Tesla Model S battery. What's inside? Let's sort it out

Tesla Motors is the creator of truly revolutionary eco-cars, which are not only mass-produced, but also have unique characteristics that allow them to be used literally every day. Today we take a look inside the battery Tesla electric car Model S we will find out how it works and reveal the magic of success of this battery.

According to the North American Protection Agency environment(EPA), Model S requires one recharge of 85 kWh batteries to cover more than 400 km, which is the most significant indicator among similar cars presented on the specialized market. To accelerate to 100 km/h, the electric car only needs 4.4 seconds.

The key to the success of this model is the presence lithium ion batteries, the main components of which are supplied to Tesla by Panasonic. Tesla batteries are the stuff of legends. And so one of the owners of such a battery decided to violate its integrity and find out what it was like inside. By the way, the cost of such a battery is 45,000 USD.

The battery is located in the bottom, giving the Tesla a low center of gravity and excellent handling. It is attached to the body using brackets.

Tesla battery. Let's sort it out

The battery compartment is formed by 16 blocks, which are connected in parallel and protected from the environment by means of metal plates, as well as a plastic lining that prevents water from entering.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured, confirming the working condition of the battery.

The battery assembly is distinguished by high density and precision fitting of parts. The entire picking process takes place in a completely sterile room using robots.

Each block consists of 74 elements, extremely similar in appearance to simple ones. AA batteries(Panasonic lithium-ion cells), divided into 6 groups. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find out the layout of their placement and operation - this is a big secret, which means that making a replica of this battery will be extremely difficult. Chinese battery analogue Tesla Model We are unlikely to see it!

Graphite serves as the positive electrode, and nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide serve as the negative electrode. .

The most powerful battery available (its volume is 85 kWh) consists of 7104 similar batteries. And it weighs about 540 kg, and its parameters are 210 cm in length, 150 cm in width and 15 cm in thickness. The amount of energy produced by just one unit of 16 is equal to the amount produced by a hundred laptop batteries.

When assembling their batteries, Tesla uses elements produced in various countries, such as India, China, Mexico, but the final modification and packaging are made in the United States. The company provides warranty service for its products for up to 8 years.

Thus, you learned what the Tesla Model S battery consists of and the principle of its operation. Thank you for your attention!

The main problem with electric cars is not the infrastructure at all, but the “batteries” themselves. It’s not that difficult to install chargers in every parking lot. And it’s quite possible to increase the power grid capacity. If anyone doesn't believe this, remember the explosive growth of cellular networks. In just 10 years, operators have deployed infrastructure around the world that is many times more complex and expensive than what is needed for electric cars. There will be an “endless” cash flow and development prospects, so the topic will be brought up quickly and without much fuss.
Simple calculation of battery economy for tesla model S
First, let’s figure out “what this hot dog of yours is made of.” Unfortunately, on the manufacturer’s website, performance characteristics data are published for the buyer, who does not even like to remember Ohm’s law, so I had to look for information and do my own rough estimates.
What do we know about this battery?
There are three options, which are labeled by kilowatt-hour: 40, 60 and 85 kWh (40 has already been discontinued).

It is known that the battery is assembled from serial 18650 Li-Ion 3.7v batteries. Manufactured by Sanyo (aka Panasonic), the capacity of each can is supposedly 2600mAh, and the weight is 48g. Most likely there are alternative supplies, but the performance characteristics should be ~the same and the bulk of the production line still comes from the world leader.

(In production cars, battery assemblies look completely different =)
They say that the weight of a full battery is ~ 500 kg (of course, it depends on the capacity). Let's discard the protective shell, the heating/cooling system, little things and wiring weighing, well, let's say 100 kg. What remains is ~ 400 kg of batteries. With one can weighing 48g, roughly ~8000-10000 cans come out.
Let's check the assumption:
85,000 watt-hours / 3.7 volts = ~23,000 amp-hours
23000/2.6 = ~8850 cans
That is ~425kg
So it roughly converges. We can say that there are ~2600mAh elements in a quantity of about 8k.
So I came across the film after the calculations =). It is vaguely reported here that the battery consists of more than 7 thousand cells.

