The Athonite elder promised the world “terrible years.” Elders of our time living now

For many centuries, people have been interested in predictions about the future. It’s so interesting sometimes to look behind the curtain of the unknown and find out what lies ahead. So with the beginning of the new 2017, everyone is interested in the question of what we can expect from this year.

The elders made many predictions for 2017, and all the predictions agree that in 2017 the earth and people will experience many changes and events, both good and not so good. I really don’t want to believe in all this, but many of the predictions made by the elders in earlier years came true with complete accuracy.

Athonite Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets died at the end of the twentieth century, but he has several statements that are addressed specifically to 2017. He said that when the Turks block the waters of the Euphrates with a dam, this will be a harbinger of a great war. And the Middle East will become the center of wars in which the Russians will take direct part. Not only Türkiye, but also Europe will take up arms against Russia. The bloodiest military actions will take place in the struggle for Constantinople. Everyone who will be drawn into the war will suffer large-scale losses of their military personnel and people. But, despite such sad predictions, the Athonite elder Paisios advised all people who would live in these difficult times not to despair or give in to panic, but to hope in God and pray. God will definitely help everyone who hopes and asks.

Venerable Elder Amphilochius of Pochaev He lived a very hard life as a priest in Soviet times and it is believed that through his suffering he acquired the gift of prophecy. The elder prophesied that the end would come through China. After a strong and unusual explosion, a miracle of God will appear to everyone. And then a completely different life will begin on earth. Our homeland will be exalted and become a beacon for all countries. And new times will come, unlike those that came before. It’s just not known whether they will be worse or better than the current ones.

Prophetic Elder Velofey made a prediction that came to him through the Mother of God back in the 12th century. The prophecy speaks of multiple cataclysms and the end of the world; there is no specific date for these events, but approximately everything will happen in 2017. One of the elder’s most terrible predictions was the prediction about the end of the world. One winter evening, a large crack will appear in the ground, and people, animals, and pillars with stars will fall there. Human screams and crying will be heard around, stones will fall from houses on people and kill them. Everything will be stained with blood, turn crimson and the angel of death will appear. The prediction does not say anything about whether all people will die or not, but something terrible is definitely going to happen on earth, similar to the end of the world.

Elder Matrona of Moscow She said that very difficult, terrible times await humanity, that there will be sorrows that people don’t even know about. Times will come when people will have to choose between the cross and bread. And those people who choose the cross will be able to be saved and survive. Many people will die, and everyone on the ground will lie dead, and then everything will go underground. And all this will not be a consequence of the war, but something completely different. And all these troubles and misfortunes will happen because people stop going to church and believing in God, because only with the help of faith and prayer can everything be corrected and the world and humanity saved. The Staritsa made such a prophecy for approximately 2017. And she called on everyone to pray and take care of the soul, and not about everyday affairs; only through prayer can a person be saved.

Despite such not entirely rosy predictions of the great elders, people should still hope that all this can be avoided and the prophecies will not come true.

For us, the Holy Fathers are always the main teachers and sages, before whom we bow our heads and listen carefully to their instructions, sermons and predictions.

We are people of the Orthodox faith, and our hearts are open to the whole world, which is both sinful and beautiful, and we live here and thank the Creator for his care for us and the miracles that he has created for us.

Our teachers talked a lot about the future - especially about faith, about people, about wars, about sin and good that await us and our children in the future.

Many of the holy fathers predicted the revival of the monarchy in Russia, in particular, John of Kronstadt reported this. He said that there would be a New Rus', and it would be according to the old traditions - Orthodox and believing in Christ the Savior. Seraphim of Sarov and Feofan of Poltava unanimously echoed that a grandiose series of events was coming in Russian history, which would lead to the unification of the Slavic nations into a single country led by Holy Russia.

In 2016, Lavrenty Chernigovsky reported, there will be even more churches and monasteries in Russia, and sects and unrighteous teachings will go away, like melted snow in the spring. However, further, according to the holy father, bad times await us, if not terrible ones. Christians will be persecuted, war will come...

Christopher Tula foreshadowed unimaginable troubles for Russia after the Yeltsin era. He spoke especially clearly about guile and cunning. In the coming years, according to Christopher of Tula, we will experience such confusion that only the Lord God will understand. We are no longer able to fix anything. Civilization will collapse. We will work, and only work will help us.

