times: a sense of rhythm - from 9 to 12 years old, balance - at 10-11 years old, reaction speed - at 8-9 years old, the ability to master complex motor skills and differentiation of movements - at 10-12 years old, and orientation in space - after 12 years.

If training has begun, it is important not only to evaluate the changes that will occur (not immediately, in a few weeks), it is necessary to monitor how the proposed load affects whether it is harmful. Or, on the contrary, is it too sparing, not bringing a training effect. At the beginning of training, fatigue may appear, even some deterioration in functional performance. Where are the criteria for the admissibility of such shifts?

According to the hygienic requirements for children of primary and secondary school age, a large load can be applied in a weekly training cycle no more than 2-3 times. With extreme caution, you should monitor the level of load when exercising with children under 10 years old and with adolescents 12-14 years old who have entered a difficult period for the body of puberty.

Golden mean

The benefits of exercise are great but only with a sense of proportion. - a very powerful means of influencing the body, especially growing. If physical activity is excessive, they cause overtraining, poor health, reduced immunity and even growth inhibition. The first signs of this condition are lethargy, apathy, mood deterioration, sleep disturbance, appetite, and body weight may even decrease. The desire to exercise disappears, efficiency decreases: what was easy recently becomes difficult. The appearance of even one or two of them should alert parents and caregivers, serve as a signal to reduce stress.

- If the child has a digestive physique, then he most likely has a relatively thick layer of subcutaneous fat. It protects from the cold, but it also prevents you from enduring the heat, because in the summer it warms like a fur coat. When a person moves, three-quarters of the released energy is released in the form of heat. The more intense and longer the work performed, the stronger the muscles heat up, and the blood flowing through them carries heat throughout the body. During intense muscular work, the release of heat increases compared to rest by 5–15 times. To cool off a little, fat people sweat profusely. Sweat evaporates, cooling the skin, but even a small draft can cause a cold. To avoid colds, you need support immunity and harden.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Or maybe figure skating? Or karate? Or is it still for chess (safely and calmly)? Where to send your child? These questions are asked by every parent, choosing a sport for their strengthened active baby. Moreover, they usually choose, guided by their own preferences and the proximity of the section to the house.

How to choose a sport for a child correctly?

Your attention - our instructions!

The best age for a child to start playing sports - when to send a child to sports?

The very first question that arises among mothers and fathers who are preoccupied with finding a sports section for a child is from what age to give?

Experts advise taking the first steps in sports V preschool age . True, there are nuances: not every section takes kids.

To prepare a child for a big sport, it is recommended to start training even “from the cradle”. For example, to equip a reliable home where the baby can master the basic sports equipment, forget about fears and feel the pleasure of the classes themselves.

  • 2-3 years. During this period, it is useful to start systematic physical education. Right now, when the children are hyperactive, but get tired quickly, training should be done daily, but not more than 5-10 minutes. For each workout, select 4-5 simple exercises (like springs, jumps, claps, etc.).
  • 4-5 years. At this age, the baby's body type is already formed (as well as his character), and talents and abilities are actively waking up. It's time to look for a sport in which the child can find himself, and develop coordination. You can give it to tennis, gymnastics or acrobatics, figure skating or jumping.
  • 5 years. You can already try yourself in ballet, tennis, hockey.
  • 6-7 years old. The age period in which flexibility develops very successfully (approx. - after a year, the mobility of the joints will be reduced by a quarter). Sports to choose from: martial arts, gymnastics, swimming and football.
  • 8-11 years old. The most age for the development of speed. Choose cycling, fencing or rowing.
  • After 11 years. Emphasis on endurance, complex movements. Suitable games with the ball (from football to volleyball), boxing and shooting, athletics. Do not forget about - all ages are submissive to him.
  • After 12-13 years. Age for strength development.

And how old can you be?

Everything is individual! The earliest age for sports depends on the characteristics of the baby's body. Someone starts skiing at the age of 3, and someone physically and by the age of 9 is not yet ready for most sports.

Of course, flexibility must be maintained at a very young age, otherwise it will “leave” with him. But as for endurance, in general, it develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

Whether to give their 3-year-old baby to sports is up to the parents to decide (there are also “early” sports), but it should be remembered that only by 5 years the baby ends the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and an excess of physical exertion can come back to haunt a fragile body with improper muscle development, as well as a curvature of the spine. Up to 5 years old, light gymnastics, active walks and a pool are quite enough for a baby.

