What is important for a man to hear from a woman. Family relationships: what words does a man want to hear? "It was amazing"

No less, but not all women master the art of choosing Right words. And if any compliment is suitable for the fairer sex, even if it resembles rude flattery (this is the history of refined compliments since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs - comparing a woman’s eyes with diamonds, talking about her in superlatives), then with men it is more difficult. Here it is important not to violate or slip into outright bad manners.

So, let's start with what you should never say to a man. First: wussy-pusey, baby bunnies and addresses like “baby” and “hare” should forever disappear from your vocabulary. Secondly, vulgarities and banalities from the “you’re dressed cool” series. Thirdly, questions indicating your lack of knowledge of a particular topic (“Who is Gaddafi?”). Of course, you don’t have to know everything, but if the topics of politics and football are not your thing, then it’s better to remain silent or get away with general phrases with a smile. For example, joke that you prefer to act as an expert in another field.

Passion for astrology and occult sciences can also greatly harm you - according to statistics, only 7% of men believe the predictions of astrologers, and they simply consider women who attach importance to this to be narrow-minded.

The list of taboos includes memories of your ex, criticism of his mother, even though she is wrong three times, the regularly repeated question “Do you love me?”, as well as criticism of his gifts. You should never give negative comments to any positive impulse addressed to you, otherwise, by demanding lilies instead of roses, you risk becoming a woman who is never given flowers.

Criticism of a man in the presence of strangers, the desire not to listen to him, but to speak, as well as an attempt to take the role of a leader from the first dates are the most common mistakes that can cross out any passionate motives in a relationship.

The main thing that unites all men without exception, regardless of status and habits, is confirmation of their own importance. Encouraging him, raising self-esteem, supporting him - this is the direct task of every wise woman. At the same time, it is important not to overpraise the man, so as not to provoke delusions of grandeur.

So what does a man want to hear? What compliments can make him subconsciously reach out to you and feel comfortable and confident with you?

Firstly, any man, even the most infantile, always and in everything seeks confirmation of his strength, an assessment of his “tribal” qualities, therefore even the simplest remarks from the series "You are so strong!", after he masterfully opens a lid that is inaccessible to you or drives a nail in with one blow, they will be very pleasant to him. Even if he doesn’t show it, know that this is so!

Any assessment of his actions, words, gifts must be accompanied by a sincere smile and good old “Honey, that was amazing!”. If we are talking about sex, that’s okay too.

Compliments that emphasize sexuality are another favorite topic for men. "I've never felt so good" or “It was the best sex of my life” are allowed, especially if it is true and if the situation is conducive to such reverent confessions.

Laugh at his jokes. Sense of humor - main indicator intelligence, and therefore it is pleasant for any man to seem like a person capable of surprising with his wit. “Darling, I laughed until I cried! I can’t forget how you said..."

Use the experience of classics or film masterpieces. One of best examples The right compliment was an episode from the film “The Legend of Zorro”, where Catherine Zeta-Jones, saving herself, flattered the villain: “When you are so close, I lose my breath.”. Any man in such a situation loses his will.

The ability to convince someone to do something your way in the format of a compliment is top notch. Try something like: “I don’t insist, you just do it better than others!”

Women care about emotions, which means words of love and compliments. Men are guided by logic. And they love only with their eyes, so they have no need for unnecessary conversations and tenderness.

This traditional view is finally giving way to the understanding that we all have in common the desire for our loved one to acknowledge our importance in their lives. And it is just as important for men not to guess about this, but to hear specific words. What are they?

I understand you

Men are pioneers by nature; they want to feel like winners. When external circumstances are not favorable to victorious movement forward, the last thing you want to hear is criticism or advice on what should have been done. All he needs now is support. A smile, a hug and the words: “I understand how difficult it is for you now. If you want to talk, I'm here."

I appreciate everything you've done

In a healthy relationship, both partners want to support each other. It is important for a man to feel that his care and attention are needed. This gives him confidence that he plays a significant role in the life of a loved one.

Be alone as long as you need

To understand the problems, he needs to be alone. It is important for him to analyze the situation and live it emotionally, and this has nothing to do with his attitude towards you.

I was wrong. Please forgive me

In the heat of a quarrel, we can all hurt each other with hurtful words. They injure men no less. He needs to hear an apology that makes him feel like you value him and didn't mean to intentionally hurt him.

You did it amazing

Yes, yes, your praise and admiration is important to us. Recognition of victories by a loved one inspires and stimulates further achievements. This applies not only to achievements, but also to everyday trifles.

In other words, if he dismantled the garage or helped replant the plants, you shouldn’t take it for granted. Be generous with your praise, and he'll be more willing to do things that bring you joy.