Now we can easily estimate the financial side of the issue.
Each can retails to the average buyer TODAY at ~$6.5.
In order not to be unfounded, I confirm with a screenshot. $13.85 pairs:

The wholesale price from the factory will apparently be almost 2 times lower. That is, somewhere around $3.5-4 per piece. you can buy even one bibika (8000-9000 pieces - this is already a serious wholesale).
And it turns out that the cost of the battery cells themselves today is ~$30,000. Of course, Tesla gets them much cheaper.
According to the manufacturer's (Sanyo) specification, we have 1000 guaranteed recharge cycles. Actually, it says a minimum of 1000, but the fact is that for ~8000 cans the minimum will be relevant.
Thus, if we take the standard average mileage of a car per year as 25,000 km (that is, somewhere around ~1-2 charges per week), we get approximately 13 years until it is COMPLETELY 100% unusable. But these banks lose almost half of their capacity after 4 years in this mode (this fact was recorded for this type of battery). In fact, under warranty they are still working, but the car has half the mileage. Operation in this form loses all meaning.
This means that somewhere around $30-40k in 4 years of normal use goes to waste. Against this background, any calculations of charging costs look ridiculous (there will be ~$2-4k worth of electricity over the entire life of the battery =).
Even from these rough figures, one can estimate the prospects for ousting “ICE stinkers” from the car market.
For a sedan similar to the Model S with an internal combustion engine for 25,000 km per year, it will cost ~$2500-3000 on gasoline. Over 4 years, respectively, ~$10-14k.

Until the price of batteries falls by 2.5 times (or fuel prices increase by 2.5 times =), it is too early to talk about a massive market takeover.
However, the prospects are excellent. Battery manufacturers will increase capacity. Batteries will become lighter. They will contain less rare earth metals.
As soon as for similar cans (3.7v) affordable wholesale price per capacity of 1000mAh will be reduced to $0.6-0.5, a mass movement into electric cars will begin(gasoline will become ~equal in cost).
I recommend monitoring other battery form factors. Perhaps their prices will change unevenly.
I assume that such price reductions will occur even before the new revolution in chemical battery technology. It will be a rapid evolutionary process that will take 2-5 years.
There remains, of course, the risk of a sharp increase in demand for such batteries. As a result, there is a shortage of raw materials or supplies, but it seems to me that everything will work out. Similar risks were greatly overestimated in the past, and as a result, everything somehow worked out.
One more thing should be noted here interesting point. Tesla doesn't just seal 8k cans into one "can." The batteries undergo complex testing, are matched to each other, a high-quality circuit is created, a clever cooling system is added, a bunch of controllers, sensors and other high-current components that are not yet available to the average buyer. So what to buy new battery it will be cheaper from Tesla than to save money and take any kind of canoe. And it turns out that Tesla immediately signed up all customers for consumables that cost 10 times more than the charging energy itself. This is good business =).
Another thing is that competitors will soon appear. For example, BMW is about to start producing an electric i-series (most likely, I will invest in BMW shares instead of Tesla for many years). Well, then - more.
Bonus. How will the global market change?
In terms of the main raw material for auto production, steel consumption will drop sharply. Aluminum from internal combustion engines will migrate to body parts, because it is no longer possible to make electric car bodies from steel (too heavy). Without an internal combustion engine, complex and heavy steel components are not needed. In the car (and in the infrastructure) there will be significantly more copper, more polymers, more electronics, but there will be almost no steel (minimum in traction elements + chassis and armor. Everything). Even battery wrappers will do without tin =).
The consumption of oils, lubricants, liquids and all additives will be reduced almost to zero. Smelly fuel will become history. However, more and more polymers will be needed, so Gazprom remains on the horse =). In general, it is irrational to “burn” oil. It can be used to make hard and durable products of the highest technological level. So the age of hydrocarbons will not end with electric cars, but reforms in this market will be serious and painful.

Loss of battery capacity during operation is one of the problems of electric vehicles, despite the fact that this process is the norm for any device equipped with lithium-ion batteries. However, experts from the Plug-in America organization have found that an electric car is an exception in this regard.