Where and at what age are children taken?

  • Figure skating and gymnastics- from 5-6 years old.
  • Wushu and tennis, acrobatics and sports dancing, swimming, darts and checkers with chess- from the age of 7.
  • For golf, basketball and football, as well as skiing and badminton- from the age of 8.
  • Speed ​​skating and athletics, ball games, sailing and biathlon, rugby- from the age of 9.
  • For kickboxing and cycling, boxing and billiards, kettlebell lifting and shooting, fencing and rock climbing, judo and pentathlon- from the age of 10.
  • For trap shooting and archery- from the age of 11.
  • On bobsleigh - only from 12 years old.

Choosing a sport according to the physique of the child

It is impossible not to take into account the physique of the child, choosing a sports section for him.

Eg, high growth highly valued in basketball and quite out of place in gymnastics. And if available overweight problems you should choose the sport even more carefully so as not to cause your child to completely aversion to training and lower self-esteem. In particular, high results in overweight football are not to be expected, but in hockey or judo, the child will be quite comfortable.

To determine the type of figure, you can use the Stefko and Ostrovsky scheme used in medical practice:

  • asthenoid type. The main features: leanness and long thin legs, low muscle development, a narrow chest, often a stooped back and protruding shoulder blades. Many children feel very awkward and uncomfortable, so the choice of a sport should take into account the search for a psychologically comfortable team and section. The best options for children are sports aimed at developing strength, endurance and, of course, speed. For example, jumping, rowing, skiing and cycling, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Thoracic type. Main features: average level development of muscle mass, equal width at the pelvis and shoulders, a fairly wide chest. These kids are extremely active, and the sport should be chosen, focusing on the development of endurance and speed. For example, racing, rowing and biathlon, swimming and football, water slalom and capoeira, acrobatics and kiting, ballet and figure skating, jumping and downhill kayaking.
  • Muscular type. Main features: well developed muscle mass, a very massive skeleton. For strong and enduring children, it is recommended to choose those sports that are aimed at developing, first of all, speed. Also, power sports will not be superfluous. To choose from: mountaineering, weightlifting and powerlifting, martial arts and fencing, water polo and hockey, Workout tennis, capoeira, football.
  • Digestive type. The main signs: short stature, pronounced “belly”, excess fat mass, wide chest. This type is characteristic of children who are slow and inactive. In order not to discourage your child from the desire for sports, the desire for sports, take a closer look at weightlifting and martial arts, athletic gymnastics, hockey and throwing, motorcycling and shooting, and WorkOut.

Sport and temperament of the child - how to choose the best sports section for him?

And where without him, without character! It is from him that all victories and defeats in the future will depend.

Hyperactive kids in activities that require concentration and frequent repetition of the exercise, it will be difficult. It is better to choose one of the team games for them, where they can splash out their raging energy.

  • Sanguine people are leaders by nature. They easily overcome fear, and they are not even alien to extreme views sports. Such guys are most comfortable in those sports where it is required to regularly prove their personal superiority. You should pay attention to alpine skiing and karate, hang gliding, kayaking, fencing and mountaineering.
  • Cholerics should go to team sports - they, unlike previous children, are quite capable of sharing victory. Given the increased emotionality, it makes sense to assign such kids to boxing and wrestling.
  • Phlegmatic people, oddly enough, achieve the greatest heights in sports. This is due to the fact that they calmly, calmly and work hard until they achieve the desired result. Such children are recommended athletics, gymnastics, figure skating, chess.
  • But the choice for melancholic will have to work hard. Children are extremely vulnerable, and the severity of the coach can seriously knock the ground out from under their feet. To help such children - equestrian sports and team games, sailing, as well as dancing, sports shooting.

How to choose the best sport for a child according to his health - advice from pediatricians

After you have thoroughly studied the criteria for choosing a sport for your child, analyzed his mental and physical abilities, take your child to the pediatrician. Because medical checkup can reveal things you didn't know about.

In addition, the doctor can identify contraindications and determine the level of stress that are acceptable for your child.