You excite me

You will not hear him ask: “How do I look today?” This doesn't mean he doesn't need confirmation that you find him attractive. Tell him that he is sexy and that you feel good with him. And you will find a partner with whom you will feel like you are in an intimate relationship.

Why don't you spend time with your friends?

He will be grateful for this if he is going through a stressful period that requires extreme concentration. It is important for him to understand that you support and understand him and do not make him feel guilty for the fact that, having little free time, he decided not to spend it with you.

Thank you

It is important to hear a simple word from a loved one as often as possible. This means: you notice and appreciate everything he does for you.

tell me about it

Many men live with big plans and like to look to the future. This could be a desire to start your own business, improve your knowledge, or succeed in a hobby. By listening to him with interest, you make it clear that you take his intentions seriously and believe in him.

I need you

This inspiring phrase makes men radiate from within. The fact that you perceive him as a reliable partner is important for his self-esteem and self-confidence.

I believe in you

You give him confidence that there is no doubt that he has the determination to achieve everything he has set his mind to. You believe in his abilities. Thanks to these words from the person closest to you, this is exactly what will most likely happen.

There is an opinion that only the female sex “loves with the ears.” But this is not entirely true; it has been scientifically proven that men listen much more to nice ladies. Words can bring a person to terrible anger, and they can also help to make the most embittered person feel better. Angry bull or cute cat? You decide.

Psychologists say that to improve family relationships, you need to start studying the male brain. It has a bunch of features, for example, a woman can listen to several people and do several things at the same time, while a man is only capable of one thing and interlocutor at a time. And most couples cannot understand this, starting to treat their chosen one as themselves.

What does the entire male sex want to hear? What phrases will please your partner and bring back the former passion in the relationship?

Consider a list of phrases that can drive away anger and irritability from the heart of your spouse:

  • “You’re such a good guy, you always help me.” You should always thank a man for his help. It doesn’t matter if you threw out the trash, went to the store after work, or washed the dishes, just say “thank you.” After all, every little thing like this deserves gratitude. And if you add a hug or a kiss to this gratitude, the man will definitely be happy. Quite often, everyday life blurs the lines between men's and women's responsibilities. And the fact that the husband takes out the trash is considered the norm, which means there can be no talk of gratitude. Do not forget that these are still women’s responsibilities, and the man should be thanked. Then he will understand that you appreciate his work, which will help avoid some conflict situations.
  • “How was your day?” “Did you eat anything at work?” Always ask your partner about his affairs. Show you care. This way the man will understand that you care about him.
  • “Beloved, dear, dear.” Such words will be pleasant to any man, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Before you switch to “lisping”, make sure that your chosen one likes it. Some people like to be “cats and dolls”, while others like it the other way around. Many men are annoyed by such nicknames, and instead of pleasant things you will get troubles. To avoid such troubles, directly ask your spouse what words would be pleasant for him. If he doesn’t like one of the nicknames, you can call him by his name in an affectionate form (Vitenka, Sashenka...and the like). Any, even an adult, man will be pleased with such treatment.
  • “I wanted to be with you,” “Stay with me.” According to psychologists, every person is pleased that someone needs his company, his presence, and men, as a rule, are no exception. Therefore, do not be afraid to once again ask your man to sit with you, to be close to you. Find an activity that can bring you together, such as going to the cinema or a simple evening walk. Stay alone and chat about everything. Such moments will help a man take his mind off the daily routine.
  • “You can count on me,” “I’m always happy to help you.” The male sex is distinguished by its strength and independence. But, even despite this, they will be pleased to receive your support, to know that you will help in difficult times. A simple example is when your lover is repairing something, you can hand him the tools. The main thing is that you see for yourself and offer your support when needed. Don't wait until he asks for it himself. Be attentive to your chosen one.
  • “How brave you are.” Say this phrase every time your loved one saves you from some bug or spider crawling along the wall. The man will be very pleased, and he will want to protect you even more.
  • “I feel so good with you,” “No one can replace you.” Your chosen one will be very pleased with such words as a balm for the soul. Well, who doesn’t want to hear that he is the one and only in the whole wide world? A man should know that you can no longer live without him.
  • “Your eyes (or any other part of your body) are so beautiful.” Moreover, you need to speak with an admiring look after looking at it for a long time. A man will undoubtedly notice this expression on your face, which will bring him great joy.
  • "I love you so much". The most popular phrase, which does not happen in abundance for both men and women. Talk to your partner about your feelings as often as possible, at dinner or while walking, it doesn’t matter. You don't need a reason to confess your love. Such words will melt any heart, don’t forget about it.
  • “Well, how can I not love you?” This phrase sounds especially good in combination with the previously listed phrases, for example, “You have such beautiful eyes, how can you not love you?” After these words, any man will melt, and in addition, he will understand that he got the best woman in the world.