Vasily Nemchin about the future of Russia

Vasily Nemchin left a truly grandiose prophecy about the era of Vladimir Putin. In 2016, he will remain in power, thanks to the rallying of great power around him, although not all power and power can be loved by the Russian people - and in this case, judging by the prophecy, this is exactly what is happening.

Around the 2020s, the President of Russia “will be cast into the abyss,” as Vasily Nemchin said verbatim. What does all of this mean? If Putin has a high rating among the people and enormous power in the country, this means that everything must change overnight. The elder did not give exact dates.

Elders' predictions about the end of the world

Monk Joseph predicted that the people would soon be greatly blinded by hatred, and people would start a fratricidal war, in which not only Russia, Ukraine, but also many other countries would participate. The total number of victims will be hundreds of millions of people...

In the 2020s there will be a great famine in Russia. Schemamonk John Nikolsky spoke about this. Civilization will perish. People will have neither water nor electricity. Only a few will survive. Japan and China will take the chance and conquer the Far East and Siberia. Holy Rus' will shrink to a piece of earth, as during the beginning of the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Pelagia Ryazan said similar things. There will be famine, suicide and even cannibalism... After Putin, the Antichrist will come to power, and persecution of the Faith will begin... However, this will not last long, and soon the Tsar will come, whom all the people will accept, all people will be happy with him.

Matrona of Moscow predicted to the world death in 2017. Hunger and suffering, a huge number of victims that will lie on the ground. There will be no limit to human grief.

Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim spoke about the split within Russia. The regions will begin to quarrel, the authorities will not be able to maintain unity, and very quickly parts of the country will fall away - first the republics, then the regions and territories.

One of the most shocking foreshadowings was left to us by the Venerable Theodosius of Jerusalem. According to him, the Second World War is not even a war at all, if you compare it with the future – the Third World War. Like locusts, enemies will come from everywhere, and everything will begin in the East... As we see, it has already begun.

Elder Anthony spoke of outrages and atrocities in our cities, where there would be neither light nor food, which would become like stone coffins... The Kiev elder Alypia said that the dead would lie like mountains, and there would even be no one to bury them...

Optina elders

As for the Optina elders, who very accurately predicted many events in Russian history, including the October Revolution of 1917, we will be disappointed: they did not name the exact dates and years of the events... But all their predictions were about the same thing that is written about higher.

The editorial mail of the Publishing House "Holy Mountain" and the website АgionО receive many questions regarding the prophecies of Paisius the Svyatogorets about the liberation of Constantinople and the coming Russian-Turkish war.

Due to the fact that publications have appeared on the Internet questioning the reliability of these prophecies, the Holy Mountain publishes fragments of an interview with Metropolitan Neophytos of Morph (Cypriot Orthodox Church).

The Bishop was personally acquainted with many modern ascetics of the Orthodox Church: elders Jacob (Tsalikis) and Sophronius (Sakharov), saints Paisius the Svyatogorets and Porfiry Kavsokalivit.

- Vladyka, is this the third world war?

Three years ago, I gave an interview to your colleague Nikos Kyriakou, in which I spoke about upcoming events. Then there was a certain risk in such bold forecasts, but I was based not only on assessments of the geostrategic situation in the world, but on the opinions of the people of God whom I met in my youth or those with whom I continue to maintain relations today (after all, in our time there are saints , which can look into the future).

We knew that the “big war” (as the perspicacious elders called it) would begin in Syria. At a time when life in this state was calm, the ascetics accurately indicated the place where the conflict would break out.

- And now Russia has also joined in the events...

We knew that Russia would take part in them. I remember how I told Sigma-Live journalist Fanasis Athanasiou about this, and he answered me: “How do you, an educated person, believe the prophecies of Paisius the Holy Mountain?” He said this as if the words of Father Paisius meant nothing. But Paisiy Svyatogorets is a modern saint! If we, bishops, do not trust the words of modern saints and their gift of foresight, who then can we trust? Their words have already partially come true, partially awaiting their fulfillment.

- What will happen to Cyprus?

The consequence of the Russian-Turkish conflict will be the liberation of Cyprus, because Türkiye will be defeated in this war...