Yes, they did independent research, which showed that the loss of power batteries Model S is small even over long runs. In particular, the battery pack of this car loses on average 5% of its power after the car overcomes the mark of 50 thousand miles (80 thousand km), and when driving more than 100 thousand miles (160 thousand km) - even less than 8% . The study was conducted based on data from 500 Tesla Model S electric cars, the total mileage of which was more than 12 million miles (20 million km).

In addition, Plug-in America conducted another study, which showed that in four years (since the Tesla Model S entered the market), the number of calls to Tesla service stations due to problems with the battery, electric motor or charger has decreased significantly. device.

Battery capacity may depend on several factors such as frequency fully charged capacity, periods of time in an uncharged state and the number of fast charges. Plugin America data also shows that replacement rates for major components have improved significantly:

This data is encouraging, but despite this, Tesla continues to work on improving its battery and cell technology. The company began scientific collaboration with the Jeff Dahn research group at Dalhousie University. This department specializes in increasing cell life lithium-ion batteries, and its goal is to maximize the mileage on the battery with little loss of power.

Note that the Tesla Model S battery, as well as the car itself, has a warranty of 8 years and no mileage restrictions since 2014. Then Tesla CEO Elon Musk explained this decision as follows: “If we really believe that electric motors are much more more reliable than engines internal combustion, with fewer moving parts...then our warranty policy should reflect that.”

They are powered solely by electricity stored in batteries.

Since the start of Tesla production of its electric cars model range The Model S, and later the Model X, installed batteries with capacities ranging from 40 to 100 kWh, each consisting of 8, 12 or 16 sections.

Each section consists of small Panasonic AA batteries connected to each other, slightly larger in size than standard AA batteries. Tesla's cylindrical batteries have a diameter of 18 mm and a height of 65 mm. It is also worth noting that their advantage lies in durability, reliability and performance in harsh automotive conditions.

1 - Battery; 2 - Voltage converter (DC/DC); 3 - High voltage cable (orange); 4 - Main on-board charger 10 kW; 5 — Additional charger 10 kW (optional); 6 - Charging connector; 7 - Drive module;

Battery 40 kWh

The 40-kilowatt battery comes in two types: a 40-kilowatt battery with 8 sections (segments/cells) (based on the Toyota RAV4 EV battery), and a 60-kilowatt battery which had 12 cells and was programmed to charge up to 40 kilowatts .

Tesla Model S 40 kWh were not popular, so their production was soon completed.

Battery 60 kWh

The 60 kW battery consisted of 12 or 16 sections. The 12-cell battery was installed on the Model S40, the 16-cell battery was designated "NEW" and was radically modified.

Battery 70/75 kWh

In addition to the fact that this battery was installed on the Model S60 (S60D), it was also installed on the S70 (S70D) and S75 (S75D), but with
advanced features.

The 60 kWh battery for the 60th model was distinguished by the absence of 77 AA batteries, for the 70s Model S, all 16 sections were completely filled with batteries, thereby increasing the overall battery capacity.

Battery 85/90 kWh

The Tesla 85, 90 and 100 kWh battery consists of 16 sections. Each cell consists of 444 AA batteries and has its own BMS board, which controls the balancing of all cells.

The most popular battery supplied by Tesla (85 kWh) contains 7104 18650 batteries.

In 2015, Panasonic redesigned the anode, increasing battery capacity by approximately 6%, allowing battery packs to store up to 90 kW of energy. As a result, a 90-kilowatt battery differs from an 85-kilowatt battery not in capacity:

  • firstly, the capacity of the Panasonic 18650 battery in an 85-kilowatt battery weighs 46 grams, in a 90-kilowatt battery the same battery weighs 48.5 grams;
  • secondly, the current output in the 85th battery is 10C, in the 90th it is 25C (for this reason, the Ludicrous mode is only available on Teslas with a 90 and 100 kWh battery, since the technical capabilities allow the car to be given faster dynamics);

Battery 100 kWh

Tesla's most powerful battery. Internal elements battery were reconfigured to accommodate 516 18650 batteries per module.

In total, 8,256 Panasonic batteries were placed in the 100-kilowatt battery, capable of storing just over 100 kWh of energy and allowing Tesla's electric cars to travel more than 500 kilometers.

This battery has a current output of 25C and represents the “state of the art” in battery engineering from Tesla.