Now let's look at a couple simple tips that will help you avoid troubles when communicating with a man:

  • Phrases during intimacy. When making love, men have one goal - to give pleasure and satisfaction to their lady. While a woman thinks about everything at the same time. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to please your partner a little during intimacy. Talk about how you feel incredibly good with him or that he is irresistible. Any such phrases will be pleasant for your man. And it is quite possible that from warm words, he will begin to try harder.
  • Discussing your man's relatives. Remember, you should always say only good things about the parents and other relatives of your chosen one. It doesn't matter what they actually are, but when you mention them, you must restrain yourself. For every representative of the stronger sex, family is the most sacred thing, and by insulting them, you yourself run into rudeness.
    There are situations when a man himself does not speak very well of his loved ones, but even in this case you should remain silent. Never support him in these reviews. He is now angry at his relative because of something, but after a while everything will return to its place.
    It would also be advisable to make friends with his relatives. After all, there are guys for whom parents come first.
  • Your man needs to know that he is the best for you. Therefore, you should not compare them with someone else, the male sex is a vulnerable sex. There is no need to say that your ex was better in some way. But if you do compare your chosen one with someone, then he must definitely win in that comparison, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided.
  • Men love to be praised just as much as women. They like that their strengths have not gone unnoticed. Women tend to receive compliments and therefore take it for granted. As for the male sex, this is not typical for them, and such pleasant words bring them double joy. Receiving compliments, a man will begin to try even harder for you to please you. Therefore, tell your chosen one more often that he is handsome, smart, and so on.

By following these simple rules and using the phrases listed above when communicating with a man, you will attract his attention even more and receive even greater sympathy.

In addition, do not forget about physical pleasures. Such as kissing, holding hands, hugging. Moreover, this must be done for no reason.

Sometimes all you need to do is say the right things to get your hands on him.

It is easier for men to please, it is easier for them to understand what they need. And it doesn't take much to impress a man. Sometimes all you need to do is say the right things to get your hands on him. But, unfortunately, we focus on our appearance, forgetting about words. But here’s what every man would like to hear from his woman, and more often:

1. “You are so strong!”

There is a macho in every man. Of course, he wants to impress the ladies with his strength, masculinity and sexuality. Indulge him with compliments about it.

2. “Did you know that you are very sexy?”

Continuing the first point. Men often envy women because we hear compliments more often. Especially when it comes to his appearance. The main thing is to be sincere when you say this.

3. “I admire you as a person.”

But compliments should not only be about appearance. This phrase connects you to him on a deeper level.

4. “This time I’m the one crying!”

Usually the man takes upon himself everything related to organizing the date. Therefore, he will be pleased if you take on some part, at least once. You will show that you appreciate his efforts and that you are not just taking advantage of him.

5. “I love you.”

Everyone wants to hear this. It is important for everyone to know that they are loved and desired.

6. "Let's make love."

Men want to see their woman take the initiative in sex; they do not want to feel like males who only take advantage of a woman, and she only deigns to agree to it.

7. “You’re not like everyone else I’ve met.”

Instead of saying how much men are jerks, or how terrible your exes were, say this and make him feel special, if that's true.

8. “You are my breadwinner/such a good father...”

Men feel a greater responsibility to provide for their family. Therefore, reassure him often that you appreciate his efforts for you.

9. “I feel safe around you.”

One of the most magical phrases for a man. After all, one of his biggest fears is to be called a coward or weak. Therefore, when he knows that he is a protector for you, it inspires him.

10. “Shall we experiment?”

Most men have a secret fantasy that they would like to make come true. This is again a sexual initiative from a woman and an opportunity to relax a man, get closer to him and prevent betrayal.

11. “I respect you.”

For men, respect from a woman is even more important than love. Keep this in mind not only in your words, but also in your behavior.

12. “Your friends are great!”

It is a very good sign for a man if his girlfriend can get along with his friends.

13. “Sorry.”

This is generally a rare word in our everyday life, unfortunately. But maybe, from your example, he himself will learn to admit his mistakes more often.

14. “You had a hard day...”

There is indeed a lot of social pressure on men. And when something doesn’t work out for him, he may feel uneasy. Especially if this happens in bed. Help him relax and not worry about it.

15. “It was amazing.”

A great ending to a good date, sex or just a new experience together. Men thrive on praise, like all people, so don't skimp on nice words.

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