Erdogan's dream is to become the caliph of Sunni Islam. Not only Russia (where many Sunni Muslims live), but also the United States and Israel do not want the implementation of such ambitious plans. They do not benefit from the creation of a powerful caliphate in the East.

- Will the liberation of Cyprus from occupation be achieved through peace negotiations?

No. The events in Syria and the Russian-Turkish war, which is gradually beginning to unfold before our eyes, will lead to this.

Events are developing very quickly. Last year, on the day Russia began its operation in Syria, we were just serving night duty. Only four and a half months have passed since that day, but so much has happened!

- How should ordinary people behave in the light of such events? Is it possible to do something?

Repentance is necessary. We will be amazed at the extent to which repentance for our personal sins and errors will benefit society. Repentance inspires a person and frees his soul from the shackles of sin. The same applies to the whole society.

- What can you say about the prophecies of Saint Paisius the Holy Mountain?

The Monk Paisius was guided by the Holy Spirit, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Him! Many can attest to his prophetic gift. I personally heard from the elder predictions that have already come true and are being carried out before our eyes.

He was glorified by our Church as a saint. His prophecies (including those about the collapse of Turkey) were known before his canonization, including in the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This is as much a part of his legacy as books and instructions.

Doubts about the elder’s prophecies are due to the fact that some Orthodox Christians are guided by rationalism and positivist consciousness. They think their faith is sufficient, but it is fragmentary.

The prophet does not want war, does not want destruction. On the contrary, he asks God (who respects human freedom), according to faith, to reduce the consequences of evil (if people are worthy of it).

This is our mission. Pray that the events that are about to happen will not last long and cause people as little suffering as possible.

The prophet sees events that are about to happen. But we have the power to delay them, or even cancel them (if we have a bold and fiery prayer to God).

We need to strengthen our prayer, since the war predicted by the elders will be of a global nature, it will not be a bilateral Russian-Turkish one, and given modern weapons, you can imagine what dangers this is fraught with.

I have a friend, now an elderly man, to whom the Most Holy Theotokos appeared several years before the occupation of Cyprus. She revealed to him that a great misfortune would happen to Cyprus and ordered him to pray every evening for two hours. “Trouble will happen anyway, why pray then? I have a family, children, responsibilities,” my friend doubted. “So that she would not be so scary,” answered the Mother of God. You see how God works and how important prayer is. The Mother of God appeared to ordinary people (as it later turned out, there were several of them) and called them to prayer.

The war will break out suddenly and at its end the people will be given great blessing and grace. Many people of good disposition, through pain and hardship, will repent of having moved away from God, reconsider their lives and come to the true faith - Orthodoxy. We are talking about peoples who previously had nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

- Will Türkiye fall apart?

Some Turks will fall apart and believe in Christ. There will be many of them, up to one third of the population.

I heard prophecies not only from Elder Paisius. When I was a little boy, in our village of Pano Zodya there lived a devout Christian, the singer Dimitri Protopapas, who (even before the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus) said:

Ah, my children, we will become refugees, and Turks will settle in our village.

Will we leave our homes forever?

No, many will die far from home. But some will live to see liberation and return to their homes without war. This will happen when a new country called Kurdia is founded in Turkey.

After the conflict in the Aegean Sea (in one of the episodes of which Cyprus will be involved), the Russian-Turkish war will begin. Russia's pressure on Turkey will be so great that it will be forced to withdraw troops from occupied Northern Cyprus. As you understand, this will open the way to resolving the Cyprus issue.

- Does the prophecy of Elder Paisius say that Türkiye will lose Constantinople? Is this really true?

Yes it is. Great things will happen. Not only will Türkiye fall apart, the European Union will fall apart.

In Turkey, they pay close attention to the predictions of Paisius the Holy Mountain, Cosmas of Aetolia and other Orthodox saints. They also have their own eschatological tradition associated with the loss of Constantinople.

This country is undergoing not only social, but also spiritual changes. Recently, a member of the Turkish parliament not only converted to Orthodoxy, but also professed her faith publicly. An unprecedented event!

In conclusion, I would like to urge everyone to trust in God’s Providence. The Lord, our Father, will not abandon his children and will take care of us.

Repentance is needed now. Only by confessing our sins will we be able to make the right decisions in the face of future trials and avoid panic and despair. Prayer and regular Communion are also necessary.