And, of course, to recommend one or another sport that is most suitable for him:

  • Volleyball, basketball and football. It is better to forget about these sports with myopia, asthma and flat feet. On the other hand, they will become assistants in strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  • Gymnastics. It will help to form the correct posture and will become the first aid for flat feet.
  • If you have breathing problems, welcome to wushu.
  • Swimming- the best option for everyone. The benefits of this sport are many! From the formation of correct posture to the prevention of flat feet and strengthening the nervous system.
  • Hockey will help with problems of the respiratory system, but is prohibited in the presence of chronic diseases.
  • With a weak vestibular apparatus - skiing and martial arts . And figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system children's yoga, swimming and horseback riding.
  • Tennis. A sport that improves fine motor skills and the formation of mindfulness. But forbidden in myopia and peptic ulcer.
  • Horseback riding helps to reduce convulsive readiness and even sugar levels in diabetics, as well as the normalization of the digestive tract.
  • Athletics, speed skating and diving contribute to the development of the respiratory system and strengthen the heart.
  • Figure skating not recommended with diseases of the pleura and with a high degree of myopia.

Do not be afraid to experiment, but do not justify the child's failures in sports with "circumstances".

Failure is a lack of effort. The child should be able to draw conclusions and correct mistakes.

Support your child, regardless of sports success, and listen to his desires!

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Any "correct" parents not only devote a lot of time to their child, but also try to develop it comprehensively. The choice of the sports section often becomes the subject of numerous discussions. After all, you want not only to develop, but also to give pleasure to the child.

  • Dancing

There are many dance directions - from ballroom to rock and roll (tap and hip-hop, ballet or ballet light, tectonics, krump, breakdance, belly dance, Latin American, rock and roll, boogie-woogie and folk dances, ballroom (waltz, foxtrot, etc.)). Therefore, you and your child will be able to choose the circle whose focus you prefer.

You can send your child to a dance club at the age of 3-4 years. For children of this age, classes should be held twice a week for half an hour each. The program is simplified as much as possible for the youngest children, so classes will not bring your child unnecessary overwork or injury.

Dancing classes help to form a beautiful posture, develop plasticity and grace, train a sense of rhythm, and can even strengthen the respiratory system. That is why they are recommended for children with scoliosis or overweight.

When making a decision, consider your financial capabilities. Having sent a child to the world of professional dance, you need to periodically spend money on special shoes and concert costumes.

We read about which dances to give the girl

How to choose a dance school? Benefits of dancing for girls The best age to start classes. Which dance to choose for your daughter?

  • Gymnastics

There are two types of gymnastics - artistic and sports. Girls will like the first one more, because it teaches them to gracefully handle the ribbon, ball and hoop. Artistic gymnastics involves exercises on rings, parallel bars, a trampoline or a rope, and therefore is more suitable for boys.

Children can do gymnastics from the age of 3-4. For many, it will become native, because at this age the child's body has not yet lost its natural flexibility.

Gymnastics, like dancing, develops flexibility and grace. In addition, in the process of training, all muscle groups work, which will positively affect further sports achievements (gymnastics, an excellent basis for other sports in the future). Gymnastics is recommended for children with problems with the spine.

With all the positive qualities in such classes, there is a risk of injury, especially in gymnastics. The pedagogical staff is also a problem - it is extremely difficult to find a really competent teacher.

  • Trampolining

Such sports entertainment is not only an exciting pastime, but also a useful activity for the entire child's body.

There are no age restrictions here. A child can be allowed to jump on a trampoline from the time he has become confident on his feet.

Jumping on a trampoline contributes to the development of muscles of all groups, including those in the respiratory system of the body. In addition, they develop coordination of movements and, as a result, help improve the activity of the circulatory system and the gastrointestinal tract.

If you choose the wrong trampoline, you will increase the risk of injury to the child. Therefore, try to choose the one that will match the age of the child.


  • Figure skating

This sport can be safely called the leader in the injury rating, despite all the beauty. It is suitable for those kids who are not afraid to fall.

It is recommended to start figure skating at the age of 3-4 years. It is at this age that children get used to ice best and begin to feel it in the literal sense of the word. You need to do no more than twice a week for up to an hour (each lesson).

Figure skating will help your child strengthen the immune system and serve as a good prevention of colds. With constant training - develops endurance, artistry and flexibility.