And even this development and improvement does not stop. To further improve battery efficiency and reduce costs, Tesla built a large battery factory in Sparks, Nevada called Gigafactory 1.

The factory is producing a new battery design called the 2170. It has a diameter of 21mm and a height of 70mm, and was originally used in the Tesla Powerwall and Powerpack, as well as the new Tesla Model 3 sedan, which is smaller and cheaper than the Model S.

The 2170 battery is 46% larger in volume than the 18650 and 10-15% more energy efficient than the 18650.

It is very important to charge the battery correctly, namely with a proper charger - original or from a quality manufacturer, as from homemade ones chargers The battery overheats, poor contacts and poor current quality, resulting in a greatly affected battery capacity and longevity.

During operation, the manufacturer strongly recommends not exposing the vehicle to continuous temperatures above +60C or below -30C for more than 24 hours

It is recommended to prevent the battery from being completely discharged. If the car is not in use, energy is gradually consumed to power the on-board electronics (every day the battery is discharged by an average of 1%).

To prevent a complete discharge, it is recommended to put the car into an energy saving mode, in which the power to the on-board electronics is turned off, which will reduce the discharge to 4% per month. It is also worth noting that in energy-saving mode, charging the 12-volt battery stops, which will lead to its complete discharge within 12 hours. Therefore, in this case, you will need to connect to an external starting battery or replace it.

But, do not forget that when activating the energy saving mode, you must connect the car to a power source for 2 months to prevent the Tesla battery from completely discharging.

Of course, there has been quite a controversial attitude towards this car lately. Many people discuss what he is like, others. There are people who consider the Tesla car to be an excellent element of a PR campaign built on the sale of something that has existed for a long time, but it never occurred to anyone to make a car out of it, and there are few prospects for it, and it even exists

But let's leave these disputes behind and look at the main element of this car - the batteries. There were people who were not lazy and did not hold back a certain amount of money, took and sawed off a car battery.

This is what it looked like

Tesla Motors is the creator of truly revolutionary eco-cars, which are not only mass-produced, but also have unique characteristics that allow them to be used literally every day. Today we will look inside the battery of the Tesla Model S electric car, find out how it works and reveal the magic of the success of this battery.

According to the North American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Model S requires one recharge of 85 kWh batteries to cover more than 400 km, which is the most significant indicator among similar cars presented on the specialized market. To accelerate to 100 km/h, the electric car only needs 4.4 seconds.

The key to the success of this model is the presence of lithium-ion batteries, the main components of which are supplied to Tesla by Panasonic. Tesla batteries are the stuff of legends. And so one of the owners of such a battery decided to violate its integrity and find out what it was like inside. By the way, the cost of such a battery is 45,000 USD.

The battery is located in the bottom, giving the Tesla a low center of gravity and excellent handling. It is attached to the body using brackets.

Tesla battery. Let's sort it out

The battery compartment is formed by 16 blocks, which are connected in parallel and protected from the environment by means of metal plates, as well as a plastic lining that prevents water from entering.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured, confirming the working condition of the battery.

The battery assembly is distinguished by high density and precision fitting of parts. The entire picking process takes place in a completely sterile room using robots.

Each unit consists of 74 elements, extremely similar in appearance to simple AA batteries (Panasonic lithium-ion cells), divided into 6 groups. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find out the layout of their placement and operation - this is a big secret, which means that making a replica of this battery will be extremely difficult. We are unlikely to see a Chinese analogue of the Tesla Model S battery!

Graphite serves as the positive electrode, and nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide serve as the negative electrode. Specified volume electrical voltage in the capsule is 3.6V.

The most powerful battery available (its volume is 85 kWh) consists of 7104 similar batteries. And it weighs about 540 kg, and its parameters are 210 cm in length, 150 cm in width and 15 cm in thickness. The amount of energy produced by just one unit of 16 is equal to the amount produced by a hundred laptop batteries.

When assembling their batteries, Tesla uses elements produced in various countries, such as India, China, Mexico, but the final modification and packaging are made in the United States. The company provides warranty service for its products for up to 8 years.

Thus, you learned what the Tesla Model S battery consists of and the principle of its operation.

More interesting things about Tesla: here you go, and here you go

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