Translation by Tasos Mikhailidis (especially for

The year 2016 is drawing to a close. Many people want to know what awaits them in the near future, namely next year. Therefore we publish.

According to the translated manuscripts, 2017 will be glorious for the unification of Russia and Belarus. Then the economic problems will begin to subside. Trade with different countries will improve, that is, our country will supply its goods abroad.

Agriculture will also begin to revive. People will turn more to the Christian faith. Next year they will have to create a remedy for serious, even fatal, diseases. According to some reports, scientists will use holy water as the main ingredient.

But, if you study some sources, what Matrona prophesies will lead to the prosperity of the country, according to other sources, she predicted the death of our planet in 2017. The Great Matrona said that humanity is destined to die one evening, and the year 2017 will also be the beginning of a new time. But This is unconfirmed information, so don’t worry, It’s better to just live fully and believe in the best.

What Vanga prophesied

According to this famous soothsayer, Russia will face something terrible next year that not everyone will endure: there will be a struggle for justice, then for a “piece of bread.” People with different religious views will begin to quarrel. Chaos and unrest will reign. And, naturally, the strongest will survive.

Related news:

Russia in 2017, according to Vanga’s prophecies, will live in another crisis; various conflicts, including armed ones, await it.

True, no one can know the truth one hundred percent, so one can only guess whether the words of the fortuneteller will come true, and if so, then in full or in part.

Nostradamus2017 Predictions of the Elders about the End Times

vary somewhat. Some affirm good things, others prophesy destruction. What is said in the poetic messages of the great one, whose predictions often came true?

And in the messages to descendants, several thoughts were intertwined: 2017 will be associated with water shortages in Russia; France has polluted its water bodies too much; people will rebel; Many will be overtaken by disasters; for the most part, wealthy individuals will be able to protect themselves.

Everyone will decide for themselves to believe or not to believe, but who knows, what if scientists were unable to correctly decipher the records of the great man?

Predictions of the Athonite elders for 2017

One of the most famous Greek seers was, who lived from 1924 to 1994. The elder prophesied many tears. In his visions, he observed the upcoming terrible war of 2017. He predicted the disappearance of Turkey as a state. He saw the return of Istanbul to Greece. O also predicted that a third of the entire population of the planet will die, a third will convert to Christianity, and the rest will look for new homes around the world. It is already clear that for 2017, one of which is Paisiy, are already coming true: conflicts between Russia and Turkey in the most revolutionary-minded country; There are indeed refugees scattered all over the world.

The elder also claimed that in 2017 Russia will fight with the Turkish state, as a result of which the latter will take Crimea from the former. But Russia itself was seen by Paisius as an Orthodox stronghold and a world peacemaker.

It is worth saying that in general, the elders from Mount Athos predicted a liar ruler (Antichrist) throughout the entire planet Earth. And that the Lord has allowed this in order to clearly see those who are ready to renounce God and live only on the material benefits promised by the Antichrist. People will stop believing in themselves. After which it will be possible to wait for the Day of Judgment.

Ukraine, what awaits it?

In connection with the events of recent years related to Ukraine, many want to knowpredictionseldersabout Donbass for 2017 . And this is what she prophesied, for example: the great Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga:

  1. There will be no old government left in Ukraine, officials will have to flee, but the seizure of power will be carried out by one person, whose name is unknown.
  2. Ukraine and Novorossiya will not unite, which will raise concerns among Donbass residents about the longevity of the new leader, who could be displaced by another Maidan. With all this, Donbass will live in peace.

At all, the holy elders gave disappointing forecasts about Ukraine and world powers .

Elders in Orthodoxy are called highly spiritual clergy who are endowed with wisdom and marked by themselves. Previously, legends were made about the elders in Rus'. People came to them for healing and advice. Are there any elders of our time living now?

Who is given the title of “elder” today?