The main disadvantage is injury. But it can be avoided by studying with an experienced trainer who is able not only to teach the baby the basics of this matter, but will also take into account the individual characteristics of your child's body.

  • Bike

Here we mean a full-fledged "transport", and not some kind of bicycle stroller.

You can start teaching your child to ride a bike at the age of two. At this age, the child still cannot fully maintain balance, so we choose for him a 3-wheeled bicycle, which, in its own way, overall dimensions will be perfect for the child. You can switch to a 2-wheeled version at about 4 years old, when the baby will already become a real racer on his iron friend.

There are many benefits to this pastime. Cycling not only develops the vestibular apparatus, develops a quick reaction and increases overall endurance, but also develops leg muscles, strengthens the heart muscle and is able to normalize metabolism.

With the right “transport”, there are no disadvantages for such an activity.

May be of interest:

  • Roller Skates

If you decide to introduce your child to videos, do not neglect the elementary safety rules. Purchase the appropriate equipment, which is often included with inline skates.

You can teach kids to roller skate from the age of 4. At an earlier age, you run the risk of "earning" the wrong formation of the foot. The main thing here is not to force, the duration of classes should be adjusted by the child himself. When you show excessive perseverance, you only discourage the desire to practice.

Roller skating promotes good coordination of movements and develops speed of reaction. With regular exercise, all muscle groups develop.

The main disadvantage is injuries, which can be avoided by purchasing all the necessary protective equipment.

A child on roller skates at 3 years old - downhill:

  • Swimming

The water environment is close to any person from the moment of intrauterine development, which is why swimming can be called one of the most useful sports.

You can teach your baby to stay on the water from the first weeks of life. It is desirable that the classes are conducted not by parents, but by specialists. It is they who will be able to teach your child the correct breathing and body position.

This sport is recommended for children with problems such as scoliosis and obesity. But in addition to affecting the skeletal system of the body, swimming can strengthen the immune system and the cardiovascular system. Swimming develops all muscle groups. In the process of exercising, the body learns to adapt to temperature changes, physical and emotional relaxation sets in, and has a hardening effect.

  • Martial arts

The following sections are most popular: karate, judo, wushu, sambo, boxing.

At the age of 4, children are taught only the basics of the chosen technique. The training is based on stretching exercises and general muscle strengthening. It is recommended to start full-fledged martial arts lessons no earlier than from the age of 12.

In addition to strengthening the body and general physical development Oriental martial arts techniques are aimed at setting the correct breathing, defense technique, teaches discipline, develops the accuracy of movements, coordination, agility and flexibility. In the process of classes, the child not only heals physically, but also receives an emotional discharge.

The only disadvantage of such classes is the possible injury.

  • Skis

Now this sport is gaining more and more popularity. And no wonder - skiing is a pleasure not only for children, but also for all other family members.

You can introduce your baby to cross-country skiing at the age of 3-4 years, but with mountain skiing, be patient up to five. Having fallen in love with skis at this age, the child can be “friends” with them all his life.

Skiing is a great workout for the muscles of the back, legs and abs, develops agility and coordination. Yes, and in itself, being in the fresh air will only bring benefits.

Skiing is contraindicated only for orthopedic diseases and asthma.

Children on skis, child 4 years old:

  • Tennis

Tennis is the most difficult sport, because endurance is needed already in the first lessons.

It is desirable to accustom children to tennis at the age of 5. At a more tender age, the child does not yet have the necessary abilities, and the load of training is still unbearable for him.

Playing tennis trains mindfulness in a child and teaches them to make the right decisions. Logical thinking also develops, which helps to predict the opponent's actions.

There are practically no minuses in this sport and injuries are minimal.

When choosing any section, it is important to pay special attention to the teaching staff. First of all, you should look for a good coach, not a prestigious school. And be sure to take into account the opinion of the child, he should go there with pleasure.

Also, before choosing the type of activity, it is advisable to consult with a pediatrician. Perhaps your crumbs have some contraindications for certain sports.

The child is still too young to expect any grandiose results from him. Just introduce him to the sport, and what will be his choice in the future - time will tell.

Children and sports

Your baby is growing up and you, as caring parents, want to send him to the sports section - after all, sport is health. And then the questions begin: at what age to give, what kind of sport to prefer - bodybuilding coach Olga Kurkulina will answer these and other questions:

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