Today, the elders, as before, are venerable monks leading a righteous lifestyle. Among the modern elders, the following clergy can be noted:

  • Father Kirill Pavlov. Works in Sergiev Posad in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He has a reputation as a respected person, both among high-ranking clergy and the laity. Today, it hardly receives visitors or lay people;

  • Father Naum. Lives and works in the same place as Father Kirill. It can accommodate up to 700 people per day. Tries to help everyone who suffers;

  • Father Herman. Endowed with the gift of foresight. Capable of exorcising demons. Lives in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra;

  • Father Vlasiy. Confesses and accepts people. Lives in the Pafnutyev-Borovsky Monastery in the city of Borovsk. Has special insight;

  • Father Peter. Confessor in Lukino. Endowed with the gift of foresight;

  • Bishop Alipiy. Lives in the city of Krasny Liman in Ukraine. Works with people;

  • Father Seraphim. Works at the Svyatogorsk Lavra in Ukraine. Heals people with prayer and words;

  • Archimandrite Dionysius. Receives at the Church of St. Nicholas near Moscow. Endowed with the gift of shepherding. And also distinguished by the rare power of prayer;

  • Schema-Archimandrite Eli. Monk in Optina Pustina. Personal confessor of Patriarch Kirill. Nowadays there is almost no reception of believers;

  • Father Jerome. Lives in the Assumption Monastery in Chuvashia. Confesses, helps with advice in everyday matters;

  • Father Hilarion. Receives people for confession in Klyuchevskaya Hermitage in Mordovia;

  • Archimandrite Ambrose. Works at the Holy Vvedensky Convent of the city of Ivanovo. Has a great gift of insight;

  • Schema-Archimandrite John. Conducts cleansing of people from demons in the Ioannovsky Monastery near Saransk;

  • Father Nikolai. Conducts its activities in the Intercession-Ennat Monastery in the Republic of Bashkiria;

  • Father Adrian. Today, it hardly accepts people anymore. Lives in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery;
  • Archpriest Valerian Krechetov. Relates to the “white clergy”. Personal confessor of many Moscow priests.

In addition to the listed and recognized elders, to the great regret of the clergy, a movement of so-called “young elders” is developing in Christianity. These include young and insufficiently experienced priests who, out of thoughtlessness, take on the roles of real Russian elders. There are also false elders who are real charlatans. They create their own sects, destroy the psyche of followers, lie, corrupt and manipulate.

The true elders of our time, living today, see the meaning of their lives in communion with the Lord and helping people. They may have different characters, but they are always aimed at helping a person with his problem with spiritual advice. Such elders love people regardless of their moral standing or strength of faith.

An elder is not a spiritual rank, but a unique type of holiness for a church person, which he receives through the will of the Lord. The elder sees through time, knows the destinies of people, and is able to see the future on a global scale. And the priest or monk receives all this from God, and not through his own development. Although elders become those who, through their perseverance, have raised themselves to a high level of spirituality.

This is why eldership causes so much controversy and controversy in church circles. After all, the phenomenon of Orthodox eldership simply scares many. And if a person is afraid, then he tries to do everything to get rid of his fear. And then they begin to deny the power of the elders, claiming that there have been no real saints on earth for a long time. But this theory can be refuted if we consider the lives of several modern elders in more detail.

Father Vlasiy has lived in the monastery near Borovsk since 1979. He left this monastery only once, to Athos, where he received healing from cancer. After his return, the elder began to receive believers, helping them make the right choice, sorting out family problems, and giving advice. People learned about the miraculous power of Elder Blasius very quickly, so today it is extremely difficult to get to him. Sometimes you have to wait several days to get an audience with the elder.

The famous elder Iliy Nozdrin lives in Optina Pustina. He is the personal confessor of the current patriarch. He has the gift of special insight. Many times in the past he performed feats related to asceticism. A large number of believers want to talk with this elder. He works not only with the congregation and pilgrims, but also with the monks. This amazing person is distinguished by great humility and philanthropy.

Both believers and spiritual people turn to Archpriest Valerian Krechetov for advice. He is famous for his sermons, wise sayings and pious lifestyle. In addition to fulfilling his direct church duties, Valerian Krechetov conducts active educational work. He has many church awards. He works in Akulovo. There he baptizes, confesses, gives communion and performs other sacraments for his flock. This man is also considered a modern Russian elder. The archpriest is famous.

Many elders of our time, living now, say that the gift of clairvoyance was given to them not in order to save believers from their own choice, but as a divine “hint” to a person in a difficult situation. The elders solve worldly problems, look into the future, but advise not to think about global predictions and the end of the world, but to learn to live righteously today, making the most of the time available. And then the Last Judgment of God will not seem so terrible and formidable.

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